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    Minecraft Giving slimeballs to slimes should make them bigger

    Minecraft Giving slimeballs to slimes should make them bigger

    Giving slimeballs to slimes should make them bigger

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 07:35 AM PDT

    Since slimes can split and still live, it would make sense that they can "regroup", even with a dead slime (slime ball), and additionally, they could get bigger from absorbing dropped slime balls. However, they should need more balls than what they drop to get bigger, to avoid infinitely regenerating slimes.

    submitted by /u/amo3698
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    Make the recipe for concrete powder use #minecraft:sand instead of sand so red_sand can be used as a substitute.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 01:33 PM PDT

    The recipe for TNT already has this.

    submitted by /u/PaintTheFuture
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    Pink dolphins

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 03:50 AM PDT

    Thay only spawn neer water around jungles like in the amazon and its rear like the pink sheep bit more ccommon

    submitted by /u/pepsiman2077
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    Farmers buy honey

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 02:32 PM PDT

    Would make one more use for honey.

    submitted by /u/fishycoper
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    Bees actually polinizing flowers, reproducing them

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 10:41 AM PDT

    When a bee polinizes a flower and gets coated with polen, there is a low chance that another flower of the same type spawns near, similar to mushroom grow, thus simulating how bees help in flower reproduction.

    This can actually be aded to the education edition to teach about polinization

    submitted by /u/MasterGeekMX
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    A way to keep animals as babies

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 09:59 AM PDT

    I've wanted this for forever. Baby animals are just so cute and sometimes I wanna keep them that way! Maybe it can be something like a name tag that can only be found in chests.

    submitted by /u/adamheepee
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    Abandoned Train Tracks

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 08:02 AM PDT

    Abandoned train tracks can be found in the mesa or desert biome in the open fields. There will be train tracks and a train that have a rusty and broken look.

    Loots contain: •Golden Nuggets (Common) •Golden Ingots (Uncommon) •Golden Blocks (Rare)

    submitted by /u/HazimSuperPro
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    Unique sound for dealing damage with a shovel

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 01:45 PM PDT

    I think there should be a unique sound for when dealing damage to a mob using a shovel. This sound would most likely be a loud metal clang, or something similar. I'd really like to see this added to Minecraft because it adds some comedic effect, since in cartoons when a character gets hit in the face by a shovel (ex. Tom and Jerry), a ridiculously loud CLANG is heard.

    Edit: Also possibly a clonk of stone for stone shovels, and a wood-chopping nose for wooden (Thanks to u/Snake_slime for the pointer)

    submitted by /u/ObiKenobies
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    Add Seasons

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 02:15 PM PDT

    This would be a world optional thing,not something that is forced into the world automatically. However when you pick seasons the world will start off with winter ending and the beginning of spring. When the seasons change more or less animals could come out for example during fall or winter wolves and foxes are much more active. The villagers will also change the biome clothing, yeah it's still it's own biome but it would fit the theme. The calendar for the seasons would be 365 in game days, when sleeping in a bed it reduces it to half a day on the calendar, just a suggestion leave ur comments

    submitted by /u/151406
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    Blaze rods could be used instead of sticks to craft tools/weapons that have higher durability, and can then also hold higher level enchantments.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 02:52 PM PDT

    might be OP but having a pickaxe with a glowing orange handle would be COOL

    submitted by /u/carolfromhr_
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    Have a variety of flowers nearby Beehives to generate honeycombs and speed up honey production

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 12:31 PM PDT

    Thinking on making hives interact more with flowers and make to build them a little bit of a challenge. E.g. make it that it will only create honeycomb is there is 10 different types of flowers closer than 5 blocks. Similar to the Panda feature to breed

    The variety of flowers can speed up the honey production too. 10% speed up every 4 types? Max out at 30% (no wither rose)


    submitted by /u/parishiIt0n
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    Walking through wheat when on fire will cause it to catch fire

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 07:49 AM PDT

    Makes sence

    submitted by /u/fishycoper
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    Shops in villages

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 02:31 PM PDT

    Their should be shops in villages where you can buy ithems. There should be three types of shops witch are the bakery witch is run by the baker who you can buy food from,the second being the butcher shop witch is run by the butcher and has a room in the back coverd in red stone and a butcher chopping up a pig you can by raw meats,leather,and special meats that you can only get there like bacon,chicken nuggets, and something else I can't think of comment below,and the last but not least the the weapon shop were you can get armor,new weapons,and even testing dummies witch can by sneak clicking it your weapon wont take damage but it will alow you to get deal more damage and attack quicker.

    submitted by /u/fishycoper
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    Trading biome specific items and blocks with Wandering Traders for emeralds

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 06:30 AM PDT

    I think that Wandering Traders should be interested in buying some of the biome specific items for emeralds which would make them less useless as their current trades honestly don't feel all that good.

    submitted by /u/danieldoria15
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    Corrupted ores in the Nether

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 07:23 AM PDT

    The nether needs an update (like caves). And I have an idea for its caves, corrupted ores.

    3 new variants of some of the overworld ores could be added in as "Corrupted Ores".

    The reason I thought this is because the Nether could have been like the overworld at some point. Some being just turned it into a living hell (most likely the wither). The only things left of the previous world are the zombie pigman, which could of just been pigman at one point, and these ores, which have been corrupted by the being that destroyed this world.

    Corrupted Ores

    The corrupted ores would be corrupted iron, gold, and diamond. Corrupted iron is pretty common, but mostly seen in nether caves. They will spawn around y coordinates 50 and 1. Gold will spawn around 20 and 5, and diamonds will spawn at 12 and 9. Once you mine the ore, the ingot, for example, a diamond, would be mined out of it, so no smelting required. Fortune also works on these ores for mining. But, it would be, well, corrupted! Corrupted ingots or diamonds cannot be made into anything. So, you have to purify them.

    Purifying an ingot requires a cauldron. Get the water into a cauldron (you should know how to do it by now), and throw the ingot in. After 5 seconds, the ingot should be cleaned, and it will turn into a normal ingot that can be used to make tools. I was originally going to make the purified ingot add in an effect, but that would be too hard to implement.

    Now, if you want to corrupt an ingot, which I have no clue why you would do that, fill the cauldron with a potion of harming effect, and put the ingots in.

    (This might be hard to do, but it would be cool if it did, and make purifying and corrupting less overpowered)

    If you throw a stack of corrupted ingots or normal ingots into the cauldron, it will take 20 seconds. Every 16 ingots is an extra 5 seconds of purifying.

    submitted by /u/GMKFan
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    Chests colored differently based on what wood it is made from

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 01:12 PM PDT

    How is this not a thing yet? If i make a chest out of birchwood, it should be a lighter wood color. If i make a chest out of acaia wood, it should be orange-ish. If it was made from oak, just give me the "standard" chest color.

    submitted by /u/maylortaylor
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    It's been two years and still no nether gold.

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 02:43 PM PDT

    So, for some context: 2 years ago a user posted a suggestion that states that gold should naturally generate in the nether. I absolutely love this suggestion, u/jeb_ commented on this very post saying he likes the idea, but this post is 2 years old and still not gold in the nether. I really want this added. I made this just in case people forgot. Here's the comment on the post: https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/comments/5wzhty/rare_gold_ore_in_the_nether_concept_texture/deex5wk?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

    submitted by /u/SZDXN
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    now that there is honey in Minecraft we can add grizzly bears and just like “We bare bears” we can have all 3 bears

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 10:57 AM PDT

    Shield enchant: Sticking

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 03:06 PM PDT

    A shield enchanted with Sticking can:

    • 100% chance: Give the player any blocked arrow shot from a player's bow (unless the bow has Infinity and the arrow is normal)

    • 100%: Give the player any blocked arrow shot from a dispenser

    • 75%: Light the shield on fire for 2-4 seconds when it blocks a fireball or flaming arrow. The shield takes 2 points of durability from this

    • 60%: Light any melee attacker on fire for a short time when the shield is burning

    • 50%: If the shield blocks a fishing rod's bobber, put the fishing rod on cooldown for 1 second when the bobber makes contact, to represent the caster struggling to dislodge the bobber

    Sticking can't be obtained by putting a shield in the enchantment table, but it can be obtained by enchanting a book.

    submitted by /u/mcplano
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    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 11:11 AM PDT

    Camels can be found in deserts (obviously) and can be ridden after being tamed (I don't have a idea what should be tamed with). Wandering traders will ride on or lead camels instead of llamas. They should be two types of camels one humped camels and two humped camels.my idea one hump can carry 1 player and some loot,but a two humped camel can carry 2 players and double the loot.

    submitted by /u/LONELYTMex
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    Flowers can become empty of nectar/pollen

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 06:55 AM PDT

    When bees collect nectar from flowers, the flowers should become "drained" or "empty" of the nectar and pollen, so that bees can't just use the same flowers all the time.

    This would slightly nerf bee farms just a bit (so it at least can't be just a tiny room with 2-3 flowers and a nest).

    The flower's nectar would respawn after let's say 2 in-game days.

    >>Vote this on feedback.minecraft.net<<

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    New Advancement: Up Close and Personal

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 02:33 PM PDT

    Achieved when you have killed a Ghast with a melee weapon while at most 2 blocks away from it

    submitted by /u/ObiKenobies
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    Homing Pigeons/Doves

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 02:29 PM PDT

    Small flying mobs that add bird-call ambience to your Minecraft mornings. They should come in a variety of colors/patterns and be similar in size to a parrot. Some pattern ideas could be- classic rock dove, morning dove, and maybe as a rare-chance encounter, fantail. Pigeons can be tamed with seeds and have similar AI to parrots in general. (Can follow you and sit on your shoulder, no dancing or mimicking though). One special feature they have is the ability to carry and drop off items to a specific place. You set the "drop point" by having your pigeon sit on the desired block and feeding it a specific item. (Something like a baked potato, fries anyone?) For an example of how this could be useful, you bring your pigeon along with you on a mining trip and give it a stack of cobblestone along with another treat. It will take the path with least danger (avoiding lava always and avoiding mobs when possible) and drop it on that spot (could be a hopper linking to a chest) and return to the player's side. Pigeons as an addition to the game would not only add to the "old" atmosphere, but they would also be super cute!

    submitted by /u/magicmonkey707
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    Slimes Bouncing

    Posted: 28 Aug 2019 10:23 AM PDT

    When Slime falls from height it bounces like it fell on a slime block and when it lands on slime block it bounces to the same height that it fell from

    submitted by /u/Creep440
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