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    Minecraft Using Soul Sand instead of sand while crafting TNT creates "Soul TNT"

    Minecraft Using Soul Sand instead of sand while crafting TNT creates "Soul TNT"

    Using Soul Sand instead of sand while crafting TNT creates "Soul TNT"

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 06:21 AM PST

    This only affects mobs and players in the same radius as TNT, without breaking blocks or altering the terrain in any way. Thought of this originally so that I can guard my chests without them being destroyed, though I think it would have SEVERAL more uses.

    The appearance should probably be different: maybe a darker shade of brown?

    Other names I thought of are "Spirit TNT" or "Psyche TNT". Let me know if you have a better name, or you like either of these more!

    Thanks for reading :)

    submitted by /u/WhiteLantern_Flash
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    When customising a superflat world, you should also be able to customise the nether

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:47 AM PST

    This could be useful for custom maps or servers. You could be able to choose whether there is bedrock at the top or not.

    submitted by /u/CoolnessJuice
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    Blacksmith villagers should occasionally heal Iron Golems.

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 07:49 PM PST

    Whenever I find a village, I often see the Iron Golem low on health due to a few skeletons. Blacksmith villagers can forge metals and even diamond tools, yet they only interact with other villagers. Even baby villagers have a bit of interaction with golems (they sometimes give them a poppy). My proposition is that during the day, blacksmith villagers should walk over to Iron Golems and heal them with iron. It would give more personality to villagers and show care to their metal guards. Of course, it would probably only be one or two ingots a day, kind of like how farmers only harvest crops on occasion.

    submitted by /u/Shelf-Life3
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    If you use a milk bucket on a skeleton it will gain strength effect.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 08:59 AM PST

    Becuase milk is good for the bones!!!

    submitted by /u/tunacansam22
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    Cleric villagers should occasionally heal other villagers

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 08:57 AM PST

    The way it works is that clerics sense when other villagers have low health, and throw splash potions of healing on them. Their job site block is a brewing stand, so it makes sense for them to be able to do this. It would give more personality to villagers and a sense of community belonging and bonding. Of course, it would only be one or two potions a day, going to the villagers with lowest health.

    submitted by /u/WhiteLantern_Flash
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    When Blazes touch soul sand they turn blue and become more powerful

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:16 PM PST

    When fire touches soul sand it becomes blue so I think it should work this way with blazes

    submitted by /u/SkyKnight789
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    Glass blocks and panes break if you hit them hard enough

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:57 AM PST

    This would work whether you fell from a height of more than about 20 or hit at an angle using Elytra fast enough. It wouldn't cancel out fall damage, but it would lessen it slightly while inflicting slight damage from the broken glass

    submitted by /u/Bigdogdom69
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    Shepherd villagers interact with sheep

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 11:58 AM PST

    Much like farmers farm crops, shepherds also should have special interactions. Occasionally, shepherds will shear sheep if it doesn't have enough wool in its inventory. The sheep must be within the village boundary. Shepherds can also feed wheat to sheep, but only one. This would prevent breeding and prevents a sudden increase in the sheep population. When the sheep is fed, the sheep will follow the shepherd for about 15 seconds (or at least try to). This makes the game seem more lively.

    Thanks for reading; what do you think?

    submitted by /u/solar_powered_noob42
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    Bundles of Carrots

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:33 PM PST

    This seems so simple of an addition, it must've been suggested before, and if so I apologize. As the title states, what if carrots could be combined for storage purposes, in the same way bonemeal and wheat are. A simple implementation game data wise, as a 3 x 3 grid in the crafting table would make a bundle. Bundles can be stacked in inventory, the same way wheat bales can be, and can be reverse engineered like wheat, e.g. wheat bale back to wheat. After farming with the new villager mechanics in 1.15, I feel now is the time to implement this change, as transporting large amounts of crops to villages for trading purposes can result in a two trip affair. Thank you for reading!!

    submitted by /u/P0tat0_Carl
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    Naturally generated leaf blocks should drop apple items onto the ground.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 12:18 PM PST

    Since that in real life, apple trees drop apples onto the ground to be eaten by wildlife, I think it would be nice for oak leaves to occasionally drop apples in item form. This allows for farming without the need to break countless leaf blocks. Also, they would only do this if they are within a certain proximity to the player, to reduce lag.

    submitted by /u/TheCoderCube
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    New enchantment: Evokation

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:17 AM PST

    So I'm sure that I'm not the only one who thinks Evokers are super cool, and the player should be able to harness their cool abilities. I've seen suggestions about Evoker staffs before but I always thought that they didn't really fit with the style of minecraft's combat and I think this is a better way of making things work.

    So basically, Evokers now have a rare chance(10% maybe?) of dropping enchant books of evokation instead of a totem of undying, this chance goes up with each level of looting used on whatever weapon killed the Evoker. This book can also be obtained very rarely from pillager camp chests(like, you need the luck enchant to even have a chance of finding it), and master librarians can also sell the book as their final trade option.

    The way the enchantment works is that whatever weapon you put it on, will create an Evoker fang on the ground underneath whatever mob is struck by the weapon, and they'll take damage from it in addition to the damage taken from the weapon. If evokation is placed on a sword, more Evoker fangs will appear on the ground if the sword is also enchanted with sweeping edge I, II, or III. When evokation is put on a bow, the arrow that is fired will have Evoker fangs appear on the ground underneath it until the arrow hits the ground. It basically works the same way that Evokers fire their fangs at the player. The evokation enchant cannot be put on a weapon that already has fire aspect or flame on it and the fangs will always appear from the ground, making the enchantment useless against enemies in the air.

    Now for the final, and possibly coolest use of the evokation enchant, is that it can also be placed on eggs. An enchanted egg, when thrown has a 12.5% chance to spawn a Vex and a 0.390625% chance to spawn in four Vexes. Whenever a Vex is spawned from an egg it is immediately tamed to the player that threw it and will always follow them until it dies.(tamed vexes can't be told to sit but can be trapped in boats if you want to leave them behind) The player, in addition to gaining a new little friend, also gains an achievement called Hey! Listen!

    And that's my idea, hopefully it doesnt seem too overpowered, especially the bit with the eggs but maybe it could be done with turtle eggs instead? idk thanks for reading all of this.

    submitted by /u/CPUprime
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    New enchantment: Retrieval

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:03 PM PST

    It is meant for bows and crossbows. It works a lot like infinity. When you shoot a bow enchanted with Retrieval the arrow will come back towards you and pierce everything on its passage back to you. This would only be found as a treasure enchantment and couldn't be obtainable from an enchantment table. This enchant is also incompatible with infinity and multishot.

    submitted by /u/Clayton_Peterson14
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    Armourer villagers should be able to wear some armour to defend themselves during raids/sieges.

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:49 AM PST

    This usually involves only some chainmail leggings or an iron helmet. They can't be too OP. Occasionally they will equip others with armour too. This would make villages more lively during raids and sieges and adds more character to villagers, as well as adding another layer of protection. I was thinking that they could have shields too but they aren't really armour.

    Thanks for reading; what do you think?

    submitted by /u/solar_powered_noob42
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    New Enchantment Idea: Weight I & II

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 11:28 AM PST

    It's always a little bit time consuming when you build something with water and need to stop building, because you get pushed around by the water.

    How about a enchantment for the boots so the Player can't be pushed around anymore?

    *Weight I* would take away the abilty from mobs and other players to push the player around.

    *Weight II* would take this ability away from the water.

    The "Weight" enchantment would also have a negative side effect... more fall damage, because of the extra weight of the boots the impact when the Player is falling would be stronger.

    Also this means that "Weight" can't be combinated with Feather Falling.

    submitted by /u/UsrDeletedFromPlanet
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    Saturation Potion + [Golden Beetroot]

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 05:06 AM PST

    Acts just like it sounds, A potion that increases Saturation affect to the max and keeps it there for the predicted amount of time other potions like fire resistance last. • Requires an awkward potion to brew • Redstone dust increases the potion duration to 8:00 • Glowstone dust increases the powerfulness of the potion, giving extra hunger bars/points [similar to Golden Apples] but decreases the duration of the potion

    Golden Beetroot can be crafted exactly like the golden carrot, [1 beetroot + 8 golden nuggets = 1 Golden Beetroot], Golden Beetroot would be brewed with and awkward potion to create a potion of saturation. Consuming will quintuple the standard beetroots' hunger point regain from 1 to 5 restored hunger points

    submitted by /u/thelastkalos
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    Obtaining other rocks

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 09:45 AM PST

    At the moment getting rocks in minecraft is kinda lazy and makes normal caves look ugly, how could they be implemented to work better? I was thinking boulders, but that may also look ugly and not all cave are very big, we could also just have whole biomes dedicated to these rocks (like grians video) which I think would look great, but I'm not sure. What are your ideas?

    submitted by /u/umbreon202020
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    New mob - Skunks

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 01:18 PM PST

    Skunks would spawn in all Overworld biomes except for the beach, deserts, mesas, and (of course) the ocean.

    Most would be black and white, although very occasionally, you would get a brown, albino, or orange one.

    In the wild, they would be neutral; when provoked, they would hit you and if you continue to provoke them, they would spray you, producing a Nausea effect (or possibly blindness or poison as suggested by other users) that lasts for about two in-game hours.

    They could be tamed with mushrooms and, once tamed, they would no longer spray you but they could spray hostile mobs.

    submitted by /u/OptimisticTrekkie
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    A new key bind to “attack” from the off hand

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 04:00 PM PST

    Title speaks for itself. It would be nice to be able to put a silk touch pickaxe in one hand and a fortune pickaxe in the other so you can mine efficiently. Also be able to use in pvp. Just a suggestion.

    submitted by /u/Clayton_Peterson14
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    Mob D The hovering inferno in the new nether update

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:43 PM PST

    What the title says. It would be cool if it got revisited or given an interesting twist like a nether only boss that would drop a special more stronger shield.

    submitted by /u/Caluba
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    Torch arrow/bow

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 11:48 AM PST

    The option to shoot torches from a bow. Where it lands a torch is placed. Would be great to cave lightning

    submitted by /u/Cmdr-Tom
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    Youth Potion

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 03:26 PM PST

    When you get the Youth effect, you become a baby version of yourself (duh) where you can go through one block spaces and run faster, but you always have half the health and half the hunger. Youth Potion can't be brewed and can only be found as loot, but it is rare. I like this idea as it's like you're trading your strength for stealth.

    submitted by /u/Daddy_Das
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    Bow charging sound effect!

    Posted: 30 Dec 2019 10:56 AM PST

    When you charge a bow, its illogical, because it doesn't make any sound when it should make a sound. the sound should be added when you're charging a bow, it would do a stretchy thread sounds. an example for what i mean in this video
    as we can see, before shooting an arrow, you charge a bow, and the sounds that happen when you charge a bow in this video should exist in minecraft.
    it would help at giving a better immersion and atmosphere to the game and will help players that pvp alot, hear the sound of someone charging a bow so they can be more careful when they are bridging in skywars or getting sniped when having low health.

    submitted by /u/BetaArmageno
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    Manta Slime: The Ocean Boss Triggered By Conduits

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 10:27 PM PST

    TL ; DR:

    Conduits should trigger a boss battle in the ocean called the Manta Slime, a large Phantom-shaped green Manta Ray that would spawn in oceans. Once spawned, slime will cover your Conduit and the Manta Slime will emerge. It divides into smaller versions of itself until there are twelve baby versions of it at the end. Great source of slime balls and it adds an exciting incentive to many of the features from the aquatic update such as the Conduit and the Trident.


    I believe Minecraft's oceans need a boss mob to make it a force to be reckoned with. This idea is inspired by a boss in Mario Sunshine known as the Phantamanta. Whenever you hit it, it would divide much like how Slimes do in Minecraft.

    Manta Slimes should have an oozing green appearance and have knockback powers. They should also be able to shoot green Slime Balls that would deal three damage and have a chance to temporarily 'lock' the item in your hand with a slimy texture much like an enchantment glow. This would only last for 4 seconds. Manta Slimes should have have a shape similar to Phantoms and should spawn whenever a player crafts, and constructs a working Conduit. This would add a use (and an incentive) in finding buried treasure, collecting nautilus shells, etc.

    Manta Slimes would be 6 blocks long and have an 8 block wide 'wingspan'. Their healthbar would have three stages of damage. After each stage of damage, the Manta Slime should divide into smaller versions of itself.


    When a conduit is formed, if an ocean of water is nearby, the Manta Slime would emerge by a bunch of Slimeball-textured particles coming together. The conduit itself will stop working and a goopy slimy texture should cover the conduit.

    After the Manta Slime loses 33% of its health, it would drop 6 slime balls and divide into two smaller versions of itself that each gain 10% more health to prolong the battle.

    Each of the two Manta Slimes should drop 4 slime balls and divide into two slightly smaller Manta Slimes upon death, making it a total of four separate mobs. In this stage, they would gain 40% more health, drop 3-4 slime balls, and become exceedingly fierce with glowing red eyes.

    After each Manta Slime dies, 2-3 smaller versions would spawn and they would be the same size of a baby Slime and drop 1-2 slime balls. That's a total of up to 12 baby Manta Slimes in the end. (They do not do damage) Once 80% of them are killed off, the boss battle is over and the Slime is removed from the conduit, making it work again. The player can earn up to 54 slime balls from this battle and that's a good reason to go into it. (Slimeballs are also very useful so this makes it a good way to obtain Slime for builds.)


    Bows, Crossbows, and other ranged weapons will not work on the Manta Slime and will simply bounce off of him under water. However, the best weapon should be a trident, as that would make players want to obtain it even more.

    Swords should work, but the Manta Slime's knockback should send a player up to 8 blocks away to make it a lot more challenging. Tridents on the other hand will actually have a knockback effect on the Manta Slime. They can also help players dodge projecting slime balls underwater.

    After the boss is defeated the player should receive an achievement titled, "Spring Cleaning".


    Also, if the Manta Slime is left unkilled in the area, it will assume territory around your conduit until you defeat it. (The conduit will also slowly heal it) No fish should spawn in the Conduit chunk until the boss is defeated, as the water is 'contaminated' by the Manta Slime.

    Let me know your thoughts and opinions! :)

    submitted by /u/rawrians
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    Wandering trader stand

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 09:55 PM PST

    What if villages generated also with a permanent wandering trader with it's stand? This wandering trader will refresh what he sell every minecraft day and he sells different things each day. It also came with it's llamas tied to a fence. It will also drink milk when it's night and trades only for emeralds.

    This wandering trader is based on how traders from foreign countries set up stands and sell their wares in the cities of big empires e.g. Arab & Indian traders sell their wares in the Chinese empire via the silk road

    submitted by /u/8bit95
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