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    Minecraft Larger Flower Pots For Larger Plants

    Minecraft Larger Flower Pots For Larger Plants

    Larger Flower Pots For Larger Plants

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 12:56 PM PDT

    I don't know about anyone else but I like to have a collection of all the game's flowers in pots, however the Rose bush, Peony, Sunflower, and Lilac don't fit in the current pot. So my idea is to make a "larger flower pot" that can contain these bigger flowers (there are also other big plants that are unable to be contained in the normal pot that could be contained in the larger flower pot). The crafting recipe would perhaps look like this:

    Brick Brick
    Brick Brick

    Imo it would be a nice addition to the game. If you disagree then please let me know why you do so I can improve the idea!

    Edit: Like some people were saying the cactus and bamboo could move to the big pot and other big plants such as sugarcane and tall grass could be added as well.

    submitted by /u/ArtisticPhrase6
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    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 05:33 AM PDT

    This is a new fluid that flows slower than water, but faster than lava and causes the player to wade slowly through it like lava, but a bit faster. Mud can be collected by a bucket, and using water on a dirt block has a slight chance of turning it into mud. Mud can be used to make mudballs and mud bricks. Mudballs do more damage than snowballs (+2HP), and mud bricks can be used to create mud brick houses. Mud brick has the texture of brick, but brown with white in the middle, and a dry appearance. This is somewhat resistant to creepers, but not as much as real bricks. Mud bricks do not wash away in water. Mud dries and turns into dirt blocks over time.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Dolphins grace you let you dolphin jump

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 09:56 PM PDT

    The player should be able to do a 2-3 block jump out of the water by swimming towards the surface while they have the dolphins grace, much like the mob itself

    submitted by /u/GarfieldFutanari
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    Addon section of Minecraft Marketplace

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 10:17 AM PDT

    Currently, we don't have a way to get addons on the console edition of bedrock edition. Being able to buy an add-on at a very cheap price would be very nice. I would say 30-80 minecoins is a good price range. Why 30-80? Because no one wants to buy something that just changes a few things for 100 minecoins. Also, it would be nice if the add-on doesn't actually replace anything but instead adds things into the game. Console users wants some love to. :(

    submitted by /u/DoubledNebula51
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    /velocity command

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 01:15 PM PDT

    Basically, a command that adds or sets velocity to an entity.

    Syntax: /velocity add/set (number) (number) (number) (entity)

    Add/Set: decides whether the motion adds to the current velocity or overwrites it.

    3 Numbers: the X/Y/Z values of the motion. No tilde needed.

    Entity: The entity upon which the motion is applied.

    Alternative possible names: /force, /motion

    submitted by /u/pac2005
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    A way to get renewable shulker boxes

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 06:28 AM PDT

    Currently, shulker boxes are a limited resource, especially in servers and for players who want to make automated storage systems, etc (look at hermitcraft for example: they have to periodically delete the chunks in the end to renew the end cities.)

    I propose a way to have a renewable source of shulker boxes (non-automatable).

    Shell-less shulkers

    Occasionally, in the End, some shell-less shulkers (SLS from now on) spawn.


    They look like the inside of a shulker (the white part).


    They levitate around the end and occasionally teleport.

    If they see a player they attack (shooting projectiles); however, if the player gets to close they teleport away.

    SLS are vulnerable, so they seek purpur blocks or chorus plants flowers and eat them. When they eat enough they regenerate their shell, becoming normal shulkers.

    Edit: changed from chorus plants to chorus flowers in the shulkers' "diet".

    submitted by /u/TitaniumBrain
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    Illager raids should not spawn in well lit areas, or they should spawn quite a bit further away from a village.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 01:08 AM PDT

    Otherwise the walls built around a village have to be wrapped incredibly tight around the village, otherwise illagers simply spawn within city walls.

    submitted by /u/luckjes112
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    Crates-a balanced may to transport items

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 02:29 PM PDT

    Shulkers boxes are the only way to move extra items in the game right now. I propose the addition of crates to the game. Crates would be crafted from 4 sticks in the corners, 1 iron in the middle, and 4 planks in the remaining spots. This block would come in all wood variants and can be opened even when there is a block above them. The main purpose of this block is that it would work like a shulkers box, but only have 9 storage slots making it balanced compared to shulkers boxes. Thank you for reading :)

    They could look like this: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture_pack/shulker-crates/

    submitted by /u/NAFTAmapper
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    Detailed Overhauling of the Combat Speeds and Weapon Effects whilst maintaining the current system.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 09:04 AM PDT

    This is a pretty detailed explanation, don't bother up/downvoting if you don't wanna read it all. Constructive criticism is well accepted.

    Before getting to the actual proposed idea let me give a reason as to why I think this system could be beneficial.

    Essentially the current combat system prevents spam clicking so that practically anyone can be able to play PvP fairly, the side effect of the System is currently that combat is too slow. Going back to the previous system would be bad because it's just spam click and it's unfair to those with equipment of lesser quality, yet the current system has the huge flaw of being to boring to the majority of players.

    That's when I came up with this idea.

    ATTACK SPEED: Attack speed should have a value that goes between 1 to 10 where "speed 1" is the slowest (1 full second between attacks) and 10 is the fastest (a tenth of a second between an attack to the other).

    DAMAGE: Damage on un-enchanted weapons should go between 1 (half a heart) to 10 (five hearts).

    The list I came up with makes it so that any player can choose what style of fighting he/she wants, without confining them to just Swords/Axes.

    The Speed/Attack is also bases on the amount of material required for the making of said Tool.

    Here's the list of the DIAMOND TOOL'S values:

    Diamond Pickaxe: Speed 4, Attack 10 Diamond Axe: Speed 5, Attack 8.5 Diamond Sword : Speed 6, Attack 7 Diamond Hoe: Speed 7, Attack 5.5 Diamond Shovel: Speed 8, attack 4

    When it comes to the various materials (ignoring gold for thr sake of simplicity) the speed value and the attack value should go up by 1 point a for every "Upgrade"


    PICKAXE: Wooded Pickaxe: Speed 1 (the slowest), Attack 7 Stone pickaxe: Speed 2, Attack 8 Iron Pickaxe: Speed 3, Attack 9 Diamond Pickaxe: Speed 4, Attack 10 (Strongest)

    SWORD: Wooden Sword: Speed 3, Attack 4 Stone Sword: Speed 4,Attack 5 Iron Sword: Speed 5,Attack 6 Diamond Sword: Speed 6,Attack 7

    SHOVEL: Wooden Shovel: Speed 5, Attack 1 (Weakest) Stone Shovel: Speed 6, Attack 2 Iron Shovel: Speed 7, Attack 3

    Diamond Shovel: Speed 8, Attack 4


    Sword and Axes already have them (Hitting multiple entities/ignoring Shields) and sword already have the respective enchantment (Sweeping Edge)

    Axes should have "Shield Bane" where every time you hit a shield you have 33% chance to deal another strike without cool down.

    Pickaxes should have 33% chance of bleeding, it should deal just a little damage (half a heart every 2 secs to avoid copying poison ) but it should prevent healing.

    Shovels should have a 10% chanse to afflict Nausea and with enchantments it should last more for each upgrade.

    Hoes should have 20% chance to ignore armor when hitting.

    Thanks for reading, have a nice time.

    submitted by /u/PakyKun
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    More mob to mob interactions

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 01:01 AM PDT

    Minecraft has a lot of mobs, but there is one thing missing, mob to mob interactions, currently, there are a few mob to mob interactions such as guardians killing squids and foxes running away from wolfs and so on, but there could be more.


    1. phantoms, like the rest of the undead family, should swoop down and kill baby turtles like how seagulls eat baby turtles
    2. guardians should be hostile to everything but other guardians and elder guardians
    3. dolphins kill fish and it renders in their mouths, after a while, the dolphin will eat it.
    4. Mobs in the same category will sometimes "communicate" with each other, just like how villagers talk to each other. For example: Pillagers talk to pillagers and illagers, Nether fortress members (blazes, wither skeletons) communicate to each other
    5. Nether fortress members attack everything that enters their fortress, even other Nether mobs like zombie pigmen
    6. dogs chase away stray cats and ocelots that don't trust you
    7. villager kids sometimes play with player tamed dogs
    8. villager kids are mostly scared of wolves
    9. villager adults shoo away wolves from kids
    10. adult zombies will try to ride random animals, but always fail to control them. When they see a player while they are riding, they will jump off and chase the player
    11. drowned kills fish and chase away dolphins
    12. zombies chase chickens that don't have a rider

    Edit: Changed number 3

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Guns XD

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 03:45 PM PDT

    Clap the noobs and default dance rofl XD lmao fogsywuauxywh wofiebahzywhqusehwhsbhahqvquapapapqpqpi yis gabsbwu

    submitted by /u/DoctorGoondis
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    An easy and efficient way to obtain clay

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 09:37 AM PDT

    At the moment Clay is a very hard resource to gather. You can only get it at the bottom of river beds which is just annoying. I propose replacing the top 2 layers of stone with 2 layers of Clay. This is because in reality Clay is usually an intermediary block and it would make getting Clay much easier. Of course, this wouldn't be in all biomes, only biomes with dirt and no exposed stone meaning it will not be in deserts, mesas, and extreme hills. Thank you for reading :)

    submitted by /u/NAFTAmapper
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    Cursed Ore and Blessed Crystals

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 02:56 PM PDT

    In the nether, a block called Cursed Ore spawns. When mined, it results in 1 cursed crystal, appears in veins of 8 max, and are about as common as diamond. They appear in the inventory as black quartz crystals.

    You can make extremely durable armor and tools from it, even more durable and strong than diamond. However, it comes with a cost. Every time you get hit with cursed armor, you get blindness for 5 seconds and slowness for 10.

    As well as that, for every attack you swing with a cursed sword or every block you break with a cursed tool, you lose 1 health point.

    You can put cursed crystals atop an enchanting table with 5 pieces of lapis lazuli to bless the crystals. Blessed crystals look the same as cursed crystals, but they are a bright sky blue rather than black.

    Armor and tools made from blessed crystals aren't as durable as cursed crystals, but still more durable than diamond.

    Blessed crystals act the opposite way from cursed crystals. Every time you get hit, you're afflicted with night vision for 5 seconds and speed for 10. And every time you deal a critical hit, or mine a rare ore, your health goes up 1 point.

    (Sorry for walls of text, I'm on mobile.)

    submitted by /u/janMekalo
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    Villager (and golem) interaction changes

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 03:22 AM PDT

    Currently, villagers can breed when they are willing, and they get willing if they have enough food in their inventory. Another fact is that villager couples can still breed with others (example: A breeds with B, but A can still breed villager C). And that feels weird.


    Couples Tag:

    Everytime a villager breeds, each of them would receive a tag that is linked to their couple, which means if A breeds with B, A would get a tag that is linked to B and vice versa. This tag prevents villagers from breeding with someone that aren't his / her couple. Using another example: A would still be able to breed with B again, but A won't be able to breed with C

    Children Tag:

    Any kids that were breeded would receive a tag linked to both parents, which means: if A breeds with B=AB, AB would have a tag linked to A and another tag linked to B. Kids sometimes stay with their one of their parents while they are working, and rarely even help them in working.

    Best friends Tag:

    If you look at villager behavior, you would know that children play with other baby villagers. Villagers receive this tag when they play with one specific villager for a while, they would be usually hang out with the villager that hangs out with them the most. Best friends follow each other, if one goes to a library (the house with the most bookshelves) to read, the other would too.

    Hero Tag:

    When a iron golem or player killed a mob that was chasing a villager, there is a chance that the iron golem or you would become their hero. This tag stay even if you die, and can only be removed if your village popularity is below a certain point. A villager would follow there hero around (if they are idle), and you get trade discounts from that one villager.

    They won't follow you outside the village

    Other AI Behaviors


    When a couples tag gets applied to two villagers, they won't make babies instantly. Instead, they would go on "dates", where they stick together and walk along a grass path (or gravel path). They would date for a few days before actually making babies.

    Gossiping (tweeks)

    In the most recent snapshot, villagers will now gossip to each other. If a villager with a couple was hit, the first villager they would spread to news to is to their couple, and then to their child(if A was hit, they would spread the news to B and AB)

    Hanging Out

    There should be three types of this: Play, Read, Meet. In play, they would play by chasing each other; In read, they will go to the building with the most bookshelves, pick up a book and read, a 3D book model, the same one on top of a lectern, would be shown in front of them; In meet, they simply go to one of their parents and watch them work, while sometimes doing work themselves.

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Living armor

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 07:33 PM PDT

    I always thought strongholds were pretty underwhelming overall. Only naturally spawned mobs or Silverfish, yawn. So here's something that decorates the halls and adds a little variety to the game; A living suit of armor that hides itself among armor stands.

    Obviously armor stands don't generate in strongholds, so that would have to be added. Just randomly along the walls is fine. The living armor would look like an armor stand on first glance, except if you look closely there's no wooden bit connecting it to the base. When revealed it simply looks like a player wearing armor under the invisibility effect minus the particles. It typically has a weapon of the same type as it's armor material it uses to attack. (As a side note it won't ever be leather, chainmail or up.)

    If the player stares at it long enough or walks right past it it'll suddenly attack by marching towards the player slowly, making loud clanging sounds. While not very strong, dealing a whopping five hearts of damage regardless of difficulty and being easy to outrun, it has twenty health PLUS the effective armor value of it's respective set.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/LordSaltious
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    Black Quartz

    Posted: 25 Mar 2019 11:45 PM PDT

    This block has the same use as white quartz. It can be used for decoration and building. Black quartz can be found in the Nether aa ruined structures, like ruined villages and towns where villagers once lived. Black quartz also should generate as an ore in the Nether. Alternatively, use a Black dye with Quartz to craft it. Black quartz can be used for End crystal crafting as well.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Cold fire

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 06:02 AM PDT

    This has the texture of fire, but cobalt blue to white, and it does emit light like fire, and it freezes stuff. Use it to freeze water into ice, and anything, like mobs to your desire in their tracks. Don't walk through it or it will freeze you too! Freezing wears off after a couple of seconds. Freezing does not affect fiery enemies like Magma Cubes, bosses like the Wither and Enderdragon (to prevent an easy win). Cold fire also makes arrows shot through it become ice arrows, indicated by an ice coated appearance, which damages and freezes whatever it touches. You can also use cold fire to freeze lava into obsidian. (Creates glowing obsidian in the Nether.) To do cold fire, use an Ice and Steel. This item is made by using 1 ice block and 1 iron ingot, this item does the opposite of the flint and steel. Cold fire will spread just like regular fire. Ice, packed ice and blue ice has cold fire indefinitely if lit.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Shift Click to change tone/pitch of the bell.

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 01:37 AM PDT

    What ever button you use to open a object you can use to change the sound of the bell.

    I say this because I feel like the bell sound should be higher given how small the block is.

    So basically have one tone be high and the another be the tone it is right now.

    submitted by /u/Lb_54
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