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    Minecraft If you die on Hardcore mode and you have a dragon egg placed somewhere, then you should respawn where the dragon egg is.

    Minecraft If you die on Hardcore mode and you have a dragon egg placed somewhere, then you should respawn where the dragon egg is.

    If you die on Hardcore mode and you have a dragon egg placed somewhere, then you should respawn where the dragon egg is.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 05:41 AM PDT

    Sort of like you "hatched" from the egg.

    Reasons: 1. The dragon egg is currently only a decorative block, so this would give it some purpose 2. You only get one dragon egg per world, so it's not like you can farm them for lives 3. It's your one and only second chance, and you have to really work for it 4. It's different from the Totem of Undying, which A. actually stops you from dying and B. is renewable.

    I understand that the point of Hardcore mode is that when you die, that's it, but the risk/reward ratio for this seems reasonable.


    Edit: When you respawn, the egg disappears. So you only get the one.

    submitted by /u/Purplish_Green
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    Let us ring bells with redstone power

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 12:23 PM PDT

    I was playing around on the 1.14 Pre-Releases today, and after I came across bells, I had an idea to make an automated bell-tower thing with redstone.

    This idea, however, was crushed shortly after as I realized that passing a redstone signal to a bell does absolutely nothing. I'd really like it if bells could be rung with redstone, as it would add loads of opportunities to the game for noteblock music & functional / decorative builds.

    Here's a few screenshot examples of how it could work.

    submitted by /u/HaltedMoment
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    Let us rebind the key used to cycle through menus in 1.14

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 04:20 AM PDT

    The new accessibility feature in 1.14 that lets players cycle through menus is set to Tab by default, and it cannot be changed. This is an issue for people who have their inventory button set to Tab (you can open the inventory, but can't close it). I think a simple fix for this would be to let us rebind that key.

    submitted by /u/chrischron
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    The Saturation of Foodstuff Items needs to be brought up

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 08:43 AM PDT

    For the dozens of edible items we have in the game, it's bizzare that only 3-4 are actually convenient to use. I would suggest changing every food item to fill up at least 2 full hunger bars. And items like chicken, bread, baked potatoes, cake, etc. also need a slight boost.

    submitted by /u/PsychicTempestZero
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    Saplings should spawn naturally on world generation

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 04:38 PM PDT

    I feel like saplings should be naturally occurring, giving a feeling of growth to a world, at least for a little bit. Imagine walking around a forest and every day or two, you notice a small change in your world in the form of a tree that wasn't there before. It'd just be nice, even if it only lasts for a few MC days.

    submitted by /u/Fireheart318s_Reddit
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    Sound & particle effect when Villagers change profession

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:41 AM PDT

    There should be some kind of a sound & particle effect when Villagers swap their clothes / change profession.

    Like for example: a poof of smoke and a sound of clothes rustling.

    Why: Currently it doesn't look as polished when they suddenly change texture in front of you. This would be a nice little change to make it look better.

    Vote on feedback.minecraft

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Cocoa Beans should rarely drop from Jungle Tree Leaves as commonly as Apples drop from normal trees

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    Originally in the snapshot 12w18a, Jungle Tree Leaves when broken rarely dropped Cocoa Beans, about as commonly as Apples drop from Oak and Dark Oak Leaves and Sticks drop from all trees. Link to the Minecraft wiki here: https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Cocoa_Beans

    But with the introduction of Cocoa Pods in the following snapshot, 12w19a, this was removed. I personally don't see why we can't have both.

    submitted by /u/Lollypop_warrior0325
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    Wandering trader spawning and despawning improvements Feedback

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:34 AM PDT

    Wandering traders spawning can be a bit weird or annoying at times.

    They can spawn pretty much anywhere any time they want. This should be more polished, and changed to make more sense.

    • They should mostly spawn on natural blocks like grass, stone, dirt, etc.

    • They shouldn't spawn underground. Maybe limit them to above sea-level.

    • They shouldn't be able to spawn in the player's Field of View, so the player can't see them appear out of nowhere.

      • OR maybe there should be a particle & sound effect when they appear.


    • They shouldn't be able to despawn in the player's Field of View, so the player can't see them suddenly disappear in thin air.

      • OR despawning particle & sound effect.
    • They should only despawn if the player is more than 16 blocks away.

    Vote this on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Gamerule doInsomnia should be available on Java Edition

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 08:04 AM PDT

    This should be done for the same reason as its current presence on Bedrock Edition.

    submitted by /u/Jimmsy_
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    More snow biome animals. Penguins and Husky Dogs.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 06:04 AM PDT

    (Polished and thought more how to make penguin more real life)

    These are some ideas that I want to suggest a new animal and a animal that exists but only special in snow biomes.

    Penguins (neutral)

    • Penguins lives in snow biomes and recognizes their coordinates of 'snow terrain' as their homeland such as turtle do.
    • They will lay only one egg. To lay an egg, adult penguins must move away from water by minimum 32 blocks. An adult penguin that laid the egg cannot lay another egg until 10 in-game night has been passed.
    • To hatch the egg, few days must pass and an adult penguin must be present near the egg. A very small chance, maybe smaller than 5%, will hatch two siblings of baby penguins. However, most of the time will be one baby penguin is hatched. Baby penguins cannot swim and cannot run, and they will drown in water.
    • When grown to an adult, at default rate of 50%, they drop 'Thick Feather' and this can be crafted to various items or blocks that provides 'puffiness' or 'heating' to it. (Such like slime blocks provides bouncing)
      • One suggestion of thick feather related item is Penguin Armor. A glossy looking feather armor that is waterproof looking. It can be crafted with a chainmail armor and 8 thick feathers. This armor will provide Penguin Swift enchantment which provides 10 seconds of fast movement in underwater, similar to Dolphin's Grace effect.
    • Penguin eggs will be hunted by foxes and zombies. Baby penguins will be hunted by wolves and polar bears. Adult penguins cannot protect their eggs nor their babies.
    • Penguins will hunt fishes (like dolphins playing with items) and they have a small size of inventory to keep those fishes. When adult penguins return to their homelands with fishes in their inventories, if there are baby penguins nearby, they will throw their fishes to them (maybe with a different item tag or id, so that player thrown fishes cannot be picked up). (Like villagers throwing foods to baby villagers) Baby penguins possessing fishes in their inventories will increase the drop rate of 'thick feather' at growth to adult, but at the maximum of 80%.
    • Players can feed the babies to grow faster.

    Husky Dogs

    • Wolves tamed at snow biomes will specially turned into Husky Dogs, which they are mix colored of grey or brown and white.
    • Two huskies can be tied to a rope and to a sleigh. Sleigh is an unique transport on snow and ice biome which can move fast a lot. However, Sleighs on other terrain will move very slow, which becomes very useless.
    • Husky dogs will attack zombies, when moving free, first in priority if any villager is around to protect. (A great way to protect a town of villagers with lack of Iron golems) However, it will follow players' orders mainly if tamed.
    submitted by /u/HizzGom
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    Apples and berries shouldn't be the only fruits.

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 10:00 PM PDT

    First, let me start with a request that's so common at this point that I don't think anyone would argue with it: palm trees. Not one modpack goes without them, and coconuts would be a great first addition to the game. For a game focused entirely on survival, recreating my Cast Away fantasies should be easy.

    That being said, the current content in the game is sort of bare-bones when it comes to fruit and vegetables. A huge attempt has been made for every animal to drop meat, and it's been a wonderful one, but now the once-valuable apples are becoming useless outside of advanced mechanics. What made apples cool was how gathering all the wood you'd need would ALSO feed you, so why do only those forest biome players get such a luxury?

    Here are a few other fruit ideas I've come up with (all would be equal in food points to apples):

    • Jungle trees should rarely drop mangoes, which can be fed to parrots (instead of seeds, since parrots are known for loving fruit).

    • Birch trees should similarly drop pears, the apple's less-popular but equally-tasty cousin.

    • Acacias and Spruces should drop nuts, which aren't AS valuable as an apple, but way more common. I don't know what kinds of nuts they'd drop, but if the tundra is going to be the "Christmas" biome, roasting chestnuts over an open fire needs to be an option.

    • Don't think I forgot about YOU, dark oaks. How about lemons? Not really relevant to the biome, but hey, they're fun! (Yeah, they could probably just drop apples).

    • Cacti should drop prickly pear fruits, a delicious fruit that way too few people know about. In their current form, deserts have way too few food sources.

    • A weird idea for you all: caves should have some kind of tuber plant besides carrots, one which you grow/harvest from the roof instead of the ground. They're bland and ugly, but they'd be great for stew recipes.

    • Another fun idea: why not create a nether parallel to the chorus fruit? Some sort of fire-themed berry that can be popped to create red tiled blocks or eaten with a 10% risk of lighting on fire immediately. Combine with chicken to create spicy chicken (which burns the player a bit but gives them strength or something?)

    • Berries are great, I'm excited to see them in the official release. That being said, blueberries? Strawberries? Why just "berries?"

    • Last but not least: if palm trees won't be added, at least make coconuts wash up on shore sometimes.

    Reasons to add more fruit:

    • Crafting! Fruit salads, maybe? All kinds of fun stuff could come out of this.
    • More roleplay opportunities. Seriously, roleplayers love food options.
    • Good quality of life updates for beginning players.
    • More stuff to farm, farming needs to be a bigger part of the game!


    • Might be a pain to get.
    • Might NOT be a pain, making food too easy to get.
    • Either way, it would definitely throw off the current difficulty of finding foodstuffs.
    submitted by /u/SleeplessShitposter
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    Item frames containing items related to the building above doors in villages

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 08:41 PM PDT

    It would definitely add some nice aesthetic to the villages, and explain simply what profession goes to what building to restock.

    Some ideas for items:

    Book above librarian door

    Leather above leatherworker door

    Raw beef above butcher door

    Glass bottle above cleric door

    (I tried to make the items as early-game as possible so stealing them wouldn't be OP.)

    submitted by /u/JosephRockman
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    [Meta] Where's that Iron grill/grid / sewer drain/ vertical iron bar -thing suggestion?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 09:07 AM PDT

    I was looking for that "vertical iron bar-sewer-grid" type block suggestion. I think It was posted late 2018 or this year, and had over 200 upvotes. But I can't find it from google or reddit search...

    I found some slightly similar ideas, but not the exact one post I was looking for.

    Can anyone link it for me, if they find it?

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    As a supplementary mining update, expand the gold and emerald style biome based spawn weight to other resources.

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 10:15 AM PDT

    So, currently mining is exactly the same wherever you are in a minecraft world, with the exception of extreme hills and mesa, which give an increased spawn rate of emeralds and gold respectively. This allows for things like dedicated gold mines, and I think is a great and simple to implement way to diversify underground gameplay.

    I think most other ores should also receive similar treatement, with general resource spawn rates lowered across the board to compensate. Sadly, there aren't that many ores, so the effects would be limited, but still tangible (I already always seek out mesa biomes when I need to get gold), and mods which add additional ores would get incentives to give them similar altered spawn rates as well.

    This feature, if implemented, could help make mining make a comeback in people's playthroughs, without needing the effort and commitment a fully fledged mining overhaul would (obviously mining would still need massive overhauls, but this could serve as a provisional fix while a larger one is worked on)

    submitted by /u/DrFortnight
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    Add Villagers to Legacy WiiU

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:46 AM PDT

    Could someone add villagers to survival mode, You can't get villagers. :-/ So no Emeralds. No carrots. No secrets maps. No vex :-/ , or any things with villagers. You can only get this on creative mode, which as you know disables the achievements. :-(

    submitted by /u/AwesomeGamerSwag
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    Cracked Variants of brick, wood planks, glass, etc etc

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 01:33 PM PDT

    I think it would add a lot of variation and detail to the game if Mojang decided to add crack versions of brick, wood planks, glass, and more. It would add so much more to a build, like say you wouldn't to build an old abandoned home then you could add cracked to make it look old and washed, or if you wanted to build a old ruinic town you could add the cracked variants

    submitted by /u/Bry840
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    Idea for Cartographers

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 01:28 PM PDT

    They sell maps that point you towards dungeons with a specific type of mob.

    EX: Dungeon Explorer Map: Skeleton

    This would make the creation of mob farms a lot simpler. I'd think the Map would be cheap, 3-7 emeralds plus a compass as mob spawners are far less rare than woodland mansions and ocean monuments..

    submitted by /u/LegoOfAllThemes22505
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    Better horse riding?

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 02:45 AM PDT

    Disclaimer: Ik this isn't Minecraft, it's a game called Survivalcraft and I thought this type of horse riding could be applied to MC.


    submitted by /u/AVGwar
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    Siamese Creeper

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 11:55 PM PDT

    My idea is a Siamese Creeper. It looks like a normal creeper however it has two heads. It would have 1.5x the normal health and make 2x the amount of noise. It would also drop 1.5x more gunpowder. An explosion from a Siamese Creeper is the same size as a normal one, however instead of just one explosion it's two in quick succession. This adds a slightly bigger explosion along with the chance of losing your items if you are killed in the first explosion. Charged Siamese Creepers would drop 2 mob heads from every mob it explodes, but if a siamese creeper is killed by a normal charged creeper it will still drop two heads, but a Charged Siamese Creeper exploded by another will drop 4 creeper heads. That's really all it does. There would be a 1% chance that a creeper would be a siamese one.

    submitted by /u/breakfastmood
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    Spider-hating Ducks

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 05:43 PM PDT


    Since the dawn of time, the question directed at the Minecraft chicken, "is it a chicken or is it a duck?" has been the subject of much debate in the Minecraft community. But this suggestion brings a simple solution to the intense argument: adding ducks!

    Ducks would be a somewhat rare and peaceful mob that would spawn in lakes, rivers, ponds, and sometimes on beaches. They would randomly spawn with the texture of either a mallard, a wood duck, or an American black duck (concepts here); when in water, they would be able to swim about as fast as a player wearing depth strider boots; and instead of falling slowly like chickens, ducks would glide diagonally downwards when the fall. Ducks would also sometimes drop eggs just like chickens.


    • Health: 5 (2 ½ hearts)
    • Hostility: Peaceful
    • Drops: Raw duck
    • Damage: 2 (1 heart)
    • Eats: Kelp, cod, spider eyes, any seeds
    • Spawns: Lakes, rivers, ponds, beaches

    Duck Meat

    Ducks would drop raw duck meat when they die, which would be exactly the same as chicken meat when raw, but would restore 7 hunger points and 10 points of saturation.

    Duck Eggs

    Duck eggs would look larger and have a more grey color than chicken eggs. When used instead of a chicken egg in crafting recipes for food, they would give the food 1 extra hunger point and 3.5 extra saturation points.


    Ducklings will naturally take 20 minutes to grow, but feeding them kelp, cod, spider eyes, or seeds can help them grow faster. Any seed would reduce the growth time by 10%, cod by 15%, kelp by 30%, and spider eyes would reduce the time by 45%.

    Duck Attacks

    (This is mostly for comedic effect, so don't take it too seriously. Do try to imagine it)

    While ducks would be peaceful towards players, they would attack any arthropods (spiders, silverfish, endermites) within twenty blocks. When an arthropod comes within detection range of a duck, the duck's eyes will turn red, it will let out a mighty quack, then it will charge towards the threat. Once the arthropod detects the duck, it will run away, but the duck will pursue it until it dies or leaves its detection range.

    submitted by /u/Aidenpotter12
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    Netherrack platform generates underneath Wither upon defeat

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 10:24 PM PDT

    This would prevent the nether star from falling off into lava/the void/wherever (which is pretty important when the boss it drops from requires some of the rarest items found throughout the Minecraft world and is the single hardest enemy within the entire game). This has actually happened to me way too many times.

    Secondly (and not as important): A renewable netherrack source!

    Okay, not quite yet, since soul sand still isn't renewable. However, I'm thinking that 8 sand or red sand and 1 ghast tear makes 8 soul sand (sure, ghast tears are somewhat hard to obtain, but again, I'm the ideas guy).

    Sand is renewable in 1.14 because the wandering trader sells it.

    (I've said this in a previous post, but I'll say it again: The wandering trader thing doesn't seem like the most elegant solution, because selling handfuls of sand. I myself don't really have any alternative ideas, but their solution seemed
    a little bizarre. Maybe just me, though.)

    submitted by /u/SavingsNewspaper2
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    Dropping fruit/meat items on snow/ice freezes them in a few seconds

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 01:57 AM PDT

    So you can create frozen food, like frozen rabbit stew, frozen cod, frozen fish, etc. Gives you fire resistance level 1 and frost walker level 1 for about a minute. Restores bigger amounts of hunger in the Nether and deserts due to refreshments. Or drop fruit in the end to... It's a secret!

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Iron Golems throwing grassblocks

    Posted: 12 Apr 2019 08:31 PM PDT

    I think Iron Golems should be able to throw blocks at mobs as they please especially in raids given that they just don't stand a chance without the aid of a player, hell even the player can't protect every villager (even in creative mode) without a wall.

    So I was thinking that they should be able to pick up grassblocks (without destroying terrain) and throw them at mobs such as creepers, skeletons & pillagers, which in my opinion would greatly increase their worth. I think 6.5 hearts is considerable about of damage with splash damage. However, this feature only happens on a rare occasion when fighting other mobs such as zombies & endermen but is more frequent against skeletons, creepers & pillagers.

    This would mean that the iron golems are a melee-ranged type of mob.

    submitted by /u/AVGwar
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