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    Minecraft Stray cats should sleep and sit on hay bales around the village like how tamed cats sleep and sit on your bed.

    Minecraft Stray cats should sleep and sit on hay bales around the village like how tamed cats sleep and sit on your bed.

    Stray cats should sleep and sit on hay bales around the village like how tamed cats sleep and sit on your bed.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 08:11 AM PDT

    Making an iron golem for a village should increase your popularity there.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 11:04 AM PDT

    When you make an iron golem for a village then this should increase your popularity in that village.

    submitted by /u/adnandakbb
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    Although we don’t have Villages for the rest of the biomes, we should get different Villager Skins for some different biomes.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 08:15 AM PDT

    This idea came about on my Realm when I started to build a custom Village in a Dark Oak Forest. When I started breeding Villagers, I thought "Hey, wouldn't it be cool for Woodland Villagers to look mythical and fantasy-esque?" And that's how this idea was born.

    Adding this would add a bit more creative freedom when it comes to Mapmaking and stuff, if you don't want to create a resource pack, along with adding some creativity when it comes to Villages as a whole.

    submitted by /u/Tomdaninja
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    A dark mode for inventory, load screens, and most importantly the opening screen

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 08:24 PM PDT

    I play on Xbox one and when I open up minecraft im greeted with a blinding white screen there should be a way to make that screen darker. Maybe we could also make a dark mode for the menu, and our inventory so we dont go blind when we play minecraft in a dark room.

    submitted by /u/mepof808
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    More informative maps with experience points upon completing

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 08:02 AM PDT

    I've been building a map room and I've done quite a big map so far with x2 zoom, however there's something off with it. I realized that the problem is that most biomes look alike in color: a swamp has the same color as any shore, a taiga biome has the same color as a normal forest or savanna.

    I feel that if each biome was colored in the map as it is in the minecraft world, the maps would first be more informative and second be more fun to look at and complete.

    Moreover, I believe maps should give experience points upon completion. Mining, combat, and breeding all give experience points, but exploring doesnt and I think it should at least just give a few experience points to feel accomplished when you complete a map. (more experience points for higher levels of zoomed in maps of course)

    What do you guys think? Any other suggestions regarding maps?

    submitted by /u/TeaBagHunter
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    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 01:16 PM PDT

    Illagers should have their own versions of villages that spawn in roofed forests and swamps. Those 2 biome are currently very lacking and this would add some incentive to explore them. The Illages themselves would comprise of similar buildings to villages, but instead of buildings for different professions they would be for preparing for raids. There could be a building for mapping out nearby villages and managing patrols, vindicators could have buildings where they have gathered logs (possibly including a new profession block that acts like a stonecutter but for wood and could be carried over to normal villages). Illusioners could be added in to the game, serving as sort of a mini boss for the illage. Perhaps you could find ravagers in pens along with baby ones that you could tame. The illagers should also have homes and some new type of bed they could sleep in at night. Imagine how fun it would be to try to sneak into an illage at night without waking them up, maybe placing tnt along the way! They would be slightly rarer than normal villages, but not nearly as rare as mansions.

    Please let me know your thoughts!

    submitted by /u/saladboyred
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    If crouching while commanding a tamed animal to sit, the pet will wander around that position.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 01:08 PM PDT

    Rather than forcing dogs/ cats/ birds to sit in one place indefinitely, it would feel more realistic if they were wandering around your house or hanging out somewhere.

    Additionally, Dogs should greet you when in this mode and you are just returning after being gone for a while.

    submitted by /u/Salguod14
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    Magma Block Furnace :D

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 01:33 PM PDT

    I think if an animal dies in a magma block the food should be cooked

    submitted by /u/Adfagasda
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    A grand tree?

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 02:55 PM PDT

    I know that jungle trees are pretty big but i've wanted something to be a lot more interesting as a landmark in game. This would be extremely rare and provide a new food: golden sweet berries. Instead of crafting the proposed item, you could also pick them off the tree itself. Golden sweet berries can be used as a brewing ingredient or can be eaten on it's own for swiftness and invisibility. If you cannot find a grand tree, you can craft it using 8 gold blocks surrounding a berry in the middle. You cannot plant more of these trees because the leaves are enough to last a lifetime. (Balance)

    submitted by /u/xiloar
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    Foxfur Boots

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 04:38 PM PDT

    So far the turtle shell helmet is the only armor item that doesn't belong to a set, and also the only armor item with unique abilities besides just providing defense. I personally wish there were more items like this in the game, so the first thing I'd like to suggest is the foxfur boots.

    Basically, killing a fox would give you 1 foxfur. Alternatively, shearing a trusting fox would give 1-3 foxfur (same idea as sheep) and the fox would visually get much shorter fur. After 5 minutes the fox's fur would grow back, or you can speed the process up by feeding the fox.

    4 foxfur in the "boots" pattern would give you foxfur boots, which have the same defense as leather and grant full immunity to the effects of sweet berry bushes, as well as halving the effect of any slowness applied to you (including soul sand, but excluding slowness from liquids).

    submitted by /u/conure512
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    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 03:21 AM PDT

    Mostly living in Swamp Biome, piranhas will be a new threat to player, who at the current state of the game, can just casually walk through swamp.

    They small, I suggest them having 5 hp (2,5❤️), and damage around 2 hp (1❤️) per bite. The real problem is that this mobs will live in social groups of 10-15 individuals, and when attracted, hole group will attack you.

    Drop would be new type of food "Raw Piranha". Acts like a normal fish 🐟

    Also I guess that would be a cool mechanic, so piranhas radius where they start attacking you is small (5-7 blocks) but when you have a meat in your inventory, they will notice you at a range of 15-25 blocks

    submitted by /u/YaOliverQ
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    An update to the sky of Minecraft

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 01:44 AM PDT

    The sky is something that is often never brought up in the conversations of new updates and additions, but I think it would be a great way to add more to the game.

    MY IDEA : There would exist floating islands, decently sized enough for exploring. The biome's of these islands would be wacky like the mushroom biomes, maybe including versions of the mobs we already have but altered. Loot on these islands could be dependent on the biome of the island.

    Accessing these places would be similar to finding the End portal, they would be in set places and could only be found using an item similar to ender pearls ( haven't come up with a unique item ). Reaching these islands would ONLY be possible with the elytra, as it would create further use for the elytra and would add more endgame.

    ( I realize this won't happen as Minecraft has things already in the game that need tweaking. I hop you all have fun with this idea and have some constructive criticism, I could not think of a general reason for these islands )

    submitted by /u/Talers-Username
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    Just like other biomes, the Mushroom Biome should have it's own styled villages and villagers.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 01:46 PM PDT

    I mean, i think it would be cool.

    submitted by /u/Evidaent
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    Rail transportation: one of the most forgotten features (it is not about making trains)

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 12:46 PM PDT

    Rail transportation hasn't received an update lately (many years), so I suggest two new types of rails:

    -Wooden rail: a rail crafted only with wood that will have the speed of a normal rail, so the current iron rail will have twice his regular speed. Note that in survival it would be easy to start building a railway.

    -Rail of steel: a rail crafted with stonebrick sleeper (instead of a stick) and steel ingots (crafted with iron and coal). These rails will have three times the wooden speed rail.

    Each type of rails will include its power, detector and activator variants.

    submitted by /u/razor1523
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    New Ender Dragon Attack

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 02:38 PM PDT

    I think we all know the Ender Dragon is pretty easy. If you have slow fall potions and good gear it is a pushover. So, I think the Ender Dragon should get more attacks, health, defense, to make it feel more of the Final Boss. One attack I thought of was when the dragon comes down to breathe purple dust on you, it also will sometimes make a special roar, that will cause all nearby (10 blocks from all sides) Enderman to get angry and attack you. This could also make the Dragon a bit more difficult.

    submitted by /u/Cutman002
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    A Side-Game idea

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 05:02 PM PDT

    I've gotten really into redstone and I think it would be Kool if Mojang made a 2.5-D spin off game where all you do is make redstone circuits.

    There would be a main game where you go through around 100 courses, these courses wouldn't be linear and they would open/be completable when you get items through other levels.

    Back tracking would be Kool for achievements because the level could have a creative mode allowing you to complete it using anything you want.

    Then there could also be mini games and a purely creative mode. Mini games could be gimics from courses like moving a target with slime blocks or defending a goal from enemies or building a path, etc; the mini game part is just an extension of how long you have to deal with the gimics.


    This could be a really easy way to add new redstone components to the game.

    It should be on switch for 10-20$ and free on your phone, but on your phone stuff would be missing/pay-walled like the mini games and creative mode along with other things.

    submitted by /u/EpicSonicoo
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    Minecraft had lots of updates and has over 60 mobs in their game, but ducks still aren't a thing. This needs to change!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 04:47 PM PDT

    Over the years Mojang have been adding over 60 mobs into Minecraft, but they forgot one really important, amazing, beautiful mob: a duck! And that's why this post exists. Why aren't ducks added into Minecraft yet? They can fly, walk, swim and they're really epic!

    submitted by /u/Luca_Lastname
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    Here's how mojang should implement the smithing table (with screenshots)

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 11:10 AM PDT

    (Here's an amino post I made with screenshots for this occasion, haven't done any balancing and I know the example used in it is too OP but its just an example http://aminoapps.com/p/36f4t4)

    ^ ^ PLEASE READ LATER ^ ^ ^

    So, I think the smithing table should be used as a way to make more armour and weapon variants for the new combat, the interface should be like a 3x2 crafting grid (or 3x3 idc) and it should use a heat source, the only item we use for heating crafting recipes in the game is blaze powder, so lets use that. So, Imagine placing a golden helmet in the middle slot on the bottom row and three ingots on the top row to craft a crown, with less defense but with a Thorns attribute without it being enchanted.

    Or a heavier armour that slightly reduces movement speed but increases knockback resistance and protection...

    For the example above, I used nuggets but that isn't enough for such a good buff xD maybe golden armour can have good tradeoffs but still have very bad durability.

    submitted by /u/Liguareal
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    New Acceleration Enchantment

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 10:33 AM PDT

    The Acceleration enchantment would be a treasure enchantment for boots that isnt compatible with Protection, Fire Protection, Blast Protection or Projectile Protection. While wearing boots with Acceleration, you wont be slowed down by eating, blocking, sneaking etc. The only things that still slow you down are the slowness status effect, cobwebs, water and ice.

    submitted by /u/MVPatrascu
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    Food Stuffs Rebalance - Superiority of Meat Production

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 10:21 AM PDT


    My desire for a food system rebalance stems from the metric of nourishment, defined on the Minecraft Wiki, and the enjoyment that can be gained by incentivizing players to create sophisticated farms for plants.

    Nourishment is defined as the ratio of saturation to hunger points restored. Foods with higher nourishment values should be eaten when the hunger bar is more full. Food Article

    Here I have recreated the chart from the wiki, only including food that is reasonably renewable (no Enchanted Golden apple), does not include negative effects such as poison or hunger status, and are cooked if there is a cooked version.

    Nourishment Value Food
    Transcendental 2.4 Golden Carrot, Golden Apple
    Good 1.6 Cooked Porkchop, Steak, Cooked Mutton, Cooked Salmon
    Normal 1.2 Cooked Chicken, Cooked Rabbit, Rabbit Stew, Mushroom Stew, Bread, Cooked Cod, Baked Potato, Beetroot Stew, Suspicious Stew, Carrot, Beetroot
    Low 0.6 Dried Kelp, Apple, Melon Slice, Potato, Pumpkin Pie
    Poor 0.2 Cookie, Cake, Tropical Fish, Sweet Berries


    The biggest offenses that should be reworked are non-stackable soups, pumpkin pie as low nourishment, the relative uselessness of sweet berries and melon slices, and the centralizing nature of meat and it's production.

    • Soups should be stackable in limited (<64) quantities, perhaps 16 or 32. I understand mushroom soup is problematic due to the ability to abuse the mooshrooms for infinite soup however the mooshroom mechanic should be reworked rather than punishing all soups.
    • Pumpkin pie should be a high nourishment food due to the rarity of pumpkins, the fact that farming all three ingredients represents huge amounts of fun, and that the process of creating pumpkin pie yields no exp unlike meat production.
    • Although sweet berries can be used for defense, in theory, and melons are used for trading and glistening melons, a simple Breath of the Wild style fruit pie would give these fruits and all others more uses. That being a recipe for fruit pie that needs 3 fruits of any type, sugar and wheat.
    • From a game design perspective meat production has the advantage in nearly all categories. Meat production grants food high in hunger and saturation restoring, experience from killing and cooking and additional animal drops while only requiring one farm (killing the animal itself).

    Ultimately I am not recommending a meat nerf; instead a rebalance to make poor nourishing food have more uses, a pumpkin pie buff, stackable soups and rework of mooshroom soup mechanic. Questions, comments, concerns?

    TL;DR stack soups, buff pumpkin pie, breath of the wild style fruit pie, rework mooshrooms soup spam

    submitted by /u/saltypunchstraws
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    Biome: The Wasteland

    Posted: 28 Jul 2019 11:54 PM PDT

    The wasteland works as, well, a wasteland. It would be made of mostly a new kind of dirt block, dry dirt, which can't suppourt any life at all, nor can be farmed. No passive mobs will spawn here, neither would hostile. They could go there, however. It would be mostly dry of ores (meaning that there is very few ores), and all Stone is automatically cobble. Dead Bush could rarely appear there.

    There would be a new structure there, called: The Ruins. The ruins would be a randomly generated village, that is mostly destroyed, and empty of most life (I'll talk about that later). It would contain some chests, most of them empty. However, there would be a chest somewhere underneath the ground that would contain random loot, namley emeralds. However, diamonds and gold may also appear.

    There would be one new mob, The Spirit. It would be a neutral mob. It would appear as a villager (with a random job) And will only appear in ruins. It would have the same health as a villager It would be semi transparent with a light blue color scheme They will completely ignore the player, and will move around the ruins, seemingly doings jobs and interacting with things and blocks that don't exist. However, they all become hostile if :

    -One of them is attacked (nulled if the spirit is killed instantly)

    -One of their Routines is interrupted

    -You desecrate the ruins

    -You open the hidden chest

    When they are hostile, there eyes glow red, they lose the transparency, and turn a darker shade of blue. They do a heart of damage per hit (affected by armor) They move at the players sprinting speed, and don't stop until they are all dead, or the player is. When killed, they drop 0-3 ectoplasm.

    Ectoplasm is a new item. It appears as a ball of slime, just dripping slightly, it has the same light blue transparent look as the spirit. It can be mixed with akward potions to make Potions of the Spirit. This potion would give the player the same appearence as the spirit (armor and items are unnafected). Spirits would remain passive no matter what while this potion is in affect. However, if it runs out infront or around a spirit, or you drink one infront of or around or around a spirit, they become hostile.

    submitted by /u/Totally_Not_A_Soviet
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    Replacing source player with two asterisks (**) would allow /scoreboard players operation to use a specified integer instead of a target objective's score in the operation

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 09:51 AM PDT

    Would save players the trouble of having to create dummy players, objectives, and scores in order to perform set operations on existing scores. Would allow the replacement of <source> with two asterisks (**) and <sourceObjective> with a valid integer to perform a set operation on the target's specified score in the command below:

    /scoreboard players operation <target> <targetObjective> <operation> <source> <sourceObjective> 


    /scoreboard players operation @a[score={PointMultiplier=3}] PointsEarned *= ** 3 

    Would additionally allow for the removal of /scoreboard players add, /scoreboard players remove, and /scoreboard players set, as this command would now be capable of those functions, in addition to the other operations that don't have an equivalent accepting static integers.

    ***As a note, the reason I made it two asterisks and not one is because a single asterisk already has a meaning within this command (it's a wildcard), and giving the same notation an overlapping meaning in the same command can get really problematic.

    submitted by /u/YamiHikariMinecraft
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    If you shoot monsters from afar, they should try to path-find to where the arrows came from.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 09:20 AM PDT

    Mobs are currently too easy to kill with a bow. If you're just a tiny bit out of their sight (16 blocks for most mobs), they don't react at all, and just stand still.

    Monsters should instead try to find out where the arrows came from, and path-find there.

    Vote this on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Ravine villages

    Posted: 29 Jul 2019 05:02 PM PDT

    Ravine villages would have the same change of spawning as any other village however due to the player having to manually dig all the way down to the village ( because the village would be low down in the ravine) ,the loot in this village would be significantly better than normal. Also cats would not spawn in these villages.

    submitted by /u/id-write2
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