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    Minecraft Forever Storm

    Minecraft Forever Storm

    Forever Storm

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    • Forever storm would be just purple static lightning randomly stagnant in the end. Like an forever overworld lightning storm but when lightning strikes or hits blocks It's purple. No clouds though as this is in the end. I feel this would help improve the fact the end is end game, add a semi-hard challenge. Once the dragon is beat, the forever storm would dissipate but you would still have Ambient thunder sounds.
    submitted by /u/SkylieTuff
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    Moss Plants! Adding more Decoration and Intense Fire Mechanics! (Textures & Pictures included)

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 02:32 PM PDT

    Now I know,
    You must be thinking.. "Wow Endergy... we've been waiting a MONTH for a suggestion about M O S S...?"
    Yes, yes you have. BUT I also have a New End Biome concept i'm cooking up that is almost done, just you wait!
    Besides that this moss suggestion is cool too!
    So Allow me to show you why Minecraft Needs actual moss!

    Now Introducing:

    M O S S <(LINK)

    As you can see, if you click the link, Moss is a pretty cool looking decorative plant!
    They would generate in caves and can only spread in darkness. (More details in the link)

    BUT you think Moss is just a USELESS Decoration? HECK NO!
    Moss as some burning, sweet, passionate, New Fire Mechanics to bring to the table!

    M O S S Is Useful? <(LINK)

    If you looked at the link, you will see that Moss is the most flambe substance in Minecraft! Its like Gasoline!
    So fire spreads through Moss patches more consistently and more instantly than any other blocks in the game!
    This makes it useful for Fuses for TNT, Fire Traps or ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION!!!
    (Not destruction of your FPS, though! Fire created from moss won't produce particles and as much light to avoid lag)

    Moss would also help add mystery and intrigue to the structures and caves in Minecraft.
    Here are a few examples:

    M O S S In Structures! <(LINK)

    In Conclusion:

    Moss would be an extremely flexible new decorative block for builders. It also enhances the look of MC's caves.
    While looking hansom and GORGEOUS, moss will also provide some cool new mechanics for fire!
    Basically a must-have at this point, am I right?

    Thank you for reading through this post folks! I hope you agree moss should be a thing in MC. Real talk though, moss is a little disappointing after a month of waiting, i'm sure. Again though, the wait is because I've ALSO been creating a NEW End Biome! Look forward to it!
    If you want to support this suggestion on the Feedback site, go vote for this Post: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360042669911-Moss-should-grow-on-rock-?page=1#community_comment_360005209752.
    Again, the post on the Feedback site isn't mine, as MY Moss suggestion was too similar to this one apparently, so it was removed. Don't worry though! I put my vision of Moss in the comments of this post, so Mojang will still see it!
    Thanks for all of your support! Again, if you want to talk to me and many other people WHILE I create this stuff, check out my profile page!

    submitted by /u/Endergy
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    Wild crops

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 02:30 AM PDT

    Just like melons and pumpkins, wheat, beetroots, carrots, and potatoes should grow in the wild rarely.

    Hydrated grass

    For this to work, a new block state for grass blocks would need to be added. Hydrated grass would look exactly the same. The only difference would be that This type of blocks would make a wetter/squisher noise when walked on.

    Hydrating these blocks

    To turn grass blocks into hydrated blocks, one would need to place them near a water source block, rain also hydrate these blocks

    Dehydrating these blocks

    if, for some reason, you want to dehydrate grass blocks

    1. Removing the water around it
    2. destroying the block and placing it again
    3. placing next to the fire, lava, and magma


    You can plant crops on these hydrated blocks but it would be much, much slower than growing it on farmland.

    Wild Crops

    Some times around ponds and lakes, a patch of hydrated blocks would generate with grown crops already on it. These crops would be wheat, carrots, potatoes, and beetroots

    Pumpkins and Melons would still generate naturally around the world

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Black dye from coal

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 06:35 AM PDT

    Using coal in a crafting grid along with dye will create black dye. An idea to make black dye renewable without having to go back to the ocean and kill squids.

    Also makes sense, since coal is black.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    A surprise update should be released on Minecraft's 10th Anniversary!

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 01:22 PM PDT

    I'd love to see lots of new party-like features such as new types of cakes, decorations, gifts and so on!

    I know these doesn't fit entirely with the game, sorry about that...

    Here are some more detailed examples:

    Decorations: There should be lots of more party-themed decorations ingame like Bunting, Balloons, Confetti etc.

    Food: More party-themed types food like new flavors of Cakes (Chocolate, Strawberry, made from berries, and so on), Capcakes and more.

    Gifts: Cuz why not, you could give another player a gift in a box, and when they right click the box will disappear and stuff that the other player has placed will appear in your inventory. This will basically work as a Dispenser but all the effects will affect the player that opens the gift, which could create lots of possibilities for pranks such as a fireball that lita you on fire and a TNT that creates a small explosion. BOOOM!!

    That's all I could come up with for now, this is my first post on this sub, hope you like it!

    submitted by /u/AddisGaming
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    Wandering Traders can sleep if they are in a village

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 02:40 PM PDT

    Wandering Traders will sleep in an unoccupied bed if they are in a village

    submitted by /u/Pasta-hobo
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    Rabbit stew should restore more hunger

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 09:10 PM PDT

    It's pretty useless at this point given that it actually gives less hunger back than its ingredients combined.

    submitted by /u/SavingsNewspaper2
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    Wights and The Ascended

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 03:40 PM PDT

    Wights are extremely common underground Skeleton-like mobs with a little flesh remaining on them.

    When killed they drop Tattered Rags, which can be combined similar to rabbit hides to form Leather for early game Leather use (four rags to one leather). They attack any player currently in a light level of 2 or less with sharp bony fingers, inflicting a new debuff on hit; Fear.

    Fear makes the player's arm visibly tremble on the HUD, and the Wight (and any other hostile mob) takes on a new, more terrifying appearance. You cannot attack while in Fear, but it can be instantly nullified by moving into a light level of 14 or higher.

    Wights are, coincidentally enough, repelled by light levels above 2. You can put the pieces together, correct?

    The Ascended on the other hand are angelic mobs that spawn in Extreme Hills sometimes, or during the day in any other biome rarely. With thirty hitpoints and a natural ability to fly, they are not outright hostile to players, instead only defending themselves and other Ascended in the area, but do aid them if they are harmed as if they were a tamed wolf (minus the loyalty to the player) and attack Undead mobs on sight.

    They emit a light level of 15 naturally, and if killed (Which mind you, IS NOT easy.) drop 4-5 Glowstone dust and have a rare (1%, unaffected by looting) chance of dropping their sword, a Diamond sword that's naturally enchanted with Sharpness III.

    Various other quirks about the Ascended include their tendency to form a "V" flanking a player flying with an Elytra and their hostility towards the undead. They look like golden Vexes with a halo.

    submitted by /u/LordSaltious
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    Nether Ghouls and the Disorientation effect

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 02:48 PM PDT

    Nether Ghouls are flying creatures that spawn in the Nether, but they only spawn after you've killed the Ender Dragon. Black, star-like figures with one glaring eye in the middle. They are passive when left alone, but when too close to one, or attacked, that's when they get angry. They'll charge at you extremely fast and do overwhelming knockback damage, as well shoot you with special "disorientation bullets" which give you a slowness and nausea as well as a new effect: disorientation. When killed, they drop the "Ghoul Scalp" which can be used to brew a new potion.

    Ghoul Scalps brew a potion of disorientation. However, it's best you turn this into a splash potion before using. The disorientation effect reverses the direction you move in. For example, pressing W will make you move backwards, S will make you move forwards, SPACE will make you sneak, and SHIFT will make you jump.

    submitted by /u/janMekalo
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    Abandoned camp Nether & Overworld

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 02:38 PM PDT

    It's exactly what it sounds like, an abandoned camp that spawns in either the nether or overworld, they contain some loot.

    Like a map of the area, or some tools, or maybe some trash.

    submitted by /u/Pasta-hobo
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    Copied written books should stack with the original book.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 05:49 AM PDT

    Because you can already copy written books in the crafting slot, they should be identical to the already written books. (Especially because there is a villager trade that requires more than 1 written book.) This has a downside of not being able to see the original book, but I feel it would make things easier.

    submitted by /u/The_OtterMan
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    potion ideas

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 10:17 AM PDT

    1. Potion Of Love: while having this effect when breeding there will be a 20% chance of twins
    2. Potion of War: deal more damage but take more damage
    3. Potion of ''Flying'': gives you a double jump
    4. Potion of Hate: when a mob deals damage to you, you will be able to deal more damage to it but less to other mobs
    5. Potion of Defense: when a mob comes in contact with you they're set on fire
    6. Splash Potion of Anxiety(negative): you will randomly stop running. you have half the amount of air bubbles. you'll deal less damage with crits. sometimes you will eat food but it wont fill you up. hunger drops faster
    7. Potion of Crisis(max 1 min): when you die you will teleport away (20 x 20 x 20) with one heart
    submitted by /u/devonthecreator
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    Keep Minecraft fluid and organic - villager work stations only increase the chance of taking a profession, not 100% required.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 10:13 AM PDT

    The next update overall seems like an upgrade to the villager system which is probably overdue, but something was feeling a little bit off about it to me, not very minecrafty.

    While trying to put my finger on it, I realized I'd much prefer if villagers weren't so tied to the objects around them such as beds and crafting stations. I like them to be a bit freer and potentially organic to do other things which come about from emergence from the combination of simpler things.

    One way to achieve that in the new village design is that the crafting stations - which I feel are a bit spammy - only do a probability increase of an event occurring, like most things around the Minecraft world, rather than being a set, hard-coded way of achieving the villager types.

    submitted by /u/AnOnlineHandle
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    Automatic crafting table (sort of) - Credit to ilmango

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 09:34 PM PDT

    The other day, ilmango posted a video with their vision for autocrafting in minecraft. Although Dinnerbone has previously denied that it would suit the game, I feel this implementation is much more vanilla-esque than many other suggested implementations, and figured it could be worth a post.

    I strongly recommend you check out ilmango's video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_HL309IZ0M

    submitted by /u/adenmck
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    Flower Grass Blocks And Mushroom Mycelium!

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 10:26 PM PDT

    Flower Grass Blocks:

    Flower grass blocks would look pretty good looking for natural paths and just simple gardens. They would have all of the same qualities of the normal grass block and they would be able to generate in flower forests and flower fields. They come in all of the flower varieties and can be crafted like so:

    Grass Block Grass Block Grass Block
    Grass Block Flower of choice Grass Block
    Grass Block Grass Block Grass Block

    You would get eight of those flower grass blocks.

    Mushroom Mycelium Blocks:

    Mushroom mycelium blocks would look pretty good looking for overgrown looking builds and for mystical builds too. They would have all of the same qualities of the normal mycelium block and they would be able to generate sometimes in mushroom fields. They come in all of the mushroom varieties and can be crafted like so:

    Mycelium Block Mycelium Block Mycelium Block
    Mycelium Block Mushroom of choice Mycelium Block
    Mycelium Block Mycelium Block Mycelium Block

    You would get eight of those mushroom mycelium blocks.

    Here are the Pictures!:


    Anyway that's all. Please tell if you dislike it or have a suggestion, thank you!

    submitted by /u/ArtisticPhrase6
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    The Flying Pearl

    Posted: 10 Apr 2019 01:43 AM PDT

    The Flying Pearl is similar to an Ender Pearl, you throw it and get teleported, however instead of being teleported to the Pearl when it hits something, you get teleported to the apex of the flight path as soon as the Pearl starts falling again. Crafting a Flying Pearl could be an Ender Pearl and a Rocket, or to make it more "expensive" an Ender Pearl and a Phantom Membrane.

    submitted by /u/C42MCPE
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    Villager and Pillager Mineshafts

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 11:52 PM PDT

    In the villager mineshafts, you can trade them minerals for other minerals, or possibly other valuables. These deals probably wouldn't be so good but some could be. And for the pillager mineshafts, they'll try to kill you with a pickaxe. When killed they'd drop minerals and on rare occasion their pickaxe.

    submitted by /u/FireyEmerald
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