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    Minecraft Bees uncommonly land on players and humanoid mobs that are near to them, with helpful effect

    Minecraft Bees uncommonly land on players and humanoid mobs that are near to them, with helpful effect

    Bees uncommonly land on players and humanoid mobs that are near to them, with helpful effect

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 06:36 AM PDT

    Basically if you are relatively near some non-angry bees (whether they live in a hive or a nest, it doesn't matter), they will uncommonly land on your head (head because they are too big to land on your shoulders). They'll do this with all humanoid mobs that are large enough (so probably not baby mobs). They will land for 1-5 seconds, then take off again. I think only one bee will be able to land on a mob at one time, since they are so big.

    I would stop there, but I figured I make it useful. So, basing this off of the many things bees make and do that are healthy to humans irl (honey, royal jelly, and even bee stings can be healthy), maybe the bees give instant health when they land on players and iron golems (it's technically humanoid and makes sense, bees heal it by "pollinating" its flowers), and villagers/traders. It would likely be instant health 1 (so 2 hearts), so it's not too OP (not that it is OP, since it would be uncommon for a bee to land on you). For undead mobs this instant health works like instant damage (so -2 hearts) for consistency.

    For hostile humanoids that aren't undead (Illagers/pillagers/witches), the bees will make them pause in place or significantly slow down, like they are afraid of the bee and don't want to move. these humanoid mobs might wave their arms in the air like Evokers, trying to shoo the bee away. This effectively makes them passive, as they are too preoccupied with shooing the bee away to attack you or other mobs. This gives you a chance to get an extra hit on these mobs.

    So, not only does this add a cute behavior for bees, but it also gives players early access to instant health (as you'd usually need to find melons from either jungles or woodland mansions, and get a brewing stand and netherwarts for healing potions), and would work as a not very functional but still useful defense against undead mobs. This also would help to slow down raids in villages, giving players a reason to keep bees around villages. And it's not OP. And it teaches about how bees are helpful to us in the real world.

    Oh, here's a picture that I drew for this: Bees! Also, vote on this in the Minecraft Feedback website here!

    What do you guys think?

    credit to u/ConstableFishie for revisions and Stranded at Sea [☕ Edition] + MysticKoko on discord for ideas/brainstorming

    submitted by /u/WDSPC
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    Instead of the standard death animation, Vexes should poof into smoke.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 07:32 AM PDT

    This would make Vexes feel more unique and ghost-like.

    Additionally, Vexes should instantly poof away 30 seconds after being summoned instead of slowly taking damage.

    submitted by /u/AlexSteckline
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    Swamp suggestions

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 05:43 AM PDT

    In the swamp there could be old broken down villages that were flooded by swamp water. There would be no villagers. It would have lots of cobwebs, vines, and leaves,etc. there could be some loot under water in a chest in houses and there could be some pillagers around the village looking for the loot. Feel free to suggest more ideas in the comments!

    submitted by /u/Bueberret
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    Fireworks go off when dropped in fire

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 10:22 AM PDT

    Simple: if a firework rocket or star gets dropped in fire, it goes off. Nothing fancy. Just a small detail that makes some sense.

    submitted by /u/The379thHero
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    Ender dragon bossfight revamp

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 04:28 AM PDT

    The Ender dragon boss fight currently is very dull, after you destroy the end crystals. Its starts being repetitive, all you really have to do is:

    1. if the dragon has landed, stab it
    2. if the dragon is in strafing, shoot it

    that's... basically it. No new attacks, no extra gimmicks.

    In my opinion, if the dragon has an element of surprise, (for example, a very strong attack that is rarely used so it would catch players off-guard) the boss fight would be much more interesting and challenging.

    note that the damage values are based on normal difficulty

    Phase one

    The dragon has 3 phases depending on its hp, and each phase the dragon would gain more attacks.

    • Bite---the dragon would speed to the closest player. She would not stop following the player until a large amount of damage been dealt or she lands a hit (5 hearts)
    • Ender charge---The dragon would shoot the player with an ender charge, the ender charge would explode and leave a layer of ender acid on the ground
    • fire barrage---The dragon would fire 10-20 dragon's flame projectiles continuously

    *dragon's flame is different from an ender charge. The Ender charge does no impact damage but leaves a deadly could of acid. Dragon's flame is more similar to a blaze's fireball (but purple)

    Phase two

    In this phase, the dragon would be staying in the island's outskirts. Sending and buffing her minions at you.

    • Roar---The ender dragon would roar, and the nearest 1-3 endermen would be aggroed onto you
    • Rallying roar---All endermen that are targeting you would receive regen II (10 seconds) and absorption III (10 seconds)
    • Landing (nest)---The dragon would fly and perch on her bedrock nest, and spit ender acid at you. Immune to arrows while in this forms
    • fire barrage
    • Lightning charge---lightning would strike all enemies on the battlefield. Golems, dogs and other pets are included in this attack. This attack ignores armor and deals 5 hearts of dmg (10 hp)

    Phase 3

    In this final phase, the dragon would be very visibly much more aggressive

    • Headbutt---The dragon would charge and bump the player repeatedly a few times
    • Acid bombardment---the dragon is fly ~50 blocks above your head and spray 3-5 layers of ender acid that would fall on you
    • Charge---the dragon turns to you and accelerate quickly. The dragon wouldn't stop until it traveled out of the battlefield or it has hit a block. This attack would penetrate most overworld blocks and can break 1-2 layers of endstone
    • the dragon would also use all attacks from above phases
    submitted by /u/lolbit_511
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    Ambient sounds

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 11:07 AM PDT

    I occasionally play Minecraft with a open browser tab playing an YT video like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QE_jOCqKE3w . It is quite disappointing that a nature-exploring game like MC doesn't have ambient sounds. Travelling long distances in absolute silence with occasional mob growls is pretty dull. Depending on mods (e.g. http://www.9minecraft.net/ambient-sounds-mod/) for that is also dull because they can get outdated. It should be in vanilla. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/riscocisco
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    birds and ambiance

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 11:25 AM PDT

    A friend and I were chatting on discord about the new biome updates and we were talking about the vulture and that gave us the idea of other birds and what they could do.

    Different birds could spawn in different biomes, they would be passive and untamable but could do stuff to add ambiance to the game and interact with the player in other ways.

    Owls could spawn in dark oak forests and hoot at night, they could go silent and stare at creepers possibly alerting the player to there presence.

    Hawks could spawn in mountain biomes and circle above and around rabbits sheep cows or pigs, alerting the player to there presence. they could swoop down and attack them periodically.

    Seagulls would spawn near beaches shipwrecks and over sunken villages. they could provide ambiance at the beach with there chirps.

    Some type of blue jay or other forest related bird could spawn in forests/birch forests and provide ambiance with chirps here and there, they could fly away and chirp a lot if a hostile mob gets to close to them.

    Other birds could be added to other biomes but this is what we were able to come up with atm. Please leave your thoughts and tips on how this can be tweaked or improved in the comments thank you for reading :D

    submitted by /u/quasarr78
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    Add animations for the player when dying

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    The player should do an animation of collapsing to the ground when you die. The animations should change for liquid deaths - the player will float upside down if the player has drowned, but if the player dies in the void, the player will be seen falling down, and the screen will fade to black. Additionally, if the player dies of fire, their body should go black, and when dying in a freezing biome, the body goes white, the product of frostbite.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Casting and Reeling, two new fishing rod enchantments.

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 02:26 PM PDT

    Casting and Reeling would affect the actual mechanics of the rod itself rather than what it fishes up.

    • Casting (I-IV) increases the distance the rod can cast horizontally. It also increases how far the line can be stretched, of course.
    • Reeling (I-IV) increases the strength and accuracy with which the rod reels in entities. At level IV, the rod will always yeet entities directly towards the player. Rods enchanted with Reeling can hook XP orbs. Reeling is mutually exclusive with Lure and LoTS.
    submitted by /u/Bonhomhongon
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    Goat Drop + New Item

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 02:24 PM PDT

    On September 28 we will decide weather to add new features to the swamp,mesa, or mountains. If we vote for mountains we will get the new goat mob. The goat mob if added should drop its horns. 2 horns and an iron helmet in a crafting table should make a viking helmet. The viking helmet would be slightly darker then an iron helmet and have 2 horns sticking out. The viking helmet would have the thorns 4 enchantment on it but it wouldn't glow.

    submitted by /u/andythelord
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    chorus roots

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 12:11 PM PDT

    Chorus roots could generate under fully grown chorus plants or chorus plants that have obtained a desirable size, transforming the end stone it is growing on into chorus roots, it would look like end stone with purple and black roots spreading thru out it.

    The block when mined with a normal pickax without silk touch will yield 1 to 3 chorus root items. These roots could be used to craft end-steel when combined with iron ingots. End-steel then could be used to craft multiple different types of late game utility items and blocks.

    The first thing you could craft is a warp block. This block would be crafted with eight end-steel ingots surrounding a piece of redstone. The warp block when powered could warp small entities across small distances each time the block is powered. They would warp entities to the closest other warp block connected to the same line of redstone up to 15 blocks away. This would not work to well with players however but great for items and some small mobs. If a larger entity is warped including the player using this method then that entity will take damage equivalent to a a quarter of its full health.

    You could also craft a block of end-steel as a decoration block yielding a shiny diamond texture like block but purple or magenta.

    Other ideas for this item, brewing chorus roots into a potion will give the same effect of a chorus fruit but with a shorter distance, allowing you to splash unsuspecting mobs with a random tp.

    Maybe placing a grindstone over an end-steel block could allow you to get a larger fraction of the exp from disenchanting items.

    Or maybe surrounding an ender pearl with end-steel ingots could craft a stabilized ender pearl that when thrown will ignore gravity but at the cost or greater damage when teleported.

    Those are what i can think of atm please leave your suggestions below on what these items could be used for, or if they could be a good addition to the game, thank you :D

    submitted by /u/quasarr78
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    Zombies should be able to use shields!

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    They can pick them up, but have no AI to use them? This should be changed, and could be fun for adding challenge to caves and dungeons if they can spawn with them on occasion.

    submitted by /u/Planemaster3000
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    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 03:23 PM PDT

    Ladybugs can spawn naturally in every biome except for cold an hot ones, but they are very rare.

    Ladybugs will pose on flowers and will follow a player if he is holding one in the hand.

    They can be breed by using flowers.

    They can pose on a player's body and will give them a luck status effect for 8 minutes.

    They can speed up the growing process of wheat, carrots, potatoes, beetroots, melons, pumpkins and saplings by posing on them.

    Ladybugs are also able to pose on villagers and that will cause them to drop their prices.

    submitted by /u/Pixel535
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    Make it possible to dye only 1-7 pieces of carpet at a time

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 01:02 PM PDT

    Presently, it's possible to dye a single wool block with one dye, but you can only dye carpet by surrounding a dye with 8 carpets. I tried dyeing only 7 carpets at one time and it did not work, and it wouldn't let me dye just one at a time either. It would be much more convenient if the carpet dyeing system was more flexible.

    submitted by /u/tseries_will_fail
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    Names of renamed mobs with name-tags, should be visible through transparent blocks

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 05:58 AM PDT

    Like the title say , if you rename a mob with a name-tag and you capture him in glass, glass planes , etc , the name should be visible through the glass

    submitted by /u/Nombredeus
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    Capybaras, A Portable Storage Mob

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 01:14 PM PDT

    I love capybaras. They're one of my favorite animals. I also think that there should be some way to increase the amount of items you can carry at once. Therefore, I came up with this idea which kills two birds with one stone.

    Capybaras spawn in jungles and maybe some forest biomes. They can be tamed by feeding them melon. You can use shears to get capybara hair. Capybara hair and leather can be crafted into a satchel that you can equip on capybaras. Tamed capybaras follow you when possible and can swim at almost the speed of a boat if necessary. A capybara with a satchel can carry nine items, so that you can have those items on you if needed. In addition, mobs will not purposely attack them, referencing how capybaras have been photographed calmly sitting next to apex predators. Thanks for reading. There are obviously holes in this idea, so comment your ideas and suggestions.

    submitted by /u/EarthmanNoEarth
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    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 03:23 PM PDT

    Cinder is a block that is made from 8 Concrete and 1 Brick block in a full 3x3 crafting grid.



    Eerie/scary builds

    Protection against explosions


    Projectile throwing (deals 3 hearts of damage)


    Just include dyed Concrete in the 8 concrete blocks, and you can make coloured Cinder for building themed or patterned builds.

    An example, is tricking out a house you are building to make it look like it's made of LEGO.


    Use a Stonecutter and a regular Cinder to create a Cinder Brick. This can then be thrown to damage most mobs for 3 hearts. If you throw it at a Blaze, it will disable the blazes flame attack for a few minutes. They will deal crazy damage to Skeletons due to immense weight. Since Cinder Bricks are entities, they can be placed down on the ground. You can use them as makeshift shields for fire and explosions.

    Skeletons are extremely weak to Cinder Bricks when thrown.

    Cinder Bricks can be stacked up to 64. Throwing a Cinder Brick at an Iron Golem will not damage it, but will make it angry toward you.

    You can kill fish and chickens in one hit with a Cinder Brick.

    A Cinder Brick is resistant to fire and lava, and does not catch fire. Cinder Bricks do not get burned up by lava when thrown.

    Cinder Bricks appear as 3D cinder blocks irl, the slab kinda blocks seen in the construction industry.

    Snow Golems will also be killed in 1 hit by a Cinder Brick due to the fact that snow consists of very weakly held particles.

    Cinder Bricks/Cinder Blocks cannot be blown up by TNT/Creepers, but can still be blown by the Wither/End Crystals.


    Cinder Bricks/Cinder Blocks can only be mined with an iron pickaxe/diamond pickaxe. They will take around half the time Obsidian takes to mine with a diamond pickaxe (unenchanted)


    Right click and hold the right Mouse Button/or ZL/or L2/or left button something on xbox to aim, then press again to throw. They can be fired out of a dispenser in moderate shot frequency.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Sword holders

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 12:55 PM PDT

    Well we do have armor stands to display our swords on, but I think there could be some more aesthethics.

    It would look pretty cool if I could stick a sword on a special sword holding block, and it looks like you've stuck a sword in it. It could fit very well in a weapon room or a bedroom, or wherever you want to display swords on. Item Frames and Armor Stands just don't look like that, armor stands fit in one thing while sword stands look better in the other thing.

    The reason I've only posted about swords is because I don't know how the equivalent for hoes, pickaxes, axes and shovels should look like.

    What are your ideas?

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    Minecraft Magic Update

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 02:28 PM PDT

    Hey all. Just had this idea last night while I was trying to sleep. The point of this update idea would be to increase the longevity of the Minecraft "campaign" by adding bosses and other endgame content. Images for these ideas (with extra info) will be at the link here: https://imgur.com/a/PXEsaAX

    I apologize for the scribbles, as I am by no means an artist. With that, let's get into it.


    The main function of a quarterstaff is to absorb magic elemental orbs. The alt attack of the staff will attach the orb to the staff, making it a mage staff. Before you can use a mage staff, you must have a mana bar. The Mana bar is given when you equip mage robes.


    Mana is created from brewing redstone dust, glowstone dust, and lapis lazuli. Drinking a mana potion will instantly refill your Mana bar. Mana potions are also used in large quantities with wool to make mage robes.

    Mage Robes

    Mage robes can be a variety of colors, depending on the color of wool you make it with. Like armor, they also can be made at multiple tiers: Novice, Apprentice, and Master. The higher the tier, the faster your Mana will regenerate. Making robes require wool and a certain amount of Mana potions. Novice robes require 20 Mana potions, Apprentice require 40, and Master require 60. When different mage staffs are equipped, the mage robes will change appearance to be similar of the staff.

    Staff Orbs

    Staff Orbs fall when a Minecraft boss is defeated. I have created a few bossed in order to make this work for the different staffs. After defeating a boss, the staff orb will hover over the body. Alt-attacking the orb with a quarterstaff will absorb it, creating a magic staff. Each staff orb can only be absorbed once per server, meaning, only one of each staff can exist on a world.


    Blaze Staff

    The Blaze Staff can be created by absorbing a blaze orb. The Blaze orb will drop after defeating the Blaze King (a really big blaze) who appears in the nether.

    Alt-attack: Swing the pushed mins back while simultaneously lighting them on fire

    Passive: While equipped, you are fire proof. Also, uncooked food in your inventory slowly cooks overs time.

    Attack: Shoots fire charges

    Ender Staff

    The Ender Staff can be created by absorbing an Ender Orb. The Ender Orb is dropped after defeating the Ender Dragon.

    Alt-attack: You can teleport. Set destination and the staff will glow purple. Alt-attack again to teleport. Going through nether/end portal will reset destination.

    Passive: Immune to Ender Dragon Breath. Endermen will ignore you unless attacked

    Attack: Ender Dragons Breath attack

    Redstone Staff

    The Redstone Staff can be created by absorbing the Redstone Orb. The Redstone Orb is dropped after defeating the Redstone Slime Boss.

    Alt-attack: Redstone activate the block you are targeting, allowing sole access to secret rooms, deactivating traps, ect.

    Passive: Emit a low, red light (similar to a redstone torch)

    Attack: Red lightening attack the chains between enemies

    Nautilus Staff

    The Nautilus Staff can be created by absorbing the Nautilus orb. The Nautilus orb drops after defeating the Elder Guardian.

    Alt-attack: Travel underwater very quickly. Alt-attack while underwater to propulse yourself forward. (Similar to the elytra+rocket combo)

    Passive: While equipped, you can breathe underwater. Also while equipped and underwater or raining, you are given night vision.

    Attack: Produce a stream of water the rapidly propulses mobs away from you

    Earth Staff

    The Earth Staff can be created by absorbing the Earth orb. The Earth orb drops after killing the Evoker Boss in the top floor of the Woodland Mansion.

    Alt-attack: Same action as bone meal. Instantly grow crops and plants.

    Passive: Emits a very strong bright light

    Attack: Instantly destroy any generic earth blocks (dirt, stone, sand, ect)

    Wither Staff

    The Wither Staff can be created by absorbing the Wither orb. The Wither orb drops after defeating the Wither.

    Alt-attack: Toggle hover. When hovering, traverse the land quickly as if you were riding Minecrafts fastest horse.

    Passive: Wither skeletons ignore you unless attacked

    Attack: Throw explosive bombs a medium distance


    Quip Station

    The Quip Station swaps out all equipped armor and all hotbar items. Step into the station to activate it. This allows for a quick change of inventory for whatever job you are going to do next.

    Hope you guys like my ideas. I have never posted anything this long before but I would love some feedback on this stuff. A mod for this could be really fun! Thanks if you made it this far!

    submitted by /u/Panaceous
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    New overworld, nether and end bosses

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 06:35 AM PDT

    I propose a new system of mini bosses, there's one or two per dimension and the way to summon them is putting a bunch of items into a structure(similar to Ark: Survival Evolved). Each miniboss can be summoned in a temple which has a trapped chest in it where you put the items. The temples spawn about as commonly as mine shafts.

    Overworld: gold golem, summoned using 10 gold ingots and 2 golden apples. Drops an enchanted golden apple or sword with 3 random enchants.

    Alpha phantom: summoned using 10 phantom membranes and a diamond. Drops a phantom wing which can be used to repair elytras.

    Nether: Minotaur, summoned using 30 leather and a block of magma. Drops it's head, when worn it will stop pigmen from being aggressive.

    Withered pigman, summoned using a stack of coal and 30 bones. Drops 1-3 gold blocks

    End: Endosaur(pterodactyl), summoned using any purpur block and 2 phantom wing. Drops it's fang which can be used as a sword with poisoning ability.

    Giant crab, summoned using 5 nautilus shells and a shulker shell. Drops 10 armor shards which can repair any armor 25% in an anvil

    submitted by /u/Gaymergirl1
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    Idea for Mountain update: Castle ruins

    Posted: 24 Sep 2019 07:29 PM PDT

    On top of mountains, castle ruins would rarely spawn and have 3-5 chests throughout. Loot like diamonds, gold, potions, and bones.

    submitted by /u/Watobato
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    Circling Vultures for Badlands

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 08:37 AM PDT

    My suggestion isn't really that huge, I think it'd be really cool though if a player with under 4-5 hearts would have vultures circling them from above.

    submitted by /u/BridgeBurner134
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