• Breaking News

    Minecraft Villagers should throw poisonous potatoes at players(like how players and snow golems throw snowballs) if they have a low reputation within the village.

    Minecraft Villagers should throw poisonous potatoes at players(like how players and snow golems throw snowballs) if they have a low reputation within the village.

    Villagers should throw poisonous potatoes at players(like how players and snow golems throw snowballs) if they have a low reputation within the village.

    Posted: 01 May 2019 07:57 AM PDT

    When farmer villagers harvest potato crops they don't collect the poisonous potatoes that are dropped. Based on u/SavingsNewspaper2 's suggestion, villagers should pick up poisonous potatoes, but instead of consuming them to breed or deleting them, I think they should do something else with them...

    I think that they should share these potatoes with other villagers, like food, but store them and then throw them at players who have an extremely low reputation(the same reputation for when iron golems attack)within a village for a few reasons:

    • It's silly and funny

    -Parallels the real world scenario of people throwing tomatoes at disgraced people, with poisonous potatoes being the substitute for tomatoes.

    -Could be a good way to indicate whether village spawned iron golems would automatically attack you or not.

    -Gives villagers a bit of a defensive side - villagers in Minecraft are quite cowardly and only increase the prices of trades when attacked. This would also give them a little bit more personality.

    -Gives poisonous potatoes another reason to exist within minecraft other than eating them

    The potatoes should only do 1 damage. This would also make the 'Player was pummelled by player/mob' death achievable in game. Seeing 'Player was pummelled by Villager' would be an entertaining death to see as well. Maybe villagers could also throw them at zombies as a means of defence when being chased but I prefer the 'shame throwing' idea more.

    Villagers should only do this when gossiping at the village meeting point so the player can trade with them during their working time to rebuild their reputation, and they should be immune to each other's potatoes so they don't kill each other.

    (To clarify, by throw I don't mean 'drop on the ground' like villagers do with other items e.g. food items. I mean throw like snowballs, eggs and ender pearls)

    submitted by /u/PSI_Lucas
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    Dog armor should be added, change my mind

    Posted: 01 May 2019 06:35 AM PDT

    Yeah, a dog with armor could potentially be OP, but I think it would be a really cool addition to the game. I'm usually too afraid to bring my dog with me on adventure because I'm afraid he'll die, but that doesn't seem right. Even a little bit of protection would be amazing.

    • also Idk if anyone has bright this idea up already
    submitted by /u/iColt13
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    "Jack of All Trades" advancement for trading with every villager type

    Posted: 01 May 2019 11:46 AM PDT

    New villager: "The Artist"

    Posted: 01 May 2019 11:41 AM PDT

    Buys: Different dyes and paper

    Sells: Art (maybe made by the community) in paper (can be placed in item frames)

    Utility block: Drawing table (sugested by u/weedlazer69)

    Price: 8-32 emeralds. The price also affects the quality of the drawing you will receive.

    I highly recommend checking out u/weedlazer's suggestion about the drawing table (idk how to put a link to his suggestion so find it yourself)

    submitted by /u/XxT-series_spyxX
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    Zombie pigmen should get angry when you hurt normal pigs in their presence.

    Posted: 01 May 2019 10:50 AM PDT

    Copy book from lectern by right-clicking with blank Book & Quill

    Posted: 01 May 2019 01:21 PM PDT

    If a lectern contains either a Book and Quill or a copyable Written Book, right-clicking it while holding a blank Book and Quill should copy the lectern's book onto it. If it's a Book and Quill on the lectern, the copy can then be edited. Given a mod to lock the books onto the lecterns, this would give both admins and normal players a way to publish books, without the admins having to provide an endless supply of any item.

    submitted by /u/Prom3th3an
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    Curse Revamp

    Posted: 01 May 2019 11:43 AM PDT

    I did a post about this earlier which I do admit had major flaws. This will be my second attempt at making curses actually do their job in a fair and balanced manner.

    Curses Are No Longer "Obvious":

    Cursed objects will not tell you if they are there or not with the exception of curses like the curse of binding. Most curses will require you to use the purifier to find out whether or not the item is cursed.

    This adds a trick element into curses which can to create a risk to the player when finding items, can be useful in maps, or just pranking.

    Pure Water Bucket:

    Used in the Purifier's crafting recipe as well as it's fuel. Is made by surrounding a water bucket in flowers in the crafting table. (Wither rose's don't work as it wouldn't make much sense)


    Made like so:

    Stone Slab Pure Water Bucket Stone Slab

    Used to identify whether an item is cursed or not. It will slowly start to break as you use it. Y

    You can also reduce a curse's effect (if it was say for example IV you could make it to III, but you can't remove a curse completely

    Only survives 15 uses before it breaks.

    (If you identify a curse you will be the only one that knows, to add a prank element)

    More Curses And Curse Groups:

    Curses are now spilt up to 2 groups. The first group will not tell you if a curse is there. The second group will only tell you a curse is there if a specific action occurs.

    First Group Contains:

    Curse of Vanishing I - we know this one already

    Curse of Shattering I, II, III - makes the player's armor/tools/weapons break quicker by each tier. Incompatible unbreaking or mending.

    Curse of the Undead I, II, III, IV - makes the player's armor/tools/weapons spawn more undead mobs when in hand or off hand by each tier. (or worn)

    Curse of Loss I - when a player kills a mob with a weapon that has loss, it will make the mob drop nothing. Incompatible with Looting.

    Curse Of Levitation I - a helmet exclusive curse which causes the player to float up to build height and fall back down.

    Curse Of Drowning I - a boot exclusive curse which causes the player to be sucked down when in water.

    Curse Of Waste I - bow and crossbow exclusive curse. Causes more arrows to be used when you use bows, or crossbows. Incompatible with Infinity.

    Second Group Contains:

    Curse Of Binding I - we know this one already (appears as cursed when worn.)

    Curse Of Hostility I - an armor exclusive curse. Makes all neutral mobs hostile towards you. (appears as cursed when worn)

    Adding more curses adds more tricks people can pull off, more variety, and it could be useful in maps.

    Anyway those were my ideas of what I think curses should be like. Feel free to tell me if you dislike the idea or have another suggestion, thank you!

    submitted by /u/ArtisticPhrase6
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    A nbt tag for mobs in specific biomes

    Posted: 01 May 2019 06:08 AM PDT

    This would make it a lot easier for mapmakers and such to select mobs based on biome, instead of only having the option to target the player (via advancements) or to target mobs only spawning in certain biomes (such as ocelots).

    submitted by /u/Adelmarus
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    Composting Bamboo.

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 09:22 PM PDT

    I mean, it's living matter. Why is it not compostable?

    submitted by /u/ItsMrFunk
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    Festivals and Events

    Posted: 01 May 2019 02:23 PM PDT

    Villagers daily lives (aside from the occasional raid) don't have much variation. I believe every once in a while the villages should experience a festival or large event based on celebrating their new different cultures based on biomes. Their biome would most likely mean that each culture has their festivals at different times. Perhaps Deserts have them every 15 days, but snow villages have them every full moon.

    The villagers could have specific trades on these days / nights and other regular trades could become cheaper than regular, giving the player incentive to visit during and experience it.

    This could also outwardly be represented through different clothes for the villagers during this time, possibly going as far as decorating their homes and golems! Perhaps the players reputation could go up for attending and helping out during these ceremonies, IE wearing proper colored leather armor, or lighting off fireworks!

    These festivals could also make use of things such as fireworks, or banners to indicate their arrival. They also relieve villagers of their current schedule, and they spend the day simply playing, and conversing with one another.

    Perhaps mini-events could take place during this festival, such as villager singing, or more realistically, dancing. These festivals of course wouldn't draw too much inspiration or parallel any real world festivals or religious ceremonies, they'll be simply fictitious.

    A few more ideas for this suggestion will be over on the feedback website.

    The link to the idea for the feedback website can be found here

    submitted by /u/MischievousPirate
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    Tool Stand

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 06:37 PM PDT

    Would be a reduced version of the armor stand, where only tools and swords could be placed but would add an interesting aesthetics. In addition, it would give a new use to the tripwire hook.


    The image is from the map "Diversity 3", so the authorship of the content belongs to the creator, I only suggest this idea.


    submitted by /u/robertsound
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    Skeleton Horse and Trader Llama Improvements

    Posted: 01 May 2019 07:07 AM PDT

    Due to the rarity of these mobs, I think it'd be nice to see them have a little more functionality. Some of these ideas are to remove the disparity between Java and Bedrock Versions, and others to make them a little more special.

    Skeleton Horses:

    Currently, Skeleton Horses have a unique use in that they're able to breathe underwater, allowing the player to continue riding them through wet terrain. Unfortunately while they're dependable for having a set speed value, they're particularly fragile when it comes to combat and keeping them safe. My solutions to this would be:

    • Increase their health to 20 (10 hearts). Skeleton horses always spawn with 15 health (7.5 hearts), which is the lowest possible for all horses. With a slight increase, they'll be brought in line with the average for horses.

    • Allow us to heal them using Bones. It's only possible to directly heal Skeleton Horses using splash potions of damage. I'd like to suggest giving them a 'food' equivalent to plants, with Bones, Bonemeal, and Bone Blocks.

    • Allow them to wear armour. On Bedrock, it's possible for Skeleton Horses to wear armour, but not on Java. Whether this is intentional or not, I think Skeleton Horses deserve equally useful in both versions. Alternatively:

    • Give them passive armour. If instead the ability to wear armour is removed from Bedrock, or simply not added to Java, Skeleton Horses could instead have a passive armour value, inbetween Gold and Diamond.

    Again, hopefully with these changes, their functionality will be identical, if not comparable on both versions. By increasing their health, allowing armour, and introducing a more accessible form of healing, you're more likely to actually go out and use a Skeleton Horse, rather than using them as decoration.

    Trader Llamas:

    For their difficulty in finding and taming, Trader Llamas are functionally identical to other Llamas; and although they have a unique skin, they're unable to breed. They're hostile to mobs that attack their Trader, but not the player once they've been tamed. Like the Skeleton Horse, hopefully these changes will make them more useful.

    • Allow them to breed on Bedrock. On Bedrock, it's not possible to breed Trader Llamas. If they're changed to be able to breed on both versions, perhaps they could be rebalanced to instead only produce a regular llama.

    • Give them a baseline Chest. Like Donkeys and Mules, it's possible to add chests onto Llamas, however, as to not ruin that fancy carpet they wear, I think Trader Llamas should always have 9 storage slots available.

    • Make them hostile to enemies. As mentioned earlier, they only protect Wandering Traders, but not the Player. While on a lead, if the player is attacked or attacks, they should spit at hostile entities within leash range.

    • Allow them to be controlled. If Trader Llamas could be controlled when being ridden, they could have the functionality of allowing the player to lead a caravan while actually riding a llama. As to not overshadow horses, mounted Trader Llamas wouldn't be able to sprint, or would at least be noticeably slower in comparison.

    While the breeding disparity between versions might not seem like much, I felt it ought to be addressed if also introducing other changes that set them apart from regular llamas. In order to identify Trader Llamas with these updates, it might be necessary to remove the ability to give them carpets, as to ensure they're identifiable.

    I get that some of these changes might change the functionality a little bit too much compared to their regular counterparts (i.e. controlling the Trader Llama), but I think these rare mobs could do with being considered along the same lines as unique items, by giving them their own unique effects. Anyways, let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/FyrsaRS
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    New advansement

    Posted: 01 May 2019 12:22 PM PDT

    "Bomb Defuser" for killing a creeper 1-2 ticks away from explosion

    submitted by /u/PancakeManMemes
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    Pillagers should have themed skins that match with their biomes like villagers.

    Posted: 01 May 2019 03:16 PM PDT

    Some examples

    Ice Plains: Horned Helmets and Thick Coats (Vikings)

    Desert: Masked Bandits with sand colored clothes.

    Taiga: Fur Coats and Hats

    Swamp: Purple and Green robes (Like Witches)

    submitted by /u/The_Moldy_Baguette
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    Enderman Difficulty bump

    Posted: 01 May 2019 03:10 PM PDT

    Endermen since day 1 have always had an eerie vibe to them, their realm and forms are mysterious. Unfortunately I feel as though their behavior hasn't reflected this adequately.

    I simply suggest that the Endermen be less forgiving with what they consider 'being looked at' because as it stands, its quite easy to go your entire game without having a proper fight with one.

    I believe giving them a larger aggressive range would make them the night time terror that they've deserved to be since the start, without changing enough to confuse people.

    As of current, the endermans face must essentially be directly in the cross hair of the player in order to become angry, I believe this range should extend as a slow fade to a good chunk of the middle of the players screen.

    there are a few flaws with this, and I've addressed them, and fixes for them over on the feedback page, which can be found here

    submitted by /u/MischievousPirate
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    Podzol should be able to grow plants

    Posted: 01 May 2019 02:21 PM PDT

    What I mean is that Podzel is pretty useless. I think that if you coild grow any food on it, without a hoe, it would be better.

    That also means that the way to get it needs to be altered.

    The silk touch in the biome still works, but I think breaking a full composter should do it too. That would allow for a renewable block, and a way to fam easily, without a tool that is rarely used taking up space.

    Feedback is always taken!

    I will add ideas from the comments in edits.

    Cya all!

    P.S. yes, it needs a water source within the farmland limit for crops to grow. (One limit is that they won't grow unless the water is true)

    submitted by /u/brickbuilder876
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    Technical Block Suggestion

    Posted: 01 May 2019 09:42 AM PDT

    So my friend had the idea of sort of a blueprint block. You could use it between worlds, it would allow you to copy what a structure looks like, and would give you a blueprint of what the structure looked like. He mentioned it being a craftable block, buildable in survival so that you could copy a village structure or simular things, without the need of console commands. It would require a blueprint to show the house blueprints, sort of like a map, to craft it it is a piece of paper surrounded by blue dye. The block could be something like 3 blocks of wood on the bottom row, one feather, and some white dye. Something like that. You would need a new blueprint for each side of the structure.

    submitted by /u/sirius_burns
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    Baby zombie should speed up depending on the number of night you are

    Posted: 01 May 2019 01:12 PM PDT

    Baby zombie should speed Up by like 0,1% each night on normal 0,2% on hard and 0,3% on hardcore and have a base speed lower so that Little bastard dosnt kill you every 30sec on the first night while still be a problem later in the game (it would max out at 1000 Days so 100% on normal, 200% on hard and 300% on hardcore

    submitted by /u/endertribe
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    Studded leather armor - gains Thorns I enchantment when enchanted, takes no damage from Thorns

    Posted: 01 May 2019 06:13 AM PDT

    Studded leather armor is a variant of leather armor that works well with the Thorns enchantment.

    It is crafted by surrounding leather armor with eight iron nuggets on a crafting table. Leatherworker villages sell it as a high-tier armor trade.

    The armor has the same armor values and durability as leather armor.

    When it is enchanted for the first time, it gains Thorns I for free. If enchanted on an enchanting table, this enchantment is excluded from the enchantment rolls and then it is applied afterwards if the armor does not already have Thorns II or Thorns III. If enchantments are applied to unenchanted studded armor with an enchanted book, Thorns I is added for free if the armor lacks the Thorns enchantment. Applying Thorns II or III with an enchanted book is half the usual XP price.

    The armor is specially crafted to take no damage from Thorns. It takes other damage as usual. If the armor would take Thorns damage, and the attacker used a melee weapon, that damage has a 50% chance of being applied to the attacker's melee weapon instead.

    submitted by /u/bdm68
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    Villagers collect and delete poisonous potatoes

    Posted: 30 Apr 2019 10:26 PM PDT

    Remember rule seven.

    Something that's always bothered me:

    Villagers who harvest crops leave the poisonous potatoes behind. I think they should collect them, but the poisonous potatoes don't actually count for anything.

    Simple suggestion, but it would fix something annoying.

    submitted by /u/SavingsNewspaper2
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