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    Minecraft Add a metal "CLANG" sound effect for when 2 players attack each other at the same time with a sword

    Minecraft Add a metal "CLANG" sound effect for when 2 players attack each other at the same time with a sword

    Add a metal "CLANG" sound effect for when 2 players attack each other at the same time with a sword

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 11:27 AM PDT

    It wouldn't affect gameplay, thought it would be a cool idea because of sword fighting in real life

    submitted by /u/Talon_ClintThrust
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    Magma Block as Furnace Fuel

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 05:00 AM PDT

    I think using magma block as fuel would be a good additional use to them. I think they could smelt anywhere between 10-20 blocks each.

    submitted by /u/ChigBungusXD
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    If an animal is killed, all nearby animals should be run away.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 04:22 AM PDT

    I was making beef the other day, and then I questioned to myself, 'Why isn't the other cows running away? I just killed one of them.' So I think it would be cool if animals would get scared when you kill one.

    submitted by /u/King_Bl1ng
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    Players should fade out when walking through portals

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 06:26 AM PDT

    When a player is in a portal, they should gradually fade out until they disappear. If they step out while fading out, they will fade back in. This should also work with mobs.

    submitted by /u/greenapples7726
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    Fire with Fire

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 01:33 PM PDT

    I think a good achievement to be added would be where you obtain a creeper head by killing a creeper with a charged creeper and it should be called 'Fighting Fire With Fire' I would love to have this, especially it being harder than getting a zombie or skeleton head since you need 2 creepers to spawn near each other and the correct one to explode, please add this.

    submitted by /u/BossmanGotBeans
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    The Pillager Sniper

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 05:54 AM PDT

    The Pillager Sniper is a new Pillager variant mob. They have the same uniform, but in blue color, and have a shield on their back, and wear a medieval Conical-style helmet.

    (click here to see the pictures)

    Pillager Snipers are different in behavior to normal Pillagers. Instead of rushing in and trying to overpower the player from close range, the Snipers prefer to stay back, and shoot from afar.

    They can only be damaged while they are loading their arrow, or shooting. When the player is not in their sights, they take out their shield, and very slowly move closer, while blocking any attempts at ranged attacks.

    When killed, they have a chance to drop their unique helmet (Sniper's Helmet). The helmet has the same armor rating as iron, but you will deal ~15% extra-damage when using a bow or a crossbow.

    Click here to vote this on feedback.minecraft.net

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    No friendly fire

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 01:24 PM PDT

    The sweeping edge effect of the sword shouldn't hit tamed animals cause if you want to fight side by side with your dog you sometimes accidentally hit him through it

    submitted by /u/Tobertus
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    A sky update

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 03:51 AM PDT

    Because elytras and fireworks go together so well, I feel like this would be a great edition. Maybe there could be a sky dungeon simaler to the sea monument, desert temple, and forest temple. Another thing they could do is make the sky way more lively like they did with the sea in 1.13. They could also make the sky like an entirely different biome with stuff like clouds being actual physical sky islands instead of the clouds we have in Minecraft rn. They could include chests with loot in some of them as well, or have a brand new ore interdused hidden inside of some of these islands. Another thing that should be included are more flying enemies in the sky that only attack you if you're far in the air that would most likely knock you down to deter players without an elytra instead of having an actual physical barrier, and have good loot up there for the players who are skilled enough to get the elytra or players who are skilled enough to fight back when climbing up. Those are my main ideas. I could go further in depth but this is already too long.

    submitted by /u/SexyPencil69
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    Nether Adventure Update (please)

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 05:09 AM PDT

    I would like to see a Nether Adventure update. I was playing Realms recently and the terrain got really boring and looked monotonous after travelling thousands of blocks. The Nether Fortresses are okay but there needs to be something in between them just like how we have sunken ships in the overworld. There's no motivation for me to go to the Nether besides the Wither Skeletons for skulls. I know a new Blaze-type mob is intended to be introduced, maybe they deserve their own structure instead of being as rare to find as a fortress. At the moment, the Nether just needs more.

    submitted by /u/naeeeem
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    Right-click on Path Blocks/Farmland with a Shovel/Hoe to turn them back into dirt.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 06:40 AM PDT

    Simple, logical change to make clearing out paths/farms MUCH easier. Turning these blocks back into dirt would not use any durability.

    submitted by /u/AlexSteckline
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    Fireworks in villages

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 09:44 AM PDT

    If you set of a firework in a village (day or night) any villages near would look upwards and watch it.

    submitted by /u/ella206950
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    New Mobs After the Ender dragon

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 03:22 PM PDT

    So I was thinking lately,with all the powerful items available to you in Minecraft in the endgame there is nothing to challenge that power.

    I was thinking that after you kill the ender dragon and jump into the portal new enemies start spawning alongside the classic ones.

    New enemy ideas:

    Corrupted Armor:This empty suit of iron armor comes out at night and ruthlessly attacks the player.

    Health:20 hearts Damage:4 hearts

    Drops:5% of dropping an enchanted book

    Wraith:Dark ghost like creature that can fly up to 25 blocks and charge at the player time continuously until he completes his goal of killing him.

    Health:15 hearts Damage:2 hearts (no knockback)

    Drops:Wraith essence used to craft Anti-Gravity Potions

    Dire Wolf:This Feral beast is as wild as dangerous for it lunges at the player with tooth and claw after nightfall and cannot be tamed.

    Health:15 hearts Damage:6 hearts

    Drops: chance to drop wolf fang that can be used to craft wolf fang amulet (makes direwolves passive)

    Black Widow:Large spider that spawns in the Nether,hostile,poisonous and dangerous.

    Health:10 hearts Damage:5 hearts (causes wither effect)

    Drops:withered spider fang used to craft wither tipped arrows.

    Dark wanderer:mysterious ragged figure with glowing red eyes,bombards the player with tnt and creates clones to confuse the player.only spawns rarely on a full moon.

    Health:30 hearts Damage:standard tnt damage

    Drops:mysterious dust used to brew confusion potions (creates clones of yourself that deal no damage and have 1 health point),huge loads of gun powder and a mysterious robe that gives a night vision and speed during night time.

    Mysterious dust:2-3/25% chance of dropping

    Mysterious robe:10% chance of dropping

    Gunpowder:25-40/45% chance of dropping

    submitted by /u/mahmainmanjeff
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    Posted: 01 Aug 2019 04:36 PM PDT

    That's it. Buff soup. You put the time and effort into making a real, genuine, entire meal and all I get is half a bar? Only FIVE nuggets for all the work it took to:

    1: Find a bunny, be unemphatic enough to kill a bunny, kill a bunny and cook a bunny.

    2: Grow and harvest a carrot.

    3: Grow, harvest and bake a potato.

    4: Find and pick a mushroom.

    5: Chop a tree for wood and then craft a bowl.

    6: Put them all together into rabbit stew.

    And all I get from that is 5 nuggets!? Oh yeah, and I can only carry one in a stack!!?? AND I have a bowl left over!!!????

    What the fuck!?

    I say all stew and soup should be stackable up to 16.

    Mushroom stew should give 5 and a half nuggets considering it only requires 2 mushrooms. Either way, it's still an entire meal and requires a bowl.

    Beet soup should give 7 and a half nuggets considering you're willing to grow beetroots: probably the most useless item in the game, and you need 6 of them!

    And rabbit stew should give a solid 8 and a half nuggets since it has so much in it and is by far the most complete meal out of all the foods in the game.

    If we're not going to make them useful then why do they even exist!? Why not just remove them from the game entirely!?

    submitted by /u/AmISteve
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    There should be a greater incentive for players to use rarer materials in the building of a beacon.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 06:39 AM PDT

    As a long time player of minecraft i have found that there feels little point in building a beacon with better materials, so i decided to post a suggestion that will make building a beacon with better materials worth it, and for players to have an incentive to upgrade a beacon over time, which my suggestion will hopefully deal with:

    1. Using rarer materials as the base of your beacon should give a difference, where using iron blocks will give the weakest effect and using rarer bases such as diamond will be stronger. This effect should be shown as a range increase so that iron's maximum base (full 164 blocks) will have a range of 32 blocks, fully gold base will give 48 blocks, a fully emerald base will provide 64 blocks and a complete diamond base for the beacon will give 128 blocks of effect.

    The area of effect should calculated by taking into account both the number of layers in the beacon and also what materials that the beacon is made of, where a single block of each material will give a bonus to the range (e.g a single diamond block will give the extra range of 128/164, a single emerald block would give extra range of 64/164, gold gives 48/164 and an iron block would give 32/164.

    1. Using a rarer material to power up a beacon should give a bonus, which i believe that effect should be shown in the countdown timer.

    Normally, the beacon works by constantly resetting an ~8 second timer for an effect, however what I am suggesting is that using iron should give an 8second timer, gold 15 seconds, emerald 30 seconds and diamond 60 seconds so that the more powered up a beacon is the longer the effect will last once a player leaves the area of effect for a beacon.

    1. This is more of a minor change to beacons, however i believe that a beacon should provide an additional effect of preventing the spawning of hostile mobs in the area of effect for the beacon from a y-level anywhere above the beacon's block placement (to prevent all underground mobs from not spawning and beacons being used to cheese mining) and for this effect to only manifest when a beacon is fully powered up (max pyramid), as it would encourage a beacon being placed in the center of a player's base so that you dont need to go overboard with torches being placed around your base above the ground which makes it look uglier.

    Thanks for listening to my TED talk

    Edit: sorry for poor formatting, this was written on mobile.

    submitted by /u/Cyberlife_Connor
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    Can we stop posting "aww man" achievements?

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 06:02 AM PDT

    Probably doesn't deserve an FPS entry, but it's really not funny enough to be posted as often as it is. And it's always the exact same thing. Please stop.

    submitted by /u/Supersebi3
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    New Uses For Andesite, Diorite, and Granite.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 01:11 PM PDT

    I've thought this for a long time, but since these 1.8 blocks are essentially just stones, and feel kinda useless (be honest, hardly anyone builds with these ugly blocks aside from paths), I feel like they should be alternatives to stone in every respect. Andesite picaxe, diorite furnace, granite sword. And all have their own textures as such. Since they're so useless and yet so common I feel like it'd be a nice way of customization with early game tools, furnaces, and other such uses.

    submitted by /u/WeeklyWinter
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    Player Ruins

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 06:09 AM PDT

    The ruins of players that once roamed your world. From hidey holes and dirt huts to grand strongholds and castles. They would always be in places that make sense for a player to stay there (near a forest in a plain, at the foot of a mountain, etc) They would have loot a player at that stage would have.

    It would be really interesting to wander around your world knowing other people might have colonized your world and would provide great temporary bases

    submitted by /u/typenull0010
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    We don't need more mobs

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 06:05 AM PDT

    It seems both the community and Mojang now firmly believe that adding more mobs is the way to make the game feel fresh and alive. Here I stand in disapproval of such arguments and will try to make clear my reasoning for doing so.

    Does adding new mobs really make the game more alive?

    Fundamentally mobs should be the lively part of the game. Yet is it so at the current phase of development? What do some of the newly added mobs provide that is so essential to our Minecraft worlds? With mobs like pandas, foxes, polar bears, etc. there seems to be little difference between blocks and entities – both now appear to be in the game for purely decorational purposes. If a difference can be found it is mostly in the fact that mobs can move or ,as in the case of foxes, perform a mostly useless function (when they pick up items in their mouths) whose sole intention is to amaze the player. Such treatment gets old quickly – the first time you find a panda and see it eat a bamboo, you can be quite impressed; the third time you will already find it to be tired.

    Even adding purposeful and well thought out mobs won't fix the issue

    The situation right now is a combination of useful (mostly very old) entities with useless ones. Therefore even the addition of new mobs which are qualitatively on par with the original basic ones cannot fix the problem; we will still have the above-mentioned combination on our hands. What is necessary is to look back on the mobs which are in the game right now and to seriously consider what can be done with them.

    How to instead make biomes lively

    The main counterargument to this proposition is the problem of how to make not fully developed biomes feel alive without filling them with entities. One can argue that meerkats may be considered necesssary in order to improve on the desert biome. But are mobs truly the answer here? Most likely the outcome will be the same as with pandas – a strong short-term impression but a complete long-term failure. In gameplay terms this corresponds to thinking "Oh, cool." the first time the player discovers meerkats, but ignoring them completely on all further interactions. Furthermore in the case of meerkats, their presence can be completely replaced by the desert bunnies currently in the game, and perhaps one could even say that deserts are supposed to be empty – though this is no excuse for their lack of interesting content. What should be done then? To continue with our desert example, sandstorms could play an interesting role. It would make deserts both unique and it also may serve some gameplay purpose. An exemplary idea (that should not be taken too seriously as it is just meant to illustrate that already existing mobs and mechanics can be used to color the game) follows:

    • Under regular conditions husks move only very slowly, during sandstorms, however, they get a speed boost and start rapidly spawning
    • Spiders also start spawning in desert storms, but in its radius are always invisible (this produces an interesting visual outcome – with only their hungry red eyes visible in the sandstormy surroundings)
    • Endermen could also spawn time-to-time, they would also be invisible (with only their purple eyes to be seen) and always aggressive towards the player (all of this too only during and in the radius of sandstorms)

    In this example we have managed to make the deserts unique and interesting without adding new mobs to the game and at the same time we have expanded on the roles of the current mobs and added a daylight threat to Minecraft. This does not mean that all biomes should be treated with this attitude, certainly different things should be thought up for different biomes. The only point of this section is to show that new mobs are not required to make biomes more interesting; however, all the creative solutions for each biome should be thought up carefully by Mojang and it would be an overstretch to make them up here.


    The focus of both the community and Mojang should switch from adding new mobs to other creative solutions. Moreover, the current mobs are to be once again looked at and revived with new roles and functions. In summary: we have enough mobs in the game – now let's make them interesting.

    submitted by /u/SedarGames
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    When you die, you get a marker on your map showing you where you died, but once your gear despawns the marker disappears.

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 12:30 PM PDT

    Getting struck by lightning would enchant your armour

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 08:41 AM PDT

    If a player gets stuck by lightning, their armour would get a high level enchantment for free! However using the lightning from a trident is considered fake lightning and this wouldn't work.

    It is going to be highly unlikely for someone to get hit by lightning naturally, so I thought, why not?

    submitted by /u/King_Bl1ng
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    Villager's ability to eat food items

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 04:56 AM PDT

    Foxes can pick up food and eat it,I think this ability should be given to villagers too because they can harvest food and drop it to each other so when the game tick is 0 they'll eat a breed,carrot,baked potato or cookie,after they gather at meeting point they all will eat a steak or cooked chicken or cooked rabbit or mushroom soup,after they back to their beds they'll eat a pumpkin pie then they sleep.

    submitted by /u/adnandakbb
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    Caves and Graves Update Pt1: Mineshafts

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 03:56 PM PDT

    This is what I hope to make into a series of suggestions for a make believe update I call Caves and Graves, focusing on bringing up to date all things underworld. This first installment touches on some ideas I've had regarding abandoned mineshafts. They're a maze, they're a good source of wood underground, but other than that they're fairly plain and repetitive. I will list here four additions/changes that I think could breathe some life into these long lost tunnels. Photos can be found here.

    1: Atmospheric changes!

    Coming in at #1 is a very simple addition, changing the wood of supports found in shafts to the biome in which they generate, namely oak for plains/forest, acacia for savanna, spruce for taiga, etc. Also, I think it's about time to update the lights found in shafts, so I suggest changing them from torches to lanterns, as an enclosed light would typically be safer in a mine than an open flame.

    In addition to this, I'd like to address the many dead ends in shafts, and how plain they are. I think it'd be a good idea to fill them with something, like a small storage area for supplies or ore yet to be processed (see screenshots). I also had the thought to place a lever puzzle to guard the resources, not dissimilar to the one found in jungle temples.

    2. Refuges!

    Miners need a place to eat and rest too, right? That's where the Refuge comes in! I propose that these refuges (large, for a mining team, and small, for the lonesome miner) generate sparsely in mineshafts, containing basic utilities like beds, furnaces, and a chest with minor(miner) loot. They too have been abandoned, and may contain a few foes, but are still comfy enough given a few swings of a sword and are a perfect place to make camp on long mining sessions.

    3. Cave in traps!

    The wary miner would want to ensure that his mining claim wasn't plundered by any unauthorized excavators, right? I propose that the original miners laid traps to seal off certain sections of tunnel, should they be invaded by unwary thieves. The design I showcased isn't necessarily permanent, rather just to show the concept I had in mind.

    4. Vaults!

    My final suggestion in this post involves something a tad sneakier, hidden vaults! Maybe the miners had to leave in a hurry, maybe they were lazy, in any case, they left their troves locked up nice and tight! These vaults would be hidden behind a flush piston door, with a sneaky button hiding somewhere nearby, and would contain mid level loot like gold, iron, or maybe a chest of tools and gems!

    These are all just basic ideas and are more than open to revision, but I think we can all agree the underground could use quite a bit of sprucing up, and I mean to move that along if at all possible.

    submitted by /u/icyartillery
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    Pillagers should be able to walk while aiming their crossbow

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 04:25 AM PDT

    Like skeletons. This small change makes them a more of a threat. It should also help keep the pillagers from shooting each other on accident since they can follow you and shoot at the same time.

    submitted by /u/k00ji
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    Revamp of unbreaking enchantments

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 07:20 AM PDT

    The unbreaking enchantment sadly only gives you a chance for it to last longer. I have had unbreaking items go just as fast as normal ones, so here is my idea.

    Have the enchantments physically add durability to the tool.

    Unbreaking 1 adds 50% of the tools durability to it.

    Unbreaking 2 adds 75% of the durability.

    And unbreaking 3 doubles the durability.

    submitted by /u/brickbuilder876
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    Re-add the Farlands as a New Dimension

    Posted: 02 Aug 2019 10:28 AM PDT

    I know re-adding the Farlands has already been suggested a few times, but I just wanted to share my own suggestions for this anyway:

    To enter the Farlands, you would have to make a portal to it (similar to the Nether). The portal would be opened by making a rectangle of glowstone with water in the middle, like that meme. Similar to Nether portals, putting a Farlands portal in the Farlands would open a portal to somewhere a few thousand blocks away from the world border in the overworld.

    The farlands itself would look about the same as it did in the alpha/beta versions of Minecraft, but with some differences. Instead of just being a glitchy version of the plains, every biome would have a broken equivalent in the Farlands. Here's a few examples of what could happen in the biomes:

    1-block spruce trees will sometimes be extremely tall, jungle trees spawn upside down or sideways, trees in regular/birch forests are made of only bark, mountains in extreme hills biomes invert into giant holes in the ground, the sand in deserts is replaced with glass, stuff like that.

    There could be a few changes non-specific to biomes as well. For example, some terrain could be upside down, flowers could sometimes appear really big, like large mushrooms, and lava and water will flow upwards.

    The mobs in the Farlands would be the same as the ones in the overworld, but they would be different in some way. For example, creepers could have pig textures and add blocks when blowing up rather than destroying them, endermen deal less damage and are always aggressive until you look them in the eye, drowned swim in the air, etc.

    So far every dimension (besides the overworld) has had their own boss: the Nether has the wither and the End has the ender dragon. So, what if giants were brought back and made the Farlands' boss? I don't really have any good ideas for this but either way I think it would be pretty cool.

    Well, this suggestion post ended up way longer than I was trying to make it. Either way, I hope you liked it.

    submitted by /u/rm12642
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