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    Minecraft Endermen should protect themselves from rainusing their block!

    Minecraft Endermen should protect themselves from rainusing their block!

    Endermen should protect themselves from rainusing their block!

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 09:54 AM PDT

    I think endermen with a block should put it over their head when it rains so they don't take damage.

    It would make sense.

    submitted by /u/Tronche2Cake
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    Slime shouldn’t take fall damage

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 10:50 AM PDT

    Wandering Trader trades are ridiculous.

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 01:55 AM PDT

    The whole point of Wandering Trader is to provide items from other biomes and exotic areas. When looking through their prices though, they aren't really worth it. One of my main problems with Wandering Traders is they only want emeralds. So, I think that instead, they should trade exotic things for exotic things, exotic things for emeralds, and emeralds for exotic things.

    My second with Traders is that their amount for price ratio is crazy off. For example, once I met a trader with a trade that was one emerald for one sugarcane. My solution is that they should either sell more of an item per emerald or more than one item per emerald.

    The Wandering Trader should also sell items that are hard to get, like name tags and saddles.

    To continue, Wandering Trader trades should be biome specific. Meaning that if you are in a warm ocean, the Trader won't sell sea pickles to you.

    The last thing I want to add before I list some example trades is that traders should have more than just llamas with them. Instead of having separate egg for each trading mob, it should be a skin type. Just wolves' textures change when aggravated. I could just see a trading turtle with a blanket on its back.

    Some example trades Key: input first (what you give) output second (what you receive)

    1 Emerald 2 Turtle Eggs

    2 Emeralds = 1 Bottle o' Enchanting

    1 Emerald = 8 Ink Sacs, 1 Tropical Fish Bucket

    1 Emerald = 16 Cacti

    1 Emerald = 2 Cocoa Beans, 1 Jungle Sapling

    1 Emerald = 1 (random) Coral, 1 Sea Pickle, 1 Kelp

    1 Emerald = 1 Name Tag

    1 Saddle = 1 Emerald

    I think this enough for you to get my point, Trading with Wandering Traders is broken right now, in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/MattTheBanana
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    Creative Mode Music should be added to Survival's rotation after the player defeats the End Dragon

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 02:39 PM PDT

    Instead of being completely locked away for Creative mode players only, let us hear such wondrous tracks by C418 like "Biome Fest" or "Aria Math" after we defeat the Dragon in Survival!

    I've wanted nothing more than to listen to "Dreiton" from the top of my village base town hall watching a rain storm clear and the sunrise on a new day free from the clutches of that dastardly devil!

    Let's hear it, Mojang!

    submitted by /u/GhengopelALPHA
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    Graveyards and Mausoleums

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 10:36 AM PDT

    Graveyards and Mausoleums would appear near villages and in plains areas. These would show where some zombies and skeletons come from, and we could watch them hop out of their graves, and them coming out of the Mausoleums. But not every graveyard would have a Mausoleum. The Graveyard's would also show the signs of decay. (Moss, cobblestone,etc) And if you walk on the graves, you get a short fatigue.

    submitted by /u/RCPCat
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    Witches should burn in water

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 07:02 PM PDT

    Most every mob in the game has a weakness except for witches and creepers. Witches are some of the most annoying mobs because they can do damage even in water and can also replenish their health. Witches should burn in water in order to give them some kind of weakness.

    submitted by /u/teamsacrifice
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    Note blocks working with jukeboxes

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 12:08 PM PDT

    If a noteblock is touching a jukebox, the music will come from there too, extending the range of the music. If multiple note blocks are lined up connected to a jukebox, they'll all extend the range of the music.

    submitted by /u/TheRobotics5
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    Inns that generate in the wild

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 11:37 AM PDT

    These inns would make traveling the overworld more enjoyable. It's a place where players and villagers seek shelter overnight during their long journeys.

    The structure would generate in all the biomes that villages generate, it would not exist in a village but in the wild. It'd be a large house with tables, chairs and chests with food on the bottom floor. Upstairs you'd have separate rooms with beds, cozy carpets and fireplaces.

    Next to the large house would be a stable, for travelers to put their horses, donkeys and llamas overnight. Inside the inn you would find villagers from different biomes and a wandering trader.

    submitted by /u/malkratta
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    Random sized lillypads

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 01:21 AM PDT

    When clicking with bonemeal or placing on water, lilypads should be randomly sized to give variation. For example, a huge lilypad can only be placed if there is enough room or else it will be a smaller size.

    Bonemealing lillypads creates more of them, would make sense + renewable.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    New ladders!

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 02:18 AM PDT

    I went back into minecraft to experience the journey in the all new version 1.14.

    But I was a bit disappointed, because of the ladders.

    Going into the end city and seeing the oak ladder just made me cringe...

    SO maybe they should add ladders for purpur or other blocks.

    I know that ladders are mainly wood but if we could dye them with some sort of paint thing that would be good?
    I don't know the way it would work but I just want new ladders basically.

    submitted by /u/atomic_dab
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    Naturally Generating Volcano biomes

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 12:09 PM PDT

    the name speaks for itself. might even have blazes and magma cubes in the area.

    submitted by /u/2Tired2pl
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    Give us the option to choose which mobs can or can’t spawn

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 10:13 AM PDT

    I hate pillagers. I rarely play off peaceful now because I build villages full of villagers and I just hate that pillagers can show up any time of day and destroy everyone. I can take them on, sure. But I just don't want to deal with bad omen. I just want to build and fight normal mobs. I typically only turn on mobs long enough to use my skelly spawner or mob spawner for xp or items. I never just leave it on anymore.

    submitted by /u/DannieJ312
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    Dyeing leather armor with potions.

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 09:46 AM PDT

    You should be able to dye leather armor with potions in a crafting table. However, the effects apply to the armor, not the player. Invisibility potion, the leather armor is now invisible, which is great if you want sone protection when using an invisibility potion. Fire resistance, the armor doesn't lose durability from fire and lava. Regeneration, the armor regains durability over time. Instant health and instant damage effect the durability. I don't think this would be too op, since it's only leather, and only one potion effect at a time. If you have questions about other effects, please comment them.

    submitted by /u/TheRobotics5
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    New mountain mobs

    Posted: 26 Jun 2019 09:42 PM PDT

    Mountain biomes are everywhere in Minecraft, yet they really only have 1 mob in it, the llama. I think that they should add a couple more, and my suggestions are...

    -Goats, which have a model similar to the sheep, but horned. They can have an animation similar to the fox where they jump blocks 2 high in order to climb, and if you hit them, they can head butt you.

    -Eagles, which circle around the tops of the mountains, and you can tame them using raw meat, and they can divebomb mobs you hit or that hit you. They are also hostile against rabbits

    submitted by /u/KeatsQRST
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    New Weapon Types

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 04:49 AM PDT

    So before anyone else can get to it, I wanted to type this first.

    The new snapshot released has changes to combat, leading me to believe 1.15 will be either a combat update or an quality of life update.

    If it its indeed a combat update, I have an idea on what the smithing table could be used for. New weapon types.

    The latest snapshot introduced reach as an new way to differentiate different weapons. If these new weapons would to be added, they would use different reach, attack speed, and damage values.

    The first would be a double-bladed sword.

    The double-bladed sword would have a similar reach to a sword, but much faster attack, but with the drawback that you can't use a shield in conjunction. The double-bladed sword wouldn't be able to deal as much knockback either. The double-bladed sword would be crafted in a smithing table using two swords and stick.

    The next would be a dagger/knife.

    The dagger would be very much a close combat weapon, but would have a much faster attack speed and deal less damage the its sword counterpart. It would be crafted in a smithing table with a stick and and a block of wood (or stone, iron/gold ingot, diamonds, ect.).

    I also have what I would imagine they look like in a nifty imgur gallery.


    submitted by /u/bluestar55
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    Tamed horses shouldn't run away

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 12:31 PM PDT

    As long as a horse has a saddle on it, realistically, if it was tamed, it would be ready to let you ride it at any time, instead of wandering off and disappearing with your rare and valuable saddle and horse armor.

    submitted by /u/ShinyStache
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    Iron Ladders

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 01:36 PM PDT

    Title says it all. I think that iron ladders are needed since the plain oak ladder doesn't fit well with some themes. For example, the End Cities have oak ladders, which look ridiculously out of place.

    There are oak trapdoors and iron trapdoors, so why not oak ladders and iron ladders?

    submitted by /u/Crayola_God
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    Smashing glass

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 11:22 AM PDT

    If you fly into glass or glass panes at high speed, or fall onto them at high speed, they can break. Glass panes could break kind of easily, whereas glass blocks are harder to break. Also, arrows could slowly break glass if enough of them hit it. Also mobs should be able to see through glass. Arrows have a small chance to break glass panes, and skeletons will try to shoot through windows.

    submitted by /u/TheRobotics5
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    Mushroom stems should be a wood.

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    So you just spawned in on a mushroom island. what do you do? You're stranded with no wood. Well if the stems of a giant mushroom were a wood type, you can make everything you need. However, being mushrooms, the blocks are weaker, and the tools have less durability.

    submitted by /u/TheRobotics5
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    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 11:34 AM PDT

    Almost exactly like parrots, except when mining you can send them to check for danger, and they'll fly back and make sounds of warning.

    submitted by /u/TheRobotics5
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    There was a thread about underground villages here yesterday so here's my take on it:

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    Caving Holdouts can spawn in any cave large enough and consist of 2-4 wood and stone huts on stone pillars, connected by small bridges and containing some GUI blocks and loot. Holdouts are occupied by 1-3 Cavers, a villager type mob equipped with a bow for self-defense that automatically aggravate creepers and skeletons as well as zombies. Instead of just having cave-themed trades, Cavers have a reward system, where placing down torches in dark areas nearby raises your reputation, leading to them tossing you emeralds, food, caving supplies and other materials.

    So imagine this: you're spelunking and enter a particularly dense system, when a creeper explodes behind you, damaging you and destroying your way back. Realizing you're about to get swarmed by mobs, you start running down a side shaft looking for a way out, when you see a light up ahead. The cave opens to a massive chambers, and you see a towering stone structure in the middle of it. You pillar up as the occupants loose a volley of arrows at the monsters chasing you. One of them breaks off to find you cowering in the back of a hut and, recognizing how much caving you've done, hands you some food, scaffolding, a new pick and an emerald on the side. Resupplied and reinvigorated, You can now finish you expedition and find your way back home.

    submitted by /u/N0thingtosee
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    Desert Plood Plains

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 11:17 AM PDT

    A river biome in the desert, not cutting deep into the ground and surrounded by grass. It would cut through a biome, and not separate two different ones. Inspired by the Nile.

    Why? There is a desert update coming in the near future so I thought I would give my contribution. I noticed this type of build is often in the desert, but it is not naturally occurring. It is a small thing and it makes some amount of sense. It could be somewhat rare, just so we don't have it in every desert.

    Link to the post on Minecraft Feedback: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360047689831-Desert-flood-plains

    submitted by /u/Cleric_Sunlight
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    When flying with an elytra, you should bounce of slime blocks that are placed vertically or horizontally above the player.

    Posted: 27 Jun 2019 12:48 AM PDT

    It would be awesome if, when you're flying with elytra you could bounce off of slime blocks placed in a 'wall' or curling formation.

    It would work by placing the player accelerating at the same enter speed as the exit speed. It would change their direction according to their angle of entry.

    Also, this would be a cool feature without an elytra. If you can be pushed by slime blocks and pistons, why can't you bounce off of the blocks without pistons? Here's an example: Your sprint full force into a wall made of slime blocks. You have blue ice under you. Once you hit the wall, you bounce off and slide in the opposite direction with that same sprint force.

    To continue, this could work with boats and minecarts too.

    This feature would be awesome because it would add so much more use to the slime block, which overall, would allow for so many more possibilities.

    submitted by /u/MattTheBanana
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