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    Minecraft Campfires scare off hostile mobs when regional difficulty is low.

    Minecraft Campfires scare off hostile mobs when regional difficulty is low.

    Campfires scare off hostile mobs when regional difficulty is low.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:59 AM PDT

    If you inhabit a chunk for a certain time, difficulty in this chunk goes up. I like this feature.

    Now what if, if you're new to a chunk, you could scare off hostile mobs with a campfire.

    This would give you a reason to set up a campfire when you're traveling, but will also mean you can't use campfires to defend your base.

    submitted by /u/luckjes112
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    Dead chorus plants

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 03:54 PM PDT

    Dead chorus plant would be chorus plants with a grey texture, they don't grow if you place a dead chorus flower but they are renewable. Using bone meal on a chorus plant has a 30% chance of turning into a dead chorus plant. Dead chorus fruits can be eaten normally, but they will affect hunger and will not teleport the player/entity. You can craft popped dead chorus fruit and craft dyed purpur blocks, stairs, slabs, and pillars with it. Dead chorus plants can also generate naturally in the Outer End Islands. You can also found them in End City loot chests.

    submitted by /u/Everedeck
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    A small addition to the jungle

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 05:35 AM PDT

    The jungle in real life is extremely diverse, so it would fit to add at least one small addition.

    I mean the orchid. It would occur in the jungle in the following colors: white, purple, purple-white, pink and yellow.

    They appear on random tree trunks in the jungle. Usually 3-11 blocks from the ground although very rarely could appear even at a height of 17 blocks. You could make dyes from them.Orchids can also be planted on logs and on the ground. Proposed in a comment / CouldBeSteve.

    If the player would put two-colored orchid in the craft table, maybe for example a purple-white dye. Two colored dyes could be used to make two colored blocks!

    I think you will like my idea!

    submitted by /u/Neonek675
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    Make the upcoming emotes more subtle on Bedrock

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:50 PM PDT

    TL;DR: Remove Breakdance emote, split Giddy emote, shorten Pickaxe emote

    So in Minecon 2019, it was announced emotes would come to Bedrock Edition.
    These six were shown in the video:

    "Follow me!", "Wave", "Giddy", "Pickaxe", "Celebrate", "Breakdance"

    Here are my opinions on these new emotes and how I think they should change them to fit Minecraft's nature.

    Follow me!: This is fine as it is.

    Wave: This is very good - it will allow for better communication between players.

    Giddy: This should be split into two different emotes: Clap and Cheer. It seems a bit of a overreaction to me for having both of them.

    Pickaxe: I like this, it could be used to say "Let's go mining!"

    Celebrate was not shown in the video clip, but it might be some thought of cheering emote. It sounds fine to me.

    Breakdance: This doesn't fit Minecraft's nature and seems like too much (or cringey) so I personally don't like this one. If they were to add a dance, it should be more subtle with less movement.

    submitted by /u/solar_powered_noob42
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    The bedrock light blocks should function like barrier blocks

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:06 AM PDT

    If you hold a light block in your hand you should be able to see other light blocks

    submitted by /u/Batur0000
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    Stained Purpur Blocks

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:31 AM PDT

    I think we can all agree that in general, Purpur blocks are not very useful in day to day builds. I personally like the texture of Purpur, but the color of it is not an easy color to use in a palette. A good way to make the block more useful is to be able to dye it, much like many of the other blocks in game. The crafting recipe simply would need you to add a piece of die surrounded by the Purpur block/Pillar.

    I also added in Stained Ender Brick, as I personally like the idea of a colored brick, but the main focus is on the Purpur itself.

    https://imgur.com/a/fjHDVEm Here is a comparison between on the colors

    submitted by /u/MrAsYouCanSee
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    Double tapping and holding space will end creative flight as well as deploy elytra.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:12 AM PDT

    Recently, this bug was introduced and fixed. It's good that it was fixed, however, I did like how fun it was to fly around like that. I think that double-tapping space should exit creative flight normally (how it does now) but tapping space once, and holding it on the second should also exit flight, but immediately begin flying with elytra. This wouldn't break any existing behaviour and would be more of a QOL change than anything.

    This is sort of a feature where you can triple-tap space, but believe me, it feels better to do it in two taps.

    Replace [space] with whatever button you've bound to jump, I just used it here to avoid confusion.

    Edit: to be clear (as one of my posts was locked before), I'm not suggesting they fix or change the bug, but rather implement a new behaviour.

    submitted by /u/4P5mc
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    Salt, Celery, and Spinach: Food additives!

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 06:08 AM PDT

    NOTE I'm on my break at work, so I'll be adding to this as the day goes on. Criticisms will not be read until I get home, so I may address your issue as text progresses.

    The idea is pretty simple: foods you can eat when not hungry, and that can do things to boost the effectiveness of the food and eating mechanic. We will start with Celery, because it should grow in the mountains, and that's the next update.

    Celery can be eaten to restore one heart, and adds 0.5 to your saturation. Wandering Traders will have a 12.5% chance to have celery seeds if you find them in a hills, or mountain biome. Grows in 3 stages. What makes Celery special is that it can be added to any soup during crafting to decrease the amount of time it takes to eat. Doing this makes the soup a "Tasty" variant, and it gains the enchanted shimmer. Brewing celery with a mundane potion would have the interesting effect of acting like a milk bucket by removing status effects, but with the added benefit that you can stack the bottles. (This actually is kind of a sub suggestion, because you'd do this by crafting 6 bottles with 3 paper to make a "6 pack" and that is how it stacks.)

    Salt has been suggested like a bazillion, gagillion times, so I'll give you guys the cliff's notes on it: Again, primarily found in mountains, but also in Badlands, and occasionally under deserts. Vein size is comparable to coal seams, and the ore pattern is lifted from nether quartz, but is kind of pink. You can craft a block, and it will look like a greyish pink version of Lapis Lazuli. Yadda yadda yadda yadda, melts ice when placed on it, attracts vegetarian mobs within 48 blocks of it, etc., etc., I'm sure this all is part and parcel for most of the salt suggestions. Where I'm going out on a limb here is that if you add it to meats and soups it makes the food heal 50% more health than it would previously, at the expense of any saturation the food would have given you. Any food salted like this would be "salted" or "savory" variants. You cannot add it to sweet foods or baked goods, with the exception of potatoes. With such an awesome trade-off there is one catch: if you eat too many salted items, (about 8, but it depends on your starting saturation, so it could be as many as 10, or as few as 5) you'll incur a nasty debuff called "Parched". Parched is like mining fatigue's big brother. Under Parched's effects you'll run at only half speed, you'll be unable to crit, or over charge your attacks, mining speed is reduced significantly, you'll loose saturation constantly, and you'll only be able to jump 1/2 a block into the air. OUCH! Fortunately, there's a rather simple remedy! Drink some water from a bottle! This will clear out all the debuffs, but you'll have to manually recoup your saturation, so EAT SALTED ITEMS SPARINGLY!!

    Next up is the main attraction of this suggestion, and to be quite honest, it's a bit Over Powered. Potentially broken even- like full enchanted diamond armor, just ate an enchanted golden apple, and holding a totem of undying in one hand and a bow with mending and infinity you saved from 1.11 in the other "BROKEN" but that's kind of the point... I have to run home now, so I'll pick this up when I get there, and can quit typing on my phone. Still, I think everyone will be VERY interested in Spinach. (More to be added)

    submitted by /u/TheStaffmaster
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    Wither roses are placed in stead of dropped

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 08:18 AM PDT

    When a wither kills a living mob, it drops a wither rose. I think the game should place the rose when there is a block underneath on which it can be placed.

    That would make the wither fight a bit more challenging, the aftermath scene would look more interesting and they won't despawn, which is a real pain if you initially spawned the wither to farm roses.

    submitted by /u/emojilover3001
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    Curse of Binding II & III

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 02:46 AM PDT

    Only available in CREATIVE mode, or through commands, I propose enchantment levels for the Curse of Binding curse. It would be especially useful for map makers.

    LEVEL I — As it is right now, when applied to a piece of armor, it can't be removed once equipped.

    LEVEL II — It would also prevent people from dropping the item (can be applied to any item). They wouldn't be able to press Q and drop it, though they can move it around in their inventory, but only from one inventory slot to another, and the item would be sent back to its original slot if the player drags it and clicks outside of the inventory (as if they were dropping it), or deposits it in a container. Basically, it's a way to easily prevent the item from leaving the inventory. Additionally, when applied to armor, it would NOT be impossible to unequip it as with Curse of Binding I. If the map maker wants this nonetheless, they'd be able to apply BOTH CoB I and II.

    Troubleshooting: what if a player clicks a Curse of Binding II item to drag it to another slot, while standing in items?An item would instantly fill out the slot. Two ways to fix it: we either temporarily lock the original slot until the cursed item is sent back to it or finds another slot. Second possibility is letting the slot get filled, but if the player doesn't put the cursed item in a proper slot, it would be sent back to the original slot and drop the item that was picked up.

    LEVEL III — This one is much simpler: it's a complete lock of the item. When a player has a Curse of Binding III item in an inventory slot, it will be completely impossible for them to do anything with it, not even move it around in the inventory. Only thing they can do is use the item, but also DROP IT if it happens to be in their hotbar. To prevent the dropping part, we would have to apply Curse of Binding II as well. It would only be possible to change data through commands, making that only useful to map makers who want to have special unchangeable items, like a book menu that no one can touch and only use, in the ninth hotbar slot, for example.

    To avoid trolling to users who don't know how to use commands, creative users should be immune to CoB II and III.

    submitted by /u/Nouche_
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    Second automod test (ignore this post)

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 03:32 PM PDT

    Testing out filtered words.

    submitted by /u/Mince_rafter
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    Same World, Different Console

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:11 PM PDT

    Something I really like about the custom skins, is the ability to use the same one you made on all consoles. If I make a skin on my xbox, I can use it on pocket edition or my switch.

    Why cant we do this with worlds? I think it would be awesome to start a survival world on my xbox and continue playing it on the go on my phone or switch. It would be a simple and fun way to be persistent with one world.

    What do you guys think about this? Would it work? Would peaple enjoy this?

    (Sorry if this suggestion has been made before. I just thought of it and figured I would share)

    submitted by /u/calebdobias
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    Extra additions the bees

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 09:55 AM PDT

    Bees are a nice Minecraft update, but they forgot some details that would make the game better. So here are my suggestions about it.

    - Royal Jelly
    They would give you the ability to glide for 6 seconds, and would give you 2 hearts. They could tame a bee and turn it into a queen, it can't be made, just bought for over 20 emeralds from the beekeeper.

    - Honey (not in the glass bottle)

    When you use scissors or a glass bottle in a Beehive or Nest, you have a 35% chance of dropping this type of honey. Also, in a beehive or tick 5 nest, would spill this honey on the floor. This honey can be placed on the floor, you'll get slow after step on. And, Cats, wolves and foxes are attracted to this honey, you can feed them.

    - Apiary Bench

    They served to give employment to the villagers. The beekeeper

    - Beekeeper villager

    He's the only way to get royal jelly, he would sell a lot of honey stuff. Can be employed with The Apiary Bench

    submitted by /u/luannscardua
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    Let's discuss Saturation Regeneration

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 03:17 PM PDT

    I think saturation regeneration(SR) needs a nerf. Based on my last post, this doesn't seem like a popular idea. So, instead of me proposing any changes, I'd just like to discuss nerfing SR.

    If you disagree with me about nerfing SR, post a comment telling me why.

    If you agree, let's discuss the extent it should be nerfed.

    If you're not informed on how SR works, you can also comment and I will explain what it is, and why I think it needs to be nerfed.

    submitted by /u/Sheet_Varlerie
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    Bedrock 1.13 problem: allow people playing as the splitscreen account to access previously made skins.

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 03:13 PM PDT

    When you play as the bottom splitscreen account on the latest bedrock update, you can make skins on the fly, but cannot access any that we're previously made on your account, or during other sessions of play as the splitscreen account. This only makes for the annoying process of creating skins every. Single. Time. If you want one as the lower screen. It's a pretty simple fix: make them accesible. Don't make us go through such a tedious process every time we want a custom skin on splitscreen!

    submitted by /u/skyler_po72
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    new food idea: sandwich

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 01:39 AM PDT

    in the 9×9 crafting table grid, we can make a sandwich by putting bread on the top and bottom bar. in the middle bar you can put steak, mutton, porkchop, etc. it will recover 12 hunger points + the hunger points normally recieved from the food you put at the middle bar.

    for example, if you eat a sandwich with a steak, you will get 20 hunger points (12+8).

    edit: sandwich can't be stacked

    submitted by /u/PyrimTheDog
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    Rabbit stew should give the player jump boost || and swiftness |

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 07:13 AM PDT

    The effects should last for about 45 seconds. This would not be too powerful as rabbit stew is non-stackable just like potions and also more of a nuisance to obtain than potions. This would make it easier to find a nether fortress and begin brewing as you could traverse the nether with jump boost.

    Possibly mushroom stew could give regeneration I for 15 seconds and hunger and nausea I for 5 seconds because the mushrooms make you feel sick. The reason mushroom stew would have worse effects than rabbit stew is because it is easy to obtain once you find a swamp or forest.

    These changes should be added because stews are practically useless at the moment and noone uses them but this could give people reason to. I really like the idea of foods giving special effects and this could cause more stews to be implemented giving different effects.

    Feedback site link: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/360054893812-Eating-rabbit-stew-should-give-the-player-45-seconds-of-jump-boost-2-and-swiftness-1

    submitted by /u/somxton
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    Fog and fog machines

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 12:21 PM PDT

    I think Miencraft is too easy in the Overworld, so I suggest to make it even harder...with fog. And fog machines they can be triggered with redstone. You can also catch fog with a bucket and place it to escape.

    submitted by /u/kingofsquirrel
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    Nerf Saturation Regeneration

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 11:24 AM PDT

    Saturation regen is too powerful. Here is my suggestion.

    Nerf the regen effect from 1 HP every 0.5 seconds to 1 HP every 2 seconds.

    However, you only need 18 hunger to start having saturation regen.

    Also, to keep gold carrots special, they would apply regeneration 1 for 15 seconds after eating, meaning they would restore 6 HP during the time the regeneration is active.

    Let me know if you think this is a bad idea, we can talk in the comments. Also, feel free to ask questions if you need help understanding my post.

    submitted by /u/Sheet_Varlerie
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    Paintings, paintings, and paintings! [Pictures Included]

    Posted: 29 Oct 2019 06:05 PM PDT

    We haven't gotten a new painting since 2013! Minecraft's pixel-y, abstract paintings are neat, but it's time for a change.

    New Paintings

    Here's some concept art, and it seems people like it (Dinnerbone).

    There's one thing I'd like to push forward that can be seen in my concept art: embedded tutorials in paintings for new players.

    Advancements: Unlocking Paintings

    Minecraft follows a logical chain of "adventures," seen in the advancement trees. There are lots of these that aren't very self-explanatory. For example, building a Nether portal.

    Players would unlock paintings just like they reach advancements.

    You'd start off with all of the default paintings plus an additional painting. Let's pretend it's the Nether portal.

    <New Player> Hmm.. what if I did that?

    Once they reach the Nether, they'd get a notification (like advancements) that says "Painting Unlocked!"

    A new painting has been added to the collection of randomly selected paintings for that user. The cycle continues.

    Vote on the Feedback Site (pending approval).

    Please consider upvoting.

    submitted by /u/S5Z7
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    A change to armour

    Posted: 30 Oct 2019 10:27 AM PDT

    So, this is how armour works right now. You might get some leather on while farming for food, then you get iron, then you get diamond and nothing else for the rest of the game.

    So here's a change that could be simple, but still change the way we use armor: Weight.

    For each piece of gold/iron/diamond armor you wear, you speed drops slightly. Not enough for it to be extremely slow, but enough for you to consider leather/chainmail. Walking would not be affected.

    Chainmail could become a new alternative to iron/diamond armor. It would be a rarer lightweight armor only accessible through trading, drops, or pillager outposts. (giving more reasons to loot these structures)

    Just thought it would be nice to have a reason to use other types of armour.

    Enchantments could also change for heavy/light armour. For example, an knockback resistance buff for heavy armour, and a double jump buff for lightweight boots, or an enchantment that could make your attacks faster for light armor, that could replace the thorns enchant that is on heavy armor.

    Anyway, you could choose more speedy gear and enchants, or a tankier setup. Or something in between. Like diamond boots and chestplate with a chainmail helmet and leggings.

    It would just be a nice reason to have more than the basic prot 4 diamond armour you end up with all the time.

    submitted by /u/Sim-Jong-Un
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