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    Minecraft Biome Finder

    Minecraft Biome Finder

    Biome Finder

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 07:26 AM PST

    I thought it would be pretty cool to have something that helped you find a specific biome

    It could be made like the compass and there's a specific compass for each biome.

    Not sure if this is a good idea or not..

    submitted by /u/Bum-Sniff
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    Xp Looting???!!!!

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 10:05 AM PST

    There should be an enchantment that works like Looting, bit instead of loot it increases xp.

    submitted by /u/HandsomJackrs
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    Pickaxes should do more damage to iron golems.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:45 PM PST

    What the title says. After all, they are made out of iron, so why doesn't the pickax do extra damage against it, besides they are very powerful and hard to kill, so why not add a weakness?

    (Idea by JustAComicBookNerd) Killing an iron golem with a pickax would halve the percentage of dropping a rose, but would double the amount of iron. The sword should do less, because have you tried to slice iron with a sword / knife? It doesn't really do anything but scrape it.

    (Thnx for all the upvotes)

    submitted by /u/A_very_normal_potato
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    Anvils should auto-repair themselves with iron that you can store in them

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 11:46 AM PST

    adding an item slot in the anvil interface where you can store iron bars (like how you can store blaze powder as fuel in brewing stands)

    whenever the anvil breaks a level, it uses an appropriate amount of iron to repair itself


    add the iron bar slot but instead of the anvil breaking from using it, it now just uses one iron bar as 'fuel' every time you use it. The block won't break anymore, but you won't be able to use it unless you put iron bars in it


    the ability to repair anvils by rightclicking iron bars on them, like how you can now repair iron golems

    edit: when i say right-clicking them i don't mean you use 4 iron bars on them and you're good, like you do with iron golems. I meant more like, you'd repair them one stage with 1 iron block or one stage with like 9ish iron bars. Currently your anvil last for about 25 uses (per the wiki) and costs about 1.24 iron per use, so that wouldn't be a major change

    submitted by /u/carnsolus
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    Dyed name tags

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 11:05 AM PST

    It will be usefull for pets

    submitted by /u/pepinis
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    Let banners with custom patterns show up on maps as additional markers

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:37 PM PST

    I allready know that I could use the basic banners in all colors but wouldn't it be nice to see the banner markers with customised patterns on it?

    And they are a bit small, so bigger markers would also be nice.

    submitted by /u/UsrDeletedFromPlanet
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    Exploration Compass

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 09:38 AM PST

    This is an uncraftable compass that points to specific point rather than the world spawn (this is similar to something on the FPS, but I think it is sufficiently different). This point is some structure, say a woodland mansion. So, this is essentially a replacement for exploration maps, and can be obtained by trading with cartographer villagers or in loot chests. The reason for this suggestion is that exploration maps as the only exploration option get a bit boring after some time, and I just really wanted to add another more entertaining option.

    Thanks for reading and have a good one :)

    submitted by /u/WhiteLantern_Flash
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    Ichor Ore

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:13 PM PST

    Ichor ore can be found in the nether and appears yellow. When you mine it, it gives off fire particles and a low amount of experience - about as rare as quartz.

    This ore can be crafted into ichor torches - these unique torches can be lit underwater.

    It can also be tossed into a furnace as fuel, it can burn 4 items per ore but at 1.5 times regular speed.

    Ichor can't be made into tools or armor but can be made into a block. This block gives Attack 1 effect if you are standing on it or touching it.

    submitted by /u/Iliketrains4576
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    Salt Pan (new biome)

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 11:14 PM PST

    A rare desert biome called Salt Pan. The surface is mainly flat and made of Salt Blocks. These new blocks have gravity (just like sand/gravel blocks) and will drop "Salt" when mined without Silk Touch. (Salt already exists on Bedrock , if Education Edition is on)

    Combining Salt with any food other than the sweet ones will give them 50% extra saturation.

    Villages buildings are made of Salt Bricks blocks (which of course you can craft with Salt Blocks), Llamas may generate with these villages.

    You can dye any type of Salt block pink.

    New item: Salt Lamp. The crafting recipe is a Torch surrounded by Salt Blocks. It emits a light level of 14.

    The only hostile mobs that can spawn are Phantoms, Illagers and Strays (but they have a different color and will inflict Weakness instead of Slowness, for 30 seconds)

    When raining, the surface will turn into a big mirror reflecting the sky and every mob/block/entity, just like in actual salt pans.

    Pros of living in a Salt biome:

    - Safe villagers as no zombies will spawn. (just like in Snowy Thundra or Mushroom Field biomes)

    - Salt (food enhancer)

    - The surface is almost completely flat.


    - Food is scarce, as no animals spawn there naturally. You can only obtain food from villages.

    - There's no trees, not even dead bushes.

    submitted by /u/NekonataM
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    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 02:38 PM PST

    i think you should be able to make dispensers with enchanted bows to have the enchantment the bow had on it. (eg: does more damage with power on it, sets arrows on fire with flame.) i think it would be a great addition to combat

    submitted by /u/beaverwithawand
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    Vine blocks in jungles (could contain food)

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 01:21 PM PST

    Vine blocks naturally spawn in jungles, connecting jungle trees to one another as well as connecting the trees to the ground (possibly hugging around the entire tree at times from the bottom to the top). Vine blocks are climbable.

    Vine blocks can be crafted by filling every slot in a crafting table with vines.

    Naturally generated vine blocks could have a small chance (about 1% or less on a large scale) of harbouring a type of food that could be very nourishing to players. If a player comes too close to a vine block harbouring this type of food, the block could explode and knock the player and other entities in a small radius around the explosion away, possibly making them fall from a high tree. This explosion won't destroy blocks.

    The versatility this block offers by introducing new ways of exploring jungles in combination with the ability to find it harbouring food and the unique mechanics that come with that makes this block a great addition to jungles.

    submitted by /u/Lollystok
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    How enchantments could be better

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 04:01 PM PST

    Enchantments should work on most items but have special effects on them, I've been thinking about how many enchantments are exclusive to one item and it ends up bogging up the enchantment books so you just have tons of them sitting around, what if enchantments could mix together for extra effects

    Efficiency could give extra crit damage to swords or make them hit faster, or make arrow shots from bows faster

    Sharpness could transform a hoe into a scythe

    Fire aspect could go with pickaxes to smelt ores instantly, or it could be combined with loyalty tridents to destroy water blocks with it's heat, or combine it with riptide to be able to use it in lava, or maybe combine it with flint and steel to make tnt or creepers explode instantly

    Knock back on shields could bounce mobs back and reflect arrows

    You guys could post ideas in replies I just think that enchantments can add a lot of variety to the game that wouldn't be too hard to add

    submitted by /u/Smash-pai
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    Allow fish to swim through each other

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 02:52 PM PST

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who has aquariums and notices how annoying it is when fish collide with each other and then stay stuck forever because their AI is not the best

    submitted by /u/AlpharacidousV2
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    Hitting mobs/players with a shovel does 1-2 damage, but also slows them down for a bit.

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 02:30 PM PST

    It wouldn't be the slowness effect because they'd gradually get to normal speed in a span of 2 seconds. Tougher materials have a higher effect. Kinda simulates how hitting someone with a shovel makes you dizzy

    submitted by /u/Genlems5Ever
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    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 12:20 PM PST

    Gargoyles are a Nether Mob that lays motionless when the player looks at it, similar to when you stare really hard at an angry enderman it will not engage.

    They sore toward the player and attack similar to phantoms. Gargoyles will slowly make a decent to the nearest block when killed, leaving their actual body but a different shade of grey. Upon defeat the player is left with only a body which can be mined.

    Without silk touch you get sentient rocks which when placed appears like a few stones resting on the ground and sets off a redstone signal only when a player is staring at it. You can also rarely see living rocks flip themselves over on whatever block they're on, just for some liveliness. When rocks flip they set off observers

    With silk touch the entire gargoyle body gets lifted, and it's eyes turn white when stared at. Be weary, because 3 in game days without sunlight will revive a gargoyle. Gargoyles touching the sun can not be revived. Meaning using them as decor for a building in the over world is advised, a trophy case piece in the nether, or underground is not

    submitted by /u/steakandwater
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    Depending on your difficulty you should spawn at a different time of day

    Posted: 08 Jan 2020 06:09 AM PST

    For example, on Easy you would spawn just after sunrise.

    On Medium you would spawn at around noon.

    On Hard you would spawn at sunset.

    And in Hardcore mode you could spawn in the middle of the night.

    Another thought is that whenever you respawn, the higher the difficulty the later in the day you would respawn. Obviously this wouldnt apply for hardcore.

    At the very least a time of day slider for choosing what time you spawn would be nice if you wanted a more difficult playing experience.

    submitted by /u/MotorGorilla1
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    Larger Item 3D Models (Reprise)

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:18 PM PST

    Minecraft has a feature to render 3D block models when supplied by a resource pack, and reccently has added Custom Model Data as a way to attach many models to a single item with a distinct serial number. There is a size limit on how large block models can be, which is a 3x3x3 cube, however such a limitation applies to all block models, even for item models.

    Minecraft ought to seperate the limitations on block and item models, so that an item can retrieve and render much larger models. Since custom model data does not apply to blocks, and it implicitly encourages the addition of models to Minecraft, we should remove the existing limitations to make this feature more useful.

    Here's an example of what it could look like: https://i.imgur.com/OOzqyxe.jpg

    The above aeroplane can be created and rendered properly in Minecraft, however the below aeroplane cannot, and requires two seperate models, because of the size limitations. (In order to properly use the aeroplane model, it must be rendered as one, solid model.)

    submitted by /u/Schpaghettiziemo
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    Custom village

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 05:34 PM PST

    In the create world thing, in flat world they should add a button that allows you to customise a village, allowing you to enter the amount of that building (example: 2 blacksmith buildings). This is because I always can't find a village with a blacksmith.

    submitted by /u/A_very_normal_potato
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    Dragons in the overworld.

    Posted: 07 Jan 2020 10:04 PM PST

    I wrote this on the Minecraft idea submission but went waaaay over the character limit so here it is, tell me if you guys like the idea or if its bad :)

    Seeing as the Ender Dragon is such an intrinsic element of the game and the "end" boss it makes sense for other dragons to exist in this world and for the Ender Dragon to just be some kind of Alpha or mystic dragon.

    Adding other Dragons to the Over-world with biome specific skins, attributes and rewards would add a new element of danger and a reason to explore the world.


    The main idea here is to add a chance (say like 1 /50) of certain biomes generating with either a dragon cave or den. This adds early and late game elements, say if you spawn near to a dragon cave it means that your spawn area is a very dangerous place, meaning you need to build up resources and use them to kill the dragon in order to claim that area. In later game you would actively seek out these dragons to kill and take their trophies and treasures, giving the player a real reason to leave their spawn area, as there is no real reason to do so at the moment.


    Dragon difficulty would depend on biome, the planes could only have either Green or Red Dragons, they would live in caves and guard little treasure ( a few gold blocks and some weapons from fallen dragon slayers). Whereas an ice biome could have a blue or ice dragon, instead of breathing fire they would breath ice that freezes or slows the player, their treasure would be greater and they would live in ice caves. Oceans could have some kind of water dragon that swims instead of flies. The hardest Over-world dragon would live in the mountains in bigger caves and hold the best treasures, these would be rare and difficult giving late game players a real incentive to seek them out. There are many possibilities for other dragons in other biomes but I will not list them here.

    Other features

    Each dragon would drop a head like the ender dragons, for a players trophy room.

    Villagers will occasionally put bounties on dragons or just sell maps to their locations. Possibly just traveling merchants to give them a real purpose.

    Biomes containing a dragon could have unique features, such as scorched earth and abandoned villages.

    Different dragons would fight differently, a green would stick to its cave breathing fire at you, whereas a red or blue may leave the cave and fly around like the Ender Dragon. This means that Different dragons need different weapons and armour to fight (for a green or red dragon you would need fire protection, a water you would need all the aquatic enchantments and for the frost dragons a new frost protection enchantment could be added (giving players a reason to have more armour meaning more time mining/trading, adding to the other elements of the game))

    I think I put more effort into this than any of my uni work this year but I believe this is something the game needs, adds an adventure and discovery side to the game, adds a late game objective other than just to kill the ender dragon and the wither, gives the player a reason to go to each biome in search of dragons as there is no real reason to go to most biomes as it is. The red dragon has been in discussion for years I feel that the idea can be expanded on greatly, a lot of recent updates have felt that they were lacking real depth, this update would hold up on its own and it encourages other aspects of the game, such as working on a village to unlock a trade for a map to a dragon. These are just some ideas floating around my head but I would love to see them considered.

    -Thank you


    submitted by /u/arthurwillia
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