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    Minecraft Allow Drowned to break down doors.

    Minecraft Allow Drowned to break down doors.

    Allow Drowned to break down doors.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    On Hard mode, Zombies can break down doors, and Husks can break down doors, yet Drowned cannot. This is strange for a group of mobs as intertwined as these 3. Husks are able to be converted into Zombies, and Zombies are able to be converted into Drowned. Yet zombies lose the ability to break down a door when they convert into Drowned?

    submitted by /u/Gravity-15
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    Use for a Quiver for the ipcoming PvP update.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    I think it's about time we get a Quiver - Inventory space is still a slight issue even after the addition of Shulker Boxes and Ender Chests. Having a Quiver to store Arrows would alleviate some space.

    However, I think it would be important for a Quiver to not just be an inventory expansion. The way I'd like it to work is to be able to press a button to change which Arrow type in the quiver is selected, instead of having to swap them around. This would give more use to Tipped Arrows as you wouldn't have to lock into one type of Arrow. Examples of this could be Swapping from a Spectral Arrow after highlighting a player to a Damage Arrow to deal more damage. Or for PvE purposes - swapping a Damage Arrow to a Health Arrow to deal with undead mobs. There's plenty of great uses when you start thinking about Slowness, Poison, Weakness, etc.

    I also added this to my PvP suggestions post: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/c5y4uw/my_ideas_for_the_pvp_update/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x

    Edit: *Upcoming

    submitted by /u/Xyphon_
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    Introducing a new aquatic mob - The Water Strider!

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 04:16 AM PDT


    So remember 1.13, when they added aquatic zombies known as Drowneds? We're taking a step further by making aquatic spiders or arthropods. Namely, the Water Strider / The Gerrid / The Halobate. Yes, I did read a whole wikipedia article about them and yes, I did try to make them realistic as possible while being worthy of Minecraft as possible. I never was this interested to entomology, lol. (believe me, I got so grossed out with studying those bugs' behaviours and appearances during the making of this suggestion so please upvote to thank me for enduring all that grossness just for the sake of this)


    They have 3 varients being short-winged, long-winged, wingless and another species alike called Veliidae / Riffle Bug (which is another type of Water Strider that is tinier). 90% of them just on water and 10% of them under water.


    As many of you know, these bugs can walk on water hence the name and they are cannibals sometimes meaning they eat their own family to control their population so I think you could often see them attacking each other for food (gross but true). These guys can't really appear that much if the river / sea in their area isn't providing enough food so I guess that food is their own species. Obviously, because they are arthropods they can be affected with the Bane of Arthropods weapon enchantment.

    Elytra + Hemelytra

    Realistically, they have a chance to have wings?! This wings thing may be too far but I'd like to get that also added considering we don't have an actual arthropod in Minecraft that has wings (by the way, phantoms aren't arthropods) so I guess they can be seen with their own type of elytra. Don't make them go everywhere though. I think they should just sometimes float in mid-air and get back to water again just to play around but when threatened, they either fly away to the nearest neighborhood or dive underwater.


    According to a good google search, these guys are mostly hostile to prey (other varients etc.) but I found out they are medically harmless to humans. BUT! They do sting but that minor sting can go away after several hours without treatment, so I guess they do hurt a little, so if these get added, they are neutral to players and hostile to other species of itself. So if you bother them, they can give you a red mark on your skin making a very painful bite. This sting can be equivalent to 3 seconds of poison, 1 second of Wither and 5 seconds of slowness in Minecraft to make you jump but it should then be easily healed after a period of time. Get milk with you to disable the effect.


    If killed, they can drop their membrane and that is the Gerridae Membrane or Viilidae Membrane (according to the type of Water Strider). I think these should be added to be combined with your boots so you could have hydrophobic boots (you walk on water without having those annoying ice that take ages to melt) realistically, you'll be too heavy but who cares anyway.


    These guys should look like the Minecraft cave spiders but greyer and have a small head. And don't forget their tiny antennas and microscopic hydrophobic microhairs. By the way, these insects should spawn in the Swamp Biome hence its grossness.


    They should have a specific water cave were they can dwell safely from predators and should also be used to encountering new areas and adapt to their temperature and atmosphere but not everywhere if too unadaptable. So if there is an Ice Spikes biome, don't expect to see them. Their one and only home is the swamplands, but they do know how to adapt to other appropriate places like in freshwater seas/rivers and so forth.

    Relations with water

    These guys repel from and get to the surface of the water easily but if you make them underwater for too much time, they'll simply sink and drown, but they can turn into drowned varients in Minecraft, idk.


    This bug can be attacked by flying mobs (parrots, phantoms, etc.). Thought it would be a nice touch.

    If I missed anything, if I said something wrong or if you need something new to it, tell me 'bout it below.

    {PS: If I get a multitude of appreciation and good criticism, I will send it to Minecraft's Feedback Place}

    submitted by /u/DanielTheRedditor
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    More Functional Carpet Placement

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 09:39 AM PDT

    Right now you can't really put anything on top of carpets and you can only place them on the floor. This is very limiting for building with them.

    The first part of my suggestion is allowing players to put partial blocks like fences, walls, and levers on carpets. It wouldn't elevate the blocks by the carpet's height; rather the blocks placed would essentially cut out a hole in the carpet and be touching the block underneath the carpet. Irl this is analogous to the block pressing down on the carpet.

    The second part of my suggestion is to allow all surfaces to be carpeted. Ceiling, walls, and floor could all be covered. As an example, when combined with the first part of this suggestion, players could build rooms with staircases against completely carpeted walls.

    submitted by /u/bibby_tarantula
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    Shipwrecks should have a higher chance of spawning in the Icebergs biome.

    Posted: 02 Jul 2019 07:14 PM PDT

    You know, like they crash from hitting them.

    submitted by /u/AngooseTheC00t
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    Craters with meteorites in them should appear in a new barren biome.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 04:46 AM PDT

    A biome called barren where there's no grass, trees or any other mob except for bats, zombie/skeleton horses and hostile mobs. In this biome you can find craters with meteorites that can have resources like gold, iron, Redstone, lapis and if you're lucky enough Diamonds. This biome is extremely rare.

    submitted by /u/Ahmadkhudair
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    Shulker boxes in minecarts

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 09:13 AM PDT

    They are basically chests, why not?

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Ocean sounds near...Well...ocean.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 03:35 AM PDT

    I play Minecraft so much but i feel like the ocean is very empty, i know, there is the aquatic update which is awesome, but i m it's still very empty, i think Mjang should add a ocean sound (like this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2p-5LPnsJM )

    Of course don't make it that loud, just, a little sound in the background, i know there isnt waves in Minecraft.

    But this would help.

    So thanks for reading !

    submitted by /u/Tekstar_XD
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    The ability to change mob griefing only for certain mobs

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 06:21 AM PDT

    For example: /gamerule mobgriefing{creeper} false

    submitted by /u/NiklasNeighbor
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    New Cartography Table functionality | Combining maps

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 06:50 AM PDT

    Visual Representation

    Maps functionality feels quite outdated right now in Minecraft, and the cartography table has so much potential to fix that. However, right now, it hardly adds anything to mapping. The cartography table is riddled with issues, including, right now, zooming a map erases what was previously on the map, which was previously an issue, but still remains. I think the cartography table should have some more functionality, including what I've shown in the image, which is combining maps. This would allow multiple players to pool their cartography efforts together to make better maps. This would go hand in hand with being able to zoom out maps and keep the contents of what was previously on the map, as combining smaller maps to create a bigger one would be impossible without that.

    In summary, cartography tables should allow you to:

    • Combine two maps to create one more explored map
    • Zoom out without erasing what was previously on the map
    submitted by /u/finnrobertson15
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    We should be able to compose music into custom discs

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 01:50 PM PDT

    Like we have an empty disc crafted or obtained in a certain way, then we can code the notes into it the same way it would be made using redstone note block songs (just with a MIDI editor-like interface)

    I suppose we should have a crafting station for the process (I think it's obvious), and also with the option to copy a disc (the same system as maps could be used here)

    Of course, coding a note into a music disc would require a note block (as adding this feature would keep its use), and the instrument blocks for those sounds would be required as well.

    I believe this would be a great addtion because the redstone part isn't complicated in note block songs so this wouldn't simplify redstone, and also there's the problem of traditional note block songs: they take up too much space. That's not only wrong because of the space, but it also makes the sound play from a different location for every note (I shouldn't need to elaborate that, large songs aren't even hearable from the starting location)

    Given that jukeboxes would be far widely used here, I would also suggest adding jukebox looping for the Java version, as we can create custom background music with this.

    submitted by /u/brancyxy
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    We should be able to edit gamerules and edit the frequency of which structures will spawn before creating a world.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 08:34 AM PDT

    I love playing Minecraft with keepInventory set to true, maxEntityCramming off, among other rules. I also hate Mineshafts. I would love a way to create presets so whenever I create a world, keepinventory is always set to true, maxentitycramming is off completely, and mineshafts are very rare.

    submitted by /u/Cheesysock5
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    Realistic rivers

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 03:03 PM PDT

    Since a realistic water engine will likely never exist in this game, why can't we at least have rivers, that make sense? 1. They should be constantly filled with water (I always have to remove those ugly parts without actual water flowing). 2. They might have different proportions: some could be really wide so maybe you could even fit a ship in them, others could be tiny creeks. 3. They should have a realistic beginning and ending: creeks end up in bigger rivers, that eventually end up in the ocean, a lake or evaporate in desert biomes. 4. There should be way less rivers in the desert biome. Also they should generate differently, creating a small oasis like area around them. Same thing for the tiny ponds that are just about everywhere. 5. Villages could have a higher chance to spawn near rivers.

    submitted by /u/Bananenfeger
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    The drowned should spawn near shipwrecks

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 01:25 PM PDT

    What else would've happened with the crew of a sunken ship?

    submitted by /u/kham132
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    "Fire" gradient for lava colouration

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 09:38 AM PDT

    Irl, lava colours go like this:

    White - Very, VERY hot

    Light Yellow - Slightly cooler

    Yellow - Still very hot

    Orange or Amber - Hot

    Red - A little cooler, but still hot

    Crimson or Dark Red - Still quite hot, but getting "cool"

    Grey-Black - "Cold"

    Nothing about the lava is changed, just it has a gradient, kind of like a colourmap in Bedrock Edition or a JSON file in Java Edition. Because lava only spreads 3 blocks in the Overworld, the 3rd block the lava has reached to will be dark crimson, and black in the grey-black in the Nether. This does not reduce or add to damage of lava, which stays the same.

    Note that the source block is always white. This is to give a hot appearance.

    The gradient is a blending gradient, which would look like this:


    Sorry it's radial, but you get the idea. It's meant to be what the lava colouration would look like, but with black at the edge of the gradient.

    I tried to link to a non-copyrighted picture as best as I could.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Raid detailing

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 01:00 PM PDT

    Illagers should try and trample crops, destroy beds, kill livestock, destroy job blocks (composters, grindstones, etc.) and Vindicators should bust down doors mich like zombies

    submitted by /u/BeanyEcho
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    Changes To Slimes

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 06:54 AM PDT

    Slimes in their current state are very easy to kill, and drop a object that can be used in a lot of Minecraft's red stone and husbandry fields. I have a few suggestions to make slimes more difficult to kill, as well as making them more unique.

    Attack changes • slimes will have a further knock back (considering that's what slimes blocks can do) • when a large slime jumps on a player (the slime would have to physically land upon the player for the top,) the player would become stuck within the slime and start to suffocate. The player would stop suffocating when the have killed the large slime the are stuck within (you can attack from within.) • other mobs can also get stuck within a slime ( in the same way as a player) but won't suffocate. When the slime brakes, the will pop out with the medium sized slimes. • all of the three slime sizes will stain armour. The armour will be tainted we a green look and will slow down a player ( slowness 1 maybe or slower.) the slime can be washed off in water, but the water in a 2 by 2 around the "washing zone" will become the same color as swamp water (the boundary between the muddy water and the clean water will be the same as it is in Minecraft today.)

    Finally, big slimes have a 1.5% chance of dropping a slimeblock.

    What do you guys think? As some of you know I have a "problem" with using the reply feature, but please write your thoughts down so I can know what to change.

    submitted by /u/eamonthebigboy
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    Minecraft Friends system

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 12:25 AM PDT

    https://imgur.com/a/WHM2x8C - Sorry I didn't have a settings, messages, or main menu screenshot, I had a main menu screenshot but it got lost somewhere and I couldn't be asked to make another one because I just did all the work on those pictures. Also the pictures are so big and HD because I took the base screenshots on a TV as my monitor.

    TL;DR Add a friends system where you can send requests, message people, block people, and change your messages, friend request, and visible status settings to who can view and send them.

    I've wanted this as a feature for a long time, a friends system where you can add people as a friend and message them. I'll describe every feature in detail as I imagine it.

    There would be a button in between Multiplayer and Minecraft Realms that says Friends List. Every time you'd get a message, you'd have a red bubble with an exclamation point in it on the top right corner of the button, or maybe the same realms mail icon. If you clicked on it with no internet connection, it would pop up with the 2nd image in the link. The first link would be the friends list, and if you have no friends, it would say something like "Your friends list is empty. Add a friend to start socializing!" or something like that. If you had a message notification, the same red bubble would appear on the top right corner of the message button, or maybe the same mail icon the realms uses.

    Your friends would pop up with their current skins head, username, status, what server they are connected to, and their motto. If you clicked on them, their full player model, with a name tag, would pop up on the right, with a send message button above or below the model. Friend requests would pop up in green with their username, if a message is included with the request, and their current status. If you clicked on the request, it would show their current full player model, with a name tag, and a view message button to view a message they might've sent with the request, it would go to a screen with the same background as the 2nd image linked, but it instead would say "Message sent by (username): (message underneath) and of course accept and decline friend request buttons. Sent friend requests (i forgot to add this in the picture lmao) might appear in blue, or red, and has all the same features as the friend requests, except the top line.

    The messages button would basically be a simple messaging app. The button would be grayed out, until you click on someones name, and you could view your chat history with them, and send messages.. Clicking links sent in DMs could also pop up the "copy or open in browser" thing too. The add friend button would pop up a box that looks the same as the direct connect box, with a send request button and a cancel button, with another box to send a message with your request. The block player button would be grayed out until you click on someones name, and when you click on it, they can no longer send you messages. The refresh button would refresh your list, so if you got a new request while you were in the list and it didn't pop up, clicking the button would make it appear.

    Some of the options would be to set your motto, enable/disable messages, friend requests, and visible status, all of which can be set to everyone, friends only, or completely disabled, and to unblock a user.

    There would also be a command to add a friend, like maybe /minecraft:friend add (username) (message)

    submitted by /u/IveMalfunctioned
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    on hard difficulty skeletons and pillagers would not shoot you when the player is blocking with a shield

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    It would make hard mode more of a challenge

    also I think it would make pillagers seem smarter

    edit: Someone pointed out to me about the shield delay thing so when the post combat changes happen

    submitted by /u/corrupted-Food
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    Fishing when a tamed cat is near you sould give you better loot.

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 04:35 AM PDT

    35% of the time when you use a fishing rod and a tamed cat is near you can get a luck effect. The cat could get an animation of it dipping its head in the water.

    submitted by /u/Ahmadkhudair
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    Boot Enchant: Double Jump

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 03:48 PM PDT

    Would allow you to double jump

    lvl 30 enchant

    submitted by /u/The_Silent_Shot1
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    We need official Aether and tropicraft to be vanilla

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 03:25 PM PDT

    These mods were really the best and had so much potential for them

    submitted by /u/HunterSaboo
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    Force players to dye maps to view them

    Posted: 03 Jul 2019 03:12 PM PDT

    Players should be forced to dye maps to view loaded regions they've walked across. There should be a pattern on the map to tell the player that they've loaded that area, like a pixelated green checkerboard. Players could be required to provide various dyes in order to load the map, and the types and amounts of dyes will NOT be dependent on how much is loaded, and what color that is.

    submitted by /u/whenness
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