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    Minecraft Pillager ships!

    Minecraft Pillager ships!

    Pillager ships!

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 06:53 AM PST

    So, you're sailing the high seas, when on the horizon, you notice a dark ship near an island.

    You row your boat up to the ship, when crossbow fire nearly misses your head! You take out your sword and climb up the ladder

    You fight the several Pillagers on deck, and head inside to find yourself face to face with the Pirate Captain! Its a dance of blades until you finally defeat him. He drops a map of some kind, and maybe his sword, if you're lucky. Further in the ship you find chests with precious items, and perhaps even a villager hostage! However, an ominous feeling creeps over you. You probably won't be visiting a village anytime soon.

    Pillager Pirate Captain: Spawns with an enchanted sword, will try to strafe you when he attacks you. Looks pretty much like a pillager, although he has an eyepatch, and maybe even a hat or bandana. Drops empty maps, or if you're lucky, a mansion or monument map, or even his enchanted iron sword. gives a bad omen effect on death.

    Some chests spawn in the ships hull with loot like gold, arrows, crossbows, iron, chainmail and maybe diamonds or emeralds if you're lucky. There is a cartography table in the captain's quarters.

    Has a chance to spawn a villager aswell (in a cage of iron bars)

    submitted by /u/Sim-Jong-Un
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    Snow and Ice should react differently in the Nether.

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:03 PM PST

    Water evaporates instantly in the Nether, so it makes no sense that Snow and Ice stay frozen while in the same environment. Wet Sponges were recently changed to dry up in the Nether, so I think this would fit right in.

    • Snow Blocks gradually melt, layer by layer, until there is nothing left. Every time a layer melts, a few steam particles are released.
    • Ice melts over time as if it is near a light source. Ice is 100% water, so it should evaporate all the same.
    • Packed and Blue Ice drip water particles while in the Nether. I can accept that these blocks are too compact and cold to melt, but they should at least drip a little bit.

    Tell me what you think of this idea in the comments below.

    submitted by /u/AlexSteckline
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    Enchanting Tables Update Observers

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 07:38 AM PST

    I was messing with redstone a few days ago, trying to make proximity detectors with pufferfish for a secret enchanting room concept, when I thought of something interesting:

    • What if Enchanting Tables could update Observers?

    The idea is that whenever the book on the enchanting table opens or closes, it gives an update that an observer can detect. That's when things got interesting. Not only can you detect players from a farther distance than pufferfish, you don't have any noises from the pufferfish puffing up. This would be very useful for traps, hidden rooms, and proximity detectors.

    Of course, the Enchanting Table is a lot more expensive to make than to get a bucket of water and catch a pufferfish. You would also have to be careful about your placement of the Enchanting Table, since its range is around five or so blocks.

    That's all folks!

    submitted by /u/Hectoris919
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    Diamond Shields

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:29 AM PST

    The name is pretty self-explanatory. It would be crafted the same as a regular shields, but instead of an iron ingot, you would have a diamond. I don't know exactly what kind of stats you could give it over the regular shield, but I think it would be pretty cool to have that progression line of shields instead of a one-off item that looses its usability once you find totems of undying or something. Thanks!

    submitted by /u/Speed1219
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    Iron gate

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 09:27 AM PST

    Sorry if this has been posted before. But I think it's weird there isn't an iron gate already. I was thinking it would attach well with iron bars. Locking system? (Like you need a button or a lever)

    submitted by /u/2Mellow-Trip
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    Mongolian bow (probably wouldn't be called that in game)

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 08:31 AM PST

    There's only one bow in minecraft (two including the crossbow, but the crossbow has different physics). There should be an upgraded version as you progress through the game. I don't like the idea of having stone, iron, gold, and diamond bows, because that ruins the originality of the game. I think there should be a stronger bow added (textured based off of Mongolian bows in the 1400s). It could be crafted using a bow, and other resources including iron and gold, or it could be a new item exclusive to the underused fletcher villagers. That way there's a sense of progression, just like there is with most other tools.

    submitted by /u/dankmemer_69_420
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    You can talk and make friends with villagers

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 11:06 AM PST

    You would now be able to talk to villagers and you'd do this by walking up to them like you are going to trade and pressing a different button and the villager would then give you a random dialog based on your friend ship level with that villager. Doing this and then waiting something like 3 minutes and doing it again would increase your friendship level with that villager, you could also raise your friendship level with a villager by giving him presents. Villagers you're friends with might give you a deal on a trade and would also randomly give you a give you a presents relating to their trade. I think that this would make villages in minecraft more alive.

    submitted by /u/a_tesla_car
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    New Illager: The Mutator

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:47 PM PST

    The Mutator is a violet-robed Illager witha little necklace bearing half a pigs face and the other half a creeper face. This Illager only ppears in Raids, starting at wave 4, and boasts 50 HP, making him quite armored. But, this Illager cannot attack, but instead transforms mobs into monsters to attack you.

    He first approaches a mob and waves his arms and fires a chain-like laser at the target at 10 blocks away, and runs away from you if no target is nearby. After 5-8 seconds, the mob disspears into a puff of smoke and a new mob appears immediatly after. The Mutator targets Pigs, Rabbits, and Iron Golems. Pigs turn into Creepers, and Rabbits turn into the unused Killer Bunny.

    Whack him away from his target to break the chain and stop the spell, especially if the Mutator targeted an Iron Golem, because he can turn it into a RAVAGER! The Mutator doesnt drop much, but your reward is quite big: a fat block of emerald.

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/doctorlakiboss
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    Character Creation

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 12:08 PM PST

    Here is a few ideas that would be nice for the Character Customizer. • Make all shirts/pants have different varieties and colors, such as how you can change your hair color in game. • Have more diverse colors, due to how we only have bland colors, not even like pure black or white. • Make clothes come in a set, things like the wolf tail and ears have nothing else like a mask or clothes, while others come in a set. And everything should come in a set. •

    submitted by /u/CmdrYakoBundy
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    Sacrifice Potions

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 02:40 AM PST

    I couldn't think of a good name for them. Basically a modifier to a potion that makes the potion stronger but after it's duration has passed you have the opposite effect applied to the same strength and magnitude.

    For example. You could add it to a potion of strength to make strength V for a minute or something stupid but after that minute passed you get weakness V for a minute.

    submitted by /u/sebe7665
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    New achievement for collecting all the mob heads

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:58 PM PST

    Excluding the Steve head, it would be awesome is there was an achievement or secret achievement for collecting every mob head. It could be like the "How did we get here" achievement. It could be called something like "Heads Up" or something.

    submitted by /u/ItzPeyton3
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    Effect Fusion

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:38 PM PST

    This is an Enchantment that can be applied to all weapons, armor, and wearable items/blocks that takes the first effect applied to you and adds it as a permenant modifier. If multiple effects shows up at the same time, it chooses a random effect from the bunch of effects that showed up. You must hold the item to allow the enchantment to do its work. After that, the enchant and the effect is "eatten up" and applies the modifier to the item.

    The modifier level is based on the level of the enchantment. Level 1 for potion effect at strength 1 and increasing as the level does. In survival, the max is level 2 and you can only have 1 modifier at a time. In creative, the limit is removed to allow for map making possibilities. Also in creative, the enchant level doesn't matter. This allows for more control over how you want the item to work.

    On armor, the effects are applied to the wearer, but receives 1/4 of the effect per armor peace. On weapons, the effects are applied to the target and receives 1/2 of the effect. Tools apply the effect to the user, but only when it's used. If used as a weapon instead, the tool is treated as a weapon.

    This idea is more of a gimmick than anything, but maybe this can be useful somewhere. What do you think?

    submitted by /u/DoubledNebula51
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    A pick axe enchantment

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:15 AM PST

    An enchantment that significantly increases efficiency when mining stone, cobblestone, andesite etc. But significantly reduces efficiency when mining ores, or makes it so the ore doesn't drop, or can't mine the block at all. Mutually exclusive from efficiency. Could be called "Groundbreaker" or something.

    Credit: ibxtoycat or systemzee both are YouTube channels but I can't remember which one it was.

    submitted by /u/sebe7665
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    Obsidian boats

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:37 AM PST

    Not a new idea, I know that. Just the normal recipie but using obsidian instead of wood. This would allow you to cross nether lava lakes quickly. However, I do t think it should apply fire resistance. In order to survive, the player must use fire resistance potions. I think this would help to keep this from being too over powered

    submitted by /u/sebe7665
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    Jungle Skeleton - biome specific hostile enemy.

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:50 PM PST

    HP: 20 | Armour: 1 | Damage vsPlayer: basic + poison (poison arrows) | Damage vsHostileCreatures: 0 + Resistance or Regeneration effect (resistance or regeneration arrows)

    Skeleton variant in jungles. AI behaviour same except new feature - can shoot regeneration or protection arrows in any hostile mob nearby. Same as Stray, this minion use effect arrows as primal attack. Chance to replace any Skeleton in Jungles: 80% Jungle temple will always be protected by those skeletons (they can spawn during a day in near jungle temple but never inside Their texture should look like basic skeleton with vines around bones and mossy skull.

    submitted by /u/HellFireBro
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    Max posts

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:31 AM PST

    Is there a max posts per minute or something to stop spam? Some of my posts getting blocked with 'errors.'

    submitted by /u/sebe7665
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    Festivity Enchantment

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 09:51 PM PST

    So, the crossbow could use a little bit of help, because right now its just not worth using for most situations

    Here's my proposition: the Festivity enchantment. (other names could be used)

    This would be a tiered enchantment, maxing somewhere between 3 and 5.

    It would be incompatible with triple shot and piercing

    First of all, any level of this effect would make the crossbow load fireworks, specifically ones with explosions, instead of arrows. (in the absence of fireworks, or if the player has an arrow in the left hand slot, it would load the arrow)

    In addition, the enchantment would increase damage done with fireworks, with the max tier dealing equal or more damage than a power 5 bow.

    This would be balanced, considering the cost of fireworks is significantly higher that using a bow, let alone a bow with infinity.

    Additionally, this could give pvp players a use for the often disregarded Blast Protection enchant.

    Just a thought, please tell me what you think!

    submitted by /u/Sim-Jong-Un
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    Curse of Pungency

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 04:53 PM PST

    Max Level: 3

    Effect: Increases the distance from which mobs can detect you (initial radius x1.25 for lvl1, x1.6666... for lvl2, and x2 for lvl3)

    RNG Weight: 1

    Primary Items: All items

    Secondary Items: N/A

    Incompatible With: N/A

    Metagame Tactics: Useful for luring mobs into traps

    submitted by /u/pac2005
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    Well fed

    Posted: 27 Nov 2019 03:36 AM PST

    When filling your hunger with certain foods you should get the well fed effect. This stops you from sprinting but increases how quickly you regain health and saturation lasts much longer.

    submitted by /u/sebe7665
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    Evokers and Illusioniers should drop xp bottles

    Posted: 26 Nov 2019 11:27 PM PST

    XP bottles are technically renewable, but they're pretty useless when they cost an emerald apiece.

    submitted by /u/thegamergeeks
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