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    Minecraft Loom should be able to spin wool into string

    Minecraft Loom should be able to spin wool into string

    Loom should be able to spin wool into string

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 08:00 AM PST

    I have always gotten confused when I tried to craft wool into string and it doesn't work, it just makes sense.

    submitted by /u/BiC_MC
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    Reindeer and Sleds

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 06:02 AM PST

    Reindeer are passive mobs that commonly spawn in Tundras and less commonly in Taigas and Snowy Taigas. They move around in herds, never leaving the group. Tundra villages would also now generate with reindeer farms.

    They are whiteish in color in snowy biomes, and brown in snow-less biomes. (Like in real life).

    Reindeer would always drop 1-2 reindeer meat and have a 10% chance to drop 1-2 leather.


    Sleds are a fun, new type of vehicle item, that can be crafted with 3 iron ingots and 4 wooden planks. (img)

    Sleds can only be placed on snow, and without anyone pulling them, they only move 2 blocks before stopping. This means you can only use them for sliding downhill.

    However, if you have a lead connected to a reindeer in your hand, they will pull the sled for you. This allows you to freely and quickly move infinitely to any direction, as long as there is snow under the sled.

    Edit: Oh, and they can be bred with wheat of course.

    Edit 2: "When a sled is going downhill, it gains speed to go another 1-2 blocks forward every time it falls down a block"


    Unfortunately this idea wasn't accepted on the feedback website, so here are 2 closest ideas that you can vote, if you like to. It's not the same thing, but that's just unfortunately how the site currently works.

    Reindeer (aka caribou)

    Dog sleighs/sleds

    submitted by /u/Mac_Rat
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    Husks Spawning Near Lava Levels, Among Other Related Mechanics.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 05:52 AM PST

    My thought on this might be a bit of a stretch, but I think it might make caves a bit more interesting without the need for a full-blown cave update. At levels near the lava level, Y=10, husks would have a higher chance of spawning than zombies, and the chances would decrease with every block above Y=10, perhaps from 100% at Y=11 to 0% at Y=16, the chances of spawning a husk instead of a zombie decreasing by 20% with each block. The reason for this is simple: Husks that spawn in deserts are clearly just dried-out zombies: if you keep a husk in water long enough, it turns back into a normal zombie. I believe it should also work the other way, too, because zombies that would "hang around lava pools" (spawn near Y=10) would have been there long enough to be dried out by the heat. They would have a slightly different texture than the current husks, looking more grayish than yellow and brown. There would also be a mechanic, of course, where if a zombie was close enough to a lava pool, it would convert into a husk, and if a drowned zombie did the same, it would convert into a normal zombie. I feel that this would be a nice balance to the current one-way chain of Husk → Zombie → Drowned.

    Now, I'd like to add a few more mechanics alongside these features. For instance, husks spawning near Y=10 that also spawned with gold or iron armor pieces would have a significantly high chance of having those armor pieces enchanted with Curse of Binding, since the armor would have sort of "melted" onto them. Zombies converted into husks would do the same, and have a high chance of their armor being enchanted with Curse of Binding. Another feature could be one that finally adds interest to those random underground lava and water pools. Drowned zombies would commonly be found in the water pools, and, as previously mentioned, husks would be found in lava pools. (This does not mean that husks are now immune to lava. They would spawn around the edges of the lava, but still burn and die if they go in.)

    So, what would be the significance of these changes? All we'd be doing is just once again changing how zombies and their variants work. Well, that's where this final part of my suggestion comes in: A mechanic that allows for fully automatic sand and gravel farms. Currently there is no way to do this, making concrete gathering an incredibly complicated process. Well, taking into account the very common suggestion that husks should drop sand, let's make husks that spawn underground drop gravel and, very rarely, flint. This would only apply to naturally spawned husks, meaning that husks spawning above sea level in deserts would drop sand and that husks spawning below sea level in caves would drop gravel. This would mean you couldn't just put a lava source next to a zombie spawner to have an easy sand/gravel farm. This isn't really too much of new thing with zombies: Drowned zombies occasionally spawn with tridents, but you can never get a trident from converting zombies into drowned zombies. This would mean that if you wanted to automatically produce sand and gravel, you'd have to build two husk farms, one in a desert and one deep underground. This would make concrete gathering a much less complicated process, but you would have to put in a good amount of effort to automate it.

    So, in short, this suggestion wouldn't change much about the game as a whole. It would add balance to the chain of zombie conversion and allow for some convenient automation of a process that is much more complicated than it needs to be.

    submitted by /u/ThatMonkeyBiz
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    Golden lanterns and jack-o'-melons.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:41 PM PST

    I'd love more variety of lightning sources :D

    submitted by /u/CrunchyMemesLover
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    The terraria tree should be a painting

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:22 PM PST

    As a nice sendoff to their old companion the team should add a very familar looking tree as a two high painting

    submitted by /u/Sushimus
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    Simple Skin Creator in Launcher

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:11 AM PST

    I don't mean like a pixel-by-pixel creator like some online editors. I mean like a traditional character creator with preset fields and selections of features like eyes and hairstyles.

    You'd have the ability to change things like your skin color, clothes, hair style/color and body type. You could choose from different facial features and accessories like gloves, shoes, eye patches, etc., basically giving more people the ability to make simple avatars without the need for an image editor or any modeling knowledge.

    Kind of like Miis: a very simple editor with an expansive selection of options so you can make anyone from yourself to your favorite celebrity.

    On the technical front: this would essentially just "bake" all of your settings into a regular skin texture in the end so that it's totally compatible with the existing skin system and can be manually edited afterwards if desired.

    This wouldn't replace the existing skin options, just give an easily accessible option to less technical players so they can make skins.

    EDIT: Here's my mockup for what it could look like. Just slapped it together so don't take it too seriously.

    submitted by /u/ethanicus
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    Biome Changes?

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 11:04 AM PST

    Idea: if you plant plants and blocks native to a certain biome inside another (ie, grass and trees in a desert biome) then it should change to that specific biome! It would take a lot of native blocks and plants, but think how it would help gameplay! Of course, it wouldn't affect already existing transformations, but there could be server settings! I hope Mojang takes this into consideration, as it would be really fun!

    submitted by /u/Pi_Candy
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    If you break cactus with a glass bottle you have a 40% chance of filling it with water.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 09:14 AM PST

    Title says it, cactus are know for having water inside of them, so why not?

    submitted by /u/Everedeck
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    Curses should decrease enchanting cost, not increase it.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 11:16 PM PST

    Despite being a negative effect, curses are classed as enchantments. This means they increase the cost of creating and repairing an enchanted item. And with a cursed weapon you reach the max enchant limit quicker.

    I suggest we invert this. Curses should have a negative cost, making enchanted items cheaper to create or repair, and also decreasing the max enchant of the weapon. You can have a more powerful item for the same price, if you accept it is cursed.

    "A very elegant solution" ~Cameron

    submitted by /u/Martijndebakker
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    If a pet is given a lethal blow, the pet will enter a "mercy state" that gives Players a chance to save their pets from certain death. Pets in the mercy state survive at a half-heart, a single punch will kill them.

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:25 PM PST


    Have you ever hit your pet on accident and instantly killed them because your sword or etc. was overpowered? If this suggestion were to come into play, pets will be given a second chance at life.


    If a player hits their pet with a lethal blow (Swords, axes, bows, etc.), accident or on purpose, the game will force the pet to enter a "mercy state". This mercy state will force the pet to remain at a half-heart, one punch away from death.

    Pets in the mercy state will look absolutely disheartened, making it clear that a single punch could kill them to the Player. Pets will also refuse to move while in the mercy state.

    • The tails of dogs will go in between their legs, so much so that it nearly looks invisible from the Player's POV. They will also constantly whimper and whine. They will not assist Players in any form of combat, hostile mobs that were targeting the dog at the time will change their target to the Player.

    • Cats will shiver and constantly hiss, getting close to it will cause it to constantly scratch you for a half-heart, as long as you are in range. If Players aren't careful, they can die a very sad death. "<Player> was scratched to death by <name of cat> for being a bad pet owner." The radius at which Creepers will avoid cats will also become significantly smaller.

    • The voice of Parrots will become weak and hoarse, only being able to mimic the shrill cries of a Ghast. Parrots will refuse to ride on the shoulders of their respective Players.

    This gives people the chance to realize their mistake and heal their pets before they die for good.

    Players in multiplayer servers can cause other people's pets to enter the mercy state, just for good measure.


    • Pets will not enter the mercy state if they are killed in action by hostile mobs. EX: Creeper explosions will not give pets the chance to survive as it is not the fault of the Player.

    • TNT, even if lit by the respective Player, will not give pets a chance to survive.

    • Animals like cows, pigs, chickens, sheep and etc. cannot enter the mercy state.

    • Animals that can be tamed will only enter the mercy state if they have been tamed by a Player.

    Any ideas, issues or thoughts?

    If you agree with this post, please vote on its counterpart on the Minecraft Feedback site.

    submitted by /u/Chasedownall
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    Crafting chainmail armor with chainmail patches

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 01:33 PM PST

    I think chainmail armor looks awesome and that it's pretty useful as well, and it's a shame we can't craft it. Of course you can trade chainmail armor with an expert level armorer, but how does he make those things?


    You can craft any piece of chainmail armor by placing a chainmail patch in the same shapes as the other types of armor.

    chainmail patch

    To make a chainmail patch, place 5 iron nuggets in a X-form in the crafting interface

    I think this would be a nice addition to the game. This way it's a bit more expensive than just iron nuggets in the armor shapes but als not as expensive as regular iron armor.

    submitted by /u/dries125
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    Colored light

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 03:00 PM PST

    If a redstone lamp is crafted with colored glass it will create colored lamp. That is all.

    submitted by /u/slicedbread349
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    Fish Bowl

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 10:07 AM PST

    It would be crafted with 5 Glass in a minecart shape. You can right click it with any fish bucket to fill it up!

    submitted by /u/GameProPie
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    Thunderstorms in Snowy Biomes should become Hailstorms

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:04 PM PST

    Just an aesthetic change with no real gameplay consequences. I think it would be neat, because the light snow combined with crashing thunder and lightning just doesn't fit well together in my opinion.

    submitted by /u/videobob123
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    Add the "Houston, we have a problem" advancement/achievement

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:24 PM PST

    This advancement is obtained by breaking an elytra above Y=500.

    P.S. This was not my idea, I found this on r/shittymcsuggestions but thought this was pretty good.

    submitted by /u/draavtizs
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    Wither Boss should be upgradable for better loot + challenge (with pictures)

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 08:05 PM PST

    How to upgrade boss?


    -Place 4, 8 or 12 skulls near main T shape construction before summoning boss. Upon charging health bar boss will consume all skulls near and gain +75 Health and +5% size for each skull near (+0.5 damage to all attacks for each 4, 3 or 2 skulls, depending on difficulty) Boss can consume maximum of 72 skulls and drop +1 nether star and 1 wither skull for each 4 skulls consumed.



    Level 2 (4 skulls) new ability:

    Each 13 seconds (-1 sec for each 4 skulls consumed) boss will shoot 3 skulls with 0.2 sec delay (very fast). Those skulls will fly 20% faster.

    Level 3 (8 skulls) new ability:

    Whenever skull miss and colide with blocks it will release Homing projectile similar to Shulker attack. This projectile will deal low damage, but apply Slowness for 5 (+1 for each 4 skulls) seconds. Projectiles dissapear after 3 (+0.5 for each 4 skull) seconds after spawning.

    Level 4 (12 skulls) new ability:

    Each 8 seconds boss will summon 2 (+1 for each 12 skulls) defensive skulls that will rotate around boss and block arrows or sword attacks. Upon taking hit they will be knockbacked and transform in homing skills with lock on player (Hit them again to remove their homing on player)

    How this will help?

    Instead of killing same boss again and again for nether stars you can summon more powerful boss and he will drop 1 additional star and 1 skull for each 4 skulls you invest in it (You need 4 skulls to upgrade and 3 to summon new boss so it will drop additional skull you lose to power up boss)

    This will save your time and create real challenge to hardcore players

    submitted by /u/HellFireBro
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    I wish that Excuse by C418 could play during night time.

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:40 PM PST

    The song was originally created for Minecraft but never implemented. Having it be able to play during night time would be nice. It's such a melancholy song and I'm so sad it was never used anywhere.

    submitted by /u/ChickenPlenty
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    Beige wool

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 07:25 PM PST

    Why is there still no beige wool? I always thought it'd be fitting because that's the natural color of wool but we have beige llamas now as well, it's time.

    EDIT: Of course this would mean beige banners/dye as well, which would be cool. Maybe combine brown dye and white dye to make it?

    submitted by /u/iratefrog
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    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:44 AM PST

    Build a monument with the dragon egg on top, in every single dimension. A monument for the egg would be made with obsidian endstone or purpur in a 4x4 pyramid shape with the egg on top.

    submitted by /u/The-Most-Sour-Lemon
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    Adding any number of paintings of any (reasonable) size

    Posted: 05 Dec 2019 05:20 PM PST

    Minecraft's paintings are a great item, adding that final touch to a room without much effort. They can also be useful in map-making, using resource packs to make whatever you want with the paintings.

    The problem is that we are limited the size and amount of vanilla paintings, which are:

    • 7 1x1 paintings;
    • 2 1x2 paintings;
    • 5 2x1 paintings
    • 6 2x2 paintings;
    • 1 4x2 paintings;
    • 2 4x3 paintings;
    • 3 4x4 paintings.

    That's 26 different paintings, with only 7 different sizes, none of which is 3 wide.

    Also, 18 of those 26 have one of 3 sizes.

    My suggestion is that Mojang reworks the way the game handles paintings, especially in regards to resource packs.

    With resource packs, we should be able to add new paintings without sacrificing the existing ones or worrying with limits.

    We should also be able to add paintings of whatever size we want, up to 4x4, like 4x1 or 3x3, for example.


    The paintings folder in a resource pack, instead of having a single image, would either have:

    • an image for each painting;


    • an image for each size of paintings.

    In either case, there would also need to be a .json file to indicate which painting is of which size, since we can have different resolutions. This file would also have an (optional) part where if you specify which (if any) of the vanilla paintings you want to keep.

    If you have multiple resource packs at the same time, their paintings would all be added.

    So, tell me what you think and don't forget the rules.

    Here's a couple bonus paintings I drew

    Edit: link to the feddback site - pending approval as of now

    submitted by /u/TitaniumBrain
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    New Creeper: Bone Creeper

    Posted: 06 Dec 2019 02:13 AM PST

    this creeper is similar to a skeleton and will be much quieter than normal skeleton once they explode with a rattle of bones they will shoot out shards of bones that give you blindness and wither, Bone Skeletons are super rare or when a creeper dies on a wither rose it will create it.

    not too much info just thought it would make a cool edition to the minecraft mob arrray

    submitted by /u/devonthecreator
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