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    Minecraft Male Spiders able to crawl on the ceiling.

    Minecraft Male Spiders able to crawl on the ceiling.

    Male Spiders able to crawl on the ceiling.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:14 AM PDT

    It's not much, but I just feel it would make Spiders cooler. Imagine going through a cave, when suddenly a Spider falls from the ceiling. I think it would be pretty cool.

    Edit: Typo in the title, meant to say Make*

    submitted by /u/im_tired123
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    Thirst bar that ISNT reqired to play the game

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 04:13 AM PDT

    We can all agree a thirst bar that goes down until you die would be a bad idea, but what if it was implemenfed a different way?

    Introducing my idea of a thirst bar!

    First off, The thirst bar would not be on the screen at all times, only if you have some of it filled. It would be above the hunger bar in the form of half full water bottles, empty water bottles, and full water bottles.

    There would be nothing that happens when it's empty, but if it is half way full or more, you get a few minor boosts.

    1: saturation goes down 1/3 it's normal speed.

    2: you will go 10% faster while running.

    3: the attack cooldown takes a little less time.

    4: you will be able to mine slightly quicker.

    I think this could be a good addition since it won't cause any negative effects on the player, so they won't have to watch food and water if they don't want to, and the boosts it gives are minor since it would be easy to fill thirst if you want the boosts. (Mabye the speed could be changed to 5%. I don't know how overpowered the extra speed would be considered.)

    submitted by /u/CAAPlayers
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    Blacksmiths have rare chance to have incomplete Iron golems bear their homes, that allow the player to complete, good gossip, or loot, bad gossip.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 08:42 AM PDT

    A bizarre way of obtaining gold

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 12:15 PM PDT

    Just a random thought. Chickens have a very low chance (let's say about .5-1%) of laying a golden egg, which can be dismantled for 1-3 golden nuggets (don't know what's a good amount). I'd understand if people didn't think it was a good idea, since it does seem a bit too fantasy for Minecraft. Hopefully it hasn't been suggested yet.

    submitted by /u/Ph4nt0m_C4t
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    Ravagers drop Ravager horns which can be equipped to a horse to make it destroy the same blocks as a Ravager (Feedback site link in description)

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 03:11 PM PDT

    Figured we needed a better drop than a Saddle, those are pretty easy to find. Also this would be useful for ploughing down leaves while riding through a forest.


    submitted by /u/Camcamcam753
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    Moving Minecarts load chunks

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 06:09 AM PDT

    It's about time right?

    If Mojang are removing current chunk loading then we need an alternative. And this is useful for non technical players too. Like sending items between locations without following it.

    submitted by /u/Xyphon_
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    Fishing loot tables should be based on the lunar cycle

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:55 AM PDT

    AFK fishing is an efficient way to get mending books to jump-start early game productivity, but also problematic for player progression. With the option to fish up any and all enchanted books available after the first night, AFK fishing becomes a more valuable use of time than nearly any other activity in early-game play, while making the enchanting table redundant. The current system encourages players to not play the game in order to progress, which is counter-intuitive, and needs to be reworked.

    Instead of completely removing the benefits of AFK fishing, I think it should be limited in a way that discourages long AFK sessions, but still rewards players for fishing and being in tune with their in-game world. For this reason, I suggest modifying the fishing loot tables so that the enchantments available are only available during specific phases of the lunar cycle.

    With this, each enchantment would obtainable during one or many specific lunar phases. This would allow players to obtain lower-level enchantments regularly, while throttling the rate at which high-level enchantments can be received. For example, Protection I-Protection III might show up during all lunar phases, while Protection VI only appears during the waxing and waning gibbous phases. For players, this would lead to paying more attention to the phases of the moon, and having a predictable window when they should be fishing if they are trying to gather a specific kind of enchantment.

    With the relationship between the moon and earth's oceans, I think it would fit Minecraft's design to implement this sort of system. It is also similar to the system used to determine the spawning frequency of slimes in swamp biomes, which suggests that this change wouldn't require a ton of work to implement into the game.

    submitted by /u/LoneGansel
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    Villagers close their eyes when they sleep

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 02:52 PM PDT

    I know this idea has been said time and time again but I want Mojang to hear us!!! Please upvote if you agree!

    submitted by /u/AlexAtHome
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    Mining Update... plus new NPC (dwarves)?

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 08:36 AM PDT

    I'm taking for granted that the Minecraft Zombies were once healthy minecraft players that, somehow, became undead creatures. They resemble each other, same size, square heads, etc.

    However, minecraft Villagers are different. They have that big, elongated head, and a huge nose. Normal humans aren't like that. They crave for emeralds, not diamonds. They can work but they can't fight. They're definately a different "class" or "species" regard the humans, Steve, and the other players. "We" look for diamonds as our top-tier gem, we explore, fight... they don't, they have different interests.

    THEREFORE, assuming different "classes" in the Minecraft Universe, i think we need a new one.

    Taking into account that "MINEcraft" is a lot about mining, and that the cave exploring, mining and crafting tools and weapons has remained almost untouched since release, I think Mojang could focus on this theme for a future release.

    I'd love to see new kind of villages, underground dwarf towns, where 1 or 1.5 block tall beings live, mine and craft stuff. It could open the doors for new materials to find, new crafting recipees, and a whole new experience mining and relating to other NPCs in the game.

    What do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/indio_bns
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    Motherload Suggestion 5: Layered Coal Deposits

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 03:57 AM PDT

    This is the fifth part of a six part suggestion, for the other parts see:





    Motherload Suggestion 5: Layered Coal Deposits

    Core Idea:

    Large layers of coal would would rarely generate in rainforest and swamp biomes. Not that coal is very hard to come by but it would be consistent with the earlier suggestions ;)

    Main highlights:

    • Generates in swamp and rainforrest biomes
    • Layered character
    • Shallow (in dirt layers)
    • Can be found by VES
    • Rare
    • Coal blocks and coal ore totalling to about 64 coal per chunk the layer expands over

    Picture of concept:


    Thank you for reading :)

    submitted by /u/A_mining_madman
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    Wither Flowers of Different Effects

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 01:21 PM PDT

    Wither flowers can be planted in 1.14, and when stood on or near they give the player the wither effect for a few seconds. It would be great if the player could remove the wither effect of the flower and then replace it with entirely new effects - poison, speed, levitation, blindness, etc. - This would be great for creating mob or player traps and in map-making, such as parkour maps where speed flowers can be used to make the player go faster, or levitation can be used to make new ways of vertical travel.

    Just like the wither effect is black and gives off black particles, the same could be done for different effects.

    submitted by /u/CyriusGaming
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    A horn

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 03:20 PM PDT

    A horn item the player can sound and switch between some tones, it can be made of iron or gold.

    submitted by /u/CIARRAPUNGI
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    Allow using scoreboard values as indexes in NBT paths

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 08:09 AM PDT

    For example, if the scoreboard objective index would be set to 2 and there's a book in the player's last hotbar slot, the following command would return the third page:

    /data get entity @p Inventory[8].tag.pages[score_index]

    I guess it might be necessary to specify the player whose score is used (instead of using the one from the current context), for example, by specifying score_name@target_selector:

    /data get entity @p Inventory[8].tag.pages[score_index@p]

    It would allow us to easily loop over each element of a list.

    submitted by /u/motleybook
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    Oasis sub-biome spawns in deserts

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 07:48 AM PDT

    Golden Nuggets in Badlands...

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 02:43 AM PDT

    Have you heard of Golden Nuggets in The Wild West? Now you can get Golden Nuggets in the Badlands via fishing for one and they have a 2.5% Chance to be caught as treasure

    submitted by /u/CreeperCraftTNT
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    The option to edit flat worlds.

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 11:02 AM PDT

    It's something that I've been wanting for a while and miss. I used to play on PC but play on Xbox now (mostly because my PC broke) and would like to see it back.

    submitted by /u/spuddude7
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    let creepers wear helmets

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 09:33 PM PDT

    i want creepers to wear helmets cuz y not. it'd make a nice feature in my opinion. u could do the same with other mobs

    submitted by /u/RABALA
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    Clay should be craftable from dirt, by combining dirt blocks and a bucket of water

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 10:27 AM PDT

    It's kind of hard to obtain clay if you don't have respiration and aqua affinity enchantments. Also, I'm just tired of having dirt pile up in my inventory. It's a relatively ugly building material, and there's not much you can craft with it.

    submitted by /u/danformal
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    A use for rotten flesh

    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 09:07 AM PDT

    As of now when you get rotten flesh in the game it doesn't really do anything and wastes lots of storage space. That is why I propose the addition of a rotten flesh block crafted from 9 rotten flesh. It would look similar to netherack, but it would be more brownish with green spots like normal rotten flesh. One of the biggest uses of this block is that when it is smelted in a furnace it becomes netherack. This is important because it provides a renewable way of obtaining netherack and nether brick and gives a reason to make zombie mob farms

    Thank you for reading :)

    submitted by /u/NAFTAmapper
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    Shield Exclusive Enchantments

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 05:01 PM PDT

    Since the shield only can receive unbreaking and mending as enchantments, some new ones are long overdue.

    1) Batter I, Batter lI and batter III - Batter causes a slight knockback and damage of opponents by sprinting into them with your shield.

    The second level of batter slightly increases the damage and knockback it causes.

    The third level gains a slight boost in damage, not knockback but it does hower give the ability to break a block by running into it.

    How much in a row it can break depends on how sturdy the block is. So for example it can break alot more sand blocks in a row than it can break sandstone blocks.

    Breaking blocks with your shield hower saps quite a bit of shield health, so use it in moderation. Also the fact that batter can't be combined with unbreaking is important to note.

    2) Heavy Metal - This enchantment triples the speed you fall to the ground or sink in water.

    Swimming up takes longer also. So in this case it's best to unequip the shield then or have a trident with you or have the dolphins grace effect.

    Heavy metal shields also completely ignores the effects of levitate. So as long as you have this equipped, Shulkers have nothing on you.

    Falling onto mobs with a heavy metal shield also causes damage to them.

    3) Spirit coating - Undead mobs (except if in water, the wither or wither skeletons) catch fire if they come into contact with your shield.

    Spirit coated shields also give of a slight radiant glow in the dark. That way you don't have to place torches in caves. Though torches are still brighter than spirit coating.

    Spirit coating can't be combined with battering.

    I put alot of effort in this post, so feedback is welcome ;)

    submitted by /u/afoxfromthepast
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    Posted: 27 Mar 2019 05:38 AM PDT

    You could change an entity's size to small (minimum size 1, Maximum size 50

    submitted by /u/deaflittleboy
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    Set world spawn command

    Posted: 26 Mar 2019 08:50 PM PDT

    Can we please make this command not a cheat? I have a long standing realm and as so we have moved across the world many times.. we do have nether portals set up but it still makes it hard for new players to jump right into where we are now.

    submitted by /u/Illix88
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