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    Minecraft Make villagers take the iron golems’ flowers!

    Minecraft Make villagers take the iron golems’ flowers!

    Make villagers take the iron golems’ flowers!

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 01:12 PM PDT

    I always feel so bad when the iron golems are trying to give the villagers flowers but they don't take them D: maybe the villagers can just hold the flower in their arms for a second or too and then store it away, or something simple like that so the iron golems aren't left hanging.

    submitted by /u/RavioliSquidward
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    Biome Depth or Rivers should be slightly increased

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 06:30 AM PDT

    Biome Depth or Rivers should be slightly increased

    Bugtracker jannitors decides that rivers cutting off isn't a bug, so let me post this here.

    If you increase the biome depth of rivers with a datapack just slightly, they stop being cut off and start to become proper rivers.

    This should obviously be the default behaviour


    submitted by /u/lilly-mc
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    Villages could spawn along rivers

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 11:45 PM PDT

    In human history, it was common for villages, towns, and even cities to be alongside major sources of water, like rivers or oceans.

    Villages in minecraft should work this way, as well. Spawning alongside oceans would not only benefit village generation due to level terrain near the seas or rivers, but also would help players in locating a village, as to only need a boat and a spyglass to locate villages.

    This could promote exploration of ones world, and encourage players learn navigation through their world early on, without the pure use of coordinates.

    submitted by /u/Randinator9
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    Snails - a new mob that solves an existing problem

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 01:25 AM PDT

    Snails would be small harmless mobs that have a similar appearance to what they have in real life.


    Snails are rare and spawn by themselves during night in the following biomes: swamps, jungles, dark oak forests and lush caves. Generally it should take the player a couple of in-game days before finding one. They spawn at their most frequent where there is a water source and large amounts of vegetation, like trees, grass or moss for example so their habitat can be altered by the player to create more ideal spawning conditions.


    Snails would drop 1-2 slime balls upon death as well as a chance to drop 1 nautilus shell. They give a small amount of experience. Their drops aren't what player needs them for though...

    Snails, when in rain or within five blocks of water, produce a transparent-green trail behind them that may extend a couple of blocks before disappearing. This can be harvested in bottles to produce a Bottle o' Slime. These can be stacked up to 64.

    The bottles can be thrown onto rails of any type which will produce a greenish tinge to them. A similar system to waterlogging could be used here. This would cause the minecart moving over the rails to get a sudden boost in speed and if you space out the snail slime well enough this can cause minecarts to go a similar speed to ice boats, which gives them more of a use after they basically became redundant in travel.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/StrangeLargeAmanita
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    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 10:30 AM PDT

    This mob would spawn in the deep underwater caves. It would glow a bit like the glow squid and would have a similar attack to a pufferfish and would keep dealing damage when near it. It would lure the fish that spawn there. This could though be very OP when making a fish farm.

    submitted by /u/RANDOM_32
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    Villagers Being Able to Drink Health Potions

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 11:54 AM PDT

    The villager should have special inventory slots (that should also be viewable to the player) that can store health potions (up to 18 slots). That way, once they reach a certain health limit when they are being attacked, they can drink it.

    Please let me know your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/BaseBabe1
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    Glow inc sacs should be usable on dog collars.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 01:55 PM PDT

    I have no idea if someone came up with this or not.

    submitted by /u/Financial-Leader-217
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    Hostile mobs should spawn with the same logic as the ores generate in the Y-axis in the Caves.

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 11:05 AM PDT

    This would not affect the world above the caves at all. In the 1.18 update the ores are going to generate depending on the Y-Axis. I think it would be nice if mobs would spawn also depending on the Y-axis underground.

    For example Zombies, Skeletons and Witches would spawn above y0.

    Under y0 there would be more spiders and endermen.

    Creepers should be everywhere like they are now.

    This would make the deeper caves more dangerous and this would add plenty of strategy in mining. So the deeper tou go the harder the mobs get.

    The player can now prepare better to the deeper caves or the opposite!

    Also making spiders more common would balance the bane of arthropods enchantment.

    CLARIFICATION: The mobs that spawn would not necessarily be the mobs I listed. The main suggestion is to have a mechanic that makes different mobs spawn at different depths.

    submitted by /u/Hirmuinen2
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    Make biomes have a temperature range

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 01:41 PM PDT

    As of right now, every biome has a specified set temperature. It's not a problem but making it have a range leads to some interesting ideas.

    First, biomes next to cold biomes would be colder. So if a badland appears next to an ocean with icebergs, it would be much colder than usual, maybe even letting you spawn snow golems! This would be the same for every biome next to that ocean

    (This would be accurate as the water temperature also affects the temperature of places irl, and Mojang seems to have a thing for having some sort of realism in Minecraft).

    But wait! There is more!

    In real life, pigs prefer neutral temperatures (somewhere like plains would be the ideal place to have pigs) so they would spawn more than usual in a plains biome. "so if there is a ice biome, there won't be pigs?" Kind of... I was thinking that if there is a optimal biome to have an pig, the biomes next to it will have lesser amount of pigs (but still have them nonetheless) as to simulate pigs wandering around.

    So, what I'm trying to get at is that the spawning of animals is now not only tied to biomes, but to temperature and the temperature of it's sorrounding biomes.

    (And no, mobs would not take damage at extreme temperatures, that would be annoying)

    submitted by /u/A_Happy_Tomato
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    Allow End Crystals to be Placed on Crying Obsidian

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    Currently, it's impossible, but there really isn't a clear reason why, especially because the texture is more fitting. This should be changed.

    submitted by /u/VG_Chat
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    Nether Biome - white spires

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 01:52 PM PDT

    The white spires biome would be a very rare nether biome. It is mostly made of a new black, impure quartz, which looks like a rougher quartz block with flecks of grey, and, when broken, turn into quartz fragments. It drops no xp when broken, and is unaffected by fortune. 2x quartz fragments and 2x basalt makes 2 impure quartz blocks. 3 quartz fragments crafts 1 quartz.

    The biome's defining feature is it's tall, impure quartz pillars, some of which can be up to 40 blocks tall and 7 blocks wide, though most are smaller and thinner. The space between the pillars also varies.

    The biome's primary inhabitant is the eclipse, a completely black flying creature with an appetite for metal. It somewhat resembles a dragonfly, having four wings, and is as horizontally long as an enderman is tall.

    Eclipses are neutral, unless you are wearing chain, iron, gold, netherite or diamond (it shines like metal) armour (everything but no armour or leather. They have health, deal 14 damage, and deal significant extra damage to armour durability.

    However, they can be tamed with their favourite metal, netherite scrap, and bred with iron ingots. Once tamed, eclipses can be saddled and ridden. Their flight controls similar to creative mode flight, but you cannot stop moving, and their top speed is slightly slower.

    However, like piglins and hoglins, eclipses zombify outside the nether.

    submitted by /u/PhantasmShadow
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    Lake update

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 03:55 PM PDT

    They should make an update that replaces all the tiny little annoying pools of water with larger and nicer lakes.

    submitted by /u/religiousgilf420
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    Summoning more than one mob with commands

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    Right now, summon commands can only summon one entity at a time, which is great if you want one entity, but for many situations, you need, say, 5 or 10 or 100. Then you have to either spam the same command over and over 100 times, or you can set up a repeating command block, which, in my experience, are rather difficult to use or control. Wouldn't it be better if summon commands went like this?: /summon minecraft:creeper 10 ~ ~ ~ This would, of course, summon ten creepers where you are. Now, there would be a limit as to how many mobs you can summon in one go, 250, perhaps, just so people don't go crashing their computers by pressing too many zeros.

    Have a good day!

    submitted by /u/MirrorwebewrorriM
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    Desert Wells in Desert Villages

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    There might already be wells in desert villages (I don't really remember), but wouldn't it make more sense to put the desert wells in villages? Desert wells used to be rare, and in a way still are, but it's never really that satisfying to find one, but finding a village in a desert is nice, so just put the desert wells in desert villages.

    submitted by /u/chesquik1
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    easier creeper holes (QoL feature)

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 04:07 AM PDT

    do you hate it when a creeper blows up next to your house (even if you were 10 blocks away)? the creepers aren't annoying because they kill, but because they make those disgusting holes which cannot be fixed because those explosions drop so little blocks, you can't even fix the surface layer and leave that empty space

    simple solution: make creepers drop 2/3 blocks instead of 1/3, just so explosions will give enough blocks to cover the hole, so you don't have to get that dirt from somewhere else

    you still have to spend some blocks (or torches) if you don't want mobs to spawn inside of those holes, but at least it won't make the area look ugly

    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    Harder budding amethyst and double grow speed on overlapping amethyst areas

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 04:45 PM PDT

    Budding amethyst should be slightly harder, thus taking longer to mine than regular amethyst blocks, to help avoid accidentally mining this uncollectable block and ruining your collecting site.

    On areas where 2 amethyst buds have overlapping grow areas, those amethysts should grow twice as fast, since there is technically double the chance of amethyst growing there.

    submitted by /u/NurseSparkleShark
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    Dog breeding revamp

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    Right now, dogs have pretty limited use, being only useful in making farms and occasionally killing mobs. Therefore, I feel that a revamp is needed to make them a more integral part of the game.


    Dogs should have certain stats that could make them more useful, much like the hidden traits of horses. For instance, there might be an attack stat, a durability stat, and an attack speed stat, on a scale of -5 to 5, which is checked by crunching and right clicking. To increase a stat, both parent animals will have to have a stat that is positive. When they are bred, 1 point will be added to the average of the parents. The average would be rounded up if now whole. If one stat is negative, then the child would take the lower stat.

    ex. Dog 1 has -2 attack, -4 defense, and 2 attack speed. Dog 2 has -4 attack, -2 defence, and 4 attack speed. Offspring 1-2 would have -4 attack, -4 defence, and 4 attack speed. In order to take the attack speed to maximum, Dog 1-2 would have to be bred with Dog 2.

    Dogs should also have certain effects that buff the player. Dogs would only have one effect each, on a level between 1 and 3, Effects will be given by feeding the dog a variety of foods. A few concepts:

    Regeneration: Dogs within a radius would buff the regen of health on player. Level one would have radius of 15 blocks, level 2 25 blocks, level 3 35 blocks. Obtained by feeding dog studded golden apple ( 2 golden apples, 4 diamonds)

    Fury: When dog is hurt (hp less than full) player would receive damage buffs. Available in radius of 20. Level 1 would increase damage by 1 heart, 2 by 1.5 hearts, and 3 by 3 hearts. Obtained by feeding dog fiery golden apple (1 golden apple, 2 netherite ingots, 2 blaze rods).

    Feedback appreciated!

    submitted by /u/LVGang69
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    /kill should have a different death message

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 03:31 PM PDT

    The fell out of the world death doesn't make sense, It should be <player> used the /kill command.

    submitted by /u/flamingobsidian-
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    Slabs/Stairs in the stonecutter

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 04:26 PM PDT

    Stone blocks that have variations in the stonecutter should be able to be further modified after being made into slabs, stairs, etc. For example, you can make deepslate brick slabs out of polished deepslate slabs. The same would work for stairs and further variations of blocks (e.g. tiles) their shape shouldn't prevent further variation.

    submitted by /u/Dandandooo
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    Dripleaf item texture resolution too high

    Posted: 21 Jun 2021 07:08 PM PDT

    Dripleaf item texture resolution too high

    Currently the dripleaf item textures look way to high resolution and i feel they could be changed to be more inline with the rest of Minecraft's textures


    submitted by /u/Technical-Jaguar5257
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    Make lakes bigger

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 05:11 AM PDT

    Currently lakes in minecraft are just small ponds and do not take up much space, they should be closer to real life lakes by having the lakes be larger, they should be able to be anywhere from the current lake size to ten times the size

    submitted by /u/_Anonymous_Person_7
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    shockwave tnt - an offensive type of tnt

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    unlike normal tnt, this one wouldn't destroy blocks at all, but it would be much more deadly in pvp/pve due to increased damage and knockback

    crafting could look like this:
    g = gunpowder
    s = sand
    c = cobblestone

    TNT in pvp isn't really that powerful, you have to perfectly time explosions to make players actually explode, this type of explosives could be cheaper and more rewarding for proper timing, but still hard to use due to 5-sec delay, it still forces players to move around that TNT while chasing, giving the escaping player more time

    it could be really good at taking care of groups of enemies, for example piglins in bastions, or pillagers in raids, or maybe if you're mad enough, even rocket jump with it

    it also has some uses in traps, when you don't want to destroy redstone components, but harm the player who enters your base without your permission

    submitted by /u/lool8421
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    Add cosmetic looks for swords

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 02:57 PM PDT

    Using the smithing table, you can change the sword into a wakizashi or a rapier. You could change it for one piece of the material the sword is made of. For a stone sword, it would take one cobblestone to turn it into a side grade.

    The types of sidegrades are •cutlass • rapier •basket hilt •wakizashi

    These will not give an advantage, they are just to look nice.

    submitted by /u/Zestyclose-Boss-6099
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    Minecraft's Temples need not an update, but a complete overhaul

    Posted: 22 Jun 2021 03:55 AM PDT

    Currently, there are only 4 structures that fall under the category of Temple, these being; Desert Temple, Jungle Temple, Witch Hut, and Igloo.

    The Desert Temple is a staple of both Minecraft history, and representation. The rest? Not really.

    A few people know about the lone, village-less igloo with the secret lab, and few more know about the witch hut, being good for witch farms. But neither, in my eyes, are temples.

    The Jungle temple is also in need of change, cause it is of incredibly poor design. And the traps are far less dangerous or engaging.

    On top of these faults, there is also no other temples that truly give off the same "feel" as the desert temple, being the isolation yet grandness of the whole structure.

    So here's my "Grand" idea on how to change them.

    Desert Temples should be left alone, they're perfect as is

    Jungle temples should take on the "step pyramid" style, most common in central and south america.

    Plains/Taiga temples should be added, taking on a "Castle" design

    We can also update the witch hut, turning it into more of a "altar"

    And the Igloo could become like a fort, with the lab still having a 50% chance of being within

    All these building SHOULD have some kind of redstone present, mostly traps. With the expanded number of items and blocks that interact with redstone and redstone itself, its time for an update.

    submitted by /u/Randinator9
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