• Breaking News

    Minecraft Flint&Iron from dispenser applied to a creeper should trigger its fuse same as doing it by hand.

    Minecraft Flint&Iron from dispenser applied to a creeper should trigger its fuse same as doing it by hand.

    Flint&Iron from dispenser applied to a creeper should trigger its fuse same as doing it by hand.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 03:31 AM PDT

    Instead of dodgy TNT duping, this would enable a whole range of legit explosion-based farms. Spawn a creeper in a creeper farm, pipe them into 'ignition mechanism' - a dispenser with flint&iron triggered by pressure plate, a set of pistons to push the creeper, then push the creeper with its fuse lit into the blast chamber where blocks that require being blasted await, collect them with water streams below.

    Currently it just lights the creeper on fire...

    submitted by /u/sharfpang
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    The Creative Inventory should include a 3x3 Crafting Grid and not a 2x2 Grid

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 11:09 AM PDT

    Now this would not be necessary because it's creative, you can get anything, but we already have a 2x2 Grid So Why not a 3x3 grid?

    submitted by /u/T8DaMan
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    Books with Curse of Binding and Curse of Vanishing should appear in Witch Huts.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 10:18 AM PDT

    Title says all.

    Also open for suggestions.

    submitted by /u/Evidaent
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    New enchantment: Alchemy Protection.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 12:37 PM PDT

    Similar to Projectile Protection, Fire protection, and Blast Protection, Alchemy Protection causes less damage to be taken from potions of harming and arrows of harming. This also slows down the wither effect and poison effect's damage when worn.

    submitted by /u/SolarSilencer
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    Sheep should start shivering at night, or in cold biomes, if they have no wool.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 02:55 PM PDT

    If sheep begin to shiver during cold times. It would make them cooler. Pun intended!

    submitted by /u/King_Bl1ng
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    Themed Pictures

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 10:03 AM PDT

    We need a way larger variety of pictures. I'm thinking simple things like landscape, food, people, animals... but you can change the color if you combine it with dye.

    submitted by /u/mufassil
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    Redstone Gunpowder - self destructing infinite circuits!

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 06:54 AM PDT



    A placeable redstone that is one use only but can go an infinite distance without repeaters (with a constant energy output). Good for things


    Crafted via one redstone and one gunpowder in any configuration, redstone gunpowder (name pending lol) has attributes of redstone with certain gunpowder inspired differences.

    1. Firstly, it can be lit by flames as well as by redstone. Think anything that can light tnt can light this.
    2. When activated, the signal goes down the path as if it was normal redstone but with a slight delay (thinking something like 1/16 of a tick so that 16 blocks would be the delay of a repeater. Maybe do an even smaller delay, idk).
    3. Each dust, when activated, outputs a signal of four. This means chains of it can go for an infinite distance without repeaters. However...
    4. After the dust sends its signal, it "burns up" and disappears, meaning it is a one time use!
    5. It can be attached to regular redstone seamlessly.

    Why do we want this (uses)

    1. Disappearing circuits
    2. Makes one-time circuits less annoying to clean up
    3. Along those same lines, pranks
    4. Can be used to make fuses (although this is on the FPS, fuses are not the main subject of this suggestion and are more of a self evident "bonus" from the actual features.)
    submitted by /u/integralpython
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    Working Bookshelves

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 02:46 PM PDT

    I think that bookshelves should be able to store books that the user write so I think that if you put a chest surrounded by books and it should be able to hold a maximum of 10 books and it should have a different texture but it should be a little different.this would be better than lectern which only holds one book

    submitted by /u/WIRBEL76
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    More Wandering Trader Texture Variants

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 01:36 AM PDT

    I find it odd that while there are seven different villager variations for every profession, there is only one skin for wandering traders.

    I'd like it if the base game had multiple possible skin variants. Unique variations for each biome would be amazing, but I'd appreciate even just some recolors of the current texture.

    submitted by /u/LadySunami
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    More Blocks in Minecarts

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    1. Note Blocks: nothing special, just plays it's note when on activator rail

    2. Jukeboxes: play the music disc when it's inserted

    3. Dispensers/Droppers: could be useful for more complex things; place able in 4 directions and would do their action (possibly placing rails for automation?) when on activator rail

    4. Crafting Tables: self explanatory

    5. Lamps: light up when on activator rail

    6. Redstone Block: would power activator rails and powered rails underneath itself

    7. Enderchest/Trapped Chest/Shulker Box: self explanatory

    EXTRA: 2 Seated Minecarts! They would be craftable by putting 2 Minecarts next to each other in a crafting table. They could fit either 2 players, 1 player and a block or 2 blocks

    submitted by /u/Creep440
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    Bats and spiders attack each other

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    It's a small tweak, but it could be quite useful. After all, some bats eat spiders and vice versa, and these huge spiders would definitely attack some small prey to eat. In Minecraft, it makes sense, too, cus some other animals attack each other, like wolves and foxes.

    submitted by /u/adamChittsNightshift
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    Make item frames lockable

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 10:44 AM PDT

    I think that it would be great if you could show off your most prized possessions in the game while knowing that they are still safe. A good way to do this is to have an item frame that either locks or one that only the owner of the item can remove.

    submitted by /u/coltynmeadows
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    Minecraft Cave Update Idea: Heat

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 02:09 PM PDT

    Heat would be found in the lower layers of Minecraft near bedrock, around 20-15 (Minimal Heat), 15-7 (Normal Heat), 7,0 (Extreme Heat).

    Heat would make you more hungry, break your armour quicker and make it harder to break blocks. (2 more seconds on minimal, add +2 seconds for others) and slow you down slightly. It would also make you dizzy, and after a while, fatigued. After 3 days, you'd lose hearts in the mine (ONLY IN EXTREME, + dizziness obscures and blurs vision)

    This would also affect mobs. Creepers would get stronger the lower they are, even if they're not in heat. (must be in 7 blocks radius of normal heat) they'd do more damage but blast radius would be decreased. Zombies and spiders would lose health in these layers, Skeletons would gain 3 more hearts. All pets would be weakened, along with animals.

    Fire Resistance would neutralise these effects on all entities, Along with a new armour and item enchantment called Heat Resistance, which would not only minimise armour and tool damage but neutralise all other effects depending on level 1 or 2.

    Heat effects / particles would be optional by menu, and lava sounds on these levels too.

    Heat would also be minimised if in colder biomes, removing minimal heat and not allowing you to take damage. Ice and Blue ice would melt, but not Packed ice.

    Also maybe cooking food down there idk???? lol

    I think this is good because its getting nearer to the earths crust which makes it not only realistic, but also realistic for minecraft (as the nether is speculated to be below bedrock). Also adding a new challenge to the game.

    Comment your thoughts/criticism so we can improve this idea too.

    submitted by /u/freemanew11
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    Super strong leads

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 10:48 AM PDT

    Leads that you can attach to animals that won't break as easily by tension as the original ones do. Maybe leads that could possibly still work even when flying with the elytra, making mob transportation a lot easier and faster. It could be traded from level 5 librarians for half a stack of emeralds, or found as extremely rare items in chests found in dungeons, nether fortresses, etc.

    submitted by /u/rad_destroyer
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    Note blocks and new music blocks (making melodies accessible)

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 10:00 AM PDT

    Music in Minecraft needs more love.

    In short:

    What I want done: Improve melody building in minecraft. Make it more accessible and user friendly.

    Why I want it done: Improving the melody building experience can inspire and reach Minecrafters and non-Minecrafters alike. More importantly, it could be a fun way to learn more about music.

    How I want it done: expand the stack-note-block mechanic or change the main mechanic of the note block. Add a visual reference for players to know what note the block will play.

    What an improvement might look like: https://imgur.com/a/LHzaPwp

    Note blocks have a poor "click-me-twenty-times-to-tune-me-and-maybe-another-twenty-times-if-you-miscounted" mechanic. This mechanic and many other aspects about the note block leave a lot to be desired. Personally, I feel like there is a lot of potential in the note block that can and should be exploited.

    - Allow the player to decrease and increase the pitch to make the user experience more bearable.

    clicking vs. shift+clicking

    - Add a way for the player to know which note is being played.

    Showing the actual note (Do,Re,Mi/C,D,E) might not be very Minecraftian, but I feel the pros heavily outweigh the cons. The note block can be an educational tool to intuitively teach young players the basics of music theory (the order & names of the pitches, the fact that each octave includes all seven notes, the existence of semitones (flats/sharps), that an octave is preceded and followed by another octave that contains either lower or higher tunes).

    The knowledge of these concepts is not required to use the note block, but they should add to the usage of it. Players should be able to pick up on these ideas without feeling like they are forced to learn them. In other words: they learn while playing.

    - Extending the pitch range beyond 24 semitones.

    A farmer doesn't plow his field with a shovel, he uses a tractor. A programmer doesn't write his code on a smartphone, he uses a computer. Similarly, a pianist doesn't write his piece in 24 semitones, he uses more than 2 octaves.

    I strongly feel like this restriction is NOT put in the game to breed creativity. Instead this restriction is introduced because of the not-very-optimal design of the note block. Personally I even feel like 24 semitones is even pushing it with the current mechanic. Players should be able to manipulate the pitch of the note block in another way that prevents them from having to count & click countless times on a note block to tune it.

    Extending the current mechanic of placing the note block on a specific type of block to change the instrument, can also work to manipulate the pitch. For example: a resonance box block that lowers the pitch of the note block by two (or one) octave(s) for each resonance box block stacked on top of it.

    Alternatively (and preferably): the note block is changed to an interactable with a menu to place items (planks) in it. Each number of planks corresponds to a certain tone.

    - Allow the players to change the note blocks duration and volume.

    This can greatly improve the building challenge of creating a complex melody in minecraft. Note blocks are already interlaced with redstone. This relation could easily be exploited to manipulate the volume or duration. Signal strength could determine volume and the duration of the note could be determined by the length of the signal.

    Another option might be to also use another block to amplify the sound. A stereo block or amplifier block that is put on top of a note block or resonance box block to increase the volume. (This block could have a slider to customize the degree of volume.)

    The ability to manipulate the volume of a note block creates interesting building challenges. Maybe the player wants to manipulate the volume of the song/melody depending on the location of the listener. What if the listener is moving? Maybe the player wants to incorporate the position of the listener in his/her redstone circuit.

    - Note blocks should occur in the natural Minecraft world to showcase cool melodies:
    Currently, players can encounter cool architectures to inspire their own creations. However players will not find cool melodies in the world to fuel their own creations. Introduce a cool structure that includes a small melody or a reason to (re)create melodies in the game.

    I'm not a native speaker, so I'm not sure if I got all the terminology correct. Hopefully the main gist of the idea isn't lost through the translation barrier.

    (I'm passionate about the note block and could write countless pages, but I tried to restrict myself. Some of the mentioned solutions might not be the best, but I feel like the problems that I raise are more important than their solutions and could benefit from further discussion. I hope to read even better solutions to these concerns in the comments.)


    Brace yourself, text is coming.


    Very long and elaborate version:

    Why care about music in Minecraft?

    Music is a creative outlet just like architecture, pixel art and even designing redstone contraptions. At the moment there is a lot of untapped potential in the game that could win over many (aspiring and
    experienced) music artists. However, the gameplay around note blocks is limited, difficult and not very rewarding.



    The player is limited by two octaves per instrument. A creative solution could be to separate the melody in different layers and let different instruments play their corresponding octaves. Personally this solution leaves me unsatisfied. I would compare this to a painting where all the greens were switched to blues, because the painter lacked green and settled for blue instead. The result would present the same grey-scales (pitch), but it feels rather unsound when your blue grass blends over to a blue sky.

    In other words two octaves is a bit too restrictive. However the current system doesn't allow for more octaves. To be honest, I don't even think that the current system is suitable for 24 semitones. Having to click over 20 times on a block just to tune one pitch feels disheartening. Especially when you don't have perfect pitch to instantly validate whether you actually counted correctly.

    In addition note blocks should be able to play their notes for a longer duration. Double whole and whole notes lose their strength in the long silence and ambient sound/music.


    Note blocks have a horrible user experience. Whenever I'm manually tuning a note block, I'll have a tab open to reference the notes. The need for an online guide while playing the game proves to me that there is plenty of room for improvement. There is no visual cue for the player to know what note he/she is playing (the current vague change in color is not helpful). Secondly, when the player accidentally clicks one too many times on the note block, they will have to start tuning the block again from scratch.

    I know 'Minecraft Note Block Studio' exists which circumvents the tedious work, but I believe that third party software shouldn't be the primary way to interact with one of the games mechanics.


    Note blocks are not very audible. Currently when a player goes through the painstaking process of creating a complex melody, they are rewarded with parts of their song being played softly in the distance. Sadly, a 48 block range is not always enough in a larger redstone circuit. Should note blocks just produce a louder sound or be audible at a larger distance? No, definitely not. This might be an adequate patch, but it doesn't properly solve the problem.

    Lack of representation:

    A player might log hundreds of hours into the game without ever coming in contact with a note block. The same can be said for rare blocks, but these are either designed to be end-game content ("END" stone) or can be substituted with other blocks (colored wool/concrete, bricks).

    There should be a way to intrinsically (or extrinsically) motivate the player to play with the note block. Players are either scared off by the enormous effort of building a melody or just straigth up lack the knowledge to build one. Minecraft is more than just a game. Young players can learn many things while playing it and will most likely enjoy doing so. Enhancing the note block and developing the musical
    experience in the game can enrich the uninitiated and leave a positive mark on their live.


    The main concept behind my suggestions is that the musical options in Minecraft should be expanded in a way that feels natural to the already established mechanics. Preferably, the new additions should also add to the player's creative building challenges. If I failed in doing so, please let me know. I would like to hear other people's thoughts on this.

    Limited & difficult:

    Notes should be able to be played for a longer duration and should have a wider range. Additionally,
    players should be able to tell what pitch will be played without counting clicks.

    Pitch range:

    Changing the current note block system might be undesirable. It could break all the previously player-build songs which could produce a lot of unhappy Minecrafters. That is why I propose an expansion on the already established mechanic of stacking a note block on top of another block to change the instrument (and stacking a block on top of the note block to muffle the sound).

    Stacking a resonance box block on top of a note block: When a note block is played it checks how many resonance box are stacked on top it. For each stacked resonance box block the pitch will be lowered by 24 semitones which is in line with the larger instrument, lower pitch idea.

    Overhauling the note block is probably the best solution. It should be an interactable, like an oven or chest, and store an amount of wooden planks. The planks would symbolize the space left for air to escape from the note block. In other words, the more planks, the lower the pitch. This could allow for 65 semitones. (Moreover, when turning the note block in an interactable, the stacking of resonance boxes could still be used, but maybe for a different purpose. Perhaps it could lengthen the note's duration.)

    Additionally, if the note block was an interactable that stored planks to determine its pitch, players could come up with nifty ways to manipulate the sound with hoppers. They could even mimick vibrato with clever redstone circuits, if a note could be played for a longer duration.

    Visual cue:

    Like redstone circuits has undoubtedly taught many the basics of electric circuits, note blocks have the same potential to be an educational tool for many young aspiring musicians.

    • Not interactable:

    The noteblock has either a sliding menu like a redstone repeater that shows staves with the current pitch or the actual note Do4/C4 on top of the block (or a number = 'number of clicks', if you dislike learning and want to steer clear from any music theory).

    • Interactable:

    The interactable could have the same new skin like the non-interactable note block, but also displays the current chosen pitch in the plank-place-menu. Next to the plank-place slot the menu shows either a Do4/C4 or staves (or the note's color, as the number would be rather pointless with a numbered stack of items next to it).

    Longer duration:

    Currently note blocks are already interlaced with redstone. Expanding the possibilities of using the note block with redstone seems intuitive. The note blocks duration could be altered by the strength of the redstone signal. Maximum signal strength = (double) whole note, minimum signal strength = 64th/128th.


    In order to increase the volume of a distant note block I suggest a amplifier/stereo block. Just like a resonance box the block is stacked on top of the note block (or resonance box block). The block could have a slider determining the degree of sound amplification. The stacking of these blocks can create interesting building challenges where the player might want to move an amplifier/stereo block with
    pistons depending on the listeners position.

    On the other hand a stereo block might amplify any note blocks in a certain range. However I feel like this is less in line with the stacking the note block with other blocks and therefore might be less desirable.

    Furthermore, I will suggest some extrinsic rewards for building a melody in 'Representation'.


    While exploring, a player can stumble upon all kinds of cool architecture (fortress, mansions, villages, sunken ships, etc.) These building not only brighten up the world, but also inspire players to make their own creations. However a player will never stumble upon a cool melody.

    Melodies should be generated in the world in order to inspire the player and showcase the game's capabilities.

    There could be a mob (for example an ice wizard) that lives in a ice tower in the Ice Plains Spikes biome. In the ice tower there is a melody welcoming the player inside the building. This should clearly showcase the different sounds made by a note block when placed on top of another block. After encountering the wizard the player could be more inclined to experiment with the different instruments without having to learn about them via a wiki.

    Aside from introducing the player to note blocks, it would also be interesting if the player was challenged to use his melody building skills in the game. These following ideas have their merits, but are admittedly quite wild. I would be interested to read other takes on this.

    • The short songs/melodies a player could build:
    1. The player needs to play an iconic preset melody, like any recipe (in the same vein as building an iron golem, wither or any recipe used on the crafting table.)
    2. A melody that is found in a book in a dungeon (a quest melody). Build the melody. Reap rewards. The melody is either written in the book or can be activated and played while holding it. This has the advantage of teaching the player a certain melody or teaching them what kind of simple melodic structures work together. This knowledge indirectly prepares the player to create his/her own melody.
    3. Any simple natural, melodic, harmonic minor/major scale (depending on the goal)
    • Rewards a player could get from building the circuit:
    1. A stonified mob that comes alive when playing a certain melody.
    2. A mob that spawns/is lured by the melody (a curious parrot/sheep, a vengeful music ghost)
    3. A block that become (un)breakable after playing a melody which could grant access to loot.
    4. A (de)buff to a player in range when listening to a melody (my personal favorite, but perhaps not very balanced)

    Quality of life changes:

    A note block should lower in pitch when shift+clicking it. Offering the player a way to undo the error of clicking the note block one too many times.

    Whenever a note block plays a note, lower the volume of the background music. After a couple of seconds gradually increase the volume again.



    submitted by /u/GracefulGreen
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    Vampire Bats

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 11:09 AM PDT

    5% of all bats will naturally spawn as Vampire Bats, they look like bats, except with red eyes, like a spider. They are neutral, and will only attack if you attack them. Once they attack you, each bite takes one heart, and the poison from the bite takes two hearts. If you kill the vampire bat, it drops a Bat Fang, which you can use to stab opponents, and poison them. The Bat Fang deals the same amount of damage as a Vampire Bat, and wears out after 20-30 uses. You can also tip arrows with Bat Fangs, crafting a Bat Arrow, giving the poison effect.

    submitted by /u/quadeyes21
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    "Tamable/hired" golems

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 12:14 PM PDT

    I think iron golems are a bit under utilised within minecraft, sure, they're pretty strong, but their AI can be a bit annoying, and you can't exactly keep them in one position without them becoming vulnerable to skeletons, but what if you could give an iron golem some flowers, similar to taming wolves, cats, parrots, ect, and they follow you around? so it's not too powerful and you can't just have a ton of golems following you around all the time, they could only follow you for a day, and you cannot tame villager-spawned golems, because they belong to the village. one cool feature from this could be the iron golem could hold the flower type you give to him in his hand. the iron golem could patrol the area around the player instead of following them directly, but never go out of a certian radius of the player, and maybe that radius could be even shorter depending on if the player is holding the same flower as the iron golem in their hand. this is just a nice idea to make golems a bit more interesting in the game, and could be a nice way to have a bodyguard in-game.

    submitted by /u/Byrocynical
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    Cake slices

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 01:43 PM PDT

    Placing a cake in a crafting table gives you 7 cake slices.

    These slices are stackable up to 64, and can be eaten like a normal food. Each slice restores 2 hunger points.

    This allows the cake to crafted and eaten like a normal food. This could encourage players to make cakes more often and use them as an actual food source.

    submitted by /u/D_Wigz
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    New Animal - Werewolves

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 03:52 PM PDT

    New Animal:

    Werwolf - werewolves come in packs of 6 or 12, There is an alpha werewolf, baby werewolf, and a regular werewolf, Werewolf - 11 attack damage Alha Werewolf - 13 attack damage baby werewolves can only be tamed after the Alpha is killed, The baby werewolf can be tamed using raw beef, There are werewolf dens around forest and savana biomes, when entering a den if you are holding raw or cooked meat the werewolves will attack, if you are not they will stay sleeping and there is a barrel in the den which usually only holds meat, but 11% of the time will have the Alpha Werewolf Claws which can go in the shield slot in your inventory and is used to have 8% faster sprinting speed.

    PS: as werewolves are already in the game as dogs, they will have there name changed to dogs

    submitted by /u/duck_swag_boss
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    Pigs can pull Minecarts

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 01:14 AM PDT

    I don't see any other use for pigs than getting meat, but I can get enough meat while farming feathers and leather. Sure, you can ride them, but they're slow compared to the better horses. Can that be added alongside with a way to connect minecarts? 1 pig can pull 3 minecarts, but two pigs connected can pull 6 minecarts and so on.

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
    [link] [comments]

    Bellows and Blowdarts

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 02:24 PM PDT

    Bellow could be crafted by putting 2 bamboo in the same way as iron while crafting Shears. Blowdarts are crafted with feather and iron nugget resulting in 3 darts. The darts deal low damage, but when their tipped versions have stronger and longer effects than tipped arrows. The Bellow has low durability, however it's cheap to craft.

    submitted by /u/Creep440
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    Steam Whistle.

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 12:09 PM PDT

    Could be used for minecarts to install on them of an approaching minecart.

    submitted by /u/XxJS804273xX
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    More kinds of bricks

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    Currently the bricks are bland Maybe add sandstone bricks and cracked and mossy versions of bricks.

    submitted by /u/jakcm123
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    Add the Drowned Villager

    Posted: 06 Aug 2019 02:24 AM PDT

    This might seem like a small issue but it has been bugging me for the longest time. Zombie Villagers just sink to the bottom of the water and don't become Drowned, while Zombies do. As such, it would make a lot more thematic and gameplay sense if Zombie Villagers turned to Drowned Villagers just like Zombies, with the Drowned Villagers acting the same as the Drowned but just looking more like a Zombie Villager.

    submitted by /u/Laurent_Spaghetti
    [link] [comments]


