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    Minecraft Make it so Parrots get off your shoulder when crouching not jumping or falling.

    Minecraft Make it so Parrots get off your shoulder when crouching not jumping or falling.

    Make it so Parrots get off your shoulder when crouching not jumping or falling.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:01 AM PDT

    Title says it all. Parrots are incredibly slow and in most worlds Jungles are very far away from spawn. The Fastest way to move parrots is by having them on your shoulder but considering the Jungle is one of the most uneven terrains in Minecraft your constantly jumping and dropping which remove the parrots from your shoulders. They should make it so Parrots get off your shoulder when crouching so it's not as inconvenient to get them back to your base.

    submitted by /u/Inter_Rodeo
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    Grindstones Should Be Able To Transfer Enchantments

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:18 AM PDT

    Grindstones Should Be Able To Transfer Enchantments

    I posted this idea on the Feedback Site, but when I updated it with images some absolute piece of garbage of a moderator took it down for no given reason; not just didn't let me update it, but straight up took it down- so I'm putting it here now.

    When grindstones were added, they were made to replace inventory tool repair as well as get experience back when loosing an item's enchantments. However, due to player backlash, inventory tool repair was once again made possible. They still have a use of disenchanting items, but I think they could have another use: transferring enchantments.

    I think this could be a useful mechanic as we hate it when we come across crappy gear like leather armor in a shipwreck or gold tools in a ruined portal with decent or better enchantments; it is also helpful for better loot if, for example, you fine a sharpness V diamond ax in an end city, and want it on your sword.

    As you can see in the images, transferring enchantments from tools to books transfers all the enchantments, while transferring enchantments from books to books transfers one at a time, from the highest listed to the lowest listed. These two transferring mechanics make transferring enchantments from books to tools and tools to tools redundant, as anvils can be used to re-add enchantments taken off while trying to take off a certain one. And while yes, that would cost a lot of experience to re-add enchantments via an anvil, this is a pretty powerful mechanic, and as such would cost a lot of experience; as a side note, transferring enchantments with a grindstone would mean the player does not get any experience back, and in some cases might even cost the player experience. Curses (of binding, of vanishing, or any others that may be added in the future) could not be transferred.

    Let me know what you think of my idea, if you have anything to add or have questions about, or anything else; thank you!

    Transferring enchantments from tools to books.

    Transferring enchantments from books to books.

    submitted by /u/trainsrbest
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    Sharpness should act like efficiency on cobwebs

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:15 PM PDT

    This makes sense as a sharper sword would cut threw webs quicker then a normal sword and would make cobwebs less annoying.

    submitted by /u/Portinport
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    The Ender Update: A dimencion with it own rules (new mobs, bosses, gear and biomes)

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:23 PM PDT

    The Ender Update: A dimencion with it own rules (new mobs, bosses, gear and biomes)

    The End is a empity and stressful dimencion, I have some ideas, hope these inspire you to do a great update, your work in nether was amazing and I wanted to do my bit in this post. I don't use the feedback page because it has too few characters for what I'm trying to explain.

    The sky at the end looks like a television with no signal, so I thought it must be a place where the rules of physics must be broken, full of mythical and dangerous creatures, a real challenge for those who go very far, and where new players are surprised that the rules are different.


    To start with, some things should change here:

    -The water shouldn't exist in End, when you cross the portal this should "get dirty" with the orange moss that exists there, the flowing should be shorter and it is not harmful to endermans, but you get hungry when you touch it.

    -Fire visually changes in this dimension, to make it more epic (looks like picture bellow)

    End Fire and Orange Mossy Water

    -Endermans must break the boats when they are trapped in them.

    -Totems of undying are activated in the void, they are extra decisive seconds.

    -More useful invisibility positions, which make firing mobs (such as skeletons) miss

    their shots, and when a normal mob notices the presence of the player it is more difficult to hit him,

    and they lose their anger if you walk away.

    -The important structures have unique chests (in all dimensions), to be part of the loot, and the only way to craft them is by using one of those chests and surrounding it with different materials in crafting table (depending on the material from which the chest is made) in the same way that banners are copied.

    -All redstone blocks will be activated in End, always energized (except for TNT).

    (It is a random idea; but some mobs should died in end, and other being agressive, like villagers)

    Changes in Dragon's Battle:

    I would also like the battle against the dragon to have more meaning, it is silly to see how after destroying the crystals it flies towards the center without any reason, I think that the center structure should be a source of a pink liquid , which damages the player like lava and heals slowly the dragon, this fountain is buried in endstone, then the dragon goes there to dig and regenerate itself.

    When she's there, can be attacked, but she's going to defend herself with wings or tail, to see when she's going to attack, and not just by something random like her invisible hitbox.

    New Biomes!

    End Deserts

    -The current generation in the End

    -This biome has mist on the surface of the island, which makes it difficult to see (like the 3D clouds of the overworld, but they are not deactivatable)

    -End Cityes and Towers will spawn here.

    Consept of Towers, fairys, new return portal, and Petrified Elytras

    -On EndCity's Ships the item frame will be replaced by the "petrified elytras" block, which drops an Elytra when it is broken

    -Towers: is a new structure (very similar to the dragon towers) which spawn with fairys, and has obsidian pillars as decoration.

    -Fairy: a flying creature that causes the regeneration effect to any nearby entity. When the fairy is dying it turns its color paler, if you give it a tear of gasth when it is weak it transforms into a crystal end and becomes an item. If you kill them will explode like an end Cristal. (This is the only way to get End crystals now)

    -the return portal and obsidian towers are decorated with bedrock pillars and obsidian, they are still indestructible, but they are prettier. The portal had End rods after killing the dragon.

    -Pools and waterfalls of liquid dragon breath will be generated (this is the liquid that emanated from the return portal before the death of the dragon)

    -Cloudy mob: It is a creature that flies in all the heights of the End, leaving blocks of cloud in its path, which vanish over time, when it takes damage it forms a larger cluster of clouds. these blocks cushion the fall.

    Next Biome!

    Chorus Jungle (All you see imagine it full, it is a jungle, but I did not dub more)

    -It has a generation by islands that are superimposed by layers or as plateaus, and it has unions like stalactites. it is a very dark place.

    -It is a jungle of chorus trees, composed of chorus logs and the blocks that already we know in the treetop, many are generated, as well as to walk on them.

    -Here spawn EndCitys and Towers

    -It is a biome full of orange moss and mossy waterfalls. tall mosses grow here, when it's broken drop mossy sticks, which are crafted into mossy planks, with which a mossy log is made.

    Description of Mossywood crafting

    -There are blocks of smoking endstone, when a liquid is on them they make the player fly just like a geyser does.

    -New mob: the Sealkers, they live camouflaged in the trees, and they attack everything except rascals, their spitting causes blindness.

    -**New mob: the Rascals,**These little creatures only attack the player when he does not see them, and they flee at eye contact, some usually take the Sealkers to shoot the player, and when he has the blind effect, all the Rascals attack without fear.

    -This biome is the onlyone where the redstone works normally.

    -Some blocks explode here, especially the hottest ones.

    The Rascals and Sealkers

    Next Biome...

    Ungravity Islands

    -The generation is chaotic, with islands of all shapes and sizes scattered at all heights.

    -In this biome, gravity does not exist, the player moves as if he were swimming, it is difficult to pick up speed and more difficult to change direction, the items float and stay in the air, the walking mobs move towards where they look, and it is difficult for them to change direction. Every projectile goes in a straight line.

    -When leaving the allowed vertical coordinates, gravity works as usual.

    -Only towers spawn.

    -Spiky Vines grow everywhere, they hurt when climbing, and they grow in all directions, only in this biome, elsewhere they grow downward, and only 3 blocks to the sides.

    -Dragon Fruit is generated very rarely, which is used to increase a potion level in a brewing stand, or eat it to restore some strange effect.

    -Vetras (new flying mob) appear here, it moves freely, in all directions and heights, if it leaves the islands it flies low (as if it were walking with slow falling) They attack by biting when the player is close, but lose interest if he gets too far away. Don't drop anything.

    One more use for Bane of Anthropods

    -Alpha Vetras: they are bigger and rarer, when they attack they make a very annoying noise that causes damage in the area crossing blocks, when they die they throw off the essence of vetras and rarely their exoskeleton. spawn in Vetra's Nest.

    -Vetra's Nest, a giant structure made of blocks of vetra essence, is a giant maze, in the center the walls are nest blocks, which when breaking it appears vetras. The more blocks a player breaks, the more vetras will come out per block.

    -Vetras' exoskeleton is used to make a Sticky Helmet, which is used to stick to the ceiling, and to collect shulker projectiles, a few can save the player when he falls into the void, with their levitation effect. Also the fairies follow you with the helmet on, because they like the essence of Vetras.

    And the last Biome:

    Obsidian Wastelands

    -It is only generated in very high coordinates, at least 8000.

    -The generation is a mixture of common Obsidian, green obsidian (like the enderchest) and green crystals, here the crystals forming large mountains, bridges and stalactites, this block has a shading and lighting like the grass path block (changes how and how many are placed)

    -Gravity is much higher in this biome, you cannot jump a block without jump positions, you do a lot of damage by falling (with slow falling positions it is like having normal gravity) hunger goes down faster, projectiles fall fast, the vetras die because they cannot fly.

    -In this biome there are Chrysolite ores, a crystalline mineral, which is used to make transparent armor and which does not see the shine of enchantments, and has a greater protection than iron (this particularity is to be able to see the skins More in detail). When the player drinks an invisibility position the armor is seen while still, but while in motion it becomes invisible. This armor is also found in the end citys, replacing the diamond things.

    -With the chrysolite you can make an artifact with the lodestone that is used to attract items when you hold it in hand.

    -Obsidian Things: They are the most common mobs, they have a lot of health and do a lot of damage, very similar to golems.

    -Screws: they are spinning all the time, a creature a little smaller than the player, which in addition to hitting very fast, chops blocks as fast as the player, and if it is on fire it burns you like a zombie.

    -Here is the only place the "Obsidian Orbis" appears, a colossal structure made of Bedrock's decorative variants, its entrance is a free fall at the top of the structure and has two huge floors with 8 aisles, the four upper aisles are full of chest and rewarding loot, and those below each have a piece of mythical armor, when they get all four, The Oblivion awakens, and the entrance is closed with blocks.

    The mythical armor is a concept of something very valuable and useful, I have weighed that each piece can give an ability, such as climbing blocks like a spider, a jump impulse that can be accumulated to jump very high, a zoom vision in the helmet with a key,or give you the ability to put blocks in the air, or increase your range of reach... and of course, a very big protection. Maybe the only armor compatible with elytras? Sound like a mod?

    Obsidian Orvis

    The Oblovion

    It is the final boss of the end, it is located in the center of the obsidian orbis, in a chamber with a 3x3 formation of huge blocks (10x10 each block) with bridges between them. Before waking up, he causes inside the Obsidian Orbis every time a block is put, after a few seconds it will be "carved" by The Oblivion and a flying larva made of the block's material will appear, and it will be as resistant as the block and attack the player (this will always be done, awake or not).

    Consept of The Oblivion figth.

    When The Oblivion wakes up it will close all the exits in blocks, and it will attack the player in different ways; hitting him with their hands, firing a destructive beam of light, or summoning explosive crystals on almost all platforms, then the player has to search where there are no explosives to evade attack.

    But the main ability is to make the player lose movements, every time they will be blocked, skills such as running, not being able to attack or break (left click), lose the second hand, lose the hunger bar (you are dying of opening, but you cannot eat or drink), not being able to scroll the hotbar, some things falling out of the inventory, reversal of controls, in short, handicaps.

    The Oblivion will move everywhere, when it becomes a block it is invulnerable to all damage, and that is when it can go through blocks to move where it wants.

    The Reward:

    When defeating it, will drop an object with a greenish glow, called "remember" when it is fused with a weapon it turns with that green glow, and that object will remain with the player even if he dies and respawn.


    Well if you are here thanks for reading, I was planning this between three months, I really hope some of my ideas will inspire the Mojang team in some way.

    submitted by /u/BassuTales
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    What effects would other inverted potions have?

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    Fire resistance + fermented spider eye = potion of combustion (sets players and mobs on fire)

    Leaping + fermented spider eye = potion of shackling (you cannot jump)

    Water breathing + fermented spider eye = potion of drowning (air depletes faster underwater)

    Water bottle + fermented spider eye = alchohol(of course they would never add this in,but if it was real it would give you nausea and if thrown on fire it would speed up fire spread)

    Turtle master + fermented spider eye = potion of the turtle enemy (turtles become hostile and deal massive damage,a joke item)

    submitted by /u/imperialspinosaurus
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    Using Bonemeal on Mycelium gives the player mushrooms

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:23 AM PDT

    When you use bonemeal on mycelium, you should get red or brown mushrooms spawning on the blocks in the same way you can get warped/crimson fungus from the two types of nylium. The player should get no more than 3/4 mushrooms per bonemeal. This will allow players to create fully automatic mushroom farms if they want to easily acquire large quantities of mushrooms for reasons stemming from obtaining lots of mushroom blocks for builds, to crafting large amounts of things like fermented spider eyes for potion brewing.

    submitted by /u/I_Am_The_Challenger
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    Why defensive mobs would help Mojang’s efforts to respect and support real life animals

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:09 PM PDT

    I'm sure most of you are aware that Mojang is currently not planning on including sharks, since they don't want to misrepresent a real animal. Don't get me wrong, their heart is in the right place, and I normally agree with their reasoning on stuff like this, but I think they're being a bit too quick to judge. Sharks are not all mindless killer, but they're... not exactly "innocent" like bees. They're not sinful, but they're not exactly safe either.

    Most people I've seen have suggested they just be neutral, but I think that'd be kinda counterintuitive. Mojang is completely justified in not wanting to spread misinformation, but I feel like making them neutral specifically would kinda prove their point. Neutrality in Minecraft usually means that a mob won't bother you if you don't attack them. That is not how sharks behave in real life. Minecraft obviously isn't supposed to be uber realistic, but it can still unintentionally spread misinformation. The whole parrot thing shows that people do care about this kind of thing, and it's kinda important for the best selling game of all time to be a good influence on its audience.

    Pufferfish are a somewhat... I wouldn't say obscure mob, but they're not supposed to be super important either. One of their defining features is that they do attack when approached, but do not hunt you, making them the only mob classified as defensive. Now that Mojang is trying to be more respectful towards real animals, I think it's best to experiment with this idea some more. We don't actually need sharks specifically (I want them, but if we got something like this, we wouldn't need them), but this mechanic would help further their cause. Animals deserve good treatment, but that doesn't mean they can't be dangerous or should be kept as pets.

    The point shouldn't be that all animals are saints, but rather to just leave animals to themselves, which is what we should be doing in a lot of cases in the real world. I'm not saying that neutral animals are bad, but you should still be careful about what kind of message they'd send. Bees work as neutral because a lot of people (including myself) have developed fears of them, and they're also an endangered species, partially because of bad things we did. Sharks being neutral wouldn't be the end of the world, but it implies they'd be safe if you simply don't provoke them, which could potentially be dangerous. Having them bite but not hunt you would encourage you to leave them alone, without a shadow of a doubt. If it's a threat to you, then kill or get rid of it, but it'd be much easier to simply ignore it.

    If you want a non-shark example, think about, say, porcupines. They could hurt to touch because... obvious reasons, but they wouldn't try to kill you, and I imagine them looking either cute or grumpy cute. Hedgehogs and armadillos could have the ability to curl up into a cube, and this would give them extra protection, like a shulker. Crocodiles could be an uncommon sight in swamps, and only attack because you're interrupting their swimming and/or sleeping sessions. So on and so forth.

    submitted by /u/Realshow
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    Cookies and other small foods shouldn’t slow you down when eating it, quicker eating, and regen

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 08:47 AM PDT

    The only thing in the food which determines what's best is the saturation and hunger bars. Something else that should be considered is weight, time, and regen

    Stuff like cookies is a bad food bc it has horrible saturation and hunger but with weight and time added it could probably be a great fighting tool if your ever low on hunger.

    Also for regen. For what I know the foods more or less regen at the same amount of time. We should make it so soups regen quickest once hunger bar is full. This makes beat root and rabbit stew more useful and potentially more used in game.

    Please reply w feedback :)

    submitted by /u/Jarkels
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    Dyeable wooden swords

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    The title says it all I want wooden swords to be able to be dyed we have dyeable leather armor why not wooden swords it would add a cool feature and would just be fun

    submitted by /u/eathnotherm
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    Add a gamerule that makes the Ender Dragon and health crystals fully heal if it kills the player.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 04:39 AM PDT

    Okay, so I was fighting the Ender Dragon in a challenge world where I was unable to jump. Naturally, it killed me several times during the fight. Whenever returned to the end, I was able to find my items and carry on without much hassle, even without being able to jump, and it felt pretty cheaty, to be honest.

    So I think that there should be a gamerule that causes the dragon to basically fully reset if the player dies, so that they have to completely defeat the dragon on one go. It would of course be set to false by default, as that's what it currently is, and also because the dragon resetting doesn't make a huge amount of sense in game.

    In multiplayer, it would only reset when there are no players alive on the dragon island in the end.

    But yeah, I think this would be good for purists, who want the fight to feel more fair.

    submitted by /u/DTCHBOYZ203
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    Massive Bee Hives

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:09 AM PDT

    Massive Bee hives would be a massive structure which can be found in flower forests, inside it has 100+ bees which all chill inside of the hive. It also has a new mob called the Queen Bee, which is a peacefull mob which drops no XP, its a bit bigger than normal bees (like 1.5×) and shes pretty chill, she has a special ability though, she has a breeding cooldown of a minute, meaning she can pop out like a 100 bees in 2 hours. If you kill her, then the entire bee colony will slowly die of wither effect and you will get the effect called "Rage of Bees" which will make all bees target you, the effect lasts for 5 days (you dont get any advancement or achivement if you do since your a sicko). Inorder to camoflauge with the bees, you need full yellow leather armor inwhich they will be totally fine with you taking some honey, but you cant break anything. Ontop of that, the queen bee will only naturally breed when there are empty spots in nearby bee nests. Note; the nests can only be found in flower forests since any other forests wont have enough flowers too support the bees.

    A new flower called Bee Balms can be found near these nests and they will be the most targeted flower by bees. massive bee nest

    submitted by /u/JaysonOnReddit
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    Parrots should scare away arthropods

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 06:55 AM PDT

    Currently parrots are not very useful, because apart they falling off their shoulders with any movement... they do not have any special function like wolves and cats, which they defend and scare hostile mob.

    Parrots should scare away small arthropods like the spider, cave spider and silverfish, this would make sense because in real life, parrots or birds in general eat worms, insects and arthropods, so spiders, silverfish would be afraid of parrots. This would be very good for the game because the parrot is a very nice and difficult to get mob and it does nothing, besides it would be more beneficial to have pets in minecraft (Sorry for my bad english)

    submitted by /u/chamo572
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    Very very small detail but needed and I think it should be in the game

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:56 PM PDT

    My idea is that when you tame a parrot and get it on your shoulder it should stay on shoulder and to get it off you open your inventory bring your cursor on the parrot and click it, this makes it possible to yeet only one parrot if you have two of them and bring them around since now if you jump they go bye bye.

    submitted by /u/Vampante
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    Athropods Update

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 08:08 AM PDT

    The Bane of Athropods enchantment is by far the weakest in the game, as there only a few athropods, and they arent dangerous. Lets change that.

    My athropods suggestion:


    Spiders now dont only spawn at night, but also at day, and lay occasionaly cobweb. They spawn in groups, and attack als a group. Also they attack all when one is hit by al player or other mob.


    The variant of spiders in warm bioms such as desert and mesa. They can inflict poison if they attack with there sting. the spawn in brown/orange colours or in brown/yellow colours. They also spawn with many by desert temples and desert wells, but only if the structure is intact. Lobsters

    The variant of spiders by beaches and ocean floors. They spawn in red/orange colours.. they cant swim, but crawl over the ocean floor and beach. they are significantly faster in water. They ar also effected by the impaling enchantment. They drop 1 in 20 a seashell, which you can use to repair a trident.

    Snow spiders.

    The variant of spiders in cold, snowy and icy bioms. they can only spawn on snow. they spawn in white/light gray colours. They are as small and as fast as Cave spiders. They are not effected by sliding on ice, and are faster on snow. they also lay cobweb.

    Nether spiders

    The nether variant of spider. They are a dangerous variant since they are fast, fire resistand and strong. they spawn on the roof of the nether and group around glowstone that hangs on the nether roof. If they fall on lava they dont take fall damage, They swim quick in lava. they dont lay cobweb. they are enemys of piglins and hoglins. If you bring them in the overworld, they transform in normal spiders.

    End spiders.

    The most dangerous variant. Lives only in the Outer Islands of the end. They are black and Purple, and kill you in a few hits. Be warned! They are rarer and bigger than normal spiders.

    Cave spider dont change.


    Skeletons ride on normal spiders, whiter skeletons on Nether spiders and strays on snow spiders. crabs and scorpions never have a skeleton on their back.

    All of them are effected by the athropod enchantment. (duh)


    Nether, end, snow, cave and regular spiders drop string and spider eye

    Lobsters and Scorpions drop heavily damaged shears ;)

    Lobsters also drop a sea shell (see above)

    Potion of the spider walking.

    All spider variants have a chant to drop a spider legg. They are used to brew the Potion of spiderwalking. with this effect you can walk to every wall, like there are ladders. if you negative it wiht a fermented spider eye, you can make a potion of sticky feet. Whit this potion you cant jump!

    My english is bad since it isnt my first language

    !!!pls comment what you think if this!!!

    Have a Nice day.

    submitted by /u/KHANZY
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    Allow custom structures to be loaded in worlds other than the one they were built in.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:12 AM PDT

    This would be useful for quickly remaking a structure in another world or server. EDIT: I'm talking about Structure Blocks here.

    submitted by /u/StopLinkingToImgur
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    Crimson and warped wood should have higher blast resistance

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:01 AM PDT

    The new nether woods are perfect for nether builds. You grab a ton of them, start building a cool nether house... Then you see a ghast... Boom, unless you take care of it quickly, half of your house may be gone. What's the point of having such a cool nether block when it is so easily blown up? Ghasts aren't nearly as easily avoidable as creepers. And nether wood already is fireproof, so why not make it more blast resistant too?

    submitted by /u/TheArcanist_
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    Chain Boots should prevent you from sinking In the new Snowier Snow that's going to be added

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:20 AM PDT

    Someone posted about it giving you immunity from bees and I think that it should work like snow shoes and prevent you from sinking in Snowier Snow.

    submitted by /u/stinkystank21
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    Passwords for worlds

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:01 PM PDT

    I had a world a little while ago that was a pretty long term survival world. My parents decided to let some neighborhood children to come and play a couple weekends ago. I play PS4, and the world got converted into creative default, meaning I don't get achievements. A simple solution for this in my mind is a world password. When you create the world, you have a field where you can enter a password (leaving it blank means no password will be set). This can help you be able to be the only one to use your world and not have visitors grief your world.

    submitted by /u/TheePigeon
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    Ad a weaker firework rocket for more precise elytra movements.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 01:42 PM PDT

    There are currently three tiers of non-exploding firework rockets meant for boosting the player when flying with an elytra. The tier one option is a very powerful rocket able to propel the player about 100 blocks straight up when already in the air. The tier two and three only go much further beyond that, but since 100 is already pretty far, most people don't bother making the higher tiers, this has a significant downside however.

    When the least powerful option to propel yourself into the sky is already this strong, it can cause some issues when you need to take off in tight spaces or need only just a little bit of lift to reach a spot.

    That is why I suggest changing the power of these tiers or adding a new, weaker version to the fireworks meta. I suggest that the current tier one versions should be moved up to be tier two or three, with the accompanying crafting recipe if appropriate. The current tier three should probably be removed, since almost nobody uses them (this is up for debate) and I don't know what to say about the current tier two, so we'll leave it for now. A new tier one should be implemented, which is about 1/4 as powerful as the current tier one (the exact power of this new tier one is, again, up for debate).

    Optionally: this new tier one could have a different color to distinguish between 'power' and 'precision', possibly a green or blue spiral instead of the usual red one, so it's easier to select the right one for the situation.

    Any existing fireworks would not be downgraded or removed, the ones that would still exist after the change would be converted to their new tier in the nbt data or whatever it's called, and any old tier three fireworks would be given the title of tier four, they would become unobtainable after the change, meaning the only way to get more of them would be to cheat them in or dupe them using whatever methods exist.

    Final note: any suggestions or changes are very much welcome, this change would be a community decision after all.

    submitted by /u/youpviver
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    Ender eyes in peaceful mode

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:29 AM PDT

    Okay so I was watching ilmango's peaceful series and I thought it would be a good idea that brewing stands needed silk touch in order to obtain the item, if not, you would get just the blaze rod. This would give players an opportunity to find the stronghold in peaceful mode

    submitted by /u/luisalonso236
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    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 09:02 AM PDT

    I know that I already posted a few things today but Ik that both of the things I'm going to talk abt might come up to the FPS list so imma just say it now.

    Scorpions can be found in the dessert instead of spiders and drop stingers and 1-3 sand (not including looting ofc.) The stingers is another was of making poison potions just like the spider eyes so it makes sense.

    It would also give bane of arthropods and renewable Sand which I know is going to go to the Fps list soon.

    they can only spawn in an 3x3 or more with only sand and light levels won't matter but they will spawn more and in clumps at night. they won't sting you unless it is night or you agro them And they also give poison and 3 hearts of damage w out any armor.

    It also works the same was w spider farm other than you needing sand as the floor.

    Any questions I'm happy to reply and also check out my other posts (I don't have the link Bc I'm on mobile rn will change soon

    1) Mossy furnaces anvils and minecarts 2) Crystals 3) cookies and other small foods won't slow you down

    submitted by /u/Jarkels
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    Mountains should have a chance of generating as large mountain ranges like in real life.

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 07:23 AM PDT

    Since the Mountain Update is the next big update, I say that since Mojang is trying to stick to their 'realistic' terrain generation, mountains shouldn't just spawn as one big lump. Sure, they exist in real life too, but large mountain ranges could generate as well, with several prominent peaks sticking out. It could go on for several hundreds of blocks ( 750 - 1500?) and up to the build limit. They'd be snow-capped, and not just measly small stacks of snow that pile up on mountains now, but potentially tens of blocks deep worth of snow to simulate what would be glaciers.

    submitted by /u/fuhrerman
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    Add an "aim sensibility reduction" option when using the bow

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 04:24 PM PDT

    Such as many shooters, aim sensibility reduction is an option when using the scope, this would be a great idea for bows. When using a controller (even mouse) the bow is really hard to use since you want to move your camera a little bit. I don't know if this is already an option for java, but it would fit better for bedrock since there are touchscreen and controller players

    submitted by /u/huguito_pop
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    Secret achievement: Dance Party

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 03:51 PM PDT

    Use a jukebox to play Pigstep in a Bastion Remnant. Parrots are optional.

    submitted by /u/MEEP_of_Faith
    [link] [comments]


