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    Minecraft The world needs to be deeper.

    Minecraft The world needs to be deeper.

    The world needs to be deeper.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 09:11 AM PDT

    So a lot of people want to extend the max build hight, and I agree with that. But I also think that the world should extend upward with that. This would allow for oceans to be miles and miles deep, to maybe even make a sort of "midnight zone" so we can have mobs like giant squid, whales, and other things that live in the deep. Another thing this would allow is for the 1.15 cave update, a lot more space for massive crystal caverns, or for huge underground lakes. Maybe the appropriate hight should be around ~900 blocks.

    submitted by /u/TacticalThunder144
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    Dyeable hammocks that allow you to skip to sundown

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 03:51 AM PDT

    Just like beds are used to skip to sunrise, hammocks would be used to skip to sundown. Since beds can be dyed, it would make sense for hammocks to be too.

    They could either be attatched to solid blocks or fence posts and would otherwise function just like beds, i.e. setting your spawnpoint, etc...

    Edit: /u/Mac_Rat has already also posted this idea on the feedback site - you can upvote it there aswell

    submitted by /u/SuperMarioBrosWold
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    The Bizarre—A new End biome with its own ecosystem, mobs, and plants! (Concept art included)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 07:08 AM PDT

    Please support the page on the feedback site!

    For specific information on any mob, please view the concept art for each! The Imgur links have all of the information, thanks!

    TL;DR: A new End biome that spawns on a larger island than normal and has a rich ecosystem of dangerous mobs and plants.

    Dimensional biomes have always been a major request from the Minecraft community, but what might one entail, exactly?

    In this suggestion, I have decided to sufficiently detail such a biome for the End, coming with its own mobs, blocks, and plants (that sometimes act like mobs in and of themselves). As such, please welcome...

    The Bizarre: Overview

    The Bizarre is a biome that spawns in the Outer Islands and is distinguished by its distinct covering of "End Blight"—a sort of translucent purple moss that covers much of the island, and sometimes piles up into blocks (a la layers of snow).

    Its main attraction lies in its mobs and "plants". These include the Assimilated, the Bizarnacle, the distinctive End Blight, and the elusive Sentree—an entity that straddles the line between plant and mob.

    The Bizarre: Terrain + Generation

    The Bizarre forms as an oddly large island with a good amount of mountainous features, broken up occasionally by flat "plains" of Endstone (usually bordering intense cliffs of more mountains).

    This biome has End Blight almost everywhere (barring a few areas where it would not have spread)—on the ground, the sides of blocks, really anywhere it can reach adjacent to an existing layer of End Blight. It also tends to pile up against corners in layers (and even blocks, when there's a high enough density of Blight).

    The Bizarre also tends to spawn small caverns in the sides of its mountains, usually overrun with Blight.

    End Blight

    End Blight, as described above, is a plant that spreads across blocks (on any side of a block) and can pile up in layers. However, it also has a couple of special properties.

    Chiefly, the fact that it moves. Blight can, and will, move towards or away from the player by either piling up into higher layers, or losing layers of Blight so that it can extend further. The main reason for this is because of the Assimilated, a mob that can only spawn and move around in Blight. Long story short, Assimilated are more powerful when in a higher density of Blight, but can only move as far as the Blight extends and are purely melee enemies.

    The other main property of Blight is its ability to "suspend" things. What I mean by this is that if there is a high density of Blight in an area, you can technically "swim" up it. However, you would only need to move forwards—in Blight, an entity would move wherever it is looking, as the jump button would do nothing. Additionally, stopping movement in Blight suspends something in place, and Blight does not drown entities.


    Concept art: https://imgur.com/a/biCs2ix

    Sentrees are those peculiar plant-mobs I mentioned earlier. At their most basic, they are a type of slime mob that grows on a sort of stalk and will jump off of said stalk when provoked. When they reach "maturity" (or the player damages their exterior layer of slime enough), they shed their gooey exterior and become flying mobs that can shoot lasers.

    Also, if they see you they notify every nearby Sentree of your presence.


    Concept art: https://imgur.com/a/NMcLdwg

    Assimilated are mobs that spawn exclusively in End Blight and can control its spread. They charge the player and give them a Corrosion effect that damages armor over time and does a small amount of damage to the player every now and then.

    They are also more powerful the more Blight there is in an area.

    Edit:I forgot to add that they could move around on Blight-covered walls and ceilings.


    Concept art: https://imgur.com/a/JFiOJSm

    Bizarnacles are small mobs that move across the bottom of the island slowly and can be held on to. However, they begin to charge up upon being held on to and can push the player off with a massive amount of force once fully charged.


    I'm not sure what specific loot there would be (aside from the mob drops mentioned in the Imgur posts), but there are some good opportunities for loot placement.

    For instance, a chest/some sort of storage device in the back of a cave covered in Blight. This carries the danger of well hidden Assimilated, but could be quite rewarding. Another possibility would be beneath the island/inside of it in such a way that Bizarnacles are needed to reach such an area, which is dangerous in its own right but could be highly rewarding as well.

    Thank you for reading this post!

    submitted by /u/SendineisTheParadox
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    how mobs should react to water

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 07:43 AM PDT

    Currently, almost all mobs act the same when contact with water, if they are undead, they sink. If not, they bob up and down. I think its time for some variation.

    Mobs like villagers, illagers, witches, pillagers should unlink their arms and move them around like players

    wolves, foxes, and cats should do a doggy style type swimming

    phantoms glide underwater like a manta ray

    blazes, magma cubes sink while taking damage

    arthropods like spiders, cave spiders start taking damage and panic

    Ghasts float to the surface

    Heavy mobs like ravengers, iron golems, cows, and large slimes sink

    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Midnight zone

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:22 PM PDT

    The midnight zone would be a deep part of the ocean where visibility decreased to nil, and giant squids (3 times the size of the normal squids) would live, and would attack you. Angler fish and viper fish would also live down there, with them being able to eat small white fish with no eyes. Possibly some geothermal vents on the bottom, and crabs as well. Would be possible only if my previous suggestion was implemented.

    submitted by /u/TacticalThunder144
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    Desert Overhaul (exploration and adventures, part 2)

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 02:18 AM PDT

    In part one I vaguely that about my ideas of biomes that could be added to make the desert more lively, in this post, I would talk about generated structures, hostile mobs would be for next post.


    Structures are what make biomes interesting, without generated structures, there would almost be no reason to explore that area.

    All Desert Variants (structures that generate in all variants):

    1. Desert Temples---already in the game, more common in desert wastelands
    2. Desert Wells---already in the game

    Normal Desert:

    The desert we all know in the game

    1. Desert village---already in the game
    2. Desert Tomb---small half-buried structure, with a husk spawner and loot inside

    Desert Wasteland:

    a sandy wasteland filled with ruins and dangerous monsters

    1. Village Ruins---An empty village, with craters all around, no crops, no life. However, there are still some loot inside the chests
    2. Abandoned outpost---An empty pillager outpost, only generates around the village ruins. Filled with mossy cobblestone, cobwebs, and vines. The loot in the chest is still there though

    Extreme Desert cliffs :

    The desert variant of extreme hill biomes

    1. Exploration camp---An campsite with a campfire, some loot, 2-4 tents and rarely a wandering trader that never despawns

    Shattered Desert / Corrupted Desert

    Shattered deserts are deserts with blizzard terrain and lots of ravines with twisted caves that open into huge caverns

    1. Pillager settlements (desert)---pillager settlements generates on most biomes but in this post, I would mainly just talk about the desert version of this structure. They would be villages with pillager banners all around the place. With pillagers and vindicators roam around. At night the illagers would sleep in the beds, just like villagers.
    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    The Great Renewability Rush

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 12:33 PM PDT


    • Gravel: 2 stone + 2 sand
    • Lava: Magma block mined without Silk Touch turns into this
    • Netherrack: N/A
    • Red sand: 8 sand + 1 iron nugget
    • Sand: Renewable in Village and Pillage
    • Soul sand: 8 sand or 8 red sand + 1 ghast tear
    • Clay: Renewable in Village and Pillage
    • Cobweb: From new boss (I'll cover this later)
    • Coral blocks: Renewable in Village and Pillage; my alternative was 4 coral to make 1 coral block
    • Dead bush: Sweet berry bush placed in inhospitable conditions, i.e. temperature 1.0 or higher
    • Ores (including nether quartz): From new boss
    • Shulker shell: Make end ships respawnable (I'll cover this later)
    • Wet sponge: Guardians are fed turtle shells to turn into elder guardians after a 2-minute wait time
    • Dragon egg: Note that dragon eggs are intentionally made so you can only get one, but I think they should be renewable (but, again, not in a way that allows more than one). If the game checks the entire world for whether or not a dragon egg exists already, and it can't find anything, the dragon egg spawns. This is far-fetched to say the very least and I do not imagine it to be possible, but I'd like to include this on the list anyway.
    • Elytra: Make end ships respawnable
    • Dragon head: Make end ships respawnable
    • Heart of the sea: N/A
    • Totem of undying: Renewable in Village and Pillage
    • Enchanted golden apple: Replaces nether star when crafting beacon in a crafting table
    • Potion of decay: Actually, I vote that we just remove it from Survival altogether. Witch huts should not house potion of decay in cauldrons. (Potions in cauldrons is a Bedrock thing that should probably be in Java.)

    Respawnability of end ships:

    After all 20 end gateway portals have spawned, killing yet another Ender Dragon causes a gateway to start emitting particles. After all of the gateways emit particles, one gateway regains its beacon-like beam. Using this one teleports you to the corresponding portal on the outer islands, where a new end ship will have spawned.

    New boss:

    The Wither goes to the Nether and is vulnerable to Smite, the Ender Dragon goes to the End and is vulnerable to Sharpness, so a new boss should go to the Overworld and be vulnerable to Bane of Arthropods. It would be an introduction of sorts to bosses; as it currently stands the bosses are hard enough to just drop you to your doom if you're not prepared, but this boss should be more forgiving. When it's defeated, it spawns ores around the world and leaves a mass of cobwebs (it spawns nether quartz ore if fought in the Nether).

    EDIT: The new boss would be a spider-like creature.

    submitted by /u/SavingsNewspaper2
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    Fishing near ocean monuments

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 01:31 PM PDT

    A small chance to accidentally catch a guardian on your fishing rod when fishing within 50-100 blocks of an ocean monument.

    When you reel them in they would just get stuck in your boat, or they would flop around on land if you fish from the shore.

    (This could easily be replaced with squid instead)

    submitted by /u/DoctorGoondis
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    Endermite Revamp, Making Them Useful!

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 08:42 PM PDT

    Endermites are currently very useless and a lot of people don't even know they exist! Honestly to have such a useless mob in the game seems strange, so I thought about giving them a revamp to make them less useless and pesky!


    Endermites now spawn in the end on a new type of end island called a Henderlock Fields. They can still occasionally spawn from an ender pearl.

    Behavior And Description:

    • Endermites will now roam around the large henderlock fields. They will munch on the henderlocks occasionally. They will avoid the edges of the island. Endermites will spend their time mostly together.
    • Henderlock fields contain henderlocks which give the player paralysis when stood on (endermites are immune to paralysis), endermites, endoth, and normal end island blocks.
    • When they see a player they will slowly make their way towards them and attack as a group. You can distract them by throwing a henderlock on the ground as they will pick it up and eat it.
    • Once they eat 15 henderlocks they will go into a cocoon phase, turning into a small purple block. Once they are in this stage they will become passive immobile creatures counting on endermites for protection.
    • After 40 minutes (2 minecraft days) they will release a graceful endoth, but don't think the endoth will be your friend anytime soon, as they are hostile creatures! They fly in the sky of the end and will usually stay there. Sometimes they will occasionally stand on a chorus flower, feeding on the nectar of the plant.
    • When Endoths see a player they will soar down, charging them with their dangerous wings! The reason it's dangerous is because it inflicts the new "paralysis" effect. Paralysis will make you unable to hit. (you can still walk, jump, and even sprint though!)
    • Endoths scare endermen away from endermites, protecting them.


    • Endermites now drop 0-2 henderlocks, 0-1 red eye.
    • The endermite cocoon will drop 0-2 slime, 1-2 tough silk.
    • Endoths will drop 0-2 purpurlyzing wings.

    • Henderlocks give you the paralysis effect when you stand on them, preventing you and other mobs from hitting. This can be useful in making defensive walls. (You can still use potions, snow balls and ender pearls, bows, tridents (not melee form though), and crossbows.) Henderlocks can be used to make paralyzing suspicious stew.
    • Red eyes can be put with 2 leather on the sides in a crafting table to make ender goggles. This makes your vision red but it makes all mobs in a 30 radius of you "glow". This can be useful for mining or in PVP, when someone is hiding. They do give only leather armor protection though and have 15 durability. It can be enchanted with vision which has 3 tiers and increases the mobs glowing radius by 5 for each tier. It can also be enchanted with all normal helmet enchants except aqua infinity. (bugs drown in the water). It can be enchanted with scare which will make endermen run away from you and will also make them passive mobs unless you hit them.
    • Tough silk can be used in an anvil with leather armor (and leather horse armor) to raise it up to iron defense and iron durability. This can allow you to use better looking armor if you want to but under an expensive price to not make it OP. There would be a white silk like texture on the pads to make it look obvious for other players.
    • Purpurlyzing wings can be used to make the potion of paralysis in a brewing stand with an awkward potion. It only has 1 tier and can be extended for 4 minutes. It can be made into splash potions. Paralysis makes you unable to hit "things" but you can still walk, sprint, and jump. You are also still able to use all projectile items.

    But anyway these were some of my ideas to make endermites a bit more useful and less of an annoying unknown pest. If you have any ideas please let me know and if you dislike it please tell me why, thank you!

    (Also I know that mites don't turn into moths, but they don't look anything like a mite, they look more like a big caterpillar tbh. Also this would make bane of arthropods a lot more useful!)

    submitted by /u/ArtisticPhrase6
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    Ravagers eat crops to heal themselves

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 06:49 AM PDT

    Instead of destroying them, what if Ravagers could straight up eat them when they're low on health, and gain HP?

    Vote on feedback.minecraft

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Nature Sounds

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 11:45 PM PDT

    I've always thought Minecraft had good music and good sound effects to go with it. But something that always caught me off guard was why there was no nature sounds? I'd love to hear the sounds of crickets chirping away as I'm outside at night, or hear the wind start to rustle the leaves before the weather starts to thunderstorm, or even the crash of waves that row louder as I get closer to a large ocean, or the sound of softer water as I get near a lake, pond or river. Wouldn't it be cool if those sound effects were added?

    submitted by /u/ColbyBB
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    Add villager trades to data pack

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 04:19 AM PDT

    Why is there no option to customize villager trades without changing the NBT-Data in-game with commands or externally with editors? This greatly limits maps where you don't want to spawn villagers from the get-go, e.g. I want the player to cure zombie villager in order to obtain a villager, but the trades for the resulting villager are predetermined.


    submitted by /u/Yamahari
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    Tamable Hunting Birds

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    So a lot of people would like birds in minecraft, but most people suggest them as ambiance creatures, not that interactive. What I didn't see a lot of was hunting birds. These birds would be falcons and hawks (possible other birds of prey as well). They would spawn in forests and be tamable. Once you've tamed one, you could equip a hunting glove and a bird lure (something to signal the birds back) and send them to go hunt. They would go and bring back a piece of meat (rabbit or chicken) to you. They would only be able to perch on you if you had a hunting glove in your hand. They would have 3 modes : wander, where they just walk/fly/rest, perch, where they are on your glove, and hunting, where they go hunt. New blocks could be added so they could perch possibly.

    submitted by /u/mr_meowser06
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    Smokers make smoke particles like campfires do

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    Smokers should produce smoke particles when they're activate / cooking food.

    They'd look similar to the campfire particles, but the particle's would come in smaller amounts at random intervals.

    Why: It'd look really cool; If you have a chimney in your house, above the smoker, you can see when your food has finished cooking. Just look at your chimney to see if there's any smoke coming out.

    This would be great for multiplayer PvP minigames, like hunger games. Imagine looking for your enemy, and you see smoke coming out of a house. Or maybe it's a trap, and your enemy is waiting for you to go inside the house.

    Vote on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Up to four different (or not different) small plants can be placed in the same block space.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 05:55 AM PDT

    Small plants such as dandelions, oxeye daises, poppies, grass etc should be able to be placed together much like sea pickles, this would in my opinion allow for thicker flower beds and reduce the amount of wasted space when creating a nice garden or park. I reckon up to four different small plants should be placeable together, further increasing the variety of combinations available, things like rose bushes, giant ferns and other two block tall plants should probably be excluded since they take up much of a block already.


    submitted by /u/PolarMammoth3
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    Amount of Pillagers per raid wave depends on difficulty

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 09:46 AM PDT

    I think there's too few Pillagers even in the final wave on Hard difficulty. Currently all that changes is what the mobs are and how tough they are, but not really the amount of them.

    So at least on hard difficulty, the amount of Pillagers should increase in each wave.

    This would especially be great in multiplayer, since if you're playing with friends, the raids could get pretty easy. So you can choose to play on Hard to add some challenge.

    Vote on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Foxes should eat Turtle & Chicken Eggs

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 01:32 PM PDT


    • Foxes eat baby turtles, but not turtle eggs for some reason.

    • And Foxes eat chickens, but not their eggs, even though they can spawn with one in their mouth.

    I think that should be changed, so they can eat their eggs too, for consistency. (And they eat other animals' eggs IRL too.)

    Vote on feedback.minecraft

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Zombie Wandering Traders

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 07:00 AM PDT

    Zombie version of the wandering trader, that has a rare chance to spawn in place of any zombie. Maybe 1/2500? You'd see one every 8 irl hours or so, or more often depending on your luck.

    They would drop up to 3 different randomly selected items from their trading item pool.

    Also vote on feedback.minecraft, if you'd like to see this added

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Better Night Sky

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 11:50 PM PDT

    So, Minecraft's main theme is surviving in the wild. But there's one thing that takes away from the visuals of the wilderness aspect. In the night specifically, there's just dots as stars scattered across a dark blue sky. When in reality and in a wild setting like Minecraft, the sky looks way different. Just google "Sky without light pollution" to see what I mean. Wouldnt it be cool if we could see a pixelated milky way to add some flair to the night? I think it would give the night some more character.

    submitted by /u/ColbyBB
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    Optionally disable double tap to sprint

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 03:47 PM PDT

    I don't like this feature, and it's buggy, causing me to sprint frequently when I don't want to. If I'm walking forward and double tap left or right, I start sprinting. If I begin walking and soon after pressing forward, tap left or right, I begin sprinting. A and D are taken into account when calculating the double tap to sprint.

    This is a bug, but an easy patch is just an optional disable for the feature. (Unless fixing the bug is easier. Idk. I'd still like the option to disable it anyway)

    submitted by /u/PerpetualToddler
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    Since rain has become more of a gameplay affecting feature, let us summon it

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 11:54 AM PDT

    With Tridents and Conduits having exclusive powers only during rain and thunder storms, it could be useful if we could summon it, to make enchantments like riptide and channeling more consistent.

    Maybe a consumable "rain totem" that summons rain when you right click it. It could be decently expensive so it couldn't be easily abused or something.

    submitted by /u/U-Knighted
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    Campfire Smoke Signals.

    Posted: 14 Apr 2019 09:31 AM PDT

    As it stands, campfires are a useful tool for showing your current position. However, I feel that they could be improved by adding the ability to not only express location but also color.

    Simply right click a campfire with the dye of your choice, and just like food, it will sit along the edge of the campfire and cook for 30 seconds, however, during this time the campfire's smoke will become changed to the color of the dye.

    Another difference from food is that adding more than one dye will prolong the smoke color for up to 120 seconds.

    If you want permanent color, just place a colored wool block underneath the campfire, (similar to a a hay bale) and it will produce permanent color. Unfortunately you long no longer have the ability to use it as a signaling device, as the smoke is no longer 25 blocks tall because of the replacement of the hay bale. You cannot stack wool or hay bales.

    Huzzah! Now we have multiple new options for campfires. We can use wool for decoration in maps, or we can use the dye for signaling danger to players far away.

    submitted by /u/Pawprint1423
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    Illager patrols should never enter villages

    Posted: 13 Apr 2019 07:24 PM PDT

    Before you downvote, let me explain. When an illager patrol enters a village, the player has 3 options. 1: kill the illagers and start a raid immediately, 2: let the patrol kill all the villagers, or 3: Hope and pray that an iron golem kills them. Since the player would be forced to start a raid if they killed the illagers, I believe it would be better if they never entered the village at all, like they're patrolling to see where villages are, instead of to attack them.

    Also vote on the official feedback site!

    submitted by /u/HowToChangeMyNamePlz
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