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    Minecraft 1.8 Combat Video/Tweet Response

    Minecraft 1.8 Combat Video/Tweet Response

    1.8 Combat Video/Tweet Response

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 07:45 PM PDT

    Before I get started here, I want to remind you all of one simple thing:

    This subreddit is NOT affiliated in any way, shape, or form with Mojang. What we say here is either fan speculation, fan-made ideas, or words taken from Mojang and given context. We are NOT Mojang, and this is NOT an official Mojang-operated subreddit.

    Now then, with that out of my system, let me tell you all what happened.

    Earlier, a MC PvP YouTuber named Tenebrous posted a tweet saying that "Mojang is now rejecting any and all 1.8 combat-related discussion and even a possible gamerule".

    This could not be further from the truth. Mojang isn't the ones "rejecting the 1.8 combat discussion", WE are. MCS alone. Mojang may have rejected adding the gamerule and reverting back to 1.8 combat, but they aren't outright rejecting discussion of 1.8 combat and are NOT removing comments based upon it. WE ARE.

    The reason for this is because they have been done to death and every time it is brought up it becomes simply too aggravating and too mind-numbingly toxic after a while that it devolves into pointless bickering and endless arguments. This is already a case of misinfortmation and fearmongering.

    Now, Tenebrous posted a video, saying that, and I quote, "Mojang posted this on their suggestions thread on the minecraft subreddit" while showing a picture of what was said in the June TMS report, specifically this portion here was shown:

    However, please note, Mojang will NOT be re-implementing 1.8's combat mechanics, nor will they add a gamerule for it. Both of those options have been thoroughly and COMPLETELY rejected, so don't even post them. Anyone who does post ideas with either those things in them will have their comments removed.

    Not only did Tenebrous not do his research, not only did he drag MCS's name through the dirt on a crusade to get at Mojang, but he also took things completely out of context and outright lied to his audience. This post was NOT on the official Minecraft subreddit, nor was it ever posted by Mojang, nor was it ever part of their combat-related thread. Now, because of this video and his aformentioned tweet, people are spamming not only this subreddit with tons of comments begging for a combat gamerule, but are also spamming Mojang employees with threats and toxic tweets, such as HelenAngel and Jeb.

    THIS BEHAVIOR WILL NOT BE TOLERATED, and I will ask any one of you who have come here from Tenebrous's video to please get your facts straight, do your own research, and not listen to what this man has said. Everything he has said was taken out of context, and he has used those out-of-context statements to sling dirt at Mojang. Yes, Mojang rejected adding 1.8 combat back. Yes, they've rejected the gamerule. Well, here's some news:

    It's old news.

    They rejected it years ago. They already said plenty of times that they aren't going to bring it back. Even AntVenom has been trying to tell people that Mojang has said this multiple times over the course of the last five or so years, yet nobody is listening.

    If I seem very furious when posting this, it's because Tenebrous literally posted my own name in his video, and then informed every one of his fans that I'm basically affiliated with Mojang (saying that "they" - Mojang - posted the June TMS report when it was actually me) and therefore am basically Mojang's mouthpiece in these matters.

    I am not, and I do not appreciate having my name being used against Mojang in any way, and Tenebrous should be ashamed of himself for this behavior. He put me on the spotlight and paraded my name around, and now I am in my rights to fight back against this sorry excuse of a video.

    So, in closing, if Tenebrous is reading this post, please remove that video, and actually do some research next time before you drag this subreddit through the dirt on some crusade to bring back 1.8 combat mechanics. You want 1.8 combat back, fine, but leave my name out of it, and leave MCS's name out of it. We're a FAN-RUN subreddit, and are in no way affiliated with Mojang. We just repeat what Mojang has said elsewhere, and one such thing that they said (not directly to us, but to others) was that they were not bringing back 1.8 combat and a gamerule wouldn't work because it'd change too much about the game when a gamerule is designed only for tiny portions of the game.

    I guess we MCS Staff should've expected this response from some people like this, but we will not stand by and let a YouTuber spread misinformation, fearmongering, and out-of-context statements under the guise of saying that it was "all said by Mojang".

    Mojang is open to ALL types of combat discussion (1.8, 1.9+, 1.15, etc.) on their REAL combat thread here. They will not remove anything unless it is inappropriate or harmful, and they certainly won't remove any 1.8-related comments or posts. We at MCS will, however, as posting these things over and over and over again only seeks to aggravate the issue rather than solve it.

    I am now done, and I hope you all are too. The June TMS report is now locked to avoid more spamming of these comments. If you feel the need to downvote this post, go right ahead, we will not stop any of you from doing so, but bear in mind, MCS will not change it's stance here. Once again, we are not in any way affiliated with Mojang or the Minecraft subreddit of r/Minecraft. We are a completely separate group with separate moderating teams with separate rules and regulations.

    EDIT: My apologies, I've been informed that r/Minecraft is not affiliated with Mojang either, I thought they were. I corrected that mistake just now.

    submitted by /u/GreasyTroll4
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    Undead mobs can't uses totems of Undying. Because they are dead.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 02:25 AM PDT

    It always confused me when undead mobs pick up totems, and survive my attack. Since most undead mobs can't be not dead, it shouldn't work.

    One type of undead mob, that can be non-undead, is the Zombie Villager. So if they are holding a totem, you must kill them, then they'll turn into normal villagers.

    submitted by /u/King_Bl1ng
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    /time set dusk

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 11:40 AM PDT

    I would love to be able to set the time to dusk and dawn as easily as you can set it to day, noon, night, or midnight.

    submitted by /u/Kaatmandu
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    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 09:30 AM PDT

    Zebras are a horse variant that spawns in savannas. The only way they are different is their skin and if you hit one they will all run away. I feel like they would make a great addition to the savanna. They could even eat tall grass.

    submitted by /u/fishycoper
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    Preist heal other villagers

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 10:26 AM PDT

    It makes sense that they could use some sort of magic to heal other villagers.

    submitted by /u/fishycoper
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    MORE LIFE TO THE NETHER - new mobs

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 09:24 AM PDT

    Seeing that the developers are going to add termites, I came up with the idea of an insect for the nether, after that I came up with many ideas. and here I publish them :D

    I did not think of a drop for these enemies.

    here my enemies ideas for the nether, to create an aggressive environment:


    1. Lava Leech
    • These insect absorb lava and feed on it, but they can use it to defend themselves , can appear in different sizes (small, medium and large), the size is by how much lava absorbed.
    • They would only have two attacks, they would throw flames at you until they ran out of lava, when they remove all the lava from inside, they would shrink, and they would have to absorb lava again.
    • And the second attack : They will be able to climb walls and ceilings, and when you walk under one of those insects, they will fall on your head and hurt you with the spikes they have.
    • Its resistance depends on its size.


    1. Flaming butterfly
    • is hostile against the player
    • this insect carries an aura of fire that will harm the player.


    1. Headage
    • This head can possess any mob (except the bosses) and make it powerful and hostile against anything alive.
    • The player will have to kill the possessed mob to get the spirit out of it and then kill it.


    1. Visioner
    • A floating eye that hates anything alive, and causes damage by seeing it directly from a certain distance.
    • When you see the eye, the eye will give effects to the player's sight and produce a terrifying sound, until you stop seeing it.


    1. Illusion
    • a ghost that can turn into blocks and mobs, And when he sees the player near him, he will return to his normal state and attack him.


    1. Fire Elemental
    • This fire elemental has too much energy to bring you down, it can grab a nearby mob, light it in flames and throw it at you, and the mob will explode.
    • It is very resistant to blows and arrows, it is immune to knockback , if the player approaches the elemental, he will give a loud applause and push the player away from it.
    • The fury of the elemental allows him to grab blocks and throw them to the player, he can also throw fireballs.
    • and if the player approaches the elemental, he can also raise his hand and hit the ground, turning blocks close to the elemental into magma blocks (and then they disappear).
    • he can also stretch his arms and start rotating and charging against the player, he can only charge once, then he will have to wait to do it again.


    1. Dragonfire
    • an insect that when it sees the player, it starts to burn and it will throw itself against him and explode


    1. World eater
    • these insects can enter in blocks to "consume their Energy" and if a player passes over the block, the block will be destroyed(because the block is in a very weak state) and these insects will come out of it to attack the player.


    1. Rotten

    (like this)

    • this monster with his baton is able to revive the dead and cast poisonous spells.


    1. Time monster
    • These monsters with a clock face are layers of sending you back in time
    • This monster can't fly.
    • when it detects a player, it fires a beam that will damage him, but if the player stays too long in the beam, this beam will teleport him 2 minutes back in time (for example: 2 minutes ago, he was in a fortress, then it will teleport him to the fortress) (but he will not lose his equipment) (only change location).


    and these are my ideas for making the nether a hostile and dangerous place for the player. :D

    submitted by /u/FREISHAN2346
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    What if we had villages underground?

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 01:49 PM PDT

    Like a village of goblins generated in a ravine or just a simple village of pillagers in a huge cave.

    Maps to such places are obtainable by travelling trader or finding them on your own.

    In this underground pillager-village you could trade (any stuff?) for ores and have a slight chance of trade going wrong (like 2%) and getting attacked by a group or even whole village of this new specie.

    Sorry for structuring I am on my phone.

    submitted by /u/RaskolnikowsAxe
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    Add ruined villages

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 12:06 PM PDT

    After the village and pillage update we had to say goodbye to the old village design, but I think we should bring the old villages back, but run down and abandoned. They should spawn in mostly forests so it looks like they were overgrown

    submitted by /u/CrispyAttack
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    NitWit Illagers. It's not their fault they're stupid.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 04:49 AM PDT

    These illagers spawn like the rest, but wear green robes, and uses the weapons wrong.

    If a Vindicator Becomes a NitWit, they'll attack with a shovel.

    If there is a Pillager NitWit, they would use bows, instead of crossbows, and would miss most shots.

    Evokers would do magic poorly.

    NitWits shouldn't just be for villagers, and should be for all villager like mobs.

    submitted by /u/King_Bl1ng
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    Skeletons and stray have a 0.5% chance to spawn without holding any bow

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 08:52 AM PDT

    Skeletons and strays can do melee attack but they should at least be able to spawn with no weapon,so this is why they have a 0.5% chance to spawn without wearing any weapon on normal difficulty

    submitted by /u/adnandakbb
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    Benefits to expanding the Village population!

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    Prices Gradually Lower as the Population Increases

    More people to make the things so prices slowly start to lower the more Villagers there are in a village. Of course the Villagers are also getting more customers as there's more Villagers to be customers meaning they get money easier convincing them to lower prices.

    Easy Navigation

    In Villages with 2 Cartographers and 10 Villagers, Villagers are willing to walk further to work and umemployed Villagers are willing walk further to unclaimed work stations and will notice them without coming near them.


    In Villages with 2 weaponsmiths and at least 20 Villagers, Villagers can use shields in Raids, Zombie Seiges and at night.

    Weaponsmiths can use shields any time of the day and even when other Villagers do not own shields.

    Speed Potions

    Once a Village hits 2 Clerics and 20 Villagers, they are given potions of speed I they can drink at night, Zombie Seiges and Raids.

    Clerics can use Speed Potions any time of the day and even when other Villagers do not own shields.

    I'll edit the post with suggestions from the comments.

    submitted by /u/AmISteve
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    Extremly rare: Smiling Creeper.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 06:27 AM PDT

    I still don't understand after 10 years why creepers are sad, why are they not smiling, but i had an idea.

    Extremely rare mob: Smiling creeper.

    Also this mob wouldn't be hostile he would just hang around and jump.

    This would be very good.

    submitted by /u/Tekstar_XD
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    Better chests

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 10:22 AM PDT

    If you disagree with me about the look of chests I respect that

    I personally think that chests look bad. They don't blend with other wood blocks due to the yellow colour and there isn't much variation for different wood types. I would like if chests were changed to look more attractive and if you could make different types, such as a dark oak chest

    submitted by /u/crabbyink
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    When lava meets sand, it should have a 20% chance of making glass in place of the sand block

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 02:54 AM PDT

    The chance is a little higher for Bedrock, but this would add more realism to the game. Its clear glass, not coloured glass.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    New way to heal zombie villagers

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 08:58 AM PDT

    If a zombie picked up a totem of undying it would use it and turn the zombie villager back into a regular villager

    submitted by /u/Destiny05360
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    More obsidian items

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 05:28 AM PDT

    I think we should have obsidian stairs and half slabs and walls as I personally like the color of obsidian and think it contrasts really well with some of the lighter blocks

    submitted by /u/SummitSlider
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    Pillager Village

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 04:10 PM PDT

    I feel like the Pillagers should have more of a community as they are in away 'villagers' so here are some ideas:

    1. Pillager camps, these would have a chance of spawning in between outposts they would have 2-5 tents and occasionally a ravager cage. There is a 50% chance they will have pillagers in them and if not except to find some nearby loot wise you could get arrows, pillager banner, crossbows and maybe some emeralds these would be kept in barrels

    2. Pillager village, these would be very much like normal villages just very worn down and of course full of pillagers. The whole village would be fortified, iron bars would replace windows, torches instead of lamps a shabby wall for defence and smaller versions of the outpost surrounding it. There could also be a massive cage full of normal villages meaning if you get in with the raid effect they simply start slaughtering them. Loot could be normal village loot but bows, arrows, emeralds, maybe a totem of undying as this would be hard to conquer, a new mob would also spawn called the rusted golem this is a iron golem rusted slower and weaker spawning by a player when there about 100 blocks from the village as a warning but they would follow you in and fight. These would be very rare.

    3. Ravager nursery/pit (inspired by grain), the ravager nursery is the rarest out of all of these but can be found and any pillager structure they will contain a big pit in the centre with 1 - 2 buildings by it there would be a set of stairs that goes to the pit and a simple red stone system to open the cage nothing much as of loot there could be hay, rotting flesh, saddle and coal in the chests. But there is a chance that a baby ravager can spawn these will be passive and can be tamed with rotting flesh only as a baby however they will never be tame towards villagers so beware.

    Thanks for reading all that please say if I spelt anything wrong or if you have criticism pleas tell me

    submitted by /u/gtrdannyg
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    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 04:56 AM PDT

    Pebble: An item, crafted from cobblestone, or fished up. Left-click with the pebble in your hand to throw it, like a snowball, or an egg. when throwing it at water, it skips upon the surface, and depending on how deep the water is, it could skip for a considerable amount of time. the stone then disappears in the water. When thrown at a player, it will hit them for 2.5 hearts, and then drop, for the hit player to pick up. It also has a chance to give a player nausea for 5 seconds. if you throw a pebble at a wolf or cat, you will get the achievement "bad person". You can also combine a pebble with a snowball to make a snow rock. a snow rock hits a player or mob for 3.5 hearts.

    submitted by /u/peperayyy
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    More Specific Biome Variants

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 03:28 PM PDT

    As Minecraft implements more mobs, an issue arises of picking which geographical locations each biome will be based on.

    For example, you can't introduce penguins in the same biome as polar bears, because they exist on completely opposite sides of the planet. This problem has already begun taking place with ocelots sharing the same biome as pandas and bamboo, despite being from different continents.

    Although the issue currently seems insignificant, it will become more prevalent as more mobs and plants are added. It is also important that Minecraft does not spread misinformation to impressionable children, especially in important subjects like geography.

    To solve this there should be biome variants for each continent:

    Forest: Oriental (East Asian)
    Snowy Biome: Arctic & Antarctic
    Savanna: Dry (African), Barren (North American) & Tropical (Australian)
    Jungle: Amazonian (South American) & Oriental (East Asian)
    Desert: Saharan (African), Arabian (Asian), Patagonian (South American) & Victorian (Australian)


    · Pandas in Oriental jungles.
    · Ocelots in Amazonian jungles.
    · Polar bears in Arctic snowy biomes.
    · Meerkats in Saharan deserts.
    · Ostrich in dry (African) savannas.


    · Bamboo in Oriental jungles.
    · Cherry trees in Oriental forests.
    · Barren savannas have less trees and more shrubs.


    · Pyramids in Saharan deserts.
    · Aztec temples in Amazonian jungles.

    Why: More realistic habitats. Educating players on geography. Incentivises exploration, as there will be more different locations to find.

    submitted by /u/Hakno
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    Illager patrols should un-freeze when the player looks at them

    Posted: 31 Jul 2019 07:58 PM PDT

    Illager patrols freeze when they see a target so it looks like they're spying on them, which makes sense for both immersion and game balance. The problem is, they don't move until the target gets close, and it feels weird to have the enemies stare at you mindlessly while you build, like neither of you can see each other. I believe that, when the player looks toward them, they should be like, "Oh shoot we've been spotted!" and attack.

    Also vote on the official feedback site post, so Mojang can use the idea!

    submitted by /u/HowToChangeMyNamePlz
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    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 07:49 AM PDT

    Giraffes spawn in savanna biomes and are about as tall as a acacia trees and will eat acacia leaves of a tree from time to time. Giraffes are peaceful and don't attack you. Giraffes will eat carrots and leaves out of your hand. I don't know what they would drop.

    submitted by /u/fishycoper
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    Pressing F3+R will start recording the game

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 04:40 AM PDT

    With this way you'll no longer need any dumb recording programs.

    submitted by /u/adnandakbb
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    STRAW GOLEM - Guardian of Crops & Villages.

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 07:42 AM PDT

    The concept of Straw Golem is base on Straw man, Scarecrows and Straw Target Shooting Dummy.

    1. Straw Golem.

    • Straw Golem is an Utility mobs, looks a bit like Skeleton and Armor Stand, made of dried bamboo, with small straw chestplate-like upper body.

    • Straw Golem looks like wearing a ragged straw cape on the back, wider but shorter than Player's cape.

    • He has a pretty small head, made of straw, wearing a straw hat.

    • Straw Golem doesn't have a face, so he wears a Pumpkin mask, look like Slime face, to cover it. Please don't shear his mask.

    • Straw Golem has 30 heatlh points (15 × ❤), immune to projectile damage of ranged weapons, expect Firework Rockets. He still gets status effect of Tipped Arrow and takes fire damage of Flaming Arrow and Fire Charge.

    • If submerged underwater before , Straw Golem will immue to fire damage for one day.

    • Normally, when nothing happens, Straw Golem will come near the farm and stay there, protect farmlands within 10 blocks radius from being destroyed by players and mobs.

    • At night, on rainy and cloudy days, or in the raids, Straw Golem will run around the village and attack the Hostile mobs within 40 blocks radius.

    • Straw Golem is a marksman, right hand holding an Arrow, left hand holding a Tipped Arrow with Negative status effect.

    • Straw Golem doesn't use Bow or Crossbow. He throws the arrows at the enemies.

    • Straw Golem's attack range is as long as Bow's attack range, but only takes 0.5s to reload.

    • If the enimes come within 3 blocks, Straw Golem will hit them with his Tipped Arrow, give them the Negative effect for 20s, then run away.

    • Attack strength: Ranged: 6 - 8 | Melee: 2 - 4

    • For each Hay Bale, Wheat crop and Farmer within 3 blocks radius, Straw Golem will recover 1 health points per second.

    • Straw Golem is also very fast, faster than the best Horse, about 15 blocks/second. That helps him move around and protect the village easily.

    • You can create a Straw Golem with Hay Bale, Fletching Table and Carved Pumpkin or Jack o'Lantern.

    Straw Golem build configuration:

    Carved Pumpkin
    Fletching Table
    Hay Bale

    2. Poppy Heart Straw Golem.

    • If there is an Iron Golem offering a Poppy nearby, Straw Golem will take the flower and put it on the chest like a heart.

    • Straw Golem with a Poppy heart is a Power-up Straw Golem.

    • Heath points: 50 (25 × ❤)

    • Attack strength: Ranged: 9 - 11 | Melee: 4 - 6

    • Straw Golem now has 2% chance to throw Tipped Arrow.

    • The enemy hit by Straw Golem's Tipped Arrow will take Negative status effect for 45s.

    That's all. Thanks for reading.

    submitted by /u/HTVi
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    Dreadwood forest

    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 09:43 AM PDT

    This is a biome that spawns in the neather it is full of Dreadwood trees,wither roses, and devil aniamals like devil cows,devil chickens,and devil pigs they are like normal aniamals but have red eyes and will attack you apond death they would drop cooked beef, cooked chicken and cooked porkchops. Dreadwood can be crafted into dreadwood planks witch are great for decoration and crafting. Dreadwood planks are red and and don't burn as fast as normal wooden plank it burns for three times the time it takes for a normal wood to burn.

    submitted by /u/fishycoper
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