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    Minecraft Slight speed boost on path blocks

    Minecraft Slight speed boost on path blocks

    Slight speed boost on path blocks

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 07:20 AM PST

    Only a slight one, just noticeable. To give them some extra purpose.

    submitted by /u/sebe7665
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    Squids give blindness effect

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:47 AM PST

    Squids emit ink particles when hit. What if, when one of those particles hit you, it gave you blindness for a few seconds?

    Nothing game changing, just a small addition that would make the world feel more detailed.

    submitted by /u/Sim-Jong-Un
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    If you light Mossy Cobblestone or Mossy Stone Bricks on fire, the moss will burn away.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 11:41 AM PST

    Basically, the Mossy Stone will be turned into the normal variant after a few seconds. The fire will not spread to nearby Mossy blocks because that would be too annoying. The moss burning away would release a few black particles.

    submitted by /u/AlexSteckline
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    Curse of Vampirism

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 06:07 PM PST

    As of now, armor has a curse, and there is one general curse. A tool specific curse could be nice.

    The curse of vampirism:

    Spawns of tools and weapons, and might even be a positive thing for some players.

    Whenever the item looses durability, it repairs itself, but damages the player by half a heart. Should the item loose several durability points, it will damage the player and repair itself once every second.

    Edit: Yeah, half a heart every durability is a little too much, but you get the idea nonetheless. Not enough damage to kill you, but enough to make you need to eat more often, or pack some potions. I think for PvE and mining and such some good items would be worth losing a few hearts every now and then.

    This would be a good way to have indestructible gear without mending, but would come at a cost.

    submitted by /u/Sim-Jong-Un
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    Creepers have a chance to be ignited by explosions

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 08:23 AM PST

    Just like TNT, being in the area of an explosion can set off a creeper. There is a 0% chance of this happening in easy mode, 25% in normal, and 50% in hard. This chance could also be controlled with an NBT tag. Yes, this could result in a huge chain reaction if there are a lot of creepers.

    submitted by /u/MerlinGrandCaster
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    [Brainstorming] Illager Patrol Variants

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:03 PM PST

    Illager Patrols are cool and all but they lack some variety, here are some variant ideas.

    Pillager Calvary https://i.imgur.com/gJ4qVKh.jpg This variant would spawn in the plains and Savannah biomes, the raid leader would ride on a ravager on hard difficultly while it would ride a black horse on other difficulties.

    Pillager Navy https://i.imgur.com/dAxfTFj.png If a patrol ever spawns in water or in a ocean biome, the pillagers would instead be on boats.

    submitted by /u/NOTTallestEgg
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    Large ruins!

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 12:29 PM PST

    I think there should be spawned in abandoned large buildings. Just like the temple of time from breath of the wild. Old buildings over taken by nature.

    Would be awesome to explore and find treasures

    submitted by /u/Ibbillyjoe
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    Ocean only native metal ores

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:42 PM PST

    IRL there are metal nodules that form near ocean vents that have enough metal that it's been suggested that they be mined for those metals. In minecraft, the equivalent would be an ore that drops metal nuggets when mined. If the ore dropped nuggets at the same rates that lapis lazuli does, they would yield about 60% more metal per ore than normal metal ores do at fortune 3. They would also require no smelting/processing to yield metals directly.

    If they were scattered along the ocean floor, they would give the player an actual reason to be down there for long periods of time.

    submitted by /u/xkforce
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    When signing a Book & Quill, you get your feather and ink sac back.

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 03:31 PM PST

    Edit: Maybe not the ink, that doesn't make sense.

    submitted by /u/PitchRD
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    Totem of Illusions

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 03:19 PM PST

    Since the Evoker is a spellcaster that has a totem, I believe the Illusioner should also have a totem when he gets added in 1.16. The Totem of Illusions has a 35% chance of dropping from an Illusioner, and will be damaged. When you right-click the ground with the totem, it consumes 10% durability and summons an Illusion of yourself in place, to distract mobs while you either run away or utilize the trick of their eyes to strike! The totem has a cooldown of 20 seconds, and cannot be used if a illusion exists. Also, the illusion copies your HP and Armor Points, so when depleted to 0, it dissipates. The totem can only be repaired by either another totem of illusions, or Bottles O' Enchanting, which only restore 20% of the totems durability, as opposed to 25%.

    submitted by /u/doctorlakiboss
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    "Sugar rush" status effect

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 04:10 PM PST

    This would make it so eating sweets (cookies, cake, berries, etc) would give you a short boost of speed and jump boost. This would encourage players to take advantage of different food types that are rarely ever used in the actual game.

    Also, cookies should have sugar in the recipe so that it makes sense that it gives this effect.

    submitted by /u/dankmemer_69_420
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    The Bonefire - A Soul Sand Valley Miniboss

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 10:39 PM PST

    Hey y'all! So, as you all know, the Nether Update is coming out soon, and I want to get my mob suggestions in before it's too late(of course, Mojang can't actually take anything from here, but whatever, I'll post it to the feedback site).

    Soo, the Bonefire is a miniboss found in the Soul Sand Valley. It can be found deactivated on a new generated structure, a quartz structure looking kind of like an altar. When deactivated it appears as just a mess of bits and parts in a pile. However, when the player sets foot on the altar, it will quickly assemble itself into this.


    HP: 100(50 hearts)


    Basic Attack - The Bonefire pulls back its fist and pounds the player, doing very high knockback and dealing 3-8(easy), 5-15(normal), or 8-24(hard) damage(basically a downgraded iron golem attack with horizantal knockback rather than vertical knockback)

    Blue Fire "Breath" - The Bonefire opens its ribcage, letting blue fire spew forth in a cone four blocks long. This deals 6 damage a second(half as much as the ender dragons breath) and giving you the soulfire effect. Soulfire is like normal fire, but cannot be put out and stops natural regeneration while you have it.

    Second Stage - When the Bonefire reaches 0 hp, its body dies, but its head lives on. The head then uses adapted phantom AI, but flies closer to the ground and attacks more often, and is also faster. The head has 50 HP, and deals the same damage as the basic attack when it hits you, but deals much less knockback and gives you soulfire.

    Additionally, the Bonefire is entirely immune to knockback.


    When the body is defeated it drops quartz and soul sand, and possibly an item affiliated with blue fire if anything like that is planned in 1.16. When the head is defeated it drops the Quartz Skull.

    The Quartz Skull

    The quartz skull is a helmet which looks like the cracked head of the Bonefire. It has the same stats as an iron helmet, but prevents knockback and makes soulfire into regular fire while worn. Additionally, it does not break when at 0 durability, like the elytra, and instead becomes unusable. It can be repaired by placing it on top of a T shape of quartz, summoning the boss again, which drops a new quartz skull(keeps enchantments)



    submitted by /u/Awryl
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    Corrupting a Turtle Master potion gives you the Aglilist Potion

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 04:38 PM PST

    What happens if you corrupt a Turtle Master Potion with a Fermented Eye? You get the Agilist Potion, thats what! Chugging this potion down gives you Speed, but also a new status effect, Fragile! Fragile is basically the opposite of Resistance, so that means you take more damage. A normal Agility potion is 20 seconds of Speed 4 and Fragility 3, and the level two version is Speed 6 and Fragility 4 for 20 seconds. Extended version lasts 40 Seconds. This potion works like the opposite of the Turtle Master potion, instead of slower, but tougher, your faster, but more fragile.

    submitted by /u/doctorlakiboss
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    The village spawn rate needs to be decreased

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 10:22 AM PST

    Minecraft is supposed to be a lonely game, but it's hard to feel lonely when you come across constant villages while traveling. Just decrease the village spawn rate by a little bit (but not by a lot, so it becomes impossible to find them) to make it rewarding to find villages.

    submitted by /u/COLTJ1
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    Customizable End Rods

    Posted: 25 Nov 2019 01:48 PM PST

    I think it would be cool if you could right-click an end rod with a stained glass pane to change the color of it (and the light color if using NVIDIA ray tracing). You could right click it with a white glass pane to change it back to default.

    You could also right click them with a slab to change the base color. For instance, right click with a purpur slab to make the base look similar to what it looked like before the textures update. You could right click with a stone slab to set it back to default.

    submitted by /u/dankmemer_69_420
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    Charged Creeper seperates from Creeper and becomes independent!

    Posted: 24 Nov 2019 08:09 PM PST

    So far, the Charged Creeper is the only true creeper variant, and i request it have more differences. For starters, it is its own mob, spawning when a creeper is struck with lightning. It is immune to fire to protect itself from the fires produced by lightning. It keeps the aura, but also has electric blue specks all over its body as well. The sounds it makes are the same hisses, but a little electric crackle along with it, including when its about to explode. It also has 25% more HP than the normal Creeper

    This mob also gets a new attack, in which it trembles for 2 seconds if your too far, making a little hiss and a little cracklng sound. After those 2 seconds, it emits a homing ball of electricity that does 5 HP of damage when it hits you, and also stunning you in place for a second, buying time for the charged creeper. The electric ball has 14 HP internally, attacking it enough dissipates the projectile. The ball of electricity moves at the same speed as your walking distance, but it can go through blocks.

    When the Charged Creeper explodes, it explodes with greater fury than normal, generating an explosion with the same power as an End Crystal, but also summoning a flurry of lightning bolts to where it was last standing. The explosion also creates fire! Mobs killed by the Charged Creeper also create a falling block in the appearance of their head and launched as a result. As if the Charged Creeper literally "blown their minds" (No pun intended).

    What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/doctorlakiboss
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