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    Minecraft Embedded 'tutorials' in paintings

    Minecraft Embedded 'tutorials' in paintings

    Embedded 'tutorials' in paintings

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 06:00 AM PDT

    Minecraft currently has a 'wither' painting, which features the block layout for building a wither boss. I'm not sure if this was the intention, but I've always thought of this as a sort of embedded tutorial/guide for new players who don't want to look around on the wiki or what have you. I think it would be good to have new painting designs which feature more of these kinds of tutorials for various 'devices'. For example:

    -Building instructions for the beacon or conduit

    -A very basic redstone circuit (e.g. lever connected to door)

    -An enchanting table surrounded by bookshelves

    Obviously, these would have to be relatively large paintings, in order to be high-res enough to depict these things, but I think this might be a nice feature.

    Edit: just thought of iron/snow golems too. Maybe the iron golem one could generate with a particular village building?

    submitted by /u/misterblue28
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    Harcode Mode should have an option to give players a number of lives.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 03:08 PM PDT

    In normal mode, the player can die an unlimited number of times.

    In hardcore mode, the player can only die once.

    What if the player wanted something in-between?

    I think it would be a good idea to create a semi-hardcore mode, in which the world creator can set the number of lives each player can have.

    Once the lives run out, that player is out and ultimately the world gets deleted, like regular hardcore.

    submitted by /u/Takama12
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    /biome - a command that'll change map makers' lives forever

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 02:11 PM PDT

    I'm a map maker. And sometimes it gets annoying, that you cannot change the biomes on the superflat worlds. I enjoy making maps situated in various enviroments (such as some snow stages, or desert stages...). But it makes me mad, that the entire superflat world is located on only one biome. For example, I want to make a pretty looking underwater level. Alright, so I set the biome to Lukewarm Ocean. But later, I want to make a snowy level with some snow effects. And I can't; all I get is rain.

    So, I decided to submit an idea, that will help map makers etc. A new command called /biome.

    It should work like this:

    [/biome (x1) (z1) (x2) (z2) (biome id)]

    Pretty similar to /fill, right? And it will change the selected area's biome from y=0 to y=256.

    I'm submitting this because I need it, and I beleve that other fellow map makers do.

    And if you're wondering how it is going to work on the regular survival worlds? Nothing will change, except the biome, the weather cycle, grass and water color, and mobs that spawn there.

    Thanks for your time, I would really like to see this feature in a new Minecraft snapshot!

    submitted by /u/MinecraftInventor
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    More C418 art peices

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    Minecraft soundtrack is truly beautiful. Just go underwater in an occean, spend a few days there, build stuff, explore ship wrecks and hear the 3 new tracks added in Update Aquatic that people don't really praise enough, I feel like. Honestly speaking, when I listen to C418, I literally feel like I'm 8 again, the end is near and I'm on the moon, literally how I feel. It's so magical. One of my fav parts about this beautiful game is it's soundtrack. I was wondering why not add more? I love them so much. Also, if you are gonna add more, just add them across the 3 editions plz <3 ;Java, Bedrock and Legacy Edition. Fr, I love this game so much and I've been playing this game for 5 years. I genuinely thank the whole Microsoft, 4J studios, Mojang studios (sorry if I missed a few others <3) for bringing such game to existence. It shaped how people look at sandbox games forever. It changed the "survival" game genre forever. It also changed how people look at pixelated games forever. This game is by far the best game purchase I've ever made. I was just hoping that some of my feedback will be taken (I also made the same suggestion on the feedback website under the same name, but no results at all) I love you Minecraft team <3

    submitted by /u/KingWigz1
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    Butterflies should spawn in flower forests

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    This would add a really nice quality of life change.

    The butterflies would have multiple skins based on these butterflies:


    When killed, they drop a small amount of experience and MAYBE a flower or two.

    submitted by /u/Danese_
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    DISCUSSION: An original idea for Nutrition in Minecraft

    Posted: 31 May 2019 11:20 PM PDT

    NOTE: you can vote for the (very abridged) version of this idea on the official feedback site here.

    A system of Nutrition, generally speaking, describes the idea that Minecraft should implement some mechanic that incentivizes the consumption of a variety of foods. Nutrition tends to be a controversial topic for this game from what I have seen; I couldn't find a nutrition post on this subreddit that garnered more than twenty votes. With that in mind, I want to begin by describing what I understand to be the community's two primary reactions to a nutrition system (other than indifference, of course).

    • Players who would like to see a nutrition system are generally more survival and adventure-oriented. For them, the fact that the current food system allows them to survive indefinitely on only one type of food is unchallenging, boring, unnatural, routine, and/or cheapens the survival experience, especially given how easy it is to acquire and farm mass quantities of most foods in the game. This is the way I feel.
    • Players who would not like to see a nutrition system are generally more oriented towards building. For them, the fact that the current food system allows them to survive indefinitely on only one type of food is a matter of convenience and simplicity, both of which allow them to express their creativity with minimal hindrance. Though I disagree with this opinion, I can understand why many people would feel that way, and their perspective is important.

    Here, I propose a nutritional system for Minecraft that I believe can satisfy the first group's desires without causing undue inconvenience to the second group.

    • Add a new property of foods, called tastiness. The visual indicator for a food's tastiness would be a little dot in the bottom left corner that changes color; green would indicate a very tasty food, while yellow, orange, and red dots would indicate increasingly less tasty food. The more a particular food item is consumed, the less tasty it would become. If you stop eating a food, it would regain its tastiness over time, so that you could eat more of it later.
      • The concept of tastiness allows for a lot of freedom in implementation. Perhaps "disgusting" foods like rotten flesh or spider eyes should have low tastiness even if not consumed regularly, while the most delicious foods, like cookies and golden apples, would have higher-than-normal tastiness.
    • Add a new "hidden" mechanic: nutrition. The value of a player's nutrition would range from 0.5 to 2.0. Nutrition would be affected by the tastiness of the foods that you eat: eating foods with a high tastiness would increase your nutrition, and vice versa.
    • Change the exhaustion mechanic (https://minecraft.gamepedia.com/Hunger#Exhaustion_level_increase) so that exhaustion is affected by nutrition, denoted by a variable n. As an example: according to the chart, sprinting increases exhaustion level by 0.1; it should now increase by 0.1 ÷ n. Every action in the chart should be affected by n this way.
      • An average nutrition level of 1.0, therefore, would mean that exhaustion increases at the same rate it does now. A low, unhealthy nutrition level means that exhaustion would increase a little bit faster for each action you take. The opposite would be true of a high, healthy nutrition level.
    • To quickly summarize: Tastiness would affect nutrition level, which would affect the rate of increase of exhaustion, which affects how fast saturation depletes, which affects hunger depletion, which affects your ability to sprint and regenerate health.
    • To conclude: the reason that this system would appeal to players who want a challenge but without bothering those who do not is because exhaustion does not affect all tasks equally.
      • Look again at the chart in the wiki link: which actions increase exhaustion the most? Attacking, sprinting, sprint-jumping, taking damage, and especially regenerating health - perhaps you've noticed how fast hunger decreases sometimes when you are regenerating health. In contrast, which actions increase exhaustion the least? Breaking blocks, jumping, and walking (which doesn't even increase exhaustion).
      • As you can see, the actions that increase exhaustion the most are also the actions that pro-nutrition players are more likely to perform. As a result, keeping a healthy nutrition level would be important to them. However, players who simply want to build peacefully are less likely to do any of these things regularly. As a result, they would not need to worry nearly as much about maintaining a healthy nutrition level.
      • In summary, the players who want nutrition would be more likely to be affected by it, while those who don't would be less likely to be affected by it. That is as good a compromise as I think is possible.

    I'll end this post with some questions that I anticipate people will ask:

    • Why not base your system off of food groups that the player needs to satisfy, like Terrafirmacraft? While this is indeed an aesthetically attractive idea, it is my belief that using food groups will simply end up incentivizing players to farm one food per group and then only consume those foods. Instead of living on the same single type of food, players will live on the same five or six types of food, which does not satisfy anybody. Also, a food group system will require an extra visual indicator(s) to communicate its importance to the player, which to me seems too complicated for vanilla Minecraft.
    • Why not reward a varied diet (or individual foods) with status effects or something similar? It makes things overly complicated, in my estimation. I also think that adding more status effects to foods would lessen the value and uniqueness of actual potions - not to mention the rare food items that do award status effects, like golden apples or suspicious stews. Not everything in the game is supposed to be a potion.
    • Hunger was seen by many as an unnecessary complication back when it was first added; why do you think it's a good idea to make it even more complex now? While I understand the appeal of simplicity, it is my belief that a well-designed nutrition system will be more fun in the long run for two major reasons. First, it will encourage me to explore more of the game by incentivizing me to cultivate and craft a wider range of crops and foods; second, it will increase my sense of accomplishment by making me carefully manage my food resources and by rewarding me for doing so.


    I want to add a nutrition system that rewards a diverse diet. Each food would have a colored dot that indicates its tastiness, which would decrease the more you eat that food. If a player eats more tasty foods (which requires eating different foods every now and then), then they would lose saturation a little bit more slowly, especially when regenerating health. If a player eats lots of not tasty foods (which means eating lots of the same food), then they would lose saturation a little bit more quickly, especially when regenerating health. Therefore, if you enjoy exploring and adventuring (activities that require fighting and health regeneration) a diverse diet would be important for you. If you enjoy peacefully building things, though, you wouldn't need a diverse diet nearly as much. Thus, a compromise is struck.

    submitted by /u/MacchuPicchu96
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    When a cat kills a small animal, the cat should eat the meat like a fox does

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 01:45 PM PDT

    This would prevent the meat from going to waste. Also, it would look really freaking cute.

    submitted by /u/Danese_
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    Jungle Piranha

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 03:05 PM PDT

    The Jungle Piranha would be a half the size of a salmon. They would have 4 health points and do 3 damage. The Jungle Piranha would spawn in jungle rivers and ponds. If you are 2 blocks away from water with Piranhas they will jump out to attack you. They will also jump out of the water to attack you if your on a boat however they can't break your boat. Jungle Piranhas drop 1-3 bones 1-2 fish.

    submitted by /u/andythelord
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    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 09:04 AM PDT

    Only Polar Bears thrive through the frosty biomes so why not Penguins as well.

    They would spawn in the Frozen Ocean biomes.

    They would be neutral and attack the player if provoked.

    They would have 10 hearts of health.

    They are a amphibious mobs just like Turtles, which means they can move both on land and in the water.

    Penguins will mostly hunt for fish (except Pufferfish) and Squid in the water, in a status called "hunting mode"

    In hunting mode, a Penguin will attack any fish mob (except for Pufferfish) and Squid. Once it killed a fish mob or Squid, they will hold the fish mob's/squid's meat (if there was a squid meat item) in it's mouth (much like Foxes do). Then, the Penguin will come back onto land with the meat in it's mouth and eat the meat. Then they will no longer be in hunting mode until again.

    Penguins waddle slowly on land, but they swim gracefully faster than Polar Bears in water. Just like real penguins.

    Penguins will drop 1-2 feathers when killed and 1-3 XP when killed by a Player or tamed Wolf.

    Their main enemies would be Orcas that are one of the mobs in my last suggestions (https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/bnp2sp/orca/)

    You can tame, heal, breed Penguins with any fish items (except cooked fish items and Pufferfish).

    Tamed Penguins will follow their owner.

    Tamed Penguins will no longer attack their owner when provoked.

    I think I have a main purpose for tamed Penguins: As well as hunting for fish, Tamed Penguins will sometimes go into the ocean and come back to their owner with a junk/treasure item in their mouth that they have found and will give the item to their owner by dropping it nearby their owner.

    Any other purposes for tamed Penguins, leave ideas in the comments.

    submitted by /u/mikailafridi
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    A New Decoration Block— The Carved Stone

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 02:16 PM PDT

    This decoration block would add a new detail to structures- the "Carved Stone," name is a work in progress. This block would have 5 different textures and is randomized when placed down. This block has writing from the language / symbols in the enchantment table. It has multiple different phrases, maybe some of the Minecraft tips or some of the phrases inside the crafting table. I think this would be a very good detail, especially for map makers. Maybe you could even add another decoration block- the Custom Carved Stone. You can write on this one! I feel this would be an amazing feature, again, especially for nice details and map makers. Anyways, we are in need for more forms of writing. These are the symbols / language / characters

    submitted by /u/Megalomatank030
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    A more dynamic combat mechanic to encourage the development of diversity in weapon choice and fighting style.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 11:27 AM PDT

    Awhile back I posted an idea for a combat revamp. However, I decided it was a bit extreme and have made some tweaks to it.

    Firstly, how one engages in combat has now been changed. Rather than simply clicking repeatedly to deal damage, the player holds the left click and sweeps the mouse around. Clicking will thrust the weapon forward in a stab, and holding the button will cause Steve or Alex to hold the weapon in front of themselves. Moving the mouse while clicking moves the head as normal, but the weapon will trail behind, traveling towards the player's crosshairs at a dynamic speed that will be discussed later. When the weapon crosses a monster's hitbox, it will be slowed and deal damage based on several factors.

    Weapons, tools, and various items now have several different attributes attached to them. These are labeled as Piercing, Stabbing, Slashing, Mass, and Area, and beyond varying between different items, can be changed through commands or applying enchantments.

    Piercing - the simplest of the combat stats. This stat gives the weapon a chance to bypass the effects of a target's armor. This tends to be higher in Stabbing weapons and massive weapons.

    Stabbing - another fairly simple mechanic. If the player clicks when the crosshairs are already on a creature, it will be dealt a flat amount of damage equal to the number associated with the Piercing stat. This would be high in weapons like spears, tridents, rapiers, etc., and low in axes, picks, and polearms.

    Slashing - represents crushing and cutting damage. When a weapon crosses a creature's hitbox, they are dealt damage based on the product of the weapon's current speed and the weapon's Slashing stat. If the player is moving at high speed, this can be added to the weapon's velocity. This would be high in most swords, axes, hammers, and picks, but minimal in stabbing-focused weapons like rapiers and spears.

    Mass - the most complex attribute used in combat. Swinging weapons gradually build up speed as they travel towards the crosshairs. Heavy weapons are slow to build up momentum and have difficulty making turns, but they also slow down less as a result of impact, allowing for greater damage potential. They also accelerate downward much more quickly than they can be lifted upwards. Furthermore, different materials used to make a weapon can influence its mass. For example, gold items are extremely heavy, while wooden weapons are fairly light. Hammers, picks, greatswords, and axes would be very heavy weapons, while rapiers and other nimble weapons tend to be lighter.

    Range - Some weapons are shorter or longer, allowing for varied distances at which you can offend creatures or other players. It should also be noted that some weapons have their damage potential focused on a head, and while hitting a creature with the shaft of a polearm can knock them away, it deals minimal damage. This weakness applies to many heavy-hitting weapons like axes and picks, but does not come into account when dealing Stabbing damage. It should also be noted that high-Range weapons also tend to be very massive.

    A few examples of new weapons that could be implemented and how these attributes would be applied:

    Daggers are fast and effective at dealing both Stabbing and Slashing damage, and have a high armor bypass rate, but suffer from a lack of reach. This is recommended for use in conjunction with potions and the element of surprise.

    Polearms deal high amounts of Slashing damage and have an enhanced reach, but take time to build up speed. This weapon is designed for plowing through hordes of monsters, and is especially effective while on horseback, in a minecart, or in a great destructive swoop using elytra.

    Rapiers are swift and nimble, limited in speed only by the player's skill with a mouse. While they are fast, each individual hit doesn't deal much damage, meaning the player employs a barrage of attacks that wear down the enemy.

    Longswords are much like normal swords, but have more reach and mass. They're slower, but have the potential to deal greater damage.

    Spears are unusual. Unlike most weapons, their set of available materials are flint, stone, iron, prismarine, and diamond. Tridents are really just a special variant with water-focused abilities. All trident enchantments apply to spears in air or water, but less powerfully in either.

    Darts don't necessarily employ any of the above mechanics to a great degree, but I felt they could be cool. They're really just arrows thrown without using a bow or crossbow, allowing for rapid-fire at short range. They can also be tipped for great effectiveness!

    Furthermore, these changes can also revolutionize PvP combat, necessitating players to parry their enemies' attacks and employ special strategies to counter their opponent's techniques.

    submitted by /u/Mindofthelion
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    Roast Chicken Should Drop Bones

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 11:28 AM PDT

    Apon eating chicken, it should drop 1 - 2 bones, because i dont think steve wants to eat the chicken bones.

    submitted by /u/DogeIsCut
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    A painting station

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 04:57 PM PDT

    A new crafting block where you can make paintings pixel by pixel, you put in empty paintings and dye to color and also choose the size then you can make it pixel by pixel.

    submitted by /u/CIARRAPUNGI
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    Mob AI changes

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 05:21 AM PDT

    Many of the hostile mobs in minecraft are extremely stupid and need an upgrade to their AI. Depending on the mode, the effectiveness of these upgrades would be different. Mobs should stay the same on easy and possibly normal. Most of these upgrades would only be in place on hard/hardcore modes..This would bring a refreshing new level of skill needed for the increase in difficulty, rather than just upping the damage and health scales.

    -Skeletons should try keep their distance from the player, so they can shoot them down at range without risking attack. If a player runs at them they often walk backwards, they round corners as widely as possible etc.

    -Sometimes spiders should try flank the player, running around them and attacking them from the side or behind., using their speed as an advantage. This doesn't always happen and will usually only occur once a spider has already been hit.

    -Creepers are fine, but they should be better camouflaged. Their skin should match the grass colour of the biome they are in. (I think someone has made a post on here about this idea before.) On hardcore mode creepers should explode if they can see the player behind glass or a wooden door.

    -Zombies have some horde abilities, but these should be improved. Zombies will attack in groups if possible, with 3 or 4 zombies attaching player at the same time.

    submitted by /u/Scunge_NZ
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    A gamerule that allows for modifying how far players in different gamemodes can reach.

    Posted: 31 May 2019 11:03 PM PDT

    /gamerule maxReach <1, 2, 3... 16, default> <creative, survival, adventure, spectator>


    /gamerule maxReach adventure 10 would allow all players in adventure mode to interact with things up to 10 blocks away.

    /gamerule maxReach creative default would reset the maximum reach for players in creative mode.

    /gamerule maxReach spectator 16 would allow all players in spectator mode to open things up to 16 blocks away.

    /gamerule maxReach survival 1 would allow all players in survival mode to interact with things only up to 1 block away.

    This would be really useful/fun for mapmakers!

    Minecraft Feedback Site Link (VOTE!)

    submitted by /u/S5Z7
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    Warping Powder & Twisted Apple [a unique use for Chorus Fruit]

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 12:45 PM PDT

    Chorus Fruit is a really REALLY useless item. Sure it can be made to create cool looking purple blocks, but it comes from the FREAKING END, which housed the final Boss. All this buildup, and you get... Chorus Fruit? Well, I have a unique idea to fix this, by bringing a new item which can revolutionize building in the entire game, and that idea is...

    Warping Powder & Twisted Apple

    • Given that the End is a world in which logic and the laws of the world do not apply, it is only appropriate for an item to do the same.
    • Warping Powder: By cooking Popped Chorus Fruit, you place 1 in a crafting interface and create 4 Warping Powders. Warping Powder can be used to change the direction that most blocks is facing. (certain blocks do not)
      • You can reset the twisting by breaking the block and replacing it, or twisting it back to normal.
    • Twisted Apple: If you surround an apple with Warping Powder, you can create the Twisted Apple. Upon eating the Twisted Apple, you will recover 2 hunger bars and heal 2 bars of health, and will you get the Twisted Construction Status effect, which allows you to PLACE most blocks in the angle that you are facing. Imagine as if every block was a piston. You can also rotate the model too, allowing you to have a stair block facing sideways instead of upwards.
      • Note you can reset the twisting by breaking the block.
      • Excluded Blocks: These two things DO NOT apply to: Plants (unless their respective soil is facing the same direction/ does not include Mushrooms), Farmland, Dirt Roads.
        • Gravity blocks will still be affected by normal gravity, despite facing different directions and will reset themselves if they fall while twisted.

    So what do you guys think? Also, MOJANG, FEEL FREE TO USE MY IDEA!

    submitted by /u/Herald_of_Zena
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    Horse armor should have applicable enchants.

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 01:56 PM PDT

    This would allow the horse to be a bit safer in combat or while exploring.

    Enchants would consist of:



    Feather Falling

    Depth Strider

    And a new type of enchant: Flotation

    Flotation would allow a horse to float in water while you are riding it. The horse's speed would be just as slow as if it was walking in water, unless the horse armor has depth strider on it.

    If you jump into the water, the horse will sink as it already does. However, the flotation enchantment will allow the you to get back on the horse while it is in the water, allowing the player to have an easier time moving across bodies of water, like rivers and oceans.

    The flotation ability will only last a small period of time, somewhere between 1 and 5 minutes, depending on the enchantment level. After wards, the horse will sink back into the water, making you get off of it, and requiring a lead or a boat to move the horse further.

    The enchantment is only to make the player's life easier when they miss a jump over a small body of water.

    This enchant is only found in naturally generated chests, villagers, etc. (like with mending).

    submitted by /u/Danese_
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    Dimmable Lanters

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 04:37 AM PDT

    I think lanterns are really neat, but I noticed a problem when building with them:

    They were too bright for the type of build I was doing. And then I noticed there's a lack of dimmer light-sources overall in the game.

    I think you should be able to right click a Lantern to change between different stages: bright (15 light level) and dim (8 light level), maybe even a third one that just completely turns the light off and can be used as a decoration.

    Vote on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Cows, Chickens, Sheep, and Pigs should drop 0-2 bones

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 04:29 PM PDT

    This is because they are animals and, therefore, are made up of bones.

    Chickens would drop 0-1 bones (because they are smaller)

    Cows 0-2 bones

    Pigs 0-2 bones

    and Sheep 0-2 bones

    This would also make it a bit easier for players playing on peaceful to acquire bone meal.

    submitted by /u/Danese_
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    Zombies should be attracted to light

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 04:22 PM PDT

    Like how they are said to be in the Walking Dead

    submitted by /u/Danese_
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    Jungle leaf drop

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 04:08 PM PDT

    When jungle leave decay they said have a 7% chance to drop a banana.

    Bananas would restore 2 hunger bars

    submitted by /u/andythelord
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    Golden Cake

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 05:10 AM PDT

    Its relatively self explanatory, make a cake, surround it in golden ingots, and boom! A golden cake. When taking a bite of this it would give you 10 seconds of regeneration. Now as for an enchanted golden cake, I think that it would be pretty useless because of how expensive it would be.

    Now I know that many people will call this feature pointless, but isn't every golden item? The only time anyone uses a golden apple is when fighting the Ender Dragon or The Wither. So I think that this would be a fun addition (and obviously, just like cake, have an achievement for crafting it) to the game.

    Please let me know your thoughts and criticisms!

    submitted by /u/lifetaker123
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    Make cookies damage dogs when eaten

    Posted: 01 Jun 2019 03:13 PM PDT

    They already kill parrots, but cocoa is also harmful to dogs.

    submitted by /u/Vitztlampaehecatl
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    A new nether mob

    Posted: 31 May 2019 11:11 PM PDT

    Since there are already silverfish in the overworld and endermites in the end, why not have a nether variant?

    These bugs I'll call witherpods will be able to infest netherrack and nether quartz, making it harder to get easy exp. Like their overworld counterpart, once one is uncovered, all nearby witherpods will start to swarm you. If you think this is too much, then don't worry because equipping a sword enchanted with bane of arthropods III and above will turn these hostile creatures neutral.

    They will also have a rare drop that will be called ashy chitin. It will be similar to the turtle's scute as it's used for two things: creating special footwear called Ashy shoes, and for repairing them.

    When equipped, the Ashy shoes will give you infinite fire resistance, and when enchanted with frost walker, it can turn lava into temporary magma blocks. The downside is the low durability and armor, on par with leather. Moreover, they have a second use in potion making as they can be brewed into the Potion of the Fragile Bug.

    Like the potion of the turtle master, this potion combines two existing effects: wither III and haste III. This potion will be short enough that it will not kill you, but weak enough that you may die easily. It can be used both in mining and fighting, giving you the option of turning you or your opponent into a glass cannon.

    submitted by /u/Vaughnaquino
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