• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers Core Journey [Hardcore] [PvP] {1.16.2} {You Die You Get Banned}

    Minecraft Servers Core Journey [Hardcore] [PvP] {1.16.2} {You Die You Get Banned}

    Core Journey [Hardcore] [PvP] {1.16.2} {You Die You Get Banned}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    Minecraft but if you die you get banned for 24 hours.

    In a server where dying means losing everything, only the strongest alliances can survive.
    At the center of the map there is the core, the bravest players will be the ones living near it.
    Level up with your friends to build and destroy closer to the core, where lower level players will not be able to interfere with your reign.
    But warning: new players won't stay new forever, so be prepared for attacks when you least expect them.
    And choose your fights wisely: if you'll die you will lose everything, and you will get banned for 24 hours.

    Jurney to the core: corejourney.org (server ip)

    Community subreddit: r/corejourney

    submitted by /u/alrirra
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    The Cavern [SMP] {1.16.2} {Towny} {Survival} {mcMMO} {Economy} {Never Resets} {Active Community} {Discord}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:36 AM PDT

    Website Discord IP
    thecavern.net https://discord.gg/NWmUWJW mc.thecavern.net

    Who are we?

    The Cavern is a brand new Survival Towny server with the sole purpose of providing a fun and unique experience for players along side their friends. The Cavern has a hard emphasis on community, with the most welcoming players a server can possibly have. With balanced and free to obtain ranks, everyone is sure to have an amazing experience.

    Officially on 1.16.2!

    After long anticipation, The Cavern is now officially available to be played on 1.16.2. This means that all the new blocks along with the Nether are now introduced. Yes, we reset out nether regularly too!

    Key Features

    • Slimefun (Modpack like experience)
    • Keep Inventory
    • Weekly Art/Fishing Competitions
    • Over 200+ Quests
    • Jobs
    • Player Driven Economy
    • Player Markets
    • Player Warps
    • mcMMO
    • Tamable Pets
    • Brewing Alcohol
    • Secure Trading
    • Dynmap
    • Marriages
    • Non-Pay-To-Win Crates and Ranks
    submitted by /u/ImSynchro
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    OsloSMP [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {1.16.2}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:01 AM PDT

    Hey! We opened a new survival multiplayer server the other day and we are looking for active and dedicated players to join along with us! As of right now we have 5-7+ active players daily and we are yet to defeat the Ender Dragon. If you want to apply, join our discord server here!

    I hope to see some of you, thank you!

    submitted by /u/00falln
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    MinervaMC [PvE] {1.16.1} {Towny} {Economy} {Jobs}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 08:59 AM PDT

    MinervaMC.com - Minecraft Survival Towny Server

    ServerIP: minervamc.apexmc.co

    Minerva MC is a SMP server with Towny, Jobs and economy, aimed at creating an inclusive, mature and positive community.

    No PvP, no griefing, no rank purchases. Just have fun with others playing a close-to-vanilla world!

    Share your experiences and builds on our discord channel or on Instagram!

    Not sure how Towny, Economy or Jobs works? We have quick in-game tutorials explaining all the basics!

    MinervaMC is growing!

    • we're open to collaborations with builders, streamers and youtubers.
    • we're looking for staff!

    Feel free to DM for more info 😊

    Happy Mining 💫

    submitted by /u/NineCrafler
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    Aurora Anarchy [Anarchy] [Semi-Vanilla] {1.16.2}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:51 AM PDT

    Server Name: Aurora Anarchy

    Location: USA Server

    Address: auroraanarchy.org Port: 25582

    Version: 1.16.2

    Type: Semi-Vanilla Anarchy

    Description: Aurora Anarchy is an Active Anarchy Server That Would Love to Have You! Gather Teamates, Enemies, Build Bases, Destroy Them, Whatever You Would Like! Come Join Our Community Today!

    Java: auroraanarchy.org:25582


    IP: auroraanarchy.org

    Port: 25582

    Discord: https://discord.gg/kpSvTf4

    submitted by /u/anarchyrealm
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    The Realms of Candarion [Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist} {Worldbuilding} {Lore} {Discord}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:14 PM PDT

    Server Name: The Realms of Candarion

    Server Location: USA

    Website: https://candarion.com

    SubReddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/candarion/

    Server Address: Whitelist. Will be provided following successful application

    Version: 1.15.2

    Game Play Type: Vanilla Survival, Lore / World Building / Medieval Setting


    Do you enjoy lore / world building? If so you may find what you're looking for in the Realms of Candarion. We are a semi-vanilla, survival, medieval server with a big emphasis on world building and lore crafting. Each of our players is either the head of, or a member of, one of several realms, each with a unique history and style.

    New players, after an application period, will start off as a vassal within another players realm, eventually ranking up to noble status where they may then start their own realm. We are not a role playing server in the traditional sense; we focus mainly on the worldbuilding and lore. In-game is spent mostly building and enjoying the MC survival experience.

    To ensure that every member of the server has an enjoyable time and that maturity and respect is maintained at all times, we have a minimum age requirement of 16 years. The average age of our current membership is somewhere between 18 - 22

    You can find our charter and rules here: https://candarion.com/charter.pdf

    You can find a collection of screenshots from across the server here: https://imgur.com/a/B5ugCje

    You can also find a collection of our world maps here: https://imgur.com/a/dKdB9m5

    You can join our public Discord here: https://discordapp.com/invite/E9RaEzp

    If you are interested and want to join our community, head over to candarion.com and create an application. We look forward to seeing you!

    submitted by /u/candarionMC
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    Netherite SMP [SMP] {PvE} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:48 AM PDT

    Welcome to BRAND NEW SERVER OF NETHERITE! We're a vanilla, PvE, community based, whitelist server!We are looking for very active members who dont like to speed up processes, but take their sweet time mining, building, and just plain up going crazy! We take suggestions from the community on how to run the server, and take votes/polls on everything. START DATE WAS 6/29/2020.

    You MUST join our DISCORD in order to get a FAST whitelist to the server.

    Rules are plain and simple: No hacking or griefing, no stealing (we can see ;)) , no racial slurs, and just be a good human overall is all we ask for.

    JOIN OUR DISCORD FOR FAST WHITELIST: https://discord.gg/NaC6eEp

    submitted by /u/HashirGB
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    Get Simple [SMP]{Paper 1.16.2}{Vanilla-grade Survival}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    Get Simple is the place to go for a classic survival experience! I started it with a fresh world prime for exploration, but it needs your help. Join and have access to a fresh 1.16 Nether and anything else in the vanilla experience. There's no plugins!

    The Rule:

    No cheating or griefing 

    The IP: streetlights.info

    The Website: streetlights.info/server

    The Discord: https://discord.gg/8SyVRJy

    submitted by /u/Slammernanners
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    Teraplex [Anarchy] {1.16.2}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:52 AM PDT

    IP: mc.terraplex.me


    Terraplex is a Minecraft server that first went online in January 2019 and has been running on the same map ever since. With griefing and hacking allowed as well as no map resets ever, the world is massive and spawn is a ravaged wasteland. Almost every village and player-made structure within a 5k radius of spawn has been looted or destroyed.

    The world is 20 months old, 28.0 GB and has seen 694 players log on so far.

    We have just updated to 1.16.2. TPS has held at a solid 20 even after periods of stress testing.

    Due to earlier corruption, the end and nether have been reset. Both dimensions previously comprised under 5 gb and nothing much was lost. Few chunks have been generated in the nether since the update to 1.16 so you should be able to find new content almost immediately.

    Terraplex runs on an intel i9-9900K CPU, 10 GB of RAM, 500 GB of RAID SSD storage, and a 2 gigabit per second upload speed. The server is hosted in Canada, operated in the US.

    Restart your journey now on Terraplex.

    submitted by /u/Sourcecoder1
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    Chroma MC [Vanilla] [SMP] {1.16.2} {Whitelist} {Hard Difficulty} {Datapacks} {Discord}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:48 AM PDT


    Chroma MC is a Java survival server looking to add some more players and build a stronger community. We began the server about two months ago after resetting our old one when 1.16 released, so we already had a decent community from the start. Our community has members from all over the world, and we collaborate on projects together often. Here are some images of what we have built: https://imgur.com/a/Uj28tD9

    The server is semi-vanilla. It runs on Fabric 1.16.2 (although only for a performance boost), and uses several datapacks that are listed lower down. We also have several facilities for players to use, also listed below.


    1. Nether tunnel network
    2. Skeleton farm
    3. Guardian farm
    4. Mob grinder
    5. Gold farm
    6. Enderman farm
    7. Wither Skeleton Skull farm (W.I.P.)


    1. AFK Detection: Greys out a players name if they have not moved for a while.
    2. Armoured Elytra: Elytra can be combined with a Netherite Chestplate.
    3. Coordinates HUD: The player's coordinates are displayed above the hotbar.
    4. Death Coordinates: Displays the coordinates of a player's death in the chat.
    5. PVP Player Heads: Killing a player will give you their head.
    6. Double Shulker Shells: Shulkers will always drop two shells.
    7. Dragon Drops Elytra: The Ender Dragon will always drop one elytra on death.
    8. Multiplayer Sleep: Skipping the night only requires one player sleeping.
    9. Mob Statues: Putting a Zombie, Skeleton, Wither Skeleton or Creeper head on an armour stand will spawn a statue of that mob.
    10. More Mob Heads: All mobs have a chance to drop their head when killed.
    11. Timber: Chopping the bottom block will bring the whole tree down.
    12. Full list: https://pastebin.com/r5VJXecj


    1. No griefing or stealing. People work hard on their stuff. Don't blow it up.
    2. No PVP without mutual consent.
    3. Please be respectful to others and don't harass anyone, in chat or in game.
    4. If a Creeper blows up something that isn't yours, please fix it.
    5. If you take from someone else's farm, please replant.
    6. Just don't be a dick.

    To apply, please send me a message with the following information:

    • Minecraft username
    • Discord username
    • Age
    • Location

    All applicants need to be 18+. Also, feel free to message me with any questions you might have. Hope to see you there soon. :)

    submitted by /u/C10e2
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    Survival Fun [SMP] {1.16.2} {Land Claims} {Shopkeepers} {Tokens} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 12:20 PM PDT

    IP: SurvivalFun.co


    Survival Fun is a friendly semi-vanilla survival community that has been around for nearly 3 years. Our server is for players looking for a community to interact with and befriend and we aim provide the best survival experience in the meantime. We are actively doing community events and challenges and we would love for you to join us! We have many events and challenges to keep players occupied and our ranks are balanced with all the donations going directly to server upkeep. So come hop on if you are looking for a good ole survival experience!

    Here is an image of our server spawn :) https://i.imgur.com/DmVjFEc.png

    Our gameplay is focused towards vanilla with a few additions, quality of life tweaks, and datapacks.

    You can find our server rules here: Rules

    Some Features

    • Land claims to protect your builds.

    • Armored Elytras (Chest plate and elytra merging)

    • Microblocks that you can get from wandering traders.

    • Shopkeepers to make your own shops.

    • Challenge events every two hours.

    • Simple chat tags for personality.

    • Night skipping

    • Crouching while placing an item frame makes it invisible.

    • Set a home and teleport to it later.

    • Horses teleport with you.

    • Dynmap

    • Soon to support Bedrock/Java

    Rules (simplified)

    • No griefing

    • No cheating

    • Be nice in chat.






    Staff Application

    IP: SurvivalFun.co

    submitted by /u/SupportThee
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    QCraft [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Discord} {HermitCraft-Like} {Whitelist} {15+} {1.16}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 09:31 AM PDT

    About the server:

    Our server is Hermitcraft based with a small active community consisting of about 9 people all around the world and we are currently recruiting again, We are looking for active players who would like to be part of our community. Back-ups are made daily and we have host server-wide events every so often like build off's. We also have monthly (towards the end of every month) server reunions when everyone comes on and decides on new ideas for the server. As of now, we operate 8 plugins of which 4 are inaccessible and for backend only, and 4 are stated down here.

    Furthermore, our server recently updated and we are proud to announce that we now have a resource world and creative world; Do you know those times that someone mines out that desert next to your house, well worry no more, with our new resource world you can gather so many resources as you want without it affecting the surroundings! Also, the creative world! Now you can try out new builds so you don't have to fiddle around with block selection in survival, for those pesky builds that just don't quite fit in survival mode.

    TL;DR version:

    We operate 3 plugins to keep it simple:

    • Essentials X (Mostly for /nick.)
    • SinglePlayeSleep
    • Head Database
    • Silk Spawners

    Accessible Worlds

    • Survival (Main server)
    • Resource
    • Creative

    Further details:

    About the server events, we always host server events around the server, we had a successful Xmas even build off and MapArt event. We also introduced Hide and Seek events a new round of which will be hosted on the 26th of April.

    IP: The server is whitelisted.

    Server location: Europe

    Gamemode: Survival

    Minimum age: 15 years of age at the time of application

    We have no data packs but we are considering adding them in the future and vote for them in the next server meeting.


    No Griefing. (Jokes are allowed to a certain extent tho)

    No cheating/hacking.

    No stealing.

    Be helpful towards the community.

    You must be 15 years of age at the time of application.

    Discord is a must-have.


    If you´re interested, fill out the google form provided down here and I'll contact you ASAP on discord (Eppich207#7553).

    Click here to go to the form.

    Yours sincerely QCraft.

    submitted by /u/martinsmartinis
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    Undead Society [SMP] {Whitelist} {Hermitcraft} {1.16} {Season 1}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 10:27 PM PDT

    Hello, we are a JAVA VERSION (get this question a lot, sorry lol) hermitcraft style server and are currently 12 weeks into our first season.

    The server is currently on version 1.16.1 and we would love for you to join.

    We have a couple of casual players that just want to build nice looking houses. However, most of our current players are building large scale bases with a ton of Redstone. If either of these sounds like you, feel free to apply and take a look around.

    Server Features / Quick Info:

    • Close to Pure Vanilla
    • No claiming plugins
    • No /sethome or /tpa
    • Shopping district to sell your wares (More info below and a link at the bottom for a video preview taken with the replay mod)
    • large friendly community
    • QoL and Beautification Datapacks
    • Nickname Customization via a fair in-game system


    • AFK display
    • Durability Pings
    • Track Raw Statistics (currently set to deaths)
    • Armor Stand Statues
    • Coordinates HUD
    • Wandering Trades
    • Multiplayer Sleep
    • Silence Mobs
    • More Mob Heads / Player Head Drops
    • Double Shulker Shells
    • More Trapdoors
    • Dragon Drop elytra


    • No racial slurs
    • No stealing/scamming
    • No spamming
    • Be respectful
    • Have fun!
    • No hacked clients
    • No X-Ray
    • No toxicity
    • Have a switch on your farms on/off
    • Nether pathways must be made of non-spawnable blocks
    • No Alts
    • PVP must be consensual

    Application Requirements: (these are not set in stone, we do make exceptions but these are what we would like to see):

    • Age: 13+ in accordance with discords TOS. (Note: the majority of our community is in their late teens and early 20s)
    • Effort: no one-word answers, please respond clearly and with as much length as possible to each question.
    • Ban Status: having been banned previously does NOT instantly disqualify you from acceptance. The more details you give us about the ban the better your chance of acceptance, if we discover you have lied in this section you will be banned. (this includes bans on different versions of the game, for stupid reasons/abusive admins, or "too long ago to matter" bans.)
    • Playing with friends: If you have friends on the server already make sure to mention them in the "Do you plan on playing with friends" section using their discord name.

    If you would like to apply, click the discord link below! We have a very active community on the server and the discord with the player count often exceeding 10 players most times of the day (unfortunately many people have work/school now so it is a bit slower) with some prime days like weekends reaching up to 25 players so if you're looking for a welcoming and collaborative community, this is it.


    Here is a video of our shopping district! (New Shops are added all the time so its nearly impossible to keep a completely up to date video): https://vimeo.com/438642634

    submitted by /u/ZekromZZ
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    SyndromeMC [Vanilla] [SMP] {1.16.2} {Shops} {Ranks} {Land-Claims}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 08:25 AM PDT

    Looking for a 1.16.2 Java SMP Survival Server, on Hard Difficulty, to play with your friends or to make new ones? Come and Join SyndromeMC then! A sever with a growing community and friendly staff, ready to help you with anything you need Open 24/7 Server (Hosted in Europe) --For Premium and Cracked-- DM me if you have questions :)

    Discord:Join us!
    IP: SyndromeMC.mcpro.io

    submitted by /u/Jimb_1
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    Blaze_Craft [Semi-Vanilla] [smp] {whitelisted} {Datapacks} {dynmap} {hermitcraft-like} {1.16.2} {13+}{brand new} {dynmap}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 07:11 AM PDT

    Blaze Craft

    Blaze_craft is a unique survival experience where the nether is treated as he main world. In this smp the nether is your home, and the main bases must be located in the nether. The starting location is also in the nether which makes for a fun challenge. Currently the server is set to normal difficulty but that will change to hard mode once people have settled.


    Dynmap, coreprotect (for administration purpose)


    AFK Display, Anti Creeper Grief, Anti Ghast Grief, Anti Enderman Grief, Armor Statues, Cauldron Concrete, Coordinates Hud, Custom Nether Portal, Double Shulker Shells, Dragon Drops Elytra, Fast Leaf Decay, Graves, More Mob Heads, Multiplayer Sleep, Player Head, Drops, Track Raw Statistics, Wandering Traders hermit edition.

    • No racism, sexism, homophobia etc.
    • No stealing/giefing
    • Be respectful
    • Have fun!
    • No hacked clients
    • No X-Ray
    • Have a switch on your farms on/off
    • Main bases must be in the nether
    • PVP must be consensual

    Apply Here: https://discord.gg/FftKrw

    submitted by /u/The_Phoenix_707_
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    OrotheaMC [SMP] {mcMMO} {LevelledMobs} {Attributes} {Dungeons} {RPG} {PaperMC-1.16.2} {QoL-Plugins}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 06:49 AM PDT

    How do you play on OrotheaMC?

    Firstly, we are a [SMP] Survival Minecraft server with a higher difficulty than normal, but not hardcore. We've put into place an RPG atmosphere giving players attributes to level and unique abilities to grind, building a fighters chance at standing your ground with the high-tier mob bosses! The plugins are minimal, mostly quality of life with a few special features sprinkled in, but never anything that drastically changes the game from Minecraft to something else. We strive to have a unique experience compared to other servers of similar make and that will become apparent with the first dungeon reveal in October 2020!

    On the other hand, for those of you wanting to discover an story built neatly into the map itself over time, we are here to build you new dungeons to explore filled to the brim with unique mob combinations, treasures, and an actual narrative unfolding over the lifespan of the server before your eyes. Discover the secrets of the Island of Orothea! Who build Spawn Castle? What is causing the strange magical events as they occur across the landscape? What's going on here?! To participate in the story you will need progressively stronger and stronger characters which means the mobs are meaner, the fights are to the death, and safety can only be found close to spawn. For those brave souls willing to travel the Nether or the far lands from spawn be warned: there are some dangers that are yet unbeatable! It's up to you to take on the dungeons to gain special items or abilities granted from that realm, and use it in your survival game play.

    Come check us out when you can! We're still a brand new community so not many people have put roots down, but we're hoping to change that! If you have suggestions, I'm always willing to listen, and I work with several developers one on one to try and accomplish anything that the server needs! Give us a shot, and with a nearly brand new map, there's plenty of space to grow and make your name!

    Server Address: MC.OROTHEA.COM Website: OROTHEA.COM Discord: https://discord.gg/VPXw7J7 
    submitted by /u/ultimaoath
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    UniteSMP [Vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.16.2} {Hermitcraft} {SMPLive}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 01:47 AM PDT

    UniteSMP is a youtuber/streamer based private server that has been running live since August 1st. We currently have 8 active players and are consistently looking to grow the roster. If you're interested in joining the server and are an active or serious content creators fill out this form: https://forms.gle/8A6UrX6WbsQY8fzu8

    Requirements for the server is being above the age of 15 or extremely mature. There is no subscriber requirements. You can be new to the platform, or experienced but you must take your channel seriously and be willing to improve and help the community thrive.

    You can also add me on discord. dakatz#7188, and I will get back to you ASAP.

    You can also join our community server discord to gauge the kind of audience we're pulling. https://discord.gg/QyampJs

    UniteSMP is run by me and I'm serious about making a long-lasting and successful SMP series and community. So if you're content is up to par, then you're in the right place. :)

    submitted by /u/dakatz
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    AMS [Anarchy] {Semi-Vanilla} {No Map Resets}{1.12.2}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:18 PM PDT

    AMS (AKA Adrian's Minecraft Server) is an Anarchy and a Semi-Vanilla server which you can do what ever you want. I sometimes play and do some stuff.

    Server Details:

    Server IP: ams.sytes.net
    Start Date: 25/07/2020
    Rules: NONE!
    Location: Sydney, Australia
    Difficulty: Normal
    Server Type: Paper Spigot 1.12.2

    The Server might be down, mostly it would be bug fixes and new plugins. I am running a shitty server which dedicates 4Gb of ram for the server.

    Come say Hi and challenge yourself or do whatever.

    submitted by /u/Pickiter35
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    Polearth [PvP] {Whitelist} {Movecraft} {VR} {Dynmap} {Political} {Geopolitical} {Earthmap}

    Posted: 01 Sep 2020 04:18 AM PDT

    This is a political server with nations, wars, trade and diplomacy based on a 1:2000 scale map of Earth

    We do have a working Movecraft plugin meaning you'll be able to build ships, planes and airships with working weapons to fuel your thirst for world domination :)

    Griefing and stealing should not be an issue since we have a handy plugin known as CoreProtect which logs blocks and items.

    We do, however, allow stealing and some cases of block destruction within wars.

    The link to the dynmap is the following:

    All politics and whitelist applications are handled on the discord server https://discord.gg/JEJsgAv

    please make sure you read #rules-info and submit an application after

    More info can be found on the discord server, have a good day :)

    No griefing There is some leeway around this in terms of walls, ships and land you have authority over but in general we would say the purposeful disorientation of land and builds is our definition of griefing. Burning down buildings, blowing up buildings, destroying land for the sake of ruining it all count as griefing.

    No stealing outside of war If you steal and it is an act of war then it is your responsibility to make it very clear that it is an act of war. Announce it, PM someone about it don't use it as an excuse when you're caught. Killing and taking the stuff is acceptable however and does not count.

    Being purposefully toxic or rude to other players

    Do not mine through walls purposed for defensive use in any sort of conflict. Using TNT cannons to go through walls is acceptable but simply mining through them is not

    No hacking

    No duping

    No book banning

    Don't take it too seriously In game betrayals and rivalries are common place and shouldn't really be taken seriously. At the end of the day it's a game

    Do not combat log We do have a combat log plugin that kills you if you leave after a certain amount of time after being hit, however that doesn't justify you leaving before you are hit to avoid combat. If you leave tactically to either give yourself an advantage in combat or a war then it counts as combat logging. If you leave before being hit to avoid combat then that too counts as combat logging

    Don't use x-ray

    Do not mine through walls made for defensive use in any sort of conflict Using TNT cannons to go through walls is acceptable but simply mining through them is not

    Going against nations for the only purpose of raiding them and looting them as nationless Just to be clear, if you are nationless and you wish to go against a nation for another reason (for example; they inhabit a land you'd like to control in the future) then don't let this discourage you. If you are nationless and you wish to attack nations for the sake of gaining loot then you must form some sort of organisation

    submitted by /u/Nick-Urban
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    Little Haven [PVE] {Whitelist} {McMMO} {1.16.2} {18+}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 02:34 PM PDT

    Hello fellow Minecrafters! I just started as a moderator on an amazing server named Little Haven. It has all you need for a perfect and exciting Minecraft experience!

    You can build a base with some friends and gather supplies! You can become a Brewmaster and get special custom brewery recipes! The options are endless!

    It is a whitelisted server to keep it a nice tight community! If you want to join us and have a blast, hop on over to littlehavenmc.com/home/apply and put in your application! We respond fast.

    Thanks for checking us out! Happy Minecrafting!

    submitted by /u/andyeggos
    [link] [comments]

    Allium SMP [Semi-Vanilla] {Dynmap} {Greylist} {Dedicated players}{1.16.2}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 11:25 AM PDT

    Welcome to Allium!!

    Discord: discord.alliummc.org (server uses a greylist)

    Server IP: play.alliummc.org

    Allium is an SMP server. Allium has been running since June of 2019. We have just recently reset the world and are looking for new players.

    Our only rule is to respect others! This means no stealing or griefing, and no picking on anyone (unless as a joke, obviously). We love to pride ourselves as a community that does what other communities dream of. We build the most elaborate farms, take on the largest projects, and have the most fun doing so. Most active players run a shop and talk in our discord. If you're interested in that kind of thing, we would love to have to aboard.

    Age Range: 16+

    We run on 11GB of max-clocked RAM and an overclocked i9-9900k.

    To get started, you can join our discord or check out the server! You must register on discord before playing. Also feel free to check out our beautiful website, our Instagram page, our subreddit, or our incredibly impressive Dynmap!

    Discord: https://discord.gg/eySfvMJ

    Server IP: play.alliummc.org

    Instagram: allium.server

    Reddit: reddit.com/r/allium

    Dynmap: dmap.alliummc.org

    submitted by /u/branthebon
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    eboyindiaSMP [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Light Datapacks/Plugins}

    Posted: 31 Aug 2020 05:46 PM PDT

    Version: 1.16
    Server IP:
    Discord Link: https://discord.gg/4Upfr7W

    Hello everyone! I'm Kero, and ive recently made a new Semi-Vanilla SMP server. I've been working on it for the past 3 months, and it only just came out of beta about 3 weeks ago. Unlike most servers, the server is based around a preexisting discord community (thats why the name is weird), instead of a discord community around the server. This makes it easier to keep both the discord server and the minecraft server active and engaging. On the server, we aim to stray away from the increasing trend of custom plugins and pay-to-win servers by being a simple, active, and engaging server rather than one filled to the brim with content. We are looking to hold events every month and always have a 99%+ uptime. Our staff is active nearly all day and we have a discord integrated into the server so people can connect and find friends. More than being a good minecraft server, we care about creating a good community. We hope to see you there!

    TLDR; Simple minecraft server with highly active discord community. Active staff and constant updates to the server including light datapacks and QoL plugins. Released about 3 weeks ago.

    If you have any questions, you can reach me at Kero#4115 on discord, or just hop on the server and say hi! :)

    submitted by /u/notKero
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