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    Minecraft Bone-mealing Dirt could change it into a Grass Block

    Minecraft Bone-mealing Dirt could change it into a Grass Block

    Bone-mealing Dirt could change it into a Grass Block

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 04:28 AM PDT

    I honestly think it would be very useful. Sometimes it gets annoying, that I have to wait dunno how long for the grass to grow in order to create a grass path around my house

    submitted by /u/MinecraftInventor
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    make cats and wolves as expressive as foxes

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 02:58 PM PDT

    the foxes are so cute and they have so much more expression and varied animation like sleeping and such. this would be so cute to have on other animals that move like that, mostly the dogs and cats. It would make so much more sense for the cat to have a lot of the animations since cats in real life are very similar to the in game foxes

    submitted by /u/amplified_1
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    New End Biome: The Poise Forest! A strange biome with alien Balloon-like trees...(Images, Videos, Textures and Mobs Included!)

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 09:01 PM PDT

    -Opening (Skip this part for the content)

    Oh boy its been a real long time! Well, that's for a few reasons, folks... College approaches for me so I've been setting that up, lots of art projects I have going on.... but most of all, I've been working on something special...


    I and my fellow Teammates have been turning this Suggestion and More into a MOD! This mod is called the ENDERGETIC EXPANSION MOD! The mod will be adding this biome and a whole bunch more! If you are interested on keeping up or even Testing out the mod for yourself check out the mod's discord server here: https://discord.gg/t3D74Kk

    Because of this, The Coding, Videos, and GIFs (basically anything you see moving) have been developed by:

    SmellySocks on Youtube, AKA

    @TononLuke on Twitter, Also AKA

    Smellyblast#3450 on Discord!

    I can't thank this man enough for bringing this suggestion to life! Okay Content time!


    The Poise Forest

    This suggestion is rather large, the creation of this suggestion was not with hopes of it being added to the game, but to serve as a beacon of Creative Inspiration to the developers and the community.

    So enjoy the content in wiki fashion, Click the Links to explore what this mysterious new biome has to offer!


    -The Poise Forest (<LINK)


    - Poise Clusters <LINK

    - Poise Stems and Planks <LINK

    - Poismoss and Poise Bushes <LINK

    - Bolloom Buds <LINK

    - Puff Bug Hives <LINK

    - Booflo Block <LINK


    - Puff Bugs <LINK

    - The Booflo <LINK


    - Bolloom Fruit <LINK

    - Bolloom Balloons <LINK

    - Booflo Hide <LINK

    - Booflo Vest <LINK


    - Poise Trees <LINK

    - The Poise Dome <LINK


    That's all the content, ladies and gentlemen! If you've made it this far, thank you so much for reading this post!

    As a reminder, this suggestion was not made with the hopes of the Mojang team implementing it.

    This suggestion is to serve as a piece of creative inspiration to the developers and community!

    So I hope you were inspired to get a little weird and unique, folks!


    As per usual, I thank you guys for supporting me and my content, even with my hiatuses...

    I hope that turning this suggestion and a lot more into an End Overhaul Mod will be worth it to you guys.

    It is my, and my teammates' desire to create the best End Mod out there! So I do hope you will visit our discord to see or test the mod out for yourself, here! https://discord.gg/t3D74Kk

    I've been working on other projects and collaborations too, I'll have information about that on my page soon!

    Also support this suggestion on the Minecraft Abnormal Suggestions Reddit here: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftabnormals/comments/c6feb7/new_end_biome_the_poise_forest_a_strange_biome/

    submitted by /u/Endergy
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    Turtles should have size variants such as SLIMES and MAGMACUBES depending on how old they are

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    depending on how many days have passed in minecraft Turtles could grow up to 5 blocks, but it needs many ingame days to reach its final growth

    submitted by /u/MexBot
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    Cats should use the fox's high jump to attack phantoms.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 06:23 AM PDT

    Phantoms are afraid of cats. To make cats more useful than they already are, I think they should use the fox's jump to try to take out phantoms. (Also when you throw a sea pickle behind them lol)

    submitted by /u/wholesome_cream
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    Allow enchantments on hoes

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 08:39 AM PDT

    In the recent combat snapshot, hoes are now a viable weapon. It would be nice to be able to enchant them- currently you can only do this by using an anvil, as opposed to the enchantment table, which works with every other weapon or tool. Also, they should be able to be enchanted with sharpness, arthropods and smite, similarly to axes. This would also be useful for their tilling ability, since it would be easier to give them unbreaking.

    If you support this, or any aspect of it, please please please take an extra second of your time to vote for it on the newly improved feedback site https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360047709851-Enchantments-on-hoes

    submitted by /u/Paradiscal
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    It would be useful to make dispensers dye wool.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 10:28 AM PDT

    It would be useful to make dispensers dye wool. Color "lights" in a minecrafty way.

    submitted by /u/mcp1112
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    You should be able to disable a profession block from being used by a villager

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 03:42 PM PDT

    I'm currently building a village and it gets annoying when villagers switch jobs because of the blocks. Some blocks like the lecterns or cauldrons i use for decorations but villagers become those professions, so you should be able to disable a block from being used by a villager.

    submitted by /u/Ghost-Mechanic
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    A new curse:

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 02:50 PM PDT

    Curse of dropping. Pretty self explanatory, item with this curse Will occasionally fall out of the inventory.

    submitted by /u/Fnaffan27fr
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    Bring back sword blocking

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 11:59 AM PDT

    So the new combat update is reverting some of the 1.9 changes and adding new mechanics, I'd love to see sword blocking come back in the game

    To make it not interfere with the offhand function and to make it more balanced I think it should only work with an empty offhand, or when the offhand item's right click function is not available (like eating food with a full hunger bar)

    Also to make it more balanced now that there are shields, it I think should block less damage than it did before

    It used to be a way to say hello, or to show that you are friends, I don't think it would hurt combat that much

    submitted by /u/AL_O0
    [link] [comments]


    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 03:07 PM PDT

    I just now realized that we cant sleep in our beds at the same time villagers can, I don't know if this is on purpose but i think it would be slightly better if we could sleep when they sleep or move their AI timing to when we sleep in game, since when we wake up they wake up i think having it on the same timer makes sense because it says " you can only sleep at night or during thunder storms " yet villagers sleep while the sun hasn't set yet.

    submitted by /u/Screaming-Terror27
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    Enderman "houses"

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 07:34 AM PDT

    I think that the End villages and ships dont have nothing to do with the dimensions they're in, especially ships. I think it would be cool if there where some structures like caves and huts made of endstone where endermans live and where the loot is located, and when you go in there they will attack you, schulkers are like in the walls of these things to protect them.

    submitted by /u/CIARRAPUNGI
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    Fake Fire: A new decorative item

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 10:53 AM PDT

    Fake fire is a new block that is crafted with 1 Blaze Powder and 1 Coal/Charcoal, which gives 4 Fake Fire. (Item Texture) Fake fire looks like fire on the floor, ceiling, or walls, but doesn't actually have the properties of fire. It will not spread, melt nearby ice/snow, burn entities/blocks, destroy items, ignite TNT, or deal damage. It will generate light, smoke, and sound.

    Fake fire is great for fireplaces, or any other situation where fire could be needed(metor impact, buring building, ETC). The possibilities are endless! It can even be placed on blocks that can't be set on fire normally, and it will last forever.

    submitted by /u/AlexSteckline
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    Villagers Stealing Our Beds ( AI Behavior / User Interface )

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 01:26 PM PDT

    Has a villager ever stolen your bed? Do you have random clerk villagers in your basement potion brewing rooms?

    I Think this is very annoying, and i think most of us agree!

    My Idea is for us to be able to have a new user interface to control what villagers use and don"t use, so maybe in the bottom left or right hand corner we could have a check box that says ( Villager usage ) then a little box to check / tick off or un check or un tick so the villager AI knows that we don't mean for the loom or brewing stand ( any specific workstation) in our basement or in our house to be a work station for them, if anyone else has feedback on this idea that think there is something to be added or taken away from this suggestion please reply.

    submitted by /u/Screaming-Terror27
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    We should be able to use tools effectively in our off hand

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 11:45 AM PDT

    If I put a shovel in my off-hand slot, and a pickaxe in my main, the game should automatically choose which tool to mine for whatever is quickest for what I'm mining. So if I hit a patch of gravel it will start using my shovel where as when I hit stone again I starting mining with my pickaxe.

    submitted by /u/21opbrot
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    A tag that makes mobs hostile, neutral or passive to other specific mobs

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 11:39 AM PDT

    So, this is something I think many people would want to see.

    The tag would look something like: {hostileTowards: the entity with all its nbt tags and such} or {neutralTowards: enity}. Entities that the mob is naturally hostile/neutral/passive to will remain the same if it's not directly stated in the command.

    This command will give the possibility of creating big mob fights between hostile mobs, shaping the survival experience using data packs and will be a huge boost for map makers.

    Happy to read your feedback!

    submitted by /u/malkratta
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    Have more of an ecosystem

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    Many times biomes feel empty and lifeless sure there's mobs but there should be more interaction between them like how lamas attack wolves and wolves attack sheep. There should be more stuff like that and maybe have each biome have even just 1 exclusive Mob. Extreme hills could have mountain goats savana could have maybe lions or something hostile to add more challenges during the day and also birds ! How long have we been asking for birds even if they're just like bats but they could sing In forests. Maybe in the nether there could be small settlements with 2-3 villagers that have a broken portal and their clothes are all tattered but when you light the portal they all go through. Stuff like this would make the world so much more alive.

    submitted by /u/Rileybbyrne
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    Specific Bonus Hearts.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 02:35 PM PDT

    So I had an idea today while playing Breath of the Wild. What if certain foods gave you a bit of hunger as well as an extra heart that only applied to a type of damage.

    For example, what if there were a type of berry variant or other food that had a antidote effect for poison, by giving you a few extra hit points that only apply to poison. So if it gives three raw and five uncooked, a cooked antidote berry or whatever it is would buy you an extra twelve extra seconds before the poison sets in on your primary hit points, or six and a half if it's Poison II.

    The same thing could apply to fire damage or drowning or whatever they want it to.

    submitted by /u/PJDemigod85
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    A "double slash" mechanic.

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 11:09 AM PDT

    When the player swings the sword, the swords deals damage as it comes back up, sort of like a double slash.

    However, the range is as same as the range of the first slash. Meaning if players want to effectively use this mechanic on a single target, they have to move closer to that target because of knockback. Tactically, backing the target into a wall also works.

    The second slash takes up no durability. So there's a risk/reward scenario that suggests the player to decide to retreat back for cautious play or move up for an efficient attack.

    The second slash deals less damage. It's good as a finisher for low health mobs who didn't completely perish under the might of a powerful sword.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    Combat update that incorperates Stamina and a reason for more weapons besides, "it would be cool"

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 12:06 PM PDT

    (I just read another post that suggested stamina for attacks, where you can click many times over and over, but you run lower and lower on stamina and do less and less damage until none at all. I gotta say, I love that idea and I want to incorporate it into my idea but I don't want credit for that part so look over at "Attack Decay - A Compromise on Combat to Make Everyone Happy" Posted by u/Axoladdy )

    -After each attack, there is a brief hard cooldown, depending on the weapon, during which you cannot attack just long enough to remove the advantage of people with better mouses or faster fingers. There would be no indication bar for this.

    -As the player attacks, they lose stamina, a new bar in similar appearance to the old attack cooldown bar. As they get lower on stamina, they do less damage, until they do no damage at all when they are below a certain amount of stamina, depending on the weapon.

    -If an attack is thrown when the stamina is below that point, the target would be affected by the knockback(enchantment not included), but would not take any damage and to indicate the lack of damage, the target would not flash red, but would rather flash yellow or would not flash at all.

    -Jump and sprint attacks would use more stamina.

    -The tools; axe, hoe, shovel, and pickaxe would do no extra damage than an empty hand.

    -The Normal or common melee weapons in the game would be as follows; Sword, Spear, and Axe. I love lots of weapons but past three or four, the game just doesn't need them. However, I wouldn't mind if there are other weapons that have the same stats as the three I'm providing but just look different. Without testing I can't give proper numbers, but using the current diamond sword as a reference,

    The Diamond sword would do 7 damage, do only enough knockback to stop movement for a moment, have medium range, would have the fastest attack speed and use medium amounts of stamina.

    The Diamond Spear would do 4-6 damage, have a lot of knockback, have long range, would have the second fastest attack speed and use the least amount of stamina.

    And the Diamond axe would do 8-9 damage, medium knockback, low range, the slowest attack speed and the most amount of stamina.

    -The main concept is that each of the weapons serves its own purpose, the sword is an average rounded weapon, the spear, a defensive weapon that lets you keep your distance, and the axe an aggressive weapon that encourages upfront combat.

    -The shield would block attacks instantly after being raised and have a cooldown after each block (excluding arrows) lasting about 2-3 seconds

    -The jump and sprint attacks would do different things for each weapon;

    The swords sprint attack would do more knockback, and its jump attack, more damage

    The spears sprint attack would do more damage and its jump attack would reduce/negate fall damage (if jumped from risky height) (for logic reasons, I imagine, the spear anchoring in the target then the player using the target as a cushion to slow the fall.)

    The Axes sprint attack would do more knockback and its jump attack would cause a shield to have a 4-5 second cooldown. (though it would have a longer cooldown for a jump attack as well.)

    -In addition to the normal enchantments of sharpness, bane of arthropods, fire aspect, etc, each weapon would have its own exclusive enchantments, for example, the Trident has impaling and loyalty and the sword has sweeping edge.

    The axe could have bleeding, where the target takes additional damage for 1-2 seconds after an attack.

    The spear could have slowness, where after the target is knocked back, they have a 1-2 second moment of slow movement. Or piercing, a counterpart to sweeping edge, where mobs or players behind the target take damage.

    The enchantments are really up to the imagination.

    -As an axe already exists in the game, I'd either rename the current axe to "Hatchet" or "Woodcutting Axe", or name the new axe, "Bearded Axe". On that note, I'd also like the new axe to look like a bearded axe, whether or not it's called that.

    -Special weapons like the trident, should be an accomplishment to get, so drowned should no longer drop them and each new special weapon they may or may not add in the future should have very specific unique abilities.

    -I'm also not against the Normal weapons being different than the list I made, or more than the list I made, as long as they are not variations of the sword or super high fantasy.

    I can't stress this enough, without testing this system, the numbers I provided are just concepts showing the differences between the weapons. After testing I'm sure the numbers would differ.

    submitted by /u/Rusted_Iron
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    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 09:40 AM PDT

    Using commands, you can spawn a locked container or door which you can only open if you're holding a specific item. Since this is with commands, there is no way to do it in survival. I suggest the addition of keys to solve this problem.

    A key can be crafted with this recipe (outputting 4). If you hold a key while you sneak and press the use button at a container or door, you lock that object. A key can only unlock one thing, so no two objects can be unlocked with the same key. You can assign multiple keys to an object. A locked object and the key used to unlock it each have a matching identifier used by the game to know which key can unlock which object.

    Using this recipe, you would craft a lock block. This block can be locked like a container (although it doesn't store items). When unlocked with a key assigned to it, it outputs a redstone signal through its back like an observer. This could be used to trigger redstone contraptions.

    Keys could be grouped together with keyrings, crafted using this recipe (outputting 3). If you press the use button while holding a keyring (but not at a locked object), you open its inventory. A keyring can have up to 9 keys attached to it, and using the keyring on a locked object will unlock the object, as long as the keyring contains a key assigned to that object.

    Note that these items are made with iron, so they could be made with the smithing table when it gains functionality.

    Textures coming soon.

    submitted by /u/xXx_LI_xXx
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    Farming Rework

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 12:34 PM PDT

    I want a farming rework. So here's my reasoning: I Love that people can make massive industrial farms because that's one of the things that makes Minecraft great, but every time I see the yield of these farms, I can't help but feel like it cheapens the game. You effectively have unlimited resources after a while, so I'd like to see farming changes where you have to put into farms similar value you get out. Basically, I'm talking fertilizer and animal feed. But there's much more.

    I'll start with animals.

    -First, all animals would have a hunger bar and the more hungry they are, the less they drop on death; if they die of hunger they don't drop anything; and if they're full, they drop extra.

    -The player can tell how hungry they are based on their sounds. The more hungry they are, the more often they make noises and the louder they are.

    -All plant-eating animals eat grass just like sheep, and it takes about 4-6 blocks of grass to fill their hunger bar. 1-2 for chickens and rabbits. Each animal will eat the food item they prefer if dropped on the ground and all animals that eat wheat will also consume hay bales, one bale fills the hunger all the way.

    -To breed animals, they must be full and then either right-clicked on with the food they prefer (just like we breed them now) or the food can be dispensed into them. Note, if they eat the food they prefer as a dropped item on the ground, they will not breed.

    -Finally, every animal gets a second growth stage between baby and adult. In order for an animal to grow, it must be fed and if it is exposed to the sky, it grows faster.

    -With this system, industrial farms can still be made and give large yield, but they must either have a field to graze or constant feed given to them.

    Regarding plants,

    -first, plants grown in adjacent blocks should share growth speed and all plants generally should grow slower, taking about 2-4 days/night cycles instead of 1.

    -All plants have a biome temperature preference and if the temperature is not befitting of a plant, it grows slowly or not at all. In order to grow a plant in an environment it doesn't like, it must be planted inside a structure.

    -Dirt blocks would get a fertility tag, similar in nature to the hydration tag. The fertility tag is gained a certain amount of time after the block is placed, depending on the biome, the exposure to water and sky.

    -If a plant is harvested repeatedly over a short period of time, the block will lose its fertility and need time to regain is nutrients before it will grow plants well again. A block can be fertilized with bonemeal. but will only stay fertilized for one or two harvests. (yes this means that you don't Insta-grow plants with bonemeal)

    I know it sounds complex but once it's all together and in the game, it actually would be pretty simple. It makes farming a more interesting part of the game for people who don't build industrial farms, and for those who do build them, it gives more things to take into account and makes them feel less like a TNT cobblestone generator (which is just cheating IMO)

    submitted by /u/Rusted_Iron
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    Make phantoms actually scary

    Posted: 28 Jun 2019 05:20 AM PDT

    Phantoms are... quite a disappointment to say the least. They are a really cool idea but they just lack a bit. So I have listed a few ways that you could improve the phantom and change the game completely.

    • Phantoms don't look intimidating enough. I feel that the blue and whites all need to be darkened a tone. Also, they need to be bigger. Right now they are basically mosquitoes.
    • Phantoms attacks are weak. What if they did more damage but only came in packs of 1-2. Also increase the drop rates to 1 - 2 per phantom.
    • Along with the more damage, what about instead of spawning when you don't sleep, they would spawn rarely if you used elytra or in extremely high places at night, which would make them a later game feature and make it fair for them to be more powerful
    • They would stay at around the same y level as you and fly in really fast, hit, zoom off, then fly back and repeat the cycle
    • If you were using elytra when they would attack you it would take a sizeable chunk out of your elytra durability. Maybe from full durability it might take 8 or so hits to deplete it. I just think it would be pretty scary to be flying around and something just whizzes past you over and over and then you just drop out of the sky
    • other possible attacks like maybe biting the player and dragging them if they are on a really high ledge or them stinging you with their tail and giving you 5-10 seconds of poison.
    • the current phantoms we have now could be kept along with their behaviours as baby phantoms which would spawn in phantom nests which would be around 3 blocks in diameter in packs of 3-5 along with 1-2 normal phantoms and the nests could drop things like sticks and phantom membrane. You would find nests in extreme hill biomes only.

    Overall this would make the game scarier and better gameplay wise!

    submitted by /u/Catsask
    [link] [comments]


