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    Minecraft Inventory slots "remember" what item was last in it

    Minecraft Inventory slots "remember" what item was last in it

    Inventory slots "remember" what item was last in it

    Posted: 06 May 2019 08:12 AM PDT

    Note: This has been suggested before (https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/793min/dropped_items_upon_death_remember_the_slot_they/) but that post is a year old and it this idea hasn't gotten much attention since then I believe. This is my take on the idea. (e.g. opposed to storing the info about the slot in an NBT-Tag of the item, I want to store in as a property of the player's inventory; also I want it to show a preview)

    TL;DR: When an item is dropped out of your inventory, be it on death or on purpose, the slot/your inventory remembers what kind of item was in it. This behaviour should apply to hotbar, offhand and armor slots.

    It has happened to everyone. You die, come back to get your items, but instead of placing your sword in the hotbar, you suddenly only have carrots and sticks or something equally useless in it. But here's the solution: After you die or drop an itemfrom hotbar, offhand or armor slots, your inventory "remembers" what slot to put that kind of item (e.g. diamond sword, torch, green wool, ...) in.

    A transparent icon of that item could shown in that slot to indicate the remembered behaviour (this preview can be disabled in the settings).

    If you place anything else in that slot, the preference will be "forgotten". Also, other items that you pick up can fill that slot if they need to (e.g. the rest of the inventory is full).

    While the preference is still there, transferring an item by shift-clicking should also prioritize the remembered slots. That'd be useful in case you want to quickly equip backup gear.

    Exact Behaviour:

    When to create a preference:

    • On death/dropping any item
    • On trident thrown (maybe it'd only be created when the trident has layalty? But that's open for debate)

    When to remove a preference:

    • When any item is placed in that slot
    • When the player clicks (exact action is open for debate) on the preference. That allows players to remove unwanted preferences.

    When to apply a preference:

    • On item pickup
    • On trident pickup/return
    • When shift-clicking to transfer items from any inventory
    • Therefore if there's a preference for some kind of armor, any armor that fits the preference will be equipped automatically.

    When to ignore a preference:

    • When there's no other space to put it in the inventory
    • When the player specifically placed an item in a specified slot

    What do you think about this? Questions? Feedback? Comment below! ;)

    View this suggestion on the official minecraft feedback site: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043392851-Inventory-slots-remember-what-item-was-last-in-it

    Edit: Lists to summarize exact behaviour.

    submitted by /u/LordKekz
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    Villagers should close their eyes when "sleeping".

    Posted: 06 May 2019 08:49 AM PDT

    EDIT: Also a rare chance for a Villager to snore. When a Villager snores they make a noise and their nose flaps.

    submitted by /u/FancySloth
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    Shield patterns should have the same resolution as banner patterns.

    Posted: 06 May 2019 07:55 AM PDT

    Shield patterns have half the resolution of banners, making the patterns on them look quite different, which can mess with designs in some cases.

    So the resolution should be increased, so that a decorated shield pattern will look the same as the equivalent banner pattern.

    Feedback site link: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360043391371-Shields-patterns-should-have-the-same-resolution-as-banner-patterns-

    submitted by /u/Mr_Crabman
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    A new villager job should be added, caused by having an Enchanting table in a village, THE WIZARD!

    Posted: 06 May 2019 09:45 AM PDT

    This Villager profession would, in reality, be a different mob entirely, but it would be caused by having an unemployed, or Cleric villager approach an enchanting table, then magical particles will come out of the villager, and he'll turn into a Wizard! I don't want Enchanting Tables to spawn naturally in Villages, as that would be too OP, so instead, Wizards would only spawn if player-placed Enchantment Tables are put down in a village!

    If the Enchanting Table is removed, he has a chance to change back into a normal villager.

    Similar to the Wandering Villager, he would look, and function similar to a villager, except he would have unique behavior and abilities, and would basically act as the good counterpart of the Witch!

    The wizard would probably have a blue robe, and a pointy hat! He'll stay around a village like a normal villager, but he won't chat with the others as much, preferring to be alone, or to talk to other Wizards!

    He would also sell potion ingredients for high prices.

    Now, here comes the new forms of behavior, to start off, he should turn any red-dyed sheep into blue-dyed sheep. This is referencing the Evokers ablilty to turn any blue dyed sheep into red dyed sheep, so the Wizard basically does the opposite dye-ing affect!

    He'll use potions to attack and defend himself, just like a Witch, he'll fight in with poison, slowness, and damage potions, and even cure zombie villagers he sees by throwing a weakness potion at them, and then feeding them a golden apple! He could also buff iron golems during fights by throwing them strength, regeneration, or health potions!

    The next bit of unique behavior this guy would have is primarily targeting his arch-nemesis in combat, the Witch! The Wizard would target the Witch over all other mobs, so you'd still need to help him in combat!

    If anyone at Mojang sees this suggestion, and wants to work with the idea, by all means, please do! I'd love to see a good villager mob that uses 'magic' to act as a good counterpart to the Witch!

    submitted by /u/RealJakeSpacePirate
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    Crops should grow depending on the amount of ticks that would have been skipped by sleeping.

    Posted: 06 May 2019 12:01 PM PDT

    If I go to sleep, however many ticks I would have been awake until day will be counted and applied to loaded crops. I'm considering furnaces as well, but I'm not sure - I think just having crops age overnight is fine.

    submitted by /u/Corndog53
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    Cracking Ice

    Posted: 06 May 2019 01:15 PM PDT

    In frozen lakes, players should be able to find a variation of ice called Unstable Ice. It would generate only at the center of lakes, in clusters of 10-20 blocks. The unstable ice will have tiny cracks in it, and it would rapidly break if anyone walked on it, dropping them into the frozen water (this would not happen if they were wearing boots with Frost Walker). This would make players have to be careful about walking across icy areas, and could make the game more interesting.

    submitted by /u/ledlecreeper27
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    More Redstone Materials

    Posted: 06 May 2019 01:01 PM PDT

    Moonlight Detector: Crafted with a daylight detector and 2 end stone. Similar to a daylight detector, but it outputs redstone power based off of the current phase of the moon. Only works at night. This would be useful in swamps because slimes spawn differently based off of the moon phase.

    Redstone Pipe: 3 iron ingots and 3 redstone dust make 6 redstone pipes. Redstone pipes can float and go upwards, and can be used to transfer redstone power through water.

    Super Sticky Piston: Crafted with a piston and 4 slimeballs, or a sticky piston and 3 slimeballs. Works like a sticky piston, but when it pulls back, all of the blocks that it pushed are pulled back instead of just the one touching the super sticky piston.

    Advanced Pressure Plate: Crafted with 2 iron ingots and 1 redstone dust. Works like a pressure plate, but can be set to detect only a specific mob, such as zombies. It can also be set to only detect players or to only detect items.

    Redstone Arrow: Crafted with an arrow and 1 redstone dust. If it hits a redstone wire, the wire that it hit will stay powered for about 30 seconds.

    submitted by /u/ledlecreeper27
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    Magical Overhaul: Part 1 (Probably): Spellbooks

    Posted: 06 May 2019 06:40 AM PDT

    Bit of a long post, but worth it if you read through it.

    In Minecraft's current state, the only real "magic" we have are potions and enchantments. Yeah, that's cool and all, but in my opinion, we should have something in Minecraft that screams 'that's some Harry Potter crap'.

    So in this possible series, called Magical Overhaul, I will be giving my ideas and views as to how magic can be better in Minecraft, and the possible changes it can make. My first topic? Spellbooks.

    So before we go into how spellbooks work and how you get them, I'm introducing a new gameplay mechanic which is pretty much a given in magic-based stuff in video games: a Mana bar. It will be a blue luminescent line above your hunger bar which has a number next to it, the maximum being 100 when its full, indicating how much mana you have. Casting spells from the spellbooks costs mana, which in itself naturally regenerates by draining your hunger bar, at 1 Mana/sec, so using spells is in a way, food intensive. However, to combat this, Mana Potions can be brewed, which give the Mana Generation effect, that allow your mana bar to replenish faster, and not consume your hunger bar at all. These are brewed by putting an ender pearl and some awkward potions in a brewing stand.

    Now that Mana is covered, lets move on to the spellbooks themselves.


    A new type of item will be found in the world known as the spell fragment. These are the very building blocks of spells and come in various types from various sources. This is a possible design for a spell fragment: https://imgur.com/FINU0Gh

    • They are dropped extremely rarely from all mobs, but have a slightly higher drop chance from witches, endermen and evokers.
    • They are occasionally found in loot chests.
    • They can be traded from a new type of villager, the Mage. (Will probably cover him in a later post.)

    Spell fragments' types have rarities too, and each type has different drop chances:


    • Knowledge Fragment (Extra Common, Highest Drop Chance)
    • Kinetic Fragment
    • Potential Fragment
    • Channeling Fragment
    • Life Fragment
    • Overworld Fragment


    • Nether Fragment
    • Water Fragment
    • Matter Fragment
    • Ore Fragment
    • Storm Fragment


    • Ender Fragment
    • Moon Fragment
    • Star Fragment
    • Wither Fragment
    • Time Fragment

    Taking these fragments, we can spells. Making these spell requires a special piece of equipment called the arcane construct. To make it, you need an arcane construct core, 4 end crystals, 8 obsidian and 4 bookshelfs. Here's the crafting recipe for the core:https://imgur.com/75xouGk. You need to make 4 obsidian towers, like this:

    [End Crystal]



    Place the blocks like this:

    [End Crystal Tower] = E

    [Bookshelf] = B

    [Arcane Construct Core] = A

    (There is a one block space between each placement)

    E B E

    B A B

    E B E

    There! Your Arcane Construct is complete! You can now make brooms, talking swords, the Infinity Gauntlet Spellbooks!

    Right-clicking a correctly placed arcane construct core will open a GUI which has a slot for Knowledge Fragments, and three more slots for other spell fragments. Knowledge Fragments are the base of all spells and are required when crafting them. Putting a fragment in one of the slots shows a list of what spells you can make with the fragment and what are the costs. Each spell requires a certain amount of knowledge fragments, at least 2 other fragments of different types and a small amount of XP. When everything is order, a 'craft' button will appear, which starts the process of constructing a spell.

    However, you cannot just use a spell as it is. To use a spell, you need a spellbook. Here is the recipe of the base spellbook: https://imgur.com/RK2VBVC

    Craft a spellbook and a spell to store the spell in the spellbook. You can store multiple spells of the same type in the same spellbook (Type is determined by the dominant fragment).



    THE SPELLS!!!!!!

    Yeah, there are going to be 14 types of spells, since Channeling and Knowledge Fragments don't have spells, and there are going to be 35 spells total. Hold on to your butts, and read away!


    1. Latch: Shoots a magical rope that latches itself on the first surface it hits. It acts like a grappling hook, pulling you in, and keeps you attached to the surface until you disengage the spell or you unequip the book.

    Hermit Purple!

    Cost: 2 Knowledge, 2 Kinetic, 1 Matter Fragments; 1 XP Lvl.

    Details: 25 block range, 1 block/sec speed, 10 mana/cast.

    2) Fling: Knocks backs mobs in a cone shaped area from your field of view.

    Wait, isn't this a Pokemon move?

    Cost: 1 Knowledge, 3 Kinetic, 1 Potential Fragments, 1 XP Lvl.

    Details: 7.5 block range, 20 Mana/cast.

    3) Grasp: Telekinetically holds entities, and grabs nearby entities which are close to the crosshairs. Hostile mobs are damaged over time.

    I find your lack of faith... disturbing.

    Cost: 2 Knowledge, 1 Kinetic, 1 Channeling, 1 Overworld Fragments; 2 XP Lvls.

    Details: 2 blocks away from player, 1 block attraction range, 1 Mana/sec while channeled.


    1. Prime: Turns the target block into the 'primed' explosive version itself.

    Yes, this is a Jojo reference.

    Cost: 1 Knowledge, 3 Potential, 2 Matter, 1 Kinetic Fragments; 2 XP Lvls.

    Details: 25 Mana/cast.

    2) Hasten: Gives you a Haste 3 and Speed 3 effect, and nullifies mining fatigue and slowness effects.

    Well, at least you don't need to be struck by special lightning to go fast now.

    Cost: 1 Knowledge, 2 Potential, 1 Kinetic, 1 Life Fragment; 1 XP Lvl.

    Details: 25 Mana/cast


    1. Thrive: Gives a bone meal effect in an area around you. Passive mobs are healed by the spell.

    Meg? Is that you?

    Cost: 3 Knowledge, 2 Life, 1 Overworld, 1 Water Fragments; 2 XP Lvls.

    Details: 5 block radius of effect, 20 Mana/cast.

    2) Rejuvenate: Restores some health and gives you Regeneration 2 for 20 secs.

    Keep em comin', bub.

    Cost: 4 Knowledge, 3 Life, 1 Matter Fragments; 3 XP Lvls.

    Details: 50 Mana/cast.

    3) Drain: Throws an orb that drains health from nearby mobs and stores some of it. When approached by a player, it is absorbed and it restores some health.

    Blood is my life, and you are my prey.

    Cost: 3 Knowledge, 3 Life, 1 Wither Fragments; 3 XP Lvls.

    Details: 4 block drain radius range, 50 Mana/cast.


    1. Barrier: Summons a wall of ethereal dirt and stone that blocks projectiles, mobs and explosions.

    A blocky version of the A-Wall.

    Cost: 2 Knowledge, 1 Overworld, 1 Channeling, 1 Matter Fragments; 1 XP Lvl.

    Details: 3x3 wall, 2.5 Mana/s while active.

    2) Haven: Creates a dome of overworldly energy with properties similiar to Barrier. It knocks back mobs nearby.

    Take that, Winston.

    Cost: 3 Knowledge, 2 Overworld, 1 Matter, 1 Kinetic Fragments; 3 XP Lvls.

    Details: 3 block radius, 5 Mana/s while active.

    3) Banish: Creates a miniature light source that prevents hostile mobs from spawning in a large area.

    Get thee behind me, Creeper!

    Cost: 4 Knowledge, 2 Overworld, 1 Moon, 1 Star Fragments; 5 XP Lvls.

    Details: 20 block radius banisment, 50 Mana/cast.


    1. Flame Walker: Sets any flammable block you walk on alight, and temporarily solidifies lava under your feet. The flames do not deal damage to you, but other sources of fire damage do affect you.

    Who stole Nezha's shoes?

    Cost: 1 Knowledge, 2 Nether, 1 Matter Fragment; 1 XP Lvl.

    Details: 4 Mana/s

    2) Burst Inferno: Surrounds you with a sphere of flame. It grants you a 15% damage reduction and complete immunity to fire damage, and sets nearby mobs aflame. Accumulated damage is stored and subsequently released shortly after in a burst of radial fire damage.

    Blazin' it.

    Cost: 2 Knowledge, 2 Nether, 1 Potential, 2 Channeling Fragments; 3 XP Lvls.

    Details: 6 metre radius of damage, 7.5 sec duration, 30 Mana/ cast.

    3) Fireball: Pretty self explanatory. Do I really have to describe this one?

    Didn't your mother ever teach you to not play with fire?

    Cost: 3 Knowledge, 1 Nether, 1 Kinetic Fragments; 1 XP Lvl.

    Details: 5 damage, 15 Mana/cast.


    1. Sea's Blessing: Gives you Conduit Power for 30 secs.

    Aquaman ain't got anything over me.

    Cost: 2 Knowledge, 2 Water, 1 Overworld, 1 Life Fragments; 2 XP Lvls.

    Details: 25 Mana/cast.

    2) Reservoir: Spawns a water source block, even in the Nether.

    This post was made by infinite water source gang.

    Cost: 1 Knowledge, 1 Water, 1 Matter Fragments; 1 XP Lvl.

    Details: 20 Mana/cast.

    3) Extinguish: Extinguishes all fires in an area around you while channeled. Deals damage to fire-based mobs and endermen.

    Not again, Pyro.

    Cost: 2 Knowledge, 2 Water, 1 Channeling Fragments; 3 XP Lvls.

    Details: 5 block radius of effect, 2.5 Mana/s.


    1. Transmute: Converts a block into its 'better' version, gold to diamond ore, cobblestone to stone, sand to red sand, clay to teracotta, etc.

    Wait, this isn't my cauldron.

    Cost: 4 Knowledge, 3 Matter, 1 Overworld, 2 Potential Fragments; 4 XP Lvls.

    Details: Variable Mana Cost.

    2) Displace: Captures a target area of any size you like, the maximum being 16 by 16 by 16 blocks. Activate again to release the captured blocks into a new place.

    Not again, 106.

    Cost: 3 Knowledge, 2 Matter, 2 Overworld, 1 Ender Fragments; 2 XP Lvls.

    Details: 80 Mana/cast.

    3) Disassemble: Shoots a beam that breaks whatever it touches, and drops what the block would normally drop.

    But does is do wood?

    Cost: 2 Knowledge, 1 Matter, 1 Channeling, 1 Potential Fragments; 2 XP Lvls.

    Details: 2 Mana/s.


    1. Dowse: Detects nearby ores to a range of 10 blocks and marks the location on your HUD.

    I thought you need a couple of sticks for this.

    Cost: 2 Knowledge, 2 Ore, 1 Ender Fragments; 4 XP Lvls.

    Details: Variable Mana Cost.

    2) Enrich: Turns an ore into the 'enriched' version of itself, yielding as much drops as it would have if broken with a Fortune III Pickaxe. In the case of iron and gold ore, they drop twice the ore.

    Watch out for prospectors.

    Cost: 3 Knowledge, 1 Ore, 1 Matter, 1 Potential Fragments; 3 XP Lvl.

    Details: 50 Mana/cast.


    1. Downfall: Basically the cycles though the /weather command.

    Mr Blue Sky, please tell us why, you had to hide away for so long?

    Cost: 1 Knowledge, 1 Storm, 1 Overworld Fragments; 2 XP Lvls.

    Details: 25 Mana/cast.

    2) Clusterstrike: Strikes a target 3x3 area with lightning.

    Tell me, brother. What were you the god of again?

    Cost: 2 Knowledge, 2 Storm, 1 Potential Fragment; 3 XP Lvls.

    Details: 20 Mana/cast

    3) Gust: Charge up and then release the spell to propel yourself in the direction you're looking.

    Nothing like a bit of hot air when you need it.

    Cost: 3 Knowledge, 2 Storm, 1 Kinetic Fragments; 1 XP Lvl.

    Details: Max 25 Mana/cast.

    4) Tempest Flight: Wreathes you in lightning and air currents. Press space to ascend and sneak to levitate. You slow fall, but you can look down to fall faster.

    Cue the Immigrant Song.

    Cost: 5 Knowledge, 3 Storm, 3 Kinetic, 2 Star Fragments; 5 XP Lvls.

    Details: Doesn't consume Mana when you are on the ground, 2 Mana/s.


    1) Blink: Teleports you to a target location at your crosshairs.

    Cheers love, the cavalry's here!

    Cost: 2 Knowledge, 1 Ender, 1 Overworld Fragments; 2 XP Lvls.

    Details: 35 Block range, 20 Mana/cast.

    2) Dimensional Jump: Allows you to instantaneously travel to the Overworld, Nether and End's world spawn.

    Lets go in and out. 20 minute adventure.

    Cost: 4 Knowledge, 1 Ender, 1 Nether, 1 Overworld Fragments; 5 XP Lvls.

    Details: 80 Mana/cast.

    3) Return: Mark a spot by activating the spell. Reactivate the spell to return to that very spot, even across dimensions.

    Ever get that feeling of déjà vu?

    Cost: 3 Knowledge, 2 Ender, 2 Potential Fragments; 3 XP Lvls.

    Details: 35 Mana/cast (When in same dimension) 50 Mana/cast (Across dimensions).


    1) Eclipse: Veil yourself in darkness and render yourself invisible.

    This is some John Cena-level magic.

    Cost: 3 Knowledge, 1 Moon, 1 Water, 1 Channeling Fragments; 2 XP Lvls.

    Details: 2.5 Mana/s while channeled.

    2) Moon Blast: Shoots a blast of light energy extending in a cone from you, dealing more damage at night and when the moon is more uncovered by darkness.

    Good heavens, is that you, Lunala?

    Cost: 4 Knowledge, 2 Moon, 2 Kinetic Fragments; 5 XP Lvls.

    Details: 7 base damage, 25 Mana/cast.


    1) Star Burst: Launches 7 seeking projectiles made of light.

    So like a shulker shotgun. A shulkgun?

    Cost: 2 Knowledge, 2 Star, 1 Matter, 1 Kinetic Fragments; 3 XP Lvls.

    Details; 5 Damage/Projectile, 35 Mana/cast

    2) Astral Step: Turns you into your astral form. You can fly and pass through blocks and objects, but you cannot interact with anything until you deactivate the spell.

    Open your Eye.

    Cost: 5 Knowledge, 2 Star, 1 Moon, 1 Ender Fragments; 5 XP Lvls.

    Details: 4 Mana/s while active.


    1) Decay: Shoot a beam of debilitating darkness that inflicts Wither and Slowness on mobs.

    Bruh just drink milk.

    Cost: 2 Knowledge, 2 Wither, 1 Channeling Fragments; 2 XP Lvls.

    Details: 2.5 Mana/s, 7.5 block range.

    2) Purge: All plant life and passive mobs in a three block radius around you begin to wither away.

    Who let Cain out?

    Cost: 2 Knowledge, 1 Wither, 1 Life, 2 Channeling Fragments; 1 XP Lvls.

    Details: 2 Mana/s.


    1) Stop Time: Pretty self explanatory. Literally everything stops.

    ZA WAR-

    Cost: 5 Knowledge, 1 Time Fragment; 10 XP Lvl.

    Details: 75 Mana/cast, 12 second duration relative to you.

    Thanks for reading through my post! Leave feed back in the comments and drop an upvote if you liked it. Wolf out!

    submitted by /u/Wolfmatic0101
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    Make Hardcore mode HARDER!

    Posted: 06 May 2019 12:29 PM PDT

    We have hardcore mode in java edition but it really isn't that hard, so why not make it a little bit of a challenge!

    1. Unability to sleep - Player would need to wait throught the long nights(or sleep throught small portion of the night) and would not be able to set spawnpoint, since it is useless in hardcore.

    2. Monsters detection distance - Double the detection distance of monsters so that the player needs to pay much more attention when mining/walking throught night!

    3. Less health - While difficulty is on hard already,why not make it a little bit harder(2 hearts less is enough). Fighting huge quantities of mobs will be a big challenge!

    4. Nerf swimming - Make player swim at 0.8 or 0.5 the speed so drowned will become much more dangerous, as will underwater exploration!

    5. Rain / Snow - Player will jave to be super careful while it is raining/snowing as there will be a big fog 10-20 blocks away from player (this will turn snowing into blizzards - also make it snow 2 times faster) and rain will always be a thunderstorm

    Thats it! These additions will make hardcore mode much more fun and acctually hardcore! If you like my suggestion please upvote it! (...and if you have more suggestions on this then let others know in the comments!)

    submitted by /u/JacobTryHard
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    TNT should be defusable.

    Posted: 06 May 2019 08:35 AM PDT

    When ignited, since it's in entity form, it should be destroyable like mine carts and boats. Destroying it drops the TNT item.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    Shields can have Thorns put on them.

    Posted: 06 May 2019 10:06 AM PDT

    In addition, maybe banners can be applied on bedrock?

    submitted by /u/urbandeadthrowaway2
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    suggestion: Militia/mercenaries

    Posted: 06 May 2019 04:25 PM PDT

    Iron golems are great and all, but they can't be expected to defend villages all by themselves. Introducing, the militia! These villagers, equipped with swords, bows, and leather armor, are here to defend the village from pillager raids! They will also attack you for hurting a villager, so be careful.

    Need defense on the go? hire a mercenary! These illagers are exactly like militiamen, except they don't stay in villages. instead, these soldiers of fortune wander the world, or live in mercenary camps. When paid emeralds, they will follow and defend the player for a certain amount of time. Otherwise they are neutral, unless attacked.

    Added mobs:

    militia, mercenaries, mercenary dogs.

    Added items:tents (decorative, found in mercenary camps, or crafted)

    submitted by /u/Ruste359
    [link] [comments]

    The magical update (just an idea)

    Posted: 06 May 2019 12:21 PM PDT

    I know that the magic theme is popular, but I have a whole update idea based on it!

    Getting mana :You put a crystal (I'll write about this later) in the mana slot and you have it. You can also buy mana potions, but mana gotten by potions won't regenerate. It will be above the hunger bar.

    New villagers:

    1. Miner : it's obvious, it will sell minerals.
    2. Wizard : it will be like a witch merchant

    New structures : There would be an underground pillager wizard base full of magical creatures. At the bottom there will be the Illusioner, and the drop is a head, a banner and the best magic items. The entrance is a puzzle based on magic.

    Getting wands : Wands would be dropped by pillager wizards or crafted. The recipe contains two sticks, two glass blocks and a mineral of your choice. The more magical/rarer the mineral is the more spells it has access to.

    New items:

    1. Crystals: It will be found underground or in temples. I explained it, you put it in the mana slot.
    2. Endeorite: It will be found in the End, and it is the best crystal. It can't be obtained at the new dungeon.
    3. Mana potions: it can be brewed with crushed crystals. It give more mana than crystals, but it won'tregenerate
    4. Crushed crystal: if you push a crystal into a wall using a piston, it will turn into this.

    How to use the wand: You hold the magic wand in your hand, then press LMB. It would bring a little wheel to theright/above the hotbar, and you have to select the spell you want to use using the mouse wheel. It'd be strange at first, but you'd get used to it. You need more experience points and better wands tohave access to more spells.


    1. Fireball: kinda like a fire charge, but it doesn't have explosion
    2. Ice splash: slows down the enemy
    3. Levitate: it would work like a Gravity-gun
    4. Explosion: like a creeper explosion, but weaker

    Enchantments :

    1. Armor : Mostly against spells, the only new idea I have is warmness against Ice splash (maybe would be at potions, too).
    2. Tools : Mostly for wands, like more fire-burning, longer slowness at ice-splash, longer range at levitate and bigger/stronger explosions

    Well, these are my ideas. Sorry, I made it too long.

    submitted by /u/Firec0in
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    Pirate Camps.

    Posted: 06 May 2019 04:04 PM PDT

    A structure with story: The Pirate Camp.

    A shipwreck with a pirate camp alongside has a chance to spawn. These will be a variant of the pillager but with swords and firework crossbows. Their camp will contain a few small tents, one or two large tents with loot, a few scattered hanging cages with villagers in them, and a witches tent. Some tents can be specialized such as the cooks tent which can have a cauldron in front. In the center is a campfire and a few chests. The story seems clear, pillagers tried to take to the seas and failed. They are now stranded on the coast wandering their small area pirating villages as pillagers. Pirates will have the chance to spawn in raids. Clearing out a pirate camp should either give Bad Omen or Hero Of The Village.

    Comment Your Questions and Concerns!

    submitted by /u/Silvergiant22
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    Advancement: Swords and Such

    Posted: 06 May 2019 03:53 PM PDT

    To grant this Advancement, you need a Sword, Pickaxe, Axe, Hoe and Shovel of any type, durability and/or enchantment.

    The icon for this advancement will be an Iron Helmet.

    submitted by /u/CreeperCraftTNT
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    Portable Chests

    Posted: 06 May 2019 03:08 PM PDT

    So, you know how ender chests are synchronized, so you can put some items in an ender chest, break it, put down another one and the same items will be there? I think we should take this idea and implement this into a new kind of chest. Ender Chests don't work as well because all of them are synchronized, so if you store multiple ender Chests and put them down they'll all have the same items, I want chests that keep their inventory but are individual, so you could have multiple chests with different things with them that you could bring with you. Since this would be very broken if these were easy to get, maybe make the crafting materials rarer? Like, you could make you have to put diamonds or emeralds as part of the crafting formation? Maybe also make the inventory space in an individual portable chest small so you need multiple?Inventory space is just a problem with minecraft players that are farther into the game, so this could fix that problem.

    Edit:Never mind, forgot about those.

    submitted by /u/the_gifted_Atheist
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    Water candle, the reverse of a normal candle

    Posted: 06 May 2019 03:03 PM PDT

    A fictional candle that instead of flame, uses water. Can be crafted using candle and a water bucket. Does not emit light, it is for aesthetics.

    If candles make it into Minecraft, a water candle would be unique. If placed in the Nether, it can kill Nether mobs like blazes. Holding it enables you to have a water emitter in your hand (particles). Cannot defeat enemies, it is only used for holding them back. Kills Nether mobs that are made of/immune to fire, like blazes.

    There should also be a lava equivalent which is craftable using lava bucket and a candle. Don't place it in a wooden room, or WHOOSH!! This lava candle is only found in the Nether. Damages upon contact, setting fire to anything that hits the lava candle. Does not spill due to lava particles not liquid. Lava candles emit light level of 15.

    Water candles do not spill either due to the water being made of particles.

    If it gets popular, this could be added to the feedback site.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Coarse dirt should have a drier look to it

    Posted: 06 May 2019 02:53 PM PDT

    Because nothing can grow on it.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Red mushrooms (toadstools) should be edible

    Posted: 06 May 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    They restore 1 drumsticks of hunger, but inflict nausea, and poison. They have a chance of inflicting fatal poison. That's the catch when eating red mushrooms, due to being poisonous irl.

    Brown mushrooms do not inflict poison. They have a chance of inflicting poison though, although low. Smelt or smoker them to cook them. Red mushrooms can be cooked too, but this will not remove the poison. Red mushrooms should only be a last resort when food is low.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    The Derailer (suggestion)

    Posted: 06 May 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    Everyone loves a good old minecart rollercoaster, so why not make them even more fun? I propose a new block called the derailer. This block would be another form of rail and would have 2 different modes. If you put it into "left mode" then once a minecart goes over the rail, it would fly off into the left direction and vice versa. This could look like two diagonal rails placed on the same block with some powered rail look added on. This could be crafted when combining redstone with gold and a rail.

    submitted by /u/DarkAdio
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    Posted: 06 May 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    I'm somewhat new to the reddit so I don't know if anyone's suggested this but I think gravestones should be craftable for when a tamed animal or mob with a nametag dies in the game and we wanna commemorate it instead of just have a plane stone block with a cross. They could be also used for decoration or anytime a tamed animal dies it leaves that in its place.

    submitted by /u/rockn_rollfreak
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