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    Minecraft The Soul Fire Blaze - A complex and engaging new mob for the Soul Sand Valley.

    Minecraft The Soul Fire Blaze - A complex and engaging new mob for the Soul Sand Valley.

    The Soul Fire Blaze - A complex and engaging new mob for the Soul Sand Valley.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 09:12 AM PST

    Meet the Soul Fire Blaze

    The only solid part of the Soul Fire Blaze is its skull, that of a mysterious ancient creature. The now undead monster completes the rest of its body with blue soul fire.


    Soul Fire Blazes can spawn in packs of 3-5 in the Soul Sand Valley, but you can also find their dormant skulls half buried in soul soil, and lighting it on fire can bring the beast to life.

    Combat (Wolf Form)

    Soul Fire Blazes in their wolf form will attack you similar to most hostile mobs. When they find dormant skulls, they will light them, reviving their friends and building their group.

    Combat (Rocket Form)

    Soul Fire Blazes go into rocket form at 50% health. fly around in an erratic fashion, and periodically charging at you.

    • If you get hit by a charging blaze, it causes an explosion. The skull will actually survive, but turn dormant and get stuck in the ground. Their healthy friends may want to revive them.

    • Hitting a charging blaze will deal it damage and stun it for a few seconds, in which case it goes off on a straight path and blows up when it hits anything.


    When a Soul Fire Blaze is killed it has a 5% chance of dropping their Ancient Skull and you can safely place or wear it. It gives you an overlay on your screen.

    • While wearing the skull, it will start to vibrate when you're near Ancient Debris, and will intensify as you get closer. But if you're too close, your skull will shatter! So be careful!


    So that was the Soul Fire Blaze. A few more slightly complex creatures in the Nether couldn't hurt, and I feel there needs to be a way to make finding Ancient Debris interesting without making it too easy.

    The mob is also a good challenge given their peer revival mechanic.

    But anyway thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the Soul Fire Blaze!

    BONUS: Using ancient skulls instead of wither skulls when building the wither

    submitted by /u/Axoladdy
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    Pigs turn into Hoglins, not Zombified Piglins, when hit with lightning.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 06:34 AM PST

    And hoglins will turn into pigs when hit with lightning. Nothing unusual happens if a zombified piglin gets hit with lightning.

    After all, out of the nether pig mobs, the hoglin is the most pig like.

    submitted by /u/Reksew_Trebla
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    Andersite, diorite, granite and basalt should be usable in any crafting recipe where stone is

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 03:37 AM PST

    I think andersite, diorite, granite and basalt should be usable as a cobblestone equivalent in crafting recipes(much like wood types), but excluding stairs, smooth variants, etc.(obivously).

    I think this would give a little more use to our 3 old stone friends and basalt, which would make it possible to get stone tools, furnaces, and other key items in nether only survival, making it more liveable.

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Small Suggestion - Snowmen get healed when it snows

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 12:04 AM PST

    Self-evident, really. If rain kills snow golems snow should heal them.

    submitted by /u/UtilityHotbar
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    Retaw or Jafem - a fleshed out idea for an exciting new liquid found in the End!

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 08:09 AM PST

    You know the question that's always on everybody's minds? Why doesn't the End fall into the Void? And yes, I came up with a concept to answer just that.

    Both the Overworld and the Nether have their own "characteristic" liquids, water and lava respectively (sort of. You get what I mean). So, I thought of a special liquid exclusive to the End, with its own unique properties.

    1. Retaw is a liquid that forms underneath all End islands. Its most noticeable characteristic is that it flows upwards, against normal gravity. This keeps the End from falling into the Void, by pushing it up with sheer force.
    2. Retaw goes up by a finite number of blocks, say 20, before trickling out and stopping. It perhaps gets thinner as it goes higher. Alternatively, it could slowly fade out.
    3. Occasionally, cracks form in End islands, from where retaw gushes out, forming springs and geysers, named based on the size of the crack.
    4. Behaviour with water:
      1. When a retaw source block comes in contact with a water source block, they instantly cause an explosion similar in scale to TNT, and vanish.
        1. Since retaw is an anti-water liquid, it just made sense for me to borrow some concepts from matter-antimatter interactions, such as this.
      2. Retaw and water flowing blocks will avoid each other, and will never actually come in contact. They essentially repel each other. This is probably contrary to what science says, but I wasn't satisfied with any of the alternatives I came up with in terms of their effects on gameplay.
    5. Behaviour with lava:
      1. It could behave the same way as water does with lava: forming obsidian or cobblestone.
      2. Alternatively, it could form endstone instead, and this perhaps makes more sense.
    6. Effect on Endermen: It turns them upside-down, so they can stand on it "normally", from underneath its surface. Apart from that, it behaves just like water does with Overworld mobs.
    7. And so, obviously, its effect on the player is the same as the effect that water has on Endermen. But that kinda spoils the fun, so I came up with a mechanic that would make it more... tolerable. The amount of damage it deals is proportional to the number of empty armour slots you have. So, with full armour, it deals a paltry 1 damage in 10 seconds, allowing you to safely use it as an elytra lift. It makes sense because it should only damage exposed skin.
      1. As with Endermen, retaw turns the sprite of players and mobs upside down.
    8. And of course, it can be bottled and put in a bucket.
      1. Bottled retaw can be consumed to give a short levitation effect. However, it will also instantly deal damage. It is NOT a potion, and doesn't have a splash or lingering variant.
    9. It would also perhaps have an ice variant. Just like regular ice gives you a speed boost, frozen retaw gives you a jump boost. This also ties in with the whole "flowing upwards" theme.
    10. Behaviour in the Nether: Since it is the anti-water, it either vaporises like water does in the Nether, or freezes instead. However, as I said in #9, I have no idea what Retaw (or Jafem) ice would be like.

    You may or may not have noticed, but I haven't mentioned its colour throughout this post. This is because I myself am not completely decided on which colour would be best. There are 2 colours that seem to fit best:

    1. Purple, to fit the theme of the End.
    2. Black, which also fits the theme of the End, if done well. If we go ahead with black, I have a cool idea for it. Source blocks of retaw actively make the region around it darker, by emitting a light level of 4 or so.
      1. This would be especially useful in mob farms.

    BTW, you have to be a nitwit to not be able to figure out how the name "Retaw" came about, but "Jafem" is perhaps a bit harder. See if you can figure it out!


    Retaw or Jafem is a liquid that generates at the bottom of End Islands. Their most noticeable characteristic is that they flow upwards. In most cases, their properties are identical to water. They also turn the sprites of players and mobs upside down.


    🙃 ¡ƃuᴉpɐǝɹ ɹoɟ sʞuɐɥ┴

    submitted by /u/RazorNemesis
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    Owls in Minecraft. Hoo wouldn't want that?

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 05:03 AM PST

    Intro (unnecessary, skip if you want)
    It seems every several months or so I crawl out of the cave I lurk this subreddit in and contribute myself, with a newly refined version of my owl-ways persistent suggestion: Owls. (See: Here & here) So allow me once more to try capture the elegance of the Aves Strigiformes (That's the scientific name for owls, for you non owl-obsessed folks) and further reiterate what I've been talon you all along, Minecraft NEEDS owls. I'll ask you to forgive my owl-ful puns and please hear me out: My dedication to this feathered friend of ours isn't what's important, it's the seemingly endless and ignored possibilities this addition to the game would introduce.

    A Summary
    Owls would reside within nests until dawn, where they'd then spread their wings to fly around your Minecraft world, hunting small creatures from cod to chicken, and all that's in between. Tamed owls would 'claim' nests, similarly to beds for players, and they'd act as a storage for whatever goods they'd return home with.

    More on Nests
    Nests would be an owl's bed, sleeping away the day unless disturbed. They'd be crafted from only the finest twigs and have 5-9 slots of storage. Tamed owls would store their nightly findings which acts as a passive source of food. Nests would also have compatibility with hoppers, allowing for some funky redstone creations.

    Owls would have inventory slots (their talons) and the amount carried would affect how quickly they can fly. Once tamed, players' could 'summon' their owl, either instructing it to deliver some items home or go bring them something from their nest. This means you could call for extra food on an adventure, or while on an adventure send a particularly valuable item home for safe keeping. In a multi-player environment, you could also deliver items to your friends via this method, making nests like mailboxes and owls like postmen.

    A few brief ideas:
    - Similarly to dolphins, owls could point you to a desert or jungle temples if given some food they enjoy
    - Owls could influence enchanting tables, as they're perceived typically as wise.
    - Owls could scare off phantoms, like cats do with creepers. (This could help combat everyone's hatred of phantoms, bring an owl on your adventure and you'll be fine)

    Minecraft's world is vast but difficult to adventure. Players are reluctant to leave home and it's a struggle to explore far from where you start. Owls would be an overall helpful addition to make the world easier to explore, as well as bridge the gap between friends on multiplayer.

    Thank you for reading and do consider sharing so I can finally convince the good folks at Mojang that this suggestion isn't just winged at all - and in fact, it's quite the hoot.

    P.S I have tried previously to submit this idea to their website, but because of how it works I am not allowed to suggest any features regarding owls as someone has previously mentioned the word "owl". meaning by their terms someone already had the idea.

    submitted by /u/Foxzes
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    Endermen in strongholds are automatically aggressive towards the player

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 04:18 AM PST

    Self explanatory title - they don't want the player to discover the end. Would also make strongholds a little more challenging.

    submitted by /u/The-Numbertaker
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    Make Piglins turn into Zombified Piglins if they're outside of the four Nether biomes, rather than simply outside the Nether, to account for Buffet worlds

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 12:10 PM PST

    Instead of having Piglins shake and become zombified if they wind up in the overworld, such should occur if the biome they're present in isn't the Nether Wastes, Warped Forest, Crimson Forest, or Soul Sand Valley. This would make a Crimson Forest Buffet World a much more interesting time as currently, Piglins will immediately zombify in one.

    submitted by /u/axe_knight
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    Giving different golden objects to Piglins should trigger different responses.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 07:02 AM PST

    Right now if they already have something in their hand, giving them anything except golden swords and armor will make that item disappear. So here are my propositions.

    Everything not on the list: They'll throw it away after looking with a rejecting sound effect.

    Golden Tools: They should look at it and then drop it on the ground with a rejecting sound effect. However baby piglins will not drop em, instead they'd wield them.

    Crossbows: They should look at it and either replace it with their sword and throw the sword away or throw back the crossbow with a rejecting sound effect. Again, baby piglins should just be able to hold them no matter what.

    Block of Gold: They will throw more or rarer items. This'd make sense because well, a block is made of nine gold ingots.

    Gold Nugget: Similarly they will throw less or more common items since it's less than a gold ingot.

    Golden Apple/Enchanted Golden Apple: If they lack health or hungry they will eat it, otherwise they will throw it away. Eating it will also reset their likeliness of attacking hoglins.

    Golden Carrots: They will eat them if they are hungry otherwise they'll throw it away. This will also reset their likeliness of attacking hoglins.

    Edit: Right now Baby Piglins don't give any items when given gold so they should either throw common items or just throw back the gold.

    submitted by /u/emercraft573
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    The Infectick, the origin of Warped Forests

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 09:27 AM PST

    With the addition of the new biomes, most of them fit really well with the general Nether colors. Except for one which basically pops out every time I see it, the Warped Forest. It is essentialy the Crimson Forest but renamed and blue, with no nether mobs spawning there, only Endermen.

    Infecticks are tiny, Endermite sized light blue colored creatures who live in the Warped Forest and move slowly. They deal half a heart of damage and have 1 full heart themselves.

    That's the raison d'être of the Infectick (needs a better name). Once you break a Warped Nylium block, there's a 45% chance that one of them will pop out and start attacking you as it tries to get to another block. They can't stack inside a block, so no releasing an army of Infecticks!

    However, they can only stay out of a block for 20 seconds before dying, and they can only go into a Warped Nylium or Crimson Nylium block.

    Yup, about that last part, Infecticks turn Crimson Nylium into Warped Nylium, infecting it to make it its home. It would also turn any transparent block on top of it into its Warped variant. This would imply that they somehow created Warped Forests by infecting Crimson Forests. It also fits the name as "warped" implies that it was changed or twisted in some way.

    Lastly, if they happened to see a Hoglin, they would latch onto it unharmed and start taking half a heart of it every 3 seconds. They wouldn't die once the 20 seconds are over this way and since they would be rather slow, it needs to be close. Up to 3 could stay latched onto the Hoglin at a time and the only ways to get rid of them would be for the Hoglin to crash onto at least 2 blocks stacked on top of each other or for you, the player, to kill the ticks by hitting the Hoglin (the ticks would absorb part of the damage). One hit/crash per tick. This would also help explain why Hoglins are scared of Warped Fungi as it reminds them of the ticks.

    tl;dr Infecticks live inside Warped Nylium, generate it when entering Crimson Nylium (also transforming transparent blocks) and attack Hoglins if they get the chance to.

    submitted by /u/Nimporian
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    Armour should have a breaking texture and noise similar to iron golems

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 01:37 PM PST

    A small quality of life change would be that there would be a way to know how much durability your armour has, like a cracking/ripping noise playing when your armour is under a certain durability.

    The breaking texture for the armour would be similar to an iron golem's cracks.

    Leather armour would have a ripping sound effect when breaking, and its texture would be more of a slash on it.

    submitted by /u/xXNugget25Xx
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    Curse of jittering

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 02:07 PM PST

    I want this curse because there are barely enough curses so I introduce to you the curse of jittering.

    •this curse only works only with crossbow

    •when curse is in use and you load crossbow and aim it will move left right up and down as if your shaking and scared and really really non professional

    •when aiming the screen will get blurry

    submitted by /u/Ma090709
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    Add a nether-themed villager skin

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 02:11 AM PST

    With many of us eager to move to the nether with the new update coming up, I think it would be cool to add a nether-skin to the villagers (as a little incentive/reward for those brave enough to establish a real settlement down there), similar to how we have the swamp and jungle skins.

    I'd like to see them wear something like dark hooded robes, looking a bit like cultists, with some golden accents (which would explain why the piglins don't attack them) or something like that. This could make for a cool mysterious/suspicious looking npc model in adventure-maps too (to populate your shady market places/ sewer hide-outs/ netherportal research facilities ect).

    submitted by /u/Pixel-1606
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    Custom difficulty

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 01:59 PM PST

    custom difficulty allows you to mess with gamerules/new functions before making a world such as

    natural regen on/off default on hunger on/off default on Harder dragon on/off default off random tick speed 0-150 default 3 bedrock on/off default on Charged creepers on/off default off Ect

    This would allow for veterans to make their game harder or make for weird and wonderful games Thank for reading!

    submitted by /u/enderson_kyon
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    Bartering gold blocks with a Piglin will warrant more top-tier trades.

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 07:44 AM PST

    Give 'em a gold block, and instead of 4 soul sand, expect 4 nether quartz!

    submitted by /u/TheSilverRalph
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    [Part 2 of 3] More Special Equipment: Scorching Boots!

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 01:40 PM PST

    Part 1

    Part 3

    Scorching Boots

    Same defense and durability as Diamond Boots, cannot be enchanted with Depth Strider or Frostwalker.

    When worn, they will give the following effects:

    • Damage from Magma Blocks and Campfires is nullified;

    • Fire Damage is slightly reduced;

    • Creates temporary Magma Blocks, allowing you to walk on Lava.

    Some Nether Fortresses will have a tower-like structure. The Boots can be found at the top in an Item Frame.


    submitted by /u/pamafa3
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    [Part 1 of 3] More Special Equipment: Slimey Pants!

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 01:38 PM PST

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Ya know how we have a special Helmet (Turtle Shell) and a special Chestplate (Elytra)? Time to fill up the other two Equipment Slots!

    Slimey Pants

    They have the same defense and durability as Leather Leggings and have a couple unique traits:

    • As long as you wear them, you'll receive Jump Boost II;

    • Everytime you land, you will bounce as if you landed on a Slime Block or a Bed, and Fall Damage will be slightly reduced;

    • Slimes will turn Neutral.

    You can find them in a Slimy Chest, which has a chance to replace a naturally generated Chest inside a Slime Chunk.


    submitted by /u/pamafa3
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    I think the best ore in minecraft should be located in the end(at least until new dimensions are added)

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 02:12 AM PST

    Netherite is awesome and is a step the right way, because mojang struggled to add any gamechanging feature as of 1.9. This could potentialy be the begining of a new minecraft era, new decade.

    I agree that the strongest ore shouldnt be in the overworld, because you could just stumble across it with stone pickaxe, but I think that there should be something even better than netherite which is located in the end, because the end is... the most endgame dimension in minecraft.

    I am not here to make crazy ideas that somebody would like and somebody would hate. No, I'm here to show my opinion and a raw concept.

    The ore in the nether should be purple. It should be rarely on bottoms of end islands and require netherite pickaxe to mine(don't think you can skip it!). The armour and tools are better than netherite(not necessarily stronger but it could be) and they dont get destroyed by the void(float up or sit on the void?). I also dont think the end ore should be used to upgrade netherite or diamond.

    And thats it for my opinion on the minecraft meta. Maybe after new dimension is added, the ore king may change, but I think an ore in the end should be the best, because the end is... the end.

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Ruby Leeches

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 05:46 AM PST

    The Silverfish of the Nether

    Ruby Leeches are new mobs found in the Nether. They are small worm-like creatures with a dark red color to them.

    Ruby Leeches can be found in groups of Infested Netherrack at y-levels 8–22, similar to Netherrite, just to keep players on their toes while digging for it. The Infested Netherrack blocks generate about as commonly as Nether Quartz ore, and are found in just as big of groups.

    Ruby Leeches also will naturally spawn in Lava Oceans in the Nether, and will be found swimming there. Ruby Leeches are fireproof, and when found in Lava Oceans, they spawn in groups of 3-4.

    Ruby Leeches can move onto land from the Lava Ocean to attack the player, having 3 attack strength (1.5 ❤️). Ruby Leeches each have 12 HP (❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️) and will drop 10 experience, twice as much as Silverfish.

    Throwing Nether Warts at Ruby Leeches will cause them to all move towards it, similarly to how Hoglins are distracted by Crimson Fungi. Ruby Leeches will drop 0-1 Nether Warts.

    submitted by /u/bushi_the_log
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    Keep Zombie Pigmen as an unused mob like the Giant when adding Zombie Piglins instead of directly replacing them

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 07:17 AM PST

    The rexture of the new zombie piglins have already been seen and shown, and while theyre lovely, its sad to see such an iconic mob be removed from the game. I propose we keep it as a mob that can only be implemented using commands, like the Giant/Illusioner, and add the zombie piglins as a separate mob, instead of a direct replacement. This way some players can still access the mob for nostalgia (and also custom maps) while keeping the main game mode unaffected.

    submitted by /u/HiGuysImLeo
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    Variable Ore Density: Adding Strategy to Mining

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 09:10 AM PST

    Currently, Minecraft's underground is kind of boring. Strip mining in particular consists of repeating the same actions over and over again until you get lucky enough to find ores, and while exploring through caves is a bit more interesting, it can also be somewhat lackluster.

    I believe varying the density of ores across the world would help to mitigate this problem, and make mining more fun. Some areas of the world would have large amounts of a specific ore, and others would contain very little. This would make people think more when mining. Rather than mining aimlessly, players would have to judge whether an area contains the ores they need.

    This idea can be taken further than simply varying the ore density across the map, however. In addition to this, ores could be found in high density in large planes across the map, deposited like geological layers. These planes could even be oblique relative to the rest of the world, forcing players to mine diagonally to get as many ores as they can.

    submitted by /u/not_adasba
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    A netherite shulkerbox that doesn't burn in lava en keeps al items inside save from burning

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 02:45 PM PST

    It would be crafted by putting a shulkerbox and a netherite ingot together in a crafting table.

    submitted by /u/trooperxm
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    Nether warped/crimson path blocks

    Posted: 15 Feb 2020 07:31 AM PST

    colored path blocks?

    submitted by /u/ACubeInABox
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