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    Minecraft 10 years anniversary temporary cape

    Minecraft 10 years anniversary temporary cape

    10 years anniversary temporary cape

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 02:45 AM PST

    This year minecraft will be 10 years old and why not give players a temporary cape?

    submitted by /u/Meme9025
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    Composter Changes (replace RNG with tier system and make more items compostable)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 04:57 AM PST

    This suggestion is inspired by a video by AntVenom.

    The Problem with the Composter

    Essentially, how most compostable items only having a chance to raise the level, leading to ridiculous situations like at worst needing 3 stacks of leaves to get one bonemeal - only two items actually do have an 100% chance, and 8 cakes aren't worth a piece of bonemeal, IMO. I think it should be replaced with a tier system that dictates how many levels are added instead of whether one will be at all. Here's one, from the mentioned video, but with tiers corresponding to how many levels added to the composter.

    Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
    All Seeds Melon Apple Baked Potato Cake
    Kelp Dried Kelp Beetroot Bread Pumpkin Pie
    Dried Kelp Melon Slice Carrot Cookie
    All Saplings Sugarcane Cocoa Haybale
    Grass Vines Fern Mushroom Blocks
    Tallgrass Tall Fern
    Seagrass All Flowers
    Sweet Berries Lily Pad
    All Mushrooms
    Sea Pickle

    Thanks for reading my suggestion! Apparently, due to EU copyright laws Mojang can't take suggestions from this website so here's the version on feedback.minecraft.net. It won't work until the post has been approved.

    submitted by /u/ValiantVole
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    Light, Medium and Heavy Rain & Snow

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 09:06 AM PST

    I think rain should be separated into 3 types.

    Light Rain, Medium Rain and Heavy Rain.

    This would change the amount of particles on screen and the sound effects. Sometimes rain would progress slowly through all these stages, while sometimes a Heavy rain would just come out of nowhere.

    This would also affect snowy biomes.

    Light snow would have less particles, and Medium would have our current amount. But Heavy snow would make windy sounds and cause the particles to fall faster.

    Maybe Heavy snowing could even cause sleet to fall instead.

    Also vote on feedback.minecraft

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    New block: A Cage Trap.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 09:41 AM PST

    Made out of 1 Pressure plate and 4 Iron fence pieces.

    It's simply closing up (by fence that rise from all 4 sides) a creature that steps inside. Without killing the creature - just preventing it from moving away. You can catch pigs, chicken... a rabbit... and even zombies! Anything that walks in. It will be a more easy way to catch animals, without killing them. And also defend your home from attackers. A trapped zombie will die of course when sun is out. Leaving meat and exp. with a small chance.

    You can also place a specific bait inside to catch a specific creature.

    submitted by /u/iGr0man
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    Torches should work in hand.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 07:00 AM PST

    In my opinion, torches should light up the area a player is in when they hold one in their hand (so even if it isn't placed down). This would be useful at night and in caves etc. I also think it would look super cool. (Not sure if this has been suggested before).

    submitted by /u/bettyripsom
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    Beacons should apply their effects to pets.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 12:54 PM PST

    Right clicking on a fire with paper should use up the paper and puff out 3x the smoke for 3 blocks

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 01:07 PM PST

    If it wasnt completely clear i meant that the next 3 blocks worth of smoke particals will have 3x the smoke and that smoke will continue moving up until disapearing at the smoke limit. If that still doesnt make sense comment and Ill explain.

    submitted by /u/Ian_McCreary_12
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    combining a tool with a dye in an anvil should color its name and enchantment glow

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 04:12 AM PST

    self explanatory title

    submitted by /u/Void_Salt
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    Add Smooth Granite, Diorite, Andesite (an different block than their Polished variant)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 12:39 AM PST

    This block can be obtained by smelting the block in a furnace. We should have that for more smooth like stones because the stone variant lacks in decoration is still here.

    submitted by /u/XavierGlith
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    Totems of undying teleport you to the nearest "safe" block when used.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 02:37 PM PST

    This would help if you fall into the void or die from lava or drowning. It would teleport you to the nearest "safe" block. A safe block would be a solid block with two empty air spaced above it. It would also make the totems of undying more useful.

    submitted by /u/Louis_263
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    Fishing net - New block

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 02:41 AM PST

    You place it in the water and maybe put some bait in it, like worms or bread crumbs? and fish gets in. It takes some time but you can simply check the net once a day and gather the fish.


    Worms can be received from compost? A new block that will be added in 1.14

    submitted by /u/iGr0man
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    If a pillager beast stands on top of scaffolding it should break. This would be a cool mechanic for protecting villages.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 01:09 PM PST

    “Carver” (wood cutter)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 01:40 PM PST

    Basically just a stone cutter for wood

    submitted by /u/Yak_Luc
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    Boats: two NPCs should NOT be allowed in the same boat. Driver seat should be reserved for Player

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 01:37 PM PST

    The front seat of a boat should be exclusively reserved for player characters.

    Currently you can load a mob into the back of a boat and the player can drive the boat with them as a passenger. But did you know that a mob can also get into the front seat of a boat too? Now you have a boat that is useless to the player. This happens in the wild with turtles.

    I personally think this is a bug but it was rejected from the bug tracker. https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MC-143220

    submitted by /u/StalePhish
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    Signal flipper

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 01:16 PM PST

    This would be a new redstone component that is a T-flip flop but is only the size of a repeater. For anyone wvo doesnt know what a T-flip flop is it this would turn a pulse into a signal. The way this would be crafted is stone along the bottom and a redstone torch on the middle left.

    submitted by /u/Ian_McCreary_12
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    Simple fix for the composter

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 01:14 PM PST

    Just make the outcome more bone meal. Simple.

    submitted by /u/Yak_Luc
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    Illagers in raids should protect witches and evokers.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 08:02 AM PST

    Witches and Evokers are very powerful parts of the raid, witches because they heal, and evokers because of the vexes. However, they are often left unprotected, and are easy targets for the player to take out early. So, to change this, some Illagers during raids should stay close to the Evoker and Witches to protect them.

    submitted by /u/ThreadRetributionist
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    spears to hunt fish

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 02:32 PM PST

    spears should be added like a very weak trident that when right clicked should be thrown and when left clicked should stab down like when hunting only works on fish that can be seen and is not like fishing rod

    submitted by /u/umusplays
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    Posted: 26 Jan 2019 04:16 PM PST

    they are way too common. i've seen 20 in one spot. they do to much damage with or without tridents. tridents can shoot so far as well. it's terrible

    submitted by /u/GalacticGus
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    Snow Golem Improvements

    Posted: 26 Jan 2019 06:15 PM PST

    Believe it or not, these mobs still exist, but how often do you see or even use them? Probably not that often, if ever. So these are my suggestions for more useful snowmen!


    1. Once you shear a snow golems pumpkin off, you cant put it back on. By right clicking you should be able to 're-add' it. Also, you should be able to do this with any head, like giving the snow golem your player's head, just for fun. (Also maybe carrots could be put on them)
    2. Snowballs should do 1 damage to any mob. They aren't that great for defence, despite being a ranged attack mob. So they should do small amounts of damage for better zombie crowd control.
    3. They spawn naturally as a neutral mob in really icy/snowy biomes. A nice touch.
    4. Slightly better aim. As of now, their aim is dreadful. Sometimes they spend 5 minutes trying to hit a zombie that is standing still. Not sure how this would be implemented, but at least make them a little bit better at their one mechanic.
    5. If they are standing on a snow block or ice block, they should slowly regenerate. Helps with having longer lasting snow golem outposts.

    Well thats about it, and I hope to see some of these changes make it into the game.

    Until next time!

    submitted by /u/Quantum_Crab
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    Colored beacons

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 07:19 AM PST

    We should be able to make beacons with stained glass to get colored beacons, just like what happens currently when you put stained glass on top of one.

    submitted by /u/CanOdope
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    Instead of the composer can we get a scrap troth for pigs?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 05:35 AM PST

    Just throw any unwanted food or natural material into the troth and pigs will eat it. Come back after a while and the piggos will have had time to digest. You can collect "fertiliser" from the ground.

    Fertiliser would spawn the same way an egg comes from a chicken but it would come from a pig that had eaten scrap from the troth. Fertiliser would have more or less the exact same properties as bone meal.

    If rotten flesh is mixed in with the scraps the pigs should have a small chance of turning into zombie pig men. This could also happen if pig meat is mixed into the scrap.

    This would be a great way to give the cutest animal in minecraft some real functionality besides for just being eaten.

    submitted by /u/kaos701a
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    Adding functionality to the smithing table: tools and weapons overhaul

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 07:05 AM PST

    So, the problem that I've always ran into when suggesting new tools or weapons is the crafting recipe. There needs to be a crafting recipe that makes sense while still being balanced in the amount of material it requires. After I've seem the new stone cutter block which adds a more efficient way to craft stone blocks both from a comodity perspective and mechanical perspective I wanted to suggest two things: the functionality of the smithing table and some new tools and weapons to boot.

    So, the smithing table would function exactly like the stone cutter: you put in raw material, click a button and craft, the only difference being that, for tools, it will actually craft the "head" of the tool which you'll then need to "shaft" with some sticks in a crafting table in order to use, I know that people generally don't like when you add an intermediate crafting "step" just for the sake of it, but this would have 2 practical uses:

    • The toolheads can be used as decorative objects
    • You could use them as wares when trading with villagers that want them or sell them for whatever reason

    Here I'll list all of the recipes, along with some changes I would make to the preexisting items and some new items:

    • Boots (putting 2 pieces of gold will make gold sabatons [new name for gold boots], 2 pieces of iron will make mail boots, 4 pieces of iron will make iron sabatons [new name for iron boots] or 4 diamonds will make diamond boots)

    • Leggings (putting 5 pieces of gold will make gold cuisses [new name for gold leggings], 5 pieces of iron will make mail leggings, 6 pieces of iron will make iron cuisses [new name for iron leggings] and 6 diamonds will make diamond leggings)

    • Chestplate (Putting 6 pieces of gold will make a gold cuirasse [new name for gold chestplate], 6 pieces of iron will make a mail hauberk [new name for mail chestplate], 7 pieces of iron will make an iron cuirasse [new name for iron chestplate] and 7 diamonds will make a diamond chestplate)

    • Helmet (Putting 4 pieces of gold will make a gold helmet, 4 pieces of iron will make a mail coif [new name for mail helmet], 5 pieces of iron will make an iron helmet and 5 diamonds will make a diamond helm)

    • Hoe head (made with 1 piece of material, it can be shafted with two sticks to make a hoe, hoes will be able to break stone and dirt blocks at a faster rate than with bare hands while still being slower than their pickaxe conterparts and not actually mining the block when they break it, they'll also deal 2 less damage than swords of the same material while having 2 in attack speed)

    • Hatcet head ([new name for the axe], the hatcet head will be made with 2 pieces of material and it can be shafted to make an hatcet, which will be able to mine wood even faster than before, since it is a tool though it will lose the shield breaking capability that makes it desirable for combat [which will be put on a dedicated battle axe] along with 1 point of damage, but it will be able to attack a bit faster)

    • Pickaxe head (made with 2 pieces of material, it can be shafted with 1 stick to make a pickaxe, compared to how they were before, pickaxes will be able to mine dirt, sand and gravel faster than with bare hands while still being slower than their shovel counterparts, they will also ignore 25% of armor when attacking a mob)

    • Shovel head (made with 1 piece of material, it can be shafted with 2 sticks to make a shovel, if a player has a shovel equipped and sits in the passenger seat of a boat with another player at the oar seat, the boat will go twice as fast)

    • Sword blade (made with 2 pieces of material, it can be shafted with 1 stick to make a sword)

    • Battleaxe blade (made with 3 pieces of material, it can be shafted with 2 sticks to make a battleaxe. Battleaxes will all have 0,8 attack speed and won't be of great use when harvesting wood, but deal 3 more damage than their sword counterparts and can break shields)

    • Spear head (made with 1 piece of material, it can be shafted with 2 sticks to make a spear. Spears all have 1,1 attack speed, deal 1 less damage than swords and have almost no knockback, but allow you to attack from 6 blocks away instead of the normal 3, great to keep at bay horsemen and pillager beasts)

    • Arrow head (1 piece of material yields 5 arrow heads. Crafting them with a stick and a feather will make arrows, while crafting them with just 1 stick will make crossbow bolts)

    What do you think?

    Edit: I also posted this on Minecraft FeedBack! The link will start working once the staff will have approved the post

    submitted by /u/Frankaos333
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    Controllable Llamas

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 02:36 AM PST

    We all know the feeling, you've come a long way to find a llama, a nice storage animal to help you on your adventures. You even brought carpet and stuff, and then you head home with your new friend. But you didn't bring a lead. Not even that food that they eat to follow you. You only have a carrot on a stick.

    My suggestion is to have llamas work like pigs do, minus the saddle of course. I know that would nullify pigs as mounts (if they weren't already), but llamas are much rarer, and would be used as a luxury version. Its quite hard to actually control a caravan of llamas, as horses go too fast (making leads snap), and walking is too slow (its boring). Leading a caravan of llamas whilst on a llama would work, as you would be going the same speed as them. Carrots on sticks are quite useless items right now, and it would be nice to see them used more.

    submitted by /u/Quantum_Crab
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    Illager Beast Buff+Ballistas

    Posted: 27 Jan 2019 04:01 AM PST


    Right now, the Illager beast is somewhat underpowered, and just seems like a stronger version of the Zombie.

    New attacks-

    Ram attack- charges at double speed towards the player, dealing double damage and crazy knockback, however this also stuns the beast. It can only do this every 10 seconds.

    Spit attack- when the player is too far away, the beast spits at the player, dealing 6 damage and no knockback.

    Ballistas mounted to their back- 50% of spawned beasts have a ballista mounted to their back, which the Illager on top fires, dealing 20 damage and a shockwave to nearby mobs(which does not affect Illagers or whatever was attacked) of 5 damage. They have a 50% chance of dropping it. It will be at full durability. The ones with ballistas also drop 2 bolts.


    Health is now 150


    Ballistas can only be acquired from the beast. They can be placed down, and breaking them drops 4 sticks and 10 planks, even if you use silk touch. They require bolts to fire. Bolts are crafted with 9 arrows, which yields a single bolt. They do the same damage as the ones on beasts. They can shoot 1 bolt every five seconds. They have a very large range (100 blocks?) and have the same durability as a crossbow.

    submitted by /u/ThreadRetributionist
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