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    Minecraft Crafting table has a sound if you craft an item like another function blocks

    Minecraft Crafting table has a sound if you craft an item like another function blocks

    Crafting table has a sound if you craft an item like another function blocks

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:54 AM PST

    Good ol' crafting table is being left behind...

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Shift-right clicking A chest on the back of a boat gives you extra storage for the trip.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:17 PM PST

    This could also work with furnaces. Think, Chest Minecarts, or Furnace Minecarts. Putting a Furnace at the back of a boat could let you go even faster, and a chest would give you extra storage, at the expense of limiting you to one person in the boat.

    A simple addition that could make some aspects a little more interesting.

    submitted by /u/TheGesor
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    Different blocks on top of note block should apply audio filters

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:10 AM PST

    Leave stone or cobble to mute the block. The rest would apply effects.

    • Iron block - reverb.
    • Gold block - echo.
    • Carpet - low-pass filter
    • Packed Ice - high-pass filter
    • Snow layers - reduce volume 10% per layer
    • Glass - pitch 2 octaves up
    • Nether brick - pitch 2 octaves down
    • End stone - flange.
    • Sponge - wah-wah.
    • Nether Quartz - stretch/loop the sound last as long as redstone signal is supplied.

    And whatever else would be doable.

    submitted by /u/sharfpang
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    Some suggestions for the Bat

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:33 AM PST

    Here are some suggestions of uses for one of the most dull mobs in the game:

    • Changed from passive to neutral mobs;
    • Can now spawn in groups gathered on the ceiling of the caves;
      • When you place a torch close to these groups, they spread out;
    • They have a bigger variant that has a slightly different texture (like the spider and the cave spider);
      • This big bat may also spawn on the groups in the caves, but no more than one;
    • Drop: Bat Fang, that allow you to make a potion of the vampire lord which give the Bloodthirst effect.
      • Bloodthirst: Heals you with 1/4 of the damage dealt on level I, and 1/2 on level II (balance is relative), but take damage when on sunlight;
    • They hunt and kill silverfish, just as real bats eat insects.

    I think it's some awesome additions to an Halloween Update. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/rahmonjorge
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    Add more chiseled block designs.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:18 PM PST

    There's more than one way to chisel a piece of quartz. It'd add a lot of variety to our builds if we could make different patterns of chiseled blocks.

    submitted by /u/luckjes112
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    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 09:49 AM PST

    A new Penguin Mob should be added into the game and put onto icebergs and in Minecraft's ice oceans. They can slide on their bellies on the icebergs into the oceans, and they can have the polar bear as a predator. They can drop feathers and fish when killed, and lay eggs the same as turtles, except that polar bears try to destroy them and undead mobs leave them alone. The baby/chick penguins can be small and fuzzy-like, as their real life counterparts are, and when they grow up, they drop experience and another item similar to the scute that turtles drop. (Idk what it should be right now. Maybe blubber or fur or a bunch of feathers or something...)

    submitted by /u/ThePenguinMan111
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    Be able to make a chain of boats.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 01:58 PM PST

    We should be able to have a chain of boats so the player can sit in the front boat and have a conga line of boats trailing.
    It could maybe have a max of something like 5 boats or less.
    Downsides could be that if the player makes a turn that is too sharp/quick some of the ones at the back would break (only if it's a long line of boats) And it would be slower maybe like 5% per boat or something?
    It could be made/built by putting a trip wire hook on the back of the front boat having some string then on the next boat attach a tripwire hook to the front, this makes the first connection, and you keep building the chain from there.

    submitted by /u/SalsaSauce666
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    Carts for horse

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 12:52 AM PST

    If you could put a cart on a horse for a couple players to ride in, or chests to be in for donkeys and mules. This would go well in the village and pillage update

    submitted by /u/Whismar
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    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:53 AM PST

    They live in forests near beaches. They have 25HP. Their babies live in adults pounch. They eat leaves from trees. They are lazy(like pandas). They are passive.

    You can breed them with leaves.

    submitted by /u/lukygamescz
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    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:38 PM PST

    Snakes could be a new mob with a lot of variety, snakes can spawn in any biome excluding winter, aquatic and Mushroom biomes.

    Snakes could come in a variety of colours and designs, some snakes are venomous while others are harmless.

    Snakes could try to eat turtle eggs and might attack small mobs such as rabbits.

    Venomous snakes could potentially be killed for their poison.

    If you have any suggestions for what a snake might drop, giving them more purpose please leave them below.

    submitted by /u/IsScottyBoy
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    Minecraft Blood Moon

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:25 PM PST

    Just noting that this has been suggested before: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/3ig7vg/lunar_and_solar_events_in_minecraft/

    However, the previous suggestion suggests a whole bunch of different lunar events. My suggestion would be to have a 0.5% or 1% chance of a blood moon occurring every night. If a blood moon did occur, mob spawn rates would be drastically increased and mobs would have an increased chance of wearing armor. Bunnies would turn evil. Phantoms would attack you regardless of whether you have insomnia. Also if you tried to sleep you would get a message saying 'you cannot sleep during a blood moon'. Let me know what you guys think.

    submitted by /u/lemonny3663
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    Glass suggestion.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 12:34 PM PST

    Two main ideas:

    -Smooth glass -Glass half slab (if possible all colors)

    Glass half slab i do not need to explain a lot but would be useful for certain builds.

    The idea "Smooth glass" could be added as a recipe on which you just bake normal glass again and get a clearer block of glass, i dont mean a totally invisible block but, a block with more subtle transparent lines as the glass that we have now. Just the way if you bake stone again you get smooth stone, and also a half slab variant and panes for it. It would make aquariums and certain big contraptions that require glass look better.

    submitted by /u/adablant
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    Spider Cave

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 06:47 AM PST

    A naturally generated cave which is inhabited by cave spiders and normal spiders, and also contains a lot of cobweb. (Pretty small feature but it'll be nice IMO)

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Wasteland biome

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 05:59 AM PST

    Have a few ideas for this one so here we go:

    -Ground is made up of Coarse Dirt and probably some new block (Can't think of anything for this)
    -New Wood type possibly and leaves (Probably some green color for the wood to make it look tainted)
    -New liquid which is hazardous water (Purple or green, not sure yet); swimming in it doesn't do anything until about sitting in it for 15 seconds. Turtle Shells could maybe be used to negate this effect (Or something, again, not sure). You could also fish in it for different things, however. Mostly junk but occasionally, you could fish out some radioactive type fish that could be used to make a Potion of Decay. Eating it gives you 30 seconds of Poison but heals 4 hunger points.
    -Sometimes, abandoned houses will spawn that will usually have treasure in them (Bones mostly but also, suspicious stew and extremely rarely, a Skeleton Skull. Emeralds and Redstone are other rare things in them).
    -Killer Bunnies have a rare chance to spawn in this biome

    And that's it. I know thats a lot but tell me what you all think.

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    [Meta] This post should be Up Up and Update and not a boring old bot test.

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 11:43 AM PST

    Ignore this post. Its just a test of some stuff we're working on in the discord server.


    submitted by /u/Axoladdy
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    Creative Inventory Tweaks

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:18 PM PST

    I believe a multitude of changes should be implemented to improve the creative inventory.

    First off, there should be a tab that allows you to use things like the crafting table, furnace, brewing stand, enchantment table, etc right in the creative inventory.

    Second off all blocks should be available, everything from mushroom blocks to command blocks should exist in the creative inventory.

    Finally there should be a way to pick variants like the different colours of beds and banners.

    This would make the creative inventory feel complete and give you full creative freedom as the name of the mode would imply without needing commands to acquire certain items and allow you to do everything straight through your inventory.

    submitted by /u/IsScottyBoy
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    Rain + Snow = Ice

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:50 PM PST

    If it rains on snow it should have the potential to turn it into ice, this would make rain storms more treacherous in some areas much as it is in real life, we've gotten a lot of freezing rain lately and it can be pretty dangerous, I think this would make a worthy addition

    submitted by /u/IsScottyBoy
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    Changes to cooking food (Pans, burnt food, egg cook, waisted fuel, furnace burns and more)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 02:12 PM PST

    So right now if you leave food in an furnace with extra fuel after the food cooks the furnace will turn off, allowing you to automate ways to cook stacks of valuable food late into the game, cooked meats of course being some of the best foods available in MineCraft. The fact that furnaces also automatically turn off also prevents you from loosing valuable fuel which while great for the player isn't exactly realistic.

    I propose a system where if you accidentally leave too much fuel in a furnace it will continue to heat your food even after it has been cooked, creating burnt food which fills less hunger and maybe even has a slight chance to poison you. If burnt food is again smelted/left in for too long it will become charcoal.

    In order to protect your valued food you could use a new item known as a pan, pans prevent food from becoming burnt regardless of how long they cook for but can run out of durability over time, pans can also be used to cook eggs (I know this is a common suggestion but all the same), other food items could be implemented as well which can only be cooked in a pan.

    Pans can also be used as a weapon in a pinch, while not necessarily intended for this task they deal slightly more damage than an empty fist and can perhaps have a percent chance to stun enemies when hit.

    For clarification about earlier, fuel will essentially be in constant use as long as food is in the furnace, if the furnace is empty or full of non edible items it will not be waisted.

    I also think that jumping on top of a furnace (unless it is covered by a pan) while it is on should deal some amount of damage to the player/mobs (like a magma block perhaps) as I imagine they would be very hot, the amount of damage would be dependent on the fuel used with wooden items causing the least damage and lava buckets causing the most.

    These features would make the cooking mechanics more interesting and complex while also adding new food recipes to the game and some interesting new mechanics involving pans and furnace related injuries.

    submitted by /u/IsScottyBoy
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    adjustable brightness in lanterns

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:12 AM PST

    we must be able to adjust the brightness of the lanterns by right clicking them

    they must have 3 levels of brightness(or more)




    each level increases the range for the light level (*sorry did not get the right word frame)

    it is a basic function of a lantern in real life

    submitted by /u/optimesto
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    Java edition should have more biome dependent water color like in bedrock edition

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:31 AM PST

    Because there are more water color variety in bedrock than java and I like bedrock/java parity as much as mojang (I'm not saying java should have the same water looks like bedrock but I'm saying that they both should have the same amount of water variation. Too repetitive sorry)

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Ringing a town’s bell could draw villagers within range to it

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 11:29 AM PST

    It'd be like saying, "Everyone come out, I've got stuff here to trade!"

    submitted by /u/gnovos
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    Bring back the 2D item drop entities on the Java version! (as an option)

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 08:18 AM PST

    This seems very minor and random, but I for some reason really miss this. It's a small tweak that I believe can easily be added as an option, since the windows 10 version also has 2D items drops. Very minor, but a change I'd like to see non the less.

    submitted by /u/Ser_Cyrus
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    Nether Villages

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:49 PM PST

    Zombie Pigmen are strange. What do they do all day? Does anyone even know? I think to add more purpose to this mob and more variety to the vastly uninteresting Nether special Pigman villages should be added.

    These villages look mostly like the overworld ones but incorporate more nether specific blocks.

    In the villages you can trade with the local pigmen but only while they are in passive mode, injure one and they will become angry and you will no longer be able to trade with them.

    Pigmen villagers will treat gold in a similar manner to how villagers treat emeralds as they clearly use gold often and likely value it highly. This would also bring more use to gold as by the time you acquire it you usually will already have better materials, making it redundant for use in armour or tools.

    Pigmen villages might even grow "nether crops" a new type of crop that only grows in the Nether which would be the equivalent of the crops that normal villagers grow.

    There could also be a variety of types of Nether villagers, just as there are regular ones.

    There might also be a "prison" structure which could spawn in these villages with trapped villagers from the over world inside, if you return these villagers to the overworld it could unlock special trades with them.

    submitted by /u/IsScottyBoy
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    Better Beds

    Posted: 07 Feb 2019 03:24 PM PST

    If you right click a bed with a banner regardless of the beds colour it should cause the sheets to switch to the banner, removing the banner in the process but allowing us to further customize our sleeping areas.

    submitted by /u/IsScottyBoy
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