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    Minecraft Animal Ideas - Bio-luminescent fish (basically glow-in-the-dark fish)

    Minecraft Animal Ideas - Bio-luminescent fish (basically glow-in-the-dark fish)

    Animal Ideas - Bio-luminescent fish (basically glow-in-the-dark fish)

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 09:24 AM PST

    These are purely aesthetic mobs and don't even serve as a light source. They spawn at y=35 or below, which is around 30 blocks below sea level. They are exclusive to deep oceans. They spawn in groups of 3-4. They have the same stats as tropical fish.

    Now, irl bioluminescence has a scientific explanation, but I thought of an in-game explanation as well.

    They glow because they have accumulated XP under their scales, similar to how fireflies irl glow because of a coating on their abdomens. So, killing them drops loads of XP. This is also the reason why they are rare mobs, and spawn only in deep oceans.

    Thanks u/solar_powered_noob42 and u/PM_ME_UR_HONEYHOLE for helping in brainstorming this idea.

    As always, thanks for reading :)

    submitted by /u/WhiteLantern_Flash
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    New attack for Larger Slimes

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 11:32 AM PST

    Larger slimes should have a new attack that is similar to what blobs do. When they land on a mob, they have the option to "swallow" it. While a mob is inside, it takes damage over time (slower suffocation). To get out, damage the slime a certain amount (increases by difficulty).Also, killing the slime forces it to "spit" you out.

    submitted by /u/The_Moldy_Baguette
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    Gunpowder crafting recipe

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 04:03 AM PST

    I find it hard to get gunpowder only from creepers and it doesn't make much sense that we can't craft it because it's a man-made material. I have read a little about it and apparently gunpowder is made of sulfur, coal and potassium nitrate, translate into minecraft it's concrete powder(irl cement, has gypsum in it, in gypsum there is sulfur), coal and bone meal(contains potassium nitrate, or just potassium?).

    looks like that:

    concrete powder | coal | ▢

    bone meal | bone meal | ▢

    ▢ | ▢ | ▢

    It is looking like that because the ratio of the recipe irl of black gunpowder is 75% potassium nitrate, 15% coal and 10% sulfur.

    What do you think?

    submitted by /u/upalome
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    Allow fence attachments to be removed

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 09:25 AM PST

    For example: when a fence attaches it's side to a block that you don't want it to, maybe press the alternate button while holding an axe and looking at the fence to remove the connection, like when skinning wood logs.

    submitted by /u/AlpharacidousV2
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    New End Mob

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 11:34 AM PST

    As part of a future end update, I'd like to see a new flying mob. I don't know what to call it, but it's basically a big flying turtle. Pic They would fly around the end in groups, feeding on chorus flowers. If you attack one, they fight back. You could also tame them in the same way you would tame a horse (try not to get dropped off into the void) and ride them. However, they would move quite slow in order to keep elytra as the superior mode of travel.

    submitted by /u/Pretzel99
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    Can we add smashing glass with elytra to the FPS list?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 05:42 AM PST

    Every time I come here I see it.

    submitted by /u/SoupMayoMaker
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    Chickens should lay eggs faster when fed.

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 04:23 PM PST

    This could make chicken farms more faster.

    submitted by /u/GameProPie
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    Weather rework. + additions

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 04:16 PM PST

    My ideas for a weather update.

    Overworld: Seasons, Weather intensities, Now snows in medium temperature biomes during colder seasons biomes such as dark oak, oak, birch Snow melts in warmer seasons. Block textures change depending on weather and block. Ice siccles form. Snow textures on grass blocks now form on all blocks. It can now snow on slabs and stairs. Leave textures change depending on leaf and temperature. Water now has new sounds to be more relaxing and less obnoxiously loud. Rain is quieter and less obnoxiously loud. Nether: Can snow iron and rain lava (explanations in comments)

    submitted by /u/IAMCOOLSTEVE
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    Varying Dog skins

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 04:08 PM PST

    because yes

    submitted by /u/SlitheryC
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    We need stone gates and different colored crafting benches

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 03:21 PM PST

    We have wood fences and gates why not stone gates as well. Also why not have acacia or jungle wood color crafting benches

    submitted by /u/wolfinshadows8632
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    There needs to be a mob that drops nether quartz

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 04:18 PM PST

    I know I don't really have an idea all planned out and stuff, but there really needs to be some mob in the nether that you can kill in order to obtain nether quartz. I only want this because I feel like you can barely make giant quartz builds in Minecraft without having to spend countless hours looking for quartz, and then not even getting that much from one vein. Look at the guardian mobs, they drop prismarine, which correct me if I'm wrong, makes prismarine blocks, along with the sea crystals that make sea lanterns.

    submitted by /u/CartelBoss98
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    Tags and Tricks: A Way to Upgrade Pets

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 12:28 AM PST

    Tags (not to be confused with Name Tags) are items that can be equipped onto any tameable pet (dogs, cats, parrots, horses/mules, and llamas.) Tags are unique for the fact that they provide noticeable differences in animal behavior or attributes. Think of it as "enchantments" for animals. Changes can range from stat changes to entirely new behaviors. To get these "tricks," you must first equip an animal with the tag. As the animal moves around and helps you on your journey, it will slowly but naturally gain tricks. For example, if you have a tagged dog with you while you're exploring for about 20-30 minutes, it will most likely learn a trick. Tags can be found in randomly generated chests or can be crafted with 3 pieces of paper and 1 iron ingot.

    I'll go ahead and list a few that I've been thinking of.


    ###Available Animals: Dog, Cat, Parrot

    If an animal has the "Fetch" trick, it will pick up items off of the ground and bring them to you. This is useful for automated farms, for picking up tridents that aren't enchanted with Loyalty, or for scavenging arrows shot by opposing players.


    ###Available Animals: Dog, Horse/Mule, Llama

    If an animal has the "Endure" trick, its health will increase. Endure has three levels, each one incrementally increasing the benefit scaling to maximum health. Endure I increases health by 25%, Endure II increases health by 50%, and Endure III increases health by 75%.


    ###Available Animals: Dog

    If an animal has the "Sic" trick, its attack damage and detection radius are increased. Sic has three levels, each one incrementally increasing the benefit scaling to base damage. Sic I increases damage by 25% and detection range by 15%, Sic II increases damage by 50% and detection range by 30%, and Sic III increases damage by 75% and detection range by 50%.


    ###Available Animals: Horse/Mule, Llama

    If a horse, mule, or llama has the "Haul" trick, it is able to carry 3 more inventory slots worth of items. This is useful for long journeys where more inventory space is needed.

    If a parrot has the "Haul" trick, it is able to carry the owner for short distances. Fall speed is greatly reduced when the parrot is on your shoulder.

    #Play Dead

    ###Available Animals: Dog, Cat, Parrot, Horse/Mule, Llama

    If an animal has the "Play Dead" trick, it is able to cheat death. After the animal takes lethal damage, it respawns with regeneration and absorption, as if it died while holding a Totem of Undying. After cheating death, the trick is removed from the tag. This is by far the rarest trick, so be sure to save any tags with it!

    submitted by /u/PloopTheWizard
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    Can we add elephants to the FPS list?

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 09:49 AM PST

    I think there have been enough and more posts about elephants, and I see 1 almost every month.

    submitted by /u/WhiteLantern_Flash
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    [META] Concerning “Add X to the FPS” posts

    Posted: 03 Jan 2020 03:20 PM PST

    This is less of an actual suggestion and more of me needing to say something about these posts that I see all the time about adding something to the FPS. This isn't me railing against the FPS list itself, this is me railing against:

    -People not providing examples of the the posts they wish to add to the FPS. If you added some links to your post indicating the frequency of the posts, I might be more inclined to agree with you. Like for example, if you wanted, hypothetically, pink dirt added to the FPS list, then add several links to posts concerning pink dirt instead of just telling people to "search it up and see how obvious it is".

    -People asking to add subjects that are not frequently posted about at all! Since when is "around once a month" frequently posted?

    Sorry for the crappy formatting, I'm on mobile cuz I'm visiting family for Christmas Break. Tell me what you think!

    EDIT: How do I change my flair to "Meta"? I must reiterate the fact that I'm on mobile.

    submitted by /u/-UberTheSylveon-
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    Full Hitbox Mode: Making Glass Panes Easier to Build With

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 10:17 PM PST

    One of the surprisingly frustrating parts of building in Minecraft is the process of building structures using glass panes, iron bars, fences, and other similar blocks. Their hitboxes are so small that it can be hard to put your mouse directly onto them. I have a solution to this problem, which I call Full Hitbox Mode.

    In this mode, two hitboxes will show up when you mouse over a block instead of one. The first one is the default hitbox you would normally see. The second one is a red hitbox that takes up the entire block, regardless of whether the actual block is smaller than that entire space. This is the one that the game uses when the player attempts to place a block, break the block, or interact with it (such as ringing a bell). Keep in mind that this new hitbox does not apply to physics and other game mechanics.

    Here is an example of this in action. If you were building a window out of glass panes and turned on this setting, you wouldn't have to put your mouse exactly in the center of the glass pane to place another one adjacent to it. The game would treat the hitbox of the glass pane as if it took up the entire block it occupied.

    The only thing that I am unsure about is how this should be implemented. Here are three possible methods I have thought of:

    • A setting in the controls menu. Would arguably make the most sense, but would be slightly inconvenient for builders who wish to toggle this frequently.
    • A debug option (F3 + another key). Would be less obvious to some players, but a lot faster and therefore convenient
    • Have it linked to whether capslock is enabled. Seems very strange, but I think it intuitively makes sense. Capslock makes letters larger, and this setting makes hitboxes larger.

    Anyway, that's it for my idea. I hope this hasn't already been suggested. I tried making a few searches but I didn't know exactly what to look for, so I apologize if this was already suggested at some point. Thanks for reading! What are your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/not_adasba
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    When the player punches “sharp” blocks bare handed they take damage.

    Posted: 02 Jan 2020 07:37 PM PST

    Certain blocks would have the "sharp" attribute which makes them hurt the player when punched bare handed. These blocks do about 1 damage every 3-5 ticks. Here are some examples of "sharp" blocks.

    • Glass
    • Cacti
    • Magma Blocks
    • Campfires
    • Stone Cutter
    • Fire
    • Berry Bushes

    (I am aware some of these are hot and not sharp. That is just the name of the attribute telling the block to hurt the player)

    submitted by /u/-DCPT-
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