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    Minecraft Flowers should have a blooming animation in the morning and a closing animation in the evening

    Minecraft Flowers should have a blooming animation in the morning and a closing animation in the evening

    Flowers should have a blooming animation in the morning and a closing animation in the evening

    Posted: 29 May 2019 10:22 AM PDT

    Example: Rose bushes, they are so pretty when they bloom!! It would be very pretty to see flowers bloom in Minecraft, and add a nice feel after the scary night has passed. It would be extremely easy to implement in both Java and Bedrock and does not affect gameplay at all, just an aesthetic.

    To turn it off, use the command /gamerule dofloraanimations true false.

    I really think Minecraft flowers should have these animations. They just don't look right in full bloom at night. They should be closed up at night and blooming during the day.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Add a button or a slider in Java Launcher to allocate RAM

    Posted: 29 May 2019 04:32 AM PDT

    I always found it complicated to know what I should change in the JVM Arguments line of the launcher, and I thought "What about instead of using this ugly JVM Arguments thing, we could have a little slider or a text box dedicated for allocating RAM?"Would be easier for code noobs like me to allocate RAM imho.

    EDIT: what this could look like: https://imgur.com/a/FYHo1K3

    submitted by /u/AjitoThe13th
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    Make it so that Red Sand gives Red Stained Glass when smelted instead of normal glass.

    Posted: 29 May 2019 03:35 PM PDT

    It's a small change, but I think it'd add a nice touch.

    submitted by /u/iTeoti
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    Sub-terrain maps

    Posted: 29 May 2019 03:01 PM PDT

    These maps could be created using the cartographers table. These can be used to map out underground/underwater builds that would not show up on normal maps. To create these maps, you can set the top y-coordinate that would be rendered on the map, making structures and caves below that y-coordinate visible on the map. For the maps to fill in, you must be somewhere within the y-coordinate limit, which would eliminate the possibility of using this as a "cheat" to find caves from the surface. If the y-coordinate is set anywhere below the surface of the water, then all underwater structures will be shown on the map.

    submitted by /u/skyler_po72
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    Give loot_table functionality to Villager MerchantRecipe and to Fishing

    Posted: 29 May 2019 09:06 AM PDT

    Please allow the modification of naturally spawned villagers to have their trades be modified via JSON much like loot_tables are. As well fishing tables being able to be modified would also be a great help.

    submitted by /u/monkeywork
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    Poison/venom fluid

    Posted: 29 May 2019 02:37 AM PDT

    A water bottle next to a spider eye in a crafting bench gives a poison vial, once you got enough vials, empty them in a cauldron till it's full and pick the poison with an empty bucket.

    Poison is a purple fluid a little denser than water, deals damage (like around half lava's damage) to every entity in it. Works as an alternative to lava in auto farms or traps for instance, because poison doesn't destroy items.

    edit: Maybe rename the fluid "venom" since Minecraft already has poison potions.

    edit2: Spiders could be immune to it.

    submitted by /u/pm_me_feet_pics69
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    You're more likely to get stuck by lightning while using an elytra during a thunderstorm.

    Posted: 28 May 2019 09:54 PM PDT

    Pretty much says it all right there. Adds a bit more danger to using elytras, but maybe you can prevent it by using a trident? Possible the channeling enchantment just stops you from taking damage, or there could be a new enchantment that allows you to absorb the lightning into a weapon and release it when hitting a mob during any weather. Personally, I would stick with the trident just preventing you from taking damage somehow, but the possibilities are still there.

    Maybe when struck by lightning your elytra takes more damage and it stops you from flying for a second. Seems a bit underpowered, but I don't want it to be trying to kill you; just something that you have to watch out for while flying. Keeps you on your toes.

    submitted by /u/AcuteGryphon655
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    World save files should be linked to your account, so if you play it on a different computer, you have all the same save files without having to transfer it

    Posted: 29 May 2019 06:53 AM PDT

    Slide your way to the bottom or get your slide back on top. Introducing Redstone Sliders

    Posted: 29 May 2019 09:40 AM PDT

    • Redstone Slider:
    • A Redstone repeater appearance except is blue and resembles ice that when placed on a block will act like rails. it will slope down, turn, and go up. Unlike the rails, when this is powered everything on it will float upwards a bit and move following the path layed down. A slider is slow, and painful but when used with its variants, it makes things move faster.

    • Speedy Slider: Like slider, except moves thing on it 3.5 times as fast as a rail.

    • Detector Slider: Does same as detector rail, detects a signal and outputs it

    • Activator Slide: like an activator, except for slider form

    • Slider Gate: Place this down where slider needs power and loplace a Redstone torch in it. It will now power slider effect from it and plus eight more slides in front of it.

    • Block Slider: A slider that slides a block in 3 different directions and back to same spot if block is in front. Control direction by jumping on it.

    • A solo slider connected to a block will grant that block and one space above it the slide effect

    • A slider in front of the slider will grant that slider it's power

    • Unlike the repeater, after 8 you need to repower the slider using a slider gate

    • Redstone Slider Crafting Recipe.

    • Top: "Redstone Dust", "Repeater", "Normal Rail"

    • Middle: "Air", "Packed Ice", Air"

    • Bottom: "Air", "Air", "Air".

    • Speedy Slider: Shapeless

    • "Slider + Slow Falling Potion + Speed Potion

    • Detector Slide: Shapeless

    • "Slider + Detector Rail

    • Activator Slide: Shapeless

    • "Slider + Activator Rail

    • Slider Gate: Shapeless

    • "Slider" + "Comparator" + "Torch"

    • Block Slider: Shapeless

    • "Redstone Block", "Slider"

    Each recipe yields four and # Recipes can be changed.

    This will grant the user to create realistic water slides, realistic movement, and more fun.

    Also this will grant players a new, fun, and unique way to move in the world.

    submitted by /u/SkylieTuff
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    Witches should drink a potion of slow falling if they are falling down from a high place

    Posted: 28 May 2019 08:43 PM PDT

    Make bells detectable

    Posted: 28 May 2019 06:50 PM PDT

    It's a short post, but I think it's a good idea. Make bells detectable by a comparator through blocks. That way you can have different command blocks activated by bells in a map or make a cool doorbell.

    submitted by /u/Liar_of_partinel
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    Transfering saves between wii u and switch bedrock

    Posted: 29 May 2019 04:57 AM PDT

    There should be a way to prevent meteo.

    Posted: 29 May 2019 05:25 AM PDT

    Hello everyone !

    Like in real life, you can prevent meteo so you know if you can go outside or will have to wait an another day, and since cauldron can be filled with raining, and farms can be wetted with rain too, and creepers be electrocute with thunder, i think that would be smart to have a system to find the meteo for the incoming days.

    I think it should be worth it, like a astronomic quantitues of redstone, to make a sort of ballon.

    The balloon should be placed in a very high place, and would have to be permanantly feeded with redstone, like a redstone block, something very expensive, a torch won't work for example.

    That would be very awesome, so we know if we have to get out on adventure, farm creepers or anything, and even protect our houses from thunder.

    submitted by /u/Tekstar_XD
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