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    Minecraft When Rain particles touch Lava or Magma, white clouds of Steam will appear.

    Minecraft When Rain particles touch Lava or Magma, white clouds of Steam will appear.

    When Rain particles touch Lava or Magma, white clouds of Steam will appear.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:59 AM PST

    The particles will replace the currently implemented puffs of black smoke.

    To avoid visual cluttering and lag, the particle count will be low ---> a block is not going to generate continuos clouds of steam, but occasionaly one or two will pop up.

    submitted by /u/pamafa3
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    Ender chests should be silver and gold presents during Christmas

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 10:10 AM PST

    During Christmas, I noticed that the ender chest texture was exactly the same as the normal chest during Christmas, and I kept thinking it was a normal chest. The only way to differentiate the two was to look for small purple particles. I think the ender chest needs a grand "silver and gold" color scheme, to make the ender chest have more exotic Christmas colors than the other chests.

    submitted by /u/dankmemer_69_420
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    Tipped arrows should leave "particle trails" when shot.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 01:33 PM PST

    When shot, tipped arrows should leave small trails of particles that fade out after a while, with the color of the tipped arrow.

    submitted by /u/Evidaent
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    New concept of milk-based potions with effects that are somewhat the opposite of regular potions.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:01 AM PST

    BIG Picture showing the idea

    Now the explanation of the potions:

    Any time I say "mob" it includes players. If I say "player(s)" it means its something only a player can use/do.

    With some of these potions, if you have drunk one of these and its regular counterpart, they will cancel each other out so it will be the same as not having drunk anyting at all unless one of them is a lower level. For example, if the player is under the effects of Unstoppability I and Slowness II, Slowness will override Unstopability until it runs out. Other potions compensate each other out but they normally do so by being on the attacker and the defender (like strenght/resistance, Mildness/No Guard or Unawareness/Pheromones).

    The icons at the right are lazily done because im horrible at spriting. The potion names aren't final, just what I came up with.

    • Potion of Slow Motion : Heavily reduces the acceleration of any affected mob. This means that going from walking speed to running speed would take much longer than usual. However this applies the other way around as well: If you're walking and you stop, it will take longer to actually fully stop, as if the floor was slippery. This wont apply to vertical movement except for flying mobs. This potion and a swiftness potion will cancel each other out.

    • Potion of Unstoppability : Makes the affected mob immune to any speed-lowering hazards or effects. This includes things like cobwebs, soulsand, water, lava, etc. It will also make the user immune to any knockback. This potion and a slowness potion will cancel each other out.

    • Potion of Weight : Decreases the jump height of the affected mob by half a block with the normal potions and by a whole block with the Level II Potion. This means a player with the II effect wont be able to get out of blocks like soul sand. This potion and a leaping potion will cancel each other out.

    • Potion of Mildness : Any weapon used by a mob under this effect will have its enchantment level lowered (In the damage calculation, the weapon isn't being downgraded) by 1 or 3 depending of the Potion Level. It will stack with a Weakness potion but it wont do anything to unenchanted weapons.

    • Potion of Alpha Healing : Any player under this effect wont be able to restore hunger bars or saturation by any means, any food that is eaten will directly restore the player's health as it did in the Alpha version of Minecraft (technically it was first seen in the 0.24_SURVIVAL_TEST version). The amount of HP restored will be equal to the amount of hunger bars that would normally be filled with whatever was eaten.

    • Potion of resistance : Nothing to be added.

    • Antidote : Makes the affected mob immune to poison damage from any source; potions, food or cave spiders. It will also make a player immune to any negative effects from eating any sort of food. So no hunger from rotten flesh, no nausea from pufferfish, etc. Chorus fruit will still teleport, suspicious stew will still apply its effect (except poison) and positive effects will still happen.

    • Anticoagulant : Makes health regeneration happen slower. The LV I potion makes the user regenerate health twice as slow and the LV II potion makes the user regenerate 4 times more slowly. This multiplier will apply to any regeneration, natural and from other sources like Golden apples or Regen potions. This potion will affect the Ender dragon albeit it may be too short to be of use there, but anything longer could be broken in PvP.

    • Potion of Oil : Natural Fire/lava immunity is removed, (Affected nether mobs will take fire/lava damage). This also doubles fire damage (2 damage per second) and lava damage (8 damage per second). Also if being set on fire, the fireticks are doubled. You can still be put out with water even if it wouldn't work in real life or else it would be too good. This potion and a Fire resistance potion will cancel each other out.

    • Potion of Asphyxia : The affected mob will always have 0 bubbles of air. This means going underwater will cause immediate damage from drowning unless on a bubble column. A zombie under this effect will transform into a drowned instantly if underwater. Water mobs aren't affected. This potion and a water breathing potion will cancel each other out.

    • Potion of Unawareness : It wont affect players, but any mob under the effects will completely ignore everything. For example a creeper under this effect will not care about cats and will not go after the player or try to explode even if attacked (it will still explode if flint and steel is used on it). A cow wont try to breed even if fed, a pig wont care about the carrot on a stick, etc...

    • Potion of Pheromones : Every loaded mob that is normally aggresive or neutral will immediately target whatever has this effect if it can find a path to it. If multiple mobs have this effect then the closest one will be targeted. Any targeted mob will get an outline the same way illagers get one when ringing the bell during a raid. The target being invisible wont matter.

    • Potion of the JackRabbit master : Gives the effects that can be seen in the picture. JackRabbits

    • Potion of Gravity : Doubles falling speed and doubles exhaustion Flying mobs will drop down twice as fast but will rise up twice as slow. This potion and a slow fall potion will cancel each other out.

    • Potion of No Guard : Any armor used by a mob under this effect will have its enchantment level lowered (In the damage calculation, the armor isn't being downgraded) by 1 or 2 depending of the Potion Level. It will stack with a Strenght potion but it wont do anything to unenchanted or non-existing armor. Also a mob under this effect will get its shield disabled from any attack 100% of the time for 5 seconds.

    submitted by /u/PurnPum
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    In 1.16, Piglins should harvest nether wart - like how villagers harvest wheat and potatoes

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 01:51 PM PST

    There's currently no way to automatically harvest nether wart, and I think it's time there is a method. Piglins seem to be the pillagers of the nether, and have some intelligent behaviors. So, why not have them harvest nether wart?

    submitted by /u/wt_anonymous
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    Lard and soap blocks

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 04:28 AM PST

    As well as meat, chickens drop feathers, cows drop leather, sheep drop wool. But what about pigs? Of course, riding them! Here's my suggestion: Lard.

    Lard is a new item obtainable from killing pigs. Pigs drop 0-2 lard. Lard has many uses:


    Lard can smelt 3 items in a furnace.

    Alternative to coal for torches:

    Want to get torches without getting stone? Underestimated the value of coal? 1 stick and 1 lard can get you 4 torches.

    The Soap Block:

    Four lard and 2 buckets of waternether quartz (as suggested by u/parishiIt0n) → charcoal (as suggested by u/fishcute) will get you the Soap Block. This block is just as slippery as blue ice. But here's what's interesting: Walking on soap frequently will make it gradually go smaller (in terms of height) until it eventually disappears. Its stages are much like snow. This could be useful for parkour maps.

    Large campfires (credit u/WhiteLantern_Flash in the brainstorming hall)

    Putting lard into a campfire will make it 1.5 blocks tall, which makes it look more impressive. It also does x1.5 damage than the normal campfire.

    Thanks for reading; what do you think?

    (I also thought about potions made from lard as lard was traditionally used as medicine, but ran out of ideas)

    submitted by /u/solar_powered_noob42
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    The Middle End Island should be updated

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 05:38 PM PST

    The end island right now is very barren and looks like a weird pancake of stone with random pillars coming out of it. I believe the island should be redone to look more interesting.

    Here are a few changes that I think could be done:

    •Island should have the iconic "cone" shape that many custom floating islands have

    •New vines should grow off the island, maybe teal or purple colored vines to match the colors associated with the end

    •A few chorus plants should grow on the outer edges of the island (not as many as on the End City islands, but maybe 5 or 6)

    •End crystal towers should be redone to look nicer. Maybe they could be built of a new block- obsidian bricks, and the iron bars could be outlined with stone bricks to make the end crystal look more contained

    •End portal shouldn't be made out of bedrock, but should be made out of a different unbreakable block known as "Dragon's Nesting". It would have a similar texture to dried kelp blocks, but with a purple tint and without the white band around the block

    •Fire should turn purple when lit on end stone (similar to blue fire on soul sand in 1.16), and the fire under end crystals should also be purple

    Now close your eyes and imagine the battle of the Ender Dragon on an island with all these changes. I personally think it would make the fight more engaging!

    submitted by /u/dankmemer_69_420
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    Royal wither skeletons

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:29 PM PST

    A new mob idea: the royal wither skeleton.

    Look: looks like a regular wither skeleton but has a shield and always wears a gold helmet.

    Stats: HP:20, damage: easy-6hp/normal-10hp/hard-14hp, armour points: 8

    Spawning: can spawn in a nether fortress(8% chance of spawning instead of regular wither skeleton) or randomly in the nether in groups of 2-3.

    Behavior: behaves much like a normal wither skeleton and also blocks attacks using shield. If spawned randomly, it will scout around for piglins and will attack them. When battling piglins it will attack crossbow piglins first.

    Drops: just like a normal wither skeleton but drops more experience plus ocasionaly his shield and/or helmet. Has 2x chance of droping wither skeleton skull

    I hope this will get added to the nether update, because the war between piglins and wither skeletons may seem like pigins will be much stronger and with this it would be much more epic.

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Frost walker enchantment for lava

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:54 AM PST

    Instead of ice, it would leave magma blocks or netherrack. Like with the ice, the blocks would decay after a certain amount of time. Maybe it would only work in the nether? Maybe a with a second level, it would work in the overworld as well. Nether travel would be much easier with this enchantment. It would not be able to stack with fire protection and, as expected, would only work with boots.

    submitted by /u/liz_short_4_lisagna
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    Some ideas about how Smithing Table can be implemented

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:07 AM PST


    • Tools and weapons can be sharpened to increase one level of efficiency for a certain number of uses.
      • Sharpened swords deal 0.5 more heart of damage.
      • Sharpened Axes, Shovels and Pickaxes break blocks faster.
      • Sharpened Hoes immediately create hydrated farmlands. Farmlands created by sharpened hoes stay hydrated longer.
      • Sharpened Shears make sheep drop more wool.
    • Sharpening cost some xp and a type of material to serve as sharpener (maybe 1 raw stone or 1 iron ingot)

      Polishing and Decorating

    • Polishing tools, armors or minerals gives them the magic lighting like enchanted items have. This process costs some xp.

    • Decorating involves attaching minerals/ornaments to tools and armors to make them looks more exotic.

    • The reason for this is to appeal the villagers so that they trade with more valuable items with you. It is also to appeal the piglins, which have a chance to give you better.

      • It can also be used to attract cats and foxes rather than scaring them away.

    Adding Unique "Mythic" Enchantments

    • This is used to enchant items with Mythic enchantments. Each type of weapon/tool/armor can have 1 mythic enchantment that are exclusive to that type of item only. I will explain all those enchantments in another post since this post is to talk about smithing table only.
    submitted by /u/TruckK110Geo
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    Horseback Warfare.

    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 10:50 PM PST

    In the time of combat snapshots, let me suggest one thing: Horseback warfare. No, this is not adding anything to the game but rather modifying what exists.

    For starters, make horse control similar or identical to boat control. That means you can move around your cursor while riding straight on a horse. Your W and S keys move the horse backward and forwards like always, your A and D keys will turn the horse rather than strafing. Your crosshair can move wherever it wants to and opens up new possibilities for combat.

    My second suggestion is to make it so you deal "critical damage" 100% of the time when you are mounted. While this may seem overpowered, remember that players are much smaller than horses meaning they can hide easier. Forests also mitigate the effectiveness of mounted combat since the forests provide cover and an obstacle for horses. This also gives an incentive to use horses rather than locking them up in your stables while you are flying about in your elytra.


    1. Ride like Mongols! This makes horseback archer much easier since you can aim your bow in a different direction than the direction of the horse meaning you can shoot to your shots to everybody. Now you can fulfill your dream of being part of the golden horde in Minecraft!
    2. Always wanted to have cavalry and knights? Now you can! Riding a horse will now allow you to deal extra damage and what's more, you will riding your horse into combat! Not only freely moving your mouse benefit you in horseback archery, now you circle or slash through your opponents with a speedy steed!
    3. A strategist? Well here's more for you to think! Now you can use forests and other obstacles as a way to counter those pesky mounted warriors and get them off their high horse! Remember, you can always use your own cavalry units to counter them!
    submitted by /u/g00droach
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    Mesa Villages

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 12:24 AM PST

    This feels like a giant wasted opportunity. Mesas are mostly empty, save for the above ground mineshafts. I feel like, at least in 1 or 2 of the Mesa variants, there is enough space for a mesa village to spawn, which I feel would fit right in with the biome's overall motiff. How? Simple. Considering Mesa are mostly based on American deserts, and there are mineshafts everywhere, so obviously mesa villages would be a wild west frontier town. Everything would have the shtick of classic cowboy aesthetic, using lots of old wood, terracota, and red sandstone. Instead of sheep pens or cow farms, there would be horse corrals and pigpens, and the town center would be the village well. The temple could even be modeled after old-timey ramshackle churches, with a bell at the very top. The villagers themselves would be models off of cowboys and other frontiersman stereotypes, with lots of flowing formal clothing and wide brim hats. I feel the whole thing would fit the biome perfectly

    submitted by /u/Talenkauen
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    Force, a Crossbow Treasure Enchantement.

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 10:16 AM PST

    Force is mutually exclusive with Mending.

    Force has only one level.

    Crossbows with Force on them will be unable to shoot Arrows or Firework Rockets.

    Force Crossbows will shoot a sphere of magical energy that doesn't deviate.

    The spheres deal around 80% of the damage of an arrow but have a 20% chance to ignore armor.

    Force uses the Player's own XP as ammunition. (1 level is enough for 5 shots)

    Force never spawns on Crossbows, only on Books.

    submitted by /u/pamafa3
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    Revamped zombie & skeleton spawning

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 07:20 AM PST

    As we all know, hostile mobs won't spawn within a 16-block radius around us. But, how about when zombies & skeletons spawn, they rise from the ground, to indicate how undeads in fiction rise from the ground? They still can attack & be attacked while rising, and their hitbox stays the same, just the rising animation matters.

    submitted by /u/8bit95
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    [potion] Grace of the underworld

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 04:13 AM PST

    This potion would be especially useful with the new nether update aproaching. It is made from an awkward potion and a wither skeleton skull. Lasts for 8 minutes or 21 minutes if extended


    passive positive: fire resistance, faster moving in lava

    Passive negative: taking damage from water/water bottles

    Active when in the nether: strengh, better seeing through lava, slow falling, wither effect damage reduced by 1/3

    Don't be afraid to put ideas/balancing in the comments so I can make this post better. :)

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    The Damned

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 04:58 AM PST

    They are a legion of suffering souls merged into player form. They walk faster on soul sand, but slower on netherrack. (HP:25) Can be found in soul sand valleys and soul sand areas of the Nether Fortress. They cannot directly touch the player, but they have tridents that they can throw towards the player. The player cannot kill the Damned using weapons, except when enchanted with (idk, maybe Ethereal Form (which can be another enchantment suggestion))

    Drops: 1.) Hell's Trident: A trident with burn damage and leaves a flame block when it hits the ground. 2.) Soul Essence: Can be used for potions or to directly control a mob.

    submitted by /u/CognitioElBlanco
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    Potion of Health boost

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 03:31 AM PST

    This potion can be brewed using golden apple on an awkward potion. The effect lasts for 3 minutes or for 8 if extended(just like normal). It can also be corrupted into a potion of harming.

    submitted by /u/mcupdatewanter
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    Posted: 25 Dec 2019 04:35 PM PST

    Echo would occur in mountain biomes above certain y, big enough caves/closed empty interiors and in the End. It would be more intense the louder the sound is. For example steps would have a barely noticeable echo while explosion would result in a very strong echo.

    submitted by /u/Creep440
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    Secret Holiday Gift Craft-able Items

    Posted: 26 Dec 2019 08:31 AM PST

    It would be neat when you get on Xbox on Christmas day there's a small update where you can craft a secret item using vanilla Minecraft ingredients for that day and that day only. Maybe Minecraft posts a picture of what it is but won't release the recipe. Most gamers typically get a game on Christmas and for those that want to play Minecraft they get a special gift. I came up with a few items and their ingredients.

    Food: Omelette-eggs and pork chop. Snow cone-watermellon, paper, snowball. Fruit bread-apple and wheat.

    Furniture: Night stand-half slab and sticks. Chair-half slab and sticks. Table-wood and sticks. Snow globe-glass, snowball, and wood. Ship in a bottle-sticks and glass.

    Clothes: Santa hat-red and white wool and leather Hat with antlers-sticks and leather

    It would be cool to have exclusive items to Christmas to craft and collect. They don't have to have much practical use other than getting us to play Christmas besides trying to get deals on Map and Skin packs. They don't disappear after Christmas but they can no longer be made afterwards.

    submitted by /u/geewiz1994
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