• Breaking News

    Minecraft Servers A Scoop of Vanilla [SMP][Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{1.13.2}{Spigot}

    Minecraft Servers A Scoop of Vanilla [SMP][Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{1.13.2}{Spigot}

    A Scoop of Vanilla [SMP][Semi-Vanilla]{Whitelist}{1.13.2}{Spigot}

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 08:34 AM PDT

    IP: Asov.info

    Subreddit: /r/Asov

    Server Location: East Coast Canada

    Current Map Start Date: 08/29/2018

    To apply for admission: Application

    Who are we?

    A Scoop of Vanilla is a friendly Minecraft orientated gaming community and has been in operation for over 5 years. We just started our 8th map on August 29th 2018. This is a long-term map with no reset planned for at least a year. Here is a community made photo album of their first week on this map! While Minecraft is our main love, many in the community also play many other games together such as Overwatch, Rainbow Six Siege, League of Legends and PUBG. We are a very welcoming, friendly, and inclusive community from all over the world looking to grow and meet new friends.

    What makes us different

    Our community is the defining feature of the server. A Scoop of Vanilla has a server culture of being extremely friendly and social. It is not uncommon for members to end up exchanging contact information or adding each other on social media and becoming friends beyond the scope of the game. As far as server operation goes our admin team has taken it upon themselves to host the server at personal cost, not asking for or accepting any donations. Thus, avoiding all donation scheme shenanigans.

    Server Features

    • 99.99% Vanilla Gameplay Experience

    • Established Positive Community

    • Fun and Fair Staff

    • Server events and games

    • Ultra Hard Core Events

    • World Border of +/- 8k

    • Grief Protection

    • Dedicated Server (not a partition. not shared. Only ASOV)

    • Steam Group

    • Very Active Discord Group

    Server Rules

    • No griefing or stealing

    • Be nice. No harassment of any kind.

    • PVP is NOT allowed. Unless both parties agree to it.

    • You break it, you fix it.

    • No Spam

    • Full list of rules can be found here as well as on our subreddit /r/Asov

    Want to Join?

    We are looking for players who enjoy building and playing the game. We welcome all players new and experienced. We welcome all ages but expect a high level of maturity from all players regardless of age. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards theft, griefing and drama making. To apply simply click here and fill out a quick application. We look at all applications within 24 hours and will respond in a fast and timely manner.


    Jarl_Big_Johnson, Fh2Hi, Mitt_Zombie, Kazra, fo11ow3r, and synthmarie


    Worldguard, CoreProtect, Worldedit, Discordsrv

    These plugins are only used for rollback purposes in very rare events of griefing. There are no "land claims" or "locked chests" or "teleports" or other any other non-vanilla interactions.

    Thanks for reading and if you feel that A Scoop of Vanilla is a good match for what you seek in a server I invite you to apply today!

    submitted by /u/ASOV_Server
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    BadWolfMC [SMP]{18+}{Greylist}{1.13.2}{SkyBlock}{PlotWorld}{Minigames}

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 10:01 AM PDT


    BadWolfMC is a laid-back, semi-vanilla server network for adults (18+) with lots of room to build and a few plugins to add a little fun and to keep your builds safe. In addition to the Minecraft worlds we all love we also feature SkyBlock, AcidIsland, & SkyGrid, creative PlotWorld, Paintball & Parkour arenas, Elytra Challenges, mazes, a public end grinder, public tree farm, an expansive vanilla gaming park where members can build, regularly reset resource worlds, a massive shopping center that houses space for over 80 player and server shops, and we hold regular holiday events and build contests. Members also enjoy our Discord server with in-game chat integration, and our wiki is useful for n00bs and veterans alike. Join us and become a part of our growing community with members from all over the globe!

    Our mission is to be a place to unwind and have a little fun, and our philosophy is to add to the game, not take away from it. We are very laid-back and won't get on your case about language, but still request that everyone be respectful. We also do our best to be EULA compliant, and we encourage and welcome feedback from all of our users.

    Membership Application Required: if you like the place and the rules fit your style, feel free to apply for permissions at BadWolfMC.com!

    General Server Rules (full rules here)

    • All players must be 18 years of age or older - that's the whole "Adult Minecraft Server" bit.

    • No Griefing - Breaking or placing blocks within another player's clearly defined area is strictly prohibited. This is true even in PvP and for seemingly abandoned builds - if it's not yours, don't touch it.

    • No Client Mods/Exploits - Client modifications (other than Optifine) or exploits to the game are not allowed. (forge, lightloader, flying, speed, x-ray, item duplication etc.)

    • No Advertising/Spam - No advertising servers/websites/mods in the chat or filling the chat with repeated messages.

    • Common Sense/Maturity - This is a game, be respectful, have fun, don't rage, don't participate in drama, don't harass people, mind the server conventions, etc.

    Come take a look around as our guest at IP: play.badwolfmc.com We hope you'll be as excited about this place as we are!

    We look forward to seeing you in game!

    submitted by /u/BadWolfMC
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    The Asteroid [SMP][Semi-Vanilla] {Whitelist}{1.13.2}{dynmap}{datapacks}

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 04:54 AM PDT

    IP: play.theasteroid.net

    Discord: https://discord.gg/rNYW3xU

    Server Version: 1.13.2


    General Information:

    The Asteroid is a NEW whitelisted SMP server with a friendly community. We play survival in 1.13.2 on Hard difficulty.

    We have a few datapacks to enhance the vanilla experience. All of these "tweaks" are listed below.

    Griefing, stealing and/or any way of theft is not allowed. We are a friendly group of people and we would like to keep it this way.

    Most players on our server are playing as a "hermitcraft like server" however, some of us are more interested in technical minecraft and try to build extremely efficient farms. So we have a few of both types of players but everyone gets along with each other.

    We have around 30 members as of right now but we hope to increase this number soon.



    • Fresh map (started march 9th).
    • Dynmap (a live map of the server).
    • Public farms made by the players for the players.
    • Mobs drop heads.
    • No Enderman grief.
    • Multiplayer sleep.
    • Dragon drops Elytra and Dragon Egg.
    • Shulkers always drop 2 Shulker Shells.
    • NO fire spread in Overworld.
    • Synchronized discord <-> server chat.
    • Group projects (such as building large farms together)
    • Group events in and outside the server.
    • Hanging out in voice chat.
    • Tracking various statistics to check how many blocks you mined, how many items you've crafted and more stuff like so.
    • Server texture pack with the new 1.14 textures.
    • And much more...


    What are you waiting for? Join today!
    Discord: https://discord.gg/rNYW3xU

    submitted by /u/SirKillianMC
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    ItsEerie Modded [SMP]{Modded, 1.14}{Datapacks, 1.14}{Modded, 1.12.2}{Discord}

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 10:20 AM PDT

    This post contains info for two servers, ItsEerie 2(mods, 1.12.2) and Snapshot Survival(snapshots, 1.14). Both are owned by u/EerieP and run by ItsEerie Staff.

    Discord for Both: https://discord.gg/esXCw6v

    Joining the Discord server is a requirement so that you can get informed on any and all changes that you will need to know about.

    Rules For BOTH Servers:

    1. Don't grief.
    2. Respect players and their items.
    3. No X-Raying/Hacking/Exploiting/Cheating.
    4. No PVP unless both participants agree.

    Datapacks/Modded, 1.14 - Snapshot Survival

    Snapshot Survival is a newer world for those of us who love snapshots, mods, and datapacks, hosted so that you can experience them all in a multiplayer environment. Please no griefing! Respect other players, the world and their items.

    We use the Fabric modloader to provide a modded Minecraft experience while also keeping a constant flow of new snapshots.

    // Datapacks:

    • AFK Display - Displays when a player goes AFK.
    • Anti Creeper Grief - Creepers do no damage to the terrain.
    • Anti Enderman Grief - Endermen do not pick up blocks.
    • Anti Ghast Grief - Ghasts do no damage to the terrain.
    • Anti Zombie Breach - Zombies can no longer break down doors.
    • Customizable Armor Stands - Change how armor stands look using a user-friendly book.
    • Double Shulker Shells - Get 2 Shulker Shells when killing Shulkers.
    • Ender Dragon Elytra - Ender dragon will drop elytra upon death.
    • Equestrian Craftables - Craft items such as saddles in a crafting table.
    • Item Frame Color - Sneak right-click with dye on Item Frames to change the background color.
    • One Player Sleep - An easy way to pass the night.
    • Rotten Flesh to Leather - Smelt Rotten Flesh into Leather.
    • SimpleHome - Allows for /sethome and /home commands.
    • Terracotta Rotation Wrench - Rotate glazed terracotta patterns.
    • Timber - Full tree chopping.
    • Tridents O' Plenty - When killing Drowned Zombies, there's a 50% chance of them dropping a trident.

    // Mods (Snapshots):

    • Anvil fix - do infinite repairs and too-expensive enchant combinations
    • Beach slimes - baby blue slimes spawn on beaches
    • Blockus - adds blocks
    • Easy excavate - grave, "`", or set your own key to mine veins
    • Extra pieces - vertical slabs!
    • Fabric magnet - magnet
    • Harvest - easy crop harvesting
    • I am very smart - unlock all recipes
    • Lead villagers - lasso villagers
    • Nifty - show mob health
    • Silky spawners - silk touch spawners
    • Simple pipes - pipes, tanks, pumps, and filters
    • Simple teleporters - teleportation
    • Smoke extender - taller campfire smoke
    • Trident fixer - repair tridents with prismarine shards
    • Vanilla hammers - 3x3 hammering
    • Vanilla toolsets - new tools and armor

    // Gamerules (Snapshots):

    • Fire Spread - false
    • Keep Inventory - true
    • Random Tick Speed - 10

    Modded, 1.12.2 - ItsEerie 2

    \\ Summary of the Modlist (Most important/apparent mods):

    • Biomes O' Plenty
    • Just Enough Items
    • Dynamic Trees
    • JourneyMap
    • Quark
    • Signpost
    • Thermal Dynamics
    • Tomb Many Graves
    • Ore Excavation
    • Chickens
    • Roost

    \\ How to Install:

    1. Search "ItsEerie 2" into the search bar for modpacks in the Twitch desktop program and play it that way.

    \\ If that doesn't work (Twitch is a bit screwy):

    1. Download the .zip folder from the CurseForge page (don't unzip it)
    2. Click "Create Custom Profile" in Twitch
    3. Click "Import" and select the .zip folder.
    4. It should download them by itself.

    I don't understand most of them as I didn't put together the modpack (u/EerieP did). The full modlist is moderately long (~135) so just go to the official CurseForge page to view it.


    Vote on servers based on the content and quality of their description.

    Remember that you are more than welcome to comment, PM, or ask in the discord server any questions you may have. If in the Discord server, the staff is signified by blue roles.

    Remember to be respectful and follow the rules. Thanks,


    submitted by /u/shayhayhay
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    GrinningLimes: Magic and Exploration Based [Modded] {1.7.10} {18+} {Whitelist}

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 09:24 AM PDT

    Main Mods: Aether II, Betweenlands, Hardcore Ender Expansion, Ruins, Thaumcraft 4, Twilight Forest, and Witchery.

    Notable Mods: Smart Moving, Dynamic Lights, Gravestone, Gilby's Voice Chat (allows for in-game voice chat)


    • Dedicated Host on US East Coast
    • Pregenerated dimensions (up to the world border [16k radius in Overworld]) which reduce generation lag from other players.
    • Well-traveled dimensions (The End, Twilight Forest, and Wyvern Lands) are reset on the 1st and 16th of every month.
    • Hourly incremental backups of the server.
    • Over 200 unique Ruins generated throughout the Overworld (many with traps.. and many more with treasures).
    • Four unique underground cities are hidden somewhere in the Overworld.
    • Custom spawning rules (JAS); rivers have fish!

    Opened (03/21/2019):

    Choice of starter kit (classic, exploration, and magic) when you join. The pack and server is challenging so you'll probably need it!

    Join using the "join" button on the homepage. Likewise, download the pack using the "download" button... For those interested, I'm online right now so I can quickly whitelist you.

    Server rules: https://grinninglimes.com/server-information/rules/

    More info is available here: https://grinninglimes.com/

    submitted by /u/GrinningMoon
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    NeatoBuilds [semi-vanilla]

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 08:06 AM PDT

    Server IP: mc.neatobuilds.com

    Website: http://neatobuilds.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/EH8wJyy

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/neatobuilds/

    Welcome Everyone

    We have been running strong since 2015 with a simple motto, play as if you were on single player, but with friends. What this means to us is you have the freedom to play and build wherever and as large as you want.
    The way we keep it fresh is by changing the world spawn point every year so new players can find new areas easier and old players can keep on building.


    ExNihilo: This is our main server which consists of three survival worlds.

    1. Amplified hard survival with keep items on death, since 2015

    2. Vanilla hard survival with drop items on death, since 2016

    3. Vanilla hard survival with drop items on death, since 1.13 update


    Laetus (Realistic); Once you have mastered survival and feel like you need a bit of a challenge then come here. We have created a survival world with custom world generation and filled it with plugins that make you need to sleep, find medicine, build with support or blocks will fall, water has physics, and be careful in caves.


    Valhalla: Creative, new world and we are still building the spawn area so come and help us create and decide how we should run this world.

    It can be confusing on first join, but once you pick a world that you like and a spot you want to build then its really easy to continue.

    Players decide how things should be changed, spawn towns are created by players.

    We keep things simple, no crazy plugins, no overwhelming rules, no pay to win. We do have a patreon but we do not give any in game bonuses for supporting the server. Players who play on the server and are able to can help keep the server running for as little as 1 dollar a month, completely optional.

    Plugins Each server has some plugins to help deal with griefers, we can roll back any damage made by specific players without bringing down the server, our survival server uses essentials so we can set up protected player run shops, and we use DiscordSRV to be able to link our in game chat with our discord.


    1. Don't build too close to someone else, 500 blocks distance preferred

    2. Do not steal, do not grief, PVP only with consent

    3. No over exploitative builds, please ask a mod before building something you think is an exploit

    submitted by /u/NeatoBuilds
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    Near Vanilla [Semi-Vanilla] [SMP] {Mature 18+} {Whitelisted} {Community} {1.13.2} {Survival}

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 08:03 AM PDT

    Hey all, thanks for your interest in the Near Vanilla Server.

    If you're 18+ and looking for a fun, relaxed, and community driven server, then Near Vanilla is the place for you! We offer a Multiplayer experience in a Vanilla Minecraft world, where you can create and make whatever you like in a safe and positive environment.

    About the server:

    Oftentimes the multiplayer experience can negatively impact the vanilla minecraft experience, or vice versa. Therefore, the only plugins we have aid grief prevention, administration, and those that enhance the vanilla multiplayer experience. With a dedicated discord and an admin team, we're sure that you'll enjoy a great multiplayer experience on our server without issue. With the game difficulty set to hard, and PVP enabled (although only used for consensual purposes) you'll for sure need to make a friend or two to keep the zombies at bay!

    Who we are:

    We're a bunch of 18+ from all walks of life that have come together to play Minecraft to create, build, collect and explore. Near Vanilla provides that perfect place for us because we have an emphasis on putting real life first and so our server is kept as a place for fun and relaxation with friends. We act and communicate in a responsible manner and therefore expect that others do the same; and as such we are a server free from bullying, griefing, stealing, and general negative attitudes that can unfortunately be found in SMPs often.

    What you can expect:

    The moment you log on to Near Vanilla you can be sure you'll receive a warm welcome, instant offers of help and support, and a server that is really happy to have made an additional friend. Often we run community events and work on projects together, however playing more solo is fine too - there is no pressure! As a group we are extremely interested in your views and opinions, and so generally any changes made to the server are voted on first because we always put our community ahead. Expect to have a say and be heard!

    Lightweight add-ons:

    Deathlog : Let's you know where you died (coordinates)

    Kickafk: Kicks players that afk more than 3 hours

    Criteria for being accepted:

    • 18+
    • Being a nice person

    Zero tolerance policy:

    No hacking, glitching or duping allowed. If we see a player do one of these three things there will be no mercy. This will result in a permanent ban.

    No griefing, bullying, insulting or being prejudice to others. Be mindful of the community that you're joining or expect to face disciplinary action.

    Server Specs:

    • CPU running at 4.6 Ghz
    • Fast SSD storage with automatic backups
    • 8 GB of dedicated DDR4 ram
    • Gigabit internet connection
    • DDOS protection

    To apply fill in the following and post it below or use form on our website:

    1. Age:
    2. IGN:
    3. What brings you to our community?
    4. What are some of your goals for this server?
    5. Tell us a little about yourself!

    Our IP is: play.nearvanilla.com

    Our website: https://nearvanilla.com

    Finally, be sure you get yourself on discord and join us here so that you can really get the full Near Vanilla experience. We're friendly, fun and keen to meet you!

    No reddit account? Apply here!

    submitted by /u/OfficialNearVanilla
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    Daleko [SMP] {Land Claims} {Dynmap/Live Map} {Economy} {No Whitelist} {1.13.2}

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 08:00 AM PDT

    About us

    Join us and be part of a young, growing community! Our server is strongly focused around the Grief Prevention plug-in so that players can experience the enjoyment of building and surviving alone or with friends. Any player who joins may create their own claim, or join an existing one. Find your place, and start surviving, building, and creating with other players and friends!

    Finding Us

    Our server address is daleko.serv.gs, and our live map is easily found on our subreddit's menu bar at /r/Daleko.

    We are on 1.13.2!

    Hope to see you soon!

    Server Rules

    [1] Be respectful.

    [2] Be ethical.

    [3] Use common sense.

    [4] Use Land Claims to protect yourself from griefing. Griefing in the wild is permitted. If griefing has occurred near your claim, you can request to have terrain of specific chunks regenerated. Use Land Claims to protect yourself from PvP as well, as it is enabled on this server.

    [5] IF you have lost items due to glitches, or griefing, we can replace them. Just ask an admin in-game, or create a ticket with /report {message}.

    [6] No:

    - spamming in chat or messages

    - advertising in chat or messages

    - asking for ranks, items, etc. in chat or messages

    - discriminatory remarks in chat or messages

    - ping spoofing

    submitted by /u/DalekoOfficial
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    Lunebox [Semi-Vanilla] {SkyBlock} {1.13.2} {Discord}

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 07:51 AM PDT

    Website: lunebox.ml

    Server Address: mc.lunebox.ml

    Rules: lunebox.ml/forum

    LuneBox is a Minecraft 1.13.2 Skyblock server created on the 26th of February, 2019. Our goal is to ensure players have a constant fun rate, so we have provided a multitude of different activities such as an interactive chat with reactions and unscramble games, custom tags, nicknames, lotteries every 2 hours, constant giveaways, the ability to customise islands, 7 of our own built islands which range in difficulty with levelled challenges and so much more!

    Our team has worked continuously to redefine Skyblock by providing you will a completely unique experience whether it comes down to the Skyblock itself or through our chat. Our chat is full of activities to participate in - from quick reactions to giveaways! You are rewarded for every task you win with a fair price, yet we still have many challenges which you can complete on your island.

    Here's a list of things to expect:

    • Choose out of 7 different islands, all with varied difficulties
    • Take part in the lottery which is drawn every 2 hours
    • Join in chat games to win easy rewards
    • Customise how you want to run your island, and who can visit, setting your own permissions and accessories
    • Enter giveaways to win amazing rewards like ranks, unique items and large sums of in-game money
    • Enter our PvP arena and determine who the King of the Arena is
    • Customise your name and chat with colours, tags, nicknames, prefixes and suffixes
    • Team up on islands and aim to be the top of the leaderboard
    • Access pets and morphs
    • Take part in polls and surveys on our Discord for future additions, (discord.gg/YHrgA4B)
    • Join our team and support the community of LuneBox
    submitted by /u/_rabscuttle_
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    Quietdayz [Semi-Vanilla] {Towny} {1.13.2}

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 05:05 AM PDT

    Hey guys,

    We are a mature and kind-hearted server which has a huge focus on the community. As a semi-vanilla server

    we have towny to help form small communities. There is also a in game player shop were you will be able to

    trade, buy, and sell items in the in-game economy. We focus on community and our goal is to provided that with

    the least amount of plugins as possible.

    We have a dedicated staff team to answer all your questions and will always try their best to try to help your in game.

    IP: play.quietdayz.com

    Discord: https://discord.gg/WEEeTgB


    The rules are simple

    1. Be kind and mature
    2. Be inclusive and don't discriminate
    3. Respect Everyone
    4. Do not grief, cheat or steal.

    Number one rule, don't forget to be cool.

    submitted by /u/JustCause32
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    Renegades Minecraft Server! [SMP] {1.13.2} {McMMO} {Towny} {New} {Custom Mobs} {Custom Bosses} {Custom Events}

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 03:35 PM PDT

    ❤ Towny and Survival! ❤ Anti-grief and Land Protection! ❤ Custom mobs and bosses! ❤ Regular Holiday Events! ❤ Lovely community! ❤ McMMO Overhaul & lots more! ❤

    Server IP: renegades.mc.gg

    Website: https://renegadesminecraft.enjin.com/

    Discord: https://discord.gg/wxjUDHD


    We have a lot to offer, Have a look below:

    - Survival and Towny: Feel like working with a community and creating a town? Well you can! Or you can go solo out in our survival world! Or, if you want, you can do both! Both are completely safe from PvP! PvP can only occur in specific areas!

    - Good Economy: Earn money by selling different things you mine, or harvest! If you want, you can go to our spawn shop, or you can set up your own player shop! We also have a lottery that draws every 24 hours!

    - Ranks: We have our own custom ranks and rank ups! Upon joining, you'll get your rank and you can progress your way through depending on your playtime, total McMMO, and money amount! We also have donator ranks as well!

    - Extra Inventory: We use a plugin that allows for more inventory space! A backpack plugin that allows more inventory space with a command!

    - Protection Stones: You get a Protection block upon joining. This block can be used to claim land to prevent players interacting with your area. Furthermore, you can lock your doors and chests! If you forget to protect land and do get griefed, one of our staff will be on it as soon as they can! What if you lose your area? They can find it too!

    - Custom mobs, menus and bosses: Take on and new challenge our own custom mobs, custom bosses, and event mobs (mentioned later.) and get custom items! We also have custom menus that can help simplify how you play the game!

    - Keep items on death: Scared of losing all those diamonds you mined, fear not! For keep inventory is on!

    - McMMO Overhaul: Level up skills to gain extra powers or Become #1 on skills leader board. Your over all level appears below your name so you can show off your skills. We have upgraded to the newest version of McMMO and we use McMMO overhaul with new options, and more to come!

    - Events: Our staff team works extra hard to get special events to be running depending on the time of year! We have things like Easter, Christmas, New Year's, and more! The events consist of custom mobs and bosses, custom puzzles, custom items, and much more!

    - Very friendly community: The most important thing of any server is a loving and caring community! We firmly believe that, and it's why we constantly have things like:

    • Game night
    • Contests
    • Screw Around Time (just times to have fun)
    • Chat Nights (times to just sit down and talk)
    • And more!

    Server Rules:

    1. No cursing/foul language
    2. Keep the chat PG
    3. Be respectful of other players, including staff
    4. Do not discriminate
    5. Do not bully anyone
    6. Do not grief or steal
    7. Do not spam
    8. Try to keep all caps to a minimum

    Server IP: renegades.mc.gg

    Website: https://renegadesminecraft.enjin.com/

    Discord: https://discord.gg/wxjUDHD

    submitted by /u/RenegadesMinecraft
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    Looking for specific Semi-Vanilla server. [Wanted] [Semi-Vanilla] {Dynamap} {Recent Reset} {WorldBorder} {1.13.2}

    Posted: 05 Apr 2019 12:00 AM PDT

    Must have the following:

    • Dynamap and discord server
    • At least 5 players on at all times
    • Allows large mob farm builds with perimeters
    • Has reset in 2019
    • Set world-border with reset of land outside world border when 1.14 comes out.

    All of the points above are very important to me and I am interested in a more mature community with older players. I hope someone can help me out!

    submitted by /u/DontStayInOnePlace
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    Retro [Semi-vanilla] {Whitelist} {1.13.2} {Paper}

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 08:13 PM PDT

    IP: retro.serv.nu

    Subreddit: r/RetroMCReddit

    Discord: https://discord.gg/AcwepmT

    In short,

    Retro is a Minecraft server that wants to keep it simple, stupid. We're allowed a very simple and straightforward land protection system via Landlord, which you can use to protect your land from raiding and/or greifing. We also employ the use of guilds, with a guild, you can create a club for your friends and others to join and all play together in. You can set a guild prefix to distinguish yourselves in chat, and a guild home for easy access to your guild HQ. There's a small, trade-based shop in spawn and an active Discord server.


    1. Do not raid/greif claimed areas (if Landlord was somehow disabled)
    2. Do not use any cheats or exploits that that give you an unfair advantage (IE: x-ray, nodus, duplication bugs)
    3. Don't advertise your server, and don't advertise on behalf of Retro
    4. Don't beg for spawned in items, you won't get any
    5. It's your responsibility to read and follow these rules, by the time you've started playing on Retro you've been reminded three times

    How to join

    Leave your username and why you want to join below to be added to the whitelist

    submitted by /u/RetroMCReddit
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    Trials & Chill [Semi-vanilla] [SMP] {Team-Based} {Weekly Events} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 06:43 PM PDT

    Server Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/6uJBids

    We are a team-based semi-vanilla Minecraft server.

    Team bases are grief-protected! Land claims distributed with winning competitive events!

    We have weekly competitive events with in-game prizes and some Chill events just to hang out.

    We are welcoming new players, old and new! Please join the Discord and read up on the server info and rules.

    Discord: discord.gg/ptvspxj

    Server IP: tnc.fluctis.com:26321

    Raw IP:


    submitted by /u/Dantown_alt
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    The Beautiful Game [SMP] {Custom Terrain} {Jobs} {Towny} {MCMMO} {Economy} {Spigot 1.12.2} {Dedicated Server} {Dynmap}

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 06:23 PM PDT

    What is this server about?

    The Beautiful Game is focused on providing an enhanced experience that stays true to the art of Minecraft. All of the plugins we've chosen were with the express purpose of enhancing vanilla aspects of the game to bring out the beauty that is sometimes hidden behind its blemishes while also adding deep and engaging gameplay elements onto the existing framework of the game.

    The gameplay has been tailored to encourage playing together through the Towny plugin and incentivizes building things like public transportation in the form of railroads etc. Commands like /rtp and /tpa have fees attached to them so that things like public transportation are not only viable, but encouraged!

    We use Jobs, MCMMO, and EliteMobs to add an economy with custom rare items that come with benefits not possible in the pure vanilla version of the game. You'll spawn a custom world with beautiful terrain and custom biomes sure to provide you with many locations to build and adventure in.

    We also take the input of our players very seriously, any suggestions for plugins in our discord will be considered and we greatly value the input from players. This isn't to say we'll add any plugins you ask for, but we'll consider each suggestion with thoughtfulness and respect, rather than dismissing you as other servers may.

    Notable Plugins Used:

    Biome Bundle - Used to generate the custom terrain you'll be exploring

    BetterRTP - Used so that you can start your adventure quickly

    Deathchest - Isn't it annoying how you have such a short time to get back to your possessions after an unfortunate death? With this plugin you've an hour to get back to your gear that is locked safely within a chest only you can open!

    EliteMobs - This plugin will help to keep the late game fun, Elite mobs will spawn that are stronger than the vanilla mobs which will provide you with exciting boss fights and custom loot in exchange.

    MCMMO - Used so that you can level up basic things that you do in game such as mining, chopping wood, gathering herbs, repair, and excavating.

    MCMMO Horses - This is a fun one, allows for each horse to have custom stats such as swiftness, agility, vitality and wrath. You can train your horses to increase their stats and performance. We hope to host events such as horse races on custom race tracks with rewards for the winners.

    Jobs Reborn - As we have an economy and player shops, we use this plugin for you to earn money to rank up or buy/sell items from player shops.

    Towny - Self explanatory, build a town with your friends and progress into a nation and try to become the best towny on the server!

    GriefPrevention - Easily protect your builds with this plugin, we want to see your grand creations, not ruins from griefers.

    Pyrofishing - This plugin enhances the vanilla fishing experience and lets you do special things like fly for periods of time if you catch and eat a legendary Aerofish.

    AreaShop - We have a player ran shopping area where player shop plots can be rented and a custom shop can be built to sell player items. There is no server-side shop on the server to mess with the economy.

    Server IP: play.beautifulga.me


    Discord: https://discord.gg/ExvA4D7


    1: No griefing or stealing

    2: No unprovoked PVP outside specified PVP areas.

    3: No hate speech.

    4: No AFK farms or exp farms

    5: No hacking or duping

    submitted by /u/beautifulgamemc
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    MysteriaCraft[PvE]{1.13.2}{Towny}{Custom Mobs}{Custom Items}{MobArena}{SlimeFun}{McMMO}{Jobs}{Custom Terrain}

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 06:14 PM PDT

    Welcome to MysteriaCraft

    Server: play.mysteriacraft.com


    Welcome to MysteriaCraft, We are a friendly community driven server with a aim to make fun, challenging content for our players to enjoy. We welcome anyone and everyone and we're sure you'll fall in love with what we have to offer.

    Please visit us at play.mysteriacraft.com

    What we have to offer

    • Towny and Grief Prevention
      Towny includes a wide variety of features to enhance cooperation between players and includes many features not seen in regular survival. Create towns and nations, go to war with other nations or work together to create your own little paradise..
      Grief Prevention is for players who enjoy keeping things simple and do not wish to participate in group events and activities, purchase or earn claim blocks to protect your builds from potential griefers.

    • Custom Mobs and Bosses
      All monsters that roam Mysteria have had a upgrade with monsters becoming stronger and faster depending on their level, new mobs have also been created like the Ghost and the Bandits, each bring new attacks, skills and loot to the game.
      Bosses are extremely dangerous and normally require a team to bring them down, be prepared before challenging these titans otherwise you'll soon end up dead…

    • Remnants and Artefacts
      Remnants can contain random custom enchantments, weapons, tools and artefacts that may prove useful on your adventures, you'll obtain them from time to time by killing monsters that stand in your way.
      Artefacts are items with special properties, some repair broken armor, others can be used to teleport you to unknown lands.

    • Chat Titles
      Earn unique titles to display and show off your achievements, tags can be found by purchasing ranks, drops from a mob or by completing quests.

    • Quests and World Events (new)
      Quests can be found in spawn and around special towns and cities, they vary from little story missions to simple fetch quests, Complete quests to earn special rewards.
      Events are global missions that pop up from time to time, these include fishing competitions and more.

    • Friendly Community
      We strongly believe that the community is the heart of a server, Our staff and players are very welcoming to new players and we have no doubt you'll be making new friends in no time, Toxic behavior and drama is strictly not allowed and is swiftly taken care of by one of our many active staff members.

    Server Rules:

    Rule 1 - No exploiting, cheating, hacking, or glitching

    No cheating of any kind will be allowed on the server. This includes any hacked clients such as x-ray or click aimbot, texture packs that have x-ray, as well as macros that give players an unfair advantage.

    Do not abuse any bugs, exploit the server's features or duplicate items for personal gain in any way or form. Abuse of this kind may result in a balance reset and ban.

    Usage of VPNs will result in an permanent ban.

    Usage of chests/furnaces or other containers lockable with LWC around others bases will result in a tempban.

    Rule 2 - No advertising

    Do not mention, or attempt to bypass mentioning, the name of any server other then Mysteria.

    Do not try to bring other players to a different Minecraft server in any way.

    Rule 3 - No AFK pools or complete auto-farms

    Do not construct ways to bypass the server's AFK kicker.

    If you build a Semi auto-farm it MUST be turned OFF when you LEAVE the game OR area.

    Do not let it run. It will result in the removal of your farm completely and may result in a tempban.

    Do not make anything for the sole purpose of making the server lag by using extreme sizes of redstone.

    Rule 4 - No spamming or causing drama

    Do not spam in any chat channel on discord OR ingame. Repeating the same or similar messages multiple times, is considered distracting and is NOT allowed.

    Do not spam caps. We will remove repeated abusers caps access.Keep the chat appropriate and do not bypass our filter with profanity or immature behavior.

    Do not spam items for sale in chat over and over again. You may advertise your items every 5 minutes in chat.

    Do not beg other players to give you money, buy you things, or donate for you.

    Only communicate using English in the global chat, though the use of other languages is allowed in private chat.

    Politics, religion, or other controversial topics are not allowed.

    Do not start personal arguments or create intentional drama between players. The staff has the right to mute or ban those who are being toxic.

    Do not troll other players.

    Do not use an inappropriate/offensive, usernames, skins, or nicknames. Those who join the server with an offensive username will be banned until they change it to something appropriate. You can appeal on the website. You also cannot create inappropriate builds or signs. This is a family friendly server.

    Do no scam others with anything. This is NOT tolerated OR allowed.

    Rule 5 - No griefing or raiding

    Do not break or place blocks not set by you. You must also have permission from the owner.

    Do not kill another player's mobs.

    Do not steal items from others. If a player drops an item by accident and you pick it up, you must return the item.The stealing and ruining others builds in a area that is NOT claimed is NOT LEGAL.

    Rule 6 - Players

    Do not disrespect or harass any player or staff member. We do not tolerate this behavior! Our communtiy should be kept a safe environment for everyone.

    Message a staff member if you are being harassed, or report the player on the website.

    Do not threaten the server or other players in ANY WAY.Do not share someones private information on the server.

    Do not talk about self harm on the server in game or on discord.

    Rule 7 - No wrongful killing

    Do not kill another player unless in a PVP zone.

    Do not create a "death trap", or anything designed to kill another player.

    Do not use /fly during player-versus-player combat in our pvp zones.. this includes anything that creates a personl gain. Fair fighting ONLY.

    Rule 8 - No abusing donator/member perks

    Do not impersonate a staff member or another player using /nick or /prefix.

    Do not chargeback donations sent to the server in any way. This will result in a PERM ban/IP ban

    Do not attempt to transfer in-game items for a real-life currency.

    Rule 9 - Claims

    Do not claim a chunk of land within 100 blocks of another claim.

    Do not remain on someone else's claim if they have asked you to leave.

    Players who have been inactive for 60 days, may have their locked items such as chests and furnaces removed by a Owner ONLY.

    Rule 10 - Respect punishment decisions

    Do not evade punishments in any shape or form.

    Do not argue with a staff member's decision. If you feel a staff member is abusing their power, please private message either Raigna or Anorchous on the forums or discord.

    Those who are punished for breaking rules a total of 10 times will be perm. banned. You can appeal depending on the situation.

    submitted by /u/Raigna
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    Pixel Freaks [Modded] {Pixelmon} {Survival} {NO PVP} {forge} {1.12.2} {US}

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 02:24 PM PDT

    Pixel Freaks is a new Pixelmon Minecraft server which can be found at PixelFreaks.wither.co

    We have our very own discord << clicky . This is where all the rules can be found so please pay attention to them!

    Check out the Intro & Tour video for a sneak peak!

    Why choose our server?

    Pixel Freaks is a new upcoming pixelmon server that has very few restrictions compared to other pixelmon servers. On this server you can earn currency, battle pokemon, catch pokemon, battle your friends, make huge builds, redstone builds... its up to you!

    We have pokemon from Gen 1 - Gen 7 including Ultra Beasts and Ultra Space!

    Wanna build a home in Ultra Space? Go ahead!

    Wanna take on the gyms to earn the badges? Go right ahead!

    This server is Forge run and runs on Minecraft 1.12.2 and can be used on Technic or installed manually!

    We hope to see you there!

    submitted by /u/TheGreatYveltal
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    NebulaMC [Semi-Vanilla] {American} {1.13.2} {Skyblock} {New} {Discord}

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 06:03 PM PDT


    RULES 1) Be respectful 2) Be ethical 3) Use common sense 4) Don't grief 5) Don't steal 6) No spamming 7) Listen to staff 8) Report players who are breaking the rules 9) Don't advertise your website or sever

    DESCRIPTION Hello and thank you for reading till this point! NebulaMC is a skyblock server looking to grow it's community. We have great staff and players! We try to keep our server up and running all the time.

    PLUG-INS Some of the plug-ins we feature are: MobStacker, Vault, CratesPlus, ChestShop, uSkyBlock, Trading, KillerMoney, SimplePets, CrazyAuctions, and CoustomOreGen

    Please note: We seem to have a problem with players timing out when they try to join our server. Please be patient because you will eventually get in, it just may take a minute

    submitted by /u/Dill_P1
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    Butterfrog Empire - Zeal [SMP] [PvP] [PvE] [Modded] {Dynmap} {discord} {North America} {EU} {no resets}

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 05:44 PM PDT

    Server IP:

    Discord and Dynmap found at: discord.gg/HqanKZK

    NO whitelist! All you need to do is download the modpack at https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/butterfrog/files to join! You can also search "butterfrog" in the Twitch app.


    Some of the fun things you can do with the mods on this server:

    Tame and ride dragons Become a wizard Morph into mobs Control a colony, and wage wars
    Fly to space, planets, and build a station Build, and drive a car Travel to alternate dimensions Search for buried treasure
    Play musical instruments Claim some land, and build in a town Build a zoo, and tame animals Make and use grappling hooks


    • No more overpowered people playing survival! The player experience is designed to keep mostly vanilla building functionality, with lots of modded exploration options. Mods are not designed to make players overpowered. You need to face difficult challenges to improve your abilities.


    • No more paying to win! This server does not have pay to win mechanics. Every new player starts with the ability to claim a few chunks of land. No annoying votifier, and no special paid items.


    • No more lag! The server is hosted on a fast internet connection with Shockbyte servers. This means nearly 24/7 uptime. The server is located in Northern USA/eastern Canada. This means ping times of less than 60ms for most of the USA, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, UK, and Ireland. The rest of the EU has below 80ms ping times. If you're doubtful, you can check out your ping based on your location here


    • No lengthy whitelist interview and wait times! Visit the server Discord at discord.gg/HqanKZK to review server guidelines, the current mod list! Simply paste the discord address into the "add server" tab, and you should have access. Admins respond fast. All players are welcome! You just need the server modpack.


    • No server resets! When there are new minecraft updates, the server owner simply trims the map edges (the places where nobody has built), which allows new content to spawn, and your builds and items stay intact!


    • We're a community who appreciates creative minds. You can see some examples of what is built on the server here. On the server, you can find fan-made works from Chrono Trigger, to ancient wonders such as the Lighthouse of Alexandria.



    This is a modded PvE/PvP minecraft server running on 1.12.2. Notable mods include: FTB Utilities, Galacticraft, Minecolonies, Twilight Forest, The Betweenlands, Thaumcraft, Ice and Fire, Immersive engineering, Dimensional Doors, ultimate car mod, chisel, and many more. Download the modpack, and you can join today!


    Server rules are listed on the Discord, and below:

    1. Be respectful. Follow the golden rule. This includes using respectful language. Chat spamming, racist, and sexist language are considered disrespectful. The default server language is English.

    2. Do not deface player builds, or take what is not yours. No griefing. Ask permission before you build right next to another player. If you are unsure about something, ask in chat. If you want a chest or item container to be open to the community, make sure you label it as such. In general, builds should be open for everyone to access and appreciate. If you don't want anyone to enter your home, or area, make sure you label it, and let people know.

    3. Play fair. Use only approved server mods. If you find a bug, or exploit, report it to the admins. If you find a loose command block somewhere, let admins know. Do not use command blocks unless given permission from admins. Hacking is a bannable offense.

    4. Do not build near the spawn.

    5. If a player asks you not to attack, respect their wishes. While PvP is enabled on the server, there are also players who prefer PvE. We think both modes can be fun. Accidents will probably happen occasionally, but repeat offenses will be subject to admin disciplinary action. Admins are also expected to play fair if they are in survival mode and participating in PvP.

    6. Do not advertise other servers, or solicit outside services. It is OK to run your own in-game shop, or bank, however. Admins are not responsible for what happens with those shops or banks.

    7. If there is a conflict, you can present the issue on the discord under "admin requests". Admins will look at your issue, and help to resolve it. This includes conflicts between players (such as land ownership). You may also report other players in this same manner.

    8. Do not excessively label or abuse the Dynmap. Players are permitted to put labels on the dynmap, but they should limit labels to their home, or special locations. Admins can remove labels if they feel they are inappropriate.

    9. Follow all Minecraft/Mojang TOS.

    10. Players who do not follow these guidelines are subject to a ban. Bans may be appealed. Admins are not permitted to ban a player without first warning them and explaining what they did wrong (except in the case of breaking guideline 3, which can result in an instant ban). Admins determine how many warnings they give before a ban is issued. Admins may determine other behaviors not explicitly listed on these guidelines are inappropriate, and are subject to discipline. In the case where a player feels they have been unjustly treated by an admin, they may make an ultimate appeal to Timeherald (the server operator) on the Discord channel.

    submitted by /u/timeknight
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    MagiTech Presents[Modded]{Whitelist}

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 05:30 PM PDT

    MagiTech Presents is a brand new server with a fresh map and amazing mods, including but not limited to:

    • Ice & Fire
    • Embers Rekindled
    • Thaumcraft
    • Bewitchment
    • Tech Reborn
    • AstralSorcery
    • Botania
    • AppliedEnergistics
    • And so much more!

    For quality of life purposes we also have GriefPrevention and Economy .

    For a full list of rules please visit our Discord, it is required that you understand them before joining our server.

    Our server channel is: https://discord.gg/MEtsVKP

    For a complete list of mods please visit our Technic page: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/magitech-presents.1403676

    submitted by /u/Whatishappeningahh
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    QuanfifiCraft [SMP] [Modded] {1.7.10}

    Posted: 04 Apr 2019 11:46 AM PDT

    Server Name: QuanfifiCraft

    Server IP:

    Server Locale: US East

    Discord: Will be made if enough people join!

    Owners: Quanfifi, NinjaBoy5100

    Description: We are a small community of minecrafters who have come together to make a towny modded minecraft server! The spawn area has a road that leads to a little modern town, hoping to expand with more players! We have a small community, with about 5-7 consecutive players during prime hours. We use the FTB Infinity Evolved Modpack for your building, exploring, magic, and machinery needs! We hope to see you here!


    1. Claim your land, and ask Quanfifi if it is appropiate! Don't use too many chunks unless you have a good reason!

    2. Be respectful to other players! Don't grief or KOS!

    3. Have fun! and respect the rules!

    submitted by /u/SqueakyOperator
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