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    Minecraft Blocked Chests should have a failed opening animation & sound effect

    Minecraft Blocked Chests should have a failed opening animation & sound effect

    Blocked Chests should have a failed opening animation & sound effect

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 07:23 AM PDT

    When a chest is blocked by something, like a block above it, it should play a failed opening animation and play a sound, like "clunk"

    Vote this suggestion on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    If you press F1 two times, you'll hide the hud, but not your arms

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 07:12 AM PDT

    It would be nice to play with a little bit more realism by being able to see what you're holding but not the hud elements

    submitted by /u/Frankaos333
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    New Potion/Effect Idea: Vulnerability (repost because not enough elaboration)

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 07:14 AM PDT

    (This is a repost, but I think this will be a better repost)

    Most potion effects have pairs, like Regeneration and Poison, Haste and Mining Fatigue, Luck and Bad Luck, and so on. I noticed that Resistance doesn't have any counter effect, so I called it Vulnerability. Vulnerability is the opposite of Resistance, so the higher tier the effect, the more damage you take each fall. I thought that this was an amazing idea, making things like the Don't Take Damage things a lot easier to program. Map making can take a whole new route of things to make, like in an adventure map or something like that, if the player has an injury, he could take more damage per hit.

    I think the icon for Vulnerability should be a broken shield. Resistance has a normal shield to represent not taking damage, so Vulnerability has to have a sign of vulnerability: a broken shield.

    submitted by /u/PloopyGod84
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    Large clusters of ice generate in caves that are inside cold biomes

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    TL;DR - Large clusters of ice/packed ice generate holding common/uncommon items and mobs. They also often lead into other generated structures such as mineshafts and dungeons.


    These clusters of ice would generate inside caves in all cold/snowy biomes (with a higher chance in snowy biomes). They would have a high chance of generating in front of exposed entrances to other naturally generated structures underground (think abandoned mineshafts, dungeons, strongholds even). However, this wouldn't always be the case. Sometimes they'd simply lead into a corner/dead end.


    Inside the ice clusters themselves there wouldn't be much loot of interest. Some ice blocks would have common/uncommon items trapped within them: things like rotten flesh, bones, arrows, iron/gold nuggets (maybe occasionally an ingot), wood/stone tools... When the block of ice was broken, these items would pop out like ores.

    Inside this ice, however, there would also be mobs - mostly Strays to fit in with the theme of ice (and to give Strays another way to spawn), although maybe there could be other mobs like zombies and spiders too. I also think it would be cool if bats also spawned frozen inside the ice.

    Of course, the main point of interest of digging through these ice patches would be to see if there was a structure at the other side. I think with relatively high odds of this being the case, this could be quite a fun addition - with the challenge of dealing with a few Strays, plus the reward of a little loot even if you don't end up finding something cool at the other end.

    submitted by /u/clockingme
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    Abandoned campfires

    Posted: 06 Apr 2019 08:22 PM PDT

    You could stumble upon an abandoned campfire with a log or two for seating, the fire would be out and there maybe would be a barrel with a little loot.

    submitted by /u/BeanyEcho
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    Killed the Enderdragon. Oh, I get an egg...

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 02:52 PM PDT

    When you kill the Enderdragon, the credits show signifying the "end" of your adventure. In my opinion, killing the Enderdragon should cause more effects onto the world.
    So we probably have heard of the idea of "turning Endermens eyes back to green when the Enderdragon is dead." While I feel like this idea would be good, it needs more substance.
    So after saving the village from a raid, you would get "Hero of the village" for a few in-game days.
    So, I think that once you kill the Enderdragon, you would get the effect "Dragon Ender."
    It would be a bit like "Hero of the village." Where Endermen would trust you more for a few in-game days. They would probably give you their blocks, and not attack you if you look at them. But, if you punch an Enderman, the effect wears off. You could only get this effect again by killing another Enderdragon.

    submitted by /u/mootyy
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    Bed for the player that villagers won't claim

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 02:07 PM PDT

    Context: In the latest snapshot and future release, villages are now defined by beds, not doors, and villagers sleep on the beds. If you have two villagers with enough food in their inventory, they will attempt to breed in the morning and in the evening. While there are only enough beds for the existing villagers, they will fail to breed, but as soon as you put down a new bed, a baby will be born.

    My issue: if I want to live in the village and have my own house with my bed, villagers will breed an unwanted baby that will have no bed. This is not a huge problem but it bothers me to have a homeless, wandering village roaming the streets at night. As it is now, I have to destroy my bed every morning.

    My suggestion: if the player uses a bed (sleeps on it at night), that bed will become invalid for villager breeding purposes, it will not count as a village bed and villagers will not try to fill it up with a new baby.

    Here is the feedback post I created in case you agree and want to vote it.

    submitted by /u/LaMoyra
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    A challenge advancement for successfully clearing a raid.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 11:03 AM PDT

    The advancement could be found in the Adventure Tab.

    • Advancement Name: The Village Hero.
    • Advancement Type: Challenge.
    • Reward: 50 Experience.
    • In-Game Description: Successfully defend a village from a raid.
    • Requirements: Have the Hero of the Village effect applied.
    • Parent: What a Deal! - after the advancement, there could be a split in the path, splitting to Hired Help, and The Village Hero.
    • Internal ID: minecraft:story/hero_of_the_village

    I just think there should be an advancement for completing a raid. - Its rewarding to have an achievement which displays your efforts. - Not only is it rewarding, it lets players know that raids are a thing in the game, if they are following the advancement trees. - But honestly I just want something to permanently be there to remind me of the struggle of defending a village from a raid. :)

    !! Vote on the feedback website !! - https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043043771-A-challenge-advancement-for-successfully-clearing-a-raid-

    submitted by /u/RossTMK
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    Parrots should be breedable

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 10:44 AM PDT

    All other tamable mobs (Horses, dogs, llamas, cats) can be breed, I just don't understand why parrots can't. They take hours to find in jungles, and they can die very easily.

    submitted by /u/Chicken_McFly_
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    My suggestions to potentially improve combat all-together

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    Okay, I know everyone has suggestions for combat, but I think these might actually be closest to pleasing everyone (those who want faster combat, and those who want combat that requires more skill to be effective in). I don't expect all these suggestions to make the cut, but I do think they're good enough to post. I hope someone at Mojang sees these, and agrees that these could be good.

    General Changes:

    • Speed up the weapon cooldowns on some of the lighter weapons. While I'm fine with the slower combat, I do think it needs to be sped up a bit if we want to please those who liked the older combat system.
    • Buff golden armour and tools. Maybe make it so that it can get levels of enchantments that aren't normally possible, such as Sharpness 8, or Protection 6, or Unbreaking 10. Variety is good in the end game. Don't leave it at "diamond everything is the best solution".
    • Bring back Enchanted Golden Apples as something you can make, but instead of using gold, it needs to be using an Enchantment Table. Maybe 30, or if possible, 40+ levels in order to make one. However, nerf its regen to be Regeneration 1, but lasts longer than the base Golden Apple.
    • Gamerule to bring back legacy combat. I know there are some people that will never get over the fact that they can't swing their sword as fast as they can click anymore, so for them, just give them this one thing. I know it's not as simple as a lot of people think it is, but it's also not ridiculously difficult.

    Sword Changes:

    • Bring back the right click usage for swords, BUT instead of blocking, they can be used to parry swings from other weapons. They would reduce the damage taken by 20%, but would let you deal an attack roughly 50% of your normal damage to whoever attacked you. This would, of course, need to be timed well. Players couldn't just hold down right click and get free parries against those attacking them.

    Axe Changes:

    • Make axes feel stronger than they do right now. Maybe have them always play the Critical Hit sound whenever you hit someone with them, or maybe give them increased knockback. Give them weight to their swings.

    Shield Changes:

    Alright, gonna just put a note here: these are the changes I think are going to upset the most people. So many people jump to the shield's aid, despite being so brokenly OP.

    • Have it be less effective against piercing weapons (i.e. the Bow, Crossbow, and Trident). Bouncing arrows back at enemies is kind of annoying to deal with, because people will just slowly advance on you if you're firing one. Maybe deal increased damage to the shield, until it's at a certain durability, and then have the piercing weapons deal a portion of their damage to the person behind the shield.
    • Decrease its hitbox. It's way too big. It makes it almost impossible to kill someone using one, if they're backed into a corner.
    • Decrease its durability. It's effectively an extra healthpool of 337 HP. That would put the player at more than the Ender Dragon, just without the flight and ranged magic balls. And all it costs is 6 Wooden Planks, and an Iron Ingot.
    • Remove its ability to block explosions (including those from Fireworks). If Fireworks are to be viable, they need to have a good counter, due to how expensive they are to make, with little payoff in terms of damage.

    Bow/Crossbow Changes:

    • Headshots. Plain and simple, the ability to headshot entities. I know this one has been suggested before, but I think this would encourage the use of Bows/Crossbows more, and discourage turtling. Maybe have it do x2 damage. (Ideally this wouldn't be exclusive to EntityArrow, and would actually be applicable to any entity, if a boolean is set to true for that entity).

    Potion Changes:

    • Bring back the old Strength potion. I do think that Strength was really powerful back in the day, but it's now been nerfed to the point there isn't much reason to use it, or any potions really. Outside of people like myself who do things that are unconventional for the sake of not doing what everyone else does, potions are rarely used anymore. Maybe make the Strength Potion increase your damage by +50% to +75% instead of +130%.
    • Sneak attacks with Invisibility potions. If a player is invisible, and the player is not within a 180 degrees area from the direction their target is looking, then the player should be able to deal a sneak attack (maybe x2.5-x4 damage). Upon successful sneak attack, the player's invisibility potion would wear off. This would apply to melee only, though, as combined with Bow + Headshot, it would be quite OP.

    Fishing Rod/Snowball/Egg Changes:

    • Let them hurt players again. Make them do 0 damage, and not hurt armour or shields, but let us be able to use them to trip up players again.
    • This one is for Fishing Rods specifically: let us reel in players, like we can other entities. Consistency is important, and it would cut off the Infinite Fishing Rod cheese that was commonly used to trip players up. This would let us catch people who are running, and reel them back in slightly.
    • Also for Fishing Rods: damage the rod more for larger entities. Fish and such would only do 1 damage, but for bigger entities, like creepers, zombies, players, and such it would do 5 damage, or something like that.

    Again, I know this is a lot of stuff, but I hope Mojang considers it. I think there's a good chance this would make the majority on both sides happy, and could finally put the fiasco that was 1.9 in the ground once and for all.

    submitted by /u/Inazuma261
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    Other players, Wolves and Cats Can ride with you on the back of your horse.

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 05:43 AM PDT

    Other players, Wolves and Cats Can ride with you on the back of your horse.

    The only potential problem i see is in Pvp your enemy could just jump behind you and kill you on your horse, therefor i propose there to be a button in the horse menu that switches whether the horse allows a second entity on its back, by default this is off.

    submitted by /u/ch3zter
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    Lingering potion clouds & Ender Dragon acid particles should make bubbling sounds

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 07:14 AM PDT

    The lingering potion clouds / particles should make bubbling sounds. They are currently completely silent.

    This would also improve the Ender Dragon fight, since you can actually hear the lingering end acid clouds, and allow you to avoid them better.

    Also vote on feedback.minecraft if you like the idea!

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    A SOLUTION to the problem of Cubic Chunks: A compromise between current chunks and cubic ones: Rectangular Prism Chunks!!

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 04:13 PM PDT

    Note: If anyone thinks this suggestion is good, then post it on the Minecraft feedback site. Also say it in the comments to prevent this from being posted multiple times. This is so it only goes there if it is actually good. and I don't know how to access the site

    Ahh, cubic chunks. This controversial topic has spawned much debate among Minecraft players. Some propose that it would be great to have infinite worlds, and that it would add much content. However, there is one sticky little problem: lighting. For those who don't know, chunks are 16x256x16 areas of a minecraft world that are loaded and unloaded around the player. Cubic chunks are the concept of them being not 256 blocks high but 16 blocks high. This would remove the height limit because not every block in every chunk would have to be loaded at once: the lighting problem is that in something like a very high ceiling, for example, sunlight would be able to shine through the unloaded ceiling.

    To solve that, I propose: Rectangular Chunks, or more accurately, rectangular prism chunks.

    These would be 16x64x16 and would have a customizable scale to how many are loaded from the one you are in, ex: 1 above and below, 2, 3, etc. However, the loaded chunks area would not be shaped like an Octahedron, but rather a Rectangular Prism. In other words, the loaded area would stay the same shape as the current one.

    Now for the solution for the lighting problem:

    As you can change the size of the loaded area, if for some reason you wanted to build a huge building, just increase the limit of size. The entire area currently able to be loaded could be loaded with this system. The possibilities are expansive for use of this: Aether-esque floating islands thousands of blocks up that cast no shadows due to unloading, secret bases in the bowels of the earth and kilometers in the air, and even more possibilities for modders to use. The chunks don't even really have to be rectangular, as long as there is a way to have a rectangular prism shaped loading area and editable height preferences, everyone has exactly what they want. Height limits and bedrock levels can be decided by servers or made during world creation. In all, rectangular chunks would definitely be a benefit to Minecraft.

    submitted by /u/AllTheThings0of
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    Customizable HUD

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 07:42 AM PDT

    We should be able to change the hud to our liking, but not to anything that has more elements than the normal hud, though you should be allowed to remove elements. The ability to more elements like health, armor, and more to either preselected locations or a custom location. Another thing that would be nice is the way elements are displayed, like health being a number, or a big single scale able heart. There are plenty of options to allow one to view the game in their own way.

    submitted by /u/carefreeDesigner
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    Add Dog Whistles to control dogs easier in groups.

    Posted: 06 Apr 2019 09:47 PM PDT


    A dog whistle is an item that could be created via crafting table. The recipe would have 4 gold and a note block.

    Gold Gold []

    Gold NoteBlock []

    [] [] Gold

    Item cannot break. Item doesn't deal extra damage. Item cannot be stacked.

    This item will have multiple uses, as of now controlling dogs in groups of 5 or more can be a little difficult. This would allow grouping of multiple dogs easier and faster.

    When item is being used it's radius is 16 blocks. Depending on how far away the dog is and it's health, dogs have a chance to ignore or not hear the command.

    If more than 8 blocks, dogs will have an 20% of ignoring the command that goes up by 5% every block (ignoring 60% of the time at max range). When at 1 health it will be at 50% of ignoring and increasing by 5% every block (ignoring 90% of the time at max range.)

    Commands will be shown here.

    Right clicking in the air will get all dogs to sit up if sitting and come to you. Dogs standing will come to you.

    Right clicking a block will get all dogs to sit up and go to the block (will stop trying once with in 3 blocks). Dogs standing will go to the block.

    Double right clicking in a quick manner in the air will get all dogs to sit. Sitting dogs stay seated.

    Double right clicking a block in a quick manner will get all dogs to go to the block and sit (will stop trying once with in 3 blocks). Dogs sitting down will stand up and sit in the new location.

    Right clicking a mob (range is 20 blocks) will get all dogs to attack that mob. All dogs sitting down will stand up and join. If the mob is unreachable, tamed, or a creeper, dogs will ignore the command.

    Double right clicking a mob (range is 20 blocks ) will get all dogs to kill that mob type with in a 10 block radius of the mob targeted. If the mob is unreachable, tamed, or a creeper, dogs will ignore the command.

    Dogs will have to receive new and extensive AI in order to have the whistle work, hence the flair.

    I also thought of enchantments for the whistle, granted there is quite a few to do. So I'll throw all my wacky ideas here too.

    Roaring: Goes up to 3. Increases blocks for dogs to be in attention by 2. This decreases dogs ignoring max range to the new max range.

    Trust: Goes up to 2. Dogs that have a chance to ignore a command have that chance sliced in half and then 25%.

    Soothing: Goes up to 1. When dogs are whistled to go to the player (not directed at mobs or a specific block) negative effects (fire, negative potion effects, healing?) will be removed.

    Domestication: Goes up to 1. Wild wolfs might be tamed if the whistle is used with in their reach. It only works if you have a dog follow the command. More dogs gives higher chances.

    Unearthing: Goes up to 3. When dogs are directed at a certain block, if the block is a top soil block (grass, dirt, podzol, sand, gravel) they have a chance to uncover fish food, seeds, bones, flowers, or non meat food. The chance of them finding an item is increased by level, if there is tall/short grass (non-block), Flowers, and the block type. Directed sitting has the same chance as directed standing.

    Other info:

    The whistle cannot be used underwater, or in lava.

    Using the whistle near hostile mobs has a chance to attract them (unless they are deaf).

    Using a right click intractable block whilst holding the whistle will prioritize the block. Shift clicking on one uses the whistle.


    Whistle that can be crafted to control dogs.

    Depending how how you right click and what you right click with, dogs will do specific actions.

    Dogs that are farther away, and dogs with lesser health have a chance of ignoring the whistle.

    There are enchantments for the whistle.

    Thank you for taking your time to read! Any suggestions are welcomed and highly requested. If you have any questions also feel free to ask.

    submitted by /u/The__Inventor
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    Sleep through night without setting spawn with campfires

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 02:21 PM PDT

    I believe campfires need a usage and this would be the best idea. You should be able to sleep at campfires without setting spawn. This would be extremely useful for maps.

    submitted by /u/Megalomatank030
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    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 01:34 PM PDT


    I know what you're thinking, I understand that Entelodonts are extinct, but Minecraft is not a realistic game, so why not implementing Entelodons in Minecraft?

    Entelodons would spawn naturally in Plains, Savannas, or Mesas either alone or in groups from 2 individuals or up to around 9 in an area, depending on the amount of livestock being around. These beasts have the same amount of health as horses and would be 2.5 blocks talk and about 3 blocks long, almost the size of a horse, but unlike livestock, these animals would be hostile (since they're already extinct for millions of years, so it's ok to make them hostile, but not monsters since Entelodons were animals and not monsters), and would inherently attack livestock and players that are within 10 block radius. When killed, Entelodons could drop Entelodon Skin, which could be used to craft saddles, zombie heads (by crafting Skeleton Head with Entelodon skin), and/or something useful not from Minecraft (yet).

    submitted by /u/DinoLover42
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    An auto-engage enchantment for elytra

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 01:31 AM PDT

    Not sure what it should be called, but it should engage the elytra automatically after the wearer has fallen five (or so) blocks.

    submitted by /u/yetanothermonkey
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    New Potion/Effect Idea: Vulnerability

    Posted: 06 Apr 2019 07:58 PM PDT

    Many potion types have their opposite, like Regeneration and Poison, Strength and Weakness, and Saturation and Hunger. I believe there should be a pair for Resistance, called Vulnerability. If you have it, it makes it so that it makes you take more damage than before.

    submitted by /u/PloopyGod84
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    A new update to the paintings

    Posted: 06 Apr 2019 04:20 PM PDT

    This really isn't that big of an update or that important, but I came up with the idea of a painting update. Make the new crafting receipt for paintings one leather surrounded by dyes(instead if one leather surrounded by sticks). Depending on the dyes you surrounded your painting with, it comes out with different paintings. This makes it so you can easily get your most wanted painting and re-placing one Pau to g to change it isn't realistic. Also make more paintings.

    submitted by /u/killerhaunter983
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    Mob duos

    Posted: 06 Apr 2019 10:49 PM PDT

    In my opinion minecraft mob fighting is to easy, I had this idea when I witnessed a natural spawning pigmen jockey and this was a harder fight and enjoyable,

    I feel mc needs more of this as such this could apply for...

    -Enderman with shulkers For a deadly combo of levitation and faster teleporting

    -witches and slimes For faster mobility and new fear of the usually casual swamps

    -drowned and dolphins For water superiority and very deadly combo with tridents

    -many more combinations that are atleast reasonable unlike creepers and parrots

    How this would work?

    I would like this to work like the system already just way more common closer to 1/40 of the time

    But anyway debate this in the comments and I will respond

    submitted by /u/pixlexGaming
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 06 Apr 2019 05:45 PM PDT

    Small holes in the sides of small mounds that foxes would generally stay and live by, it would be small and mobs that have a 1x1 block size would be able to fit in, and would have a custom mound, I dont know if it should be a structure or what but this would be neat.

    submitted by /u/BeanyEcho
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    Changes to the /weather command

    Posted: 07 Apr 2019 12:55 AM PDT

    Currently, the 3 weather options are /weather clear, /weather rain, and /weather thunder. But, for example, in deserts, rain looks like overcast, and in snowy biomes, it looks like snow.

    With the new weather command, there would be two options: /weather global <weather type> which would change the weather everywhere (but, for example, deserts would only become overcast), and /weather definite <x1> <z1> <x2> <z2> <weather type> which would set every block in the specified coordinates to all switch to the specified weather.

    Here is an edited list of all the weather types: * clear * overcast * foggy * rain * snow * thunder

    When weather happens naturally, it works like the global weather command.

    submitted by /u/doogawa2
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