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    Minecraft Instabreaking glass with a brick

    Minecraft Instabreaking glass with a brick

    Instabreaking glass with a brick

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 10:32 AM PST

    Breaking large amounts of glass has always been tedious because even with the best tools there is no way to instabreak glass, therefore i propose that Mojang should make so that by holding a brick in your hand and punching glass it will instabreak

    submitted by /u/bluetiti
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    The Crank, A New Redstone Component!

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 11:04 AM PST


    So what exactly is the crank? Well its basically a new button/lever.

    Buttons gives off a single redstone pulse, and Levers give off a toggleable constant pulse.

    The Crank would give off a "scaleable" redstone pulse. Basically the longer you hold down on the crank, the stronger the redstone pulse!

    Maybe it has different settings as well? For example, you might have to hold again to "reset" the crank on one setting but on the other, it automatically resets itself like a button but slower.

    Maybe the block it is on causes resistance? Like if the Crank is on an obsidian block, you have to hold down much longer to fully pull the Crank, but if it's something like dirt, it doesn't take long.

    submitted by /u/VelVoxel_Raptor
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    Tamed wolves shouldn't attack foxes/ocelots that trust you

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 12:19 PM PST

    For those who don't know, there's a game mechanic called trust with foxes and ocelots. If you breed 2 of them, the new born baby will trust you, so it won't run away from you.

    However tamed wolves will still attack animals that trust you if you hit them, and this makes no sense to me. They don't attack other tamed animals, presumably because they know those are your friends. Trusting animals are also your friends, so they shouldn't be attacked by your wolves.

    submitted by /u/Theverylowkey666
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    Pressing F while hovering over an item should put the item in the offhand slot

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 01:34 PM PST

    Just like pressing the number keys put item you are hovering over in the corresponding hot bar slot, I think it should also apply to the offhand

    submitted by /u/AL_O0
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    Badlands should rarely spawn a Skeleton Horse corral.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 03:56 AM PST

    American deserts have cow skulls lying around. Just the skull. Everyone knows that. What happened to the rest of the cow? Ehn.

    In short, animal skeletons and badlands look perfect together. And what better way to decorate a landscape filled with abandoned gold rush mineshafts than some abandoned gold rush cowboy stables filled with abandoned horses?

    submitted by /u/gamtosthegreat
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    Lead improvement + Honey Leads.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 12:53 PM PST

    • let us tie leads to other boats, carts, fences without animals.
    • Let us tie leads to multiple animals
    • Let us use leads as decoration around blocks, like right clicking adds a rope detail to the block.
    • Honey Leads: Leads doused in honey so any mob that touches the lead gets stuck
    • Honey leads will let players stick to them and cross an 8 block gap. Any further, you will fall because the rope breaks. Works like a lead, ties to two different objects.
    • Instead of string we can use leads on tripwire hooks to make it stronger and shears can't break it. Also extends length to 80 blocks instead of 40.
    • Using leads on tripwire hooks will connect vertically as well giving us a unique way to power redstone while keeping vanilla and not changing much
    • using an invisibility potion on the lead will turn it invisible giving an trap advantage over string
    • Now honey is in game, I feel leads should have a secondary crafting recipe for instead of slime you can use honey.
    • Honey lead Crafting: Lead plus 2 honey. ___________________________________________ I mean I don't see why not. It would prove more support in the game. Add more decoration. And possibly some command wizards would love this. Also more parkour challenges if this was added. Just a small suggestion.
    submitted by /u/CosmicLightning
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    Failing a Raid.

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 03:31 PM PST

    If you fail to defend a village from a raid, you would get an effect that would raise the prices with other villagers (From other villages, thanks u/AnAverageHumanPerson) for a certain time.

    submitted by /u/Evidaent
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    Quick charge on regular bows

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 03:52 PM PST

    So in 1.14 we got crossbows, a little bit better version of the bow. Along with it came a new enchantment, quick charge. The different levels of quick charge made it so you could pull the crossbow back faster. Bows need this too. Before the pulling back, bows were basically machine guns. So you could hold down right click and spam arrows. I would like quick charge on regular bows to bring them back to there older form. The attacks would be less strong, but it would be cooler and useful for certain people

    submitted by /u/Noatee
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    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 03:34 PM PST

    Beavers would bite down trees and build dams over rivers. They could be tamed using vegetables and could be used to make slow but efficient early game tree farms. When killed, they would drop logs, sticks, and saplings. They would attack you if you attacked it, or if you destroyed its dam.

    submitted by /u/GuitarShark865
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    flame runner enchantment

    Posted: 21 Nov 2019 01:13 AM PST

    just like the frost walker enchantment, the flame runner will put water on fire or lava when standing on it but will just put obsidian under you when in the nether lava because you cant put water in the nether

    submitted by /u/aleksey69
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    More Off-Hand Items

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:52 PM PST

    Idk If this has been posted here before but I have a few ideas for off-hand items.

    • A Burnt Bone that is a 3% Drop from wither skeletons. When in your off-hand, it makes you take less damage/immune to fire.
    • A Taming Charm that makes animals 50% easier to tame (Like if there was a dog that took 2 bones to tame, it would cost only 1.) Maybe you get it in witch huts or dungeons.
    • An Wood's man charm, that causes apples to drop more when broken.
    submitted by /u/zippycat9
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    Fruits and junk food

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 04:42 PM PST

    Mojang should add tropical food, I live in a tropical place, It should be good to add these:

    Bananas, pineapples, lemons, oranges, tomatos, and other friuts,

    And other types of food like:

    Hamburger: a steak in the middle and 2 bread at bottom and top.

    Chocolate bar: Cocoa beans in a 3×2 gird to get 1 bar.

    Bacon: 1 "RAW" porkchop for 4 bacon, restore al hunger bars and steak saturation

    submitted by /u/Diego-Rios_
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    When placing a block of diamond on top of an activated beacon, it becomes a focused beacon.

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 06:29 PM PST

    The reasoning behind this is the diamond would focus the beam of a beacon. Diamonds in Minecraft are rather cloudy, but I'm not sure what would make more sense or be more fair than this. You still need a working pyramid to make it work though, otherwise there's no beam to focus.

    Focused beacons are laser defense systems. When stepping into the laser, the more damage and effects you'll receive, we'll get to that in a moment.

    Focused beacon beams spin faster, and can be colored like an ordinary beacon beam. Each of 4 layer tiers of a beacon adds to the damage. Also, the damage is reduced by fire protection but fire resistance potions don't work, this is a deadly laser after all. Fire protection reduces damage by a total of 2 hearts per second, which makes you a good deal more likely to survive walking through one.

    3x3 tier- 2 hearts of damage per second

    5x5 tier- 4 hearts of damage per second

    7x7 tier- 6 hearts of damage per second

    9x9 tier- 8.5 hearts of damage per second. This tier adds negative status effects to give people that pass through.

    Tier 4 available effects to choose-

    Poison for 10 seconds

    Wither for 5 seconds

    Hunger for 30 seconds

    Slowness for 20 seconds

    Weakness for 20 seconds

    Blindness for 30 seconds (blindness makes sense, lasers can blind you very easily)

    You can use 2 effects simultaneously or pick 1 for the next level.

    This would not be an overpowered addition. You can see if it is dangerous by the speed the beam rotates, and someone has to allow themselves to come into contact with the beam.

    This could be used to repel mobs from a gate to your base, using pistons to turn off or turn on the laser, potential (albeit expensive) traps, and adding a new hazard map creators can take advantage of.

    It could also make great afk mob farms. But considering that it costs a nether star and 81 ingots of iron or gold, emeralds, or diamonds to make even a weak laser, it's pretty fair I'd say. Mobs naturally avoid these lasers, so that means you have to get them to touch the beam somehow. People have been wanting a beacon that can be a weapon, and I think this is a perfect way to do it.

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Raids against players

    Posted: 20 Nov 2019 07:36 PM PST

    If you have bad omen effect, and you sleep, when you wake up a raid should start, but focused on specifically you, or maybe your bed.

    submitted by /u/TheRobotics5
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