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    Minecraft Unique new lava mob: The Nether Serpent

    Minecraft Unique new lava mob: The Nether Serpent

    Unique new lava mob: The Nether Serpent

    Posted: 04 May 2019 05:24 AM PDT

    The Nether Serpent ™

    Health points 20 (10 × ❤️)
    Easy: 4 (2 × ❤️)
    Attack Strenght (bite) Normal: 7 (3.5 × ❤️)
    Hard: 10 (5 × ❤️)
    Spawn Lava seas, in the Nether
    Drops 0-2 Lava Wax (see thumbnail)

    This hella mean melted-cheese worm will be the Nether's next hot topic. The Nether Serpent (I'm currently taking suggestions for the name) swims through lava to try and sneak up on you, emerging from the lava oceans to bite you. If the player is too far away, the serpent will shoot hot balls of magma at them. The magma balls are different from the fireballs shot by blazes or ghasts, in that they're shot in an arc, and don't light the floor on fire. Magma balls do a lot of damage and leave the player wishing they stayed in bed.

    If handled correctly, the player can defeat the Nether Serpent by repeatedly beating its face with a sword. Only then will they gain access to the true use of the Nether Serpent: Lava Wax. Lava Wax is a new item only obtainable by killing these Serpents. When dropped, Lava Wax doesn't burn in lava, and floats on top of it as if it has buoyancy.

    8 Lava Wax can be used in the crafting grid alongside a boat to create a "Coated Boat". If a boat is coated in Lava Wax, the boat is no longer flamable and can be used to traverse lava lakes. Good stuff.

    Alternatively you can add Lava Wax to an awkward potion in a brewing stand to create a "Potion of the Lava Walker", allowing the player to walk on lava for a limited amount of time. The player will still take fire damage from the lava, so my advice is to combine a Pot of the Lava Walker with a Fire Resistance potion.

    submitted by /u/MushirMickeyJoe
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    Musician Villager

    Posted: 04 May 2019 12:22 AM PDT

    The 1.14 update has a lot of tweaks to the villagers. I thought it would be really cool to add a musician villager.

    The 'profession block' is already in the game. It could be either the jukebox or the noteblock.

    Of course, it has to have trades. I think it could either buy or sell music discs. Also, it could sell things like noteblocks and other types of redstone bits (to activate the noteblocks). He could buy things like book and quill (to write new songs). It would be cool if it also sells written books with music notes (from C418 for instance), so you can use that for building a song with noteblocks.

    Just like the Farming villager farms, this villager can play music. Occasionally, it will play a music disc in a jukebox, or play some notes on a noteblock.

    I'm not really sure about the looks. I was thinking that maybe it could have some kind of guitar on its back. It could also have a modern look, with something like headphones.

    I think this could be a really cool concept! Let me know what you guys think.

    submitted by /u/Guusjuh00
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    Change the generated chests in the Nether and the End

    Posted: 04 May 2019 05:17 AM PDT

    Wooden chests don't really fit the Nether and the End. That's why I suggest that:

    • Instead of wooden chests, a new type of chest, nether brick chests, generate in nether fortresses.
    • Instead of wooden chests, shulker boxes generate in end cities.

    If you like the suggestion, also vote it on the Minecraft Feedback Page.

    submitted by /u/cptnjack5parrow
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    Baby Zombies are ludicrously OP and in dire need of a major nerf for years

    Posted: 04 May 2019 06:02 AM PDT

    And this suggestion should appear here weekly or more often until the devs get the hint that they're ignoring a huge balance issue (among others).

    Full details? Here are some suggestions. I'd personally like to see every one of them:

    • Far fewer HP than a standard zombie. This is just inexcusable and has been since Day 1
    • Should never, ever appear wearing armor of any sort
    • Should do much less damage per hit than a standard zombie. Again, inexcusable, Day 1, etc.
    • Should never, ever trigger zombie reinforcements, no matter what happens to them
    • Should occur far less on every difficulty, but especially on lower ones
    • Either make them slightly taller than Tall Grass, or lower Tall Grass so that it is actually possible to hit one in a field of it. Still going to be hard, but at least it no longer makes them effectively invulnerable for more than long enough to force a choice between "die to the zombie right here and now" or "flee the plains biome and aggro every other mob in the Overworld by doing so"
    submitted by /u/Or0b0ur0s
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    Cactus Should Be Cookable in a Smoker.

    Posted: 04 May 2019 10:20 AM PDT

    Seriously, It'd fit in so well with the food, and as of now green dye is the only dye you have to cook an item for, making them work in smokers would fix this problem, as it'd be way faster to cook, if not this, they should add a secondary way to obtain green dye, as all of the dyes except for green, brown, lime, cyan, and gray have flowers. If you ask me, I think you should be able to get brown dye from brown mushrooms, green dye from sea pickles, lime dye from sea grass, gray dye from dead coral fans, and cyan dye from a new flower, the cyan rose, an old pocket edition item they should bring back. This would make them fit in more with the rest of the dyes, as they would all have a piece of foliage you can get them from. (sorry i got so off topic)

    submitted by /u/BenEatsMelons
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    Crafting tables with other wood skins.

    Posted: 04 May 2019 11:57 AM PDT

    The new fletching table is always birch coloured, the smithing table is always spruce coloured and the good ole crafting table is always oak.

    What up with that?

    I have my crafting table set into the wall, so the tools on the side look like they're hanging off the wall, and I put a fletching table next to it for variety, but now I have a square meter of birch wall for no reason.

    submitted by /u/YouNeedAnne
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    Giant Carnivorous Plants

    Posted: 04 May 2019 09:19 AM PDT

    I had an idea for how to make the swamp less...boring. I have ideas for 3 giant carnivorous plants that work as hazards but can be collected and used as traps. On mobile sorry for formatting


    The flytrap spawns with 2-4 heads of variable size. Each head is its own mob, with the size increasing its health and damage. When its mouth is closed(like it normally is) it has 4 armor(or 20% block) and reflects arrows,to prevent simply sniping it from a distance.

    When you or an animal(like a pig) come within range,it opens its mouth,then a moment later,bites. If it hits with the bite you take 2-6 initial damage based on size,then you are grabbed and take rapid damage. You have to kill the head to escape. Heads have 10-20 HP based on size,and no armor while grabbing. If they kill you or another animal,They get one stage larger. Killing them drops flytrap seeds, which can be planted.

    Planted flytraps are loyal to you, tamed animals,and nobody else. They can be fed raw meat or bone meal to increase size. They can work as defense or automatic farms.


    Another plant. Grows in swamps and jungles. This time,its not a mob,its a structure. The pitcher plant just waits for something to fall in it,then traps it and deals damage. If you try and break it from the outside,it will lob potions of harming. Each block takes a while to break but when one block breaks,everything breaks. Drops seeds you can plant.


    These are the simplest. Spawns in swamps. Grow like sugar cane or bamboo, and works like cobwebs bit deal constant damage. Easy to harvest, and can improve pit traps by a lot.

    All in all just some fun new traps and ways you can farm animals. There was also one I wanted to add to the list - some kinda aquatic one. I couldn't find the name, but if you know any more carnivorous plants, do tell me.

    submitted by /u/NaturePhantom
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    Hostile mobs cannot spawn *inside* a village (they still can on the border)

    Posted: 04 May 2019 01:02 PM PDT

    The reasoning behind this is that raids are cool, but they are ruined by zombies spawning inside of villages at night. Lighting every 7 blocks ruins the visual atmosphere too.

    Implementation: when a mob attempts to spawn, use its coordinates to check its distance to the closest village center (the bell).

    submitted by /u/Koala_eiO
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    Minecraft 1.15 should focus more on small, quality of life features.

    Posted: 04 May 2019 02:38 PM PDT

    For Minecraft 1.15 I feel like the devs should focus more on smaller quality of live changes. For a long time Minecraft has been getting new big features yet there are very few times where there is an update mainly dedicated to just improving the current things in the game. Here are some things I would like to see:


    1. Caves are currently very uninteresting at the moment. They look mostly the same all around the world Therefor I believe caves could benefit from some random structures like underground lakes, miner camps and spider caves. Also I believe ores should sometimes spawn in bigger veins.
    2. Mineshafts could use some love. Again they are kinda boring and all the same. I think adding some structures like a few underground houses where the miners could gather when in the mine or a lift to the surface.
    3. Single lava blocks in the nether are pointless and annoying. One moment you're just tunneling and then you suddenly run into lava and have to back off, place some blocks and remove the source. I'm highly in favor of removing these single lava blocks.
    4. lava lakes are just kinda there. They are not rare enough to be cool and they are too rare to provide a steady supply of lava. I believe they could use some love in the form of adding some magma blocks and obsidian around them.


    1. When flying with an elytra into a body of water and swimming to the surface you should not go out of the water flying. I believe the game does not change the player back from a flying position to a walking position but I believe it should.
    2. Minecarts and rail systems in general are no longer viable for long transport. I believe they should be the best option for players willing to spend so much iron/gold on them. therefor I believe they should get a huge boost in speed.
    3. furnace minecarts should give an additional boost to the minecart speed when you have one behind you. This would make them move viable again.
    4. when right clicking with a rocket and an elytra equipped, you should just take of no matter if your still on the ground. This will help when playing on servers and there is much lag.


    1. Allow us to turn off the hopper's functionality to suck up items. This is very laggy if you are just running a chain of hoppers.
    2. Allow us to change the render distance for entities like item frames and paintings.
    3. general improvements for a better performance. the game has become more and more complex and also more and more laggy. specially the last 2 updates(1.12 and 1.13) have been really bad in terms of performance and I'm afraid to even update to 1.14 right now.


    1. When right clicking with a tile-entity on the same tile-entity in block form you should just place it and not open it as if you were to hold shift. This would make making hopper lines much easier.
    2. When you have a chest open, holding shift and dragging on the contents of either the chest's inventory or your own inventory will move all items dragged over to the other inventory

    There are probably a lot more things that could be changed and improved without having to introduce a lot of new features and if I can think of any I'll add them to the list.

    I hope these changes can make it into the game sometime.

    submitted by /u/TrieMond
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    Colored smoke for the campfire

    Posted: 04 May 2019 10:46 AM PDT

    You can put items on the campfire to cook them so why not be able tp put dyes on it to color the smoke and maybe they burn up after a while

    submitted by /u/DragonTheDragon
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    Stonecutters should make you take damage if you step on them

    Posted: 04 May 2019 11:52 AM PDT

    First up, let's take a look at the campfire.

    It's a block yet it makes you take damage, so it would make sense that standing on a stonecutter's blade would make you take damage too.

    Next up, it could become a great contraption in maps, and it could be used in user creations, etc.

    TL; DR: Stonecutters should make you take damage if you step on them

    submitted by /u/juse73x
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    Using dye on a body of water will colour it with that dyes respective colour

    Posted: 04 May 2019 01:40 PM PDT

    Example: Make a pool look like blood for Halloween or make the water look white for Christmas.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Add the standard galactic language as a choosable language

    Posted: 04 May 2019 01:36 AM PDT

    (enchantment language) It would look really cool, it would work the same way as the pirate speak.

    submitted by /u/Jonathan492
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    More Pet Customization

    Posted: 04 May 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    So, think about it. Can you give your cat and dog a collar? Yes. But, can you give other tameable-mobs/pets collars? No. These tameable mobs suitable for collars include: Foxes, parrots, pigs, chickens, sheep, pandas, rabbits and wild ocelots. I don't know if it's okay for PETA to make these animals wear collars or if not because of "animal cruelty", but I still see them as little tweaks that make big changes. If it's not a good change, tell me so and why.

    I mean, think about, again. Would this make an impact? Yes. Do you know why? For example, when you tame a fox, (by breeding 2 wild foxes and feeding the baby) it's best to not confuse the one that trusts you so you should be able to give them collars to wear so they could stand out. This makes it easier to find your beloved one/s. The best thing about this is that you can know if the animal you love is officially your pet or not. I don't think one can be called crazy if he/she wants another pet like cow/s or sheep so you should also make them able to be domesticated.

    Like the wolf/dog, it's default collar is the color red, but you can dye it.

    Moreover, I also think we should add skills to domesticated pets, like if you command your doggie to roll over, it does, just like real life (if you know how to teach your pets those stuff) I don't know if there would be any GUI in this command list for your pets to do tasks but, you could probably say, for example, "roll over (insert pet name here)" or something. But, I think, to teach them, you have to probably take days or so but it'll be worth it. I also think pets should be taught to be stronger in fights with monsters and even get more maximum health to fight bigger threats. This, will fortunately avoid your pet from sadly passing away.

    Just like parrots can wobble and dance and pandas can lie down and roll over, your domesticated mobs should also, so I can see this being possible to get added in the game, hence it already has tweaks cooler than mine.

    Blah, blah, blah. If you have more ideas, opinions, criticism and your thoughts, (possibly better than mine) feel free to tell me down below.

    submitted by /u/DanielTheRedditor
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    Emerald shards for better currency

    Posted: 04 May 2019 03:16 AM PDT

    One emerald is the lowest price an item can have, which I honestly find too expensive for some items like a block of wool. So I suggest that emeralds should be able to be broken down into 9 shards (much like iron and gold nuggets work) to be able to have a better currency and pricing system.

    submitted by /u/Dienes16
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    Equip Shulker Box in the chestplate slot to use it as a backpack

    Posted: 04 May 2019 03:42 PM PDT

    It will expand your inventory, and automatically fill the bottom half of your inventory with the shulker box items in the correct places.

    Post on feedback.minecraft, not mine, but it fits this suggestion

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Throwable Sticks And Bones For Dogs (Play Fetch)

    Posted: 04 May 2019 03:41 PM PDT

    When you are holding a stick or a bone, you can press a key (like h or something) to throw the item.

    The tamed wolf will chase after the item and fetch it for you.

    submitted by /u/Danese_
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    Changes for Deep Oceans

    Posted: 04 May 2019 02:18 AM PDT

    Deep Oceans (and their cold and frozen variants, except for their lukewarm variant) should be more deeper to Y-coordinate 3. You can see the ocean getting darker as you dive down, deeper than Y-coordinate 29. At Y-coordinate 21 (and deeper). It is totally darker than midnight. Not all aquatic mobs don't spawn here. However, you can still find squid and drowned. All ocean structures except for Ocean Monuments can still be found here. Magma Bubble Columns can also be found here.

    A new mob called the Anglerfish can also spawn here.

    Anglerfish spawn in Deep Ocean biomes (and their cold and frozen variants) deeper than Y-coordinate 21. They are more common in deep frozen oceans.

    It may have sharp teeth but I don't know if this is aggressive or not.

    Anglerfish have 8 hearts of health.

    Anglerfish will hunt (attack) prey. The Anglerfish's prey are cod, salmon and squid.

    The Anglerfish's prey get attracted to it's lure (the Anglerfish's light). If it's prey is close to the lure. The prey gets hunted by the Anglerfish itself.

    Anglerfish drop 1-3 XP when killed by player or tamed wolf. They will also drop raw cod.

    Females are very recognisable as they have a lure on their head. They are a bit bigger than a Cod.

    Males are smaller than the females. The males are about the size of a Tropical Fish (clownfish variant). The males don't have a lure. The males cannot hunt their prey. Males will most likely hold onto females with their teeth.

    Like all fish mobs. Anglerfish suffocate on land.

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    “The Show Must Go On” advancement

    Posted: 04 May 2019 09:09 AM PDT

    an advancement where you die and get all of your items back. you must be at least 100 blocks away

    submitted by /u/LocalBadBoy
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    New Block: Symmetrical 'Swing' Doors

    Posted: 03 May 2019 07:57 PM PDT

    I love symmetrical builds.

    However, sometimes I prefer the dimensions of my builds to be odd numbered, mostly so I can get pointy roofs. lol

    However, when builds are odd-numbered, the front door always stands out as unsymmetrical (both it's door handle and it's open position).

    I've always hated the fact that odd-numbered buildings can't truly be symmetrical because of just this one block.

    So I propose the introduction of a brand new type of door block, that is the same size as the current door, however is 'cut' down the middle and attached to the blocks (door frame) either side of it, similar to iconic 'swing' doors from those old-fashioned 'Saloons' in Classic Western movies.

    So it would open and close just like the fence gate block.

    And it would come in the same six varieties of wood that the current doors are available in.

    This way, whether we prefer to build in odd or even numbers, the entrances of our builds can remain symmetrical. :)

    Here is an illustration of what they could look like:


    submitted by /u/Seb104
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    The Nether Update That We NEED! part 1: BIOMES (might do a part 2)

    Posted: 04 May 2019 09:04 AM PDT

    i've been playing minecraft a lot recently and been going to the nether and i've been going to the nether and really noticed that the nether has so much potential now this is going to be a long one with a few spelling errors so.. yeah anyway LET'S BEGIN:


    minecraft is all about adventuring, mining, crafting, having fun ect. well even though the nether is supposed to be a very different experience but it should still have some of the charm of normal minecraft and the number one problem i faced in the nether was both the simplicity and the annoyance everything was the same and difficult to cross so my first thought was:


    Biome 1: Flatlands:

    now this will be a very common biome they will be well, flatlands and will have a few of the new Nether Trees* now this will also be where non hostile nether mobs will spawn like Molten Cows\* and Molten Bats\* this biome will NOT spawn wither skeletons or zombie pigmen but there may be small little temples with a blaze spawner small lava lakes can also spawn

    Biome 2: Nether Islands:

    this biome will be quite rare and your thinking, but why is it so rare? because it's a floating sky island with lava flowing off of it they will be quite small with Magma Cubes spawning on it on it there will be a chest that can contain anything from 5 buckets of lava (23% chance) 5 diamonds (7% chance) 3 enchanted books (20%) a stack of bones and/or coal (10%) 10 Black Diamonds\* (10%) Chainmail Armour (10%) 2 potions (10%) a Wither Skull (1%) A Special Name Tag\* (8%)

    nothing (1%)

    Biome 3: Scorched Earth:

    this biome is basically the overworld but burned. it's a medium to large forest the trees will be ash gray as they will be Ash Trees there is also a chance to get Nether Trees which will be similar to normal trees but red and will grow Fire Fruit\*

    there will be mobs such as:

    Molten Skeletons

    Scorched Pigs, Chickens

    Biome 4: Lost Lands (when hell freezes over)

    this biome will be super rare but will be a nether version of extreme hills except its frozen over, Lava will be obsidian, snow will scatter the landscape the only mobs that can spawn will be:


    Wither Skeletons


    Lost lands will have their own strange structures (ill explain in the next post)

    Anyway have got a lot more ideas my next nether post might be about structures or maybe mobs anyway have a good day!

    submitted by /u/devonthecreator
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    Arrows shouldn't be able to go through cobwebs, arrows should break the cobwebs instead

    Posted: 04 May 2019 06:26 AM PDT

    This has been a bug since back in 1.4 which was 10 versions ago. It doesn't make sense that the arrows can go right through webs. If you throw eggs at cobwebs it stops the eggs from going through and they hit the cobwebs. For arrows, the arrows should break the cobwebs and you can pick up the web in your inventory.

    submitted by /u/MG360
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    Why not add a permanent cheat lock feature so it’s not tempting to cheat in worlds and ruin the fun?����‍♂️

    Posted: 04 May 2019 11:25 AM PDT


