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    Minecraft 10 Year Old Account Cape

    Minecraft 10 Year Old Account Cape

    10 Year Old Account Cape

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 05:39 AM PST

    I believe that if a player has shown support and dedication to the game spanning over a decade, Mojang should reward them with a unique 10 year veteran cape.

    Sporting this cape would inherently inform other players of your decade-long experience with the game.

    submitted by /u/NLoftus13
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    Job Site Blocks regenerate their villager's health

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:24 PM PST


    Similar to a villager healing up when they are promoted, I think it would be nice if they got a bit of health back when visiting their job site blocks. The higher their merchant rank, the longer the regeneration goes for.

    • Alternatively, Clerics sometimes throw weak/short potions of regeneration onto injured fellow villagers, similarly to how Farmers will toss food at hungry villagers.

    Golems and Smiths

    Additionally, I'd love for an idle behavior of armorsmiths, toolsmiths, and weaponsmiths to be that they inspect the village's Iron Golems and heal them a little. Each of those three villagers could only do this once per visit to their Job Site Block. Iron Golems may "call out" for healing if they are injured, but would only do so during the day and would be less likely to do so the healthier they were.

    • A different way to do this, which I find interesting, is some kind of "Iron Golem Job Site Block" that the defenders of your village could visit, healing themselves in a similar fashion as the other Villagers. I don't know what the block could be or if it would have player functionality, or would otherwise change Golem spawning and behavior. Maybe golems get ranks and heal/buff up based on the damage they deal over a lifetime, but only if they have access to this Job Site Block?

    Steeds and Shepherds

    I feel like Shepherds could get an idle animation where they check on nearby animals, and bring food (for healing) to those that are injured.

    • Shepherds could also be a deterrent against untamed Wolves, while Butchers are favored by cats and ocelots.

    Livestock heal by grazing

    Someone else mentioned this elsewhere but having livestock heal / regenerate a bit when they eat grasses, or enter Love Mode, would be a nice touch I think.

    submitted by /u/Morvick
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    Skeletons killed by a Creeper or TNT should be 'shattered' and drop bone meal instead of bone.

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:29 PM PST

    It would make a lot more sense if the skeleton was blown to bits by the force of the explosion.

    These are both pretty rare scenarios, so it wouldn't be too OP for such a useful item to just pop into existence like that.

    Maybe it could drop 2x bone meal or something if the Creeper was charged.

    submitted by /u/mediumenby
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    You know what I would love to have in Minecraft? Music discs of the old Minecraft songs to play in the Jukebox.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 02:44 PM PST

    Honestly, that's all there is to it. I miss some of the songs that don't play anymore, and I'm sure a lot of other people do too.

    submitted by /u/CannFarmre
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    Redstone side of netherite

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 10:10 AM PST

    So, if netherite is made in bars and needs gold to create it it means, that netherite is also a good condutor of the eletricity.

    The netherite bars could be transformed into a netherite vire, what's that for? It's like redstone, but you can place it on top of redstone or connect it making a few-seconds break of the eletricity.

    The crafting? 3 netherite bars and 4 iron nuggets placed diagonally in any way to get 16 wires. Yes, this is extreme expensive, but listen.

    The special ability of the vires is instant use of the powered object and you don't need repeaters for them, also they don't connect to nearby wires if they are plugged into for example dispenser.

    This also can be used underwater! But if the mechanism is on don't go to water, because you gonna get damage from the eletricity! This is extremly useful if somehow water comes to your redstone mechanism and ruins it completley.

    So why's that? Sometimes the redstone isn't that great and the redstone need more attention, that idea could save most redstoners lives because one bucket of water can destroy all of your work

    submitted by /u/ArcerPL
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    Add Shaders to minecraft bedrock edition marketplace

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 09:37 AM PST

    I would like to have shaders easily for mcpe

    submitted by /u/arthurlcmte
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    Integrating shield-wielding mobs to slightly change their behaviour

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:53 PM PST

    As you know, mobs are currently unable to properly use shields, so my idea is that different mobs can utilise shields in different ways, making them a little more challenging to fight.

    Mobs have a chance of spawning with a shield. While a mob has their shield raised, it blocks all damage done to the mob (as a shield does) as well as having a chance to disable your melee weapon for about a second. To make combat more engaging, each mob has their own way of using a shield;

    Zombie - Because Zombies aren't that smart, they can't figure out how to use shields properly, so instead of raising their shield, they have a 40% chance to simply block an attack. (This is the same for other Zombie variants)

    Skeleton - Skeletons will have their shield lowered while taking shots from a distance, and will raise it for a few seconds when an enemy gets close. They also raise their shield randomly after firing and receiving damage, taking a few more seconds to start attacking again (This is the same for other Skeleton variants)

    (SIDE NOTE: In a Raid, Pillagers and Vindicators have a slighter higher chance to spawn with a shield depending on the wave and raid difficulty)

    Pillager - Pillagers will advance towards the player with their shield raised, and will keep it raised while they reload their crossbow, only lowering it when taking aim and firing.

    Vindicator - Vindicators rush the player with their shields raised and only lower them when they get within close range of the player. Considering they are quite deadly melee fighters, not being able to pick them off from a distance will make them challenging to beat. (This is the same for melee Skeleton variants)

    Please remind me if I've forgotten anything!

    submitted by /u/Arc_Nebby
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    Villages with a Shepard should have unique banners on structures

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 02:01 AM PST

    Villages with a Shepard should have randomly-generated banners on the buildings. This would be a small thing to give villages their own unique feel. And obviously only if it has a Shepard, the villager that uses a loom.

    Perhaps creating the banner and putting it around the village will increase your popularity

    submitted by /u/Emble12
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    Replace Enchanted Golden Apples with Netherite Apples, and make them craftable.

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 02:48 PM PST

    They would function the same, but be craftable, by surrounding an apple with 8 Netherite Blocks. That's 288 Gold Ingots and 288 Netherite Scraps. At that point, if the player really wants to craft the god apple, they should be allowed to.

    submitted by /u/Reksew_Trebla
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    [Fine Resources] - An Honor For Your Base & a Huge Improvement to Villagers

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 08:10 AM PST

    The player may have tons of gem blocks in their vault, but Villagers can make your treasures 'worth more.'

    A Fine tier for these resources should be implemented as an exclusive villager trade. You will need a regular version of these items to begin with when trying to obtain Fine variants. Villagers can offer high quality upgrades as each of the following:

    • Regular / Fine Coal
    • Regular / Fine Emerald
    • Regular / Fine Redstone
    • Regular / Fine Diamond
    • Regular / Fine Lapis Lazuli
    • Regular / Fine Quartz
    • Regular / Fine Iron Ingot
    • Regular / Fine Gold Ingot

    Why Do We Need Fine Resources?

    It is important to note that:

    • Their main purpose would be to enhance decorating your base by making mineral blocks grander.

    • Fine Resources and 'Regular Resources', can still be used interchangeably in crafting recipes.

    • Fine Resources can only be obtained from Villagers.

    • Fine Resources do not have unique recipes of their own, neither do they make their own tool/armor sets. (That would be redundant.)

    • Fine/Regular items will stack separately. However, the fine-items in the player's inventory would be distinguished by a shiny Purple Star in the top right-corner along with a small shine on the texture itself making it detectable.

    (I hope that helps visualize how it'd work when in play.) A summary of everything that would need to be added is at the bottom of the post.


    The uses for Fine Resources are a royal upgrade to your base and a healthy relationship with your neighborhood village.

    • Purchasing any fine resource from a Villager would simultaneously heal that village's Iron Golem. If purchased frequently, another golem may spawn, sort of improving the village as you interact with them.

    • Fine Resources will repair your armor/tool types about 20% more than their regular forms.

    • When 9 Fine Resources are put into the crafting grid, the player can create a Fine Block of that item.

    (This will be the only craft-able item one can make with these. Any more recipes would make it too complicated.)

    • For example, a fine diamond block would have the same texture as a regular one, however fine variants are a light source! They will also emit small particle effects around them for a mystical ambience. This adds a late-stage challenge that encourages more mining, villager trading, and base development.

    All in all, this would be great because it separates using Gem Blocks as compact storage or as decoration blocks. Players will also have renewed interest to mine for these resources and trade them with villagers for their better tiers.

    How This Will Work:

    • Of course, Villagers are the primary way to obtain Fine Resources. You cannot obtain them while casually mining, because then they'd cram your inventory; But the main point is that Villagers would have a simple, yet useful trade exclusive to them that the player can work with along the way— and till the end.

    Villager trades would be adjusted so Fine variants of these items are commonly bartered. For example, Villagers may ask you for a Diamond and 32 Wheat, and they will give you a Fine Diamond in return.

    This works because a Diamond is necessary to begin with, and the Wheat would be a fee for the higher quality item.

    New Curse Enchantment:

    • Another way to obtain Fine Resources is with a cursed enchantment that can be found in most loot chests. "Curse of Jesters," would be a curse that would drop 0-3 items, mocking the Fortune enchantment, as there would be a possibility to receive 0 drops. Fine Gems may also drop when under this cursed enchantment and the durability will decrease faster as well.

    The Lore behind this curse could be how a Witch tried making her own Fortune enchantment, but it turned out warped and it played a trick instead...

    Last three simple additions I want to suggest:

    Fine Coal and Redstone will function differently than the rest, since their Fine Block variant does not produce any light.

    A simple change I strongly recommend is that furnaces should have two output slots. This could add two potential outputs from smelting a single item. For example, if one were to smelt ore in either furnace type, there is a possibility that a second output of stone might appear, giving the player bonus resources here and there that might help with their builds later.

    (This logic was used in helping players earn experience while smelting, so I think we can have the same reason here for building.)

    • Fine Coal will be extremely useful. If you smelt any ore with it, there is a chance that you may receive a Fine variant in the output spot. General smelting will still yield 8 blocks per unit, but the smelting speed will increase by 20%.

    • Fine Redstone is the same as all Redstone, but it will not break underwater. The line produced by it would have a more solid texture rather than a 'choppy' default one. This could be useful for players who want to work around water, but don't want to risk having everything destroyed.

    That's all of it, please let me know if you have any questions! I thought about this a lot and believe it would fit nicely in the game.

    [Summary of All Recommended Updates:] - Fine variants to existing gems. - Fine gem blocks that act as a light source. - Fine Redstone that withstands water. - Curse of Jesters enchantment. - Two output slots on furnaces. - Villagers will offer Fine quality gems as a trade. As stated before, these trades will require a regular item to begin with, so villagers would not affect the inflation of rare items like these.

    Thanks For Reading

    submitted by /u/rawrians
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    More campfires

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:58 PM PST

    Considering that we now have soul fire along with plenty of wood types, I think this idea could work. Obviously, just make a regular campfire and you want to make it soul-fire based, you have to take a campfire, and craft it with one Soul Soil.

    You'd have:
    -Oak Campfire
    -Dark Oak Campfire
    -Spruce Campfire
    -Birch Campfire
    -Jungle Campfire
    -Acacia Campfire
    -Crimson Campfire
    -Warped Campfire

    And of course:
    -Oak Soul Campfire
    -Dark Oak Soul Campfire
    -Spruce Soul Campfire
    -Birch Soul Campfire
    -Jungle Soul Campfire
    -Acacia Soul Campfire
    -Crimson Soul Campfire
    -Warped Soul Campfire

    Edit: I'd also make it so Soul Campfires do more damage than regular ones

    submitted by /u/The-Myth-Of-Legends
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    Slight improvement to mending

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:13 PM PST

    If a tool with mending has just one use left it uses xp levels that the player has instead of breaking. Or better yet, if a tool has just one use left and the player has more then 30 levels, it takes 1 level from the player and restores a fixed amount of durability to the pickaxe, something like 20 more uses.

    submitted by /u/not-my-dsi
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    Why are we missing wall variants? (Quartz, purpur, polished blocks etc.)

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 07:19 PM PST

    Seriously. Why is it that lots of blocks with slab/stair variants don't have a wall variant? Quartz, dark prismarine, purpur, stone, smooth stone and polished andesite/diorite/granite to name a few. Is there a reason we don't have them?

    submitted by /u/kEvang33
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    Piglin Camps

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:34 PM PST

    (This is a repost as my other post got removed for listing, so here is one of the ideas from that post)
    The piglins have begun enlarging their territory, beginning with these camps. Placing them all over the nether in different biomes to heighten their control over it with the crimson Nylium spreading like a fungus. I think Minecraft could use something like this. The nether is definitely improving with 1.16 but it looks like the only new structure we're getting is the Piglin Bastions which I can't imagine will be very easy to find.

    Having Piglin camps makes it so even if you don't spawn near a Crimson forest you can meet these guys and get to know what they're like and how they operate. It also adds some lore to the nether and the piglins, having them place settlements throughout the nether.

    These small camps appear in Nether wastes, warped forests and soul sand valley. They contain bits of crimson Nylium and netherrack scattered throughout as well as crimson fences, crimson Fungi and chests that contain loot. 2 to 4 piglins also spawn here. 1 to 3 chests can spawn here and they can be one of the following: a treasure chest, a loot chest or a supply chest. The Piglins that spawn here behave just like normal piglins.

    Treasure Chest:
    Gold Ingots (common) 0-6
    Gold Nuggets (common) 0-3
    Gold tools, pickaxes, hoes, axes, shovels (uncommon) 0-2
    gold sword (rare) 0-1
    crossbow (rare) -01
    quartz (rare) 0-3

    Supply Chest:
    Crimson Nylium (Common) 5-10
    Crimson Fungi (Common) 3-6
    Raw Porkchop (Common) 2-4
    Cooked Porkchop (Uncommon) 0-2
    Crimson Logs / Planks (Uncommon) 0-5
    Shroom Light (Uncommon) 0-3

    Loot Chest:
    Bone (Common) 0-6
    Coal (Common) 0-3
    Blaze powder (uncommon) 0-3
    Blaze rods (uncommon) 0-2
    Magma Cream (rare) 0-2
    Ghast Tears (Rare) 0-1
    Wither Skull (Very Rare) 0-1

    Let me know what you guys think!

    submitted by /u/Napstascott
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    Sticking Elytra To Chestplate

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 02:43 PM PST

    So you would put the elytra on top of an Chestplate on a crafting table and it would turn the Chestplate piece into an Chestplate with elytra (Still with the tags from the elytra/chestplate usedto craft it) .But there is one catch, you can't take the elytra out of the piece. So you would need to get another elytra if you get an better chestplate. And maybe the Chestplate with elytra would have 20% less armor than the original armor used(?). I think its kinda balanced.

    And yes, the elytra and the chestplate would have differant durabilities.

    submitted by /u/GG1312
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    Potential Mobs for the Crimson and Warped Forests

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:37 PM PST

    Warped Forest

    Distorted Cobra: This blue snake-like creature has 25 hp), is neutral, and is very rare in the warped forest. Their special ability when provoked is slithering up to the player, screeching, and running off to escape which does only a measly 3 damage. The screech has one of 2 harmful effects. It can have a chance to flip your screen upside down for 10 seconds or it will give the blindness effect. When killed, it drops 1-2 Ender shards (crafting 9 gets you 1 Ender pearl)

    Snapping Nylius: This is a monster that disguised itself as a huge warped fungi hidden inside densely packed areas. It's extremely hostile and has 20 hp. Walking too close will have its "nether wart blocks" retract revealing its horrifying face (literally just a snout with razor sharp teeth and has no eyes) and will extend its stem out and snap at you dealing massive damage (6 damage). It can't leave its spot but it makes up for that by having the farthest reach in Minecraft. Killing one with drop either 0-2 nether wart or the block version

    Crimson Forest

    Burnolacaris: This mob resembles an anomalocaris (here's what it supposedly looked like), an extinct animal. This one is different as instead of living in the water, it lives in the fiery forests of hell. And instead of swimming, it flies at you and attacks using its tendrils that can set you on fire which do 4 damage on top of fire damage. It has 15 hp and is hostile. Killing one will drop 0-1 bones and weeping vines.

    Ghastly Polyp: Since ghasts themselves jellyfish and baby jellyfishes are called polyps I think, this is what I came up. They wont actually grow up into ghasts but just stay like this for as long as you find them. Ghast polyps look like a moon jelly but with a ghast face on it. They attack in swarms of 5-7 and can overwhelm players pretty quickly. They scurry across the floor and leap onto the player like a bunch of head crabs. They only have 5 hp and do 5 damage but like said earlier, they can overwhelm someone quickly. Ghast polyps seem to really hate hoglins so they attack those too.

    One last thing about the crimson forest is that they should have a reference to terraria's own crimson. Not sure how but they should

    submitted by /u/DarkNix975
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    Piglin and Hoglin should more resist to fire damage

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 08:28 PM PST

    They'e nether mobs, and that will fit them more to their homeland as nether is a hazardous world, so every nether mobs are immune to heat (except enderman) because they adapt to live there, it not make sense for piglins and hoglins vulnerable to their own habitat conditions. Make them take least damage from fire and lava, but they still take normal damage from soul fire.

    submitted by /u/kudnalod
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    Bamboo pictures

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 05:35 AM PST

    Since there are pandas and bamboo in minecraft, there should be an oriental bamboo picture too.

    submitted by /u/000abczyx
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    Kinetic Crossbow

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 10:35 PM PST

    Introducing the Kinetic Crossbow

    The Kinetic Crossbow is a lethal weapon that requires a high degree of control to use effectively. It can't be charged by hand, it instead uses motion of the player to make enough energy to charge it up.

    Crafting recipe:

    Redstone block Pressure plate Redstone block

    Sticky piston Crossbow Piston

    Gold block String Gold block


    As previously mentioned, you cannot manually charge the Kinetic Crossbow. Instead you have to walk, run, swim, or fall a total distance of 65 blocks each time, and it only charges if in your main hand. If you switch main hand items with it charged, it will lose the charge in 5 seconds. If you stop moving after it's charged, it will lose the charge also in 5 seconds. If you don't choose to fire it automatically after being charged for a minute, it loses the charge. If it wasn't fully charged and you swap it for another item, it doesn't retain the progress you made. If you stop moving while it wasn't ready to be fired, it loses that progress in 2.5 seconds. To avoid using it right before you'd die from a fall or with an elytra, you can charge it by moving in mid air, but you have to be on the ground to fire it. As you can probably tell, you'd use this only when you're in an open area, falling down to surprise an enemy, or when you expect to be fighting soon. If not, might as well put it away.


    The Kinetic Crossbow has high accuracy, range, damage, and projectile speed. The damage would be about 4 times that of a fully enchanted bow. The projectile speed would probably increase with the damage, as that's how Minecraft works, but I'd want to see the projectiles travel at least 3-4 times faster as well. Durability stays the same as a regular crossbow. Obviously, this would have a low rate of fire. You could however increase it using speed potions, riptide enchantments, and falling down. I'm sure a weapon like this would also lead to some cool uses for map creators.

    Edit: made the formatting a bit better with the crafting part

    submitted by /u/Tactical-Kitten-117
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    Dirt Slabs

    Posted: 19 Feb 2020 12:45 PM PST

    So I put this over on r/shittymcsuggestions but a lot of people said it was a good idea so here I am saying dirt slabs, or dirt stairs or whatever dirt, should be added

    submitted by /u/animehoi4
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    New biome called farmlands and if you haven’t already guessed it’s great for farming!!

    Posted: 18 Feb 2020 09:13 PM PST


    So to start off have you always wanted to farm,farm,and farm well here's the place it gives off chill vibes while still being useful NEW BLOCK So if you wonder how it's so great to farm here then you are in the right place

    •new block called fresh soil

    •fresh soil is only found in farmlands and cannot be crafted so get packing

    •fresh soil does not need water either for ever or a longggg time but it does need sun

    •fresh soil has a 15% boost to growing crops

    •fresh soil is scattered in farm lands like it big giant tilled it

    •you do not need to till fresh soil to grow plants


    So don't stop reading yet i have a bunch of ideas down the path like scenery and structures speaking of paths let's start off with that

    •there will be random paths as you travel the farmlands

    •There will be at least 1 or 3 wells scattered around the land but don't get your buckets just yet they have the same amount of chance of spawning as desert wells

    •Mountains and mountain peaks in distance

    •Small ponds and skinny lakes

    •there will be water falls with stone boulders making it up •horses will spawn here commonly

    •usually the biome surrounding it will be tall taigas with potzel

    •occasionally bee nests to help you farm

    •small amounts of water pots which spread in soil to help things grow and stay healthy


    Well while you are farming a good calm song could help and maybe even make you relax and enjoy everything around you

    •new soundtrack which sounds like a calm beat in the background you hear small beats and whistles

    •natural music while you are strolling through the farm lands you might wanna here some sounds except footsteps this natural sounds consist of bird chirping leaf waving water drops and more

    •if you play the note block on fresh soil it will make a calm beat


    Farming can always get exciting when you got something worth while to work for

    THATS THE COUNTRY SPIRIT— stay in farmlands for 50 Minecraft days

    ITS OCCUPIED—use up all the land with crops

    FARMERS WISH—throw a plantable food in a well

    THATS IT FOR THE DAY— harvest 19 crops in a day

    DEAL OF THE DAY—find a wandering trader purchase a crop then grow in in farmlands

    I AM THE TRUE FARMER —look from a high place and look down on the Farmlands


    You are at the end of this po— oh wait I forgot to mention the details

    •cows,pigs and chickens mainly spawn in farmlands and less frequently in plains

    •villages might spawn and if they do you will see a lot of farmers

    •the farmlands are huge

    •lily of the valley very commonly spawn in the farm lands

    •Finding farmlands is as rare as seeing desert and plains mixed


    QUICK NOTE:I am not good with making posts and punctuation etc so if I made mistakes and you cannot read I'm very very sorry and I will try better next time

    Quick note: if you have feedback submit I work love to hear your idea to help my idea

    submitted by /u/Ma090709
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