• Breaking News

    Minecraft A bee that has a Splash Potion of Healing thrown at them will regain their stinger

    Minecraft A bee that has a Splash Potion of Healing thrown at them will regain their stinger

    A bee that has a Splash Potion of Healing thrown at them will regain their stinger

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 12:17 PM PST

    Additionally, they would retreat to being passive until they are attacked the next time.

    submitted by /u/Genlems5Ever
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    Queen Bees that make hives, in order to bring bees to old chunks

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 09:58 PM PST

    Queens spawn very rarely and create a hive for themselves. They appear as a larger and more intensely colored bee.

    They don't die after attacking the player and otherwise act normally. They spawn infrequently. An excess of flowers within the chunk subtly increases the chances of spawning a queen.

    submitted by /u/prosdod
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    Each wolf has a favorite type of meat.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 04:44 AM PST

    Similar to how pandas have random personalities, wolves could have their own favorite type of meat that would heal them more.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Expandable wall clocks

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 11:48 AM PST

    Much like how maps have special behavior in item frames, so too should wall clocks.

    When placed in a square arrangement (e.g. 1x1, 2x2, 3x3, etc.), and filled with clocks, a giant clock should take their place.

    This would be ideal for building clock towers.

    submitted by /u/Deadmeat553
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    Just sparrows

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 07:57 AM PST

    In Minecraft, arable fields and gardens seem empty. You can hear chick cackling and bees buzzing if you have them, but the lack of twittering birds. Wouldn't it be nice to see flying birds? Sparrows for example. So sparrows would be new passive mobs that can fly like most birds. They can fly quite fast as it is in real life. They have 2 hearts. After death they drop 1-2 feathers and 0-1 seeds. Why seeds? Because in real life they just feed on them. So they could also eat seeds in It works like this: the sparrow will fly over the seeds if it finds them and then just eat them in accordance with natural life.

    I do not know if this idea will be liked, but it came to my mind because in Minecraft there are almost no birds. There are only parrots and chickens and ostriches (ostriches will probably be added in future versions). Also villages and arable fields need more realism, so in my opinion sparrows would be useful. That's all in my post.

    submitted by /u/Neonek675
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    The Tusklin, a New Rideable Mob with a Unique Mechanic(Model Attached)(Ugly As Sin)(Batteries Not Included)

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 10:08 AM PST

    Howdy doo, boys and girls! Today I've got me a special treat for y'all, in the form of a new rideable mob, the Tusklin, as you all can see from my good friend the title box. Now, let me first explain my reasons for suggesting this new mob. First of all, Minecraft doesn't really have very many interesting rideable mobs. We've got the horse, the donkey, and the mule(shut up the pig doesn't count it's garbage), and the mule is just a faster donkey, so it doesn't really count as a unique thing. Additionally, all the rideable mobs are equine(the pig still doesn't exist go away). Finally, the Nether is being made more livable in the new update, and it currently lacks any sort of rideable mob. So, without any further ado, I present the Tusklin!

    Now, after looking at that, you're probably wondering, "Why? Oh god, why? Why is he... what is the... there's so much... WHAT?"

    Worry not, mortal, all will be explained! But first I've got to get into how you actually encounter the Tusklin. It does not exist anywhere naturally, and is instead the product of crossbreeding between a hoglin and an ordinary pig(just... try not to envision it, alright?). Now, hoglins are hostile, so you can't feed them directly, but if you leave the item used to breed the two together on the ground near it, it'll pick it up and go into love mode. What is this item, you ask? Why, a golden carrot, of course! Pigs like carrots, and gold ties in with the nether a lot(despite not being found in ore form anywhere), so it's the most logical item. Just feed them both a golden carrot, and they produce this little monstrosity(in baby form too, can you imagine? Yuck).

    Now, let me explain why it is quite frankly the most disgusting thing you've ever laid eyes upon. Crossbreeding animals has a history of surprising results. Let's take a look at the liger, for example, a crossbred lion+tiger. It is massive, and I believe it is the largest big cat out there. It's also massively unhealthy. In the case of the tusklin, it also has a few surprising changes and problems, which are only amplified due to one of its parents being a weird fantasy creature. First of all, like many crossbred creatures, its proportions are a bit... off. Next, it has a bit of a growth problem. Not with its body, but with its hair and tusks/other bone protrusions because why not. None of it stops growing. It needs them to be filed down, or it gets to the point where they start harming it.

    Long tusks aren't necessarily a bad thing, though, as they increase attack damage, and also the effectiveness of its charge attack(which I'll explain later), but when they get to a certain point, they get heavy, and begin slowing it down, as well as increasing its size, which results in it getting caught in many things. At a certain point, they begin reducing its max health, until it finally dies. Luckily, you can prevent this with shears! Right clicking a tusklin with shears will reduce tusk growth by one stage, cause it to drop one bonemeal, and damage it by one half heart. It's all for the greater good, though, as a little damage now is better than dying later. To counteract this, the Hoglin will regenerate one heart a day.

    Next, what about riding this beast? How do you tame it? Allow me to illuminate! First of all, you can't just run at it. Much like a cat, that'll frighten it, but instead of running away it'll charge you and fling you back! It won't give chase, however, unless you attack it. Instead you have to slowly approach it with a golden carrot in hand. Once you get close enough, you can feed the carrot to it, and it'll trust you for a bit. Then you can right click it with a bare hand to get on its back. It isn't too happy with this, however, and will attempt to buck you off. A bar at the bottom will appear, replacing the xp bar, much like a horse's jump bar. However, this will begin to fill without you pressing space, and you must instead press space at the correct time to avoid falling off. This repeats a few times, until the beast is tamed. Hurrah! You may now outfit it with a saddle, but I'm still not sure about horse armor...

    And finally, the moment you may or may not have been waiting for, I give you the promised unique mechanic! Instead of a jump bar, the Tusklin instead has a charge bar. When you hold space and release it, the tusklin will charge forward, damaging anything in its way and knocking it back. The distance, damage, and knockback all depends on when you release space, much like a horse.

    As for drops, the tusklin will drop leather and whatever meat hoglins will drop.

    Aaaaaand that's about it! Thanks for reading, upvote if you liked it, upvote if you didn't, just upvote regardless because I'll find you if you don'tyou're a nice person who likes giving out upvotes.

    EDIT: the tusklin is also much better for combat, as it is lower to the ground, and turns with the A and D keys, instead of where you are facing, so you have a wider range of motion and whatnot.

    submitted by /u/Awryl
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    Elephants, battle elephants

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 01:20 PM PST

    I am suggesting a new type of mob. The elephant! I know this was suggested before but my idea is expanded.

    The elephants would spawn in savannas in groups of 4-6. They have 100 hp and are neutral. Can be bred using 3-5 wheat and can be tamed similarly as horse but you need to feed them wheat every time you try to sit on them. They drop leather and bones and are also naturaly attacked by spiders.

    When tamed they can be controled only after putting a sladdle on them and can be riden the same as a boat. You can also put colored carpets on them similarly to lamas. Riden elephants can climb up 1.5 blocks without jumping and when jumping, if the bar reaches orange, the elephant stomps and deals 3 damage to nearby enemies. The stomp has 2 second cooldown and when an elephant is hit, It has 10% chance of stomping. Elephants have the same natural healing as horses, but can also be healed with potatoes for 10 hp.

    Edit: they should be also scared of silverfish because it's the closest to mouse. (Thanks to u/keelinie)

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Item frame clock redstone signals

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 12:41 PM PST

    Clocks placed in item frames should produce a variable redstone signal throughout the day, powering the block that the itemframe is placed on.

    This is fairly similar to daylight detectors, but would work underground.

    submitted by /u/Deadmeat553
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    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 01:09 AM PST

    auto-generated ruins, based on the floor-plan of existing buildings. No doors, no ceilings, maybe the odd chance of a chest, smaller chance of a 'buried' chest.

    submitted by /u/essexman1982
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    New dimension: the Tenebre.

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 03:36 PM PST

    Here is an idea of a new dimension

    Inspiration: WoW's Shadowlands, the Emerald Dream, the Midnight, the dark force dimension (Marvel), underworld (Greek mythology)

    Appearance: it is perpetually twilight in this dimension, and it is based on strata. The theme is foreboding darkness and eldritch geometries. The sky here is violet and foliage gains a purple color.

    Strata: these tiers are similar to the circles of hell. The deeper you go, the more unfathomable it becomes.

    Top Strata biomes (where you spawn on your first portal)

    Midnight Grove: this is a forest-like biome where it is perpetually twilight. Mobs that spawn here include Blackwings (raven-like birds that are neutral. They steal your items when provoked and can be tamed with dark worms),

    dark worms (hostile, small, silverfish-sized worms that spawn on the ground. They drop themselves when killed),

    Wraiths (villager and humanoid specters that come in two variants. The lost variant is blueish and passive, and the revenant variant is purple and hostile. Their attacks give you levitation, wither, and nausea. They drop spectral remains, which when brewed, give you a potion of intangibility- more on that later)

    Blackoons (neutral, black raccoon like mobs that spawn in trees. They can be "hired" to protect you temporarily with night apples and live in tree holes. ) The trees are nightwood (purple, redwood-like trees) that have night apples growing on them.

    Vexes spawn rarely

    Night apples- common food sources here. Gives you regeneration for a short period of time and nausea.

    Eldritch peaks: this mountainous biome is snowy, but in a strange way. Shadowsnow is harmless as a layer, but you can phase through blocks of it.

    Mobs: Soulbeak: drifting, ghostly birds that resemble eagles. They are hostile, and drop phantom feathers. They can be crafted to make ghost arrows, which pass through blocks.

    Fae: White, elf-like humanoids that spawn in villages protected by howlers. They take soul crystals (found underground) as currency.

    Howlers: sabretoothed wolves that are neutral, but not tameable. They protect fae and eat soulbeaks.

    River: a river that spawns ghostly variants of fish and squid (cosmetic variants)

    Tier 2: getting dangerous (the sky is green here and it is always night)

    Soul Swamp

    This biome is a languishing swamp where lost souls spawn in large numbers along with coilers. The ground is made of muskeg, a black block that gives you slowness, but withers you if there are more than four muskeg blocks under it. Most muskeg is above hardened muscles, which negates the wither. The trees are called grave willows, and have skeleton skulls as fruit. Also, there are pools of water.

    Coilers: large serpents that swim through the muskeg, but ambush you with a leap attack. They drop coiler fangs, which when crafted with string, makes the witherfang amulet. When worn, you are immune to poison, nausea, and wither. Each effect blocked uses durability.

    The depths: an ocean-like biome filled with nightwood shipwrecks and spectral drowned (reskins). They wield swords instead of tridents here. Also, distorted guardian sounds are heard here to add to the underworld nature of this realms. The spectral drowned also drop spectral remains.

    Death swimmer- hostile manta-like mobs that resemble the old phantom skin. They attack with stingers on their tails. These attacks give you drowning, a new effect that slowly sinks you and quickly depleted you breath bar. They drop their flesh on death, which when cooked, restores hunger, but gives you drowning for a minute.

    Tier 3: the bottom. The sky is black, and the darkness gives you an extremely weak wither effect known as soulsickness

    Biomes: Nadir

    The Nadir biome has a structure known as the keep. It is home to the shadow warden- the final boss of this dimension.

    Trees: none

    The ground is made of blackened bone blocks and a podzol variant with bones in it.


    Accursed: black, ghostly villagers that are still when you are not looking. When they see you, they dash at you and disappear. Dealing 6 hearts of damage. They drop their eyes, which when crafted with a soul feather, death swimmer flesh, and a soul crystal, creates the eye of darkness. This item releases a guardian-like beam that withers its target. Each beam consumes durability.

    The shadow warden is a knight-like boss with the following attacks. It has the health of a wither.

    Phase 1: offense.

    Attacks: charge. The warden charges at you, knocking you back and dealing significant damage.

    Shadow rune: three rune particles appear in the circular room, which explode into lingering clouds of instant damage, slowness, and wither respectively.

    Slam: the warden jumps up, and slams the ground, creating a shockwave.

    Phase 2: defense

    You and the warden teleport into a larger chamber in the keep. The warden spawns spectral versions of zombies and skeletons passively in this phase.

    Life steal: the warden swipes his stave, and a black cloud appears. If you are in the cloud, you take 6 hearths of damage and restore 10 hearts to the warden.

    Teleport: the warden teleports away.

    Phase 3: final form.

    You and the warden teleport to the top of the keep. The warden assumes a winged, many-eyed form, and his armor breaks away.


    Dive bomb: it dive bombs in a line. This attack has a strong knockback effect.

    Wither skull: like the wither, it fires a wither skull. The skull deals 4 hearts of damage and gives the player wither for 5 seconds.

    Drops: the key. Gives the player unlimited access to this dimension. Press K to shift tiers.

    Totem of undying (3-4)

    A lot of bones

    5-8 spectral remains

    Access: dig a 3x3 hole.place bone blocks on the corner and four undead heads on each block. Place a torch on each other block. Drop bone meal, rotten flesh, and a gold nugget into the hole, and the portal will open.

    Using a totem of undying here will send you to the overworld.

    Beds explode in this dimension.

    Potion of intangibility: puts you in spectator mode for 20 seconds.

    Spectral versions of passive mobs spawn in top strata biomes, neutral mobs in second strata, and hostile mobs rarely spawn on the bottom strata.

    submitted by /u/The_Moldy_Baguette
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    Mew Wolf sprites and Wolf packs

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 02:54 AM PST

    New wolf sprite / skin and Wolf packs

    We need wolf to go around in big group holding up from 5 - 9 wolves, not only will it be easier to find and tame one but i think it should be a hostile mob. Maybe you can find like a pack a then if you drop raw meat (any kind but no fish) the wolves will be passive (if you hit them or did some kind of damage to them before dropping the meat it will continue to be hostile against you), but when they are in the wild and aren't tamed yet they will have a new sprite / skin that's more dirty and kinda wild like. The eyes will be more sharp and maybe spiked ears. If you tamed one after time it's sprite / skin would change and turn into the normal dog sprite / skin that we have now

    What do you think please give feedback

    submitted by /u/chrislazarte
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    Heart of the Nether Forest

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 09:36 AM PST

    Gravity affected grain block

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 04:04 PM PST

    Grain block, crafted with 9 seeds. Behaves like sand, gravel, etc. Allows for compact storage of seeds, and mimics what a real life grain silo does.

    submitted by /u/doowi1
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    Chatting with Nitwits

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 01:20 PM PST

    Nitwits are pretty useless. Let's make them not useless.

    They like talking to other villagers, so why not give them a use based on that?

    At gossip time, right clicking a nitwit in your village will start a Chat. Chatting can only be done once a minecraft day. During a chat session, the nitwit cannot be interacted with by any other player, just like a villager with a profession when they are trading. Chatting with a nitwit will be in the form of a minigame!

    When starting, a menu pops up and a villager head starts making noises and a chat bubble pops up with different icons on it. The player's job is to memorize these icons. After the nitwit is done, the player will see a selection of 5 to 7 icons pop up, and the player would have to input the icons in the order that the nitwit displayed. Each round, there will be more to memorize, and the icons would go by faster. There are ten rounds in total. Getting to round 5 to 7 will cause Minor Positive gossip about you to the other villagers from the nitwit, and getting from 8 to 10 will cause Major Positive gossip about you to the other villlagers.

    Icons(other icons only show up during a chat if certain conditions are met)

    Always: Diamond, Emerald, Villager Face, Bell, Clock, Redstone, Compass, Bed, Sun, Moon, Cloud, Iron Golem Face, Cat Face, Any type of flower

    Other Icons:

    If the player has recently entered the village for the first time

    Green Star Particle(don't know the name, it's the one that appears when something grows or a villager claims a bed or workstation)

    If the Village has recently suffered from a raid

    Vex Face, Pillager Face, Witch Face, Evoker Face, Vindicator Face, Ravenger Face, Hero of the Village Icon

    If the player hasn't entered the Nether

    Blaze Powder, Obsidian, Flint and Steel, Quartz

    If the player hasn't Entered the End

    Ender Pearl, Enderman Face, End Portal Frame, Eye of Ender

    If the player has beaten the Ender Dragon

    Firework, Ender Dragon Egg, Shulker Face, Shulker Box, Elytra

    If the player has killed a villager

    Wither effect Icon, Poison effect Icon

    submitted by /u/Keelinie
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    Villagers own pets

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 06:19 PM PST

    Pretty much what the title says, villagers can own dogs that fight against mobs and raiders or cats that ward off creepers and act as a pseudo-iron golem for smaller villagers so they're not completely defenseless. Potential to add a animal keeper as a villager profession that sells bones/fish/seeds for taming dogs/cats/birds. Animals go after you if you harm villager, you cannot tame their pets

    submitted by /u/Xacrosity
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    Lower resolution if the frame rate drops

    Posted: 27 Dec 2019 11:32 AM PST

    I think the frame rate in game should drop to 720p if the WiFi or the frame rate is horrible. That should definitely make the gameplay slightly better because on Pocket Edition isn't so balanced because sometimes the CPU of the device is horrible. This option can be turned on and off by the player.

    submitted by /u/theawesomness07
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    Flying mounts would be cool

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 11:15 PM PST

    I feel like the next mount added to the game should be a flyer. I've seen some posts on here about flying mounts, and I've noticed they're all suggesting fantasy creatures, like griffins and dragons. Maybe animals like the argentavis, or the pelagornis that actually existed at some point might be more realistic. And maybe to be a bit more balanced they would be more difficult to tame than a horse. Instead of just mounting, Maine to tame the bird you'd have to feed it raw meat, or sacrifice a pig, or sheep.

    submitted by /u/andrew3254
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