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    Minecraft Underground spider cave biome

    Minecraft Underground spider cave biome

    Underground spider cave biome

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 02:43 AM PDT

    My take.

    The fantasy of walking around in a roofed forest is often much more interesting than what it actually feels like. I like to imagine I'm entering dangerous woods I'm probably better off staying away from. A mysterious place full of monsters, and crazy axe murderers. A forest covered in ancient trees that hold many secrets - something like that.

    When I was a kid, my dad used to read me the Harry Potter books. Having him tell me about the Forbidden Forest would always keep me up at night and give me literal nightmares. Unfortunately dark forests in Minecraft aren't that interesting, and unfortunately my dad died since. Sad times.

    There's little reason for me to ever go past the treeline of a roofed forest. I can just grow my own dark oak trees, and mansions are so big (and rare, anyways) that I won't need to actually enter the forest to find one.

    I wanted to give this biome a big new feature to encourage players to not skip over them ever again.

    So, my suggestion is that a corner (25%) of the caves that form in a roofed forests will generate in a new underground "Spider Lair" biome. These caves are are filled with cobwebs, spawn a new mob, and are covered in spider eggs. Bring your flint and steel.

    Here's an accurate representation of what it'll be like for YOU to explore one of these biomes.

    First of all, there will be a new cobweb variant that hangs from the ceilings of these caves: "Hanging webs". Hanging webs slow the player down, and can be destroyed for 1-2 pieces of string. Breaking hanging webs with shears gives you a 'hanging webs' item that you can place down again under any solid block.

    There's also the spider eggs. These generate in every corner of the Spider Lair. If the player gets within 8 blocks of a spider egg, the egg sack will start to vibrate and crack. Out comes a spider hatchling, that instantly attacks you. Spider hatchlings only have 8 health points (❤️ × 4), and an attack strength of 1 (❤️ × 0.5). They're more of a distraction than an actual threat.

    Another mob that spawns in these biomes is the "Alpha Spider". A beefy arthropod soldier that chases the player down with venomous fangs.

    Health points 28 (❤️ × 14)
    Easy: 4 (❤️ × 2)
    Attack strength Normal: 5 (❤️ × 2.5)
    Hard: 7 (❤️ × 3.5)
    0-4 string
    Drops: 0-1 spider eye (⅓ chance)
    Emerald 0-1 (⅛ chance)

    On top of being designed to kill any intruders with their poison, the Alpha Spider is an excellent hunter that captures its pray with webs, as a snack for later. They use use this attack on anyone who tests their strength. Alpha Spiders will shoot web projectiles at the player, slowing his/her movement and lowering their attack speed.

    Sometimes you'll find a midnight meal of the Alpha Spider hanging from the ceiling. These testificate burritos can be killed for some string, or freed by right-clicking them with shears. If you manage to free a villager stuck in the webbing, you'll be rewarded with the "Hero of the Village" status effect for 1 full minute.

    Moving on to the final new mob added to the roofed forest undergrounds. Every Spider Lair biome always generates with one new miniboss mob: The Spider Queen. This fat bastard is responsible for all the eggs you've encountered on your way to her (or his, let's not make any assumptions here) throne room.

    This absolute unit of a spider will bite you, poison you, has a high health pool, and is ready for a royal rumble. While fighting you, the Spider Queen will lay a spider egg every few seconds, to make the boss fight a more interesting.

    Health points 64 ( ❤️ × 32)
    Easy: 4 (❤️ × 2)
    Attack strength Normal: 5 (❤️ × 2.5)
    Hard: 7 (❤️ × 3.5)
    0-4 string
    Drops 0-1 spider eye (⅓ chance)
    1 Webling Hook

    This is what you came down into this cave system for. Finally, an actual grappling hook in Minecraft!

    This new tool will be your new best friend. A Webling Hook has 256 durability, and can be repaired at an anvil with phantom membrane. It uses string for ammo and - you guessed it - allows the player to grapple from one surface to the other. It's very simple:

    1. Hold the Webling Hook in either your main or your off-hand.
    2. Look at the block you want to grapple on to, and right-click to cast a web (uses 1 string from your inventory).
    3. If the end of your web hits a block, you can hold the [Mouse 1] button to reel yourself in, and [Mouse 2] to give yourself more rope (grapple down).
    4. Press [Shift] to let go of the web.
    5. ???
    6. You are now your friendly neighborhood Arachnid Boy!

    Oh, and as a bonus addition to roofed forests: Unicorns 🦄

    The Unicorn is an extremely rare horse variant that only spawns in roofed forest biomes. Apart from their iconic horned face, they're exactly the same as any other horse you'd find in the Overworld. Use them to flex on everyone in your server! You sure are lucky.

    Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/MushirMickeyJoe
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    A second person should be able to ride on the back of a horse, similar to how a boat works (but not with mobs).

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 10:49 AM PDT

    Title says it all, if while one player is riding a horse another player right clicks on said horse, they hop onto the back of the horse, perhaps with their arms holding onto the person in front. The second player has no control over the horse and cannot access the horse's inventory.

    submitted by /u/Strobro3
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    Endermen should be able to reach further than you with their arms

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:38 AM PDT

    Endermen are strong mobs but they're easy to kill since you can just stand under a roof they can't fit under. But they have really long arms though that could easily reach you if they existed irl.

    My idea is that if you're somewhere they can't reach like under a roof hitting them then they'll stretch their arms out towards you. They could either just do damage, or they could grab you and pull you towards them like they grab blocks, or both (a mix of swinging their arms and doing a little bit of damage, and trying to grab and pull you towards them).

    This would make them a much scarier mob, imagine just escaping one under cover and turning around and it's reaching towards you to try and grab you. Imagine being surrounded under a roof in the end with a dozen of them reaching in to try and pull you out and kill you.

    Another possible idea is that if you're next to the void they'll grab and pull you towards it to try and drop you in and then they teleport back on to the ground after dropping you.

    submitted by /u/XanGlass
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    New visuals effects when Wither drops Nether Star

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 08:04 AM PDT

    When you kill the Wither, the nether star it drops will have special visual effects, while still being an item.

    The nether star will float ~2 blocks in the air (although the hitbox could still be on the ground). Again, the effect is purely visual. Also, the nether star item would be rendered two-dimensionally, similar to Ghast fire charges, thus showing the entire item. It would also emit light similar to a torch, and would be rendered with the enchanted glint.

    The effect only happens when the nether star is dropped by the Wither. If the nether star is dropped from the inventory, it appears like any other item.

    This would make it easier to find the star after killing the Wither: if the fight ends up destroying lots of blocks, its usually hard to tell the nether star from the dirt blocks from the Wither's explosions. In addition, the current way of rewarding the Nether star is rather uninteresting: this would make obtaining the nether star feel a lot more rewarding.

    An example of what this could look like here: https://imgur.com/a/fICeNax

    submitted by /u/BigStickPolicies
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    Remake some of the animations to breathe new life a personality into mobs.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:50 PM PDT

    I'm sure lots of people would disagree with me, but I think the animations of a lot of mobs should all be redone, with some added.

    I realised this when I saw how much, ironically, lively the Striders look. Their animations have so much personality in the and are so fluid and we'll done.

    I'd love to see cows sway a little when they walk and horses look like they're actually jumping when they jump. Imagine if zombies walked a little funny or with a limp. What if witches barely moved their legs when they walked and made silly tiny, quick steps when they walked. Nitwits might look live divas and cross their legs slightly when walking as if on a catwalk, because "they're not like other Villagers, and they just don't fit in!" Vindicators might draw their axes enthusiastically when they spot something to attack, and Endermen could take big and slow steps, except when they're angry, then they may chase the player slouched forward a little and with their arms out, and when in rain they'd open their mouths and claw their face with their arms while teleporting around until they find shelter.

    I'm not suggesting any changes to the models, no new joints or anything, I just think it would be nice the the animations were as polished the newer mobs like Striders and Ravagers to give them more personality.

    Edit: A few more ideas I came up with:

    • Strays sway slightly in the wind as if their bones are barely held together and the cold wind is blowing them around.
    • Just a few fire particles blow out of a Ghast's mouth for a short distence when shooting a fire ball.
    • Old animations will still be used when using Programmer Art.
    • Somewhat similar to how skins may have Steve or Alex models, resource packs may use the new or old animations.
    • Wolves and cats have an animation for sitting down and standing up.
    • When a wolf is begging for food, one of their ears tilts.
    • When a wild wolf is given a bone, whether or not it is actually tamed by this, it will chew on the bone a for a little while or carry it in their mouths if tamed. Giving it more bones doesn't change the animation.
    • Tamed wolf's eyes widen (a forth pixel is added to both it's eyes) when it is given food.
    submitted by /u/AmISteve
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    When splash water bottles are thrown, they should harden concrete.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    Cool way to harden concrete in the nether, also it would make a lot of sense.

    submitted by /u/thecamo6
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    Tree Bark and Mulch

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 09:33 AM PDT

    Edit: Mojang said they wouldn't add bark, so I removed the part about bark.

    Logs could also be crafted with bonemeal to make a new block: Mulch. Mulch would look similar to dirt, but more saturated and slightly less grainy. When saplings or other plants with stages of growth are placed on mulch, they grow faster. Besides this, mulch could be used as a replacement for dirt in a decorative garden to make it look more appealing.

    submitted by /u/JanTheWallpaperMan
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    Doors/trapdoors without windows should not let light through when closed.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 07:08 AM PDT

    Doors that don't have windows (birch, spruce, dark oak, warped, and crimson) should not let light through when closed up. The same goes for trapdoors without holes. This would be a nice quality of life change.

    submitted by /u/k00ji
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    The /locate command should include dungeons

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 03:21 PM PDT

    For those that don't know, the /locate command will give you the coordinates of the closest specified structure. For instance: /locate buriedtreasure will tell me where the closest buried treasure is. I think this should include dungeons. Currently it includes buried treasure, end city, fortress, mansion, mineshaft, monument, pillager outpost, ruins, shipwreck, temple, stronghold, and village.

    submitted by /u/xman94
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    Reworking jump boost

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 07:32 AM PDT

    Jump boost, as is, is fairly useful. It's good if you're building in an area, but to me it's annoying at any other time. To combat this, what if jump boost gave you extra jumps instead of extra jump height? The extra jump(s), depending on how well you could time them, could get you an extra block up in the air. This would make jump boost more effective, add a level of skill into the mix, and be less annoying when not building. It could also be quite interesting for parkour courses as well.

    submitted by /u/HairClippingJesus
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    Campfire is extinguished when exposed during rain.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 10:03 PM PDT

    Currently, campfires remain active while it is raining. I feel like they should be extinguished during heavy rainfall so that players need to consider the placement their campfire. After being extinguished, the player should be able to re-light it with a flint and steel or fire charge. Additionally, if a lightning bolt strikes an unlit campfire, it will become lit again.

    submitted by /u/lemonny3663
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    Oyster mob

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 11:41 AM PDT

    I think it would be cool if there were a new aquatic mob, such as an oyster or a clam. Not only would they simply make the ocean look nicer, but they could have a chance of dropping a pearl. Then, if you combine a pearl with a chorus fruit in a crafting table, you would get an ender pearl. That would give players more options for getting them post-game. And while this is a little more abstract, maybe pearls could be the currency of a possible aquatic civilization? Villagers have emeralds, piglins have gold, why not have fish people have pearls?

    submitted by /u/Odog8202
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    Nether Weather: Glass Rain and Heat Waves

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 03:25 PM PDT

    With each snapshot the Nether is becoming more interesting, kinda like a twisted overworld. But its still missing something, weather!

    Glass Rains

    More accurately glass shard rains as they would be falling almost like hail at random intervals. If you get struck by any of them as they are falling, you would take one heart of game. But don't worry, just taking cover would be enough to keep you safe for the day.

    Additionally, some of the shards might not break once they hit something and you could collect them and (using 9 of them) craft glass blocks.(This would also explain how piglins have glass bottles)

    Why glass? Well, pure quartz is made from sillica (the main thing in regular glass), so they would technically be residue crystals falling from the netherrack at the top.

    They could occur in any of the biomes, turning the fog white while it happens.

    Heat Waves

    Occuring mainly in the Nether Wastes and rarely in other biomes. They would consist of blocks spontaneously combusting in an area during it. A lot of fire particles will appear in the places about to combust so that you know to avoid them (if Piglins and Hoglins remain not fireproof, they would avoid the particles once they see them). These areas could only get as big as 5x5x5 blocks and need to be spaced out between each other.

    During it, the fog would gain a slight orange tint.


    Weather in the Nether is kinda difficult to do as it as it it has a solid roof instead of air, specially if it requires actual entities falling constantly, also, lag is already a problem with regular weather. So maybe the glass shards could spawn at the roof, going through blocks until it touches an air block in which case it becomes solid? Or maybe having the game detect the uppermost netherrackblocks and generating them there would be less laggy?

    submitted by /u/Nimporian
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    Wither Skeleton Archers

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:13 AM PDT

    One thing that has always bugged me about the nether is Skeletons and the fact they have overworld wooden bows.

    If those skeletons were replaced with wither skeletons with a different type of bow it would help keep everything logical. Kinda making sure the "lore" isn't broken.

    Maybe there could be nether wood bows or scorched wood bows.

    On hard wither skeleton archers could have wither arrows too

    submitted by /u/Hotdog1352
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    Basalt pillars should form an extra layer at either base

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:05 PM PDT

    The title pretty much says it all but I believe that basalt pillars should have an extra layer at their base. When the pillar reaches down to a lava ocean you'll notice that it actually floats. This same structure generation can also be seen in the mesa Bryce biome when the spikes come in contact with water.

    I don't think this is a bug due to the fact that it has gone largely unnoticed but I do hope it can be fixed nonetheless.

    submitted by /u/wholesome_cream
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    Shulkers stick their tongue out when they "Bleh!"

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 11:56 PM PDT

    When a Shulker "lurks" (according to the subtitles), they should play a simple animation where they stick their tongue out of their head/pearl/body/middle/thing, and it waves up and down before going back in.

    Horses, donkeys, and mules all have animations for when they make a sound, so I think it would be awesome to give Shulkers just a little bit more personality.

    submitted by /u/AmISteve
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    The Ender Dragon needs to be buffed

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 03:13 AM PDT

    It just doesnt make any sense that the final boss in this game has less HP than the wither. Maybe buff it to 350.
    He should also shoot purple fire that burns forever on endstone-based items.
    He should have an attack where he catapults arrows back at you. The dragon should also throw endstone at you that he picks up from the ground. One of abilities is to sense if a player is near an end crystal.
    When the dragon dies, he leaves clouds of his dragon breath all over the main island. You can gather it, but the breath can still harm you.

    submitted by /u/LolbitClone
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    Add natural events to the Nether.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 04:16 AM PDT

    BuilderJayMC posted this idea on minecraft.feedback.net on May 25, 2018. I found this idea unique and interesting, and I think It's the right time for this so, I wanted to share with you guys.

    Quote: ''In the Overworld, we have rain, thunder, and snow What do we have in the Nether? Nothing. I think there should be a rare, natural occurrence in the Nether. Maybe sometimes it can be raining magma cubes, or maybe sometimes there can be Wither Skeleton Horse Traps? I would jusy like to see something that can uncommonly happen in the Nether.'' End of the quote.

    submitted by /u/ugandanslothh
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    Keep April Fool’s Snapshot in the Launcher

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 06:09 PM PDT

    It's actually kinda fun to mess around with

    submitted by /u/EliteShadowElite
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    Do you think this April fools update is Mojang testing what new dimensions people like the best so they have an idea of what to add?

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:54 PM PDT

    of course, there are a ton of ridiculous ones too.

    Let me know if someone already said this.

    submitted by /u/Jaykoyote123
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    A new random event: Meteor Shower!

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 05:51 PM PDT

    Meteor showers would be randomly occuring events at night which would look absolutely astounding! However, they wouldn't be just there for ambience purposes! When a Meteor Shower occures at night, the xp bar of the player will get an enchanted texture that will signal the player that a meteor shower is happening right now. With this enchanted xp bar the player has the abbility to get 45% more xp when killing mobs and has a chance to get better enchantments from the enchantment table. This effect will only apply when the player has access of the sky above them.

    An event like this would encourage the players to go kill some mobs at night and invest more time in enchanting some stuff.

    submitted by /u/Planticious66
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    It is a beautiful day and you are a horrible little Creeper

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 01:17 PM PDT

    When you shift into Spectator mode, you can find and click on a mob and see what they see as they go about their day. I think it would be fun to be able to control that mob to a certain extent. Like "possessing" them. Possess a villager to interact with their job site, possess a cat to chase Creepers, possess a Creeper to chase your server mates, or possess a tamed horse to go AWOL! You of course couldn't mine or craft, but it would still be fun.

    submitted by /u/BlueBlackCat
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    Soul sand valleys should generate little basalt pockets in the ground instead of the usual lava pockets

    Posted: 31 Mar 2020 06:57 PM PDT

    Seeing as basalt pillars form there, it would make sense for it to have basalt pockets in the ground instead of lava, for consistency's sake.

    submitted by /u/LawnmowerKing
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    Sound Overhaul (for Resource packs)

    Posted: 01 Apr 2020 03:09 PM PDT

    I've worked with Minecraft sound packs before, and it seems like certain blocks are hard-coded to use certain sound files. I bet everyone would enjoy if:

    There would be a .json file with a list of every block and where it pulls it's sound from(e.i. minecraft/assets/sounds/block/stone.ogg)

    This way, when making resource/texture packs, you could open that .json file in the sound folder and specify the path of which block plays/uses that sound. This would add tons of customization, and would require 0 new sounds on Mojangs part. Just a bit of re-coding would be needed.

    Thank you for reading my suggestion! This idea would allow much more flexibility in sound making and immersion in some packs/mods. I hope you enjoy the idea too!

    submitted by /u/NickTheMobs
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