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    Minecraft End should have a bit lower gravity

    Minecraft End should have a bit lower gravity

    End should have a bit lower gravity

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:20 AM PST

    The gravity is low to the point where you're able to jump 3 blocks.

    It's not too crazy since it really won't affect your fight with the dragon that much (except maybe being a able to dodge endermen attacks by jumping) and it's more of a mechanic that'll give the End a bit more outworldy or alienated vibe/atmosphere.

    Who knows what things players can pull off with this feature. Thanks for reading this post.

    submitted by /u/ZhanderDrake
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    Skeletons should shoot bone arrows

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 02:44 PM PST

    The arrows that skeletons shoot should be textured like a sharp bone. This would explain both where skeletons get their arrows and why you can't use them.

    submitted by /u/TacoSlayer36
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    Deep Sea Dimension

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:54 AM PST

    Just what the title implies. It's deep, it's dark, it's an abyss.

    This place is accessed by constructing a horizontal portal in a deep ocean biome below a certain y-level threshold (Like, 20-28 or something) using at least eight conduits that make a 2x2 hole.

    This dimension, unlike the other dimensions, is completely submerged in water, completely dark (no sun), and has new interactions with blocks in addition to new mobs.

    Firstly, sponges instantly become wet sponge when put down similar to how water turns to steam instantly in the nether. Then, ice and glass break underwater as well. Redstone dust and strings are impossible to put down and turn immediately to items (Redstone block is fine however).

    Next, on the ocean floor, you have the chance to see giant fossil remains and monuments. Sometimes, there will be underwater rifts/ravines where there's a lot of magma blocks and possibly diamond ore (but mostly coal ore). This is for the majority of the deep sea dimension. Other biomes include rocky bottom, amplified (looks like overworld amplified terrain but underwater), void (there is nothing below but open water), etc. These other biomes are super rare and comprise only a collective 15% of the deep sea dimension and are largely spaced apart.

    The regional difficulty here acts differently. Instead of gradual, the difficulty starts slow and then becomes exponential. The mobs that are included are drowned, guardians, angler fish (if it spots you, it lets other hostile creatures aware of your location), crabs (neutral - they snap at you if you step on them), and jellyfish (glow a short while when you right click them, will damage you like cactus if you touch them, can be caught with a bucket).

    So it starts off with spawning only a few drowned here and there, but as the difficulty rises, the maximum light level increases by 2 stages for drowned to spawn, guardians start to spawn (independent of light level) and gradually increase in numbers, anglerfish start to spawn more in dark areas, drowned spawn more frequently and has increasing damage and chance to have enchanted gear. Crabs also inhabit rocky bottom biomes while jellyfish hang out at void biomes. Their damage also rises as regional difficulty rises. Additionally, Elder Guardians and anglerfish spawn occasionally all throughout the dimension regardless of difficulty.

    Now, I know the major problem here is that this world would be buggy if it even generates at all because of all those water source blocks. But I've thought about this. Basically, in this dimension, instead of being filled with water source blocks, it is filled with air blocks. These air blocks are coded differently however, and are only there so that there would be no no need to waterlog every block imagineable. These airblocks function exactly as normal water, but they don't cause currents so everything is convenient. You will still drown, you will still get slower animations, you will still be able to swim, and you will still have that water overlay on your visuals. When you use a bucket in this dimension, it instantly fills without clearing a tile of water. Lava buckets will instantly produce an obsidian block.

    Lastly, this could be a platform for a new boss. Ancient Guardian, maybe?

    submitted by /u/Yan-gi
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    Add dead bushes to the Nether

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:47 AM PST

    1.16 makes the Nether a lot more livable, and I thought this would be a good way to be able to obtain sticks in the Nether without taking away from the general ambience and atmosphere of it, while at the same time being simple and making sense logically.

    I would perhaps like it even more if they have a different, reddish reskin/variation.

    Sure, you may argue that the Nether should never be easy, but I'm not saying that these need to spawn commonly. Depending on what the devs envision for the difficulty of the Nether, they can always change the rarity of these bushes.

    As always, thanks for reading! :)

    submitted by /u/RazorNemesis
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    Transport Update (AKA, A E S T H E T I C T R A V E L)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:31 PM PST

    We have boats, minecarts, llamas, all sorts of colored horses, mules, and donkeys. Equestrian is now economical as we have ways to procure saddles that don't require searching wide and far for countless hours for a single saddle- I generally stick to multiplayer and it previously was a fools task on an established server.

    But, we always go with nether travel- on servers, mod-made ice and boat highways. Especially with shulkers.

    We could use horses and mules and llamas for nether travel if hopping thru a portal while riding was allowed. Instead, you have to push it through and hope it doesn't suffocate in a block (happened twice to me yesterday).

    Breed horses for specific tasks? Eh, there's different colors but those are just aesthetics, so it takes a long time to find ones with the stats you want to breed. Why bother if you can just tame every horse you see?

    So, why bother with horse travel for the most part? I still use it, but with poor terrain generation, you spend more time on foot digging dirt, terraforming, building bridges, or clearing paths through boring endless woodland. I do it solely to have a task and to make the world feel more beautiful and fun to travel in. I'm finding more and more players reduce Minecraft into ruthless efficient gameplay, which makes my goal of having a beautiful environment to explore on horseback a lone duty I assign to myself, and eventually, once all the work of breeding and pathbuilding is done, new players on maps do appreciate getting a mule or horse to start.

    Seriously, better land generation would probably help 10x with this. Plains are as hilly and swampy as Central NY, instead of the rolling grasslands you'd want to see in plains. Mountains are sometimes pretty, more often pains in the butts with no clear mountain pass or sensible designs. Forests often are easier to transverse on the leaves than the floor.

    Boats are useful, but kinda boring and dull to look at. It'd be amazing if we could finally make working sailboats for nicer ports, or for carrying animals and cargo- rn, the best I got is shoving a llama into a boat and using that.

    Llamas... The leads snap, they don't hold that much, can't keep up with horses, trains are annoying to form and organize- a couple players and I once had a split and tried using the newly introduced llamas to move base. Turns out, they all follow the same llama, even wild and untamed ones. We can already use different colored carpets to differentiate which llama is good for nothing but the newly introduced wolf-protection mechanic, and which can hold like 6 slots. What if we could have llamas only follow llamas matching decorations? Or use leads to tie llamas to one another?

    Rails have seen to be more useful as now, a powered rail sends you farther. But they are still resource intensive and I've taken to only using them for quickly hopping into mines. They're also useful for redstone circuitry. I honestly don't know what would make them more useful, beyond maybe introducing a programmable or driving mode- so players could stop at their chosen location along a rail line, or start without buttons or awkwardly shoving. Furnaced carts are just kinda... There, I guess.

    submitted by /u/_donotforget_
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    Make End islands generate better

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 10:25 AM PST

    Currently, the way the end islands generate is extremely boring. Wouldn't it be better if the islands generated on different levels - perhaps ranging from y=30 to y=100. This would provide more challenge to traversing the dimension, and make it look it more visually pleasing. Obviously the main island generation would remain the same and end cities would only spawn on islands that allowed them to grow to full height.

    Anyway, that's my suggestion, thanks!

    submitted by /u/sam002001
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    Beacon beams give off light

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 12:51 PM PST

    The light wouldn't be colored if the beacon beam was, but the light level would be lower depending on the color (e.g. black beacon beam = light level 3, dark gray = light level 7, etc.)

    submitted by /u/FlamingGuacamole
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    Spiders may attack bees

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 08:29 AM PST

    i was thinking on why the spiders cant go to attack a be on sight... i would be pretty interesting to have to protect your bee farm from something and not just leave it bee... if im not wrong the bee prey and the spider predator relationship could be a good addition to minecraft and maybee the silverfish could go to attack in swarms spiders or cave spiders or something like that to make both predadator kill between themselfs... add suggestions to this idea in the comments!! <3

    submitted by /u/deezmelon
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    Minecarts can perform jumps.

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:16 PM PST

    I don't know what to flair this.

    Not jumps as in you can jump in a minecart, but currently if a minecart reaches the end of its track, it'll just drop. So this should be fixed so if it's angled up like a ramp then it'll launch off and you can perform jumps between two parts of a track.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    My take on the Saturation Revamp and how to handle it

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 07:41 AM PST

    I adore the new Saturation Revamp and i genuinely feel like it solves my biggest problem with Minecraft combat. Battles barely feel like battles. They drag on for far too long and basically, winning is just a matter of the other person making a mistake and you exploiting it- like not running far enough or eating too slowly. If every player somehow played optimally, if we reached the 20XX of Minecraft PVP no one would ever die until they ran out of food. And this solves exactly that. And i adore it!

    But as it is, potentially confusing to newcomers. Sprint-jumping costs energy, but not sprinting? Why is my Hunger bar frozen? Why do i stop healing here if i can always sprint? But the more drastic issue is how much of a change it is to Minecraft to grasp- which would make absolute sense if it was explained more thoroughly, in a visual sense.

    Which is why i would suggest visually splitting Saturation and Hunger- instead between Hunger, taking the place of current [Vanilla 1.15 Saturation] and Energy, taking the place of current-day vanilla Hunger.

    These would be represented as entirely different meters. Hunger would be exclusive to healing, could be fully consumed, but at the same speed as the current Combat Test's hunger bar- slower than current saturation.

    Energy, however, would be consumed faster than current Hunger- being exclusive to sprinting and other movement features, and not being used for healing. It would restore naturally slowly, but would also be restored by eating food- the same amount would be restored as Hunger would be in current versions. The same would go when comparing my Hunger idea to current saturation. [Hunger amount restored would be increased with some foods so that Restoration wasn't too slow with some food.]

    If i were to really take this to the finish line, i would suggest that, in the future, it be used as a consequence for over-abusing enchantment skills- say, for example, a hypothetical charge attack with a Shield or Axe. Enchantment Skills would use a certain amount of energy [this wouldn't go for all of them- for example the sweeping blow wouldn't as it's just a sword] for certain attacks.

    This would likely necessitate the return of holding Shift to initiate these attacks so you didn't waste unnecessary energy with Axes or Shields.

    Overall, i feel like this would provide an excellent compromise between current features, providing information more readily and more obviously to newer players whilst also explaining the new mechanics to returning players who were used to the previous features. And considering my final, more fantastical suggestion, it would also serve as a good risk vs reward mechanic to the now Enchantment-only Attack Skills, and as a result an excellent way to expand the mechanics of the game into the future should the developers wish.

    submitted by /u/CellytheDork
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    Add Saturation to Beacons

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 09:38 AM PST

    This would be super nice. Since its an endgame item, I don't think this would be too OP

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    Make Patrol Captains their own mob

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:16 PM PST

    Currently the Pillager with a banner can be found only at patrols or outposts. They can also be summoned, but a complex command is needed. So, they now have a mob egg, are separate from Pillagers, and their summon is changed from pillager_promote_to_patrol_captain to patrol_captain.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Boss Rush

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 01:10 PM PST

    Fight an Ender Dragon, Wither, Iron Golem, and Elder Guardian all at the same time inside a village with a raid going on and emerge victorious from all 5.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Please consult rule 7

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:21 PM PST

    I'm noticing a lot of posts dying in new due to having 0, -1, or -2 downvotes replacing the 1 almost instantly. So I have to remind people, please read and follow rule 7.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Curse Of Insanity

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:19 PM PST

    Goes on helmets and when the helmet's worn, phantoms will spawn at all hours (even during day) and also regardless of whether you have insomnia or not.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    Mob Armor Stands

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 04:13 PM PST

    Crafted with head of the mob and an armor stand, mob Arwmor stands are versions of mobs that don't move or interact with other mobs. Basically, an armor stand with the texture of another mob. Not available for Falling Block, Ghast, or Ender Dragon. If it's a mob that can wear armor, you can put armor on it and it'll show and be visible.

    submitted by /u/MaeBeaInTheWoods
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    placing a dreamcatcher above your bed in an item frame stops phantoms from spawning to attack you even if you don't sleep

    Posted: 27 Jan 2020 02:30 AM PST

    phantoms are fine, but you might not want to deal with them

    so having an item frame above your bed with this new item will stop them from spawning if you don't sleep for 3 days; the dreamcatcher

    dreamcatcher is made with a gold nugget in the center and strings and sticks around it in alternating spots to fill the whole crafting table

    just place it above your bead and your good to go

    submitted by /u/pixiefart212
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    More Undead Villagers

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 07:25 PM PST

    First post here. Personally, I love the idea of Zombie Villagers. However, there is one one thing that has always bothered me about them. You know how if a Zombie is left underwater for too long, it turns into a Drowned? Why don't Zombie Villagers turn into something unique, (sorta) instead of a normal Drowned? And along with that, there are even more Undead Villager possibilities as well.

    First up are the actual Undead Villagers: the Husk Villager and the Drowned Villager. In terms of behavior, not much changes. Perhaps a difference here is it being more difficult to cure these Villagers, maybe having you use more/different potions or foods in order to do so, and as a result yeilding better trades. Perhaps there could be the different types of Skeleton Villagers (Normal, Stray, etc.) as well, just for symmetry, although how you would cure them-- or, even if Skeletons would try and kill the Villagers as Zombies do-- I'm unsure.

    As a bonus, I'll just throw this out there, perhaps a Zombie Wandering Trader could also be accompanied by some sort of Zombie Llamas.

    I'll also pitch ideas for Zombie Witches and the different types of Zombie Illagers. This is sort of half-baked, however, maybe a Zombie Villager struck by lightning becomes a Zombie Witch, which is basically a dumber Witch that still throws potions at you, albeit in a more random way, but will not attempt to heal itself directly(i.e. it won't drink any potions). The Zombie Vindicator is basically just a Zombie Villager with an axe at all times. The Zombie Evoker does not use those weird claw things, however does still summon Vexes and also chases after you himself. Zombie Pillagers shoot more randomly and slowly than a Skeleton.

    Tell me what you think and definitely give some constructive criticism in the comments. I feel like this idea could be nice but definitely done better. Thanks for reading!

    submitted by /u/dooterman_spookerman
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    Beacon overlord

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 05:47 PM PST

    Acquire every beacon-induced potion effect at once

    submitted by /u/bitzen-07
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