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    Minecraft Shulker boxex with 2 different colors

    Minecraft Shulker boxex with 2 different colors

    Shulker boxex with 2 different colors

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 11:27 AM PST

    Just a new way to color your shulker box. You use one dye to make a monochrome shulker box, but u can use 2 dyes to color the shulker with 2 different colors.

    Concept image here: https://imgur.com/a/JlQbjw3

    submitted by /u/Leicam_
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    Combining a Nether Star and an item in an anvil makes it immune to explosions and fire.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:45 AM PST

    If you are willing to spend an entire nether star on your god sword then this is a worthy investment.

    This can also help with maps where certain items can be made indestructible to everything but the void.

    submitted by /u/-C4-
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    We need Labyrinths (no live discussion edition)

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:52 AM PST

    There could be a maze that has, like 3 levels, going underground and three going up, with a room at either end with a puzzle, that once solved could give you two named skulls, that you could place in hoppers in the center floor to open a room, that contains the loot, There could be a maze that has, like 3 levels, going underground and three going up, with a room at either end with a puzzle, that once solved could give you two named skulls, that you could place in hoppers in the center floor to open a room, that contains the loot

    submitted by /u/meddem606
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    The grindstone should make a sword sharper (increase the damage it gives) at the cost of durability.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 05:28 AM PST

    Currently I don't think the grindstone really has a purpose, so how about using it like a real life whetstone? It makes your sword sharper but it affects durability.

    submitted by /u/luckjes112
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    A Better Weather System

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 03:05 AM PST

    Currently, the weather system in Minecraft is quite simple. What I'm suggesting is a few more weather options, and changes to existing ones, to improve the game.

    These weathers should occur naturally and also be summoned by command. I'm also still suggesting that weather should be worldwide rather than biome dependant.


    This is an alternative to clear where it stops all weather, but the sky turns grey like when it rains in a desert biome. There could be different shades depending on the biome.


    An existing weather condition that I feel should be improved, and separated from rain. I think that snow should thaw in certain biomes the same way snow melts when near a torch. Perhaps snow layers should have a new data tag - can thaw - which is false for snow placed by the player, but true for any snow that settles as a result of the weather. In the coldest biomes, it should stick and not thaw. In the less cold biomes it should stick and thaw. Perhaps it does not stick in neutral biomes. In the biomes warmer than neutral, snow does not appear, but makes the sky cloudy.


    Quite a few people in the Minecraft community would like to see fog in the game, myself included. I think fog should turn the sky grey and reduce visibility like the render distance fog in earlier versions of the game, except darker. Fog should not appear in warmer biomes. Maybe fog should be rare to appear naturally? Mobs have decreased visibility in fog as well. Fog also decreases light level.


    I don't think thunderstorms should change that much, but it would be nice to see the sky light up even when there is no lightning, as though the lightning bolt is further away. The sound of thunder should not be heard at the same time as the sky lighting up, but a few seconds later and at a lower volume the longer the time, like how it works in real life.


    Basically, I am suggesting cloud, fog, snow to be separate to rain, snow to thaw and thunder and lightning in the distance.

    submitted by /u/SuspiciousGoldfish89
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    Lost a Companion? Let us see them on a map

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 02:22 PM PST

    Maps should have icons for your own companions, if they're at a distance. That way any lost animals of yours (Like that dog you told to sit & never returned to) can be found more easily.

    Note that I say your own companions, and at a distance. This is so your small wolf following doesn't clunk up the paper

    submitted by /u/DylanTheSpud
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    Engravings, and wall painting in pyramids.

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 09:46 AM PST

    There is something that i really enjoy about Minecraft's world offering, and it's the desert temple.

    Not only the loot can be really good, but the trap system, the monument itself is a good place to live.

    But there is something that i really enjoy, this .

    We really more of these, i don't know, maybe humans building a iron totem, chickens, humans hunting zombies, cool stuff like this !

    Please Mojang, if you pass by, that would be really nice.

    submitted by /u/Tekstar_XD
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    Extreme Deep Ocean and Trench Biome

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 08:45 AM PST

    Inspired by u/galaxy3004 idea of Ocean Walkers, these biomes will have ragged cliffs and a very dark shade of blue water to indicate it's biome. I think they should have a depth of down to X 23-10 and have closing cliffs that narrow the further down but still be the average biome size trenches would have a block width of 11-19 blocks, possibly platform on the way down to give it more variation. New structures such as new temple or more broken shipwrecks but with more expensive loot like blocks of gold and more emerald drops. For a new mob idea [obviously Ocean Walkers] but aggressive and larger fish types that are similar to sharks but not actually sharks as Mojang doesn't want them to be added. Plaice would also be a good addition as they are camouflaged in the sand, gravel or stone seabed, plaice will be very good food source [High risk=High reward] with a Raw Plaice giving 4 hunger point and cooked giving 9 hunger points. The terrain would be bumpy and have ores poking out. Large spikes that pole out of the ground could contain new ores or a new type of stone.

    submitted by /u/thelastkalos
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    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 09:27 AM PST

    Trolls would function somewhat like Villagers, However they would only spawn underground in cave villages.

    Trolls would also be neutral mobs, only attacking if the player or another mob attacks them or steals from them.

    submitted by /u/galaxy3004
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    The End needs more mobs

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 02:03 PM PST

    So - i know minecraft 1.16 gonna be nether update, but there still gonna be time for it and There's mobs for it, end has only 2 unique mobs! 1 is Enderdragon, and the second is shulker, list ends here. I have short list of mobs, that - in my opinion - should be added:

    1. End mucus - end variation of slime, it gives End mucus ball as a drop, it can be used in alhemy to make teleportation potions - in reach of 8 blocks you can teleport everywhere ( with glowstone 15 blocks ) and it's used in one way, which is going to be explained later. It spawns only near chorus plants with a chance of 1/30 chunks, that makes drop even more valuable.

    2. Ender creature - can be summoned in way as making iron golem. I need to remind you, that end dimension is above overworld, so there gonna be other climate. Just wait 2 to 5 minutes before iron golem transforms to that ( that makes impossible auto farms, so it's huge postivie for developers if they want to avoid such thing ). It hates water, just like enderman, but instead of teleporting it will take damage giving no drop. When you're fighting with it, it gonna teleport you near him if you gonna head out, if he can't reach you ( he gonna be 3 blocks tall ) he gonna teleport you at more reachable place, but it's loot is very good, 1 pure ender ignot, not affected with looting, it's also is going to be needed, but in crafting, in the thing i am talking about and a new thing: ender hopper, works like enderchest, however it require other ender hopper and both beeing max 15 blocks away from themselves, you can't place more than two, but it helps at some very slow redstone clocks for example. The crafting of enderhopper is like hopper but pure ender ignot as iron and enderchest in place of chest

    3. Endlisk - kind of a big bat, which spawns in ender cities and ender ships. It's only meat you can obtain in end, eating endlisk meat without preparing it will give you levitation, naunesia and hunger effect, eating ot prepared gives you 20% chance of getting controlable levitation effect. It is hostile do be prepared

    4. Undead Enderman - it works on very different way, the skin of that creature is kinda greenish and eyes looks like eye of ender, but that isn't the point, we need something, that attacks US immediantely in the end, that would be it. Instead of giving enderpearls it Has 10% chance of dropping Enderman blood/skin/other thing you propose, that is prelast thing required to the machine, it's gonna be at the end, i didn't ended yet.

    5. Ender bot - according to the look of end cities, the people here was surely very skillful, that would work kind like snowman or irongolem, but if thats not made by you, it would drop a gear, last thing required to make it, to built this bot you need two gear blocks, two levers and a pumpkin (just like making snowman but with hands), gear block can be used in redstone to work as redstone but on walls, the reach however is only 5 blocks and cannot be bigger, also to avoid placing other wall to the first one it also need to be 8 blocks away from other wall.

    The thing that you've been waiting and i want to propose you: the enderporter (ender teleporter), to make it you need that combination:

    (Ps. PEI is pure ender ignot)

    |Nothin|PEI|Nothin| - upper

    |PEI|Undead Enderman thing|PEI|- middle

    |PEI|gear|PEI|- lowest

    It works like teleporter, it can be dyed, but it only connects 2 teleporters at a time, to run it you need ender mucus, just right click with it on the enderporter and it will work for 3 uses before going down. This can reach only 200 blocks at a time, just stand more than 6 seconds without moving and you will be teleported. It's gonna be revolution for moving around. If all dyes is out, welp, you can't do anything, but hey, it's already good thing, because it's hard to get.

    Gonna leave you, but post your changes 'bout it

    submitted by /u/ArcerPL
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    Nether chicken

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 01:32 PM PST

    Considering how the nether 'bout to get a lot of new stuff, I asked myself, "what about poultry?", and than I came up with the nether chicken, obviously it would have a better name, but in theory, it won't spawn in the nether, or naturally, when 2 chickens are breed using nether wart, they make a nether chicken, it would be red In coloration, and would look like a hawk/chicken mix, and it will attack things that are smaller or weaker, and anything that attacks it

    submitted by /u/NuclearGlory03
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    Amethyst a new ore in the end

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 06:52 AM PST

    It would have an ore texture similar to emeralds but would have endstone around it rather than normal stone and would be purple it would be used to craft tools and armor that are stronger than diamond however the helmet would cover your entire head and look like a classic knight's helmet while wearing the helmet you would be able to look at endermen without them getting angry and while wearing the entire set you take no damage from shulker bullets but you still get levitation. The sword would look more like a flat board with spikes on it rather than a classic sword however it functions the same the tools would all look the same as their diamond counterparts and would all act the same except for better durability than diamond i feel this would be a great addition to the game because the end has no natural resources in it other than endstone and chorus fruit

    submitted by /u/the_dragon_kingler
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    Scorched wood

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 06:37 AM PST

    If any type of wood gets caught on fire or is in the nether, it will look scorched or burnt

    submitted by /u/HazimSuperPro
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    Lava in the rain

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 04:10 AM PST

    Maybe lava in rain should have like a sizzling effect with smoke, or maybe it can be like for every 2 minutes in the rain, there is a 1/10 chance of it turning into obsidian. Or maybe a new kind of block like Light Obsidian or something.

    submitted by /u/ULTRApizzaland
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    Forest update

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:02 AM PST

    A update to the the Forrest biome Ideas I have for this are new mobs: deer, deer have 2 variants buck and doe, a buck would have antlers and would occasionally strip the bark from a tree/ fight with other bucks over does deer would drop venison and bucks would drop antlers bucks antlers would grow over time . squirrel with 2 variants red and gray gray squirrels would be larger than red squirrels. those are just some ideas I had

    submitted by /u/iplay2manyvideogames
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    Horse kicking

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 12:46 PM PST

    If you run at horse from behind it will kick you. It deals 3 hearts of damage. The horse will do this to any mob that runs at it. Other horse like mobs will do this. It's a small change that will add a little more realism to the game.

    submitted by /u/Bookdemon1
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    Breedable Parrots

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 05:32 AM PST

    We all know and love Parrots. The cute, small, copying mob. These little guys are one of the only unbreedable non-hostile mobs. So heres how it could work:

    Stage One: Two Parrots are fed seeds. They mate, as usual. One parrot picks a jungle leaf block and lays eggs there within five minutes of being fed. The parrot can lay up to 3 eggs, with two being the most common. This area will be known as the "nest".

    Stage Two: The eggs begin to hatch, similar to turtle eggs. This will take 3+ Minecraft days. Stepping on them destroys them, but zombies aren't attracted as they are up high. The parrot who lays the eggs returns to sit on them various times throughout the hatching process.

    Stage Three: The eggs hatch. The Big Day! It's happening! The newly hatched parrots can either be pale as normal birds would be, or just tiny versions of regular parrots. They would stay in the nest for the next two Minecraft days. The egg laying parrot would bring seeds for the young parrots.

    Final Stage: They grow up so fast. Ehhh, not really. The parrots hop out of the nest and go to investigate the nearest creature.

    Any suggestions or changes to this process?

    submitted by /u/OhioKraken
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    New and Improved Strongholds

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 09:37 AM PST

    I dunno just cooler and more detailed walls, floors, and maybe traps?

    submitted by /u/dacluelessbadger
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    The speed of sugarcane growth should change based on the water level next to it

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 09:51 AM PST

    You know how the water level goes down as the water spreads when you place water with a bucket? Sugarcane should grow slower if there's a lower level of water next to it.

    submitted by /u/swiftestcat
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    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 12:03 AM PDT

    I don't know if they should spawn in the Nether or the Desert, but I have worked out both variants.

    Both variants would be neutral mobs, which means as long as you don't attack them, they'll leave you alone.

    The desert variant inflicts the poison effect on you and when killed, drops the stinger that can be used as a sword. It is as good as a stone sword when it comes to damage itself and durability, but it inflicts the poison effect on anything you hit with the stinger for 3 seconds.

    The same goes for the Nether Variant, it inflicts the Wither effect on anything it hits, and the Wither Stinger is also as good as a stone sword except it gives the Wither effect for 3 seconds to anything it hits.

    What do you guys think of this idea?

    submitted by /u/Katze10-0-10
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    Can we stop posting "Can we stop live chats?"?

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 09:47 AM PST

    I get that it's annoying, and I totally agree, but littering the sub with posts about it doesn't make it any better. The mods already have an eye on the whole thing, just wait a little.

    submitted by /u/Supersebi3
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    Add different color enchantment textures that correspond to the enchanted item

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:36 AM PST

    The title pretty much covers the basics, but here are some examples:

    • An enchanted diamond item (Diamond Pickaxe, Diamond Sword, Diamond Leggings, etc) would have a blue-tinted enchantment animation.
    • An enchanted wooden or leather item (Wooden Shovel, Shield, Crossbow, Leather Boots, etc) would have an orange-tinted enchantment animation.
    • An enchanted green item (Trident, Turtle Shell, etc) would have a green-tinted enchantment animation.
    • An enchanted golden item (Enchanted Golden Apple, Golden Chestplate, etc) would have a yellow-tinted enchantment animation.
    • Any non-enchanted item that still has the animation (Bottle o' Enchanting, Nether Star, Potions, etc) would still have the original purple-tinted enchantment animation.

    This is just an idea to make the game a little better-looking, it won't have any practical effect. I just think it might be cool to have different enchantment colors.

    Another similar idea could be that every different enchantment would have a different color, and items with multiple enchantments would mix those colors like leather armor mixes dye colors. For example, if Sharpness was blue and Unbreaking was yellow, a sword with both at once would have a green animation.

    submitted by /u/LokearPlayz
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    Nether Hut

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:21 AM PST

    With 1.16 introducing Piglins, a non-zombified form of zombie pig man, I think there should be Nether Huts introduces which will have a Piglin or 2 spawn in it, sort of like a witch hut. It would spawn in the new Nether Forest biomes and be made of the planks and logs of the new trees that spawn in the Nether and nether bricks. The loot in the chests would be primarily gold things, but could also contain the occasional diamond loot because of the piglin's natural hostility to the player. Side thing is I think nether watt should be able to be placed in flower pots and hose should spawn in there

    submitted by /u/DankLlamas
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    Rogue Golems

    Posted: 03 Nov 2019 10:07 AM PST

    Iron Golems and Snow Golems have an extremely rare chance to become Rogue Golems. Rogue Golems have a slightly altered appearance, taking on a meaner look to let the player know that they are a rogue golem.

    Rogue Golems will basicaly do the opposite of what an Iron Golem / Snow Golem does, Attacking players, villagers and (Non-rogue) Iron/Snow golems. The Rogue Golems will not attack hostile mobs and hostile mobs will not attack rogue golems

    submitted by /u/galaxy3004
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    Block Idea: the Honey Piston! A new kind of sticky piston that sticks to entities instead of blocks!

    Posted: 02 Nov 2019 05:26 PM PDT

    With the addition of Honey, I think another cool block could be added—for more use in Redstone.

    Sticky Pistons—a piston with a Slimeball on it to make it pull things back. But what if, instead of using Slimeballs, you can also use Honey?

    For namesake: This theoretical piston would be called the "Honey Piston." The ol' reliable Sticky Piston could now be called a "Slimy Piston."

    Both piston types have the same base property: Can stick to things and pull things back. But what they can pull back is where they diverge: Slimy Pistons can only stick to blocks, while Honey Pistons can only stick to entities (mobs, players, items, and falling blocks).

    But what makes the Honey Piston different? Well, it is able to actually pull or push entities with it as it ejects or retracts. This can be from any direction—sidewards, downwards, and even upwards.

    Another key feature is that When the piston ejects or retracts, entities that are caught will "stick" adjacent to the piston for 1 second. In that 1 second, the entity will slowly fall (think like cobwebs) with the new honey particle effects used when sliding down Honey Blocks. With this mechanic, a honey piston could make an entity float in midair for a tiny bit! Also, a honey piston can only stick to 1 entity at a time, and the timer for being stuck will reset when the piston ejects or retracts.

    Certain entities have unique interactions with these pistons: Players are able to prevent themselves from getting caught by holding Crouch when the piston tries to stick to them; If they are caught, they can press Crouch to quickly escape. Bees and Slimes are completely unaffected by this piston's properties.

    There a lot of cool things you can do with the Honey Piston: Mainly in transporting entities, optimizing mob farms, setting up unique parkour maps, creating sophisticated traps, and manipulating mob movement in general. For red stone enthusiasts: this can be used to also manipulate the timing of certain entities from, say, dropping. For you mischievous griefers: Doesn't the idea of a fully automatic TNT transporter system sounds fun to you?

    So what do you guys think?

    submitted by /u/MythlessRWF
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