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    Minecraft Allow zombies, husk, zombified piglin and drowneds to have an overlay for each body part just like players

    Minecraft Allow zombies, husk, zombified piglin and drowneds to have an overlay for each body part just like players

    Allow zombies, husk, zombified piglin and drowneds to have an overlay for each body part just like players

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 05:12 AM PST

    Currently, all of these said mobs have an overlay only for their heads and not for the rest of the body which is pretty inconvenient for us who wanted their wandering rotten flesh to look cooler, so I think this change/addition will be pretty useful.

    Not to mention, it's a pretty easy and small change/addition and yet it'd still benefit resource pack creators in a pretty big way.

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    The Mediterranean Biome

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:01 AM PST

    It would be a warm biome and there would be 2 variants: plains and mountains. I thought of this features:

    Olive/cork trees: a new kind of tree that would be very small, around 3-4 blocks tall. It would obviously have a new kind of wood, but here is where the interesting part comes in: if you strip the log, you will get cork. The leaves will also have a high chance to drop olives.

    Cork: This could be used as a "pin-up board". When you place it somewhere it would have a corklike texture, but when you right-click it whit a block, it will get the texture of that block. So it's basically a wallpaper.

    Olives: It can be used as food, but that's not the main use, because there's enough food in Minecraft. My idea is that you can craft it into olive oil (perhaps it can be stored in bottles with a cork). If you grease some kind of food with olive oil and you put it greased in a furnace it would be a better then food baked without te oil. Olives can only be used as a lime dye.

    Marble: apart from the trees, here's my other main idea: you can find marble when you mine in the Mediterranean mountains. Marble will spawn in veins similar to granite, andesite and diorite. It would be a block used for decoration and it would look a bit like quartz, but more broken up. It would also come in different colours and you can also dye it yourself. There will be the normal variant, the one you can mine, pillars and chiseled marble.

    Lizards: This will be a very fast and small mob. If you kill it you'll get its skin. When you've got 4 skins, you can combine them in a crafting table to get lizard shoes, which will allow you to walk faster, like the turtle helmet makes you breathe longer.

    There will also be villages and maybe also temples, like desert and jungle temples, they could be made of the marble and look like Greek/Roman temples.

    submitted by /u/Noeke2906
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    Different Shield Variants, but not the way you'd expect!

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 12:33 PM PST

    You're probably thinking, people have been asking for different shields for a while now, but I'm not giving the traditional 'diamond shields are better than iron' sale. My idea, is, while they'll be different types of gem shields, one won't be better than another. Each will have their own benefits and downfalls.

    (If this seems kinda familiar, I made a post like this like a year ago I think, but my ideas have changed since then so I thought of remaking it.)

    So the 3 types will be Iron, Gold, and Diamond, pretty traditional, but Iron isn't the worst and Diamond isn't the best. Lemme explain how the idea works:


    It's the normal, average shield. It's the easiest to make and so is the most basic.

    • it negates some damage, but not all. (50 or 60 percent)
    • it slows the user down when it is held up, but not too much (like it is now)
    • it has good durability.

    Iron is kinda like the standard shield you always have. It doesn't wear down fast and helps a decent amount. There's no big benefits, but no real flaws.


    Gold's known for it's weak durability, but quick speeds. So like the tools, the shield is like that too. Kinda like a quick, assassin like shield.

    • it negates all damage
    • slows the user down a bit when held up, but not too much. (Walking speed)
    • has terrible durability.

    Gold is something you'd use for a big fight, but isn't going to last long. Or a big attack thats coming your way, that you need to block fully. It's not much of a long-term commitment.


    A more tanky like shield. Good in certain situations.

    • it negates most damage (80 or 90, percent)
    • it slows the user down completely when held up. (you can barely move at all)
    • it has fantastic durability (probably won't break for a while.)

    Something if you like the play style of staying put. Not really moving that much, and tanking the damage.

    All these shields have their own different gimmick, and all of them have different playstyles. Iron has no strengths but no weaknesses, like the standard playstyle. Gold is quick, weak, but can do a good job. Like an assassin play style. Diamond is tanky, slow, and strong. Like a tank. One shield isn't better than another, but they can fit multiple playstyles.

    That was my idea, what u guys think?

    submitted by /u/choose-trainspotting
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    New achievement/advancement called "Minecraft Musical"

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 09:19 AM PST

    Collect every disc in the game.

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    If a bee stings a slime, it should turn into a honey slime.

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 06:45 PM PST

    It would look the same as normal except it would have a larger core like honey blocks. I don't think bees should seek out slimes and sting them, but if a slime got too close to a bee hive, the bees would aggro on them. I don't know what they should drop.

    submitted by /u/ShebanotDoge
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    Transparent blocks don’t affect path blocks

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:59 AM PST

    Currently, when you put any transparent block on top of a path block the path block will turn into dirt, I find this very annoying especially for making gates connecting to a path. The only "block" that has this functionality is the end rod.

    submitted by /u/BiC_MC
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    Noise for obtaining Bad Omen

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 06:32 AM PST

    I think this is a simple idea. I'd make it sound similar to the sound of someone disintegration in Avengers: Infinity War: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anBOuaxwDZI

    Idk y but I'd imagine something like that would be a good idea

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    Cave-like-structures-above-the-ceiling-in-the-Nether [feedback site submission]

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 02:54 PM PST

    I've made my first post on feedback.minecraft.net, and in my opinion, this would be a great addition to the game.

    Vote here:

    Full text:

    Generate cave systems above bedrock in the nether.

    • Caves are encased in bedrock
    • Caves can be small enclosures ("holes") or large systems (rarely)
    • Caves have slightly higher occurrence of nether quartz


    • The nether currently wastes 50% of the available space (barring glitches to pass bedrock)
    • The nether lacks interesting cave structures
    • The nether is slated to be overhauled/improved in the near future


    • Rarity and enclosedness ensure that technical players continue to have access to the flat and useful nether roof, but add additional challenges to doing so at scale
    • Low density allow for a feeling of mystery to generate surrounding the upper half of the nether


    • Entry generation requires consideration:
      • Generate stairs for ease of access?
      • Dynamically generate entrance with existing systems or build new one?
    • Generation requires consideration:
      • Restrictions on location
      • Maximum density of tunnels
      • Maximum height/length
      • If the cave branches, what is the maximum breadth?
      • Do different caves join (occasionally)?
      • Content requires further consideration:
      • Should ore rates change? By how much?
      • Possibly location for unique loot/items
      • Possible location for more structures in the future


    submitted by /u/numerousblocks
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    Ice Cubes

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 09:44 AM PST

    Have a new slime/magma variant called Ice Cubes that only spawn on icebergs and drops ice blocks.

    Sorry if this was suggested before

    submitted by /u/Terick9082
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    Option in launcher to start Minecraft maximized and set amount of ram.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:55 AM PST

    Here is an example that i sent to one of the developers on twitter. I put both options in one post because of how small an simple they are.

    submitted by /u/ebennett365
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    There should be a 4 by 4 option for all types of trees

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 12:07 PM PST

    Trees like Oak and Birch are missing the option to be converted into a great tree with 4 saplings, and I think it'd be nice to add that option in for every sapling.

    submitted by /u/OGbutterfingers
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    Simple Frozen Ocean Variant - Haunted Ocean

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 01:19 PM PST

    I got this idea mainly from wandering Frozen Oceans, because what else do you do in this biome besides wander, and noticed shipwrecks lodged in the ice is a very appealing aesthetic, and also speculating why my deserts are somehow always next to icebergs. The basis of this idea is pretty straightforward as a result - Shipwrecks in this variant generate in the surface ice more commonly, with increased Stray and Drowned spawnrate. While it doesn't particularly add anything crazy or exciting, it does give a bit more interesting something to do in an otherwise fairly standard biome, and it doesn't affect non-structure terrain in any significant way so it would likely be a quick addition. It does carry the hassle of just being annoyingly difficult and I can attest that the addition of Drowned in general have made Deep Oceans pretty hard to deal with starting out; just imagining having to fight those while also under duress from slowness inflicting Strays with any additional frequency, I can already foresee it being a well hated change. Therefore, in lieu of an annoying buff to spawnrate then it could also instead be that shipwrecks in this variant come with once-only worldgen spawns, in the same way that Underwater Ruins come generated with pre-spawned Drowned. If a whole biome variant isn't even necessary, the concept could fit into the package of a single structure perhaps distinct to all Frozen Oceans but not dominating the whole idea of the biome. It's long been suggested that some shipwrecks have Drowned spawns; this difference draws from that, but the structure generates specifically on the surface ice and has the additional effect of having Stray spawns as well.

    That's about it for the suggestion itself, the rest to follow is just pure branch work on the idea. Feel free to ignore them and I'd gladly cut these two sections out if they're unwelcome.

    Here's a collage of screenshots that benefit the concept. I found most of these using a Buffet world-type and edited a few wrecks for the effect. I found that they do come in these weird formations in Frozen Oceans quite a bit more than in other biomes, but are just incredibly rare enough that they don't make the Frozen Ocean any much more remarkable IMO.

    Reasonable Addendum
    Here's a few other thoughts that aren't necessary to the idea itself, but are also offer a bit more to play with to make it a unique thing. Perhaps shipwrecks generate much more frequently in this variant in general, even so much that each iceberg is utterly full of them - however not all have treasure and some may even have Stray/Drowned mob spawners in them. Perhaps it has a different fog and/or sky color like a haunted teal-green (which itself would be an excuse for Mojang to flesh out the sky colors of other biomes that need it like the Swampland biomes).

    The Crazy Ideas
    Here's the part of the post where I go over the insane and outlandish implications that this could bear, that Mojang would probably never add, but its just fun to speculate on all the possibilities. Like for example, perhaps hostile mobs don't burn in daytime here, it's an always overcast haunted ghostly ocean! Perhaps new mobs spawn here like enlarged hostile "Kraken" variant of the Squid that inflict inky blindness (not huge just a bit bigger) and drop extra ink sacs. Like I said these last few are more at home in something like a mod but it feels good to imagine how much mileage one could get with such a simple idea.

    submitted by /u/Doomshroom11
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    New goal advancement: Conqueror, for defeating the Ender Dragon, the Wither, and a raid.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:16 AM PST

    In-Game Description: Kill all of the bosses. This advancement would be likely in the adventure category.

    submitted by /u/Necrosis_Jones
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    Bees breed flowers

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 03:38 AM PST

    If flowers are placed one block apart from one another near a bees nest or hive, new flowers should spawn in the space between them. In the case of tulips they should produce the colour that would result from them mixing. (White and red = pink).

    I always thought it was weird how flowers were not renewable unless you count wandering trader trades and I hate having to decimate flower forests for decorations in my house.

    submitted by /u/Zanoie
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    Custom music disks

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:32 AM PST

    Block where you can make custom music. Interface could look like in [lsdj] but more minecraftier. With note blocks there's problem that in certain range you can't hear them anymore and they wouldn't fit close together. Well you can make resource pack for music but what if you want to make entire game or something?

    submitted by /u/ZeatNest
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    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 06:06 AM PST

    This is something I've wanted in the game for a very long time. The idea is if you double tap the sprint button (or something like that) you just run. You can do this while running, swimming, and even in boats! I just think this is an opportunity to rest while traveling a very long distance, so the game seems less boring. Please leave your thoughts down below!

    (did i get the flair right?)

    submitted by /u/Ctef2015
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    Honey Bread

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 03:18 PM PST

    Honey Bread is made with Honey and Bread. It has the saturation powers of drinking normal honey and fills 2 and a half hunger bars like normal Bread.

    Basically honey and bread but in one item for convenience

    Crafting: one honey bottle and one piece of bread

    submitted by /u/LimeDiamond
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    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 12:42 AM PST

    I believe different marble blocks should spawn near caves and on mountainsides simmiliar to andesite or diorite. Marble could also spawn in Greek style ruins. Anyways here are some marbles that could be added.Marble

    submitted by /u/anze1998
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    Adventure-Mode friendliness in base gameplay

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 02:12 PM PST

    I know the reason Adventure Mode was added was for the sole purposes of the map makers, but it still feels to me it's been a bit sidelined since its addition, and I personally enjoy playing a few 'Adventure-Mode Survival Challenges' every so often. It's in those runs though that I feel a huge gameplay opportunity is being missed, and not just in locking the challenge to access by commands only as that on its own is a fairly petty gripe. The real missed opportunity is in the actual gameplay features. It dawned on me in my first challenge run when I found a desert temple that you can't reach the contents (or get back from them) without breaking and/or placing blocks...obviously, but that leaves it little more than a set piece, while so many other structures can be left totally untouched despite not being any less of a challenge. With the advent of "Minecraft: Dungeons" on the way as a minecraft trademarked title devoid of the building aspect, this could open the door to a whole new way of legitimately playing the core game. I already feel like Mojang is going to add something to the core game in the near future as a promotion to their new game whether that's something to do with the actual dungeons or with mechanics not requiring block placing to achieve, though whether or not that happens the idea is there. What I have in mind is a bit vague but the gist of it is a mindset on additions and future changes to current content that have adventure mode as an actual individual gamemode in mind. What might come from this is items, progression, and gameplay mechanics more accessible in the base game (standard world gen, single player mechanics, click "Create New World" and start playing) without having to break or place blocks.

    Now, this DOES have the single cost of completely upending the meaning of the "challenge" part of "Adventure Mode Challenge", but I believe it would still remain; no blocks still means no ability to nerd pole, dig and build shelters, the nature of the games procedural generation mechanic means a lot of goods are still going to be locked out no matter what changes are made (and that's okay), and the latter means it's still completely possible to get soft locked in a ravine.

    On that note I should explain, I am absolutely suggesting additional movement options like climbing, etc. It is far and away not a good idea to add multiple ways to traverse the environment simply due to that negating the primary reason Adventure Mode exists in the game. I'm absolutely not suggesting that, it would utterly ruin so many classic adventure maps. The biggest possible change to that couldn't be bigger than the recent 1.14 addition of being able to swim through one-block thin gaps, a change that's so niche that the only maps affected were very specific ones. Now, items that allow terrain traversal are a possibility but that still leaves the possibility of getting softlocked without them and, in this hypothetical scenario, that maintains the "challenge" part of the challenge. There is also the possibility of being able to turn off any extra traversal options (including swim-sprinting) but the problem there is obvious; it's honestly just a bad suggestion if it requires menu options or commands to make it fun. So just to reiterate, I'm not suggesting additional terrain traversal, it's just too big a can of worms and isn't necessary to the heart of the idea - which is to make a standard way of playing Adventure Mode more accessible. I'm talking more about pre-generated (small) obsidian portal frames, to make access to the Nether possible without cheats or mods in the same challenge run to maintain the runs "purity", or making it possible to harvest certain blocks like crops without breaking the block itself (in the same way opening a door or chest doesn't break it, just changes its state), or certain other interactive blocks like Enchanting Tables present (rarely) in the world, other concepts to that effect. Not so much the ideas themselves, but the concept regarding making the base game that much more Adventure-Mode friendly without breaking the purpose of Adventure-Mode or affecting other game modes negatively.

    submitted by /u/Doomshroom11
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    Colored campfires and smoke.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 03:36 PM PST

    I had an idea for something that, while not exactly useful, would be a fun thing for servers and decorations.

    Basically you toss a dye into a campfire and get a flame and smoke that match the color of whatever dye you used.

    submitted by /u/unrenewable_resource
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    Red & Blue Nether Warts

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 03:00 PM PST

    With the new nether update coming soon, which has the 2 (different coloured) nether wart trees i thought this would be a cool addition: new type of nether wart called blue nether wart. The 2 types of nether warts grow nether wart trees when on soul soil (can be sped up with bone meal), soul soil can be crafted with one soul sand and 8 bone meal. Also blue nether wart, blue nether tree, red nether wart (normal) and red nether tree can also be used to craft a bunch of different things (i don't know what they will craft, mojang can decide)

    Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!!!

    submitted by /u/Lachlan1702
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    Command Arrows

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 02:51 PM PST

    Maybe this should have the commands flair, let me know if it should.

    This would be a relatively straightforward concept. Basically, it would be an arrow, but the tip would have the command block texture. To edit the command inside of the arrow, you would simply click a block when you are holding the arrow, and the command interface would appear, similar to how you eat food.

    The arrow would activate on impact. Similar to how you can control the type of command block from within the interface, there would be two tabs within the command arrow interface: Block Impact and Entity Impact. Each of these categories would open a separate command window, allowing for different sets of commands to be executed when the arrow hits a block or an entity.

    In Block Impact mode, the "@p", "@e", etc tags would work normally, but in Entity Impact mode, a new tag would be introduced: "@i". This could be stacked with other tags, but would only affect the entity impacted. For example, if you used the command /tp "@i""@p" would only teleport something if it was a player and it was hit by the arrow. Without the "@i" tag, it would still just teleport the closest player, no matter if it hit a player, a chicken, or a minecart.

    The command would apply to the entire stack of arrows, and by combining a command arrow containing commands with blank command arrows in an anvil, the blank arrows would be made to contain the same command as the command-filled arrow.

    That's about it, feel free to add any suggestions.

    submitted by /u/Raymond_Quaza
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    New Mob: The Deceiver [Repost because the last post didn't see the light of day]

    Posted: 24 Jan 2020 09:02 PM PST

    New Mob: The Deceiver

    Hello, fellow Minecrafters of Reddit! I have a proposal to make. I was thinking a lot about new things that would be fun and interesting to add to Minecraft! My favorite suggestion that I came up with would be called the Deceiver. It is a mob that looks like an ordinary block. It would act similar to the ocelot, in the sense that it would run away from the player. This mob could be any block, to match its surroundings. For instance, you are mining in a cave, and suddenly you listen and you hear a mysterious sound. You turn the corner of the cave and you see nothing there, but you are sure it came from that direction. Therefore, you decide to explore. You walk back into the cave and all of a sudden you see a block of iron ore move. You look at the ore and it then runs away, back into the cave. You manage to trap the ore, and upon killing it, you receive an advancement titled, "Master of Tricks" and a random choice of 1 to 4 iron ingots (Or whatever the block was.) I think that this would add more mystery to the game. I would love to hear your feedback and criticism! If you have anything that I should add, please add it in the comments! I hope everybody here has a wonderful day!

    submitted by /u/HiT_De1ta
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    The Ejector

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 10:31 AM PST

    Made using the Dispenser recipe but with a crossbow instead, an Ejector functions mostly the same way but it launches blocks that have entity states (Sand, TNT, Anvils, etc.) several blocks in front of it instead of dropping them. Other items are unaffected.

    submitted by /u/LordSaltious
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