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    Minecraft Let bats drop a new ingredient for echolocation potions

    Minecraft Let bats drop a new ingredient for echolocation potions

    Let bats drop a new ingredient for echolocation potions

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 07:53 AM PDT

    Bats feel pretty useless right now, and it would thematically make sense since bats are known to use echolocation to catch their prey. The new potion could allow players to see entities through blocks and structures a certain distance, helpful for checking if mobs are on the other side of a wall or something in a cave. The item could also have a chance of dropping instead of being dropped all the time. Bat ears come to mind first.

    submitted by /u/allsmighty
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    Advanced movement

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 09:19 AM PDT

    With the recent hitbox and movement changes (players being 1.5 blocks tall when crouching) they should add the ability to jump half a block higher when crouching mid jump. Instead of the players head going down, their feet would go up, like in real life.

    Also since they changed crawling/landswimming/landgliding to stay on when in a one block high space. (Confirming it's intended?) They should add an official control to activate it without water or an elytra.

    This would add new possibilities to parkour and crouch jumping would be useful for jumping over fences of animal pens and crawling would be useful for base building etc.

    Overall these changes would add a lot of creative possibilities and quality of life improvements.

    (Maybe have crouch toggle from shift instead of having to hold it down and holding it down would instead enter crawl mode like an old post here suggested)

    submitted by /u/Rententee
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    Adding Tomatoes to Minecraft a Complete Concept.

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 10:10 AM PDT

    Focusing specifically on tomatoes in Minecraft which are my number one favorite fruit (yes it's a fruit) in real life. Here is how I would add Tomatoes to the game.

    Tomato Seeds

    These seeds can be found in dungeons and treasure chest, but can also be harvested from a Tomato. Each Tomato can give you four seeds. Seeds can be planted and grow into Tomato Plant.

    Tomato Plants

    I don't think tomato plants should occur in the wild. They can, however, spawn in a farm. Tomato Plants can be a unique plant in the game in that it is a two block tall plant that can be planted, matured, and harvested. In its immature stage, it is a small seedling, but in its mature stage, it grows to two blocks tall. Tomato Plants can be harvested 4-6 times before they die and disappear to dust and will need to be replanted. Each harvest yields 4-6 Tomatoes with a 1 in 8 chance of producing a Rotten Tomato.


    The tomato can be eaten. Being a heartier food item I think it could be worth 2 Food Points. The Tomato can also be turned into seeds for replanting. Each Tomato yields 4 Tomato Seeds.

    Tomato Soup

    2 Tomatoes can be added to a Wooden Bowl to make Tomato Soup which gives you 5 Food Points.

    Rotten Tomato

    There is a chance that when harvesting tomatoes you get a Rotten Tomato. When eaten a Rotten Tomato can give you 15 seconds of Nausea. Rotten Tomatoes can also be thrown like a snowball and cause a half heart of damage. If you die from a Rotten Tomato you get a special death message. "Consider Yourself Tomatoed." You can also craft Rotten Tomatoes by combining a Tomato with Rotten Flesh.

    That is how I would add Tomatoes in Minecraft.

    submitted by /u/Redtopz85
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    Higher bad omen level should come with more enemies per wave

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 10:21 AM PDT

    This is pretty simple, giving additional waves don't really make the raid harder since you will have time to recover between each wave.

    submitted by /u/Explosive_Cake
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    New Illager: Assassin (or some other name)

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 06:22 AM PDT

    It's stealthy, tries to stay in dark areas, and doesn't make idle noises. Wears dark clothing and has a hood like the wandering trader. Would shoot arrows at you, possibly tipped.

    submitted by /u/Super_Solver
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    tier 1 and tier 2 villagers should level up faster, tier 3+ remains unchanged

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    i don't really like how low tier villagers are leveling up really slow. i think they should level up faster. because paying armourer 14 emerald 8 times for some piece of iron armor isn't right. tier 3+ villagers however should remain unchanged (or maybe lowered too to be more compatible with level 1 and 2)

    what do you think about this?

    submitted by /u/Pingas9999
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    Iron golems should have a farther aggro range

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 10:34 PM PDT

    With so many threats to villages now including raids, illagers, zombies, etc, iron golems seem to be extremely outnumbered and the fact that there can literally be a raid happening and the iron golem of the village will just be off on another side of the village doing nothing seems like an extreme waste. There range should cover the entire village and once a hostile mob enters the vicinity of the village the iron golem should be aggrod on the mob as soon as they enter. It just seems like they're very useless for how expensive they are when 75% of the time they arent even in action when mobs are clearly killing off villagers.

    submitted by /u/aarf33
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    Mining update

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 01:04 PM PDT

    I've seen people suggesting that the next big update should be a mining update, but what exactly would that include/ what would you want to see? (No new ores I think that would ruin the flow of the game)

    submitted by /u/EmberCon
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    Rockets that splash their target with potion effects

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    Now that rockets can be fired from crossbows, it would be interesting to let them apply potion effects to their target on impact.

    submitted by /u/xkforce
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    New Mob: The Thief

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 04:29 PM PDT

    The Thief would be a mob that spawns 3 times less than Wandering Traders do, and only when you're in the Overworld above the surface.. These mobs would look like assassins, with 1 of 3 Cloaks that have their own Design (Ex. White and Red, Black and Gray, or Dark Gray and Purple.) These hostile humanoids would bring something new to the table:

    They would look through your Chests, Barrels and Shulker Boxes. They would steal anything of value, such as diamonds and diamond items, rare mob drops, etc.

    When you see them, they would do one of two things: Run away about 75% of the Player Running Speed, or fight back.

    When they run away and you don't catch them, it's over. Once they are 50-60 blocks away from you, they despawn, bringing the stolen items with you. When running away, he will either jump out any holes, break any windows, or run out the door.

    When they fight back, however, things get interesting. Thieves would wield either Iron or Diamond Swords and a Shield, which they would actually use, or an iron or Diamond Sword and a Crossbow or Bow. When they have a Shield, they would occasionally block with it, taking no damage whatsoever and using that opportunity to strike. When they have a Bow or Crossbow, they would backup while charging it, then shooting. This would create a decently hard mob to defeat that could take your precious items.

    If you manage to kill one, good job! It drops the Items he stole and rarely an Assassin's Cloak, which would be worn on the Helmet Slot and give you permanent speed.

    Thanks for reading! Now I want to know what YOU think. Do you like this idea? How can it be improved? Questions or Concerns? Please let me know in the comments down below!

    (P.S. I don't have a macro for those sentences, I swear.)

    submitted by /u/Tomdaninja
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    On hard difficulty, ravager occasionally do a charge attack that destroy soft blocks on its way

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 10:25 AM PDT

    Kinda like wither's charge attack on bedrock edition

    Make it so block that have blast resistance under 20 are destroyed (So wooden house will be in danger but stone building will be fine)

    submitted by /u/Explosive_Cake
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    New Mob: The Watcher (A Work in Progress)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 07:12 PM PDT

    Okay, so I just wanted to get people's feedback on what I can change and whatnot, so this is just a work in progress; an idea. I don't have a model for it yet because if this is heavily disliked, it would be a waste to me.

    new mob: the watcher

    hp: 20 attack strength: 3 (normal), 5 (hard) height: 1.95 blocks width: 0.6 blocks spawn: overworld at night, only in normal or hard mode in low light level areas. drops: stone/cobblestone (common), iron (uncommon), 4 XP alignment: neutral, hostile when within 4 blocks of a player, but only if it is not approached by the player, however if it is attacked it will become hostile and fight the player. sounds: only makes sounds similar to elytra gliding sound, and only when gliding.

    The Watcher is a living statue that stalks players at night, mysteriously disappearing at dawn, leaving only crumbles of stone to prove its existence. It has the ability to glide, via elytra-like wings, and only moves when the player is not looking at it. If a player looks at the Watcher while it is mid-flight, the Watcher will glide to its original destination, land and stop, and return to its natural "crouching" position. The Watcher always crouches when looked at, except when gliding. When gliding, if the player had not seen it, there is a chance that it attacks the player like a Phantom, gliding down and striking, only to return to the natural position. Once it reaches the 4 block range or is attacked, the Watcher will fight the player until one of them dies, or until the sun rises. The Watcher will only try to stay in higher places, will never go into caves, strongholds, villages, water, or lava unless knocked into them, and will disappear in well lit areas. The Watcher cannot burn, as it is a statue of stone. It will sink, and move 2× slower when underwater, also because it is stone. It cannot swim or bob, and needs to walk back to the surface.

    Thanks for reading. Please give me some constructive criticism! (I hope this doesn't violate anything)

    submitted by /u/Dakruk
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    Use for Mundane and Thick Potions

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 10:42 AM PDT

    I have come up with a use for mundane and thick potions. It will be another way to increase the strength of your potions, but not by as much as glowstone and redstone. Thick potions will make the potions stronger, just like glowstone dust does; but, thick potions will decrease the length of the potions, even more than glowstone dust does. Mundane potions will make the potions last longer, but not as long as redstone and other items do. The reason that the thick and the mundane potions are worse than adding glowstone or redstone is because potions that you add glowstone or redstone to to enhance them have nether wart in them, unlike thick or mundane potions.

    submitted by /u/PlasmaEarth
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    Add bitwise operations to /scoreboard players operation

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 04:28 AM PDT

    Title basically says it. It would be nice to use them

    submitted by /u/OndrikB
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    New Block: Hanging 'Rope' Vines for the Jungle Biome.

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 06:26 PM PDT

    The 'Vines' block that we have right now, only looks good attached to block surfaces.

    We need a 'Vines' block that looks more like a thick, strong, rope-like vine that hangs from the canopy of the Jungle biome.

    It would be the same bright-green color as the Jungle biome and be approximately 4 x 4 pixels thick.

    It should be attachable to Wood blocks, and grow as quickly as the other type of Vines.

    You should be able to climb up it, albeit more slowly than a ladder for instance, due to the necessary effort of 'pulling' yourself up it.

    It could have tiny, one-pixel sized leaves along it's surface.

    submitted by /u/Seb104
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    New Block: Bush (opposite of Dead Bush)

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 06:13 PM PDT

    The Dead Bush generates naturally in Deserts, Badlands and Giant Tree Taiga biomes.

    Basically it's as though the temperature of the biome is what has killed the Bush.

    In the case of the Desert and Badlands biomes it's the dry/warm climate.

    In the case of the Giant Tree Taiga biome it's the cold climate.

    We should have a version of this block that generates naturally in one or more 'medium/lush' biomes.

    Obviously it wouldn't be dead, because the climate is not too hot, and not too cold. So it would just be called 'Bush'.

    submitted by /u/Seb104
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    Bone meal on tall grass occasionally spawns a sapling

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 09:46 PM PDT

    When one just can't find a forest, it'd be nice to have another way to acquire a sapling and be able to start growing wood. And since bone meal can turn dirt to grass and grass to flowers and tall grass, why not make it able -- in a big enough quantity or with some luck (probably no more than a 5% chance on each use) -- to turn tall grass into a tree sapling appropriate to the biome? (In most of the biomes where trees can't naturally grow, it could be done with a twist. Maybe on mushroom islands it could instead have a small chance to create a mushroom when used on mycelium; in deserts, cactus; on beaches, sugar cane; in the ocean, coral; on Soul Sand in a nether fortress, nether wart....)

    submitted by /u/Prom3th3an
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    Show Region File in F3 Menu and Chunk Borders Option

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 08:17 PM PDT

    As useful as this Coordinate Tools https://dinnerbone.com/minecraft/tools/coordinates/ page is, it would be even better to have it built into the game. This way, if a map designer (or someone like me who just likes to tinker a lot) needs to shuffle files around, there's an obvious visual marker for where the file borders are.

    submitted by /u/Flexico
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