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    Minecraft Bone blocks randomly found in deserts and Badlands

    Minecraft Bone blocks randomly found in deserts and Badlands

    Bone blocks randomly found in deserts and Badlands

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 06:29 AM PDT

    So this is a WIP idea but maybe you could find bone blocks arranged in certain ways on the surface that act as decaying corpses basically. You could find Vultures perched up on them

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    When placing a sign in a village, villagers will randomly look at the sign for 5 to 10 seconds as if they are reading it.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 11:46 AM PDT

    You gotta admit, villagers aren't the smartest mob Minecraft... I just want better human-like AI. Their AI is boring at the moment.

    submitted by /u/SZDXN
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    You should be able to draw your bow without an arrow in your inventory

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 03:56 AM PDT

    For aesthetic purposes only, and realism of course. The bow should be drawn back and make the same sound but no arrow would be shot.

    submitted by /u/malkratta
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    Frogs should repel spiders and be tameable/ attracted w/ spider eyes.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 12:06 AM PDT

    Saw frogs in the new biome update video. I think frogs would be a really interesting addition for the technical community if they repelled spiders like wolves repel skeletons and cats do creepers. Furthermore, frogs should/ would be attracted to lily pads and jump between them in repetition.

    EDIT: in case this makes no sense, the thinking behind this is that frogs like to eat insects.

    submitted by /u/Gobspout
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    Make Bad Omen incurable by milk and add another way to remove it

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 05:04 PM PDT

    Removing the Bad Omen effect should not be as easy as drinking a milk bucket, as it effectively makes involuntary Raids a non-factor nearly 100% of the time. This is, of course, due to it being a regular status effect. Maybe it should have a golden or red box surrounding its icon, indicating that it cannot be cured by regular methods. That would allow Burning to become a status effect as well, but that's an argument for another suggestion.

    However, I believe there should still be a way to remove it other than triggering the Raid. I believe that the Wandering Trader should have a chance to sell a new item called a Totem of Cleansing for five emeralds, offering just one per trader. Each one would, when used (and unlike the Totem of Undying, it only needs to be right clicked to take effect), remove all status effects, including those that cannot be cured by milk (besides the Bad Omen, one could imagine status effect curses, deadly diseases and whatnot) and play an animation similar to that of the Totem of Undying.

    EDIT: as suggested by u/RockHopperSSM, the Totem of Cleansing should be used by holding it in either the main or off-hand when arriving in a village, not by right clicking it, removing the effect and using the Totem when otherwise the Raid would be triggered.

    So, what do you guys think? To criticize my own idea, I have to say I am not totally pleased with the way the Totem is obtained. If the player became afflicted with Bad Omen, they'd just have to wait for a Wandering Trader to show up and pray that they had it, and if not, still stock up on them "just in case". This could be fixed, at least somewhat, by making the Totem a guaranteed trade, and/or by making low level Raids easier to deal with (e.g. prevent Vindicators from appearing on the first two waves or make them deal less damage). I suppose that alternatively a structure and a mini-boss could be added so that the Totem of Cleansing is obtained in a way closer to that of the Totem of Undying (as well as possibly pave way for more Totems and interesting structures), but I have no idea how to add those things and make them fit in with what's already there.

    EDIT2: Potential additional uses for the Totem could include removing Curses from items by combined them in an Anvil, or transforming Illagers into Villagers. The second idea was suggested by u/Awryl.

    submitted by /u/kvorotyn
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    Locking Items in your Inventory

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 04:49 AM PDT

    You know how sometimes you're clearing out a bunch of items from your inventory by Ctrl+Q'ing everything but you accidentally throw out something you want to keep so you have to pick everything up again? There could be a keybind that, when you press it while hovering over an item, it "locks" that item in your inventory, you could still move it around and craft with it or whatever, but your drop key would not work on it (could also affect hotbar).

    submitted by /u/VernonN
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    Abandoned Cabins (with example structure + loot)

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 02:09 PM PDT

    The abandoned cabin would be a new structure generating in taiga biomes and their variants (the one in the Imgur album was, for instance, in a taiga hills biome).

    The base structure includes the cabin itself, but it can also generate with a sheep pen and/or a cellar (the one in the example "generates" with everything, just for the sake of demonstrating the structure).

    While I include some example loot in the Imgur album, that could be easily changed around for balancing purposes.

    The structure also has various infested cobblestone blocks, hence the silverfish shown in the example.

    Imgur album demonstrating the idea: https://imgur.com/a/Sq1SYIB

    This is where I would include a feedback site link, but my post was removed for some reason.

    Thank you for reading this, and I hope you liked it!

    submitted by /u/SendineisTheParadox
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    Poisonous Mushrooms

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 10:14 PM PDT

    If swamp wins, there should be greenish mushrooms. If you eat one, 2/3 of the time you get pufferfish-like effects; and 1/3 of the time, you get Speed II, Strength I, and Nausea for 30 seconds.

    submitted by /u/Abahot
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    The ability to pivot on horseback

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 10:07 AM PDT

    In Minecraft when on horseback, you can only face forward, and when moving the horse goes in the same direction. I would like for the ability to press a button (say ctrl) which would let you pivot while on horseback (turn side to side). The horse stays in the same original direction, but the player can turn to either side and place blocks or perform actions while still on the horse. If you do use your move keys, the horse moves but the player can turn independently.

    This could also let you face enemy mobs who may be on your sides without having to turn your horse whose head would block your view. In addition it would be cool to be able to turn around and use a bow/crossbow/trident to fire at enemies behind you (as a sort of Parthian shot). I believe it would give horses a little more utility and flexibility, especially for combat, but also if you're building and need to skedaddle in a hurry.

    submitted by /u/pvphook
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    A New Mob Boss for Snowy Biomes

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 10:14 AM PDT

    I think Snowy Biomes are cool because they have igloos and polar bears already but there's still not a reason to go seek them out. I think it would be cool to have a boss in the Ice Spike Biome (I envision like a snow troll not that what it looks like matters at the moment). But it guards some loot and inside the loot is maybe a book or sword with an enchantment like Frost Bane which does extra damage to fire type mobs (blazes and magma cubes and maybe mobs on fire in the sun?). Possibly could be a cave in the Snowy Taiga Biome.

    submitted by /u/geewiz1994
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    Pet improvements

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 08:38 AM PDT

    This is a few basic improvements that I think are fairly needed.

    • All: You can shift/right click a pet, and the block they are on becomes their home block. When not following you, they will get up and walk around, but never stray far from their home block.

    • Wolves: Increased health/damage. Will now act more like cats when told to sit.

    • Cats: When nearby, any magic is stronger. Potions have a chance to last 1-10 seconds longer when brewed near a cat, and you're more likely to get better enchantments when one is nearby. (The potion one will be frogs if they are tameable)

    • Parrots: Will pick up items on the floor and, if their home block is an inventory, will put the item in the block. If given a harmful splash potion, they will fly at the nearest hostile mob and use it. If given a helpful splash potion, they will fly at the nearest injured friendly mob and use it.

    • Llamas: Their spit spreads any potion effects they are under to whatever is hit.

    • Horses: Extra damage with trident while on horseback.

    An that's all.

    submitted by /u/PhoenixKnight777
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    Campfires will deter zombies.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 02:44 PM PDT

    The title says it all. Having a lit campfire will create a moderately sized area where zombies will refuse to enter/try and get out of.

    This was originally going to tie into my idea for Tents, which could be destroyed by Zombies, but the idea for tents ended up being too complicated. So, I scrapped that idea but the campfires repelling zombies still seems cool.

    submitted by /u/Digiboy62
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    Idea for Mountain update: Abandoned fire beacon.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 11:22 AM PDT

    Tucked away amongst the snow and strong winds of the mountains, a single tower made of stone and spruce stands solemnly, a relic of a long forgotten era.

    Just think it would be pretty cool to have some small mountain-based structure in the mountains to contrast the lack of any form of civilization there. Since it's just a fire beacon, it wouldn't have anything too fancy except for the occasional chunk of coal, logs for the fire or a flint and steel to light it, but maybe it could have a map of the surrounding regions for any lost travelers seeking shelter.

    submitted by /u/Johannes_V
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    Add a "Bad Air" block and flowing bad air blocks.

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 01:12 PM PDT

    Bad Air blocks (or "Noxious Fumes", or whatever you want to call it) could generate from inside the wall of a cave, similar to how Water and Lava sometimes do. The bad air would flow down into the cave and be sickly colored like very faint green or brown flowing liquid or a pool of liquid (greater visual transparency and may not be visible in the dark). But if you can track the bad air to its source you could plug it up, or at least hem it in with dirt blocks so as not to contaminate the lower levels.

    Bad air might also appear in swamp biomes for flavor, although it would not really be a threat to surface travel.

    Crossing into bad air would force you to hold your breath. But if you run out of oxygen, you become poisoned in addition to taking damage. Trying to navigate through bad air might also darken your vision (e.g. ink blast), make your vision get blurry, or whatever.

    You cannot swim out of it or up the flow, so if you find yourself in a hole filled with the stuff you had better figure a way to climb or mine your way out really quick! Pits and pockets of bad air or fumes would be one more good reason to carry a ladder or some disposable dirt or gravel or sand with you everywhere.

    I cannot think of a good way for a player to somehow mine and capture a bad air block unless you wanted to handwave it as scoopable with glass bottles somehow?

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    Auditory Hallucinations

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 03:34 PM PDT

    Currently when you haven't slept for a while, phantoms will start spawning. I have another idea for what should happen when you don't sleep. Auditory hallucinations. Basically how it would work is you hear a random sound from a list. For example: randomly hearing a witch cackle or a creeper's hissing sound.

    I think it would be kinda cool and also fun to see how streamers who don't follow minecraft updates would react to them...

    submitted by /u/Flowixz
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    Make your character jump slightly higher when you crouch beforehand

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 02:21 PM PDT

    Not as much as jump boost I, but you should be able to jump up 1 block plus something smaller than a slab that you normally cant jump up to. This should be a feature because in real life you jump lower if you have your knees locked, like the player.

    submitted by /u/ChocolatePorter
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    New World Type: Continental (finite but surrounded by ocean once certain conditions are met)

    Posted: 25 Sep 2019 09:11 PM PDT

    Sometimes you don't want "Infinite", you want "just enough".

    A Continental type of world would have the built-in assumption that eventually the world terminates in deep ocean in all directions, beyond which would be the void (and certain death because you will just fall forever).

    The actual dimensions of the Continental world type will not and should not be given as a specific whole number, but the game will monitor all the following conditions waiting for them to be true. Once a condition has been met, it stays "true" even if conditions might arise where it would be considered false (e.g. destruction of the Woodland Mansion within Creative Mode).

    (a) Every biome (other than unused ones) has been generated at least once;

    (b) At least one End Portal has been generated somewhere in the world;

    (c) At least one Monument has been generated somewhere in the world;

    (d) At least one Woodland Mansion has been generated somewhere in the world;

    (e) At least two Nether Fortresses have been generated;

    Once all conditions hold true, then the world is designated as "Complete". At this point, the game should stop trying to add more land biomes and instead surround everything so far generated with more and more beach front, ocean and deep ocean. ("Land's End" scenario)

    I'm not really sure how large such a world type could get. Because there are about 60-and-a-half Overworld biomes, and some are rather rare, it might be a fairly far distance from origin before just the right conditions came up for the rarest biomes in the game to generate. (A "Small Continent" variant world type might be made in which edge biomes are not considered when meeting the above conditions for world Completion.)

    submitted by /u/aqua_zesty_man
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    Minecarts should do damage

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 04:25 AM PDT

    Minecarts should do damage to mobs and players based on the speed of them. If the minecarts are going slow mobs could push them back, but if they are going fast they will just damage the mob and keep going in the direction they are heading.

    Vote here

    submitted by /u/malkratta
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    Goats eating

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 11:49 AM PDT

    I think goats should try to eat any item near them.

    submitted by /u/Abahot
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    New Death Messages

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 02:04 PM PDT

    Just some new death messages. @p will be used for playername and Zombie will be used for attacker.

    @p didn't want to live in the same world as [Intentional Game Design]

    Old Message: @p fell out of the world

    This message occurs when a player falls into the void after taking damage from an exploding bed.

    @p should reconsider their life choices

    Old Message: @p walked into a cactus whilst trying to escape Llama

    This message only occurs if you are poked to death while running from a Llama.

    @p used their Elytra too much

    Old Message: @p fell from a high place

    Occurs when you are killed by fall damage due to a broken Elytra.

    @p dug straight down

    Old Message: @p tried to swim in lava

    Occurs when you are killed by lava right after digging down at least 5 blocks.

    @p didn't stick the landing

    Old Message: @p fell from a high place

    Occurs when a player dies of fall damage after having jumped at least 10 times in the last 30 seconds.

    @p had lightning called upon them by Zombie

    Old Message: @p was struck by lightning by Zombie

    Occurs when you are killed by a Channeling trident.

    @p got mined by Zombie

    Old: @p was slain by Zombie

    Occurs when slain by a pickaxe

    @p had their grave dug by Zombie

    Old: @p was slain by Zombie

    Occurs when you are killed by a shovel.

    @p got planted by Zombie

    Old: @p was slain by Zombie

    occurs when you are killed by a hoe.

    @p was mowed down by Zombie.

    Old: @p was slain by Zombie

    Occurs when killed with a sweep attack.

    @p tested their luck one too many times

    Old: @p blew up/@p was shot by Arrow

    Occurs when a player dies to one of the traps of a desert/jungle temple. (Specifically, blown up by TNT within the bounding box of a Desert Temple or shot by a dispenser's arrow while in the bounding box of a desert temple.

    @p had the Nether's might unleashed on them.

    Old: @p was slain by Zombie Pigman/Wither Skeleton/Blaze/Ghast/Magma Cube

    An extremely rare death message, this occurs when at least 3 different Nether mobs and 1 nether hazard damage the player within 30 seconds of their death.

    Like it? Hate it? Any questions down below!

    submitted by /u/Godless_Phoenix
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    Enchanting, Experience, and the Extractor : A FULL REVAMP

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 10:14 AM PDT


    I come here with a pretty wide idea. An overhaul of the whole enchanting and experience system, and a new utility block that will help you enchant your equipment

    >> The new Enchanting Table UI <<

    The current Enchanting Table only requires you to get some diamonds and some books to get to the maximum level of enchantments possible. Now that bookshelves, books, paper and leather are all EASILY accessible, there's no obvious progression anymore

    >> New Bookshelves placement system <<

    I don't think the bookshelves requirement is perfect, because the placement is pretty much always the same. You're limited to a bunch of setups, and you cannot have much space around your Enchanting Table. Reducing the number of Bookshelves required and increasing their range would enable a lot of cool designs

    >> Behold, the Extractor ! <<

    The Extractor is a new utility block that can extract any enchantment from an enchanted item and put it in a book. You're trying to get Unbreaking III on your Diamond Sword, and you got a bunch of Unbreaking I Gold Swords from the Zombie Pigmen you just slaughtered ? The Extractor can make use of it

    >> Experience tables changes <<

    So long, enchantments are getting pretty expensive, in terms of both experience and Lapis Lazuli. While I think Lapis can be found in many structures now, the experience system has never been extremely good in my opinion. The best way to farm experience is by mining Quartz in the Nether. I think it needs some changes

    >> Damage reduction Enchantments <<

    This is more of a discussion than a suggestion, but I don't like the Protection enchantment. It's too strong, and it makes the 3 other damage-reduction enchantments basically irrelevant, even if they have some unique properties. Protection really isn't interesting, in my opinion, but I still think it should exist as a way to further reduce the damage you take.

    My idea is that Protection will no longer reduce all incoming damage, but only the types of damage not covered by Fire, Blast, and Projectile Protection.

    To compensate, defense points from armor will protect the player a little more. This change would also be useful for the future, if new tiers of armors are introduced

    submitted by /u/Focosa88
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    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 03:46 PM PDT

    The sea pickles of land!

    With bees coming up in these recent time, the possibility for candle wax seems as apparent as ever. Candles could possibly act as sea pickles, being able to be put into groups of four, becoming a greater source of lighting the more present in the area. Aside from aesthetic reasons, candles could possibly be a more affordable than torches once bee-handling is mastered and candlewax is mass produced. However, these could be put out by rain or naturally melt as time goes by (perhaps every 12k ticks or so).

    Aesthetically pleasing, cheap to create, what's not to love about a good candle?

    submitted by /u/Johannes_V
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    Dungeon spawns

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 11:46 AM PDT

    I think that in desert dungeons, husks should spawn instead of zombies, etc.

    submitted by /u/Abahot
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    Custom World Sizes

    Posted: 26 Sep 2019 02:16 PM PDT

    When the "Customized" world type gets brought back eventually, it would be cool to customize not only the world's physical features, but also its size. This includes both its area and its height.

    Here are some world sizes that could be available:


    Size Name Actual Length and Width (metres)
    Tiny 256×256
    Small 1024×1024
    Medium 100000×100000
    Huge 10000000×10000000
    Nigh-Infinite 30000000×30000000

    Reducing the horizontal size would cause the world to make sure that at least one of every non-biome-specific structure generates in the world. This means that strongholds need to generate in the Overworld, and fortresses need to generate in the Nether (in order to make the game beatable). It would also try to generate any biome-specific structures, if possible.

    As for the End, it would also be affected, causing the outer islands to generate close to the main one in the tiny and small sizes. The End would also be required to generate at least one city with a ship.

    When you reach the world's edge in the Overworld, an endless ocean would be rendered and the land would roll down into it. In the Nether, you would hit a wall. In the End, islands wouldn't generate. This is to smoothen the transition.


    Size Name Actual Height (metres)
    More Shallow 64
    Less Shallow 128
    Normal 256
    Deep 512

    The shallow sizes would shorten mountains. The deep size wouldn't affect the land, but it would allow for deeper oceans and caves.

    These world heights would also affect the Nether, where the developers could decide on it using only half the world height like it does now, or have it use all the world height.

    These new world sizes would make worlds more customizable and interesting. Indev already did it, so I hope the developers look into this.

    submitted by /u/xXx_LI_xXx
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