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    Minecraft Deep Snow

    Minecraft Deep Snow

    Deep Snow

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    Feel free to downvote if this is a repost, I don't browse here a lot so I'm not sure if it's been done or not.

    Deep snow would be a block the same height as Farmland, but you sink into it and can walk through it like it was a hollow block (like Sugar Cane and Tall Grass). It has the same texture as a Snow Block, and slows you down while you walk through it. Frost Walker Boots allow you to walk on top of it with no speed reduction (like a wolverine).

    submitted by /u/AngooseTheC00t
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    Ice Desert

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 11:53 PM PDT

    This unique desert is snow and ice, with rock below. It is cold, but never snows/rains due to it having the Dry characteristic of weather. It is impossible to grow trees without using dirt, but things grow extremely slowly here than in all other biomes, and ice/snow villages may be spotted. Packed Ice may be seen at times, and diamond is more common here. Lakes may be seen, but these are frozen at the surface.

    Lava will not work here. It will freeze into obsidian, but it takes about 10-15 seconds to fully go into obsidian. Flowing lava creates cobblestone/stone. It slows down until the timer reaches zero, and it will freeze.

    Water will also freeze much faster in other biomes, and moves slower due to cold temperatures freezing it.

    Seals and walruses and white bunnies/white foxes and polar bears and fish and penguins and wolves are the only mobs in this biome.

    Strays can be found more commonly than zombies in the Ice Desert.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Beacons should have a power to prevent mobs from spawning

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 02:40 PM PDT

    Beacons are really late game and mobs have become more of a chore att this point. This would also allow for more versitile lighting when building, not constrained to always have above 7 light level. I understand that mobs are an essential part, and without them there is no real threat, as a compromise the power would perhaps require a fifth layer to the pyramid.

    submitted by /u/drillbitbot
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    Spiders should be able to climb up walls faster when they’re in pursuit

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 08:41 AM PDT

    If a Spider is chasing you, it will climb up walls faster than normal

    submitted by /u/Dragor66
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    Trading iron

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 01:56 PM PDT

    As of the 1.14 update, iron farms have had a very significant nerf. If mojang goes along with this, super smelters, item sorters, and more hopper-reqired contraptions will be harder to make. To this I suggest a new villager type called the miner be introduced. He would sell iron, gold, lapis, redstone, quartz, and emeralds. (Like every villager does) This would be a needed replacement for iron farms, and would be a welcome suggestion. People with a lot of emeralds would find this useful. The miner should come with a new structure (or not) called the mine. This would basically just be a mine. Nothing else. (Maybe some loot in storage chests)

    submitted by /u/UrBoiKitten
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    Possible addition to illager squad

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 01:41 PM PDT

    Maybe in the later stages of raids, there's a raider that carries a large torch and attempts to light building on fire. This would add tension to raids but not too much difficulty as this may only occur in the later stages meaning they'd only appear in hard mode or if someone with bad omen strolls onto town. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/jabulina
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    Fish can be composted, but won't drop bonemeal anymore if fished up

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    In 1.13.2 fishing was changed. 20% of fish caught now come with an aditional item: Bonemeal. This made fishing an ideal pass time while waiting for your crops to grow, since you could use the bonemeal to reduce your wait time.

    In the next update as of now, compost bins will be added. Compost bins take organic material and turn it into bonemeal. The issue is that these compost bins only accept plant materials and not rotten flesh, fish, or poisoned potato's (Because haha it's a useless item, a fun running joke that only the developers themselves seem to enjoy).

    I suggest fish no longer drop bonemeal when caugt, because it only makes sense from a gameplay perspective, not a logical one and that breaks immersion. Why are the fish carrying bones with them? Why don't we just use the fishbones? Or the entire fish for that matter.

    Instead you can use fish to fill 1/5th of the compost bin. The same results, but the implementation is a lot better and it would require very little effort to add.

    Also vote for this idea on the official feedback site, because Mojang isn't legally allowed to use any of the ideas posted on reddit, but they can be implemented if posted on the feedback site.https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360042980571-Fish-can-be-composted-but-won-t-drop-bonemeal-anymore-if-fished-up

    submitted by /u/Martijndebakker
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    Some fish mob ideas(possible part 1)

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 02:05 PM PDT

    Even these are propably overwhelming amount of new mobs to add to the vanilla Minecraft and I didn't even list everything, but here are some aquatic mobs(mainly fish) to add to Minecraft and changes to the old ones:

    Every fish should now drop fish fillets instead of the whole fish, so the tropical fish would be more consistent and not drop clown fish for the every tropival fish variant there is, same with the different salmon variants I'm listing.

    Salmon: The old salmon should have multiple skins:

    -Kokanee, the current red-ish salmon skin, could spawn in Taiga waters. -Sea salmon, silvery skin, could spawn in cold oceans. -Trout, dotted brown-ish skin, could spawn in the waters of a new boreal forest biome(which is a combined biome of the features of taigas and normal forests). -Char, yellowy and green skin, could spawn in the waters of the artic biomes like tundras. -Rainbow trout, silvery and pink skin, could spawn in the waters of the mountain biomes.

    And also when fished, salmons would put up more fight than the other fish, along with the new mob sturgeon, the new mob pike and the new mob paddlefish.

    Salmon also would now be neutral in that manner, that if they would be aggravated they would hit the player back once and if the player would approach them again within a small period of time they would hit the player again and so on.

    New mob, Perch:

    -Could spawn in the waters of Taigas, Forests, Boreal forests, Dark Oak forests and their variants. -Green fish with orange fins. -Pikes would hunt them. -They would hunt roaches.

    New mob, Pike:

    -Could spawn in the water of Taigas, Forests, Boreal forests, Dark Oak forests, Swamps and their variants. -Long and large fish and a green skin. -Hunts perches and roaches. -Neutral towards the player, would attack if aggravated.

    New mob, Roach:

    -Could spawn in the waters of Taigas, Forests, Mountains, Boreal forest, Plains and their variants. -Small silvery fishes. -Pikes and perches would hunt them.

    New mob, Sturgeon:

    -Could spawn in the waters of Taiga and artic biomes. -Large fishes that would kick back if aggrovated. -Silvery variant and a brown variant.

    New mob, Paddlefish:

    -Could spawn in the waters of taiga and plains biomes and their variants. -Larger than sturgeons these fish would be neutral and attack if aggravated -Comes in a blue-ish silvery and a brown variant.

    New mob, Tuna:

    -Would spawn in Cool Oceans(new ocean variant), Lukewarm Oceans, Warm Oceans(a new Warm ocean biome different from the old one, the old one is renamed to Tropical ocean) and their variants. -If aggravated would push the player back -Sharks hunt these. -Blue-ish variant spawns in Warm Oceans and in Lukewarm Oceans. -Silvery variant spawns in Lukewarm Oceans and in Cool Oceans. -Hunts herrings and makrills.

    Other aquatic(and semi-aquatic) mobs I was too tired to list specifically:

    -Herring -Makrill -Shark(and it's biome specific skins) -Marlin -Sailfish -Killer whale -Whale -Narwhal -Anglerfish -Piranha -Moray -Eel -Electric eel -Sting ray -Manta ray -Crab -River crab -River dolphin -Crocodile -Giant squid -Octopus -Bass fish -Catfish

    Of course I don't expect all of these, these were just some(By some I mean a crap lot.) of my ideas.

    submitted by /u/finn1sh
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    Ravager Additions

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 10:54 AM PDT

    Long time lurker, short time commenter, first time poster. Please tell me if I do anything wrong.

    Just some ideas to make ravagers and raids in general even cooler, in my opinion, than they already are.

    Block Breaking:

    Ravagers breaking blocks is pretty cool but also pretty ineffective. Who build's a wall out of leaves or bamboo? While I don't think they should be able to break every block I think they should be able to do a little more damage than they currently can.

    For a long time people have wanted a renewable source for gravel and sand. I think having the ravager have a chance of crushing stone -> cobble -> gravel -> sand and be able to destroy sand blocks would make it so walls had to be made of better materials than cobblestone and would allow for some very interesting farms involving naming and trapping a ravager inside a cobble generator.

    I would also like for them to be able to break wood because I just don't think wood planks would hold up to such a beast. This would also allow the pillagers to break down houses and really leave the village in ruins. But that's certainly not how everyone sees it.

    I also don't know if there is a tag like the enderman_holdable tag for ravager_breakable but if there isn't there should be.

    Pillager Interaction:

    Pillagers should be able to get on and off of ravagers and when up against a 3 high wall should be able to jump from the ravager to the top of the wall.

    Basically if you want to just wall off your village and shoot the raid from a watch tower you're gonna have to be a little smarter than a 1 thick 2 high cobblestone wall.


    Zombies should attempt to attack pillagers as well as villagers. Ravagers killed by zombies would have a chance of becoming zombie ravagers which would have all the same properties as ravagers but now they attack pillagers and villagers alike. Witches should also be able to use potions of weakness to cure zombified pillagers/ravagers.

    submitted by /u/Madman_1
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    Idea for ocean sub-biome: Deep sea-trenches

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 02:25 PM PDT

    Maybe in a large open-ocean area, there could be a deep trench with special Lava at the bottom, just like real life. This lava wouldn't harden and could have its open properties but that's not the subject here. The trench could have resources exposed, like diamonds, hold, etc. and it could have many possibilities. It would be an end game adventure because you'd need some potions or turtle helmet thingies and could be very rewarding. It's also an opportunity for those deep-sea mobs I've been seeing in suggestions. What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/jabulina
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    New Illager---Hunter

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 12:18 AM PDT

    Hunters are raid exclusive mobs that spawn in around wave 3 and would continue to spawn in later waves in the raid(if any)

    Attack Pattern

    The Hunter is spawned with 1-2 leashed dogs, 0-2 spiders and 0-1 cave spider and a 5% chance of a leashed killer rabbit. When he sees a target, he would unleash its pets to fight for him. Unleashed animals return to the hunter after defeating the target. If the hunter is killed while his animals are still alive, the animals would just go crazy and try and kill everything.

    The Hunter himself is armed with a iron sword and would slash at anyone that comes too close


    Hunter---0-2 emeralds, 5 exp, 0-1 leash

    Pet wolf---4 exp

    Killer bunny---0-1 rabbit hide, 0-1 raw rabbit, 4 exp, 0-1 rabbit's foot, if killed by fire drops 0-1 cooked rabbit

    Note: Spiders and cave spiders drop what they normally drop

    0-2 spiders and 0-1 cave spiders

    This part is suggested by /u/mc_mychemicalromance

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    New Weapon: Medieval Slingshot

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 03:43 PM PDT

    Very easy and cheap to make (in real life & in Minecraft).

    Doesn't cause much damage, but mostly just a fun way of hurling items at other players and mobs.

    I don't think it's realistic to allow full blocks to be thrown, but small items shouldn't be a problem.

    Imagine 'slingshotting' Diamonds at your friends, Splash Potions at mobs, Food at your enemies, ect.

    It could have a 'charge' mechanic, like the crossbow.

    It could cause minor damage (just enough to get the target's attention).

    If you hit your target in the face, you gain experience points. :D

    submitted by /u/Seb104
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    New World Generation Option

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 03:29 PM PDT

    We have; Default, Super-Flat, Large Biomes and Amplified.

    May I suggest a new option called; Square Biomes.

    The idea is that the entire world is divided up into 'Regions' of 32 x 32 chunks (512 x 512 blocks), which is the exact same size as a Region file (how Minecraft saves worlds).

    And each of these Regions is a different Biome.

    The Regions are seperated by 2-chunk-wide rivers (the outermost chunks of each Region). Which can be frozen if the Biome of that Region is frozen, or can be beaches if the adjacent Region is an Ocean Biome.

    The centre area (approx. 8 x 8 chunks, 128 x 128 blocks) generates the 'Hills' / 'Mountains' version of that type of Biome. Where you can build your Castle or whatever.

    I made a simple graphic in MS Paint to illustrate my idea.

    The black grid lines are the boundaries of the chunks.

    The grey in the centre is the 'Hills' variant, or the 'Deep Ocean' variant if the Biome is an Ocean Biome.

    The blue at the top and left are Rivers.

    The pale yellow at the bottom is a Beach, because there is an Ocean Biome to the South.

    And the pale blue to the right is a Frozen River, because there is a Frozen Biome to the West.


    submitted by /u/Seb104
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    Firework damage should be calculated linearly

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 08:32 AM PDT

    So, at the moment, fireworks are kind of in a weird spot. They're good if you have a lot of them, but because they're so expensive, compared to arrows at least, they aren't very viable. Especially if you want stronger fireworks.

    At the moment, a firework with one firework star deals 6 damage (3 hearts of damage). That's pretty good against unarmoured opponents, and aren't that expensive (2 gunpowder minimum, 1 paper, and 1 dye). But if you make that a firework with two firework stars, the damage is only 8 (4 hearts). It immediately goes down by 33% of the expected damage.

    Below, I'll include a table of firework stars to damage, compared to the expected damage if it were calculated linearly.

    Firework Stars per Rocket Expected Damage Actual Damage
    1 6 6
    2 12 8
    3 18 10
    4 24 12
    5 30 14
    6 36 16
    7 42 17

    As you can see, the damage isn't even fully consistent with the equation (x \ 2) + 4, where *x** is the amount of firework stars per rocket. It's more like they did (and this bit is using a class designed for handling math) MathHelper.clamp(17, (x \ 2) + 4, (x * 2) + 4)*. Basically, if damage is less than 17, use the equation. If it's more than 17, set it to 17.

    I really think that the firework rocket damage should be a simple x \ y, where *x** is the firework stars per rocket, and y is the amount of damage.

    Probably would be best to not leave it at 6 damage per firework star, as 42 damage is quite a lot. Perhaps somewhere around 3 damage per firework star would be better. That would put a maximum amount of damage at 21. Or maybe have the it around 4 damage per firework star, capping the maximum damage per rocket at 28. Either would be good, and would be better than what we have now.

    Experiment Conditions: All tests were done 3 times per rocket, with the naturalRegeneration gamerule set to false. No armour was worn, and no potion effects were active at the time of taking damage. A hole was dug two blocks down, and fireworks were then shot up at the player who was standing over the hole, so that the fireworks would explode upon contact with the player's hitbox. All results came back the same with each test, with no variation in numbers at all.

    submitted by /u/Inazuma261
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    New Biome : Dead waste land

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 01:56 AM PDT

    A new biome made up from black dead grass with ash on top, hills and volcanos made of basalt, and dead trees everywhere, a place where its always night, "as if dark forces create eternal night time"

    Because of the eternal night, you could consider it as a "Hardcore" biome, you have to light up the place if you don't want monsters to spawn.

    ☆ ○ Eternal night : from the first block/step you set in this biome it will very slowly fade into black/night, the further you walk into the biome the darker it gets. Till you hit midnight.

    ☆ ○ With new biomes, there will also be new blocks, mobs and items

    New Item :


    ☆ ○ A gravestone amulet : dropped by the Illusion Illager, but only has a small change to be dropped, if in inventory when you die places a gravestone/chest on the ground with all your items in so your stuff doesn't de-spawn. And when your gravestone is broken you get all your items back. the amulet has a durability and can be used around 10 times.


    ☆ ○ Diamond nugget : A new item same as the iron and gold nuggets, when 9 are put together you get 1 diamond.

    Dead trees with grey leaves, have a dark grey textured log, and the planks itself are grey.

    ☆ ○ New trees/planks : new dead grey logs, with grey planks, stairs, slabs, doors, trap doors, button and pressure plate, fences, etc...


    ☆ ○ broken logs also lay on the ground



    ☆ ○ Ash : A snow like block with layers but made of ash and its black. ( Caused by volcanic eruption )


    ♡ ☆ ○ Basalt : The textures are opposite of quartz, it has a block state, when broken it looks like black cobblestone, Can be cooked again to get the "original" version and put together in a 2x2 it will give black stone bricks, there is a chiselled version and pillar one, with slabs and stairs. and is found around volcanos.


    ☆ ○ Dead grass : Its the same as normal grass but is very grey and dark, and at the sides of the block the {grass} runs down half the block as grey and slowly fades into brown, ( so normal dirt underneath doesn't look out of place. )



    ☆ ○ New village : made from grey wood blocks, basalt cobblestone version and grey logs, but destroyed and broken down..

    has a much higher change to spawn with zombie villagers then all other villages.


    ☆ ○ Abandoned Cathedral : A big building {half the size of a woodland mansion} and looks very goth like, high towers and black and grey stained windows, its very run down, building is made of Basalt and black stone bricks with the grey wood as flooring and red carpet runs down the ails, at the end is a enchanting table and if you walk in the cathedral there are stairs{benches} so it looked like people used to sit there.


    ☆ ○ Abandoned altar : A small black and white platform can be found rarely, random in the biome itself and holds a small altar and surrounding it are black pillars, underneath the altar a treasure chest can be found with (donations) from the {people} that used to live in the area, and some cool loot ( 1 Diamond nugget, 1-2 iron ingots, 1-2 gold ingots, 1 horse armour, 1 name tags, 1 golden apples, 1-2 emeralds, etc. ( Not all together of course ) ).


    ☆ ○ Fossils : Not really a structure, ( and they are already in the game ), but they spawn on the ground as if big beasts used to roam these land.


    ☆ ○ Lava pools : ( Not a structure ) but they spawn more regularly around the place.



    ☆ ○ Grey zombie/ infected zombie : A new zombie variant same as the husk is a new variant but this zombie is like the normal one but is black textured, walks slowly but silently to the player, deals damage and can gives a poison effect to the player every time when hit.

    They drop all the zombie standards


    ☆ ○ Illagers : they can shoot arrows from a bow or spawn with swords and can randomly set you on fire with fire arrows or fire aspect on the swords.


    ☆ ○ illusion Illager : A mob that's already in the game, ( but as far as i know, not currently used ) Spawns around the Cathedral with the other Illagers, this mob can drop the gravestone amulet,

    ( for everyone who doesnt know who this mob is, this mob spawns and shoots arrows but can also turn invisible and spawn multiple fake Illagers around him so you have to guess where he is and kill him)

    Will drop the amulet together with a bow and arrows.


    ☆ ○ Ancient stone Gollum : A black iron gollum like model made out of black cobblestone and stonebrick with a glowing eye in the middle of his chest, when he walks it sounds like stone and it gives a big whopping attack, when he attacks you his arms punch you multiple blocks high in the sky and you get damage from him and the fall damage, can also throw fire / lava at you doing 4 hearts of damage when not wearing armour. plus additional damage from the fire, Best to wear feather falling boots and fire protection armour or potion when fighting this mob.

    Ancient stone Gollums will drop a fire charge, together with basalt and 1-2 iron ingots and on occasion they rarely drop an diamond nugget. .

    ☆ ○ Sorry for not having any pictures, i absolutely have no artistic skills to create new or cool textures, i can build cool things tho but without the right blocks or setting it still doesnt look good ○ ☆


    I've had a post about this before but it got deleted, so i reuploaded it and tweaked it to make it more "vanilla" like

    submitted by /u/kootje555
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    Villager Master Work!

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    Update 1.14 has a lot of content, and now the villages and villagers are much more alive, the new UI is way better than the previous one, but the villagers can be even better! If the villagers had a specific feature unlocked at the master level? I made a list with a few examples!

    Fisherman: He can buy the Heart of the Sea for a high price, 64 emeralds! (Only two per day)

    Farmer: He can sell bones! (Max 64 per day, for 10 emeralds)

    Librarian: He can unlock books writted by the player! (Need 3 experience points per book)

    Cartographer: He can remove markers, and unlock maps! (Requires 1 emerald per map)

    Cleric: He can remove a specific enchantment of a book! (Need 1 experience point)

    Armorer: He can remove a specific enchantment of any part of an armor! (Requires an emerald per enchantment)

    Weaponsmith: He can remove a specific enchantment of any weapon! (Requires an emerald per enchantment)

    Toolsmith: He can remove a specific enchantment of any tool! (Requires 1 emerald per enchantment)

    Butcher: Swap raw meat for its roast equivalet! (Max 64 per day)

    Leatherworker: Sell a specific type of leather armor dye that shines in the dark! (Requires a dye of any color + 2 experience points)

    Fletcher: Sell a beautiful version of the bow, but without any bonuses! (Requires a common bow + a gold block)

    submitted by /u/AnyPlayerBR
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    Stronger snow storms and taller snow

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 04:13 PM PDT

    Instead of the standard snow storms we have on Minecraft today, I think they should add stronger snow storms if they ever add natural disasters to Minecraft. When a blizzard occurs, they will produce a lot of snow where it'd be like fog and you couldn't be able to see due to so much snow. To add to it, an option should be added where you can activate taller snow. After blizzards, snow will be able to stack up more than 2 blocks. You should be able to slowly move in the snow but also suffocate after a while in it.

    submitted by /u/AsianKek
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    Changes to the cactus, for when the desert gets updated.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 04:12 PM PDT

    So, we all know that deserts were announced to be updated in at least the near-future, along with taigas (the winner at Minecon Earth 2018) and savannahs. I have some ideas for the cactus for when the deserts get updated:

    It can grow at least a few arms, maybe up to 1-4. And addition to this, the cactus can grow some flowers and fruit on the top of itself and on its arms.

    Tell me your thoughts on this, as well as some suggestions to help me expand this idea.

    submitted by /u/FreezingTNT2
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    Iron Golems Need A Way To Heal

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 04:00 PM PDT

    Currently we have no way to heal Iron golems other than with instant health potion (i think?). It would be beneficial to be able to heal them because of the raids that can just wipe them out completely.

    I think it would make sense that their should be an easier way to heal them just like with wolves and cats. You would be able to give them four things which heal the iron golem by different amounts:

    Poppy: heals 1 HP for the iron golem.

    Carved Pumpkin/Jack'o lantern: heals 5 HP for the iron golem.

    Iron Ingot: heals 10 HP for the iron golem.

    Iron Block: heals 90 HP for the iron golem.

    If it is too OP then it should slowly regenerate their HP not like an instant health potion. Meaning that the iron block would still heal 90 HP but over a duration of time.

    If you disagree with the idea please let me know why and if you have got any suggestions then please say them!

    submitted by /u/ArtisticPhrase6
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    Elytras make an audible tearing noise when they go below 100 durability.

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 03:58 PM PDT

    Music for more areas

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 11:29 PM PDT

    New soundtracks

    Village Theme : Calming yet playful

    Raid Theme : Amps up more and more depending on the wave you are on

    submitted by /u/AlexAtHome
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    Desert overhaul (biome, part one)

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 09:24 PM PDT

    In my opinion, deserts are one of the blandest biomes in the overworld and in recent updates, a lot of biomes got a bunch of variants, for example, oceans got warm oceans, lukewarm oceans, cold oceans and many others. But the desert, one of the oldest biomes added to the game? Nope. Haven't gotten much except for a few name changes.

    Note: This would be a 3 part series of posts where I try to overhaul the desert

    part one: biome types (the one you are reading now)

    part two: exploration and adventures

    part three: Dangers lurk around...


    Biome variants are biomes that have has a percentage of generating over a normal desert while the world is still loading up the chunks.

    Desert Wasteland

    A barren wasteland, no villages can generate here. One of the most hostile environments in the overworld. Why? Well, it is because special mobs will spawn here. And roam around in this sandy hellscape. The mobs that spawn here would be explained in part three. Desert ruins will spawn here

    Extreme Desert cliffs

    The desert counterpart of the extreme hills, composed of sudden cliffs and high rocky mountains. Its is fairly dangerous since you never know when you would slip. Real life counterpart

    Shattered Desert / Corrupted Desert

    Weird version of the desert, bizarre terrain generation, no villages generate here, however, wandering traders are usually interested at the biome, so they spawn more frequently here


    Sun-biomes are like mini-biomes, biomes that spawn within the desert. Like how the bamboo forest is generated inside jungles.

    Desert hills

    Desert hills would be composed of 1-3 hills grouped together, they would be scattered all around the desert.

    Desert flatlands

    Flatlands are basically what deserts look now. Flat, stretching for a few hundred blocks

    Coastal deserts

    In deserts, beaches are replaced by coastal deserts.

    Desert Mountains

    Desert Mountains only generate in extreme desert cliffs, they make up most of the terrain in that biome

    Desert cliffs

    A desert hills variant, desert cliffs can only generate in extreme desert cliffs. Generates on the sides of mountains, so that there will be sudden drops on the mountains.


    Will not generate in desert wastelands, Oasis are lakes with a tiny island in the middle, the upcoming palm trees can generate here. Sometimes buried barrels with loot are found under the small island. Grass looks slightly greener in this sub-biome.

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Trout, Catfish, Tuna and Piranhas!

    Posted: 30 Mar 2019 07:01 PM PDT

    I would like new fish for diffrent biomes like a swamp fish or somthing.


    • Spawns in swampy waters
    • Slightly bigger than salmon
    • Will drop Raw Catfish (cookable and edible)


    • Spawns in rivers and lakes
    • Basic freshwater fish
    • Will drop Raw Trout (cookable and edible)


    • Spawns in normal, cold and frozen oceans
    • looks like old "fish" item as a mob
    • Will drop Raw Tuna (cookable and edible)


    • Spawns in new biome "Jungle River"
    • Will activley go out and attack any mob that enters the water near it
    • does 1 heart of damage per hit but has really low health
    • will not attack drowned
    • Will Drop Piranha item (edible)

    What do you think of these fish?

    submitted by /u/SomeRelativeOfAHuman
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    Storage for expirience

    Posted: 31 Mar 2019 03:55 AM PDT

    We really need a good mechanic to store experience orbs.

    I find my self accumulating lots of exp, doing random stuff like trading or smelting and of course AFKing at some farm, without knowing what to do with it. Often dying in the end with 60, 100 or 200 levels going to waste.

    My idea is to have a new block that will be crafted from 8 glass blocks with an empty slot in the middle of the crafting pattern.

    You can than place this big glass flask on the ground and deposit your experience by right clicking on it. I'm not sure about the amount you can store, maybe 50?

    Also you can expand the flask by adding more flask blocks by placing them on top of each other creating something like tall bottle or a pillar. I was thinking you can expand it a maximum of 3 glass flasks. (150 levels of expirience if we go with 50 for a single flask)

    By holding shift and right clicking maybe we can take out the experience, what do you think?

    submitted by /u/fine93
    [link] [comments]


