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    Minecraft If you light Glowstone on fire, the fire will be yellow.

    Minecraft If you light Glowstone on fire, the fire will be yellow.

    If you light Glowstone on fire, the fire will be yellow.

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:34 PM PST

    In addition to the fire being yellow, it will inflict Glowing if you touch it. Instead of emitting smoke particles, it will emit sparkles.

    The same thing will happen if you light a Redstone Lamp on fire.

    submitted by /u/AlexSteckline
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    Cat behaviour affected by biome

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:54 AM PST

    For example, in warm biomes, a big breed of cat with long fur will considerably slow down and seek out shade, bit like a fox and wait until nightfall or sleep until nightfall for the temperatures are too hot, and the heat builds up in their fur like a greenhouse. They will avoid blocks that retain heat like wool and carpets, and sit/sleep on cooler blocks like ice blocks, stone blocks, polished blocks, quartz, cause they are all much cooler usually than the surrounding temperatures.

    In cold biomes, cats stick close to the player, and might go under the bed to retain warmth or under any slab of block. Placing lights like Redstone lamps (turned on) will also make the cat stick around the lamp to retain warmth. They will also be on top of carpets and wool blocks because they are very warm. They will also sleep beside campfire blocks.

    If personalities are added, most cats except docile or tolerant ones should hate water blocks in all, but hot biomes. Cats should also be angry when woken up from their sleep.

    Cats should maybe teleport more in the End Dimension and also for all pets like dogs, except horses, donkeys, and llamas.

    This post should apply to all pets that have fur. I don't think horses should teleport, as this is overpowered.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Screen shakes and a heartbeat sound is heard when low on health.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:44 PM PST

    Also, on low hunger, maybe a growling sound could be heard?

    It would also be toggleable and the screen shake would be small and to the beat of your heart.

    Edit: a lot of upvotes where 99% of the comments are no's lmao

    submitted by /u/thegamergeeks
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    There needs to be some variants with ravines!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:46 AM PST

    Every ravine looks the exact same in minecraft.... It would be nice if there was some variants to their generation. There could be wider ravines, longer ravines, deeper ravines, ravines that are narrow at the top but condense as it gets closer to the ground or vise versa... this wouldn't be a huge change but would make ravines actually interesting to stumble upon in my opinion!

    submitted by /u/abcde123edcba
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    Randomly sized cats

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:39 AM PST

    Cats in my opinion should be randomly sized when spawning (except for a select few skinned ones).

    Siamese cats will be a little smaller and more slender cause they are adapted to tropical biomes. If jungle villages get added, Siamese cats should spawn as the main cat breed.

    Normal domestic cats will be randomly sized. An NBT tag would be able to accomplish this.

    Ragdoll cats will be very big, around 1.5 to 2.0 their size, which is more like how they are irl. This also applies to Persian skinned cats. Ragdoll cats and other big breeds of cats cannot sit on a chest or something else with a block above it, and are also far quicker in movement than smaller breeds. Again, an NBT tag should make this possible. Ragdoll and other big breed skinned cats with long fluff should spawn more often in colder biome villages like taiga/snowy taiga.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Glowstone Coal

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 01:00 PM PST

    Five coal/charcoal and four glowstone dust can be used to make a Glowstone Coal Block. Glowstone Coal Blocks emit a light level of 5, but when set on fire, the fire is white and glows more brightly. Any area within 16 blocks of the Glowstone Coal Fire has a light level of 15. If water attempts to flow into the Glowstone Coal Fire, it boils away instead. If any solid block is placed onto the Glowstone Coal Fire, the Glowstone Coal Block will continue to smoke, and if the cover block is removed, the Glowstone Coal will burst into flame again. If a Glowstone Coal Fire is covered with a flammable block, the flammable block catches fire on all sides. If the Glowstone Coal Block is broken while burning, it will explode, starting fires in the blast area. However, if the Glowstone Coal Block is touching Blue Ice, the Glowstone Coal Fire can be extinguished with either nonflammable blocks or water.

    submitted by /u/flufferwings
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    Mount Challenger, a rare, but rewarding mountain to climb

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 11:20 AM PST

    Also known as the Mariana Mountains, this is a biome based on the Inverted Earth from https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverted_Earth

    As Minecrafts height limit is 256 blocks, this mountain will be always 256 blocks high. It is comprised of stone and a few ores at the bottom with a few spruce trees. Up higher, you start seeing rivers of water from glaciers up on Mount Challengers summit that have spilt down and melted. Higher still, and you get a lot of ice, a few blue ice blocks, and tons of snow. A fierce snowstorm rages, and it's very foggy. You can also find chests occasionally here. Villages don't generate on Mount Challenger. Mount Challenger is also near-vertical in height too, which adds to the name Challenger.

    Nearing the summit, all weather becomes permanently sunny. It never rains nor snows here, and the mountain is covered with layers of ice, many being packed ice and blue ice.

    At the summit, you get an achievement called "Top o' the World", which has a description saying "Climb Mount Challenger" The summit also has lots of rare blocks below the ice, like emerald, diamond, and lapis ore. No mobs can spawn on the summit.

    This biome is also rare, as rare as a mesa is. You'll immediately notice it by an extremely vertical mountain range spanning a huge distance many times more than a mountains/extreme hills biome.

    submitted by /u/SnowBallEarth43
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    Zombie cats in zombie villages

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:15 PM PST

    Add a new mob called a "zombie cat", which will only spawn in naturally occurring zombie villages.

    The zombie cat will be a similar color to the zombie horse, with a variation of green and gray coloring.

    Each zombie cat will have 7 hearts of health.

    Zombie cats will be a neutral mob, that will only attack if the player attacks them. When upset, zombie cats will hiss, growl and their eyes will turn red.

    Zombie cats will burn during the day time, as do regular zombies. Zombie cats will stand underneath trees, or in any shady spot that blocks direct sunlight.

    Healing a zombie cat will require a potion of weakness and golden fish. Golden fish are made by surrounding a cod or salmon with 8 golden nuggets in the crafting table. It will take 4 minutes for a zombie cat to heal, and it will turn into a regular cat variant after healing.

    Zombies cannot infect tamed cats, but they can infect untamed cats, and reinfect regular cats that have been healed.

    Creepers are not afraid of zombie cats because they are hostile.

    Zombie cats cannot be tamed while they are zombies.

    submitted by /u/theartbook35
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    Invisibility potions make nearly transparent particle effects

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 12:49 PM PST

    An invis potion is useless if the particles can be spotted instantaneously by players.

    If the particle effects were produced less often and were harder to see (opacity), such as fairly transparent swirls, then invis will be even better at doing its job.

    submitted by /u/GameSeeker040411
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    Altars: Expanding Survival Gameplay with Monster Sieges

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:32 PM PST

    Many Minecraft players crave challenging survival gameplay, like defending their base from dangerous monster attacks. Others are content setting up a house, torches, and a bed to keep the mobs away. It can be difficult to cater to the former audience without alienating the latter. As such, player choice is the key element of this suggestion.

    What is the brilliant solution?

    I propose a new block: The Altar! It would be crafted with early game monster materials, like Rotten Flesh and Bones, so players could quickly add a perilous twist to their survival world, if they choose. Once nightfall arrives, an active (i.e. placed and switched on) Altar would attract newly spawned monsters towards it, even from afar. Under the influence of the Altar, they would become Aggressive Mobs. Similarly to Zombies besieging a Village, these Monsters would pathfind their way into chunks within the radius of the Altar, and attack players. As an added bonus, they would be twice as likely to spawn with weapons, armor and enchantments, for Zombies and Skeletons, potion effects for Spiders, and a healthy dose of supercharge for Creepers. Players would be able to turn the Altar on and off at will, so one would ever have to face a Monster Siege, unwillingly.

    This suggestions comes with two caveats:

    Firstly, this suggestion is meant to encourage defensive building--to give purpose to otherwise aesthetic builds like castles and forts. However... monsters are really easy to build around; barring the Spider, most mobs are stopped in their tracks by a simple two-block-tall wall. Since the Altar would be entirely optional, there should be a real challenge in defending from its Monster Sieges. As such, Aggressive Mobs should have better ways of navigating player-built obstacles. To create the most engaging survival experience for players who activate their Altars, I have decided on a possibly controversial solution:

    Breaking Blocks

    Bear with me, please, it isn't what it sounds like. It would be similar to how Zombies "break" Doors, already. Essentially, if an Aggressive Mob cannot find any way to reach the player, they will begin knocking on any blocks in their way. Stronger blocks will be able to withstand more battering before giving in; players are encouraged to use strong materials! If a block has sustained enough damage (say, maybe 5 seconds of knocking, for a wooden plank block), it will become an entity version of itself--like sand or gravel are while falling--and be sent a few blocks out of the monster's way. Blocks adjacent to "broken" ones will be made temporarily weaker, so a successful breach can allow monsters to tunnel through thick walls. Once a hole has been made, mobs will avoid breaking anything else in favor of pathfinding to the player. The solution here is twofold: monsters are capable of countering the player's defenses, given enough time, and no permanent damage would be sustained to the build. Any block they breached could simply be picked up and put back where it belongs! But, for all the trouble of this new system, there should be adequate rewards for partaking in these Sieges. That's where the final point comes in.

    Upgrading the Altar

    Like a Beacon, the Altar could have its effects upgraded (I think through Monster Heads, as it is an Altar, after all. They would have a chance of dropping during Sieges.) Players could offer heads in exchange for upgrades like a higher likelihood for rare drops--possibly even powerful items exclusive to the Siege. With every offering, the monsters spawned under an active Altar would become stronger; more mobs, with higher chances of powerful armors, enchantments and more would appear to match the player's strength. This way, it could provide a challenging-but-fair progression for players from the early-game all the way to late-game. The specifics of the reward would need to be tailored such that a player who has already beaten the game has a reason to partake in Monster Sieges. There would be no point in implementing these new features if they became irrelevant past a certain point.

    In Conclusion..

    Building and defending go together like peanut butter and jelly, but Minecraft has not quite lived up to the potential of this gameplay loop. With the addition of the Altar and its Monster Sieges, player-built structures could gain new life as personal Monster-fighting strongholds--all without encroaching on others' preferred playstyle. One could risk defending their own house for quick rewards, build formidable castles to withstand the most powerful Sieges, or test their might in purpose-built colosseums. The main idea is to encourage purposeful building, so that players' builds can offer as much function as they do form. To this end, starting with a focus on combat--among Minecraft's most developed features--makes sense, to me. Of course, players who want a peaceful survival experience would never have to take part; the Altar, as well as whether it is off or on--is entirely up to the player.

    The specifics of this suggestion are obviously subject to change, so please do chime in with any ideas you have about Altars and Monster Sieges. But, if you do like this idea, or the wider concept of functional building, Let Mojang know on my post on the suggestions website. Thanks for reading! :)

    submitted by /u/Kurt-Propane
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    Raid Bar Addition

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:43 AM PST

    When your fighting in a raid their should be a Iron Golem icon to the right of the raid bar with a number beside it. This number will represent the number of Iron Golems nearby.

    submitted by /u/andythelord
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    New enchantment: Tendency

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 10:26 AM PST

    This is a sharpness enchantment for Illagers. Similar to Smite, Bane of Arthropods. It's a treasure enchantment, since it'd make raids a whole lot easier. This enchantment will be used for Illagers, so Pillagers, Vindicators, Evokers, Witches, Illusioners and Ravagers. Incompatible with Sharpness.

    submitted by /u/Everedeck
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    Enchantment: Instinct

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:53 PM PST

    A helmet or chest plate enchantment that occasionally highlights nearby hostile mobs with the "Glowing" effect. Goes up to III levels, the higher the level the more frequent it activates. This would allow the player to see potential dangers that they wouldn't otherwise see.

    submitted by /u/Chewbarian
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    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 05:01 AM PST

    Butter could be obtained by pouring a bucket of milk into a cauldron, then hitting it with a stick until it pops out as butter. Butter could be crafted with any food to make it fill an extra two hunger bars. The food would then be renamed, 'buttered ____'. 9 butter could be crafted to form a butter block. This would give the same slowness effect as soul sand. Butter blocks would melt and disappear within a block of a light source.

    Edit: changed composter to cauldron

    submitted by /u/anxious_stan
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    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 07:37 AM PST

    Kill 100 of every(non boss)hostile mob

    submitted by /u/Xxdeadmeme-69-xX
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    Enchantments with side-effects

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 04:23 AM PST

    So like an enchantment for your armor that (for example) gives you Resistance but also gives you Weakness. So enchantments that give you something good and something bad.

    submitted by /u/TheJackmobTV
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    A small change to Dispensers: Being able to change the water level of Cauldrons

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 09:46 AM PST

    As said in the title, I would like it if dispensers could dispense water buckets/bottles into cauldrons if placed directly next to the cauldron. A water bucket would completely fill up the cauldron, while water bottles would just add a level of water. The reverse would be for empty buckets and bottles. When dispensed into a cauldron, an empty bucket would completely drain the cauldron, while empty bottles would drain a level of water.

    Whenever the buckets/bottles get used on a full cauldron, they get filled up but stay in the dispenser. The same goes for full buckets and bottles.

    That's all folks!

    submitted by /u/Hectoris919
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    Let’s save the environment!

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:47 PM PST

    Congratulations! You planted 100 trees!

    submitted by /u/FlyDownG_ames
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    Toggle sprint and sneak

    Posted: 02 Dec 2019 03:33 PM PST

    I noticed that it's going to be added into 1.15 version and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!! But it would be cool if when it is enabled, appear at the bottom of the screen "Sprint enabled" or "Sneak Enabled".

    submitted by /u/FlyDownG_ames
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    Himalayan Mountains

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:26 PM PST

    Edit: Title has wrong name, sorry. With the upcoming mountain update, I think we need a whole new level of mountain: the Mega Mountains.

    These would be rare, about a 5-100 chance of spawning with every regular mountain biome. They would only be able to spawn near or on mountain biomes.

    The Mega Mountains would have a minimum height of 170 y and a maximum 256 y. Mostly they are steep, but with some easier sections. The higher you climb, the harder it would get is the premise of the biome. At low levels, the only ores are coal, it's easy to climb, and there are a lot of plants and water. Around the middle, a slight snow storm would constantly be there, making it a little bit harder to see. The climb would start to get steeper, with more cliffs and a small amount of snow and ice. At the higher areas, the snowstorm intensifies and snow covers almost everything, along with a lot of ice and cliffs. At the peak, the snowstorm is so strong you can barely see and everything is packed ice with some blue . A single misstep could launch you of a hundred-block cliff. In the middle of the peak, there would be a dip into a little paradise with lush possibly unique trees and a pond with fish, along with some loot chests that have diamonds, emeralds, iron, and a bunch of other stuff like that. Also, a unique small village with unique villager types that trade rare blocks and items for new enchants and crazy items.

    submitted by /u/silver_-_knight
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    Add ruins from a lost civilisation

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 05:47 PM PST

    Be it underground or above ground. ruins that are half buried and have roman/Greek style (pillars, arch roofs etc..). These structures would have buried loot that would include mostly enchanted books/items, materials such has gold and iron, paper feathers and ink, purple and red dye. A few new varieties of quartz blocks would be added or a new stone brick variation that could only be crafted using the stone cutter. These would be mini cities (about 2 villages size) and extremely rare structures.

    submitted by /u/MaskDev
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