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    Minecraft New potion - Potion of Insomnia

    Minecraft New potion - Potion of Insomnia

    New potion - Potion of Insomnia

    Posted: 05 May 2019 01:55 AM PDT

    Pretty simple, take an awkward potion, put in some cocoa beans, and there you go

    When drunk, this potion gives you insomnia, allowing phantoms to spawn, and also makes it so you can't sleep for a minute

    submitted by /u/Ahumanbeingpi
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    Lightning Should Relight Unlit Campfires.

    Posted: 05 May 2019 03:38 PM PDT

    As the new 1.14 update gave campfires to java, we can light and put out campfires. But, for some reason campfires are not lit when struck by lightning. Here is my suggestion. If lightning so ever happens to strike a campfire it will relight it. Here is the catch... It will change to the smoke to rise three times as high as a normal camp fire.

    submitted by /u/Silvergiant22
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    Double Fencegates

    Posted: 05 May 2019 11:48 AM PDT

    The suggestion is basically doing what we have with double chests but with fences. You place two beside each other and they combine into a singular fence.

    submitted by /u/Rogocraft
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    Have the creative music play in survival

    Posted: 05 May 2019 11:41 AM PDT

    The songs that play for creative are amazing and I really love listening to them which sucks as I am a mostly survival player. These songs would be so great to hear in survival or at least have the option to hear them in survival.

    For some reason that Mojang feedback page does not load so can someone please send this suggestion

    submitted by /u/Firecatto
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    Calcite Caves and Marble

    Posted: 05 May 2019 04:53 AM PDT

    Calcite Caves would be caves filled with a block called calcite. Calcite would be more rock-like, possibly glow slightly and is more decorative than coral. Coral requires water to stay alive and will go grey mere moments after water is deprived of them, calcite, on the other hand, does not require water and will shine when the sun comes up. As opposed to coral, spawning in the ocean, calcite structures only generate in caves. It also has a polished variant which could be called Polished Calcite or Marble.

    Stalagmites of this calcite would generate in caves, submerged in water or not, however at least a water pool must be present.

    The Marble, which would be made from heating calcite in a Blast Furnace, can then be used to make marble slabs and stairs.

    The Calcite comes in several colours such as white, blue, grey, green, purple-pink, black, and orange which all shine as if wet but become more matt when in marble form.

    submitted by /u/JamesClanevans
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    Posted: 05 May 2019 03:37 PM PDT

    I'm sure more than a few people have suggested volcanoes be added, but now that the oceans have a defined temperature of sorts I think now more than ever warm oceans could have volcanoes added to them.


    Aside from the obvious fact they generate only in warm oceans, they should also never be landlocked or on a larger landmass. They might have islands around them, but the volcano itself is an island of sorts. They can have three separate types based on real-life geological volcanoes;

    Composite, which would look like a semi spherical mountain or the classic volcano from every cartoon.

    Shield, which will always be a part of a small island and has spots of magma blocks mixed in with various mineral blocks. It looks like a large inverted basin.

    And last but not least, we have Dome. It looks similar to the Composite volcano, but has a rounded-off top and a dome in the center from which the magma flows.


    Aside from bringing life to the otherwise lifeless ocean surface, the volcano has a new exclusive mineral block - basalt, which is pure black and shatters like glass when broken with anything but a Silk Touch pickaxe. It's sort of a polar opposite to Obsidian. This would generate on the structure of the volcano itself most commonly at the top, and in small clusters within the volcano like every other mineral. It would also regenerate whenever the volcano erupts.


    Eruptions are a rare event one only sees once in a lifetime, hopefully from far away. When an eruption occurs the game picks a day similarly to how it chooses to spawn Wandering Traders but on a much rarer scale. It has two stages taking two days each, ending on the middle of the second day.

    Day 1 - Morning; Smoke begins to billow from the peak of the volcano. This smoke blinds the player if they are inside it due to how thicc it is.

    Day 1 - Mid day; Flames begin to generate on their own on the ground, lava springing up every so often. Every once and a rumbling sound will be heard, but nothing will happen yet. This stage continues until the next morning when...

    Day 2 - Morning; When the sun rises, it begins to rain ash from the sky as the lava within the volcano begins to rise, one block per ten ticks. It will eventually begin to flow down the side of the mountain. The rumbling sound is louder than ever, and the screen shakes as if the world itself is moving. The ash inflicts Blindness I while within the ashfall, and layers on the ground like snow. It serves no real purpose, and is shoveled away and destroyed just as quick.

    Day 2 - Mid day; The eruption eventually dissipates, the sky clears, and any lava that had come from the volcano will cool into basalt provided it hadn't already reached the sea and cooled into cobblestone.

    Pros and cons

    Pros; Awesome looking, the only source of Basalt, Lava is abundant.

    Cons; Everything you own could go up in flames, Eruptions, Lava is abundant.

    submitted by /u/LordSaltious
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    Giving deserts well purpose (details below)

    Posted: 05 May 2019 02:12 PM PDT

    Desert wells currently have no purpose - really... none...

    I want to change it by making them into portals to other desert wells!

    I think this in itself is a good idea, but additionally I want this change to utilise features from the Village and Pillage update.

    When a player helps villagers against pillagers and get at least one villager from this village to the highest trading tier, the closest desert well will open a portal (as a gift from the villager cleric or something). So to use the portals you need at least two desert wells unlocked.

    This will kill 3 birds with one stone:

    - Give some function to useless desert wells

    - Give players another reason to defend the village and trade with villagers

    - Enable us immersive way to avoid 1000+ meters of walking through the land we already know (as we have to have visited the desert wells before)

    If you like this idea please upvote and share it with others, hopefully some of them work at Mojang ;) !

    I am open to suggestions.

    Have a nice day :)

    submitted by /u/Asriael
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    Cosmetic Appearances for Enchantments

    Posted: 05 May 2019 09:09 AM PDT

    Sometimes you just want to know what to grab what. Sometimes You have a hoard of items that can be tedious to look through. Maybe you just wish that your items looked cooler when it has an enchantment. Either way, this would be a really nice cosmetic Change.

    Items will have a different appearance depending on what enchantment(s) it has. Here are a few examples.

    Boots with "Frost Walker" will have ice at the bottom.

    An armor piece with "Thorns" will look spiky.

    An armor piece with "Fire Protection" will have an Obsidian texture (not literally).

    A Helmet with "Respiration" will have goggles added to the texture.

    A tool with "Fortune" will sparkle.

    A tool with "Efficiency" will look sharper.

    A sword with "Sharpness" will look sharper.

    A bow with "Infinity" will start to lightly wave back and forth from top to bottom.

    A Crossbow with "Multi shot" will look like it has 3 slots for arrows.

    A Trident with "channeling" will have an electrical spark around it that intensifies during a thunder storm and while you are in an area that allows you to use that enchantment.

    An item with "curse of vanishing" will look transparent and phase a little.

    I could list more, but I would be here all day if I did. Hope you like it. ;)

    submitted by /u/DoubledNebula51
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    Potion of Blindness

    Posted: 05 May 2019 06:23 AM PDT

    Don't know how this isn't a thing yet

    It would be crafted with night vision potion and a mushroom to create the potion of blindness

    submitted by /u/JoshInvasion
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    Biome Specific Iron Golems

    Posted: 05 May 2019 03:59 PM PDT

    I think depending on what biome a village is in, the Iron Golem should have a texture that fits with the biome. So I made some possible textures for these Iron Golems. (The plains biome Iron Golem stays the same)

    Plains Iron Golem

    Desert Iron Golem

    Taiga Iron Golem

    Snowy Taiga Iron Golem

    Snowy Tundra Iron Golem

    Savanna Iron Golem

    submitted by /u/MattgMac04
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    Items dropped from a player that dies should not despawn

    Posted: 05 May 2019 03:50 PM PDT

    Is anything more frustrating than dying a day away from your base, and not being able to get your newly obtained diamond pickaxe\totems of undying\elytra back because they despawn before you can run over to them?

    Items dropped by a player that just died should never despawn, unless they fall in lava, the void, cactus, or fire. We could avoid tons of disappointment and rage quitting just by implementing this one thing!

    submitted by /u/1strategist1
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    Gravity setting

    Posted: 05 May 2019 11:32 AM PDT

    So, I thought of this while building my map.

    In creation of worlds, there should be a option to disable gravity, without commands blocks of things like that. This would be great for space based maps, and could be a button in the "More Options" button or a gamerule like:

    /gamerule doGravity <true/false>

    This would be awesome, as we would no longer need command blocks to do this.

    submitted by /u/Gambinh0
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    Empty Slot

    Posted: 05 May 2019 03:26 PM PDT

    I often find my hotbar full, but keeping an eye on what i bring out if i want to say clear some tall grass or just open a door is kind of annoying. Would be nice if there was a button for a 12th hotbar "slot" that cannot have items, just your fists. This would also make it so if you press F while already using your off hand you could send it directly to your inventory without going through the menu. Also there should be a button to send an item from your hotbar to your inventory if theres room. If it even needs to be visualized on GUI it could be directly on the other side of the hotbar as the offhand slot is.

    submitted by /u/GrandmasterSluggy
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    Redstone block type detecttor

    Posted: 05 May 2019 10:34 AM PDT

    Pretty straight forward, it only generates a signal if the two blocks on either side (or other arrangements) match. This could be used for making specialized keys and various menus. Also great for sorting blocks in automated systems.

    submitted by /u/Crazy_ManMan
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    Mob idea: The Griffin

    Posted: 05 May 2019 04:31 PM PDT

    Mojang isn't against the idea of flight, they added Elytra's that work with Fireworks. So I decided what would be easier than that. The Griffin would look like how it always does (eagle head, lion body, wings). You need to feed it a tropical fish (pretty rare) and put a saddle on it to fly it. Griffin spawns are crazy rare so I think it balances out.

    submitted by /u/IAmAlreadyTracer12
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    Rivers should spawn more grass and vegetation around them if they go through a desert

    Posted: 05 May 2019 04:21 PM PDT

    Some realism that still fits the game, I think. If a river borders a desert, then it generates 5-15 blocks of grass blocks on each side of it, also spawning in grass (tall grass closer to the river itself) and the occasional tree. It's not something that needs an urgent change nor is the game lacking without it, just might be a neat little touch to the game to see a bit of life in the middle of the desert.

    submitted by /u/ShadowCammy
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    Inventory/chest clean up option

    Posted: 05 May 2019 02:48 PM PDT

    I'm new to this game as of the last week, so maybe this seems dumb to other people, but I think there should be an option or button to organize/cleanup your inventory and chest inventory. I think it would make getting rid of stuff and organizing chests a lot less tedious.

    submitted by /u/Trealville23
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    Sea pickles should be edible, but it is poisonous

    Posted: 05 May 2019 06:44 AM PDT

    Sort of like spider eyes

    EDIT: The only reason that I suggested sea pickles is because it is called "pickle," an edible thing in real life. I now realize this is very insensible for the reasons others have stated, and after finding out about the real "sea pickle" animal.

    submitted by /u/orangevg
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    Toggling crouching

    Posted: 04 May 2019 07:24 PM PDT

    That's pretty much it. Some kind of button in the controls menu that lets you select either normal crouching or make it so every time you press shift you stay crouched until you press it again

    Building things like bridges in the nether can be tiring and annoying when one needs to hold down shift for minutes at a time, and sometimes if you accidentally unpress shift for literally a millisecond you can fall off a ledge.

    This would also help players with disabilities as some may not be able to hold down a button to crouch

    Feedback link

    submitted by /u/nddragoon
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    Status effects/Potions in 1.15/1.14.1

    Posted: 05 May 2019 04:34 AM PDT

    Right now, the potions, status effects and their counterpart effects are very lacking in MC. So I'd say, bring all the status effects into potions.

    Similarly to how we have speed potions and poison potions, we could have things such as haste potions, wither potions, blindness potions and so on. All with Drinkable, Splashable, Lingering and Tipped arrow forms.

    Another idea would be to have a counterpart for every effect, similarly to how we already have Invisibility - Glowing, Night Vision - Blindness, Poison - Regeneration, Instant Damage - Instant Healing and so on. We, for example, don't have Resistance - Vulnerability, Health Boost - Health Drop, etc.

    tl;dr Improving status effects and potions (drinkable, splash, lingering and tipped.)

    The only potions which I can't really see working with this idea would be Saturation and Nausea. Saturation is basically a food potion and wouldn't work at all. Similarly nausea doesn't... really... have any counterparts that could work, since it's... well... nausea.

    submitted by /u/Khitrish_mapping42
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    New Biome Generation Option

    Posted: 04 May 2019 08:44 PM PDT

    I think it would be cool if there were a new option for biome generation in new worlds.

    Basically it would enable players to artificially select which biomes generate.

    Each biome would be approximately the same size, and working from the origin point of the world - outwards, you would be able to select what biomes you want to generate near spawn.

    They could be arranged in a variety of different tessellations including (but not limited to): a square grid, a hexagonal honeycomb, triangles, circles (seperated by rivers), ect.

    It would help prevent players needing to rely on third-party software (such as AMIDST or SeedTool) in order to find the kind of world they want.

    submitted by /u/Seb104
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    Dolphin Behavior

    Posted: 04 May 2019 06:48 PM PDT

    Dolphins are a great addition to the game, breathing life to the once stale, dark oceans but at the same time, I feel like they could be so much more. Currently, anyone that lives near water knows of the plauge that are drowned. Perfectly fine initially, it became clear that they would be more of a nuisance as time went along. They dont despawn in rivers because of their crowded nature and begin to clog hostile mob spawning. Dolphins should agro towards drowned in the same way that wolves do to foxes and sheep or enderman towards endermite. This would not only fix the drowned problem but effectively add a new layer of complexity to the game, practically giving an ecological importance to them.

    submitted by /u/XxMAGIIC13xX
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