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    Minecraft Villager AI Changes

    Minecraft Villager AI Changes

    Villager AI Changes

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 05:50 AM PDT

    In the upcoming 1.14 update, villagers would get a set schedule depending on the time of the day. However, the villagers don't look exactly lively, they just look like robots following strict lines of rules. So I think that Mojang should tweak the AI a bit.

    Early & Late Risers

    Just like real life, some of us wake up very early or very late, I think some villagers should also wake up at different times.

    Early Risers

    Farmers, fishermen, and blacksmiths usually wake up at sunrise, however, there would be a 5% chance that they would wake up a bit late. Once waking up, they would get straight to work! Talk about dedication!

    Mid risers

    Butchers, cartographers, clerics, fletchers, leatherworkers, and librarians wake up in the morning! However, they wouldn't wake up at the exact time, there would be a few seconds of delay between the waking up of these villagers.

    Late Risers

    Nitwits and children would be late risers, they wake up about 30 seconds before noon.


    At the very start of a new day, the village would choose a number between 1-100. If the number is below 10, that day would be declared a holiday. In holidays, villagers rest for one full day. with the exception of a few villagers.

    After a holiday, there would be 0% chance for there to be a holiday again for 3 days

    Farmers and fishermen

    Every time a holiday starts, there would be a 75% chance for farmers and fishermen to continue working. For the other 25%, they would rest just like everyone else.


    Sometimes, villagers would find a pathway and proceed to walk along the pathway, sometimes changing directions.

    What they see as pathways: Grass paths, gravel, stone, corse dirt...


    After days upon days of work, what's not to like about swimming? Some villagers, at noon, would find a body of water with a surface mass of at least 5 blocks, change to perhaps a skin for swimming gear and swimming around the pool. They would have some sort of swimming animation during swimming, just like players.

    NOTE: Villagers would unlink their arms while trading

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    more tropical fish uses

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 01:51 AM PDT

    Tropical fish are one of the more useless items in Minecraft, they don't refill much of your food bar. The only use for it is for trading (fishermen), taming cats and eating (only refills 1 food point).


    Smoked tropical fish

    putting this in a smoker or a furnace should give you a smoked tropical fish, eating this restores 4 food points (2 shanks)

    Fish Stew

    Using a crafting table, you can craft a bowl of fish stew, restores 7 food points (3.5 shanks)

    dried kelp
    smoked tropical fish
    cooked salmon bowl cooked cod

    This recipe is shapeless


    Brewing this in a brewing stand would grant you a potion of water affinity.

    Upon drinking this, you would be able to swim faster and breath underwater, but get slowness and would start taking damage on land.

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Villagers snore instead of hmm-ing when sleeping

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 12:44 PM PDT

    When Villagers are sleeping, they still make their hmmm-ing noises constantly.

    I think they should snore instead.

    Or maybe they would make weird sounds that are like a mix of a hmm and a snoring sound.

    Vote on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Compactor block. Very limited auto-crafting.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 10:44 AM PDT

    I don't agree that a complete auto-crafting system should exist in Minecraft. However, some crafting can become excessive. An idea I'd like to propose is a "Compactor" or "Compressor". Crafted with a couple Diamond, a couple Pistons and a Furnace.

    The Compactor/Compressor would take fuel to practically "squish" or compact resources together.

    These would include:

    Coal into Coal BlocksLapis Lazuli into Lapis Lazuli Blocks

    Iron Nuggets into Iron Ingots

    Iron Ingots into Iron Blocks

    Redstone into Redstone Blocks

    Gold Nuggets into Gold Ingots

    Gold Ingots into Gold Blocks

    Diamond into Diamond Blocks

    Emerald into Emerald Blocks

    Wheat into Hay Bales

    Dried Kelp into Dried Kelp Blocks

    Bonemeal into Bone Blocks

    and Slimeballs into Slime Blocks

    It could also Compact Nether Wart into Nether Wart Blocks, Ice into Packed Ice and Packed Ice into Blue Ice. However, these aren't considered storage blocks.

    It would also work with Hoppers, the same way a Furnace does.

    Edit: If you like this idea, upvote on the official feedback site!


    submitted by /u/Xyphon_
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    When Illagers are about to spawn near player made structures, they instead spawn 100 blocks further to than travel towards that player area.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 05:01 AM PDT

    This would avoid illagers randomly spawning in the middle of a fully lit walled off area.

    A bunch of Illagers coming from the distance to ruin your day is much more fun than them spawning in your back garden.

    submitted by /u/ch3zter
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    Now when crawling is a thing, I want SHIFT+CTRL to make it

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 11:02 AM PDT

    title explains all, to crawl, I want instead of putting a block and... to just need to hold CTRL and SHIFT for a second, and then you crawl.

    submitted by /u/omer_g
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    GUI scale set to normal by default

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 02:02 PM PDT

    Speaks for itself, everytime I start a new instance, I don't want to go to my settings to change up stuff. I think this applies to the majority

    submitted by /u/BelusOfficial
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    A new sky/thunder dimension for the game.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 01:23 PM PDT

    Now before I go any further, I would like to say that this will not be anything like the Aether mod. I feel that mod is good as its own entity, and we don't need to copy+paste it into minecraft. In fact, this dimension won't be like a "heaven" dimension in the slightest, so if that's what you're looking for, sorry but you won't find it on this suggestion.

    With that out of the way, here's the idea:

    The dimension I have in mind is based heavily on the sky and the weather. However, that being said, falling outside of this dimension won't put you back into the overworld. This is an entirely separate dimension from the overworld, it just has a similar appearance to the sky.

    This dimension would be inhabited by electric-based monsters, snow-based monsters, and water-based monsters (to reflect on the major types of weather in minecraft). There is a boss from this dimension, however similarly to the Wither, it must be spawned by the player, and it doesn't spawn naturally. The boss mob would be some kind of cloud-like monster that attacks with lightning, water, and ice (again, to follow the weather theme). This mob would be spawnable by completing a naturally-generating shrine structure. Or alternatively, you could build the shrine yourself from scratch. This idea is still up in the air (pun intended).

    The portal to this dimension, as I see it, could be constructed from a new block. Probably amber. You would place the amber in the same way as you would with obsidian in a nether portal. Then, to power the portal, you run a redstone signal through it.

    The reason why I chose amber as the block for the frame is because the ancient greeks used to rub cloth against amber to generate static shocks. In fact, the word for amber in greek is elektron. This of course led to the naming of the subatomic particle of the same name. Anyways, that's besides the point.

    The portal may also be powered by placing water in the frame. After all, this dimension isn't just electric-based.

    I feel this dimension needs to be added for two major reasons: 1. We need more dimensions in minecraft. As of now, there are only 3 dimensions counting the overworld. A fourth dimension would add a bit more dimensional variety to the game 2. Minecraft has no electric-based mobs. The closest things we have to an electric mob is the charged creeper and the lightning bolt entity. Other than that, there's nothing of the kind.

    I feel I may have needed to flesh this idea out more before posting, but I feel I have gotten the basic idea across. If I need to elaborate on anything, let me know!

    submitted by /u/Yoshieclipse
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    The Potion Of The Coral Reefs: A New Potion to give Tropical Fish more use.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 04:28 AM PDT

    Tropical Fish is pretty darn useless, aside from Trading and feeding to Dolphins. They're basically only here for the aesthetics. I think this Potion would give them more use aside from making Oceans and some builds look better.

    This Potion would use Mundane Water Bottles! This would give THOSE a use now. Anyways, you just need to craft it like any other potion, and it would give you a Potion that gives you Dolphin's Grace, Water Breathing and Water Vision for 2 Minutes. This would let us be able to build Underwater quicker without Conduits, Respiration, or Turtle Shells, but you'd still need Doors for Air Pockets or Aqua Affinity if you misplaced a Block. You can also extend the Potion for 4 Minutes or strengthen the Effects like normal.

    But wait there's more! If you're above water, your Air Meter will increase, and once you're at full, you begin to take Damage! This would be a decent counter for the Effects.

    I believe this should be added so that we could give both Mundane Potions and Tropical Fish a use.

    submitted by /u/Tomdaninja
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    Iron Bar Door.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 12:46 PM PDT

    Iron Bar Door looks like a 2-block tall door version of iron bars. This would be very nice looking and useful for many builds.

    It works like a mix of regular and iron doors. Normally you can open it with your hands, but if it's closed/opened by redstone like a lever, you can't use your hand to open it anymore.

    Also vote on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Mobs Blindness.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 03:32 AM PDT

    Based on the title. Would be a cool idea to make a types of mobs that are blind, can only attack when a player creates sounds, such as running, jumping, mining or making sound like noteblocks or jukeblocks. Of course, they can be countered from crouching.

    ZOMBIES - Just like the regular zombie. He's blind and can only hear you. Once heard, the zombies will charge towards you. This adds of difficult to the game where you are mining in a cave.

    CREEPERS -Personally, I don't think Creepers are needed to be blind to fight you. Let me know what you think.

    SKELETON -Like the zombie. Once heard, they will try to attack by shooting. But they can't aim because of course they're blind. Which gives an advantage to a player,. However, their arrows deal more damage than regular skeleton's arrow. And have a high chance to spawn with an arrow that have effects.

    SPIDER -Once heard, they constantly look for the player and when attack, they give poison. They're like cave spiders. But blind and are a lot faster.

    ENDERMAN -Same as Creeper. The Enderman doesn't need this type. Because that removes the main point of Enderman is to not look at their eyes

    That's all the mobs I give. Leave any suggestions or some things that could improve this feature.

    submitted by /u/JustHulio
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    Chunk loading detector for command blocks

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    A block that executes the command block chain it points to when the chunk it's in is loaded or unloaded. When the chunk is unloaded, the command chain executes before the chunks are actually unloaded.

    My textures for the block: https://imgur.com/a/qmTYNRi

    submitted by /u/GDavid04
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    Node-based visual scripting software to create mods

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 07:17 AM PDT


    An offical software for the Minecraft Scripting API with a node-based interface.

    What is visual scripting?
    On Wikipedia, a Visual Programming Language is described as "any programming language that lets users create programs by manipulating program elements graphically rather than by specifying them textually".

    To give an example, the Unreal Engine 4 is a game engine written in C++ (same programming language used by Minecraft Bedrock Edition) that uses a node-based visual scripting system called "Blueprints". Here is a screenshot of its interface:


    Why do we need a similar method for Minecraft's Scripting API?
    First of all, the current method is not at all intuitive for the average player (even after reading multiple times the official WIki page).
    A Node-based Visual Scripting would make modding much more intuitive: manipulating program elements graphicallyis much more appealing than just writing lines of code and averagely it reduces the chances of making mistakes.

    These benefits would also make the Minecraft Bedrock Edition modding much more popular instead of being considered a feature only for experienced users. Besides, a Node-based Visual Scripting doesn't punish the "trial and error" method but encourages it.

    If you like this idea please vote it on the Minecraft Feedback Site or it will never be considered.

    submitted by /u/Crafty-Adventurer
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    Penguins and more (non-tameable) dragon bosses should be added to the game

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 04:10 AM PDT

    I posted something similar the other day, but I am changing it so it doesn't break any rules.

    Yes, I know, dragons are on the "frequently requested list", so requesting them should be avoided— however I have more of a concept around the dragon egg planned out than just "place egg, get dragon." A major aspect to minecraft is exploration, and I feel dragons haven't been added as tameable creatures because they'd make getting around too easy. So getting them instantly after the ender dragon would be a disservice to the game's adventure mechanic. I have an idea for dragons that doesn't disregard the adventure aspect— in fact, it encourages it. This idea does not include any way to tame the dragons. I see them as just acting as extra bosses.

    Anyway, my idea is something like this— you get the egg, then you fight the wither to get yourself a beacon. Pretty elementary stuff. The next step, go exploring. Specifically for snow biomes. This of course, is where I think penguins should spawn if implemented. Now these penguins wouldn't just be a design aspect like polar bears are, I feel they should have more of a mechanic to them, which I am going to elaborate on.

    Take the beacon to a snow biome, power it up, put the egg on the beacon, and then wait for penguins to come by. A major aspect of penguins in the real world is that they have to sit on their eggs for quite some time before they hatch, and I feel the mechanic should be replicated in the game. So when penguins come by and see your dragon egg on the beacon, they will huddle around it for quite some time. Eventually, the egg will hatch... but your trip doesn't end there. You still have to go exploring. I suggest that the egg should act more like a pandora's box than like a 1 egg for 1 dragon sort of deal.

    When the egg hatches, it allows for boss dragons to begin spawning in your world, but rarely. I feel it would also be more interesting if the dragons would be different depending on which biome you found them in (sea dragons for the oceans, ice dragons for tundras, fire dragons for the nether, etc.). Also, to make things more fair, these dragons can't break blocks, but they can phase through them. So if a dragon spawns near your house, you don't have to worry about it breaking your stuff.

    These dragons, as stated would be important, as they'd give the player more reason to explore even after they have battled the ender dragon and the wither.

    These dragons would drop 500 XP when killed, an egg that resembles which kind of dragon they are, and their head. Also, when attacking, these dragons wont just be a reskin of the ender dragon necessarily. They will have some attacks that are unique to them. (fire dragons spit fireballs, ice dragons can make blocks of ice appear etc.

    My final thought is the various kinds of dragons that could spawn. Here's a list of what I had in mind: -Ender dragons for the end (obviously, it's already in the game!) -Wither dragons and/or fire dragons in the nether -Sea dragons for the various ocean biomes -"Normal" dragons for savannahs and plains -Leaf dragons for jungles and forests -Earth dragons for deserts and mesas -Air and thunder dragons for mountain biomes -Rock dragons for stone beaches -Ice dragons for snowy and icy biomes (this does not include mountains)

    I also feel that some dragons should have different models than the others, such as the sea dragon looking more like a sea serpent, or the rock dragon just being a drake instead of a proper dragon. This is just an idea though.

    And that's all there is to it. I feel I may have over complicated my explanation, but I think I got the idea across nonetheless. But if anything needs clarification, I'll be sure to edit this post to clarify.

    submitted by /u/Yoshieclipse
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    You should be able to place banners on Horses

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 07:21 PM PDT

    This is more of a cosmetic piece but I think it would be interesting. It basically would work the same as putting a chest on a Mule and it uses whatever banner you made.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/Hxly_Devil
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    Cave Spider Eyes and Potions

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 11:13 AM PDT

    This is an idea I've had for a while now.

    Cave spiders should drop cave spider eyes instead of regular spider eyes. Cave spider eyes should look like they have been crushed, so a similar but different texture to regular spider eyes.

    Cave spider eyes can be used to brew sluggish potions. Sluggish potions cause the player to move slowly and not jump as high as regular. Being unable to jump very high would be great for map making.

    They could be brewed with an awkward or mundane potion. Alternatively, they can be brewed by combining a fermented spider eye and a potion of leaping.

    submitted by /u/AshtonMinecraftIdeas
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    stonecutter blade should stop if a mob or player stands on it.

    Posted: 09 Apr 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    because no one wants to make stonecutter a block that damages mob, then stonecutter animation should stop if a mob stands on it so it won't look like stonecutter trying to cut mobs but it can't.

    submitted by /u/Pingas9999
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    Unique Dagger concept

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 08:03 PM PDT

    (Now I know the dagger is in the FPS list and all but I'm assuming it's about throwable daggers and my idea isn't about that.)

    I heard somewhere that ancient civilizations would sometimes use lapis as the handle of their dagger and this is what inspired this idea tbh. There would be all of the different forms of the dagger. Plus it would add a use to lapis.

    Wooden Dagger/Gold Dagger: 2 damage

    Stone Dagger: 3 damage

    Iron Dagger: 4 damage

    Diamond Dagger: 5 damage

    Now it does have the same attack damage as a stone sword in it's best form but it has a quicker cool down then the sword and also has a unique property but first let me tell you the crafting recipe:

    Lapis Lazuli

    The dagger can't be enchanted but here is when it's special property comes in use! For every 5 levels of XP you have the dagger will gain a "bonus" This won't use up your XP but if 5 XP points are gone it will be downgraded a level. This works even when in chests/barrels/shulker boxes/ender chests/trapped chest. Also note that when you give it to another player it will be effected by his/her XP level. Now the reason for this is because the lapis handle absorbs the XP and does magic with it.


    Level: Upgrade:
    5 XP 1 attack damage bonus
    10 XP Uncommon mob drops become slightly more common (equivalent to looting I)
    15 XP Gives you speed I for 20 seconds when in hand or off hand.
    20 XP Increases your damage against undead mobs (equivalent to smite II)
    25 XP Gives you invisibility for 20 seconds when in hand or off hand.
    30 XP Makes your opponents catch on fire when being hit by the dagger
    35 XP Gives the attacking player slowness I for 10 seconds
    40 XP Makes the dagger heal off of XP (equivalent to mending I)
    45 XP Makes the dagger slightly more durable (equivalent to unbreaking II)
    50 XP Gives the attacking player weakness I for 10 seconds
    55 XP Makes the cool down slightly faster
    60 XP 0.5 attack damage bonus
    65 XP Uncommon mob drops become slightly more common (equivalent to looting II)
    70 XP Gives the attacking player slowness II
    75 XP Increases your damage towards undead mobs (equivalent to smite IV)
    80 XP Makes the dagger slightly more durable (equivalent to unbreaking III)
    85 XP Increases your damage towards bug mobs (equivalent to bane of arthropods III)
    90 XP Gives you speed II for 20 seconds when in hand or off hand.
    95 XP Gives you speed II for 20 seconds when in hand or off hand.
    100 XP Increases your damage towards undead mobs (equivalent to smite V)

    I think it would make combat a little bit more interesting and give lapis another use, but I'd love to hear what you think about this, if you disagree, or have a suggesstion!


    The dagger is quicker than the sword and axe in cool down but has less damage. It has all the regular weapon forms. It can't be enchanted and can only be upgraded by XP levels

    submitted by /u/ArtisticPhrase6
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    Snow Golem buff (biome specific)

    Posted: 08 Apr 2019 07:23 PM PDT

    What if the snow golem gets a slight HP & damage buff on snow-related biomes that way they wouldn't be as useless as they currently are (Aside from anti-blaze missions, they're pretty good at that) AND another additional HP buff when it's snowing

    Snow Golem on biomes without snow:

    HP: 2 hearts ATK: 0 dmg

    Snow Golems on snowy biomes (throws ice spikes instead of snowballs):

    HP: 4 hearts + 2 hearts when snowing ATK: 1–1.5 dmg

    Vote for the idea here: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043054531-Snow-Golem-buff-biome-specific-

    submitted by /u/AVGwar
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