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    Minecraft Andesite, diorite and granite bricks

    Minecraft Andesite, diorite and granite bricks

    Andesite, diorite and granite bricks

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:35 PM PST

    I Always tought that these 3 blocks were kinda ugly and they needed a new look, especially diorite wich could be a really good and cheap versione of the current White blocks. These bricks could be crafted using 4 smooth granite, diorite or andesite in the shape of a brick and they would look like a Stone brick, perhaps with an alternative recipe they could even look like the brick block but with a different texture

    submitted by /u/skinman29
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    just let us eat glistenering melon already

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:01 AM PST

    It could give 4 hunger and give supernatural (2.4) saturation.

    submitted by /u/thegamergeeks
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    The problem with Deserts.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:24 PM PST

    This is a very simple suggestion. Deserts need less ponds and rivers. Deserts are an arid, dry biome and it doesnt make sense that there is always either a river or pond in render distance at all times.

    To rectify this, you could simply not allow ponds to generate in deserts, and make rivers cut through them significantly less. In addition to this, give us an oasis sub-biome, so the little bits of water actually make sense.

    Please and thank you.

    submitted by /u/BrennenMason
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    Iron Golem warning system

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 08:03 AM PST

    If an iron golem sees more than five mobs nearby (creepers don't add to the five) instead of running to fight, it will go to any nearby (maybe within 25-50 blocks) iron golem, make the hurt sound and move it's arms, and the two will go to the five and kill them.

    submitted by /u/AnAverageHumanPerson
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    Nausea should cause ranged mobs to be less accurate

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:47 PM PST

    Just as it says on the tin. It's harder for players to aim with nausea, so it makes sense for that to extend to mobs as well.

    This feature could give map-makers another way to control mob difficulty in their maps, and survival players a use for a nausea potion in the future.

    submitted by /u/The_GuardianX
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    Mansion in the Forest

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 10:43 AM PST

    Woodland mansions were introduced in 1.12 and were the only source of totems, until 1.14 came, which introduced raids, with evokers a part of them. Now, woodland mansions are pretty much useless because players don't need to go there for totems. By adding an advancement that you can complete by visiting a woodland mansion, players would be incentivised to go there for that advancement.

    submitted by /u/ItsDaCreeper
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    The Dragon Slayer

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 07:28 AM PST

    You killed the Ender Dragon 20 times!!!

    [When this happens, all the portals which teletransport you to the end islands are activated]

    submitted by /u/FlyDownG_ames
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    iron golem ai settings

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:41 PM PST

    iron golems should have some other ai settings so i propose that you can change how they behave by giving them different flowers rose would make them have their current ai blue orchid would make them patrol by going from one blue orchid to the next wither rose would turn them hostile dandelions would make them passive

    i cant think of any more behaviors so this'll be flaired with brainstorming as i would like suggestions from the comments

    submitted by /u/demonater5
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    Improving rain sounds

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:45 AM PST

    Currently I feel that the normal rain sounds are too similar to the thunderstorms, I think it would be quite an improvement to ambience if regular rain had a lighter pitter patter noise as it would set it apart from the thunderstorms which could stick with the current heavier rain sound.

    Thoughts? Also if you like the idea then please consider voting for it on the feedback site:


    submitted by /u/PolarMammoth3
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    Pumpkins can be placed without supporting blocks

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 12:15 PM PST

    Unless I am wrong, in Bedrock I notice that we cannot place pumpkins unless there is a solid, opaque block underneath them. They can float without requiring their support block, but they should be able to be placed like normal blocks. This shouldnt apply to the pumpkin stalk, bc floating pumpking farms would be weird.

    submitted by /u/GameSeeker040411
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    Beds in the Nether (no, they will still explode)

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 06:50 AM PST

    Features I think should be added in along with the Nether Update:

    Beds still explode, unless a specific item is in one's inventory - Beds exploding is a fun feature, so instead of removing it, add a feature in. If you have a certain item in your inventory, and your right click on a bed in the nether, your spawn point will be set (a message will come up saying "spawn point set," like it does during the day in the Overworld. You can't sleep in the Nether). For example, once you obtain a Nether Star from the Wither, you have two choices - craft a beacon, or use it to set a Nether spawn point. When removed from your inventory, you won't be able to change your spawn point in the Nether unless you destroy the bed.

    Overworld and Nether Spawn Points - Two spawn points for both dimensions. If you die in the Nether, you will respawn in the Nether if there's a bed with a set spawn point. If you don't have a bed in the Nether, you'll respawn at your set spawn point in the overworld. If you die in the Overworld, you won't be sent to your spawn point in the Nether.

    Does not work in the End - Right clicking with a Nether Star in your inventory in the End will give a message saying "You cannot set your spawn point in the End." It will only explode if you don't have a Nether Star (or specific item).

    Tell me what you guys think!

    submitted by /u/gameo7
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    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 01:03 PM PST

    Wagons should be added in as both a storage system as well as transport. It would hold 4 players normally but if you put a double chest on it then it holds 2. There could be 2 versioning the vehicle one with a covered roof and one that is exposed. You can only put regular chests on this vehicle. There would need to be a new crafting table type that may take up 2 blocks as well as 2 inventory slots called a workshop that would let you assemble things like a wagon. In order to craft this wagon you would need to make 4 wheels which would be 4 oak planks for 1 and the main body would take 12 oak planks with the ability to add wool on top for the wool cover if you want one for your wagon

    submitted by /u/KingFazbear42
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    Guardian plates, a weapon that finally gives xp a use

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 07:54 AM PST

    So a new drop for guardians would be a guardian eye which has a 0.05 percent chance of dropping. This eye could be mixed with two heart of the seas (so it can't be automatically farmed) and a shield. It would be able to shoot a highly damaging, continually attacking guardian laser, for a price. It would take xp levels (about 5-10 second) for a continually shooting laser that has low knock back, insane range, and would do between 5 and 10 damage every second, this way, while it is powerful it is expensive to both make and use. I feel this could finally give Xp a use (not counting mending) and would be a game changing weapon to the game.

    submitted by /u/GorillaFace2
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    Intolerance, A way to balance milk.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 11:54 AM PST

    Right now there is no way to stop a player from drinking milk and removing ALL of their potion effects

    This is a problem.

    Why Is This An Issue?

    Because it discourages the use of potions on enemy players.

    Also, potions are very hard to obtain large quantities of.

    Okay, So What Are You Going To Do?

    I shall go through the motions of obtaining this potion with putting a stop every time a new aspect of my idea is mentioned.

    First, get milk.

    Then put it in a furnace.

    you will get...

    Curdled Milk.

    This is the same as normal milk except it doesn't remove statuses.

    Next, make an awkward potion and then brew it with the milk and you will get...

    The Potion Of Intolerance.

    Finally the main part of the post!

    This potion when used will cause you or the enemy player to have 2 things happen when they drink milk.

    1. They will lose 1 heart of health
    2. Positive effects lose 25 seconds of time and negative ones gain more 25 seconds of time.

    But much like all potions you can corrupt it into another potion which is...

    The Potion Of Purification

    This can be crafted in 2 ways.

    1. Corrupt an intolerance potion
    2. use milk instead of curdled milk in the potion.

    This will immediately get rid of ALL the effects you have on you other than intolerance

    Using this while with intolerance will only make it so you only lose 15 seconds and only lose half a heart.

    submitted by /u/jaxotron
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    Sir, we can’t go any deeper

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 02:16 PM PST

    Reach bedrock level

    submitted by /u/FlyDownG_ames
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    Changing water

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 06:37 AM PST

    Water should cause hunger to go down slower than normal. This would give the player more "stamina" while exploring.

    Another is there should be a difference between the water in a pond and the water in an ocean biome. Ocean water should cause a negative effect. If you want to purify ocean water you can put it into a furnace.

    Edit: Btw I'm not trying to make drinking water a mandatory thing it would be like drinking a potion or something.

    submitted by /u/slicedbread349
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    The Reaper for Soulsand Valley, as well as powerful new toys to play with!

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 03:13 PM PST

    Reapers are black, ghost-like enemies that drift in Soulsand Valley, carrying special curved blades. They are hostile, and upon spotting you, they would try to advance towards you slowly, but spazztic, moving like a shulker bullet while they no-clip through blocks.

    They have a ranged attack that summons 3 blades that accelerate forward a second after spawning, dealing 4 HP magic damage. Once the Reaper gets close enough, it slashes its scythe with a horrendous cry that deals 8 HP of melee damage and 10 seconds of the Wither effect. Killing the Reaper is no easy task, it dodges your swipes like a skeleton and phases through arrows, but to compesate, it has 16 HP.

    Killing the Reper has the 8.5% chance to drop its damaged weapon, the Soulreaper, which works more like a tool than a weapon. It deals only as much damage as a stone sword, and only has 100 durability, but killing certain mobs like Villagers or Illagers has a 25% chance to reap their soul. Collect as much souls as you can, they are used to fuel the Soul Eater Block, a special block requiring 4 souls and 5 Soul Soil.

    Feed the Soul Eater Block to gain a new status effect that regens your HP for every melee attack you make at a rtio of 1 HP per 5 dmg, but the effect only lasts for 2 minutes per soul. A powerful effect, costly to gain, but worth the risk!

    What are your thoughs on the Reaper Mob?

    submitted by /u/doctorlakiboss
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    A new effect specifically caused by phantoms.

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 04:09 AM PST

    So the basic idea was that when phantoms start spawning they will start appearing in and under leaves during the day to avoid burning while only having their eyes visible, if the player made eye contact with the phantom, it would become completely invisble, cause a flash only visible to the player, and they would gain the new effect that could only be cured by sleeping. The effect would cause transparent mobs that are only visible to the victim, they would feign attacking the player and would feign dying if attacked, the victim would also hear sounds coming from right underneath and right behind them, the various sounds would be things like hissing, roaring, growling, rattling and cackling. It would cause the player to also randomly get awoken from sleeping by the transparent ghost mobs, kinda like that really old glitch expect the mob can't kill you.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Using Crying Obsidian to set your spawn point instead of Beds

    Posted: 03 Dec 2019 04:18 PM PST

    Since Crying Obsidian, assuming it ever gets added (and there's a chance it will), would no doubt be quite a bit more difficult to get than Beds are currently, this would make the player more exposed during the stages of the game where they have not yet acquired it, which would in turn serve to prolong the period during which the player is less willing to take risks, forcing them to use items they would otherwise not bother with or throw out within minutes of acquiring them, such as leather armor and wooden tools.

    Crying Obsidian could also pave the way for an overhaul of the respawning system. For example, maybe the player could respawn with their items (not sure about experience) intact after dying, but would have to "repair" the Crying Obsidian block or make a new one in order to do so again. Alternatively, it could work just like beds do currently, but the player could "feed" a Totem of Undying to it in order to avoid losing their items upon death, removing the need to always hold the Totem in their hand while keeping them useful to have in your inventory just in case one anticipates dying more than once in a given situation.

    submitted by /u/kvorotyn
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    Fang Attack Spell Books

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:01 PM PST

    A simple idea that would allow players to attack like a Evoker, spell books. The books when used will allow players to use the Evoker's Fang Attack. One book will send the fangs forward in a straight line while the other one will have the fangs create a defensive circle around you.

    Unlike the Enchanted Books the spell books will simply degrade with use allowing you to use them multiple times, though I do think that they should degrade pretty quickly due to how powerful they are. They can also be made like the enchanted books, a bit requiring much more Xp then usual.

    submitted by /u/Ronnie-R15
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    Elder Lanterns

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 11:27 PM PST

    Elder guardians are currently unrenewable. I think they should drop elder lanterns. They would give a light level of 30 (much brighter than anything else) but more importantly, if placed near the top of the monument, they would shoot an elder guardian laser into the sky and respawn all the elder guardians and also restore the entire monument (gold blocks too). This would only work if all the guardians were dead.

    submitted by /u/thegamergeeks
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    Lignum Vitae

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:11 PM PST

    Add Guaiacum trees (lignum vitae, ironwood) to warm ocean islands and/or jungle biomes which require an iron or better axe to harvest, but produce "ironwood tools" which have the enchantability of wood (15), the mining speed, damage, and capability of iron, and a durability between stone and iron (possibly 170 or so). Said material could not be used to create armor, but the plank/log/stripped log blocks could have a blast-resistance similar-to or identical to cobblestone (30), thus allowing the building of safe wooden structures for aesthetic purposes. Basically, it's beautiful wood that would be useful, semi-difficult to obtain, and represent a real-world material which is legendary for its historical usefulness, and being a natural material, shouldn't fly in the face of the aesthetics and setting of Minecraft.

    submitted by /u/cuddleskunk
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