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    Minecraft Biome specific Caves and Dungeons

    Minecraft Biome specific Caves and Dungeons

    Biome specific Caves and Dungeons

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 08:40 AM PDT

    Currently in Minecraft, a biome's uniqueness and color is seen only on the surface. If you were digging across the entire world below the surface, you would find nothing but the same boring stone caves.

    Biome caves would bring a more vibrant and adventurous feeling to the game's mining aspect. An example of a "biome" cave would be like a frozen and spacious area underground in the snow biome. Stone would be replaced with packed ice and ores would be less common in this cave. These caves would only be found at higher y-levels, like y30-50. Desert caves would be filled with sandstone and floating sand ready to collapse. Below y30, regular minecraft caves would be present and ores would become more common. The transition from a biome cave to a regular cave would look like a "fading" pattern of blocks.

    So far there have been no benefits mentioned about biome caves, in fact they seem worse than normal ones, with ores being more rare in these. This is where biome specific dungeons come in. Similar to the caves, dungeons would be more common in these caves and would also fit the biome it belongs to.

    Desert dungeons could be built out of smooth sandstone/red sandstone and have husk spawners, whilst the snowy caves could spawn stray dungeons, built out of a new type of "snow/ice brick". These dungeons should be slightly larger than normal dungeons, and spawn more loot.

    submitted by /u/JoshInvasion
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    Make lighting nether portals more exciting.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    I think that there should be some cool sound or explosion or something that makes lighting nether portals more exciting and interesting. Right now nothing happens when you light it and I think that should change because nether portals are the first portals you open to another dimension and they are necessary to complete the game. It should feel like you did something really good when you open it instead of just the clicking sound of the flint and steel and the purple wall that appears when you light it.

    submitted by /u/vvownido
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    Make each Village have a "village color" and banner for easy recognition and mapping, plus adds some variety

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 01:40 PM PDT

    Village color would be used for carpets, awnings, etc.

    also generate a village banner with that color for easy right-clicking with a map to take note of the village

    perhaps right-clicking the BELL should draw a bell icon on the map, with an outline of the village color

    submitted by /u/muslim-shrek
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    Stalagmite caves, limestone, Greek fire and its implications

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 09:07 AM PDT

    Summary. Add:

    • Stalagmites and stalactites caves.
    • Limestone (found in stalagmite caves).
    • Limestone bricks (made by crafting 4 limestone blocks in a square).
    • Quicklime (made by adding limestone to a blast furnace).
    • Greek fire (made by placing 4 quicklime and 5 gunpowder in a square, similar to TNT).
    • Greek fire can be launched from a dispenser.
    • Potion of fire or fire bomb (made by adding Greek fire to an awkward potion in brewing stand).

    (suggested recipes can also be different)

    Stalagmites and stalactites caves, they look very impressive and would probably be a welcome addition. However anything that is added needs a purpose and because stalagmites and stalactites structures are often created from limestone (CaCO3) we can add this.

    Limestone in the form of bricks is often used as building material, therefore limestone bricks can be added.

    Limestone can be heated to create quicklime (CaO) according to CaCO3 --> CaO + CO2. This reaction occurs at 825 °C, therefore a blast furnace would be more realistic and it also adds an additional use to the blast furnace compared regular furnace.

    Quicklime was used in history as a kind of chemical weapon. If it makes contact with water, it raises it's temperature using an exothermic reaction (CaO + H2O --> Ca(OH)2) which causes burns. It is speculated that quicklime was an important component in Greek fire because the increased temperature would ignite the other components in the Greek fire. Therefore I suggest it to be crafted from quicklime and gunpowder.

    The Greek fire can be used to create flamethrowers if added to dispensers or as a fire bomb if added to a splash potion.

    submitted by /u/Corspin
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    Ph1lza Cape

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 02:58 PM PDT

    We all know Ph1lza, the one guy who recently died in his 5 year old Minecraft Hardcore world. I think that as a reflection on his dedication, Mojang should give him a cape with the hardcore mode heart icon.

    submitted by /u/xnightwolf4205
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    Zombies have a 1% chance to spawn riding a zombie horse.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 09:32 AM PDT

    Just a little suggestion that would add some use to a currently unused mob.

    submitted by /u/tazz4843
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    Campfires should deal fire damage

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 09:51 AM PDT

    For instance, if a pig dies on a campfire, it should drop cooked porkchops instead of raw pork

    submitted by /u/Telecanine
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    Record music discs

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 11:10 AM PDT

    You could be able to craft a blank music disc (or find one) and then set up note blocks like you see on YouTube, then play it while the blank music disc is in the jukebox. That music disc is no longer blank and when you play it, it plays whatever then you created with the noteblocks

    (This was not my idea, it was both originally my brothers [ u/Nomercy21yt ] and we both kinda made it)

    submitted by /u/xXedgykid69Xx
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    Deep nether concept

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 03:28 PM PDT

    Since many people think the nether needs to be updated I propose something different. Let's leave the nether how it is and make a new deep nether.

    Creating a portal of some sort in the nether should let you access the deep nether which is a scarier and more difficult place. Maybe that can be the residence of pigmen with their villages and fortresses.

    Most importantly 1 blocl in the deep nether will travel you 8 blocls in the nether allowing superfast overworld travel.

    submitted by /u/markoalex8
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    New golems.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2019 10:58 PM PDT

    • Woodland mansions arent very good for all the effort to raid them, so heres what i suggest. Inside woodland mansions, hostile dark oak golems will spawn.
    • They have 60 hp and are much faster than iron golems.
    • When killed, they have a 50% chance to drop a new item, enchanted paper. Enchanted paper is very useful as it can be used to create new golems.
    • Making a basic golem structure out of birch, acacia, oak, dark oak, spruce, or jungle planks, as well as stone, diorite, andesite, and granite, and right clicking with enchanted paper will allow you to create new golems.
    • All of these have the same stats as the hostile ones they just look different.
    • Right clicking them will assign them to the nearest bed, they wont wander more than 30 blocks from the bed
    • Shift-right clicking them make them stationary, they will chase and kill mobs that enter a 20 block radius of their post, and then return to it
    • Holding a golden flower (can be found in woodland mansions) will make them follow you.

    I think adding golems that are more customizable as well as being commandable by the player with new items would make woodland mansions more worth investing time into. Im open to suggestions as well so leave those in the comments!!

    EDIT 1: forgot to add that they do less damage as well as a limited number spawning per mansion so that they can't be easily farmed.

    submitted by /u/Handrax1251
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    How to implement the zombie horse

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 01:29 PM PDT

    So, since the skeleton horse has been added in survival, and the addition of the ravager, I have been thinking how Mojang can add the zombie horse in survival. I think that during a zombie siege, zombies could ride these around and try to attack the village. Imagine it like chicken jockeys, except with the rider being normal zombies. The horse could be hostile until the zombie rider is killed or something like that. Regardless, it should be tamable. If the zombie is still riding the horse by day, the horse could burn. If it's being ridden, it would not burn. Tell me what you think of the idea.

    submitted by /u/ReaperLeviathan14
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    Husk/Drowned Villagers

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 11:42 AM PDT

    If husks and drowned are variants of zombies, shouldn't there also be versions for zombie villagers? It would also be cool if wandering traders could be zombified also and have these variants

    Let me know your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/saladboyred
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    Creative Blocks

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 12:46 PM PDT

    Most features in game is often used to benefit survival players, but how about those whom priorities creative over survival? Sure they may get the potential to have new blocks, but their experience playing Minecraft isn't as well impacted by new updates, like villager AI, and hostile mobs mean very little, to those who just want to build.

    So I propose a new block, and item!

    The block should be called Block, and the item should be called Paint tool.

    What do these do?

    Block - an ordinary white bland block, but can be edited by using the paint tool.

    Paint tool - this would allow you to customise the block as when the block is clicked with the paint tool a grid should pop up, to make this simple, you would be given a slider of 3 colours, red, green, and blue, allowing you to make that block into a solid colour. There should be one other slider, transparency, this allows the player to change the transparency of the block.

    submitted by /u/King_Bl1ng
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    Make flowers spread like mushrooms.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2019 08:30 PM PDT

    Currently, the only practical way to obtain most flowers is to use bone meal on grass in certain biomes. It would be a good addition for convenience and for consistency to make flowers spread to other, qualified blocks as mushrooms do. Of course, the conditions for this to happen would be different from those for mushrooms.

    submitted by /u/PerfectDebate
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    Give Debug Sticks their own texture.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 02:23 PM PDT

    I'd make them look like a magician's magic wand. Like a black stick with and white tip.

    It's not exactly an important feature or in dire need of change but it would be nice.

    submitted by /u/AmISteve
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    Even More Advancements

    Posted: 30 Jul 2019 08:03 PM PDT

    I have come up with a few Advancements after seeing the post from u/GameProPie.

    Master of the Deep — Defeat an Ocean Monument

    Unearthed — Discover a Desert Temple

    Glitz and Glam — Wear a full set of Gold Armor

    Sweat and Steel — Repair an Item in the Anvil

    Let me know what you think!

    submitted by /u/that_dude_games
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    Add more uses to saddles!

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 06:20 AM PDT

    Saddles are way too common and only have two uses, riding horses and pigs.If you're like me, you only have a few horses and a chest full of saddles.My proposal for more uses isn't going to be useful, but rather fun or cosmetic uses like the pig.For example, putting it on dogs to make it look like they kind of have armour, you can put in your helmet slot so other players can ride on top of your head(you can create an infinite stack of players with enough saddles), you can put saddles on blocks to use them as chairs!

    submitted by /u/RandomizedMurloc
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    Lost pets and useful pack animals.

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 10:04 AM PDT

    Currently most pets are extremely annoying to use anywhere but within your base. They get lost easily, their teleport function is unreliable to non-existent and if they ever get stuck in an unloaded chunk good luck ever finding them again. And don't even get me started on pack animals/horses, which will never TP back to you for any reason ever. This makes using the animals the way they were (presumably) intended not really viable.

    I propose we offload the teleport function of the pet entities to the player, to prevent them from getting stuck. No longer would the pet entity be the bit responsible for checking if a TP was nessisary, instead it would be the player entity that would "pull" the pet, even "out" of an unloaded chunk (where I probably have dozens stuck right now, if anyone is counting).

    Each player would have a new data type that would list all their pets, and whether they were sitting or following. "sitting" pets would behave exactly as they do now, forever staying in their current location until acted on by the player. Any pet that is in "follow" mode would always be able to TP to the player, and would do so every minute or so if they are far enough away.

    But what about pets that do not TP ever, like horses? For them I propose a new function for the "lead" item. When you attach a lead to a "pet" (i.e. animal tamed by that player, not just a passive mob) the lead will act as normal within 10 blocks or so of the player, but will not drop if "broken". Instead it will flag the animal as in "follow mode" and allow them to TP back to the player (thus reestablishing the lead connection). This will also work for llamas that are in part of a caravan, so long as they have been tamed by the player.

    This means pack animals will not have to be meticulously babysat on long expeditions, nor will you have to constantly backtrack to find missing dogs, cats and dropped leads with their animals.

    Now each pet will need a unique ID in order to track all this, but I believe they have that already. Offloaded chunks should not save entities in "follow" mode, since it is now guaranteed that they will eventually wind up back with their player in a loaded chunk. If they are caught in a chunk as it is being offloaded they should just be added back to the "needs a TP" stack and left for the next check.

    An added benefit of this function is that pets in follow mode will now "log off" with their players (and yes, I do realize this makes pack animals in follow mode function as a sort of "poor man's ender chest", I am 100% OK with this feature).

    I think such a change will take pets and pack animals from being damn near useless to supremely useful. You would be able to gather up a decent sized entourage and head off cross-world with no fear of some random creature getting lost forever in a vast sea of unloaded chunks. You could load up pack animals with tons of gear and goods, confident that so long as they were not killed on the way (which would pop a notification to you) they would wind up at the destination with you, not lost in the wilderness with half your supplies, never to be seen again.

    This also does not eliminate all of the risk for pets and pack animals, as they are still under threat from aggressive mobs. All this does is prevent the world loading mechanism and pathfinding issues from being a (far bigger) threat to their use. With such a system we could even enhance the mob threat by increasing the TP range for pets in loaded chunks, since we will not have to balance that against the risk of getting lost in an unloaded one (though we may need some better audio cues to let us know we need to go rescue someone, but that can always be addresses as a balance issue).

    Please upvote this suggestion, I would love to be able to confidently use my herd of llamas!

    submitted by /u/lucusloc
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    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 05:52 AM PDT

    Phantoms shouldn't be seen by other players, and only by the user that doesn't sleep, making them seem more like hallucinations, as well as being dangerous, and a higher risk for not sleeping. Otherwise other players can assist killing them, or may become a slight disadvantage to those who had slept.

    They also shouldn't burn during daylight, and should be able to have the ability to fade through walls, meaning they are more of a risk when indoors, or mining. And will disappear in high light levels, like shadows.

    submitted by /u/King_Bl1ng
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    Enchantment idea - insulation

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 08:10 AM PDT

    This enchantment would be put on a helmet and chest plate and has two levels.

    The actual function of the enchantment is that it gives the player resistance to lightning damage like storms,channeling and even charged creepers.

    Level 1- 15% resistance

    Level 2- 25% resistance and 5% attack damage buff

    submitted by /u/id-write2
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    Another way to celebrate your victory in a village!

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 04:35 AM PDT

    If you finished a raid without losing any villager,villagers have a 60% chance to celebrate by shooting off fireworks and 40% chance to celebrate by jumping and playing the "trade accepted" sound.

    submitted by /u/adnandakbb
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